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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper from London, Greater London, England • 8

London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ANOTHER STREET 1MPKOVEMBNT. At the weekly meeting of the council, hold nn Tuesday at tho Guildhall, the Earl of Rosebery presiding, a report of the Im- tt-aa was hrnueht UP on a FOB THS BlOOal' QLABK-'S -jgoo msnmn JABOSST SAI.B OS smcms ih the QVEKWHELSSKKS TESUBIOH ocoiaPABriEis avass-y eottijj pSO-STING THIS TO 2333 T2 O.SBAT33SX 2VSS, EOB CLEANSING and CLEAitma tt. tco Highly recommcndM mrmot for Scrofula. Scurvy, Kraeua, Blood Diseases, and So ot an iSlf a novcr-Mline and ijsrinaiumt ours 15 it Cures Old Soros. Cures Soros on the Necir, Cures Sore Legs.

Cures l'iraplesoa taa Faco, Cures Scurvy. Cures Eczoma, Cures Ulosrs. Cures Blood and Skin Dlaeaatsa, Cures Glandular Swollins. Cloars the Stood from all Impure Mvr Prom whatever cause ansms. It is the only real apeciile lor' Guutaud lllieainaUo Pama.

It removes the cause from'tno McMa bones. As this Mixture is oloasantto and warrantee Ires from aayll.ii,.. hSj ons to the most delicate consusution c'f either sox, the Proprietors solicit 3UII()re to sivo it a trial to test its valuo. rjpOU3AHD3 OF TBSiTJKtOSri.S.I.g, EE'a BLOOD HISTUfiK J3iABKB'3 EOOD JHIZTUas. Prmkham,, Kent, 1359 Gentlemen, A young woman oi tli'ii neighbourhood wishes mo to thank you tho boaeuc slio has derived from your mail cine.

She says 'loivo my sisht, my ooinlort and my health to Clarke's hlooil Mixture." Her case was very bail oub iailectt. in'o had been three times in tiio Kent Ophthalmia Hospital, undergone ono or more operations without any permanent relief. Ker case wis a swellins ot the eyelids and cose, the very worst I ever saw. The local niedioal maa said, She mast go blind her nose can never sink into its proper shajo ajain under any treatment." But alter taMua a number bottles ot Clarke's Blood Mixture she boaaa to bo able to raise her oyehde a little oeoa-sionally, but abo says, Then it ivas cruel work and like looking through muddy water, although it was only lor one second I could raise them." Shohasbeeacompletelycnred byClarkc'g Blood Mixture. It is now threa years sinoa andshehashadno return oi' the and anyone would never know she bad had any enlarged tonsils or anything else.

Sho does not wish her naoio published, but I am authorised to aay she will answer any in. quiries on tho case, providing inquirers en. close stamped envelope and address than? questions to the lollowins A. E. W.

CA3L3T, Edenbridga." QIAKKB'S Jttffl BLOOD Eil-TTJltli. J1AE'S 3ed BLOOD B-OC9D JSZXTUSE. "4, Pleasant-place. Bond-street, VaoxhalL, "Loudon, loth March, 1SS9. "I have much pleasure in.

writing to add my testimony to tho efficacy of Olarks'a Blood Mixture in cases of skin disease. have suffered from a virulent lorm oi Hozanaa for the past fourteen months, aud have bean attended by dlHereut dootors during tho whole of that time without any good rosuit I also attended a hospital lor a time, but re. ceived very little benefit. About ei'-iht weeks ago, however, I was persuaded to try Clarko's Blood Mixture, the effect of which was truly marvellous. The unsightly and painful spots commenced at once to disappear, and I aal now almost welL I cannot speak too highly oi this medicine, and its blood-eleansius pro-perties.

You may make what use you likeoS this letter, and I shad bo happy to answer any questions on the subject iz any time. I'oura faithfully, 1'uancis Hjshbii." MeBsru. The Midland Counties Urus: Company, Lincoln." BLOOD JHI-HtTBS. ILAESE'3 5 BLOOD SMXTtfKa, jj.i.i C1 IliBZE'S yffff BLOOD 3-ISTC33, SAiliih Chester, llarob 5, 1383, "I suffered from rbeumatio jams iu my arms and iobo for over five years. I also had a bruised shin hone, through whioh I ceaid rest only a few minutes at a time.

All sorLa of remedies wore applied, but none did any good for more than a few days. Iwasracoia. mended to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, will I did, and on taking tho lirst bottle I felt relief I was told that eleven bottles would effect a perfect cure. I only took nino bottles and a hall, which cost me 2s lid per bottle. It is now ten mouths since, and Iliave not fclt tho least pain, in fact.

I am porloct in my walk, and am in as good health as over I wan in my life. Moreover, I told two friends mine who were laid up with rheumatic of my curs, and they tried your Clarke's Blood Mixture. Ibeyaro tailors ty trade, and in seven days they were at work asaiu, they 16 not be too higldy proisod-Eopins 1 aM 1106 I. remain, yours sincerely, G. IIG WAltXK, sergeant, UepuL, 'Jaeslnro itciment, Chester.

WOKI.D PASTED T.AEES'S EiOOD HEIST CT3.Li. Messrs. A. John and Druggists, Agra. India, writs under date Juno 5, 1333, aa follows: Br.

