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The Gleaner from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • 3

The Gleaneri
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Nr.w-Yuan Jar.t!ary when the fue was difcovercd but it Mcfrat, arrived at 'Norfolk frbm. raw. fsom eurppe. from Liverpool papers, to the had made fuch progrefs tliat it vras im- :2 ma: pomble to live the lives ot the cniklrcn, fonaivesV informs, lljat: to' terms of eapilalatioTi, he It is probable from appearances, that theK of the 5 City reccivcu boy ha4 attempted to-fave hiwfelf the other children were in bed. Ihe two bby arrived at Portland.

iVERPOOL, Nov. i o. embarked for Jamaica cn the eighth day after his furfei'dcr and the tiroopV were embarked on board the (hipping; arid wenc chair, on the bill, received from Senate, to fell the General Greene, and to make an addition to the Navy. Dr. Euftis an additions1 allowing rarions to half-pa officers, fubjeft to Navy orders, provided they are not employed on board of merchant ve fie Is, or other wife rngaged in their perfoiial fFairs.

This motioa tt's fupported by oldeft retained confiderable of the human int? A of a Ictter ffm London' datea, fiundax-evening Nov. 6. out and furrendcred to the lintilh block fprm, tlj: youngeft very little. Their remains were; taken from the ruins, put in one Cd2fi, and the day after depofited. and are reckoned at the for- ading fquadron confiding of jour line of battle, (hips, and four frigates who took them back into the harbor but thr Fnch troops were kept on board the (hipping.

The attack at the conqueU 4ji tlieiCape The houfe belonged to General Mattoon. number of fail of the line eh a gsarj paper. aim fwiv ion ui imciv.ujui uVIirrs. Euftis, NichoSfon and Clay was very feverc, and the flaughter im- Fhcficl a number of deck- the North bdttomcd boats that carry if with fviVcls. Upon.

the whole, it rhehfe on both fides numbers of thc wounded black troops had been fent to 1 WILKESB ARRE, Satvxhay Evening. Jan. 14, 1804. Gonaives feveral white people V-' had been permitted to remain unmdlcfUd at the Cape. Gen.

DdHiiines was preparing to go againft Cape Nichola-Mole, and thb troops would be ready to march iUiooppQied oy ivielirs. macon, Dmt-lie, Gregg and Claiborne and on the ueftion being taken, was agreed to Ayes 52 Noes 4f. Mr. Gregg moved that rhe com-Ttitrce (hould rife in order that leave fhould be ref ufed them to fit again, a id that the bill mould be committed rp a committee appointed on naval affairs, for the purpole of obtaining information. appears that from the coaft oi ft rathe Baftic, the enemy has four (HJ thoufapd meiu Certain it is (fstieaft half that number will perith fC attempt upon England Nay.

abfolurely and coldly calcula by the Chief Conful. 1 nfatiate Ijinbiticu monfter and does he irn in a few days. A A Convention has been made hVtweert Sweden and England, and will- Wyalufing, Mr. Dewis Lhcky to Mrs. Eunice Daniels.

Claverack, Capt. Ifaac Tracy, fcrrnerly of Norwich, Gonneel-icut. At Rtifti, '-'Dec. 31, Lucy Stevenscbnfort of Mr. Peter Stevens, in the 3 thy ear of her ageT Johjsj Page was on Mim day tlir '19th ult.

unanimotfly re ricfted Gbvertior bf ihe Common wealth of Virginia. be agreed to by the other on hern Pow hat wtth the remainder he will be i Atii conquer the united kingdom of The motion for the rifing of the committee was carried- Ayes ca- ers, refpecting the rights of neutral navigation. This is. exactly fimilar to that which we infilled upon at the clofc of the laft war. The general principle of it is, that neutral nations (hail not fupply the Belligerent Powers with any commodity vhich may be conftruclcd to give an ad (Moes 42 The houfe then gave the Great iriii- $tic have in abundance been fent atiic departments to invite all perfons tj iyto 45 to join the Corps that are lfc recruited and in return, for their committee leave to fit1 again Ayes 48 Noes 45.

POiPULATION. During the debate on thejbove vantage to any of thefe Powers rf 'caVfy- faaa, and for the rtlk of lots ot each icngaged'in the enterprize, the French 1 S. '1 1 1 Inbjecl, amrflage was received from A late publication maKes tne numocr: in on tnc tvar a better manner than of inhabitants on this globe to be Soo'thev would he enahled to do wtrhnur ibia che Senate Itating their final adhe ill i. -4. millions.

