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The Leeds Mercury from Leeds, West Yorkshire, England • 1

The Leeds Mercuryi
Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOL. llo-No. 12,673. Published GSeelBterefl at mo General ost Offioa As a ilowspaper.) TH.TJ&SDA 1,. 1-87-8.

PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Mr. MOSELY, M.CJ D.E.,3, East-pabajob, Lbbds, -will banlod to forwarrl, gratiSji-his NEW PAMPHLliT, which explains hu patented syttom 3 adapting Artilieial Teeth withont pain, Oonsnltatidna free, D64S7 Pre-bato, 213, 7d. pee Wbhk. ALL INTENDING PURCHASERS OUGHT to Make a Journey to HALIFAX, where at present may he seen THE Finest Collection of PIANOFORTES ever EXHIBITED IN (-.

ESSRS. POHLMANN AND SON'S ROYAL MUSIJ SALOONS, PRINCES S-3T REET, HALIFAX. THE STOCK COMPRISES MORE THAN Eighty pianos, and tncln'tes the THttlSE FINEST TTPBIGHT I PIANOFORTES In Europe, and the Finest HORIZONTAL GRAND, Drawing-room Size. ESSRS. POHLMANN AND are introducing SPECIAL AliTlSTIO DESIGNS iu their Oversfcrung and Mendelstohn TPRIGHT IRON GRANDS, of which Oljuses IHE? ABB THE OWj KAKEBU iu Great Britain.

rSON ESSRS. PO HLIvi ANN have Selected Pianofortes by Di-ciBvyar ana hub, Wagner, COLLAttD and COLLARD, J. BROADWOOD and SONS, and many other gOod.Obhtinantal and London Makers, and iltfTCpiARSPEOTION yand6oMPARISON ia QUALITY, PRIOES, and VARIETY With the Stocks of other Makers or Dealers, Liberal Discounts for Cash. Special U'erms for the AND PURCHASE IRE SYSTEM AMERICAN ORGANS in Great Variety. Pohlmann and Son are tho Solo Agents for the RZOG SHORT GRAND, length six feet, OVEKSTBTJSG, WITH PATENT AOTIOH ana iron r-rsme.

Tho Bast Grand of the Size, irrespective of Price, offered at SEVENTY-FIVE GUINEAS, PO A Nn" AND O-N are the Makers of BEST COTTAGE PIANOFORTE at 33, which ia without exception the best 03 a MnsicallnBtrument ever offered by any Maker. THE TONIi IB RXOH and FULL. THE TOUCH PERFECT, and DURABILITY UNSURPASSED. "PRIZE MEDAL 'PIANOFORTE and STEAM J5- WORKS, HALL-STREET, Showrooms PRINCESS-STEMEr, HALIFAX. 23019 ESSRS.

HOPKINSON LET OUT all descriptions of ftnrl uiWMnHrmrc On the THREE YEARS 8YSTEM OF HIRE and PURCHASE. Terms most moderate, nil particulars, list of prices, and drawings, post-free. Wabeeooms-5 and 0, OOMMEROIAL-STREET, LEEDS. izuf LAYING CARDS, New Patterns, One Shilling per Pack. OHARLE3 GOODALL, 62, Boar-laue, Leeds.

'EST RIDING MUSIC WAREHOUSE. 15, Bond-street (onnosifce PhiloRnnhiftai r-fn'riv Aa OA KS Yth of PlaNOFORDBi and HARMONIUMS to be sold at an Immense Sacrifice. All wsrranted' UTLER'S BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. Cornets, Saxhorns, Drums, Flutes, Fifes, Clarionets, are in usb in all parts of the kingdom and colonies, giving universal satisfaction. Manufactory 29, Haynmrket, London.

with orawmtB, post-free. 22002 BUTLER'SMUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS. Violins, harmoniums, concertinas, flutes, flageolets, guitars, banjoes, accordions, nutinos, zithers, and musical instruments of every description. Largest assortment in the kingdom at Butlar'B Manufactory, 29, Haynmrket, London. Illustrated catalogues of 40 pages free by post.

22093 APPy THOUGHT." Address a Post-card to B-Jl R. Scott, Goldsmith, Leeds, for lus Free Catalogue, and WATOl.t. oloCK, JEWELLERY. SILVEtt PLATE, OOTLERY. SPECTACLES, MAGIOLANTERN.

from his Establishment. Club Agents wanted. A 22921 ESTABLISHED 1795. FT1RY PROCKTER'S TOBACCOS, CIGARS, JL LlKEBIOE NAITj ROD, Comer of LOWERHEAD-ROW, and SO, VICAR-LANE, LEEDS 49760 iipes! prpE'sir. MPes ptftot and iArjriv Ronns Speoial Cheap lines in all classes, wholesale only.

Applyto GOLDBERG and SON. 30, Liverpool. Estb. 185(1 19395 OBACOONISTS' FANCY GOODS. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS.

Alt the LATEST NOVELTIES at B. WADE'S, 0, ALBION-STREET, LEEDS. ILLS" "HONEY consenuence of the diafctirbed BtatA nf fhft rat-nfl Tnh tiuvuut, in nib uur.y, vy. u. anu n.

v. wxijua nave introduced Honey Cut," a Shag Tobacco, in ounce packets at fourpence, and half-ounce packets at twopence, which they recommend as the bes possible value at the price. Jiay oa nag or on mo principal Tobacconists. 151 ATER BEDS. These great comforts to Invalids mav be had ON TTT'RFy 'Prtrnaa Wf TO- Fiom HARVEY, REYNOLDS, and Chemists, Leeds.

23091 R. NICHOLS' FOOD oJ HEALTH. 83. per Pound Packet. jqiOOD of HEALTH Sold by Chemists and Groosra everywhere.

It makes most nutritious porridge, blanc mange, puddings, jood oTa From the Treasnrer of the Vegetarian Society, Newlands-hill, House, Dunfermline, May 3rd, 1877 Dear Sir, Having frequently used Dr. Nichols' Food of Health, I and it asresable to the taste, thoroughly wholesome, and nutritious its general use, I -Am satisfied, would save many a one their visits to the drug shop. 1 am, dear Sir, yours truly, jonrt davie. SANITARY SOAP. The Purest Made.

One trial will ensure constant use. Sold by Chemists, Grocers, Perfumers; 19500 TOWLE'S E. Price Is. 2s. and 4s.


Boxes, or Loose, of Cliemiats, 22076 LA1R'S GOUT Great Remedy for No restraint of diet required during their use. Sold by all Chemists, at Is. ld, and 2s. Oi. per box.

19001 IOWLE PENNYROYAL AND STEEL PILLS FOR FEMALES rmielclv enrrflftt. nil lref.1,lnt.a3 the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes le. lUd. and 2s.

of all Chemists. Sent anywhere upon receipt of stamps, by the Maker, E.T. Towle, Chemist, Nottingham. E851TO OLD DR. JACOB TOWN SEN DTS'' SARSAPARELLA-THE BLOOD extraordinary Medicine has a singular influence upon the blood, which it enriches and purities.

It removes all pimples and blotches, purifies the system, and acts, like a charm, Asa sustaining, and purifying tonio it is invaluable, and highly recommended ia long-standing oases of indigestion, nervousness, coughs, colds, scrofula, gout, droosv and wasting of lleBh. Sold by aU druggists. Caution. Get the red ond blue wrapper, with the Doctor's Head in the centre. No other genuine.

In bottles, 2s. Sd 4s. 7s. lis. 1750u FERGUSON'S Compound GLYCERINE BALM.

for W'PJt Complexion and keeping the Hands Soft and White. An inlaUible cure for Chaps and Ronsh-nessoftheSkin. Price ls or three in one 2s. 6d. SoldbyaUOhlsmistJ A 24707 0 CKLE' ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, INDIGESTION, BILIOU3 and LIVER COMPLAINTS.