Mookimd Lull, Hon. Surgeon to his tho Viceroy of India, prescribes Clarke's Blood mixture largely, and speaks highly of its eflicacy in skin affections, on This account we wrote ouv London agents, asking if you could supply tha iltxturo lor dispensing Skin Diseases, hiruptions, Blotohoo, Spots, Pimples, Pustides, Boils, Carbuncles, 111113-worins, Sore Eyes, 13rysipeUs, Sourfs, Bis-colorations of the 3km, Humours and Diseases of tho Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of tbo system in shore time by the use of this world-famed mediclue. Important Advice to AlhCloanso tha vitiated blood whenever you and its impurities bursting through the Skin in Pimples, Eruptions, and Sores oieauso it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tha veins; cloausait wbcu it is foul your feelings will tell you when. Keep your biood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Sold iu bottles Zs 9d each, and iu cases containing six times the quantity, Us sulll.

ciout to ellect a permanent cum iu thesreat majority of long-standing oases. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDI. CINii VJ3NBOHS throughout tho world, or scut to any address on receipt of 35 or lo3 stamps by the proprietors The LINCOIK and MIDLAND OOnMIBS BBCQ COMPANY, Lincoln. 1EADB MAES BLOOD dlXTtntB. Ask for JE'S BLOOD EII-TDSa JSJJ BI.OOD SIXTUSB.

wniMiitwwiti iHwiwm Thanking Uoid's for being the means of finding his daughter Alice Frances Lzk, Mr. John Henrv Leo writes We wish we had applied to you at first, instead of going to police-courts and police-stations, and waiting all tlie time we have had tn, to no purpose. Mr. Frederick Goodman, who (Sept. 22) in-quirad for his sister and nieces, last heard ot in 1857, has been replied to, and news respecting the familv has been forwarded to Queensland.

William Waygood (Sept. 15), last seen in Taunton, in 1877, has forwarded his address for his brother John. On Aug. 13 William and Annie Mintoit (last heard oi 10 years before at Woolwich) were sought by their brother John. The sister lias replied.

Several letters are to hand in reply to Sidney Quaife (Sept. 29), who wrote respecting his brothers and sister, last heard of 13 and 20 years ago. A sister of John Holland, inquiring for his brother William (Sept. 8), states that WILLIAM Holland died 11 years ago. Mr.

H.J. Palmer (Bushey Heath), who writes respecting Eliza Palmer (Sept. 22), is thanked for his letter, which, however, does not refer to the person sought. Alice BuMNETr (Sept. 22), last heard of eight years previously, has replied to her sister Elizabeth's inquiry for her on Sept.

22. 'Mrs. Elizabeth Baked (Rochester) asks tho aid of Lloyd's to inform her daughter Helly that letterB addressed to the post-iilice are against tho regulations, and she entreats her to send some other a'cldress. From New Zealand, Mrs. Puttick writes, wishing to tind her brother andsister: Thomas and Bllks Phior.

Tho latter married a Mr. Gudgeon was last heard of 14 years ago, when awidow with two children, and was then living at What, Cheer, Hookrick county, Iowa, Mr. George Kirkman, who dates from South Africa, wishes to find two brothers aud a sister of whom he last heard in 18S3. Their names aro John-, William, aud Mary Kikkman, and 2C years back they were at Greymouth Elver, New Zealand. The Eev.

R. B. Gill wishes us to state that Hunt, formerly of Leatherhead, is re quested to send his address to Devonshire cottago, Leatnerueaa. Last week's inauirv for Henrv Berber should have been Henhy Dodgla3 Bszuit, who went to New Zealand iobb. Mtlner was a bombardier in 5 E.A., and also 1 R.A.

He went in the reserve, had a situation in London as plateman in a Masonic hall, when tlie Egvptian war broke out he joined tho oatt. 1 brig. It.A. at Shorncliffe, and late in 1882 came back to Woolwich. Tlie inquirer for him is Bombardier Edward James Battler (his half brother), now in Gudh, Indii, who last saw mm iiov.

LI, 1032. All letters relatingto inquiries in this column should be addressed "Editor of Lbyd's." and contain stamped directed envelope for reply. Owing to the large number of cases on hand correspondents must be patient. Any information sent respecting the following will be forwarded to the persons inquiring Fredkkick; Amey Ager left Holborn for Aus tralia, in the Old Kent, ia May, lb7, ills mother writes. Fhedehick A verb left London in March, 1875, and ia 1878 was at Sydney.

His mother begs him to write. George Barlow, in 1872. wrote from Sand hurst, that he was unwell and should return home. His sister Harriet seeks news. John William Edwik Brooks is sought by his mother who.

last heard of him four years ago at Sydney. Jane Church (nie Corney) was last heard of in Mew South Wales, having lett the Auemanas, New Zealand, in 1S69. Hermother desireB news. John Clakk. who five vears ago was leaving New Xork to go further North, is desired to write to his mother.

James Collins wishes to find a sister and a brother, who are supposed to be in London, and another sister last heard 01 at tvrentnaci, om-f oik, The brothers name ia John tho youngest sister's, Georgina. Jack Condiit went to Australia, and has not been heard of since May 10, 1887. His broth or (W. inquires. (Father is dead.) Akn LUvies, who five years ago was seen in Cambarwell, is sought by her 60U.

