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The Leeds Mercury from Leeds, West Yorkshire, England • 12

The Leeds Mercuryi
Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


cm uw.wr.TT- continues in the same state as we represented last night, no additional arrests of consequence having been made. AEBEST A FENIAN AGENT IN SHEFFIELD. the Irish People office, passing under several and believed to have been conducting treasonable correspondence respecting Fenian societies. Six persons, in addition to twenty-two brought -yesterday, have been since arrested in Dublin. Their names are Ryan, Leeson, O' Connor, Carey, all bricklayers, of 19, St.

James' s-terrace, Dolphin's Barn; Martin, O'Hanlon, and O' Carey, Fleet-street: and Quigley, printer, 10, Upper Abbey-street. The last was arrested this day the house of Kenny, one of the men arrested on Saturday. Two boxes were found, which it is believed contain treasonable documents. Everything is specially quiet in Dublin. There is no excitement.

The organisation seems to have taken no hold on the lower orders penerally in the metropolis. There is nothing further from the provinces. The man-ofwfr Liverpool. yesterday, aS-'tay there till this went; SLT'-fttEpjal George remains, at Kingstown. The lotion of.

Government i rejrably. attributetp, a note received in London from Wshingtom announcing, that severalagents hadarriyed rn America to enlist disbanded Federal aqvemment immediately, seized leaders, in Dublin and elsewhere simul- Taa'aily News' Dublin telegraphs The course taken by the Government 'lias1, given the greatest satisfaction, an has produced little or no excitement in -j The Post's correspondent, says i-Tlie arrival of the. Channel fleet at Bantry created a panic' Loyal people thought it -was, a. fleet from' America but on learning was -Her Majesty's' vessels of war they' evinced their great -Monday night's Pall Mall Gazette says the arrests made by the Government were not as it turns out, 'a moment too soon.

-The Fenian conspiracy; as it is namedjc though in no respeots'f was verv. Rjttanarmlir mrsaA. and THE FENIAN CONSPIRACY. From the Correspondent of tlie Times.) Dtnanr, Sept. 16.

The most intense excitement was created here this morning by the intelligence that Government had at length taken action againat the Fenian organisation in this country. I telegraphed a brief account of the transaction to you last night, and I now 8nd further particulars. It appears that not the slightest intimation of what was intended waa given even to the police, who acted in the affair. They were called out at a moment's notice, and dispatched at once to the office of the Irish People in Parliament-street. This course, it wcrsld appear, was decided on -at-a- meeting the Privy Council; held at the and- which sat up to a late hour It was evident -from the-oompleteneas.

with which the affair was.managed,"and.the arrests made, that for some- time past the conspirators who assembled there have been known to the police. At abont nine o'clock a large force of the division of police, accompanied by several of the divisiori-of detectives, marched from' -the t3astle to Parliament-street, which is very close Jyvrind-ppssession of each end of, the street havin" been taken, the.detectiveaknocked at; the door of ihePeople office, although there were- lights in the upper windows, response was made. 'A party df constables was.thensent to Crane-lane, at the rear, to see that no one left by. that means, and the police then decided, on forcing the door. This was done, and Superintendent Ryan and a number of men proceeded at once to' the.

upper rooms of the house, where they arrested the following persons Mr. O'Donovan Rossa, registered proprietor of the Irish People M. Shaun O'Glausey, on the staff of the paper; Mr. James Murphy, who describes himself as a "citizen of. Boston 4" Thomas Ashe and Cornelius reporters Jame3 Connor, bookkeeper in the office; Michael O'Neil.

Fogarfcy, Wuliam.Fi.Eouiidtree, and Pierce Nagle, also employed in the office. On being arrested Messrs. O'Donovan, Ro3sa, O'Olausey; Ashe, and O'Mahony were conveyed to Chan--eery-lane station-house, and the other prisoners to Coi-lege-Btreet station, where they were 'severally charged With halving feloniously and treasonably conspired and combined; with divers other evil-disposed persons belonging to a certain secret societv called the Fenian-Brotherhood, having for their object the levyng of war in Ireland against the Queen, and separating it from the United Kingdom." They made no resistance, and oftered no protest save Murphy, who stated that he was a mtizenof States, and as such shomUnot be interfered id hn would bring the fact of his havme- bers already enrolled and the rules which were to bind them. He told his auditory that' he had people at all their meetings whether or committee, and that he was informed of moist secret acts. His duty, he said, was i performed wheh-he-warned them of their impropriety, sirvr-i and danger and if they did notspee'dUy witEoSaw- tronv their evil courses the next appeal to them would bo from, the jpolice, and he.much feared that many of them would expiate their.

offences upon tho felon's scaffold and' 'they shut their ears to the advice he gave. He saw officers of the Crown, having procured reliable evidenoe a3 to the movement in this comity and city, determined to act on the informations sworn, and have some of the leaders. To effect this purpose every arrangement was jerfeoteiL" and yesterday afternoon fifty of the under the oomniand -of-Sub-Inspector jarrived herer by the Great Southern and 'Western''- arid Iwt night 160-more came, in from the rural -districts, under Sub-Inspe'ctor. being" under Sub-Iiispectof At clock this morning the ''whole (was luh'der 'arms'; Mr. and Inspector Duncan, taking the command.

The numbering then' divided' into distinct parties to execute the1 arrest-warrants At' tliis "momenta troop of cavalry-and two piece's of artiUeiy arrived'fro'niBallincollig Barracks, and tho police --croceeded to -the (residences: of those against -whom they had warrants; and; hours brought into-tho' the' sripendiarv i-magistrates were in the following parties Maifa Adams, an elderly man, chief engineer at tho; Gorki FPorter 1 Brewery, with a salaryof 400 a year, an nine He is a member of 4he Scots Church, and bore a good character. Many who know- him aver thatMs: identification is erroneous. 1 John a in the lose-department at the establishment of O'Shannessy, silk buyer -in same employment'; John Thomson, assistant in the shop of J. J. Geary, grocer, Main-street; ByanDillon, Luke's; John: Lynch; formerly charged with being engaged in the riots that tookplace in this city on the day of the marriage of tho Prince of Wales and Michael Murphyj hatter, Great George-street; There was also a the arrest of J.

J. Geary, but before the-police could enter his house.he escaped over the roofs adjoining. In Lynch'-s house fpund a brace of pistols, and the military of a maj or. In the houses of other prisoners documents are -said to have beeri.dty-' covered of -a nature. The prisoners having identified; as; the parties whose names, were in the i waii-ants, they were committed for.

trial at the next assizes (March, 3.866), on. a -charge of 'high The. prisoners were then conveyed to the City Gaol under a strong escort. 1 While these arrests made a house was searched at, Blaokrock, within, two miles of this city, by.a large force (Of constabulary. search seemed to have failed in its object.

A large force of military, with four heavy -guns, left this morning for the west of the county, where it is expected other arrests will be made and it is rumoured that warrants are issued for, the arrest, of other; this cify. The.streets were all day patrolled by mounted policemen, -and the. military were confined to barracks. Two additional regiments are expected in, the course of next 1 The 'Daily Heltgraph testated, apparently authority, that the suddenness of the step taken by the Exeeutive is accounted: for by receipt of a note from Washinetoni apprising the Government'that of THE LATE ME. COBDEN ON THIS AMERICAN WAR AND MEXICO.

Tie following is an extract from a letter written in May, 1864, by the late Richd. Cobden, on America, to a French gentleman residing in Switzerland, upon the subject of the-late rebellion London, May 13, 1864, My dear In your last letter you speak unfavourably of the prospects of the Northern party America. You do' not know that country. I. travelled, through the United States in 1835, and again in 1859, and have been a very careful student of all that has been passing there.