0 OOKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS in nso by all classes, SEVENTY EIGHT YEARS. In boxes la. 2s. 0d 4s. and lis.

PILLS, OOKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. VrAftMm 18, NEW ORMOND STREET, LONDON. A804 BEAFNESa persons should try a bottle of Alfred OMmpton's Speciflo. Nine eases out of ton. cures.

Bottles TMo. to with directions. Sold b7all ohemi.t? A 19873 a REOKITT'S POWDKR BLUE, and aeft thai: no.n T-TT' splendid quality has caused a host of inferior imitations. rtememoer also jtce.UKlTT'S STAKOK. awarded HIGHEST MEDALS given to any British EibiWtot.

the throe 20555 TNEIGESTION, and aU Complaints of the JL Stomach and Liver, are immediately relieved, and in a verv short time comDletely onred, by Alfred Orompton's pills. Surpriliui cures are eifected bv So h. all hii iVTir J'SS'Jv 0d. eaoii, with full directions for taking. A 19872 FREDk.

JACKSON PAINTERS, LEEDS' Papeb angees and Gewebad Decobators. CGtnew PILLS. want of vigour and vitality, try a course of Cobdkn's QniWraa ahS Phosphobot Pills. They thoroughly recruit the general bodiS health, and restore the nervous system to a proper conmcion. no matter from what cause -impaired.

2e. 9d. an 4s. 8 "UtSrS fcueeez Drug Company, I3o, Queen's-road, Brighton. So in Leeds EJ hermst, 21, and wholesale onfrbs Goodall.

Backhouse, and Co. 20505c QIR JAMES MURRAY'S ORIGINAL "FLUID MAGNESIA, the Purest, Best, and Cheapest PparafaonVhaY been prescribed for sixty years as the test remedy for AOrivf'PV-INDIGESTION, HEADAUHB, GRAVEL nf GoW; rnd.ed with his Leuion Syrnp, forms a pleasant effervescing Aperient, n3pa-eially for Ladies and Children. Sold by all Chemists, in BOTWSK DOUBLE THJB USUAL aVoa.V ar3 a tS SrL eimT 13227 WELL WORTHT OF sure cure J. ingestion, wind, costive, ness. 6c is Dr.

Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills. As a family aperient medicme thes are unequauad, being uniform in their actioi and always to he dependod upon. Mild their operation, r.hey create ffite' hWnr' ad "nshen tho whole nervoul ihXSSL W- JA, Vere-street, London, and 7 i.wo?S?r1l Bieen package. Price Is. USd.

and By 'Posts, 22s. pes Ham Yeab. If Dbhvbrhd by a New3man, to A. 1 EEDS and DISTRICT BAND of HOPE mf SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS, Subject, "The present Duty 01 babbath School Teachers in relation to the Liquor Traffic." The President (John Iredale. Esq.) in the ohair.

t.i, invited. of admission fiee. at Yonng Men's Christian Association. JOSEPH WAUtEE, Hon. Secretary.

EEDS BRANCH OP THE CHUBOH J. TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. Off EOT-B. MAGUIEE, D.D.. will deliver a Temperance Address Bt toe (torch Institute, on Saturday, November 23rd, 1878.

Doom SHffi at 30. The ohair will be taken at p.m.. by the Rev. JOHN Admission free; reserved Beats, fld. each.

Tiofeetsat CTOoh'In8titute. 23001 EEDS DISCHARGED PRISONERS' AID Ju4 SOCIETY. LAWRENCE GANE, will Lecture on in tho Albert on Thursday, November Mat. The Chair -will bo taken by TXNDAL ATKINSON, Beijaant-at-Law, at 8 p.m. Admission fid.

Reserved Seat Is. Iicketa at Mechanics' Hall, Church Institute, and Young Men's Christian Association; also at E. Jaokeon's and O. Goodall's. Doors open at 30.

0 23011 EEDS SCHOOL of ART. Leeds Mechanics' JLJ Institution and Literary Society. ANNUAL EXHIBITION of BTUDENrS' DRAWINGS. This Day, from" 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Admission Free. W. J. NE1LO, 1 Trn'Rn E. W.

OHATWIN. Hon. Sees. 23012 MECHANICS' INSTITUlTON AND JLj LITERARY SOCIETY. The ANNUAL MEETING for the DISTRIBUTION of PRIZES to the successful Students the-, Sohools of Science and Art mil be bejd on Saturday, November 23rd, at 8 p.m.

The Worshipful the MAYOR in the Ohair. W. J. JSEILD, 1 Hon. E.

W. QHATWIN, i Seca. G. 22713 in RAND PICTORIAL and LITERARY ENTER. AINMENT, in aid of the Building Fund of New Presbyteriau Church, Oavendith-road, Leeds, in.

the Philosophical Hall, Park-row, Dn Thursday Evening. Nov. 21st, atei'-'ht o'clock p.m. Mr, R. SOOTT (Goldsmith.

Briggate) will give "An Hour with Milton's Paradise Lost," and other selections, illustrated by brilliant Dioramic representations of twenty of Dore's and eighteen of Martin's renowned Pictures. Rev. D. Sillars will preside. Tickets, Is.

each, to be had of Mr. Scott and Mr. A. Wesson, Briggate, Leeds. The following (Friday) Evening, Mr.

R. SOOTT wiU give similar Entertainment in same place, "HOPS ABOUT ITALY," with Mark Twain's humorous notes also JANE CONQUEST," as tiven for a whole season at the London Polytechnic, in alt ibont 80 splendid Dioramio Views. Tickets sold for Thursday will be available for Friday. 22097 TOWN HALL, SATURDAY NEST, NOVEMBER 23BD. COLDSTREAM GUARDS' BAND, With all thaPrinoipal Soloists.

Conductor, FRED GODFREY, Esq. At the EVENING CONCERT the COLDSTREAM BAND will May "A Sleigh Bide in America," "The Austrian Hymn," Reminiscences of England," Gavotte Mignon Selections from MLes Cloches de Oomoville," "Guillaume Tell," and "DTrovatore; Fantasia Suisse. Euphonium Solo, Mr. Bourne Piccolo Solo.iMr. Nice.

Mr.WILFORD MORGAN will sing "Heartsease," "TheThorn," Come into the Garden, Maud," and "The Bay of Biscay," with Band Accompaniments. Gallery, reserved and numbered, 2s. all the Ground Floor. Is. and Tickets at Hopkinson's, Commercial-street.

One Shilling tickets at Mrs. Sykes's and Town Hall. Ticket-holders admitted at iS. Doom open at commence at 7.30, i- There will also bo A SPECIAL GRAND AFTERNOON CONCERT, Whoa the COLDSTREAM BAND and Mr. WILFOBD MORGAN willaopear.

Doors open at 2.30. BS28S4 0)LD8TRE'AM GUARDS' "CONCERTS. The Victoria HnU is now entirely free from draughts, and will he thoroughly warmed afternoon and evening, 23rd November. 23000 (PIKAND MILITARY. CONCERT, HjT In the VICTORIA HALL, LEEDS, On Tuesday, the 26th November, 1878.

Ticketa Gd. May he had of the oUowingmusiosellers Mr. Archibald Eamsden, Park-row; Mrs. Sybes, Albion-street Mr. Samuel Thomas, Oxford-llace; Mr.

Mann, Now and at the Yorkshire Training Sollega of Music. D-230S9 A DAMS' GRAND OIKCUS, CO OKRID GE-STREET. LEED3. NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Day Performance, Saturdays only, at 2.30.

Every evening, doors open ut7; commence at 7.30 Carriages, 10.10 Admission 2s 6d. Acting Manager Mr. H. MORTIMiiR. 21421 RAND A NEW BRIGGATE, LEEDS.