Mrs. Davies would like to hear from her son, who two years ago wa3 at Haddoniield, New Jersey, America. Alexander Douglas left Newcastle (o.T.) to join the Chichester traininaship in not been heard of since. He is supposed to have gone to Svdnay.N.S.W. Hia sister John Feruieu, a shipbuilder of Sydney, is anxiously sought by Mrs.

FerrierofRothermthe. Mary Jake Flint (nee Bignell) was last heard of in November, 1888. at Brighton. Her parents anxiously await tidings. Sum Frith went from Orovdon to Miss Jacob's school about 15 years ago.

Her brother Thomasinquires. William Gallard left Southampton in the P. and O. company's servico in 1861, and in July, 18bb, wrote rrom tne uuva inn, pj'uucy. nr mwrlp Iw his mother.

Henry Gilling, stonemason, died at Stafford in ISoO. His children wisn lor uows 01 miy ui their father's relatives. Henry Glide, of Chislehurst, Kent, went to San Francisco about 1854. His brother Fredc- -HTATirnn in Sontember. 1884.

was em ployed on tha Wharf, Auckland. His mother wishes him to write. Mary Hawes, who, when young, was left at Hackney union, and was from there sent to Forest Gata scnooie, wisnes to near irom nor ic Kobert Jackson (a.b. on barque Lake Erie), who took his discharge at Valparaiso, a.i., iu rw. infii: vnar.

is beirued to write to his mother. George Kerstikg when last heard of was employed on tuo liasn muia railway uTiaH. His widowed mother asks. Alfred James Ksttell, who wrote from the Salvation 1887, is anxiously fnr hv his father. John Lowrie (last hoard of in March, 1871) was then on the Great Southern railway.

Bar-races, Buenos Ayres, S. America. brother George asks. James Ldmis, miller, left the Lonuon docks in the Hoyal Minstrel for Ontario iu 1873-4. His brother-ih-law, Eobart AUum, inquires.

Herbert Eoss McDonald (ago, now, 26) went to New Zealand in 1879, and was last heird of bv letter Dec. 25, 1333, from Parklield farm, Canterbury, N.Z. His mother (who thinks he may have gone to Australia) writes. Thomas McNa-Mara, sailor, 10 years ago loft Liverpool. His mother asks.

Levi Mosusll (James Oseorne), last heard of in 1S77, IVom Hobart Town, Tasmania, is souaht by his sou Henry. Jane Pakry, last heard of in July, 1888, at 18, Echo-street, Kensington, Liverpool, is requested to correspond with her daughter Alice. Vfnrmi Pi-ithees left England four vearsaco, andayear later wrote fromKing's-street, Canada. HiB motber inquires. James Persy, of Oxford, who left Staines on Juno 25 last, is entreated by his mother to write.

Louis Pitt (22 years ago living at High-street, Putnav) is sousht by his sister Fanny. Charles EiCHBjS went to the gold diggings, ago, and 16 years sines wrote that he intended going up country. His sister is anxious. Violet Hoss four years ago was at Madras. Hor mother asks tidiis.

William and John Simmonds, of Farmgdon, Berks, are sought by their nephew, W. J. Sim-nionds. William in 1883-4 went to Bath, nnnv years at Fields Llieuuu ui J- iia. uv" T.

candle works, Lambeth), was at Liverpool yejir "SO- cn, an William HBiiUJ.i.iv rr wrote from 1.204 S. Eighth-street, Philadelphia. His mother inquires. KOSKUT Hl'IHE lOIl iaa ago was heard ot in new KaMAEY Ann Stephenson (nee Duraphy), T'Z or Maria, in 1872, was at High-stveet, Hostou. Her daughter Alice Taylor wns last heard oi at Thames, near, Taraugu, New since which all faifflly letters Thomas John Thompson, when last hoard of in 1088, was on board the Invermach, off Fal mouth, expecting so mother seeks him.

t. frnTWTjjT stiDDOsed to have left Bn2- land for California about 1860) is sought by his nephew. William Tutty, last heard of six years ago at the Stratford uoioi, avyt ieaiiiuu, io re-snond with Ins mother. John, Kobert, and Benjamin We3t, sons of E. West, engineer K.N.

(last heard of four years ago) are sougnc aiowir. At vovt, Wir.v-,rAN wont with Kudus'circus at thnn In N'ord. in the South of Fiance. His motnor.who lost sij'ht of him at tlie latter place, seeks v.rr,.,r,i l.tfT. liVK 1852.

Laat hoard of at OolliuKwood, Jdiilbuuraa, sitter Anns faoo iaqisire, THE TRINITY CORPORATION. mi, t5iMpv Ttrp.hron nf tha Trinitv hnnna and the Conservators of the Thames were ol: tin t.hp. Matininri bnnRA CUUCL uu-iiow aw -T- on Wednesday, by the Lord Mayor and Lady Mavoress. Among the large company present were the Duke of Cambridge, Admiral Sir Fredk. Nicholson, C.B.

(Deputy-chairman of the Thames Conservancy (Deputy-master of Trinity house), Admiral r'M M'niintnnk. Ladv Miss Ellen Young, Sir Myles and Lady IT 1 His Tj nflurt Featon. Mr. U. o.

