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The Susquehanna Democrat from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • 3

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

15. llVr Mill. NEW-YORK, Sept. rcsnoFFicE, Letters en Hand OcTder. 1, IS i I Pamela Anderfon Robert Brown, Job THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully inforn the public that they have commenced the great liiflrcfs." Lights were up on boar he President during the night.

Commodore's flntement confirmed Andrew L. B. Madison Lieut, of Marines, Was oi the gangway. Heard the com. Curry, William Carpenter, Louisa Curtis BULLING BUSINESS in its varieu 4.

cwun actlon between tranches at Kingston. Luzerne Coimrv. and hope by a-purrctual attendon ro tc bufi left, U6t YrVuBelt closed the et dings to' 4ay. Enos rinch, Iujc Hickman, Paul ketler, Ebenczer Mircy, Prcfetvcd Taylor, Daniel Taylor, Clement Weft, John Wormoc. E.

Carey, October 1 hail firft, then wait 15 or 18 seconds, time enough for a reply, but got none, an I hailed 4UJ the neatness and goodnefs of their work- inte to merit public patronage. is heretofore again When the Belt fired a eun from her gangway. Saw the iTafti and heard the v-loth will be receiveu for Dreffinjr at the ore of Robinson Klne Wilkesbarre at Prehdent, report; no gun or provocation had been ot- Mr. Buiktntrbams lore, Kingfton aiul at the Acre oi Mr R. A Lost Boj'.

A BOY bv the name oi Enos Smhh. gun wasfireu irom the Prefjdent, when P- Chadncey aaa1 fcW IliVtl i.iii.dinC., 9 Lm i- ly the Belt fired three gun, and thences 11 rcurnei when drefled, with lometnncs called j. Smith, was fent by me n.Ifide. and musketry.

Belt fi kneed care anti Jeaifc pnlVihW delay. jon busiriefs from O.itatio county, tovynfhip iier broi Firing ftopt in tlid of Middlesex, and liatc of New York, in I- HolhRer, 'Jini'I'tti AJ Uil "A vj I scvtll IUU1UIC5. jn or minutes Beit renewed several witno order it D. D- Si the sc.ion and-in 4 or 5 minutes- -was again 1 i i the month of May lalt, and oji his way to Wtikes Barre, at Keelor's Ferryi he fell into the hands of feme Rafrmcn frojn Tioga Point, who in an utilaA tul way made Out an advertisement In mv inmc. ami r-L- thr filenced, vhen commodore Rogers -ordered o.

Uctolr 8 i aim i anxious 'o I impoifiblc, and at)(j appeared to eeak and aooeared prevent d.tnicre. Jto makcits own Sherd's Sal. I ---j the Prudent. Corrtir.dore's report con firmed. fJjy uuunu nun, mi main, liuu Up 1113 TUE of a writ of Venditioni Saddle, Bridle and Leather, and at Chakc-5) Ludi.ow, i Crbtun or tve -t outol the Cvjurt ot Co nmonlNcfcopeck falls, or near there; was ordered of Cunrv, 10 me niVecled.ioiV rtt hv ni if rh Capt- Caldwli.l confirmed 'he accouni nf ibr 1 i ixrtA -nc kr I- iPr asv 7 be Sold at the.CUr: I'ioufe ill'Wiikes-iman.

nii'hed into thf rivr nnc Tnm- 1 ur.ithe ihii) at the time of i i Jacob Mull, Stniing-nutfier. Wa otr ouartt-r deck. Corn. R. I vith the Little Belt, on the n.gnt llJ Frnrn nolltion ht FIvlDAY niage and it is thought by many that my fori ii drowned I have tiavellcd about one thoufind niiies and can lind nothing of him, CI'JC and go: ib answer but 4 halloo." of NnWr nxty at ten sulheient time hailed again, and got no in tht-forenoon and mull give him up for loir.

But if he is alive, it is my sincere requelt thar he (houldt return teome. He wa about eitriifcen veafa which fired mil gun but from the ami Jiul Burr! nit a Hint, without provocation, in fJ or 4 Ail rhi -r. -ht, title or interefl of in econds returnetl the and got a genera'Ridae and to the lollovviniri 11 i a I mg drab colored fire from the Little BeK Thou rht the -r. u.i lonS aools H'ljre Rogers ordered to fife low coat and overalls, jacket with yellowish but ju iuli vst lunit, -a it lam a heavy frigate, un il next day. Action of! land situate in Orwell Town (hip, tons, yellow handkerchief, and black hat cinued 14 or 1 5 minutes, including three or'Luzerne cou-ny; bounded as follows Be- to roir.d inot.

recommenced hnng, as did He had blue eyes, brown hair, and was mid- f'ilir nitntlftfC Ititrtrirnl I lt-- W.ii Aiii4 J. I .1. ajiuh. utu vuu at iua iJovviiian can. cur ji: i -ii i i ir.i iaS lJii tuuii i iJB.

ii i vT (, (Oiiiig uim, wnn a tiown iooic. it tie Doy is HT 1 I K-mlock tree m.rke.l L. L.I have driven him out of hit L-uak ber-il Commodore account C. ii. R.