Sole Lessee an4 Manager Mr. WrxtiOH Babrett. This Magnificent Building, admitted by all who have seen It to ba ttio Finest Theatre in Great Britain, from designs by George. Corson, and J. R.

Watson, TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY), 2nth, Lytton's Comedy, "MONEY." Tho principal parts will be sustained by Miss FOWLER, From Dmry Lane Theatre, "Mi. WILSON BARBETT, supported by a most powerful company. On THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, Nov. SI, Jarrett and Palmer's Uniono in OLE TOM'S CABIN." The Original Jubilee Singers, Sable Quartette, Plantation Dancers, and a multitude of Freed Negroes, Ootaroous, Quadroons, ana Mulattos appear in this extraordinary production. For the convenience of country visitors, A SSORNING PERFORMANCE OF UNCLE TOM'S OABIN," On 8ATURDAY, November 23rd.

Doors open at 1.30. Commence at 2. Children will be admitted to this Special Performance at Half-price to all parts except Gallery. Places can now be booked. On MONDAY, Nov.

2Sth7arid Five following Nights, OAKL ROSA'S UNRIVALLED ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY. Monday, "Trovatore;" Tuesday, "Lilyof Killarney;" Wednesday, "Cdaritana;" Thursday, "Merry Wives of Windsor;" Enday, "The Saturday, Bohemian Girl." Bos Plan for Carl Rosa's Engagement Now Open. On MONDAY, Deo. 2nd, J. L.

TOOLE, "A FOOL AND HIS MONEY." On MONDAY, Deo. 9th, "DIPLOMACY" now being played at the Prince of Wales Theatre, London). On CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME, TIF IJEAfcRTD1' Bos Plan can be seen This Day at Archibald Eainsaen'fl, 12, Perfe-row, A 22404 EEDS T'R Alffi rs. "GRAND THEATRE." SPECIAL CARa-One to OHAPELTOWN and ono to HEAD-rNGLEY will leave Boar-lane every evening at 10.50 until further notice. Kpeolal iare3 id.

inside, 3d. outside, WILLIAM WHARAM, Secretary and Marjaser. Nov. 19th, 1878. THEATRE ROYAL, Ejects.


A 22900 IT. GEORGE'S HALiLi, Bradford. Monday next, Xor. 25th, HENRY IRVTNG--Raadinss. 29., and 6d.

2S018 BRADFORD FOLL-DRESS" SUUSCELPTXOK. CONCERTS. FOURTEENTH SEASON, 18T8-1870. SECOND GRAND CONCERT of tho Eeason, consisting of ORCHESTRAL and VOCAL MUSI-O, will be given in St. Geoeoe's HaiIj, on Fbidat, 2Hth November, 1878.

Mademoiselle SARTORIUS (her first appearance in Bradford). iNSTBtraiESTAliISTB Vioiins: Madame NORMAN NERUDA and Herr STRAUS, PlABOi'OBTii: Mr. CHARLES HALLE. Mr. CHARLES HALLE'S FULL BAND OF SEVENTY PERFORMERS, i Conductor, Mr.

CHARLES HALLE. The doors will be open at Seven o'clock, and the Concert win Bommence Half-past Messevxd Seats. Uhbeseveb Seats. s. d.

i 6 s. d. 1 6 1 6 irci VVcst Gallery 2 6 West Gallery Side QallefieS. Special Trains, on the conclusion of the Concert, from, the Midland, Great Northern, and Lancashire and Yorkshire Stations. Swan Arcade.


Messrs. THOMPSON and 19, Mansion House Chambers, Qneen Viotoria-street, London, will send post-free particulars of a Mine Company apparently without risk to the investors, and ner seam holdinn out great inducements for the investment of Spiral First applicants up to 2,500 shares of 20s. each will be placed on mutual or co-operative terms. Full partionlars by post. S- ARROGATE.

BEECH WOOD HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT. Reduced Terms for the ir-Montbs. For particulars address the Manager. rSw WTrvn-niNO- HYDROPATHIC ESTAB- HBTTSHMENT and SANATORIUM. Wharfedale.

Speoial wmter terms EM prospectus address The. Manager, Ben Rhyddiog, by Leeds. irf Watlncl W. B. HUNTER, M.D., "finish BMhl.

hfihfy ventiW; Electric Baths, and Distinofclye Trcatmentol twenty-sis years' reputation. hnnv HARROQATli HYDBOPATHIC ESTAB-T USHVIEST anWINTER RESIDENCE-R. S. VEALE, fn.Slhlsicia ygSFJr Electric lighting THW -r-rtttstT ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY um? Licensees for the Original GRAMME HAoffiS IgUo-rSg-to prepared to entertain applications Jbectricity of Streets, Shon's Mines Buiidingj, Markets, Mills, Factories, Oubs, Theatres, bnops, Mines, aAMly to the Chief Office the Company, Broadway Chambers Westminster; 'or the Branch Office, Liverpool and London and Kobe Chambers, Liverpool. w- WILLS, Se- I SMOKING IM XTUBE, 2.

Boar-lane. ilBTLEY'S STOCK of HAVANNAH CIGARS Is Large and Choice. 2, iioar-iane. A 1 SPECTACLE HAWKERS stating teat they are in anv way eonowu' w. JTRAWiiB, vpuoian.oi rjaJGOAIS.

LEIOB, 5042,5 lOI'PER CHANGK may be obtained on application ir J. H. O. returns home at once, nothing i'ui-ther will be S. O.

fipiO PUHL1CANS. LKPT, near Railway Station, a Jfl: pnii'CMANTEAU. Name inside. Reward. 208, Mercury-offlce PETER ROBINSON, OXFORD-STREET, LONDON.

I FOR I A ONE THOUSAND PIEOEs OF NEW LYONS GROS GitAIN, at Ss. 6d. per yard, in every new shade, for evening wear. Coloured Satins to match, at 3s. Od, per yard.

Rioher qualities, Coloured 8ilks, 4s. 5s. and as. 03. net Quadrille, 23s.

6d. theDreas. TP 300 PIEOES OF LYONS CHECK SILKS, atls. IH6d.par yard, Specially suitable for. Younu Ladies' wear.

for evening wear, 6d. to 3s, 6d. per yard. PETER EOBINSON.DXFORDItREET, LONDON, W. URN IN G.

THOMAS DENHAM and SON, van auppiy in, a few hours' notice every requisite for Deep and MOUHNING. Executed with great on the 'shortest notice. 23071 RS, BURTON, 83, BBIGGATE, LEEDS. and If AWTT.Tri Ma-irTNTn. ran Dri3makars.

fiTyLISH COSTUMES (to Order), nnwnrt 2'onch Materials, feora iSS'Ss. CiRENOH DRESS MATERIALS. Tyr A If8W ft01n S8, B6r TpARISIAN BONNETS and HATS. wT-rr. -Novelties, from ,2 2s.

MBS, BURTON; 83, BRIGGATE, LEEDS. M- 1 22834 FASHIONS. respectfully annoianoe. JUL 'hflr return from London, and are aVgreat variety of 27 MATERIALS, Made-up IJOSTOMES. NeW' SEALSKIN JACKETS, Fur-Lined CLOAKS, CLOTH JACKETS, FANCY SKIRTS, patterns of materials forwarded to ladies at a distance oh appucation.

DRESSMAKING, MILLINERY, and MANTLES made up in tho newest styles. An inspection respectfully invited. W. and J. BICKERS, 7, COMMERCIAL-STREET, LEEDS.

23092 OUKNINu- (FAMILY or, SERVANTS'). i l-uul'un- I'Jcimung rjonners, uaps, luannea, and (ready for immediate wear), at the Lowest Possible Prices, and in the Newest Styles, always in Stock; also an J'-xtraordinary Range of Qualities in BLACK SILKS, from 2s. to 10s. 6d. per yard.

