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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 2

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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Page Two NAUGATUCJC DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, BEACON FALLS Ckirrcxpomlent'N 1'liono United Church Ladies' Aid To Hold Roast July 17 The ladles' Aid'' of the Vnttod cliui-ch will hnvc Us annual ronst Thursdny, July 17, at the church, stnrtinK at 0:30 p. m. Members and their husbands are invited JJnrlford, July employers in Connecticut will be required to do their of mule lubor tlu'ouph the United States Employment Service or channels that may approve, William J. FitzRcrukl, stato director of the Wivr Manpower Commission announced today. This restriction, ho explained, results from tho setting up of nation-wide system of priority ret'ernUs to plvo war Indus-, trios the labor they ncod.

It is at'- Tho rcKtilm- mcctlns will follow rcctivc as ot uly i sl the roast, Throughout the country, Mr. All those who intend to bo pros-1 Fitzgerald snid, the WMC has uscn: at tho roust aro asked to in touch with. Mrs, Kiilph Tucker as soon possible. to attend. Male Labor In Connecticut Is Definitely Frozen Ducking-, Hunting- Nazi Snipers At Cundlewooil First Selectman Ralph Upright and son James Jiro "t- Suncllewood lake for ii few 'days.

-in Mr. nnd Mrs. Snmurl Wctmorc, 'of Division street, ure visltinj; friends In Buffalo, N. Y. the responsibility oC to It thiit no man on a new job without llrst obtaining re- J'ui-rnl from the USES.

Throujfh its Hold the commiBsion I will nlso undertake inimodiiitoly the intensive recruiting or men for fhilllMtriu.s tluit are faced critical labor.shortages. with Eukene Itnpernto acccptcc the poslMnn of suili-s-nmnnKcr the Connt'Cticut-Khodu Isliuul clU- trlct of Inrfrc New York firm. day HIMIIC For HulUliiy James Jiollo spent the holi- with his father, Albert Zullo Manic avenue. Quirt Fuurtli The quiet holiday in jSeneon Frills. No rirecrncltera were discharged.

Showery dtimp- enyd few who wen; out picnicking. Stores were closed und nn atmosphere of Sunday filled the town. Beacon Falls Is Included in the for servicemen's addresses that News has issued. Residents of Bciieon Falls are asked to lurn Address in by mail or In person by Siuturday, July S. Officials Advise "Back To School" For Young Workers In first seven months of 10-12, S.

pilots flew more hours by -IS cent than were ftown In the wtire decade extending, from 1930 to 10-10. Electrical Supplies Lighting Equipment KOMI! 'KM WITH llOMIUS Victor Columbia IK-ucti Krcorcln SWAN ELECTRIC CO. 15 CIIUKCII ST. "Plan to return to school in fall" Is the advice from the State Department of Education and the Connecticut War Council to thousands of Connecticut high school boys and pirls who arc now work- inji in summer jobs. Paul D.

Collier, director of the Bureau of Youth Services of the State Board of Education, and Mrs. Edith Valet Cook, chairman of the War Council's Committee on Children and Youth ill Wartime, joined in the statement today. Expressing concern lest these boys and girls be tempted by wartime wages to drop their schooling entirely. Mr. Collier and Mrs.

Cook urged that they start their summer jobs with the intention of goinfr back to in September. "The most important service you can render your country is to llnish your high school education," their message Many young people arc patriotically t'oregoincr their vacations io help alleviate tho labor shortage on farms, in war plants and in essential civilian industry, they paint out. Many Lives Lost Chicago, July The na- tion'today'-counts at least 333 per-, SOIIHdeufl the qf ions; 'Fourth July, One-hundred and persons killed 'lii-traffic accidents, 94 were drowned, and other CUUBCH. The i wreck of rail- road's'Streamliner, the Chief, resulted in-four of.the Jn addition, more than 50 persona were i'i W11-. i ycaterday.

the may caused-when a section- of the. roadbed gave as the fast strain rounded AmongA -killed when. -ahd a cars left the tracks was J. S. McLcod of COTTON HOLLOW S'A'tS Several local Scouts Are At Mt.

Tobe Camp 'Four 'of' Troop 14, BSA, of Cotton Hallow spending; of! the summer, at ML. Tobe Boy: Scout, camp, Ccoi-prc Muffet, Colluccl, and Casimir Ma.ynow.slti will be at tho camp for two weeks. Raymond" Ju'sinski-. remain there eight, weeks. Jn Vermont Helen Gimlik.

i's spending a va- i'catlon, in Vermont. 1 At. Shore CnltaKK Howard Necdhnm, and hi-5 chil- Explosion At Bedford, N. Is Investigated Bedford, July Officials aro l.lic possibility thai an set the mysterious dynamite depot oxplo in A kerosene pair of over were discovered near the gap Inif remnant cement and stool plant whicl house 1,500 pound.s of dynamite 70 miles distant In Worcester, Ciivsed nn csti- matud SIOO.OOO dam aye" and injured at least: persons. FBI agents have withdrawn from of: the explosion which occurred on the- eve of the Fourth of July.