1 80S on the -elt of a nrllt, llim (rnm l.hie 'id h.y bow on towards iuc i i true. To be Continued. '7 business and returning home. Any per- rnks to (tunc on the ea(t side of the hca.j lW cf him wi fo eaumg from to Owcga, thence uponuirca him h()n andfcinform me where hc is invehar.penca to her aru. IkrgaiKwas down, and her ir1 on the can, and mizen too, caa sine oi i i ruau iuuiii ue- The Ele6tiot i i ii'ji- action continued I i cr 15 i grees well iwenry nine perches three links to i i i-i.

We have detained our paper to a late hour, none, thence ta.i buy six perches to a and they will much oblige me." Nathan Smith. September 1811 rr" Printers thoutrhout the States will whieh I 'tim two degrees welt eleven; to give result of the elect porches seven lins to a (tone, thence eait trie interval. i aeic Peruana and grap iho.t fired, on beat the rrCMdent. The Ihip was i tire, in p'irc oi hi and did not iT after the action. Another broad-L 'bab'y have sunk the Little as eigli tn r.

lies fittr-ru and one hall links ro.pieale ro publifh the above. Governs i on yd r. a. hemlock tree on L.oenez'er Liec eait Jonathan Stevens aiv! thence on faid line north fifty eight percliesj ep resentutives I D.u not know or believe any part ofj a Thomas Graham. oUicial aeeuunt vai untru irrcct.

Regimental Orders. THE Companies composing the. 3otK Regiment, Pennfylvania Militia, will meet for exercife on Monday, the 7th day of October next. 1 The First Battalion of faid Regiment will Fellows. iWVjri-George Scon, Cornelius Con twenty links to the place Of beginning, con-tiining about fourteen one half acres.

ALSO, ie tra-l of Land in Orwell town-ibip, defciibed as follows, adjoining Ebene-2er Lec Land loutheilyi I). Lg Ray's land rim ot ht and William Thomufon. upptr uecu, meet at the houfe of George P. Ransom, in BY MAIL a sccona vhen a mot was believes, irenn the Link Beit no.

oao- on the weit and eaft, Wi.Jiam F. i)ininger'sjPiym0uth, on. Monday the 'jilt day of land on the north, containing about nxtylber next. been l.reJ or provocation given; ocei acres. The orders of com No news of importance from the armies rd tnepreiiJfnr.

were to keep the guns at halfcockjiri Spain. inrd'agiiiiiut uccuiencs. Alter receiv- The, Dutch have evacuated itavia, af er ALSO, One other tratl in Oiwell townfliip, containing about fevemecn acres, be the fame more or lefs, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken tn eveeution ac the fuit ot Robert Ridgway, againit Burr Ridgway The Second -Battalion will meet at the houe of John Benedict, in Putston, on Fuefday, the 22d nay of October nt at ten o'clock A. M.

equipped agreeably to law. COURTS OF APPEAL To be held as to wit For the Firft Battalion at the houfe i Beh's btpa iKve was ordered to tire.t!eftroy;ngJthe and retired k.k was in minutes, and the' fl ro tnt Cc From Buenos Ayres it was reported that 1 it, and filen- it, 1-Logers rcruniC'l id i'ei ihe troops of the Juuto haci a vifnry mitiuuv3. boarded a in Jabez Hyde, jr. SHERIFF. Belt the next morning.

Com Ro George P. Ranfom, in Plymouth, on Saturday the fecond day of November next, at 2 over th royalists, and thar --o thirds of t.ej a Iv mefiire cxpreiling re- Shrlfs Office, )Vifos-Barre latter had joined the In Jer indents, after o'clock P. M. by Capt. Archibald Smiiey fr tae occurrence and otfets of asTidancc October 10, 1811.

putting Elio, the commander, death. Capt. Stephen Van Loon, and Lieut. Jeremiah Fuller. The movements of the Sp-niarvs on the B'ngham aaicl hc took the the Prcfidenr Prefident was not on ire fJ riot (lieer uiY.

Nothing but round hue lhat was fired or on deck. Ano. For the Second Battalion on the fame day Sabine had created fear? -A lb'- hnfli! in- entions on their part. T.h- Amebic com- WILKES-BARRE, OCTOBER 1, 1 3 1 1 at cfrhoc Ufnn Kt Pndlon, by Capt. Peter Hallock, Capt.