I ought to know that country as well as anybody. Nothing, in my mind, is more certain in the future than that the North, will: destroy slavery, rum the Blave owners, and hold possession of the South. The mistake that people fall into in Europe, when they expect the success of the South, is that they lose sight of the inherent weakness of a slave-owning community, owing to the want of that 'mechanical development which constitutes the great power of 'modern -society; as'compared with former ages, Georgia; or or- Alabama, are not modern communities in' their organisation and resources. They-are a succession of plantation which slaves do all the Wftrk' and containing 'within' themselves all the different ocmrpa'-' tiorisBuch as carpenters, and coopers, and which form distinct-trades iil free 'civilised- Georgia the same state as Western Europe was tha Georgia and Mississippi, each' nearly as large as'Engla'nd, contain each only a half million 'of white- inhabitants', being less populous than England was, in the. time of the Saxons.

Those whites are surrounded -by nearly an equal number of slaves; who are runaway from their masters whenever the. Federal "armies approach. Thus, added to the want -of mechanical resources. and: the absence of accumulated-wealth 'and population in' towns, the South sees the on it the rude cultivation of the soil, its plantations to enlist in the ranks of the It ia true that the Southern whites fight well.

-They are a haughty com-munity, have, a contempt for- northern industry and for northern men, Just as all aristocrats have despised working men. They are more reckless of life, more accustomed to. the use of arms, and have that Southern dash and fire which make them almost irresistible for a time. But nothing can compensate for the disadvantages under which they labour. Nothing can make a community, living like the feudal community of the 13th century, a match for the New England population of the 19th century.

The North will ruin the South, not by any pne or battles, but by its persistence and bythe irresistible weight of its resources. And I shoiddnot be-surprised to see the South collapse very suddenly for having no social forces at its back, when once it is fairly heaten in the field, it has nothing to. fall back upon. If the 'North should realise my expectations, it will present itself before the Okl World, in a new and most formidable atti- tude, for it will have proved itself as great in war as in peace. It-is, the only country in the world which, while -it is a firstrclass naval power (for its mercantile tonnage is 'equal to our can keep 700,000 men in the field.

Has your Emperor thought of all this in eonneotion with jhis Mexican expedition '( I. confess I saw with amazement aa well as regret- the course which he took in sending an army to interfere in the internal affairs of that wretched country. It renrindedme, in its of the expedi- tion of the first Napoleon from Bayonne into Spain. human being can restore Mexico to order, or confer on it the civilised progress. It requires the hand of, God himself to effect such a change in that degraded population of half-oastes.

But does the Emperor know how deeply the public sentiment of the United-States outraged and humiliated by this attempt of a foreign power to set up an empire at their door.with-iout consultation-with How would you French-imen like to see -the Yankees sending an. army to establish a- republic in Belgium without consulting you Seeing fthe American newspapers regularly I gather from them that the resentment against you for the Mexican iuterven- 'tion is. ready to burst, forth the moment the rebellion is in a sure way" of defeat. The Americans will have some serious controversies with England, but they are of a nature to keep and employ ingenuity of diplomatists. But I look for a peremptory demand from Washington.

for explanations from the Tuueriea which will lead to war or humiliation. .1 sincerely wish the Emperor would with-: draw every French soldier immediately. RlCHABD COBDBN." Mr. George Newton, one of the secretaries of tlie Glasgow Reform Association, having invited Mt Bright to address a meeting in this city; has received ta following. answer: J-' im Q.

Dunkeld, 10th 1865 Dear Dalghsh has forwarded your letW to me. I thank you for your invitation, although I do not feel myself able now to accept it If I cam to Glasgow, I must go to other places. Ix cannnt bear tho weight of an agitation for Reform, and snen the winter in great meetings, as I did in the year 1858-9; and, therefore, I feel compelled to shun engagements which I know I should find ton heavy for me. I have as much interest in tho question as I have had at" any time, and I believe, arid indeed I know, that it is 'advancing with most 'certain steps. When the present Prime Minister leaves office no Ministry be.

possible of. the Liberal party which wiU deal with the Reform question. I am not anxuius that it be dealt with during his official life, for he is the only, man connected with the Liberal party who is at once both able and willing to betray it. One sentence from his lips would have passed the bill of 1860, and that sentence he refused to utter His colleagues preferred their places to their honour as Eublio men, and they consented to the greatest political aud of our times rather than leave the Treasury bench even for a season. Happily the question does not depend on the Prime Minister.

He has never promoted its growth, -and he cannot prevent its success" There is at work a steady and a silent force, which all who are not blind may mark, and every day's delay will but add to the certainty and fulness of our triumph. I hope every Liberal constituency will so act through its representatives as to make a sham Liberal Government henceforth impossible. For what can bo more degrading to a Liberal member of the House of Commons than to sit as a supporter of an Administration which repudiates and has betrayed the first and greatest question or cause upon which the whole policy of the Liberal party is founded? I am, very truly yours, John BmaHT. LAMENTABLE ACCIDENT at CAMBRIDGE. DROWNING OF MR.

PURKISS. CAilBEIDOE, Sept. 1 8. This afternoon an inquest was held on the body of Mr. Henry John Purkiss, B.A., scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Senior Wrangler for that University in 1864.

Mr. Francis Barlow, the coroner for the county, presided, and the Rev. C. Ellis, Fellow and Tutor of Sidney Sussex College, appeared to watch the case on the part of the University authorities and the friends of the deceased. Arthur Cockshott, member of Trinity College, and B.A., said, I was acquainted with the deceased, who was also -of Trinity and B.A.

He came up on Friday or Saturday night to read for the Fellowships at Trinity. On Sunday he and I walked put with Mr. Gillespie towards the Gogs." (Gogmagog Hills), and then returned by Grant-chester to the bathing sheds in the fields there. We all bathed there. The bathers there are in most places out of their depth, but not everywhere.

Deceased never complained of any pain or ill-health while walking, and appeared in perfect health. We reached the bathing sheds about a quarter-past one. Gillespie and I went in first, and immediately swam down the river towards "Paradise," according to previous arrangement. We left Mr. Purkiss in the shed undressed, and I believe I heard the splash as he dived in.

We had asked him to come with us, and he had not made up his mind whether he would do. so or not. I and Mr. Gillespie had proceeded down to the (osier) island, and then got out on to the bank. That would be about 150 yards from the shed.

Wo had noticed before that deoeased was not following, and thought he was staying at the shed on purpose. We were about two minutes on the bank, and then plunged in again, continued a downward course towards Paradise," turned about the middle of the wood, and again got out at the same place before. We both knew the deceased could swim, but he was not a very good swimmer. He learned to swim about two years ago. I and Gillespie were on the bank 011 the second occasion about four or five minutes.

We returned to the shed, which I reached a little the first, aud noticed that deceased was not about the place. It was, as near aq I can calculate, twenty minutes from our departure to our return to the shed. I and Gillespie had probably got about 30 yards on our start, when I heard the splash of what I took to be deceased diving in. When we returned we found deceased's clothes in tho shed, and some other gentlemen, who had arrived after us, were in the water. We asked them if they had seen deceased, and they said, "No." I immediately dived into the river, and swam down again, thinking ha must have followed us.

I thought there was something wrong then, or we must have met him as we came up. I got out and walked along the bank part of the way, thinking I could see into the river better. I sent for Gray, the keeper of the shed, and he brought ropes and drags, and Gillespie went to Sheeps-green for a boat au alarm was raised, and parties went up and down the river on search. I dressed and kept looking about, and about forty minutes afterwards I saw some weeds in the immediate neighbourhood of the shed moving about in an extraordinary manner. I threw in a drag and pulled them on one side, arid then saw the aim of the deceased.