'i son, Alderman and Sheriff Ml and Mrs. Knill, Mr. Sherttt aarns, iui. ouu inui. Catling, Mr.

and Mrs. P. VL Clayden, Colonel and Mrs. Birfc. j.u inwol fcrmflfin had been dulv honoured the Duke of Cambridge responded for the army ana tne resurvBu iuvuoo.

iaa i w.ir1orl fclifi three nervines as one body, and he could not understand why one orancn oi cut. V. bo pitted against another. The fleet had to j. Unh r.

nnr. dfi that nn. sweep iua 00, less the army protected the coaling stations, The army must always uu n-t-jju a mu- l. afUmnnnv. nnd for that nnr- posa the public must be liberal in their grants, ine navy waiaoi.

but that was not fair, and he maintained ahnuld share in Dronor- cuui an t.w tion to the money voted or them. The Lord. Mayor had done a greai aeai 10c mo volunteers (cheers) but his Royal highness that-, f.ris (rovernment oneht WiB Ut to provide all that tha auxiliary forces re- quired, and man it buuuiu um pfpni-li. Hiirop.vp.r. DnvaiB 111 muiw Government would probably do what was necessary if the nation wouia oniy give them the money.

A great 'empire iika ours hh in Wpimt nil pynenses of this kind, if they wanted to see the services efficient. Sir Erasmus ummanney rosyuuuca uu uo- half of tho navy. im T.n1 Mnirrn. nmrt submitted The health of the Elder Brethren of Trinity house, the members or tne xmmaa board, and the members of the Local t.t Rir J. Webh ac- lUclClllO knowledged tha toast on behalf ot the Trinitv house.

He said that they had 88 lighthouses, 54 lightships, 40 fog signal stations, and upwards of 600 buoys to look after. They nopea soon to comyieuciv iigui whole channel of the Thames. Admiral Sir pilprl fnr f.bft Thames Conser vancy board, and Mr. T. E.

Scrutton for the Iiocai Marine noara. Tha Lord Mayor, in proposing "The ri Shp.riffs of Lon don," said it was with extreme regret that they heard of the ueatn mac aay 01 oir Phiilins. who a short time ago re tired from the Court of AldermenAlder man Cotton and Mr. snentt Harris respondedThe toast list concluded with the llOaiUU Ul vmj Mayoress, proposed in felicitous terms by the JLmke ot AJamBrmge, anu Drieny aciiun-ledged. MANCHESTER RAILWAY ACCIDENT.

On Mnndav Mr. J. Wood, of Stockport, wbn was removed to the Mauchestor infir- mnrv with a iractured and ocner cpinni im'nn'fts. succumbed to his injuries and Robert Jones, a labourer, died in the infirmary on Tuesday, bringing una notoa of deaths due to tne comsion up so s. Mr.

Sidnav Smelt, deputy coroner, held an inquest upon three of the bodies on Tuesday. The bodies were those of W. H. Warburton, Henry Billings, and J. After evidence as to the accident had been given, James Swift, the signalman, was called, and, having been cautioned by the coroner, said I came on duty at two p.m.

All went well up to the time, of the acci dent. I had a pilot engine standing on tue down loop. I also had an engine and brake in No. 1 up loop. 1 tnen piacea tne ruau for tha through crossings from the up-sidings to the down loop, and I told the driver on passing to attach to the other engine that was standing on una loop, anu men would fetch them back by signal.

I set my road for the up fast line. I brought the engines back on the up fast line, and then replaced the points. The engine then stood on the up fast line. I was under the impression for the moment that I could turn these engines on to the down fast line. In the meantime I had called the signalman's attention at Ardwick, and had ob tained permission to send the tram on tne down fast.

After he had accepted the ready I gave him the signal to come down. Rpini? under tha imoressiou that the engines were on the down fast line I accepted the passenger train on the up fast. I then gave orders tor tne nome signal 10 ua lowered, so that the seven o'clock passenger train could go through. I did not discover the mistake until I heard the engine whistle. When I heard that sprang to the home signal and threw it up, but it was then too late." The jury, after deliberating 10 minutes, returned a verdict Death from misadventure," the foreman stating that they considered ic a pure accident.

At the Manchester county police-court, on Mondav. James Swift. 29 vears of ase. living at 22, Kay-street, Lerenshulme, signalman in the employ of the London and Northwestern railway company, surrendered to his bail on a oharge of having caused the death of the persons killed in the railway accident, near Longsight, on Friday. Tha accused was remanded until Monday, and admitted to bail.

Fine Akt Gallbes-, 207, Camber-well Eoad. A. collection of pictures, lent by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, will be on viaw the first time to-day, and every day (excepting Saturdays). The collection includes portraits of Miss Mellon and of Mr. Irving (as Richard and several other important works.

The gallery now contains a large number of valuable pictures, including Walter Crane's Persephone," four works by Mr. G. Watts, R.A., eight studies by Sir I'. Leighton, and a large design by Mr. Burne-Jones, and a very fine one by Mr.

G. Cole, one by Sir T. Laurence, and several by G. Mooreland. The rooms are open daily from three till five, and seven till 9.30.

Sunday Evenings foe the People." On Sunday, the 20th the National Sunday league will commence a series of Sunday Evenings for the People," at St. Andrews hall, Uxtord-street, when Mr. Raymond Blathwayl, will lecture on Old and New London," illustrated with oxy-hydrogen lantern views. Vocal and instrumental music will also be given. Messrs.