Best value ever offered. n-, First-class aud Experienced Assistants. The LEEDS MOURNING WAREHOUSE, 12. BRIGGATE, -J-ho Thli-d Door from tho Railway Bridge. FREDERIO FOHSTER, Proprietor.

Established 1819, for the Manufacture and Sale of BliAOK and Moubmius Goods only. 022525 I AND RIO K.7 de3ire to call attention to their Stock of SEALSKIN JACKETS, oaving special facilities for procuring theso goods they recommend their present stock as being exceptionally good value. SEALSKIN JACKETS MADE TO ORDER. HP A I tfr a mr Being much favour, S. and R.

have made arrangements for executing that olass of work on their premises. Ladies' own patterns oopied and braided. OOSTUMES. DRESS -MATERIALS. -4, MOURNING.

ttaviog always a considerable number ot workpeople on the premises, iot Mourning can bo executed promptly. FIELD AND I 18. 10, and 20, BART-PARADE, LEEDS. 22053 jgEAOK SILK IRISH POPLINS. O'REILLY, DUNNETnD (Royal Poplin Factory.

30, COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN), Call Special Attention td their NEW MAKE OF BLACK SILK IRISH POPLIN. "tfe'ns Posfree and Parcels Carriage-paid. N.B. Their Coloured Poplins will include all New Shades for tb Approaohmg Season, FOR Family or Complimentary. Extensive Assortment always jn stock, for immediate BONNETS in tho greatest variety; --DRESSMAKING on the premises.

Ladies' own Materials' made-up with- care and promptitude. The Mourning, Dressmaking, and Millinery EstAbiishment. 15, Briggate. (Estab. 1855.) J.

DaWSON; Proprietor. 0 10100 SOHAFE.ER and SON are now showins' the Leadioi? Novelties in MILLINERY BONNETS and TRIMMED HATS, selected from tho First Houses iu Paris and London, at moderate prices. HATS CHIP, VELVET, SATIN, and SEAL. 3, LOWERHEAD-KOW. LEEDS.

22039 jpRENCH KID GLOVES.TsTuld. per pair, 2Buttons. CHAFFER and SON have just received a large delivery of their NOTED FRENCH KID GLOVES, in all the New Shades, The New Colours for Evening Wear in 2 and 4 buttons. 3. -LOWEaHEAD-ROW, LEEDS.

22990 JOHN STOREY and 99 WOOLLEN DRAPERS, beg to announce their REMOVAL from 43 and 44. 1(1, SOUTH-PARADE, Park-row, next Mesers. Hardwick and Young's, Auctioneers, where they will carry on the same line of business as heretofore. J. S.

and H. refer with gratefnl-' recollections to the favour which has so long beon shown them, and which they hope may be continued, thoir best services being assured to all customers. Their Stock, always pro-eminent iu choice, will, on inspection, commend itself. The rental being less than previously, J. B.

and if. will allow liberal discounts. N.B. A lot of prime Travelling Scarfs and Rugs to ba sold cheap. 10, South-parade, Leeds.

22704 FURS. REAL SEAL MANTLES and PALETOTS. DYSON'S FUR MANUFACTORY, 91, Bbigbate, Lebm. FURS. Every variety, ffneat quality, immense stock.

DYSON'S FUR MANUFACTORY. 91, Bbigoate, Leeds. FURS FUR TRIMMINGS in Sable, Skunk, Black Lynx, Bear, Raccoon, Jennet, Opossum, Ohinchilla, Ermine, Miniver, Silvery Grey, and other varieties. DYSON'S FUR MANUFACTORY, 91, BraooATB, Leeds. FURS.

Carriage -and Railway Wrapa, Hearth Rugs. DYSON'S FUR MANUFACTORY. 01, BttrcsATE, Leeds. FURS. LADIES' SEAL SKIN MANTLES, and other valuable FUBS Cleaned.

Repaired, and new lined. DYSON'S FUR' MANUFACTORY, 91, Bbiggate, Leeds. Ji077o SPLENDID Imitation SEALSKINS, DOUSKIN, at ASIMNALL'S, 15, near Museum, Leeds. TMPORTANT NOTICE. Oentlemen who want I A good fitting SHIRT, 03 EERY, and UNDERCLOTHING, to wear well, should pay a visit to W.

MERCER'S Old-established uuojldih anu liuusrj. NEW BaiGGATE, LEEDS. 19334 "WO YOHKSHIREMENwho "can Appreciate Good JL BARGAINS." Send Four and Six, ana have in re'orn a splendid Reversible Mackintosh OVERCOAT, any size. Also Velvet Braided SMOKING CAPS, any colour or Bize, only 15 stamps. Carnage free.

Rare bargain. Address Wilkinson and Outfitters. Toutina-street, Folkestone. HE New FRBNOH COLOURS and TARTANS. At ABPINALL'S, 15, Rnssell-Btreet, out of Park-row.

Leeds. KILTING in all Winter aiaterials done for Ladies and Dressmakers, from Hd.peryard. Stitching and Hemming extra. Country parcels to be carnage paid. Address Wanzer Co 6, New Briggate, Leeds.

24427 A'LIithe Nqw Patterns for LADIES' MANTLES, rhOMAS GREEN and QTVTl T1 CT TTTTTT TDAMmiTDfr-O wunn SON, And 54 and 55, Blackfriars-road, London, S.E. Maker of PLAIN and GALVANISED WIRE1 NETTING; RIDDLES. SIEVES, MEAT SAFES. NURSERY and SCHOOL FENDERS. GAUZE WIRE BLINDS, Plain and Lettered.

LIME, GRAVEL, CINDER, CORN, and other SCREENS, And all kinds of PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL WIREWORK 13 52 ARMING CHURCHES, CHAPELS, T-fSnHSSif? Brea wicn ease oy ma latent CONVOLUTED STOVE. For particulars, apply to J. CONST ANTINK, Convoluted Stove Works, Ohorlton Mills, Hnlmestreet or 23 Oxford-street, Manchester. 22951 I I th5 SAFE mTaTn; hf on SALE The most extensive assortment of FIRE and. THIEF PKOOF SAFES To seleot rom, quite equal to new, at extraordinarily low prices.

Also FIREPROOF IRON DOORS for Strong Rooms or pmy wall, irom 2ft. to less than half the cost price. Price lists free. GRIFFITHS, 43 and 48, Oannon-street, London, E.C. 9704o ESTIMATES given for all Mads of PRINTING by CHARLES GOODALL, Cookridge-streat, Leeds.

BELGIAN WROUGHT-IRON ROLLED GIRDER53. For Sections and Prices apply FREDK. and WILLM. FIRTH, Iron Merchants. Water-lane, LEEDS.

8014 THOMAS GREEN and SON SMITHFIELD IRONWORKS, LEED3, And 54 aud 55. Blackfriars-road. London, HOT-WATER ENGINEERS, and Manufacturers of Patent Tubular, Shelved, Saddle, ond Welded Hot-Water Boilers. Estimates Riven tor HEATING APPARATUS for Churches, Chapels. Sohools, Pnbllo-BuUdings, Halls, Villa Resideuees, Hotels' Greenhouses.

Conservatories. 13355 MONUMENTS, TOMBS, TABLETS. CROSSES. HEADSTONEd. in hard White Marble; Granite, and Stone, with suitable railing.

Always a large stook to select from. DeUgnsturmshed. JOHN LEACH, Monumental Works, Beckett-street, LEEDS. 0 BELGIAN WROUGHT-IRON ROLLED GIRDERS from 6 to 16 inches deep and30 feet long, instoek. For Sections and prices apply OHARLES AUTY, OLD OLOTH HALL YARD, LEEDS 3058O 1 BY GAS JOHN BEVERLEY and SON, of Leeds, Makers of the Celebrated GAS COOKING APPARATUS, havin? RETIRED FROM THE BUSINESS, have sold to me, ROBERT HENRY WYLDE (for tome years partner in the firm J.