Two or three men came, and deceased was pulled out. The place was only about four feet deep, and about a j-ard from the bank. It was about fifty yards from the shed. The weeds were so thick there as to impede a man's motion through the water; there was a peculiar description of tangle weeds there. Witness swam over them.

He had known deceased intimately since they were freshmen" in 1860, and never heard he was subject to heart disease, or apoplectic or any other kind of fits. The deceased was a strong muscular man, about twenty-three or twenty-four years of age. He had frequently bathed with him before, and never knew him complain of cramp. Mr, David Gillespie, B.A., of Trinity College, who ao-companied deceased aud Mr. Cockshott, confirmed the evidence of the latter in every particular, but differed as to tho depth of water where the body was found, which he gave as 5ft.

The persons they found at the bathing shed on their return said they had been there some time, and had not seen deceased while they were there. Mr. James Hough, surgeon, of Cambridge, deposed that he had not previously known deceased. He was called about a quarter past two on Sunday, and deceased was taken out of the water just as he arrived. Mr.

Hough proceeded to give technical evidence to the effect that every means were taken to achieve resuscitation, but without effect, every assistance being freely rendered by those present. Dr. Marshall Hall's "ready method" was pursued. Once there was a slight encouragement to proceed, and artificial inhalation was attempted. Galvanic apparatus was sent for, but could not be procured, and at last witness opened the windpipe and inserted a quill, and attempted by that means to innate the lungs, with partial success, but all to no purpose, and witness was at last obliged to give up the case as hopeless, though every appliance except the galvanic apparatus was at hand.

Mr. Hough gave his opinion, taking into consideration the evidence and the appearance of the body, that death resulted from actual drowning and apart from any other cause. The jury at once found a verdict of Accidental death while tathing." THE SALISBURY POISONING CASE. Sahsbury, Monday. This morning William J.

Storer was brought up on remand, charged with the murder of Miss Blake. Superintendent Caldow askad for another remand until Monday next, as Mr. Whatman, who watches the case for the deceased's father, and Mr. E. Kelsey for prisoner, were not present.

The application was granted, and prisoner, remanded till Monday next. The Salisbury Journal says Since the inquest was held, letters have been received from Professor A. Taylor, stating that he has discovered strychnhie in the intestines, aiid in all the pills. Three of the pills, he states, would be sufficient to destroy human life. The remains of the deceased were interred in Laverstock churchyard on Wednesday.

The prisoner Storer will be brought before the magistrates again on Monday, and remanded until after the adjourned inquest to be held on Thursday. The pohce, we understand, are making inquiries with regard to the case in Falmouth and the neighbourhood." COMMITTAL FOR WILFUL MURDER AT PRESTON. A case involving a charge of murder or manslaughter was brought up, on remand, before the Preston borough magistrates. It seems that about a fortnight ago Thomas Cushion, beerhouse-keeper, Great Hanover-street, had a quarrel with his wife, who went out of the house at ten o'clock at night with a woman named Elizabeth Callar, who had been living a very irregular life, and who had been stopping with the defendant about three weeks. They returned about half-past eleven, after having been drmiang at anotner Deernouse, and Knocked at the door for admission about five minutes.

Cushion, the husband, then opened the door, and according to five witnesses, who live directly opposite, immediately the females had got info the house Cushion struck at them, and Mrs. Cushion screamed "Don't murder us the same as you have done your other wife." The woman Callar was then heard to give three screams, each being fainter than the one preceding it. Mrs. Cushion then screamed "Murder for a considerable length of time, but as the neighbours had been accustomed to these matters at the house, no notice was taken of it. According to the two witnesses before-mentioned, immediately after Mrs.

Callar (who was the widow of a soldier) gave over screaming Cushion went to yards he cellar, then returned, and dragged something up stairs, Answering a question put by his wife in a very low tone. The next Mrs. Callar was found in a bedroom up stairs, lyino- with her face to the ground, in a dying state. There wasnot much blood about, but there appeared to have been a good deal of water thrown upon the floor, and the poor woman's garments were wet. A doctor was called in soon after, but Mrs.

Callar died the' same night, never having been conscious since the time S41 i scovewi. Ab 1 coroner's inquest held upon the body of he deceased, both Mr. and Mrs. Cushion swore that no blows were struck, that no cries of "murder" were uttered, and that when the deceased went to bed she was all right. Witnesses were also called to show that nothing was heard by the next door neighbours.

At first it was attempted to prove that the deceased received injuries which would cause her death three or four days before by falling off a sofa, hut the doctor stated that the fatal injuries which were on theback part of the head must have been done within forty-eight hours of death. After an adjournment the coroner ury returned a verdict of manslaughter against Cushion, but admitted him to bail. The pohce then took the matter hand, and, after the inquiry yesterday, the Bench committed himtotakehistrialatthe next Lancaster assizes for the wilful murder of Elizabeth Callar, and refused to admit him to. bail. Torpedoes.

The A rmy and Navy Gazette says, Mr. Donald McKay, the well-known Ameriean slnpbuilder, is at present in this country, and is in close communication with the Admiralty on the subject of torpedoes. It is the intention, we understand, of the authorities, to entertain seriously the question of having on hand a stock of these destructive missiles, with a view of laying them down in the event of a war in the different channels leading into our harbours, thus leaving our fleet to a great extent free to proceed to On Wednesday, two detectiVe'ofEic6lB arrived in Shef-, field from iJupiift: armed With a warrant irom tne-cmei of that citv.for thn arrest of a man lnamed rJames. Quigley, 'on: a'charge of high treason. The onan of wiom search was employed at tne wonts or nn i'ti Nnrfnlk-atreet.

as a sil- i at the works, at ten o'clock offioers' and Detectives Whiteley and Jtsattersuy, 01 tne isnemem mn.o. but the' news of it qmakly" spread amongst the prisoner countrymen and occasioned oonsiderable excitement. J. It appears that the prisoner has been connected with the Fenian for soma time; and that his arrest has been brought about by the disclosures b' the-" brethren" who have turned approvers in Dublin and Gorki-His capture affords an additional -proof that the Govern--merit holds thejclue to the most -secret ramifications of; the conspiracy in their hands. Quigley 'has been in" Sheffield for.

sixteen years he is has: six children, and was generally regarded as one of the best and workmenin the place'. It would seem, he )iaVbeen ah active agent of the Fenian leaders, travelling from place to place to keep together the links' of. the, nisation, and holding out' to his dupes', promises of rising" at a not distant day', when the object for. which, jthe! Brotherhood is organised would be attained. by the! establishment of Irish Republic.

The officers 0 and mJiis possession a book containing, copies of numerous letters' that hehad written to persons bothmEnslahd, Ireland, even jori the Continent, all sighed by him in his own name these letters contain, it is ample proof, of the' treasonable nature, of the conspiracy in "which he was. engaged. From other entries in the book it would Beem that the prisoner has bedn' frequently called upon to. travel-, jto distant for thepurjMse of forming local orgauisa-' tions or aiding those already existing. He has kept an lacboimt of his proceedings on thoso journeys, the advice he igave and received, and a minute statement of his travelling expenses.

In short, he seems to havo carefully preserved, ready, for the hands of the Government, nearly all (evidence that' it would' have been important to obtain. Quigley had been secured, Whiteley and Battersby iwent to his house; No. 52', Towhheadrstreet, and searched lit thoroughly. Amongst other papers and' documents that brought away-were a. large number of copies; of the lrish People, the paper whose existence was so summarily, 'terminated by the Government last week.