Da- I -lv 0 iVrslJ- niel David, and Lieuf. Chriltian Miller. iroaiifcide vvouid probably have funk mTider at Fort Claiborn" had afked lor re tit. LoniirAiore 6. account con -w- 1.

i t-rr it (v miorcemcutb io "'uwn Dvid Waterman, John P. Arndt, Jofiah. BoKvorth. Eleazer Blackmail, Andrew You are a Turn Coat" faid a Archibald Bird, Brown, r'niis. to one of his party, had feen' the rrorjCnlla'ole Abraham Bu'rrell, John Cook, the was looking at the of I.

is wavs, and had come oat in fupport of! dlins, Reuben Cuiver, Daniel itit, audi saw the firll (hot proceed Cran ne Geo. Ciark, John Craig, James the Government. Ana wouia you (r CTj.on which commodore Ko-jers EZEKIEL COBLE, Major Commandant. Oaoher 2, 181 1. Isaac Bowman HAS FOR SALE, At his Currying in -Barre, A NUMBER OF ENGLISH HOUSE COLLARS, AT THE LOWEST RATE.

7 September 20, 1811. the other) have a man, becaufe he put on "his What that and he answered, coat wrong side out in the morning, to wear RS fireii into us." Oi-dr-rs vvpr. then Cinton, Pete Curl, Gideon Draper, Reuben Downing, A iron Downing, John Dojdfon, AbieJ Fello Ja nes Foiter, Philip Gofs, Wyman Gnliin, Peter Gallegher, Betfey lo Lrc. Belt fiienced in five minutes. JR.

was anxious to liop his fire, and it so al; day Or ought he to turn it a foon as hefinds cut his miftake rue American. -lea William Hart, John Johnfon, S'us Tackfon, W. Mifs Kleg- I Ihe renewed the aflion, and pbeven ir.irutes was iileueed again. Talkinc about Turn Coats, lately, one ob jaud. ila Lines, Lodge No.

61, Nathaniel .4 -0iii. k. was aiixious to prevent mis- I ferved. thai )e had rather l'thefe times Miner, '2 John M'Ewen, Eleazer Merrill, .1... r.

lrtfi (r- A i Robert N.elfon, Abraham Nearb, Darius wear a jitmeu couiy man uuv a lib. nutaclure 'Barnes Tracy and Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS AND STATIONARY iia itupt hu hre. No fire or flieer-I Commodore R's. account confirm- I Raymond Hi Y.

Pfrrt, JwKr Lieutenant and Signal Officer. Is on the quarter deck, near com. Ro Pre.ston, IWilliam Friedman, 2 John Robins, fxa Rood, Ann Riley, 2 Robert Robins, Daniel Rimer, Jacob Romich, Da Chillicothe, on the 8th of July 7hn Spooh, recently from Mif- niel Spencer, Daniel Stiles, Welcome Ann lVilbnt late from Ireland both ofgtone, Thomas Shoemaker, Charles boy. ihe commodore hailed, cot Wbtch they offer for SaU at the New Tori Ohio. ')' hailed a second time, and got none.

James Smiley, Archibald Smiley, Elizabeth 4Scott, Chriltian Sarver, John Taylor, Tho Since'Dutch and Irifh both agreej Prices. 20, 18 11. gun, and was looking at the Belt, nred it previous to any gun or provo-taw the Prefident. The Belt was im minutes, and orders were fent mas Tyson, Taintor, Thomas Taylor, John Taylor, William Tyack, Jofeph Von Sick, Bernard Upp, Asa A. Upfon, To live in Love and Harmony May other nations learn from them, For to respect the rights of m-n Their quarrels into filence hufh, In peace together eat their muff).

Advertisement. A SCHOOL INSTRUCTOR is much Benjamin Vandermark, John Woodberry, 7 uvifion of guns on board the Pre- wanted in Towanday first Diftritft. "One vcaie. ihe Belt renewed the fire, Nathan Wade, Joleph Wood. Jacob Cist, P.

M. October 11, te Mclident alfo. In ti minutes the as fdenced again, and tne commodore WILKES-BARRE, Sept. II. The examination of the Scholars in Wi'keh- 7 anxious to Hop the firing on board esnlent.

No fite or tWrin.r ff ihJbarre Academy was this day concluded: POST-OFFICE KINGS TON, PA. Letters on Ucltber 1st, 1811. Wilbert Benner, Wvsox, Hannah Blan- asn a vcry dangerous situation andjThtir progrefs in the various sciences was proubly have been sunk bv another satisfactory to the Managers and Truftees, who can come well recommended will meet with good encouragement. Enquire of William Means, Esq. Toivanda, September 1,1811.

COMMUNICATED. The Minifters and Delegates of the Luzerne Affociatiotty have recommended day of Thanh giving by the Churches in their union, Thurfday the 8th of November nexti mc. nearj ijaiiinjr from the honoriiblc to the luftruclors and pu- chardj, Kingfton, Abel Hall, do. Philip Myers, do. Rofvvell Sturdevant, do.

John Lan- p-uoouttiey faid their colors were Piis. don. do. Peter Fervtr, Northmoreland. Da- -so reported.

Commodore Ro- Cd The next Quarter commence two I id Dimock, Exeter, Levi Townfend, do Onirl- t.n,,rinr.j!',wi;eks from utxt Monday. HENRY BL-aaWGHAM, hU answertdi I lue, I am il PER ORDER-.

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