C. T. Brock and the Crys-tal palace pyrotechnists, have been awarded a medal at the Paris exhibition, in class Apparatus for Navigation and Life Saving, in respect of their marine signals, rockats, trawlers' flares, and other inventions in the utilitarian branch of pyrotechuy, to which tho firm pay special attention. This is the only award of the kind made to a British pyrotechnic firm. The People's Palace.

Sneaking on Wednesday, Sir Kdmund Currie tooK the opportunity to deny that he intended to retire to Folkestone and withdraw his connection with the palace. IN TUB IlaTTLK HIS LIFE storllnR honesty of imruosu. IV ithont ityou will llnil your lilo jy sliiuu. Luo ill iliijh llotllo 01 uiu 4 Krult. vilt," or yini to liavii foivlotl 0:1 you n.

vorthioas ami oumMomlly puisuiioiu imitjuion. Pronaroa only at lino's 1'ruic Salt Werlu, London, S.B Uy O. Uuo'b THE PROVINCES. DERBYSHIRE. Accusing- a Brother OF.Pakbicidr Joseph Jacques, collier, of Claycross, 2,5.

years of age, was charged' on rSmand, at Eennor on Monday, on the information oE his older brother William, also with tha murder of their father, Jacques, at Horsley Woodhousa, on September 29. 'Che deceased was a framework kniite, 9 years of age, and being somewhat penurious in ms hait3 had ac quired a sood deal of property for a man in his class of lift). For tho past four vearB he had lived alono in one of his own cottages at Horsley 'Woodhouse, his two sans living together at Claycross. On Sunday week the father was iound lying dead in his house with his throat cut, and a small sharp knife stained with blood in his hand. William Jaoques came forward and accused his brother of murder, and the police, on his in- tormation, took Joseph into custody, lae foundation for the oharge was that Joseph some time Bince proposed to William that thnv should srn sirniE Saturdav nichfc and murder their father, in order that they might obtain his money.

William reDuirea his brother for the suagestion, and nothing further was said about it. It was now-stated that tho Public prosecutor had been communicated with, and William Jacques wished to withdraw tusintormation, requeuing the police to take the case in hand until it snould do tasen uu uy mo outor. The prisoner was remanded in custody till nest week. DURHAM. Charge of Attempted Murder.

James Georga Kaynor, formerly was charged at Sunderland on Tuesday with attempting to murder May Emily Koweli. lie accused, in appeared, had become acquainted with Roweli some years ago, and the couple lived together as man and wife. Kaynor was a married man, and at Sunderland was committed to prison for selling lottery tickets. On coming out of gaol he went to taking the girl with him, but he was there imprisoned for fraud, and then Rowell returned to Sunderland, from which place she wrote letters of a loving character to him in prison. After Raynor had completed his time he also proceeded to Sunderland, when Rowell, who had got work at a laundry, refused to live with him.

On the 1st insfc. he followed her to the park, and on her again refusing to return to him he fired four shots at her from a five-chambered pistol two shots missed, but the others were found in tha girl's jacket, and both her arms were much bruised. The prisoner was committed for trial. KENT. A Margate Suicide.

An inquest was held at Margate on Tuesday as to the death of Henry Sellers, a portmanteau manufacturer, of 59, Kellefc-road, Lon-'don, who died on Sunday from self-inflicted injuries. He hud been staying at Margate for several weeks. A few days ago he went out on the water with a boatman named Wykesi when he was seized with a fib of religious mania. He called out, "I am the third son of the Lord," and at the same time attacked Wykes with a table-knife. Tho boatman succeeded in snatching tho knife out of his hand, and threw it into the water, when Sellers, taking a dagger from his pooket, thrust it down his throat, and then jumped overboard.

The boatman succeeded in rescuing him. Sellers then pulled the dagger out of his throat and threw it into the sea. Ho was taken ashore and removed to his lodgings. Medical aid was called in, but he died on Sunday from the injuries caused by pushing the dagger down his throat. A verdict of "Suioide whilst in an unsound state of mind was returned.

LANCASHIRE. Alleged Child Muh-der at Liverpool. A man named Alfred Jones, a platelayer, was brought up at Liverpool on Monday charged with causing the death of his infant child Mary, aged two years and a half, by cutting her throat the previous night. After the prisoner had committed the "act he went to the house of his brother and stated that he had killed the child. The brother went back with the prisoner to bis house, at 5, Upper Pitt-street, and the brother took a policeman along with him.

When they got to the house they saw the child lying on the bed with its throat deeply cut, and the child was dead. The prisoner said in reply to the policeman that he had done it with a and he did so because he loved the child. The prisoner had been drinking for some time, and his wife had left him. As there was some doubt as to whether the man was in his right mind at the present, hB was remanded a 1 if-i- tor seven days, oruer cnac sib miguc uw brought under the observation of the gaol doctor. WORCESTERSHIRE.

Faial Foot ball Quarrel. A coroner's jury at Kid derminster on Monday returned a verdict ot Manslaughter against William Spusbury, aged 16, for causing the death of Joseph Randall, aged 18 years, and he -was committed for trial at the Worcestershire as sizes. The youths were playing at football, 'when a quarrel arose about a kick-off. After some blows bad been exenangea opiisoury threw a brick at Randall, smashing his skull in such a terrible manner that death ensued a few hours afterwards. The coroner com mented npon tho roughness whieh so frequently characterised the playina of football.