The prisoner was brought up at the'TowaHall, at noon, jbefore his Worship the Mayor. The Chief Constable sai The prisoner, James has been apprehended under -a warrant issued by the: chief 'magistrate of the Metropolitan Police-court, Dublin, and the offence with which he is charged in that kigh treason. The warrant has been endorsed in the-usual way by a magistrate in Sheffield, and there, are two officers now present from the Metropolitan Dublin Court; and I beg to apply that the prisoner should' be remanded in their ous-! tody'to betaken over to -Dublin. 1 The Mayor (to fhe prisoner) Where did you come from the last-place? The Prisoner From Longford. I've been here in Sheffield for above sixteen years.

The Mayor But you have been lately ever there i The Prisoner Yes, sir. The Mayor I thought, so. Well, you must be remanded t6 be token over to Dublin. (As the prisoner was leaving the box) Poor Paddy always in trouble The Dublin detectives left "Sheffield with the prisoner in the afternoon, en roUte iov Holyhead. The time of departure was known to.

only a and there was no crowd of sympathisers at the station. FENIANISM IN AMERICA. LETTER THB-ABCHBIHHOP OF 3T. LOUISA (From the St. Louis Republican, August SI.

"The Tindersigiied-fuEis road in of this moining an announcement Of a funeral to. take', place next Sunday'from St. Patrick's church in this city, of a deceased member of the Fenian.Brotherhood, who die'd at St. Paul, Miniiesota, on the 24th ihst. The ocoasfoh lis evidently made for a display, on the part of those in.

St. Louis; who are members of that 'Hence the deferred interment, and the pageant; which is toiaccom-; pany the burial. The connection of St. Patrick' a'church, whore the religious service -is announced as to take place; and where, without any. authority from the pastor of that church it would appear, an oration by a gentleman of this city, is to be-delivered, imposes on -me the obligation of forbidding as I have done-the pastor of that church to per-, mit any funoraiservice, or other religious ceremony, to take place-on this occasion.

1 have furthermore directed the; superintendent of the Calvary Cemetery not to admit any procession of men or--women bearing insignia of Fenian-, ism within the gates of the 'Cemetery. I U3e this occasion. to state what I have uniformly stated in private conversation, that the members of the Fenian Brotherhood, men or are not admissible to the sacraments of the church as long as they are united with that association, which I have always regarded as immoral in its object the of rebellion in Ireland and unlawful and iUegal in its means, a quasi-military organisation in this country while at-peace with England, to be made effective in the event of war with -that power. fPETEn Riohabd, Archbishop of St. Louis.

"St. Louis, August 30, 1865." The following missive from Rome, received by the Right'. Rev. Dr. Bishop of Philadelphia, is pubhshedinthe Oatholio Mirror of Baltimore.

i "Right.Rev. James of Philadelphia, The Sacr. rCong. Ven. Inq.

has desired me to signify to' i Lordship that the assertion made in certain news- papers to the that- the -fallowing decision had given by 'the Holy: to wit, Fehian'os wow esse inquietanSos' Fenians are not -to be disturbed') is. utterly, false. I commuiiicate this at the request of the aforesaid congregation, lest it should be supposed by any: i one that anything in favour of this society has, emanated-( from the Holy See. In the meantime, iScc, Alex'e. Baekabo." Fenians the AuTnoEiTrES Liverpool, i Our Liverp00? correspondent A number of small and hui'ried meetings of Fenians at the better-known places, assemblage in Liverpool, were the, first result of the news from.

Dublin on. Saturday, Saturday night-and Sunday, more deliberate meetings took place, and delegates were sent. to. Dublin, London, and "up-, the- country," to consult the brotherhood elsewhere' as to the, steps to be token in the crisis. A warrant for the arrest.

a prominent Irish Fenian reached Liverpool yesterday, moining, and during the day the proclamation, offering 200 reward for the arrest of James was, placarded at the. police. stations. It is well-knpwn that the; executive here are on the. alert, and, unless the demonstra-, tions of the brothers are less open than they have been for-some post, some of the leaders will, speedily find themselves in safe, custody.

These men were recognised in-eamest consultation in public parts of the town on During the few weeks a number of Fenians, members; of volunteer, corps in Liverpool, have resigned and left the: town. Drilling among the brotherhood is. reported as going: on nightly at beerhouses in Liverpool and Birken- head, and names are mentioned in connection with these, movements which have long been associated with agitations of this.kind. AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY. A frightful crime occurred at Hartshorn Tavern, near Dedham Courthouse, Boston, on the -1st instant, about two o'clock in' the morning.

The Boston Serald thus describes the tragedy "The victims, were Dr. Carlos Marston and Cora Mars-ton, his daughter, anil the murderess was Mrs. Susannah Marston, his wife. For several years Mrs. Marston had.

been feeble in and some five weeks since she recovered from an attack of the measles, which apparently left her in a more prostrate mental condition than On Wednesday she was much prostrated and absent-minded did not appear to know where she was, and indulged in strange, incoherent' utterenees. On Thursday she appeared, better, but presented a wild' and haggard, About three days previously she had manifested a desire to possess and manipulate her husband's'revolver, and' it 'was feared she might destroy her own life. Hence, the doctor placed the weapon in his trunk, having" first drawn the charges' arid locked it, putting and keeping the key in his pocket. It appeared from the result that Dr. Marston entertained-no serious apprehensions of violence to himself.

Miss May, invalid resident in the house, states that on Thursday night Mrs. Marston came to her. room late about a disturbance which a cat below stairs was creating, and that she (Mrs. said something about: 'killing him before This remark so alarmed Miss May that when the doctor visited her leave her medicine, or instructions still later at night, she told him of his wife's remark, and he that he was going to bed and would lock his door. Whether he did this or notis-not known, as no one nowliving saw him alive subsequently." Miss May now dropped asleep.

About two 0' clock she says' she was awakened by a noise which seemed to her like, scuffling, and a fall overhead. She presently hoard the report of a pistol, and comprehending the condition of affairs at once she immediately arose, and crossing one or two apartments, passed 'to the foot of the stairs in the front entry. Here, being afraid to go up stairs, she called loudly two or three times to the doctor, but from him she received no response, for at that time he was probably still in death. Mrs. Marston, however, appeared at the head of the stairs without a light, and in a firm, calm tone, which seemed to indicate method in her madness, ordered Miss May to go to her room andremain quiet underthepenalty of havingherbrains blown out.

The frightened girl could hilt obey, and after hastily throwing on her clothing she went out in quest of help. She first met a.Mrs. Hartshorn, who resided in the other part of the house, and who had also heard the noise, and they together went after some of the neighbours. Before they left the house two additional shots were heard, and ere they returned two others, accompanied with groans. Having procured the assistance of two or three men, they returnecT to the house.

The party went upstairs andfirsG visited Dr. Marston' chamber. Here a ghastly spectacle presented itself. On the bed lay the doctor upon his back; and resting upon one arm, which was partially around her neck, while her head reclined upon his shoulder, lay the body of Mrs. Marston.

Both were quiet, motionless, dead and the revolver was found in the bed. The room of Cora, the daughter, was next visited. This apartment was little distant from the last-mentioned in the back part of the house, and was approached through a long corridor or entry way. Here another heartrending sight presented itself to the gaze of the observers. Cora lay upon the.

floor near her bed, her face turned downwards, her clothing saturated with blood, and her face discoloured with it. A very strong odour of chloroform pervaded the house, and a three-ounce bottle, nearly empty, was found. It was clear hat the murderess had used it to stupify her victims before finally taking their lives. The doctor had received one shot through the lungs, Mrs. Marston one through the chest and one through the heart, and the little girl one in the back and one in the head.