B. and all their Models and Tools for making the above-named GAS COOKING MACHINES. I beg to give notice that 1 shall carry on the said Business under the style of hEVEHLEY and WYLD15, CooKBrDGE-QTEBET, Leeds, and all orders intrusted to me shall have my best attention. BEVERLEY and WYLDM are the SOLE MAKERS of Johh Bevebley and Sort's Celebrated GAS COOKER3, and all Apparatmes supplied by the new firm will bear the name "John Peverler and Son." 45, Cookridge-streeb, Leeds, July 20th, 1878, 17309 THIT FIELD'S PATENT LOCKS I OF SAFES of every description. To be obtained of.

all ironmongers. Price Liste post-free. VIADUCT WORKS, OXFORD-STREET BIRMINGHAM. a -Agent JULIAN GREEN, Stationer and Printer, 6 and 8, Albion, street, LEEDS. 2073 SMOKY CHIMNEY TOPS, ATENT VENTILATORS, in groat variety UBINNEB.Mantifacturer, New Brigsate.

Leeds, PRIVATE' Instruction' ia German and Erench. HerrHirsoh, 3, Roundhay-terrace, Ronndhar-road. R. PAKKIN fOrffm-iist Arf.M'niH'.nTi Ohm'oW. 'en Leeds.

CUUAN. and SINGING- LESSONS. Gur-rm Half: a Century. MITCHELL and GENERAL 0 ADVERTISING OFFICES, na 13, Red Lion-court, Fleei-street. E.C.

Aovertlsemonts.insartedinall-Newspapers, Magazines, without extra obarrro, securing urornnt and accurate insortion. uontiaots entered into with largeadvertisurs on Liberal Terms. foreign Advertising. Free Translations. NEWSPAPER PKESS DIRECTORY (33rd annual issue).

Post-free, 2s. 6d 'containinfr iull of -every newspaper, magazine, and periodical published iu the United Kingdom. 23050 WALH and SONS -(Kstd. 1882), SIGN "iiiuta, ate. 50 and oz, waae-iane, ieeqs.

"I EATHER and PAHKER, Oil Merchants and nt T- DBySALTEBS, NEVrLLE-STMET, I-EEDS." Oils, Engine Tallow, Painta, Turpentine, White Lead, Dryers, So, Boaa, Soda Ash, and Soaps. Mill Straps, Nov and Second-hand. STaJAp and NOBLE (latelvithMr. T. Bedford), Plumbers and Giaziers, Fitters up of Steam, and Hot Water Qmwu, jiuyij-atireBC, ljeeuS.

Priza Medal CUTLER, and UMBRELLA MAKER, begs ro announce to his patrons and fnenaa that, oivMg to the alterations now goini; on in Market-street, PSfi0, he'has taken the premises No. 82, NORTH-STREET, oorner of Melbourne-street, near to the Cattle Market, where all nmbrellas, shears, soissors, razors, carvers, forks, choppers, and saws should be sent, to avoid the dirt and inconvenience caused by tho alterations, TEETH 2s. Half Set 2. Obmmoii Seta lsa years' ART WRIGHT and WOODWARD; Dentists, Leeds; are supplying every improvement in Artificial Teeth at half.tho.ueual ooit. Advice grails.

"DENTISTRY. Mr. MOSKLY; Sureeon-Dentist, will forward a Pamphlet, post-free, which 'a'ns his jiaientoti and original system of iiiine ARTIFICIAL rom one tn a complete sot, without springs or wires, and without pairi or extraction of stumps. The 'leeili are lifelike in appearance, and ara one of the chief means of maintaining health, enabling the wearer to masticate with comfort. ConsultHtioris free, and the most reasonable charges.

ATTENDANCE DAILY, at 3," EAST-PAR ADE, LliEOV Established forty years. 24528 0 "ft. W. ARMLN. Dentist.

ln.tB XVj. toDr. Roberta. Dentist, Edinburgh. 24, Victoria-road, Leeds.

B. COTT.K1SS, Top of i3ri.crfm.te. Teeth supplied on the best system. No extraction lio pain. THE LEEDS OFFICE for PATENTS and for.

REGISTRATION of DESIGNS. 2 East-parade. ana J. W. HARDING, Consnltmq; Engineers and Patent Agents.

Trad e. Marks Registration PATENTS for INVENTIONS. Provisional Pro-tection confers immediate security, with power to make and sell at a cost of 8 83. Oiroular of information and plataof WO Mechaniojl Movements, with key, free nnapplicatioaat.tine Lcedi Mercury-ouioQ; orbyposttoMessrs.OLARK,Pateut-oiflce,53AJhancery-3ane, l-ondon, AH22So TO. INVENTORS.

Messrs. HARRIS and MILLS, Patent Agents, 35, Southampton-buildings, London, W.O. (many years with (the lata W. Carpmael), undertake all business connected Bath patent for inventions in the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and auf oreign countries. Provisional protection 8 3s, provinces at moderate charces.

Attendance in the 14891 EX'S STARTLING DELINEATIONS OF UHARAOTER FROM HANDWRITING. Sfcriat seareoy. Specimens returned. Fee 18 stamps. lib, ugii-Btreet, Bromley, ltent.

BANK Ledgers, durably and promptly made at Megson's Stationery Works, Raines's Buildings, Leodt. YORKSHIRE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE TEXT BOOKS. J. W. BEAN AND SON, 140, BRIGGATE, LEEDS.


20015 HEMlCAL Apparatus of every description. Pure Chemicals. E. Yewdall. Chemist, 5S and 58, Wado-lnno, Leeds.

TO STATIONERS and the Trade. Stationery, Pens, Ink, Christmas and Now Year Cards, Writing Paper and Envelopes, Playing Cards, supplied for cash on the beat wholo-saleterrns. CHARLES GOODALL, 62, Boar-lane, Lead. A 19890 0 O. WHISKY, Matured by natural causes only, 42s.

per Dozen case, delivered. VBEOKJG- HAND 0 LEEDS, 22591 0 II 'L, EAT GOOD AND CHEAP. Bnv'VfirjTTVTfinfcfrnm t.hfi T.rNnnH nTPlMV 74 Eudgate-hlu, Covered Market. Observe the Number, 14, Ludgate-hill only. fN MEMOR1 AM.

FUNERAL CARD3 Printed or Lithographed, by OHAS. GOODALL," CookridRe-Btreet, Leeds SPECTACLES, perfeotiy adapted to tho Eye fay tho aid of the New German Optometer. Best Spectacles: Glass, 3s. Pebbles, 8s. 6d.

Gold, 21s. Eye-glasses, la. to 50s. Artificial Human Eyes, HARVEY, REYNOLDS, and 14, LEEDS. i 1997S DIARIES.

LETTS'S, i makes. OHARLES GOODALL, 82, Boar-lane. Leeds. CHARLES GOODALL, 62, BO AR-LANE, LEEDS. Account Boobs.

Day ana Cash Memorandum Minute Exercise Time Metallio Manifold Books, Parcels Delivery Petty Cash Roufe-h Shop Scrap and Note 20573 BOOKBINDING. Chambers's Journal, Cassell'a Publications, Good Words, Leisnra Hour and Sunday at Home, (lornhill and other Magazines Bound in the best style, by Charles Ooodall, 6i, Oookridge-atreet, and Boar-lane, Leeds. 17538 HOLE SALE BUYERS OF TOYS WiU fltlfl thfl TlAflt-. find nhoftnoaf-. at P.