They discounted sabotage as no govnrn- menl contracts were, involved. The explosives wore for farmers' use. A second powder a quarter dim exchanges for The civilian rate "over the holiday week-end -averaged 83 persons a higher than the daily death rate of 60 among the itiiUiStales fighting'for New of tflc a st Haven sliorc for scv- drcn. nr'e at the. Nccdlmm cottage i a from the depot, is intact (By United Press) lawmakers have been returned to their seats in congress.

Jn yesterday's Democratic primary in Senator Walter George to tlie: United States senate. In Mis- effort to him liis imsitinn. Jtiiillophto, isissippi, John Ran- defrnsi' tactics in Xoriniitiily consisttMl in Kroiit part of An Anu'riciin snldirr runs on tin: double ((op) for the safety of a lurdfri- on the outskirts of Clirrliuurj; as I he miiiiioiis pinir of. hidden biitllet sounds clux: to his ear. Other Viuilcs (liuttuin) stiiy flat trying In rout out Ocriuan sniper liulcd soniewhen; in Ihclr vicinity.

One his helmet to draw tho enemy's fire in. nil And Representative Rankin Renominated J'lniiilinir X. Y. C. Mr.

and Mrs. Dnvid Roche will tomorrow f.or iv weekend in New York. evidence of Cashes has been uncovered. Officials said that the fact explosives stored hero were capped probably saved this plant. (International Medal Awarded To Torrington Man With the Fifth Armv in Italy, tocal Marine May On Saipan I.

With the Fourlh Marine divl- VICIOUS! ISOOUY TKAP Saipan Island. July. Japs who retreated from the town of Garapan en Snip'an left behjnd a particularly vicious booby trap. It was gasoline-filled beer byttle whoso cork treated with phosphorous. The bottle was designed to exj'lofic in the face of who pulled i ho July delayed dispatch sion officially reported to be'par- says that Staff Sergeant Di T-oo ol" Torrington, has boon awarded tho Silver Siar modal for gallantry in action in crossing tho Rapido river in Italy.

Di Loo lod a volunteer roconnais- anoc patrol across the river and into heavily-armed enemy, territory while under intensive artillery flro. Tie safely returned to his unit, bringing vital information for a subsequent allied assault on several woll-fortitlod emplacements. taking in tho fighting on Saipan island in Ihe Pacific, it is believed thnt Pfc. George Baylls. son of Mr.

find -Mrs. Sidney JVorLh Koadloy street, may bo participating in the bloody battle against thu Japanese. His parents! have not-received ar.y.mail for several woolts, a leading lo the belief he is. In battle. Pfc.

Baylis also took part in battles for Eniw'otek and Now" Georgia. The locaJ Marine has boon In the Corps for over two years. kin-was ronominatcd for-, his 12th both states, Democratic nom- cqun.1 to election: 'Main Interest in the two Dcmo- f.ratJc primaries is centered in Georgia. There the -state's white primary-is expected, to face.a court tost, Under- plans made, before' election-time, Democratic primary! olll- clals refused to permit Negroes 1 to Atlanta, Augusta, Colum- and other cities, several Nc- ot tho voting booths 'nnd then'quietly withdrew as they were refused ballots. now-will take their case to CeTcbnil.o JOth Anniversary Joseph.

Snrgcan! was a. surprise visitor iix Cotton Hollow Monday Tuesday, July -I, marked.the 'completion, ton years, of- marriage for Mr. and Mrs. Sargcanl. Mr.

Sargfaiif is filling the duties of swimming instructor at the Boy Scout crimp at Tobe. Entertain Visitors jilr. and Mrs. Harry Winnie entertained Mr. and Mrs.

Franklin Winnie and their two children of Hartford over tho holiday. American War Casualties Higher Than In Last War World War A Year Jiily.5,1943- I (By United A naval battle between-them Navy and the Japanese icporlcd being waged in between. New Gcorp-lj; tfojombringjtm warships nheil Kolombnngara, and Now Georgia, night of 'July- 4 special communique, reports a -full-scale enemy with tanks and planes along i mile front from. Orel Kursk 1.0 Belgorod; report German tonka- and 203 knocked out of action, British vroops out jirlsa land raid on Crete July -i, wrccJu'njj pianos. Ccn.

SiltorakI, premier ot Polish government in killed in a plane throurt Many New Names Listed In "Who's i Who In America" GIXJOMY SPEECH OUR STORES ARE Funerals Of Katherlnc Daly ALL THIS WEEK FOR VACATIONS Open Tuesday, July llth Also We Will Close Mondays During July and August FURNITURE STORES 1 Tho funeral of Miss Kathorinc Daly of Oak -street, who died Sunday at hoi- home will be hold I Thursday at ni. from the JfcCarthy homo, 21 Cedar struct, to St. Francis 0 Interment will bo in St. James Friendst at the-funeral hornu today from 3 to p. m.