Which of the two was first shot is uncertain, but it is believed that when Mrs. Marston got up which she did, although we have not hitherto mentioned it-K)n the night in question, Baying she was going in to sleep: with Cora, that she then applied the chloroform to the latter; then returned and adrnrnistered it td-her husband; next shot him, then killed Cora lastly, after returning to her husband's bed, shot herself," it is nowknown that Dublin wasits head-quarters. Before. una uYoiuiucii, juuvuu, nowever, they had lntormation respecting every "centre" in Ireland, where-it it was and; by 'was led." Large American biUs have during the past fortnight been Irish bankers, in some instances for amounts as high as 700, drawn against lodgments-made in America by parties of whom thev knew nothing. One of the individuals arrested during -the raid on the office of the lrish People nau one ortnese mils lor that amount, it is said, upon his person.

The -Government' have' also, seized documents which, it throw lieht upon the oriein and structure of'the. conspiracy. These, itfis understood, afford pretty complete evidence of a serious intention to "rise at a time not very distant. Cork is the. other, main point of the organisation; The "seized number" of the I Irish People is not more seditious in tone than, former pub- iiuabiuiiH, uut uouutms several articles wmcn tne, interference of the Roman-Catholic dignitaries in is vehemently-denounced.

Among 0th features of the number is the late article on "Fenianism," from the Pall- Mall Gazette, whieh, is copied in referred to in a notice to correspondents'. column, where it, is said, "no difference; between Saxons': and Celts in Ireland. Many of us do not. know: whether we are Saxons and most of us do not, know, how, much Saxon or -Celtic Mood be in ourl veins. The Pall Mall Gazette, however, is right inone point, and that is, that the people care very little for the abolition of the Irish Church Establishment." The: twenty-one remanded are respectable-looking artisans and shopmen, and as little like conspirators or aesparaaoes as coula conceived.

The Government have thought it gunboats temporarily in various, places the, western and south-western Irish coast. .1 The -Times' correspondent, writing onMonday, saysExcept from amoug'the "roughs" who cheered the Fenianpri-sonersohleavingandre-enteringtheGovernmelitprisonvans; on Saturday, Ihavenothearda single expression of 'sympathy for them other than that it was a pity they allowed' them-' selves to embark on so foolish- an-enterprise; There is. a good deal of satisfaction expressed at the measures taken by the Government, and it is expected that before next Saturday there will be a large batch of prisoners apprehended and charged as Fenians. Many whom the police are on the look-out' for- are or have fled the oity, while the haunts in; which the meetings of the brotherhood were wont to be -held are now altogether-deserted. The; city has been perfectly quiet, although of course the arrests of "the Fenians caused a -great deal -of -comment on the whole, however, of a satisfactory natuie.

The number of-the Irish People that had been-seized did not1 appear to contain anything beyond its usual opinions, which-were' generally very strong. The Evening Mail says 1 "We have, with some difficulty, 'procured a copy of the; seized numDer. or tne xrwi reopie, a small portion or tne impression having beenprinted yesterday; Its contents are of the kind familiar to those who. may have in the habit of seeing the paper for some time past. Its first article is headed Priests in and the strain of it will be manifest from the single sentence, Liberty 'must no won Dy rorce, or not at au tnereiore we must eituer give np our country in despair, or teaeh the people to disregard politico-ecclesiastical The next is headed The Fenians and the and is an' attempt to ridicule certain articles in the Irish and English journals on the extent of the 'The Sister Islands is.

in a style of composition with which, we have been so familiar in Ireland that, if the seizure of the paper had not taken place, nobody would have ibeen struck with its anti-: English spirit as anything unusual. A page on 'Infantry and and The Poet's are calculated to eultivate the same feelings of disaffection. But, as usual, the correspondence is the striking feature of the journal. It extends over nearly three pages, and is so pungently written that it is impossible to class it with ordinary newspaper letters sent to an editor by voluntary correspondents. It is remarkably pervaded by that opposition to ecclesiastical influence in politics that has been the leading feature of the paper, These communications, also contain such phraseology as, this--1 they (the Irish) will and when they seek it it will be in.

a different place' (than the Parliament of their oppressors)), and they will use different aud more forcible One-eorrespbndent is advised- to put 'more -spirited words' to an air which he has described as 'first-rate for march-: Saunders' 's News-Letter gives the following-additional' particulars of the, occurrences since the proceedings in the Head Police-court on Saturday evening "Before the crowd separated two individuals whoj no. doiibt, were" those to alluded as aboutto be made assemble, were dexterously picked 10m the throng by the police and placed in the cells. A young lad, who in the excitement, of' the moment' incautiously gave vent to his. feelings, by shouting Hurrah, for was arrested, before the sentiment was well. uttered, by a policeman, in' coloured clothes, whoas.

standing by, and several other, arrests of a character are stated to have been mada other parts of the city. Some of the prisoners who were; brought up on. Saturday have the appearance of being a respectable: rank of life. The prisoner John O'Leary is'a well-dressed" gentlemanly-looking as is also William Luby. Three or four of th'ein bore the unmistakable American stamp, but the maj ority looked to be of the.

operative class. A few of them appeared dejected enough, generally, speaking they carried themselves stoutly; and some of them, especially those who presented the American; characteristics, exhibited Kimething very like a defiant front. O'Donovan Rossa, who is. a very determined-looking individual, is the registered proprietor of the Irish Mr. Clarke Luby, who gave an address in St.

James1 s-terrace, was the editor of that journal; James O'Connor: was the bookkeeper in the office; Thomas, -O'Clan-r hissy and Cornelius O'Mahony were employes oh the. paper. James Murphy says he is citizen of Boston. George Hopper, tailor, Dame-street, was arrested about half -past nine o'clock on Saturday morning, after, descending from the Sandymount omnibus. James Rynd is a mem-, ber of the Corporation Brigade.

He had been, out in' Italy with the Brigade, and was a proficient at drill JerermahFarrell is a clerk from Kilkenny; John Halligan is a printer from the same place, and James Kenny, is a. coffin maker. The prisoners O'Donovan Rossa, O'Clanhissy, Murphy, Ashe, aud O'Mahony were arrested-in the Irish People office. It was stated that the police found some arms on the premises, but such is not the The only warlike weapon which was discovered there was an old sword, said to be a relic of '98, which it was intended to present to the- Chicago fancy fair, but which was not forwarded. This, of course, the police carried off with the type and papers.

The lodgings of several of the printers, on the ZrisA People, of whom there eight, none of whom were in the office when the police, entered, were visited some weeks since by the police, who searched their premises, and took away some, letters. and papers, none of which, however, it is said, have any reference to the Fenian organisation. A constable is still stationed, night and day, ontsidehe door of the People office." Between seven and eight o'clock on Saturday evening the police arrested, the following persons charged with being connected with the Fenian organisation Cornelius. D. Keane, New Bride-street, law clerk; James Connor, James' s-terrace, Dolphin' stonemason and Martin H.

Carey, clerk. On yesterday (Sunday), about two John Quigley, Upper Abbey-street, who was employed as compossitor on the Irish People, and 'a named Carey, residing at James! a-terraoe," Dolphin' s-barh, were likewise arrested. These prisoners are now in station-house, and will be brought up before the magistrates this morning, when it is believed a remand will be applied for on the part of the Crown, as in the case of those who were brought up dn Saturday. In the house at James' s-terrace, Dolphin' s-barn, in which the prisoners Connor Carey were! arrested, the pohce found several pistols and two on one of which were engraved the letters "IT. In the possession of the prisoner Luby, who was arrested on Saturday, some documents implicating a number of persons are stated'tp have been found by the pohce.