VASSALLl'S, 8, 10. and 12, Now Markot-straet, LEEDS, Importer and Wholesale Doaler in FANCY GOODS. LOHBOIS', BlKMINQlIAH, and SHEFFIBtiD Waeeeouse. F497a TWELVE CARTES DE VISITB, 2s. Six, ls.8d.

Cartas enlarged to 10 inohes. 5s. CabinetSr 2s, Send carte with stamps. Perfect copies rotoned free. London Photographic Company, 304, Regent-street, London, W.



THOMAS GREEN and SON, Smithfield Iron-rrorka, Leeds, and 54 and 55, Brackfriars-road. London. S.E., will be glad to give Estimates for ENTRANO GATES and PALISADING, of which they have a great variety of 'Patterns and Designs, BALUSTRADTNG, BALCONY, and TOMB EAILTNGS. CONTINUOUS IRON FENOLNG. GARDEN and FIELD GATES.

IRON HURDLES, from Is. 4d. per lineal yard, fitted with bolts, painted one coat of paint, and delivered ac any railway station within a radius of 20 miles of Leeds. Lithographs and lists free on application. 17795 BILLIARDS BILLIARDS BILLIARDS COCOA HOUSE.

Gascoigne-streot, Boar-lane. THE Smallest Order for PRINTING Promptly Eiocutadby (JHAS. Cookridge-strest, Leeds. On Sale after the Arrival of First Passenger Train from Scotland. If II A G0 HERALD, GSEATiST ADVERTISING Mmidll LV SOOTLAXD, Gives the GENERAL and DISTRICT NEWS FULLY: IRON, WOOLLEN, COTTON, SUGAR, and Other Market News l.ate, Full, and Reliable: with SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE from all parts of the World, Speoially reported from Lloyd's and other Leading Sources, Sold at the EaiiTray Bookstalls at Leads, York, Bradford.

Harrogatfl Darlington, Skiptou, Newcastle, and other Leading StationB throughout Eneland, and by Goodili A. Mann, Leeds. THE GLASGOW A Price ONE PENNY, Is one of The LAR'-rESE NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHED, xagnt or seven ijong uoiumns eaon, Its Contents embrace A Caxefnl Summary of the General and Scottish NEWS OF THE WEEK; Instructive and Entertaining Oiiirinal Articles; Social, Literary, and Political Subjects of Interest; Wit and Humour; Poetry Original and Selected; Market and Commercial Reporte: Shipping News from all parts of the World. There are also a FrrsiHjlasB SERIAL STORY, by an Eminent Novelist; CHESS and DRAUGHTS Problems, and Correspondence by the Best Players, With other features which make the WEEKLY HERALD An Excellent Family Newspaper. JACKSON LEEDS, SWAN ARCADE, MARKET-STREET, BRADFORD; The above commodious premises, which have been in course of erectiou for upwards of two years, are now approaching completion.

They comprise a collection of rooms of various dimensions, equally adapted to warehouse purposes, stores, Bhops, offices, piece or market-day rooms, and are CONVENIENT, COMFORTABLE, QUIET. SAFE, CLEANLY. CONVEND3NT. because they are situated in the very centre of the town, within two minutes' walk of either of the railway statloDS, and exactly opposite the Exchange. Further, for tenants occupying the upper floors there are provided two continuous hoists, which are kept running from morning to night.

COMFORTABLE AND QUIET, because, in addition to many struoiural advantages in these respects in the building itself, the three eurrouuding streets have been laid with aspbaltic wood pavement, thus rendering the whole property free from noise, so objectionablo during the hours of business. SAFE AND CLEANLY, becauso the floors throujhout are fireproof, formed of concrete, covered with marble concrete tiles, givine to the rooms a oheerinl ftpnearanoe, freedom from dust, and security from fire. THE HHOPS IN THE ARCADE are fitted up in an elegant maimer, adapted for rlrst-class businesses, are welHifthtod, covered with glass roof, proteated.from inclement weather, and are thus calculated to prove an attraction to the nublij, AN EARLY INSPECTION of these buildings ia invited. The terms- on which they may be let, and all particulars to he obtained from tho Agent the premises, Mr. Ollivior, Central Avenue, Market-street; or of Alilnes and France, Architects, Chespside, Bradford.

-24580 ijptARDS, Circulars, Invoices, Printed by CHARLES GOODALL, Oootoidge-street, Leads. ALSKIN: PAL ETQTS. ML LING AND PARTNEES are ennbloa to offer 30in. long, ,3 EAEBKI-N, PALETOTS- 33in. ttiuucw.

EALSK1N PALETOT3- -36in. long, EAXiSKIJN PALETOTS- 40in. to ilp.gnineas. jS3 EALSKIN PALETOTS -Ma. Ions, Kjg 28 Buineas.

TPXTRAORDINARY VALUE and VAIilETY rjjgbw MANTLES, embraoingall the NEWEST MATERIALS t. BALL DRESSES, EVENIN DRESSES. I Ir I aTd PARTNERS have devoted a SPACIOUS ROOM exciuslvoly.f or the ais play of SPEaiAIi AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS 1 ALL -i' AND: EVENING DRESSES, JUS composed of all the newest tints in Fienoh Tarlotana, Nets, Siik, and Satius, 33i9 following will bo our -List of Prices for the Beaaon TARLATAN DRESSES; irom 10s. 6d. TARLATAN in immensa ji hVkv DRE3SES, Black and IroniSjs.

6d. W-r. RiOIIEa DRESSES, from 35s. to 4gs. Embraoingall the late3t Parisian Novelties.

JOHN MILLING AND7" fARTNERS, LEEDS. I 1 Copies of NEW FRENCH MODELS, 12s. 15s. 18s. 2ls 25s.

FELT HATS, Trimmed and Untrimmed, Is.llKd., 2s. 2j.Hd3s. usual price 3s. 6d. to 10s.


A Lai'86 Pi A Large Porobaso at Special Prices. BLANKETS. Special Value, direct from Makers. WALLER and RICHARDSON, 40 and 41, BRIGGATE, Leeds. J) 23093 CLOSE OF SEASON! LARGE STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS CLEARING OUT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIOES.

FREDk. JACKSON (Estabd. 1796.) PAINTERS AND DECORATORS, 10 and 12, Wiraiif gtok-stbeet, LEEDS. 23030 0 CLOCKS. American Levers in Nickel-plated Cases', 1m.

each; Handsome Marble Striking Clocks from 45s. Metal Timepieces from 4s. 6d. The largest, best, and cheapest Stook in Leeds ot J. W.

BELL'S, 48 and 40, AxBion-STitEET, AMERICAN ELGIN WATCHES are superseding; nil others. Railroad Lover, very reliable, 2 10s. The Ladies' Adjusted Lever, 1 oz. gold cases, 10. The Micrometer, uoeguallBd for Bteady accuracy.

The New Keyless Watches, cases now making. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS EFFECTED. The Chronometer Balance is now introduced into all the Pamphlet and! price list tjost-rree. J. BELL, Agent, 48 and 49, Albion-stbeet, LEEDS.

A Second-hand Gold Centre-scSohda. Lever 'for eale, price 8. Cheap, 23 05 THOMAS GfiEJGN and HON, SMITHFIELD IRONWORKS, LEEDS, And 54 and 55, Blaekf riajs-road, London, S.E. op BREWING PLANT, BUPERIOR TABLES for Inns, Bars, Refreshment Room'i, Conosrfe Halls, Billiard RoomvCoeoa Houses, Illustrated Price Lists on Application. 305 INOLEUm.

INOLKUM. The remarkable FLOOR-OLOTH. IN OLEUM. CARPKT-LIKE APPEARANCE, Unecaalled for wear, warm and soft to the INOLEUM. EXTRAORDINARY' A aver iuoreaHiris.

SOLD by all FURNISH. INGHOUSK.S, Town or Country. IN OLEUM. CAUTION. Askforthe STAINES I LINOLEUM, the Original Make.