Attempted Murder and Suicide at Knutsford. -The usually quiet town of Enutsford was this week startled by a tragedy unknown before in its annals. Troop-sergeant-major James Blias Carter, 39 years of age, residing at St. John's-avenue, Knutsford, returned from Aldershot on Tuesday evening, where he had been a week for a course of instruction in connection with the Tatton troop, of which he was a member. He was ill, and was met by his wife on his return to Knutsford about 20 minutes past eight.

Mrs. Carter noticed that he was exceedingly quiet, but he made little or no remark about his health. He retired to rest about half -past 10, and after remaining in bed some time, went into a backroom. About half-past 12 he wont into the room and returned with a carbine which ho pointed at her head. Jumping out of bed she took it from him and screamed, and he seized her by the throat, and said he was going himself, and would do for her.

In a state of alarm she ran downstairs, when ho followed her, and fired just as she got, out of the door. She then heard a second shot, and ran to a grown-up son living near, who got the assistance of Serjeant Dodo, a member of the Cheshire constabulary. On going upstairs to -a room where deceased kept his arms, they found Carter lymg in a pool of blood, quite dead. A portion the law was blown away, and the bullet had gone through his head and through the ooilinr The deceased had oeen ill-heath for a considerabia time, and this had no doubt preyed upon hia mind. ISO MOWS HllS OIIOXUEB MEDICINE-PBJ'l'BOT HEALTH KwtOfrt without Jtofflrtlie or Jixpeuse.

by DU UAlUti'S Uoiioloo. Hevalouta Arabics, Food. which (3 tlia only C'nrativo I'ood for Indication, ttyspaa'sia, Consumption, Co Miuatiou Aoidity l'blegm, i'ovors, Ootigns, Asthma, Catarrh, Diabetes, Debility, Diarrhoea, Sleeplessness; Nausea, Yomiting (ovoniu 1'regnancyj; Heartburn, Palpitation, Giddiness, tow Spirits, all Disorders ot the stomaon. Liver Nerves, Lungs, Blood, Sltin, and Breath Adults, and children all ages, and rears tho moat delicate iulauts successfully 42years' success, lOOAJO mnual cures. It saves Fifty times its oost In modi, sine.

In tiuB2s; lib 5s 6d; 6s; oostiug aoout 8d perineal. 3eutfreo arctmst post Barry Kid Co. Xe.17, KtSetaiMHttK. v. 1M in.

SUucnsslcr. Wolicy, Market-street; In C. 1-noupwJ, iUmmrowmt in fcxtui pnrti, Ualmos and in Ulasn.m', Apotnu-earias Jompany. and ad Uroours and UiieulUlts. LA.dYt.1 The improvements which have been carried out at Windsor castle during the absence of the Oueen include the introduction of a new heating system for warming the private and state apartments ot the palace.

The Empress Eugenie is still staying at Abergeldie, and attracts much attention when she drives out, accompanied by the Marquis de Bassano and Madame D'Arcos. Mr Milner, the huBbandof the Duchess of Montrose, was fined 202. by the Newmar-feet bench, on Tuesday for employing 13 mala servants without a license. The defendant, who was unrepresented, was similarly fined last February. At a private meeting of tha Eastbourne Town council on Tuesday, Alderman Morrison was unanimously selected to succeed Alderman Boulton, as mayor, in November.

The Church Society for Providing Homes for Waifs and Strays has receivsd a donation of 3002. from the exeoutors of Mrs. French. At Camelford and Boscastle, Cornwall, on Monday, a shock of earthquake was felt, iutini several seconds, accompanied by a subdued rumbling sound, followed by a shaking of the earth and some of the houses. No damage is reported.

A discovery OI unman remains wasinauo at Dumnton Gap, near RamBgate, on Mon day, in some chalk. Parts of the skeleton are missing, and the affair is a mystery. The Aberdeen Town council on Monday resolved to confer the freedom of the city upon Mr. W. A.

Hunter, M.P., who is a townsman, in recognition of his efforts to secure tree education tor Scotland. At the Women's colleges, Cambridge, the Michaelmas term began for "freshwomen on Tuesday. For those already in residence term commenced on Wednesday. A donation of 1,0002. has just been made to the Bethnal-green Philanthropic Pension society.

The donor, whilst withholding his name, desires tha amount to be acknowledged as a clergyman's offering. Considerable inconvenience was caused at the Thames police-court, on Tuesday, no magistrate being in attendance until two o'clock, the inconvenience being the illness of two of the metropolitan police magistrates. The House dinner of tha City. Liberal club, Waibrook, will take place on Monday, under the presidency of Lord Brassey. There is, it is stated, a proposal to celebrate tho third jubilee, or 150th anniversary, ot the establishment of the Methodist society by John Wesley.

The data will be Oct. 29th. The 100 yards swimming championship was won at the Lambeth baths, on Monday, by C. J. Lenton, Liverpool; and in the plunging championship G.

A. Blake, Lewis-ham S.G., was, again successful. It is officially intimated that the Chapels Royal, St. James's, and Whitehall, which have been closed for some weeks undergoing their annual cleaning, will ba reopened for divine service this Sunday. Walter S.