The houses in which the members of the Fenian organisation in Dublin met, and which have been well known to the police for a considerable time past, have been completely deserted since the seizure of the Irish People, not- one of those who were heretofore, habitual frequenters of them having appeared since then. The city was pertectly quiet on Saturday night and Sunday night. The Cork correspondent ot Saunders's News Letter gives further particulars, of the doings for and against Fenianism in Cork. He says Those who doubted the existence of a Fenianconspiraey in this city and county we're not a little surprised when leaving their chambers this morning to learn that from an nour the city was in charge of a. large cavalry, J6.

and constabulary force, who before five o'clock had efiepted several arrests, some of the prisoners being persons ru respectable positions, and whom the public had no previous suspicion of- being capable of connecting themselves with such a confederacy. That the conspiracy is ot a serious character, the Government has been for. some consrferable period authentically apprised and that large quantities of firearms and numbers of drilled men are daily landed on these shores from America, the" authonties are fully aware. Further evidence was supplied last Sunday by a Roman Catholic curate of the principal parish in this city, wno addressed from the pulpit a large assembly of young people. He warned them against countenancing secret societies.

He told them that he was aware -that two rooms were to be opened in his parish that evening, ana that the promoters' aenouncea the clergy ana pieagea themselves if 'necessary which the rooms were, and drew from hia pocket-some slroa f-oi, wmfcu mwu wio names 01 the mem been illegally arrested before Nit Seward, the American Secretary 01 State. uwtxn' uuuaBtm au quietly that but little excitement took place save- in-the imme-diate locality, but tho pohce obliged the crowds 'to move on, and several persons, said to 'be identified- with the. movement, who had hurried to the spot, or were proceeding thither on other business, were also taken into custody during tho night. The prisoners were arrested under warrants signed by Mr. Stronge, Chief Magistrate, by direction of the Privy Council.

The news of the entry of the police into the People office spread to some small extent through the city," and. in a short time a large crowd assembled in A number' of men of the division, however, were-promptly distributed through the street, who succeeded' after some time in dispersing the crowd. When the pri-' soners were being conveyed to the police stations, escorted by strong bodies of police, they were followed by large numbers of persons. The seizure of the paper and the arrests were accomplished in a very short time, and in the quietest possible manner. A body of police 'from the division -was placed in charge of the Iris People office, and remained there until after twelve when the printing press, types, newspaper files, manuscripts, in faot everything found in the house, with the exception of a few articles of furniture, were placed on a dray and conveyed in charge of a large number of police to the Oastle-yard, where they were placed in safe keeping.

The progress of this property from Parliament-street to the- Castle-yard, strongly guarded by police, some of whom carried what are technically known in the printing business as "galleys of matter," which had been "set up," was the cause of much wonder to those who had not heard of the previous proceedings. Large numbers of the Irish People for this day had been printed off when the seizure was made, and the country edition of the paper, most probably, had been forwarded before that time. Orders had been issued to the police of the several divisions to remain in reserve, save those who were engaged in patrolling the streets to. prevent the congregation of crowds. The military at the various barracks and the constabulary also received orders, to be-in immediate readiness if required.

-At half-past twelve, however, Parliament-street and its vicinity were' as quiet as if nothing had happened. The contents of the People this week are said to have been of an unusually mild character. An immense dealof correspondence, books, lists of subscribers to.the. Fenian organ, and other documents incidental to a newspaper office, have been secured. When three of the prisoners-were being escorted to CoUege-streetpoliee-office last night two men, whose names are given above, and who were walking in the crowd which followed, were suddenly challenged by a detective, arrested, and marched off with the others.

As far as I could learn last night there was. no sympathy evinced for the prisoners or the Irish People office, but on the contrary, very, considerable satisfaction', that the Government had at length taken action in the! matter. On going to the telegraph-office, to forward a message to the Times office, I found a constable there, not in charge, as erroneously believed, but sent to request the co-operation of the company in putting down the. seditious movement by refusing to forward, intelligence of the arrests to other parts of the country, Cork particularly, where it was anticipated a like swoop was about to be made. The, iwsence of the constable probably deterred any of the fraternity from appearing at either of the two offices in College-groon, This day (Saturday) the excitement in the metropolis was.

very great. inenuniDer or arrests is now ascertained, to, be about 25. All the approaches to the head office, where it was expected the prisoners would be brbught up, were crowded from an early hour by a dense mass of the very lowest class of society here, friends of the arrested or; sympathisers in the movement. A force of mounted police maintained order, and kept the thoroughfare comparatively clear. Other constables on foot endeavoured with some success to keep the crowds moving, but they could not be got to disperse.

A large number of the more decently clad were evidently there from curiosity, but the substratum evinced the strongest sympathy with the prisoners. The movement itself, however, found a great many denouncers. Shortly after six o'clock the Government prison. which had been occupying rather a prominent position at the entrance to Exchange-court, were disgorged of their contents about 25 young men, for the most, part respect-, ably dressed, and several with an unmistakable Yankee cut and swagger in their appearance. Among the new arrests were a tailor named Hopper, who has a respectable-shop in Dame-street, and a man named Rynd, inspector of fire-escapes, who wore the uniform of the Corporation Fire Brigade, in which he bore a good character.

The Evening. Mail gives the following additional particulars "For some time back it has been suspected that the authorities have had their attention directed to the existence in the city of Dublin of a centre of Fenianism, which in itself is understood to be simply an inner circle of the American 'National Brotherhood of St. It is' now known that two of the most active officers of the detective force were employed to discover all that could possibly be learnt on the subject. To this duty those officers (Smullen and Dawson) applied themselves with commendable zeal, and mainly through their exertions a vast amount of important information was collected; The movements of the sus-tected parties were closely watched, their objects arrived at, and their plans partially ascertained. In the progress of their inquiries the police came to the conclusion that the office of the Irish People, the avowed 'Fenian was the locality to which nearly every returned Irish American' proceeded on bis arrival in this country.

The result naturally was that a surveillance was maintained over that establishment. No active steps, however, were taken until yesterday. The person who seemed to have the chief management of the Irish People, Mr. Jeremiah O'Donovan (Rossa), was arrested by the officers while endeavouring to make his escape. This individual is already pretty well known in connection with proceedings under the Treason Felony Act.

At the Sprimg Assizes of 1859 he was arraigned in the county of Cork for being a member of the celebrated 'Phoenix but his trial was not proceeded with, Mr. Whiteside, the then Attorney-General, declining to select a jury from the panel returned by the sheriff. An application to admit him to bail was subsequently unsuccessfully made to the Court of Queen's Bench. He was again put upon his trial at the Summer Assizes but a change of Government having occurred, the Attorney-General, Mr. J.

D. Fitzgerald, entered upon office with a disposition for clemency, andaceordingly Mr. O'Donovan was allowed to submit to the indictment preferred agamsthimon condition of entering into his own recognizances to come up for udgment when called upon, To thismoinent no call has been made upon him in respect of the former charge. During! the night a variety of other arrests were made, among them being a gentleman named O'Leary, the reputed editor of the lrh People, and Mr. George Hopper, of Dame-street, who had an alleged connection with the paper.