144. Queen Victoria-street. London, E.O. IN OLEUM. CAUTION.

Beware of deception, look for tho Trade Mark oa the back of the Cloth, and the words WALTON'S PATENTS." G104o HOP FITTINGS. SHOW CASES, and Window Fittings, ror Jewellers, Chemists, Ironmongers, Drapers, Booksellers, OutBide Reflector Lamps. J. CURTIS and SON, WADE-ST. and WADE-LANE, LEEDS.

1B524 WALSH and (SONS (Estd. 1832). PAINTERS a and PAPER HANGERS. 50 and 52. Wade-lane.

Leedj. rp A JS and SON, JL SMITHFIELD IRONWORKS, LEEDS, And 84 and 55, Blnokfriars-road, London, S.E, Manufacturers of IMPROVED STABLE FITTINGS, STALL DIVISIONS, MANGERSIlAY -RAOK3. HARNESS and SADDLE BRACKETS, of onperior quality. 53 VT WELLS, WAKEFIELD, Established 1772. S.


Further partioulars may be obtained of J. E. Ellison, 23, Park Leeds. ANNUAL TEA REPORT. THE TEA WAREHOUSE, COMPION HOUSE.

BASNETT-STREET. LIVERPOOL, 1878 tor many years past we have not been able to issue so favourable a 1878 0 Qnality of the New Teas as we are for this season, The imports nf Inrtin. nnri nhnn-Tnii mn.l, anolity far surpasses that of several years past. Wo have selected, from tho first orop of the season, some of the choicest Teas, great in strength and rich iu.fiavonr, which are The FINEST CONGOU 3s. od.

per lb. The FINE 2s, 6d. The STRONG CONGOU 2s. Od. These quotations, considering the quality of tho Teas, may create doubts in the minds of purchasers who have not used our Teas whether such qualities can be supplied at the above prices.

The most -satisfactory proof of the excellence of our Teas is shown by our largo and increasing sales, the result oi extensive recommendation by our regular customers. We base our success as Tea and Coffee Dealers npon our thorough Practical experience, extending over a quarter of a century, during which period we have Riven careful personal attention to the selection of the most suitable qualities of Teas and Coffees for family use This, added to our extensive connection with the importers, large storing accommodation, facditiesfor receiving and desDatching at the smallest cost, and selling at the lowest per-oentage of profit, has seonrod for us a position In the trade that is unrivalled. Your obedient servants. THOMAS JONES AND COMPANY, a Tea and Coffee Salesmen. List of prices and samples on application.

19918 CLEANLINESS. W. G. NIXEY'S Refined BLACK LEAD. Sold everywhere, by nil Shopkeepers.

ANLINESS G. NIXEY'S' Refined o. LB AD, for Polishins Stoves, Equal to Burnished Stool, without waste or duRt. A3kforW. Nixey'a Black Lead, and see that yon haveifc.

12. Boho-square, London. Caution. There are several spurious imitations. 0-225U BUY RECKI TT PAT STARCH, as used by the Laundress of the V1.

PRINCE OF WALES, i5S stained the highest PRIZS MBDAL eivoo to EngUsh ptaron Manufacturers, in London. Paris, and Amsterdam. 2j555 EXTRACT OF MEAT, by the PROCESS of BARON LIEBIG, from tho BEST ENGLISH BEEP. In os. anuitis.

oa. reparea aria sola wnotesoie and retail OREDk. JACKSON WBiLiNOTON-sTEEnr, JL1 Sign Wbitebb and Gildebs. LE: LEEDS 0 HARLES GOODALL, Oookrids-e-street, Leeds. Monogram Dies, Sketchod and Engraved.

Note Paper, stamped, in colour or plain. Invitation and Wedding Cards. At Home and Menu Cards. Bali and Dance Programmes, most elegant in design. The Ohoiceat Wedding Stationery.

Samples by post. Moderate oharses. 17537 fPI REEN'S PATENT SAUSAGK CHOPPING 'Of and MINCING MAOHINES and FILLERS, Suitable for BUTCHERS, CONFECTIONERS. HOTELS. BOARDING HQ) USEy, PllIVATE FAMILIES, These celebrated Machines are used very extensively throushout England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Eolonies.

Hlustratad Price Lists Free, on application to THOMAS GREEN and SON, Smithfield Ironwoikj, Leads. 54 and 55. Blackfriars-road, London, S.B. A 21398 OHN GO NELL and CHERRY TOOTH PASTE is greatly superior to any TOOTH POWDER, gives tho Teeth PEABIeike Whiteness, protects the enamol impartsa pleasing Fbagbance to the Bbeatit. Price Is.

Od. per pot. Sold bp all Chemists and Perfumers, and at ANGEL-PASSAGE, 83, UPPER LONDON, E.O. SSS 0 lit "lt.H PALETOTS to 10 YAM and (Limited). HYAM and CO.

supply Gentlemen with ever? description of Ature, ready cuvle or made to order, at a few hours' notice. The Material, Fit; Fashion, Workmanship, and Finish are of the most 6npefio descriDtion, und legitimate economy is adhered to in the prices charged. New Season Overcoats New on Morning New Season Kriwk and Dress 21s. to Mi. 21s.

to 55s. Sffr. tO S4. 42s. to 75s.

ISs. 6d. to 2Ss. New Scaon 'f rcuij-irs to YAM and CO'i ONLY ESTABLISHMENTS LEEDS-42, BRIGGATE; DBWSBUKY-88, WiiSTGATE; BIEMINGHAM 21, 22, and 28. NEW-STREET: WOLVfciRHAMtTON 41.

DUDLEY-STREET: IONDON-66'andti7. OXFORD-STREET. D2S093oI BALL AND EVENING DRBiSES. MARSHALL and SNELGROVE respectfully LVJL announce that this department is WBhh STOCUBr with an extensive variety of BALL and EVENING DRESSES in Silt, 'Satin, Net. Tarlatan, and other Materials.

M- and S. nave now large quantities nf the RESPIRATOR VEHi, tnat has been so successful in preWons seasonB. Price os. FAMILY and HOUSEHOLD LINES DEPARTMENT. Tn addition to the usual Gouds 'kept in this Department, they haT9 added many articles for furnishing consistiui of FANCY TABLES, CHAIRS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, TABLE COVERS, CC ARSHALL and SNELGROVE are also showing the NEW WRT.qR SHAwr.

jtmn ijima nvm os. ivo. wmcn tney ana vary much appreciated. aa3 a bam a a'ack of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, To the whole Stock attention is most respectfully invited. BOND-STREET and PARK-ROW, LEEDS.

21094 a I O'E. Q.ENUINE CLEARANCE SALE CHINA, EARTHENWARE, WH begs to inform his ous. tomers and the pnblio. generally that, in order to make PUKOHASEs-made iu ENGLISH and OREIGN ttOODS at the Paris Exhibition, ha is compelled to REDUCE HIS PRESENT STOCK, and has therefore decided to SELL OFF, at a reduction of not less than from 15 to 20 per a Large Assortment of BREAKFAST, DINNER. DEHSKRT, and TOILET SERVICE! of last and previous seasons' patterns.

There will also be several lots of Fancy Articles in CHINA. GLASS, Sale to commence on MONDAY, the 25th and to continue during tho two following weeks. GLASS AND CHINA Nov. 21st, 1878. ROOMS, 10, LEEDS, 23037 APE It PATTERNS Butterick's) in all sizes to fi Aspmall's, 15, Russell-street, out of Parn-row, Leeds.