Of thefe 226 millions are'fUDDjv At the fame time a Treev tr rence to their amendments to the promnes, to cover them ivtth Uto-. Mad the attempt of invafipn muit Lento every rational mind, we are of aibn itwiU be wmade do riot fup hrifVians i 10 millipns of Jews 210 in cverv thinj? elfe is to be allowed ar.d. lalary biUl Mr. Randolph, from thefcommit We for a moment that Buonaparte will a Mahometans 1 450 millions of oraer that the trading neutral 'nation Pagans. Of thofe proftfTing the Chrif lmay not fufFcr by ir.fing the fale of her tian religion, there are so millions of commodities, auv of 'he Belifferent dow- tee of conference, on the dffagrceing votes of the two Houfes, on the a ijnfeif accompany either the firit or laft ithe Flotillas but having pledged him-11 to the expedition his Qenesalsj be St, and if they are fupceilfuL which J-irn rtvpri He will not role, as at Proteflants 3V miilions of the Greek jers that intercept them are to be allowed "and Armenian churches, and 90 miliionslthe right of pre emprion, and are forced mendmen-s of the Senate to the fal-ary bill, made a rrport, conckidinv with a refolutioh that this houfe ad -A KaffJr nf Mirrmm.

to f.iann their lau Wt Jk -V, 1, sbbfelf. we are the only nation here to their difagrecment no the a mendments of the Sente' Lths dared to affert its and op wi wuiuiud. 4 iic wjiuioiiijto purcnaie tne manuraciures wnicn mey 6n the furface of the known habitable! prevent entering at any other port-globe, is Vftioiated at 896 millions. If! Liverpool paper, we reckon with the ancients, -that a gen- eraficn laft 30 years, in that fpace 896 IT HE fubftriber infotms hia Friends milliomj of fuls will be born arid nd the Public in general, that he -confcqucntly, eighty-one thoufand fev-jhas commenced the HA I NG bufmefs en hundred and fixry mud be dropping in Wilktiharre, the nexi doer to John P. into eternity, every day three thoufand! Arndt's Inn, where he intends to keep a The was then taken by eas and nays on the report of the phiigrafp, we (hail in the event of a YjdiLul landing, certainly have but to expect.

Yet this very con-Slerarion ought to nerve the arm of de-ace with redoubled vigor. Inferring Jbm the example of other countries ommiitee, and earned tn'the affirm ative Yeas 71. Navs Tuesday, January 3 1804. four hundred and feven every hour, andtgeneral aflbrtment of Wool and Fur The Hoiife went into committee of the about fifty every minute. pch he has fubjugated to his power, A S.

N- Y. EveninePoll. seidtul indeed would be our prolpctt; thc biU maki ng appropriation for the mil-Wd vaory crowi his efforts. By de I itary (Vrvice for the yeaf l8o4. fj he hopes to divert our attention from! The bili beiniT reDorted.

was immedi- Mediate invafion. ately taken up by the Houfe, and affer being amended, was ordered to be, cngrbfl-ed for a third reading to morrow. 1 12. Paris DaDCrs to the ad and Dutch Tour- Which he will difpofe of, at the mofl; reduced price, for, Ca(h or produce. He'; will pay the higheft price for FURS.

WANTED, Immediately a fmart aclive Lad, as an Apprentice to the Hatting Bufincfs. isaac carpenter. January 14, 1804. Mr. Huerer.

from the committee ap n. 1 1 1 1 (wwiucyip mil nave oeeu reccivea.j on Hhe ith of November, to Hacie irom Vienna, ot tne 20m uit. xvhom was referred the report of a com '4 pofitive terms, the complete! mute made at the laft feffion on that oart notice. ureof the negocations carried onby; 0f tne Meffage of the Prefident of the Courts of St. Peterfbargh and United States, which relates to the fofter- the purpofe of adjulting the ditfer- Vai U.m.j T1 1 1 fcjp THE delinquents who dtsrd-ardtd my farmer advertisement will uwccn ranee ana tins counfry.

liThc folio wing official return of our "jlunteer Force, was made on Friday at vvaruihce. do wisely to respefi this. heat, a i andO s. will be taken in went for all debts or demcr.ds due me A. tf made before the first day of Feb-i ruary next.

Matthew-Gvell. ing the fiflieries of the United States, with inflruclions to enquire what meaf-ures are neccflary for the encouragement of the whale and cod fimeries, made a detailed report, concluding with a refold tion, that there be paid on each ton of vcf-fch employed in the whale fifheries cents for each voyage, provided that a greater fum than dollars (hall not be 3 1 6oo 6,207 Infantry Artillery I total If we add to thefr Wilkesbarre January it, 1 804. 3 3 539 1 I paid for each vthel. ALL persons ivko ere indebted tot the subscriber, and have agrecdg Regulars and I Referred to a committee of the whole our 5 on Monday next. too may boalt i2ntin Mpn Extracl of a Ictter from a gentleman in Kalkzfkias, (Indiana Territory) to his friend in Philadelphia dated December 8.