So interested were the Government in the prompt execution of then- orders, that Mr. J. L. O'Ferrall, Commissioner of police, and GokmenVood, Inspector-General of Constabulary, personally superintended tho proceedings in Par-hament-street. Colonel lake, C.B., took charge of the pohce arrangements, which were earned out in a most effectual maimer Sir Thomas Larcora, the Under-Secretary of State, did not leave bis office in the Castle until nearly one 0 clock this mommg." The following misonera were brought up before Messrs.

Stronge and M'Dermott, charged upon the information given by the pohce Thomas Clarke Luby, John O'Leary, Jeremiah Donovan (Rossa), George Hopper James O'Connor, Mortimer Meenighan, Michael O'Neal Fonartv William F. Roantree, Pierce Nagle, Maurice J. Marath Shawn 0' Clancy, James Murphy, James Ashe, Cornelius O'Mahoney, James Kenny, William Ryan, James Daniel O'Rorke, James Brennan, Michael O'Neill, Jeremiah ,1 Tnmno mt. soners having answered to their names, Mr. Barry, Q.C.; who was instructed by Mr.

Anderson, Crown Solicitor, applied for a remand, on the ground that it was expectedthat further information would be obtained and more arrests made. No objection having been made, the application was granted, and the prisoners were remanded until this day week. The prisoners were removed in custody, and placed in the prison van, a guard of mounted police- accompanying the vehicle to the prison. The neighbourhood of the police-court was much crowded; but no disorder occurred. Six, additional arrests of have been made in -Dublin since the last.

despatch; No; excitement. The police and military weft under arms in Cork, and were proceeding with arrests-in other parts of the country; The correspondent of the Daily. Telegraph telegraphs on Sunday: A 'meeting of thn-Priw mma-held vesterd'av. and an extraordinary edition of the Dublin- Gazette has' been issued, containing an order, under the PeacePreservation prpclarmmgthe city and county of 'Cork, and interdicting the possession of arms. A Government reward of 200 has been off ered' for the apprehension of James Stephens, a person connected with agents from Dublin 'had arrived in thoUnited States to.

enlist disbanded a ederai soldiers, that some or the latter had that two: cargoes of arms had been shipped for Ii-elahd. This hastened the action of the Government, who at'once determined to destroy the Fenian newspaper, and seize the leaders of the In truth, they appear to be a' sorry-set of leaders. The complement of the statement as to the Washington note is the rather wild assertion that stearders have been chartered on the American and that fewer than 23,000 fighting men are now on the sea, on their: way to free Ireland from the yoke of the Saxon. If there should be the smallest bit of truth in.Uiis absurd story, the Channel fleet will -probably present itself to the warlike voyagers as an unforeseen oulty in the programme. Dtolin, Monday Night.

Two arrests have taken place in Dublin to-day James employed in Brewery-street, rand Edward Byrne, a tailor.1 Cornelius Kane, an attornev's. clerk, has been sent for.trial at the Cork assizes for administering illegal paths. All those arrested at Cork were brought to-day and, remanded. Apphcation will -be to udge. iitzgerald for bail.

The examination: of the Dundalk. prisoners stands oyer' to" see whether an indictment for treason cannot be.pre-ferred. A drill book has been found on the person -who; tore.down the Governmentplacard at Another; has been found on Daniel Connell, at Nenagh. Several men, have, been sent to 'jail at Kingstown and Waterford; for sinirine Fenian sodbs. Two hundred pounds reward, have been offered for the" apprehension of Geary, of Cork.

Warner, a militiaman, is said to he. the Cork informer, The Cork says It has been ascertained beyond that very large- numbers of military now in Gork Barracks are not alone disaffected, but already sworn, members of the. Fenian, circles. It has been thought, ad-; visable by the authorities to draft in artillei'y. from Ballin-collig, ready to control soldiers, if necessary.

No disturb-anees anywhere." -O'Keeffe, the person who wrote a letter about the; Fenians burning Belfast linens in New York, has just: been taken. DrBinr, Tuesday Morning. An -officer of the Confederate army. was. arrested at, Queenstpwn ten o'clock last night, with treasonable documents in his possession.

He is accredited to the; Fenian organisation. A- special correspondent of the Irish Times, in. telegraphs as.follows: 1 1. Conic, Wednesday. 1 parade in the barracks the Sergeant-Mijor of the 99th Regiment was called by the Colonel into the giiard--! room, and shown, a roll-book taken fro'm onaof the: i Fenians, -who was arrested.

with list of naines certified' as having his inspection, Sergeant-Major-! acknowledged-jliis signature, and- was immediately given, into custody. A soldier of same regiment and. a'. civilian have also been Great excitement pre-! vails here. 1 Dtnjliiir, Wednesday.

Irish Times announces the arrest of Mr. who described himself as a citizen of and on interference of the United.States' consul, he was informed! tliat the Government had no intention of 'prosecuting The jEvetimo Mail, says great efforts were made bythe conductors; of the Irish People to draw a line of demarka-: tiqn between legality and illegality. desirous do they, appearto have b.eeri to avoid what the line of danger, that copies of the articles' in manuscript appear to have been 'submitted for legal advice. James Stephens, for whom. a reward of 200 is offered, I was aide-de-camp to Smith O'Brien at Billingarry.

The Times' Dublin correspondent writes on' Tuesday The proceedings of and against the Fenian brotherhood in-this axe still exciting very considerable interestr-are, fact, the all-engrossing topic of conversation but there is a most remarkable absence of-anything like, sympathy with theporspns who have been made amenable to ustice, or who have skedaddled" for the present, from their apprerr hensibn of the intentions of the police, to come back, 'of course, in.tfie future, with a vengeance to all' whom itihay' concern. The conduct, of the authorities has given intense satisfaction to the right-minded. No little credit is due to' the detectives and other police who were intrusted with the tracing of this conspiracy. It is stated that when the examination of witnesses against the prisoners takes place, there will be important revelations in reference to the origin and extent of this conspiracy. It is somewhat remarkable, however, that there has not been any man of mark or note or respectability properly so called brought into connection with it, nor is it believed that the organisation had any such support.

Mr. George a tailor, who has an establishment in Dame-street, and who was- Btated to hove been virtually a proprietor of the: Irish People, has, perhaps, the -nearest pretence to position. The "Men of '48 and -the Roman Catholic clergy have not only avoided, but in no measured terms denounced the body, and, no doubt, prevented very many from joining its ranks. The raid of the constabulary of Cork Fenians in the county does not how appear to have been so extensive as was at first supposed, though it may be more extensive than there isyet.any specifie'informatidn of. The arrests made appear, however, to be- important, The Cork Co-n-stiUUion givesfurther particulars of the proceedings in that city.

With reference to the prisoners the Constitution Mr. Lynch, the first named, is a person of decided disloyalty. Formerly he kept a public-house on the Grand-parade, as may be recollected, was arraigned with a man named Mountaine at' the spring Assizes of 1862 for taking part in the well-known riot that took place here on the 10th of March, 1862. The jury-disagreed, and he and Mountaine were allowed to stand out on their. own recognizances to appear when called on.

Lynch was arrested at his own house in Leiirim-street. Kenealy was taken at the Queen's Old Castle O'Shaughnessy, who is also employed at that was, with Thompson, arrested at. the hou60 of Mr. Geary Dillon, who up to some time since was an attorney's clerk, at -his mother's public-house, DillOn's-cross Adams, at Messrs. Beamish and Crawford's Brewery, and Murphy at his own" house.

Mr. Adams is an elderly man, a Protestant, and the ather of a large family. The plan for their arrest was skilfully conceived and successfully earned out. In each case admission was easily procured by the constable who held the warrant of arrest, and no attempt at physical resistance was offered. Some of the parties were sound asleep when made prisoners.