Tenant's Claim Upheld By State Supreme Court 7-ondon, July Adolf Hitler has warned liis people that Germany is fife'hlinjr for its vei-y existence. He thai the Allies havo the Reich in war production. Jn the grimmest speech of his Hitler toJd war production lenders that a Kre-it effort will be required Washington. July 5 American casualties in this 'war now higher than those of World War One. Jn the present 31 months of.

global fighting have produced 000 casualties, as compared to some during 19 months of the First Worid War. A of these figures shows that some 00.000 men have been killed in this war. About 03,000 were killed in World War One. Those wounded during the pres- otn war total nearly 308,000, ns compared to about 201,000 during the first World War. Some 55,000 are listed as missing and as prisoners of war in the survive.

London observers re- present conflict. In the last war, R-ni-dod his speech as the gloomiest only men were taken prison- he over made. I cr. Chicago, July edition of -Who's Who in'AM. reflects ihc rapid cxpanjios of the Armed Forces.

High ranking Army ahd S'svj- dominate a sroup persons listed for Lieut. Marion Hargrove, who wrote the best seller "See Here, Private Hargrove," also is include in the book's 26th edition, Thr distinction of having, tin longest biographical sketch, ihii yoai' froes to Thomas Walton, president of the Intcrnatioml Business Machines Corpomtfon. biography is J4S more that of Nicholas raj' Butler, president of Columsit university. For years, the space devoted to Dr. Butler exceeded thti of any other person listed.

H. Richards, inventor and mTTiallurjJist, who will be 1W years old next month, is the olds; person listed. More than 90 per cent of world's molybdenum is product in the U. S. His patriotism is written In Of Mrs.

Margaret Scarce Tho funeral of Margaract fLritke) 20, wife of. Arthur -0 Melbourne court, who died Saturday' the Wulcrbury hospital, wns hold this afternoon at 2 o'clock at lninn.uii.icl thoran church. Rnv. Robert A. r-foydenroich, the First Lutheran church, Watcrbury, offi- JJurlal was In Grovu comctery, FnilL-ral (if Mrs.

Hotchklss T-Tarfford, July State Supreme court has upheld the right of a tenant to recover damages for rental overcharges which violate tho federal price control act. In Common Picas Theodore Lupinskl of Watcrbury, sued his Copacino he $3 too much rent for seven months. He asked for triple damages. The court awarded Lapinski damages of S300 and counsel fees. The Supreme court upheld (ho judgment, declaring the stale courts had jurisdiction in the federal mutter and that tlioy were instruments in interpreting the public policy of the nation.

Public in custody of the U. S. kind office amounts to acres. I Funcrai sorvicos Cor- Mi-s, i (Schollelrl) Hritchklss, K(i, of 2-1 Wood struct, who. died Friday At her home, were hold Monday at 2:30 p.

m. al. the Alderson funeral homo, 201 Monclow street, -with Rev. Arthur- F. rector of St.

Michael's Episcopal church, olll- Eoarcrs who were meinbers of Beacon Valley, wore as follows: WaltiM- William Brush. Robert Fcwlcr Fruss'ett. Cash Waiting: FOR YOUR USED MACHINERY Tahle -Saws, Jointers, Hand Saws, Metal T.athcs, Motors, anil Appliances Phone 3-5030 WATERUURY Ask ANDREWS Treasures of Beauty'. DIAMONDS GENUINE "Orongo Blossom" Engagement and Wedding Rings Exclusive In Watcrbury "--AT-''' PIERPONT'S IlrKlnli-ri-il AiiH'rlcnii tfrtclvijr KT 1 175-185 CHURCH ST. NAUOATUCK 1760 WATERTOWN AVE.

(OAKVILLE) NEW CLASSES Wednesday, jj, Summer School, Still time to enroll, IOR COJ.T.EGE OF 3M "Clyne's'of Course" That's right. Clyne's is the place 10 'p'o foi-' hnndsomc gifts, gifts that Arc'treasured. CLYNE GLASS SHOP 2il Harrison Avc. Buckmiller Funeral Home 22rPARKPLACE Telephone 4334 stepping stones to victory JLarc red with blood of American heroes. Tarawa Salerno Cas'sino.

Their patriotism is written in blood. Your patriotism is written on every Bond you'buy in this vital 5th War Loan; Your name on a Wsr Bond means you're behind our invasion troops. Help hasten the clay of Victory by investing in is written on every Bond you buy WAR LOAN Invest in more than you 'vc ever. pu rchascd before. Invest SlOO, S200, S300.

Those who can, must invest thousandf of dollars. For this is the bijrpcst job we've ever had to do. 'can't fail our fighting men as they plunge into the bipgcsc and bloodiest struggle of all. WELCOME THE VICTORY VOLUNTEERS thiycolllohllyou oboulWorlonds WAR LOAN THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY NAUGATUCK'S CERTIFIED DRUG STORES: Donovan's on DON'T FOKGET-THE STH WAR LOAN DRIVE! HIGHLAND AVE. BOCCO RADO, Prop.

217 Church Street Tel. 4125 R. Adams 2 Church Street 2680 Olson Drug Store 174 Church Street Tel. 3341 Naugatuck Drug Go. 1 No.

Main St. Tel. 4288 Parks Drag 67 Rubber AyenUc Tel. 2854 i Edward Sodlos 411 North Main Tel 4921.

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