Moorby, of Roebuck-terrace, Enfield-highway, was fined in all 30s. and cost, at Enfield on Monday, for permitting the public to use a bagatelle board without having a license to do so, and, further, with knowingly suffering gaming to take place in his licensed refreshment-house. Old Windsor lock was closed on Monday by the Thames Conservancy, in order that its reconstruction may be completed. At Merthyr, on Tuesday, there was a cock-fight on the mountain side, the stakes being 22. a side, the cock from Swansea-road district being the victor in the nrsc round.

Mr. John Bradley, aged 85 years, died on Monday at his residence in Wynford-road, Barnsbury. The deceased, who was tho first president of the Turkish Bath Attendant Mutual Aid association, fought in the battle of Navarino in 1827. Sunday last being the anniversary of the martvrdom of William Tyndale, sermons of a specially Protestant tone were preached in churches and chapels in soutn-easn ondon, Miss Elizabeth Senie, of 133, Hammer- sroith-road, was fined 20s. and 2s.

costs, at West London police-court, on Tuesday, lor riding a bicycle furiously in Hammersmith-broadWv on Sunday week. The number of failures in England and Wales gazetted during the week ending Oc tober 4, was Sb, against OS last year. Baginton hall, near Coventry, the Warwickshire seat of Mr. Bromley-Davenport, M.P., was on Monday destroyed by fire. Early on Monday morning a burglary was committed onthe premiscsof Mr.

Henri, 5, Northumberland-avenue, a window being cut with a diamond, and about 802. worth of optical instruments stolen. At Wigtoffc, near Boston, on Monday, Mr. T. R.

Hides, a well-known farmer, was gored to death by a bull. AtPawlett, near Monday, a coroner's jury returned a verdict of Wilful murder" against Emily Small, a servant, aged 17, who, it is alleged, has dostroyed the life of her illegitimate child. At Walsall on Wednesday George William Barnett, of the.Bradford club, was convicted of selling iicmors without a license, and was fined 252. and costs, or three months' imprisonment 'in default of distress. During Tuesday night the whole of the collecting-boxes, in Bath broken open and the contents stolen.

Admiral Lord Clanvvihiam has given a donation of 1002. to the Chapel Building fund of the Royal Naval school, liltham, and the Countess of Clanwilliurn has promised a pulpit of like value. Lord Londesborough has sent five guineas to the mayor of Hull on behalf of two fishermen of that port who rescued the crew of a Norwegian brig, the Malangen. There was a general advance in the price of coals in the Glasgow market on Wednesday, and the ri3e also affected the price at the Ayrshire shipping ports. Many shippers have been'unable to socure cargoes for early forward delivery.

At Warwick county court, on Wednesday, tho presiding judge granted an application rescinding tho order made against Colonel Greenway in August, for the payment of 702. a year out of his retired Indian pay for the benefit of his creditors. A pension of 502. a year has been awarded to Lieutenant H. M.

St. A. Wade, Hoyal EnriueerB, on account of injuries sustained bv him in May last at Landguard fort, when he had his left leg shattered by a coil ot wire falling onhira whilst on duty. The improved Martini-Henry nfie was on Monday distributed to the London Irish Volunteers (16th Middlesex). This corps, which is one of the largest in the metropolis, now numbers about 950.

Thomas Burns, a well known Liverpool athlete, on Wednesday successfully dived ofE Ruucoru-bridae, an enormous height, as vessels of large size pass under it, and started to swim down to Liverpool. Louis John Islip, described as a "tote captain of Engineers," and residing VVesu Cromwoll-road', Kensington, was remanded at Murlborouah-street police-court on Wednesday on a charge of obtaining goods by fake pretences. At a harvest festival service at Llantna-sant, South Wales.on Wednesday, a labouring man, being drunk, was pushed out of tha church. He fell against a tombstone, receiving fatal injuries. James Thomas Collis, 34, a cabdriver, residing, in Elizabeth-buildings, Boleyn-road, Kingsland, was sentenced to 21 days' hard labour, at Dalston police-court, on Wednesday, for cruelty to his stepson.

The Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Child ten promised to take cure of tho child. On Monday evening St. Paul's cathedral at tha Harvest thanksgiving. provements reference made to them May last to i con sider the necessity ot a. new

amptonU to WW proving una meana ui "Tr i mu twee the north and south of London. The committee said they JTwant did rived at the conclusion that a want did exist for a good thoroughfare between Hol-born andthe Strand, west of Temple Bar Having arrived at that conclusion they had considered the best line to adopt. They had examined numerous plans and suggestions, with the result that there remained but two-schemes whioh commended themselves to favourable consideration. The first was to form the new street, from Sonthanipton-row to Lincoln's-inn-fields, utilising the west sido of Che fields, and cutting through Clement Wnn-sardens to St. Clements Danes church In the Strand.

The second was a more westerly scheme, for a road running from Southampton-row (which 2 at, nrl nf a lona lme or lUillJeH LUC BUUluww street extending to tha Euston-road, and ffivme access to we tmreo nunuwu m.b,wj, liMA ftn Catherine-street and the Strand. At a point about 500ft. from the Strand a spur street, wuuiu ioa.7 the new street and run eastward to 1st. -n i nVinrnh. thus meetins the demands of traffic going both across water- i i.L.

st-rii loo-bnuge and easwaratu mo vi. i. wniild also have to be improved by removing a portion of the OUUQingS uuu uuxuu.u j--- the approach with the Strand. It was the second scheme which the committee had felt bound to adopt, seeing that it would afford excellent communication north and south, iust at the points where mostjneeded. mu- KjnnlH rint thronsh and XL1I BUUOUiD, vuw, destroy a considerable area of poor and tini: nn rnntrnrv.

iacilitate the construction of any future projected streets running parallel wisn cub orai. The approximate cost of the improvement would he as follows Engineer's estimate for the formation of the roads, 59,0002. cofimno fnf af.miirinp the Tjro- UlUlucm -J- t. a 1,411,0002. making altogether 1,473,0002.