The others were awoke bythe loud knocking at their doors. Escape was in every instance rendered impossible by the constabulary being drawn up at each means of exit from the houses With the exception of Lynch' bed-room, there were no arms found in the rooms of any of the Fenians in his was got a sword, with what appeared to be plans of military engineering, a dagger, brace of pistols, aiid a rich green imiform, with cross-belts, together with a register of the Brotherhood in this oity and district. This last mentioned was a most important seizure. It contains the names of about 3,000 Fenians, and without the slightest difficulty the -police can now, if necessary, secure every one of them before 24 houra elapse. In Kennedy' is "box a large number of letters bearing on the subject of Fenianism were found.

After their arrests the parties were marched to the Bridewell, where two resident magistrates (Messrs. Cronin and M'Leod, Queen's County) were. Here the informations against them, which are said to be of a most conclusive character, were read over, and the -prisoners were ordered to be committed to the city gaol, whither they, were escorted by the police. They arrived there about Bix o'clock, and it is believed will remain there until next nssizes, when they will be brought up to stand their trial." Coek, Thursday. Drum-Major Butler, 2nd Queen's Own, has been arrested for complicity with the Fenians.

The Cork Examiner says it is expected that further arrests will be made among the, troops quartered at Cork. Dub mn, Thursday. The Evening Mail says We are in a position to state that no examination of the cases against the prisoners arrested in Dublin or Kingstown will-be-proceeded with on Saturday next. -The evidence, both oral and documentary, is of such an extensive and voluminous character, that, it has been found impossible to so order it that it may be at that time brought before a legal tribunal. The oity THE CHILDREN'S EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION.

On Tuesday morning was issued a large blue book of 247 pages, containing the fourth report, with evidence, of the Children's Employment Commission, Mr. H. S. Tremenheere and Mr. E.

C. Tufnell. Mr. R. D.

Grainger was' engaged on the commission till near its close, when hiB death.unfortunately took place. The first part of the report deals with the metal manufactures of'the Sheffield district. In the opinion of the all the circumstances which point to the necessity for protective legislation onbehalf of the young in the miECellaneouB metal, trades of the Birmingham and Wolverhampton'district, as detailed in thethirdrepprfc, exist in the in some respects even in a greater degree in the Sheffield district, and the recommendations of the third report are hot less applicable. The-report proceeds to give some extracts of a distressing character, showing the high rate of mortality amongst grinders. This great arid reckless destruction of human fife in this occupation, it seenis, can he prevented by the use of the fan, and they recommend that this, which is a simple and inexpensive remedy, should be made compulsory.

The sanitary regulations of the Factories Acts and the provisions for the fencing of machinery, the provisions as to the hours of labour arid education, should, they urge, bo extended to the Sheffield district." Some of the details of the excessive work performed by boys from nine to twelveare appalling. Nevertheless overtime is really not profitable to the employer. Boys riot be allowed to begin as grinders till the age of eleven. Other parts 'of the report deal with foundries and machine shops, Leeds and other towns of the West Riding; iron shipbuilduig yards, engineers' works, and, letter foundries in London; the' copper works in South' Wales the tobacco' manufactures the manufacture of bobbins and spindles, indiarubber works, artificial flower making, to all of which occupations it is recommended that the provisions of the Factories Acts Extension Act should be extended. Among the principal effects of this would be the abolition of night-work for the young, and the securing of the system of hours of work and education by all under thirteen.

Then follows a report on boot makers, tailors, hatters," glovers, in 'which occupations it is computed, that 70,000 males eighteen are engaged in England and, Wales. Chapters on the paper manufacture and the glass manufacture bring the report to a close. In all those industrial works it is urged that the greatest benefit would be derived from the application of the general principles qf the Act referred to, though modifications which tlie commissioners specify are sometimes necessary to fneet the peculiar conditions of the manufacture. As to glass it is recommended that no female be employed in any process of manufacture in a glass house, and that all boys be excluded until they are twelve years old. In the course of the present autumn an inquiry into brick-making and into the system of "agricultural gangs will be concluded.

According to the. Commissioners the same necessity exists at Sheffield for protecting the young as they have already shown to exist in other districts. But there are peculiarities, connected with Sheffield which seem to the Convmissioners, to require special elucidation. For some twehty-hye years the conditions under which the grmding trade has been carried on have, from time to time, attracted attention. Grmding, it seems, is one of the most destructive occupations, when carried on without due precautions, and in an unhealthy atmosphere.

On the other the fatal effects- may easily be prevented. The facts connected with this occupation are both painful and interesting. In 1860, Dr. Greenhow, confirming the evidence which had been obtained by Mr. Symons many years before, showed That the very high, rate of mortality amongst the grinders Brill might be stated to amount to an annual average rate of 13 per 1,000, a rate which nearly corresponds, with that among the men of the lead mining districts, is considerably higher than that of the men of the principal manufacturing towris, and is more than double, the rate which has prevailed in any one of the three extensive rural areas in different parts of the kingdom, which may be used as standard or normal rates.

Again, Among the razor grinders at. that time (20 years previously) 749 out of 1,000 died under 40 years of age, whereas in the town generally only 352 died in 1,000 less, than one-half. The very phrases corninonly used by grinders are expressive, and point to familiar evils. Fork grinders "go. off like dyke water, so quick," if they begin young.

File grinders go off like nothing. They seem to rot off at '34 or 35, and some at 23 or 24, according to their constitution." A scissor grinder at 18 thought "he should go off." A file grinder gets up in the morning "coughing and barking." A fork, grinder, aged 26, reckoned that in about two more years, at his own' trade, he might begin to think about dropping off his perch." The chief cause of this terrible mortality is the liability to inhale fine dust during the process of grinding, and this, Dr. Greenhow says, is the most efficient cause of pulmonary disease among the operatives of Sheffield." The mode in which this result is produced is thus described In dry grinding verv often before the age of twenty, evidence is afiorded: of the existence of grinders disease. The breathing is difficult, particularly when ascending a hill, or the steps leading to the hulls in which they work, and the shoulders even at this early age are often elevated in order to relieve the distress occasioned by shortness of breath. The cause of this disease is, first, the irritation produced by the metallic and gritty particles inhaled in grinding, in "hanging," and in "racing' the grmding stone and, next, the constrained position in which the men labour.

To this must be added the working for many hours in a badly ventilated room, and the very unpleasant smell produced'by the. friction of the steel on the grinding stone. This work is very laborious, the men perspire freely, and in this condition they will often leave the hull without putting their clothes on, and recklessly lounge about in the yard even in weather as bitterly cold as we have hud it this winter. Inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy, rheumatic fever, arid disease of the heart, are consequently not unfrequent amongst them. The King of Itaiy.and the Eeiests.

"A letter," says the Siicle, signed by eight cardinals, archbishops, and bishops, including those of Naples, Beuesinto, Aquila, Sorrento, Reggio, has been addressed to King Victor Emmanuel." The letter is along one and full of quotations. It contains the following, strong passages "We pray that tho divine justice may be assuaged, and. say, as in the time of David, to the destroying angel: svjjicit, mine contine manum tuam enough, now hold your hand. But should our prayers fail to disarm the wrath of. God, kindled by such sins and scandals, if the fatal evil' should enter our dioceses also, we solemnly assure your Majesty that we are resolved to confront allkinds of perils and face all difficulties in support of our diocesans." "If your Majesty and your.

Government disregard our just -rights and do not revoke the orders which keep us away from our dioceses, we protest in the face of God and man that heavy responsibility will devolve upon your Majesty and tho.

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