Captain Lewis and Clark, (Commiflion-ers appointed by the Prefident to afcer-tain the fource of the Miffifippi, arrived hert fix days finceand fet out again; proceeding on their voyage up the Miffifippi. They appear to be gentlemen well qualified for the enterprize, and in good health and fpirits, and feem difpofed to brave every difficulty. But from information, however, from high authority, I am perfuaded the Spanifh government will not at this moment permit them to enter nthc MifTouri river. Thus fituated tfjeywi be under the neceffity of remaining bielow its mouth until the cxift-ing difrerences are adjufted between the United States and that nation." At a large and refpeclable meeting of the inhabitants of the counties of Phila delphia and Bucks, held the 2d January i8o4. purfuant to notice, at the houfe of Thomas Paxon.

for the purpofe of taking into confideration the expediency cf an application to the legiflature for a turnpike road from the interfeclton of the Buftlcton and Briftol roads at the rocks, in Oxford townfhip, Philadelphia county, to the Back tavern, in Southampton townffiip, in the county of Bucks; Refolvcd, That we will unite in an application to the legiilature for an afc au-thorifing his excellency the governor to incorporate a company for the purpofe of makingiari anificialfOad. rorrlh Frank-ford and Briftol turnpike, at the iriterfec-tion of the Buftleton and Briftol roads at the rocks, in Oxford townfhip, Philadelphia county, to pafsf through Buftleton and Jmithfield, the mod direct route, having 'regard to private property, that can be procured, to the Buck tavern, in Southampton townfhip, in the county of Bucks, being a diftance of about ten PbiL pap. to pay in are requested soh" deliver the same by the fi st day off February next Jl WM. C. TURRELL.

I i WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. the Bant lkrfbarre, Jan. 1804. 1 r- die Prefidnt fent us a me a5.

inforrnin.T thnh BOSTON Dec. 20, On Tuefday laft the (hip Nabby, arrived at Portland from Liverpool. Capt. M'Lellan, the owner, laft evening favored us with Liverpool papers to November to. received by her.

The conqueft of England had' not been attempted at the time of her departure, but the papers are filled with paragraphs which (hew that the threatened villi- from the French was FOR SALE, pcw.Orleans is, now in.our pnfiVfljon counts were vefterdav received from ut Dlare in 'J the tcivnship of Hanover adjoining they us.quebannah River, containing cne, i v-v iiuv, ju uuai was; lrr PQfleifion ia the name of the French aily cxpeaed. If the ftatements, very hundred acres, more or less suitable 1 I On the ontK t-I Wnc r. i grand fete on the occafion. He JjMo hold the place a week and then to lvcr it to the American commiiTioners. for meadow or the plow ivell bered about 40 acres tf it are cleared, On the premises is a gooJ lrghtfttsc 1 (h wuiiuctiLiy mauc, arc uc titum.u, a fufficient number of boats wee already prepared for the tranfportation of the gallic troops, and a large proportion pf the foldiers to be employed in the expedition on the coafts embarkation.

170,000 are faid to be in the vicinity of Bieft, deftined Ireland. Bonaparte, was at Paris 28. a number of fine fruit trees and ex A ha3 arrived to pAy off the Spani andto.preferve order, Aufl "J.preierve Aullat hi 4 CrtyarifFArt 1 cellent water. The mat I road fnon. 1 Wilkes bar re to Northumberland, pas-i ses through the farm.

Fcr furJbei Si appointed the ofnCers at the re eKdatiori of the American Conful. cpecl Jiave official information of Hrcry of the place t6 our Commiffi. particulars, apply to Lorjd Butler, Esq in lvilkesbarre or the subscriber on the premises. George STtwx ax. Jamary 7 804.

Y- FIRE AT AMHERST, N. H. On Thurfday evening laft, about 8 o'clockt the houfe, occupied by Ebenezer Pratt, pf Amherfti was contumed vith three children in it, a boy of 8, a girl of 5 and another of 4 years old, with every article of furniture. The man was about CONGRESS: A deputation of the Creek nation of JfVW ppREPRE3EN TATIVES. Indians from the territory, cn the iVlitu- 7 fippi Xquth wed of Georgia; we under- ''fday, Dt'cembier 29.

Houfe Avcnr Jnco commii Ihe PRINTERS arcing WOOD. in JN ood, arc adyifrd io take cdviinf thgc of the pTeferifltddi-vsf r.r ttee two miles from home, and the woman ftand has arrived at the leat of govern i Boston pap iJ chc ri. si. nciehbort onan cveniog vifit, 1.

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