'Phra wfirR of oninion that the new street should bo 90ft. wide throughout, (-ho, rxvmncinn cVtnnlfl hp, mad ft fnr the UUU vuav jj.w,.".. planting of trees on each side. They were also strongly of opinion that, in the event of the schema being adopted all of the property within the triangle, which would be bounded on trie soutn oy cyii flic. nn f.lip, north-east bv tho new street, and on the west by Newcastle-street, should bo acquired by the n.n;i rrVio fcburp.fnro.

recom mended that the council should apply to Parliament next session for the necessary powers to carry out the scheme. XT a phnivmnn nf fbfi enm- nvTilm'Tiprl flmh lTinlnderl UJ1UUUO, a considerable sum for improving the ap proach to vvaterioo-urmse sum, xu iwuu nf miwloi, a. million efprlinf which wasnot originally contemplated. With regard to tho recoupments not one hann flrpn intn flp.nnnnt fnr thfl large area upon which house accommodation for 1.0U0 poor people would be erected, it Mils HiRtriftt. there would a splendid opportunity, anu DUO tuuat ttumuiiuy ivuuiu oil equally good opporcunity no ODtam land for baths and washhouses.

The scheme would not only secure an important street 1 improvement, out iinycuvo wuau uau uuvxx described as one of the worst districts intthe metropolis, mo netc cose oi tne spur street would be 345,0002., and the cost of the thoroughfare from Little Queen-street HtTonl ROB nnn; 'Php T.innnln'n Tnn scheme would unquestionably be leas expen sive. AS to cue JLruL-y-iiuji- vuu committee were of opinion that an improve- pt-. la frnp fchp nriA public, and on the whole they were satisfied that the scheme embodied the report was the best. After brief discussion the consideration, of the report was deferred for a week. Some conversation arose with respect to the proposed meeting of tha council, at Clerkenwell Sessions house, on Thursday, I.Q nrtimiffoft in nalof.SnTi f.r, mncir an1 dancing licenses.

The chairman declared that the sessions nousa would Da totally in- nunincn an1 t.his triotw being generally acquiesced in, Lord Rosebery and Mr. Pardell, the chairman of the committee, were empowered to make arrangements for Bitting elsewhere. A report was presented by the Standing committee, showina that on July 9 the council decided to appoint a valuer, at a oalti. nf 1 (WM n. wnr.

n.Nfl thn.h nrlvprtifln- ments should be issued iuriting applications tor Hae post, xwent-y-one apuiiuatnoiis nsu been received, and were now being con sidered. The committee had had their attention drawn to a printed statement, signed oy mr. oaunaersanu nr. jDenu.iueui- nf 4Ko it, cnrinnrh nf 31. mnfcinn of which Mr.

Saunders had given noticeto rescma cue resolution oi ttuiy a uuu apyuiuu 7JI 1 ll Ai. tit JUatUC, UU LULl uv UUUI- teot's department, who was among the candidates for the vacant office, at 5002. a year. il-lter inquiry sue cumuiiGtetj bnw uu tuasuu to depart from the resolution of July 9, and they recommended that Mr. Harper's claims should be considered on tho same linos as those of the other candidates.

Professor Stuart has declined to be nominated for the deputy chairmanship of the London County council. A Club's Feinting Bill. In the Westminster County court, on Tuesday, Judga Bayley had bsforo him the action oi Harmsworth v. Wellesley," which came up by way of a judgment summons. The defendant is Colonel the Hon, Frederick Arthur Wellesley, of the New Club, Covent-gardea, and Merton Abbey, Wimbledon.

The claim against him was for 452. 16s. for printing in connection with the above club. The plaintiff stated the defendant until recently was a military attache in Berlin, and was a man of extensive means. He was the founder of the New Club, Oovent-garden, and he went to plaintiff and gave him the order to print tha rules.

He executed tha order, but had been unable to get his account settled. Defendant was a member of the aristocracy, living in great stylo. His honour made an order for tho committal of the defendant to Holloway gaol. Accident to Mr. Montagu Williams.

jjjr. Montagu Williams, who has been staying at Eatosgate for thebeneiitof his health, mat with a serious accident on Wednesday while he was driviusr in a pony carriage. The ponies bolted and ran the carriage into a fence, where it was overturned and smashed. Mr. Williams was thrown into the road, and a part of the carriage fell on his chest, injuring him severely.

He was removed to his residence mot. ZSUdrede-rod where ho was attended by Dr. Tamplin. JIUiilY'S 1'KTWlUTii HOAV POWDBll hoi of nooiiloss rubhlm; anil suruhbiM, and is must to the mud. Meats every him: for wasii.

1i lmui, ilaimoK house fcs. bold Id Sieiets, and oases containing 4 Jill, packets, A Woriis, Ausnatuiwiiraet. W.W.-A.ilvu.

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