FURNISH ON THE HIRE HYSTEmT. Thereby obtaining your FURNITURE, flATipT-ji HKimrvfi FURNISH ON THE HTRE SYSTEM. CHINA, GLASS, lirJKN, and ALL HOUSEHOLD REQUISITES by an EASY MODE of PAYMENT, arid in the mean-time having the use of the same, which ultimately becomes your own on completion Of the nprionical Tiavrrtftnts. Thit ATlVAV. TAGEOUS SYSTEM IS ADOPTED -BY ALL CLASSES, and has been highly appii SEE OPINIONS of the PRESS; ahri-; PROSPECTUS, giving the tallest information, which may be had, post-free, on application to the YORKSHIRE FURNISHING COMPANY, 168, BRIGGATE, IEBD3.

A208tC6 ALL IN THK PRICE OF SILVER. Tho GOLDSMITHS' ALLIANCE LIMITED respectfully: announce a considerable REDUCTION in the PRICES of their SILVER SPOON and FORKS, consequent upon the present fall in the value of sterling silver. For revised scale sea below. PLATE. GOLDSMITHS' ALL1AN CIS LIMITED, Manufacturing Silversmiths, 11 and 12, ComhilL London, The best wrought 8ILVER SPOONS anti FORKS.

Fiddle pattern, 7s. 4d. per ounce; Queen's Pattern, 7a BiS. per ounce. Fiddle Pattern, oz.

uuiiy ucuei pmin or nigmy omamentea s. d. Queen's Pattern, oz. s. d.

15 8 a 911 8 15 9 11:8 12 Table 12 Dessert ditto 20 7 12 TablB Forks 30 12 Dessert-ditto 20 1 11 0 0 7 68 11 0 (' 7 6 8 I'J Table 12 Dessert ditto 25 7 12 Table Forks 40 7 12 Dessert ditto 35 7 12 Tea Spoons 1 ats 12Tea8poons 10at7 10 3 18 4 5 1 j. A 1 rair sugar xougs 0 15 0 i -irair. ongar xongs laira lithograpMc drawings of plate kept ready for presentation. 18312 esaucatum. HARROGATE.

WESTMINSTER SCHOOL. The Rev. A. BLYTHE, hl.A., lata Scholar of Christ's College. Cambridge, and Senior Optime, will have a few vacancies after Christmas.

The School is emioer.tly adapted for the sons of gentlemen. Oricket-fleld outside the town. Great successes at the publio schools, competitive and other examinations. ssuiance Sites. PHG3NIX FIRE OFFICE, Lombard-street, and Oharing-cross.

London. Established 1782. Prompt and liberal Loss Settlemautj, Insurances effected in all parts of the World. JOHN J. BROOMFIrSLD.

Secretary. G9c GTonuacts TENDERS wanted for the ERECTION of a ROUND CHIMNEY, one hundred and ten feet in height, for Messrs. Isaac Reckitt and Sons, Sutton Bank, Hull. Plan and specification may be seen at tho Works. Tenders to be delivered by November 30th.

23065 4 0 BUlLDEtiS and Others. TEN OERS invited for the Excavator's. Mason and Bricklayer's. Carpenter an 1 ,1 oiuer's. Plumber and Glazier's, Plasterer's, Blue and (irey Water's, Painter's, and Smith's WORliS required in "the ERECTION of PUBLIC OFFICES, HOUSE, STABLING.

OUTBUILDINGS, and BOUNDARY WALLS, at Hightown, Liverseage. for the Liversedge Local Board. Plans and specifications may be seen, and bills of quantities obtained, at the Offices of Afr. William Ellis, Architect, Beokmond-wike, from the 23rd to the SOth instant, both inclusive. healed tenders, endorsed "Public Offices," must be left at the Offices of the said Local Board, in Hightown, not later than five p.m.

on the 2nd day of Deoember next, and any, tenders delivered or sent to any other person or pluce, or after the said hour, will not bfl received or considered by the Board. The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest oranj tender, and no allowance will be made for estimates. Dated thi3 10th day of November. 1878. Sy order, GEORGE CURRY, Solicitor, Cleckheaton, Clerk to the said Board.

23983 RTH EASTERN AIL WA TO ENGINEERS AND IRONWORK CONTRACTORS. The Directors are prepared to receive TENDERS for rhe CON. STHUCTION and ERECTION of tho following WORKS and MACHINERY 1st. 48 five-feet Sluice Valves for the Northern and Southern En. trances of the New Docks at West Hartlepool, together with all the hydraulio machinery, valves, pipes, and gear necessary for lifting the same.

2nd. A Pair of Hydraulic Pumping Engines, Boilers, and Aceumn-lator, with all necessary valves, pipes, and gear; to be erected at Hartlepool. 3rd, Four Hydraulio Luggage Lifts at the New Station at Sunderland, with all the necessary pipes, valves, and gear. Drawings, specifications, and forms of tender, may ba seen as follows l''or theSluice Valves and the Lifts, at the Chief Engineer's Office, Central Station, Newcastle; for tho Encines. Boners, at the Company's Locomotive Woiks at Gateshead on personal annp-cation on and after the 26th instant.

Sealed tenders, marked "Tender for Sluices," "Tender for Engines, Src." or "Tenderfor Lifts." as the case maybe, addressed the Secretary, must be delivered at his office at York, not later than noon, on Wednesdav, the 4th day of December next. The pireotors will meet at the Hoard-room, Newoastle-on-True on the following day to'open the tenders. The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or ant tender. Ample security will be required from the Contractor whose tends A8 pSd" N- WILKINSON, Secretary. York, 12th November, 1878.

jj 255551, BPS 1 AND HfYTTSE. SONS PROSPECT CANAL HASIU rft-BTie General Stone Merchants, Paviours, and Sawer All kinds of Bradford stone supplied. Paving, Flagging, Sewering, Draining, Asphaltinj, and Roai-mirin- promptly attended to. AGENTS to tho DALBEATTIE GRANITE COMPANY. 0503o EBB'S WORCHSTER TILE 11 Are excellent hot.h in nnaltfw anfl AnlAn.

tlt-T. They are of great excellence in design. The material ia notsur. passed by any in tho kingdom." lr( Joirniaf. Manufactory Rainbow Hill, Worcester.

jS.ion Offls -14, Holbom Viaduct. AGENT wanted for Leeds and District. ONUMENTS, TOMBS, MenvpriaT 'Orossea In HART! WHTTH WAUntvrV 1 INSCRIPTIONS IN INDESTRUCTIBLE LETTER" MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES and Stove Grates TILED HEARTHS, and MARBLE FENDERS. Good Designs, and a Large Stock to seleot from WELSH, The MARBLE WORKS, Wooihouse-lane, LEEDS, AKK and BLACK'S IMPROVED CONCRETE FLOORING for stables. i4.t, jlrjT Cellars, Kitchens, Works Menu Bridge, Leeds; 'and VilftS parade.

Bradford. Office Manningham-laue. Bradford. 11 21030 RED, Pressed, Ornamental, and Culvert BRICK'S JOHNSON and WROE, New Scarborough Brick Worfc" Leeds. Illustrated price Bheets on application.

SANITARY TUBE WORKS. Hunslet Car7 WM. B.IOEC, Manufieturer of Sanitary Tubes, Junctions, Gutlios, OWmney Tool, ac-g 18377 AILS for SALE, new parfeot, new sUghtly defeotivaT sfcarthtbM a ft ggSK COLLIERY OWNERS, CONTRACTORS bXAriLand IRON RAILS on Sale. New perfect, now slieh' nuu defective, Second-hand, in Bolts and nuts, chad wid, mgreat varietyof Baotious. FL4KIM CHAIRS aud SPIKES, POINT? Sheela Sections on MipUcation.

mSTAFFORDSHrl BAB Bnwr.TtSri BARS, PLATES FREDERICK and WILLIAM FIRTH. Iron Merchants, Water-lane and Wiuorwrtteet, Lea F39io 'iUsmurams. EfUDDERSFIELD. VICKESS'S nraivr-L BOOMS and.

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