The Times from San Mateo, California • Page 18
- Publication:
- The Timesi
- Location:
- San Mateo, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 18
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
a Maleo Times Tuesday, July 14, 1959 Investors Turning Warily to Real Estate for Profits By ELMER C. WALZER NEW YORK (UPI)-With stock prices high and bonds in disfavor, investors are groping around for a haven for their funds. Some of them are glancing toward real estate which often is hailed as a hedge against. inflation. Experts on real estate warn the uninformed investor against promiscuous purchases of real estate for the purpose of saleguarding dollars.
The conservative American Institute of Real Estate appraisers in its publication "The Appraiser" warns that real estate is no hedge if it is being purchased at already inflated prices. "Any property that is a true hedge inilation," says "The Appraiser," "must still have an intrinsic or income producing capacity of its own, and it must be acquired at a reasonable price. It is no hedge if it is being purchased at an already inflated price," In the article, S. Edwin Kazdin, president of the institute, sounds the following warning: Hurts Investment Property "Inflation is not good, and particularly for investment property, it is not good. Rents will always lag behind expenses, and, in an inflationary period, we should ex- Stock Market STOCK By THE July 30 Ind Net change .1 Tuesday 346.3 Prev.
day 346.7 Year ago 257.7 NEW YORK, July stocks: ACF Indus Air Reduc Alleg Lud Allled Ch Allted Strs 60. Alum Ltd Alcoa Alum 1.3 Am Air Lin Amn Can 4524 Arnn Cyan 61 Am Motors Am Potash Amn Smelt GAVIN Std 1578 A 81 Amp Tob 100 Amp Visc 50 Ampex Crp Anacon Co Armco Sul Armour Co Alchso Top AvCO Corp Bait Oh Bendix Av Beth Steel 57 Boeing Air Borden Co 8074 Borg Warn Burroughs Cal Pack Camp Soup Can Pacific Case. J.I. 1259 Celanese Co 394 Chance Vet 3334 Chrys Corp 69 Cities Svc Colg Palrn 3944 Col Brd Sys colum Gas 22 Comi Cred 65 Come Ed 39 Con Edison Containers Can 47 Contl 011 Corn Prod Crane Co Crown Cork Crow Zell Curtiss Wr Deere Co 65 Doug Airc Dow Chem DuPont Co 254 East Air 407; East Kod Flintk Co Food Mach Ford Mol Forem Dalr Gen! Dyna Genl Elec Genl Food Gen Motors Genl TAEl Genl Tire 721 Ga Pac Cp Goodrich 991 Goodyear 148 Greybound Gulf Homestake Ideal Cem Inland Stl Int Bus M. 445 intl Harv Inti Nickel 10115 Intl Paper Intl Jahns Man 54 Jones AVERAGES ASSOCIATED PRESS 15 R1s 15 Utl 60 Sts A1.0 A .5 A .4 145.2 97.9 231.9 149.2 97.4 231.5 101.7 82.0 175.8 Jones OUR SPECIALTY Papas Rellenas (Peruvian Dish) AND FRESH SEA FOOD FROM WITHIN Dancing.
Friday Saturday Banquet Hall FRANK TORRES BEACH HOTEL Montara PA 8-3335 I 14 (AP)-Closing Kaiser Alu Kenne Cop 103 LOF Glass 75 Libby McN 1234 Litton Ind Lockh Airc Loew's Inc Macy R.H. Marlin Co Minn 149 Ch 533 Mont Ward Motorola Inc Nat 31scuit Nat Cash Nat Distil 31 Na: Gypsum Nel Lead 126 Netomas Co NY Central 30 No Am Av Nor Pacific Northrop Air 34 Olin Math Pac 60 Pac Light Pan Amp Param Pict 48 Parke Dav 41. Penney JC Penna RA Phel Dodge 60 Pallco Cp 30 Palilp Mor Phillips Pet Proct Pullman Co P.adio Corp 68 Ragnr Co Raythn Mig Repub S11 Rexall Drug Reyn Mel Reyn Tobac Rheem Mig RichEd OIL 85 Safeway SL Schenley In Sears Roeb Shell Oll Co Sinclair Oil Socony Mbl Sou Cal Ed 585 Sou Pacific 73 Sperry Ran 255 Std Brand Std 011 Cal 52 Sid Of Ind Sid On NJ Stude Pack 13 Ten Gas 33 Texaco Inc Tatoko! Ch Tidewat ol! 261 Tran Alr Transamer Twent Cen Un Carb Un Ou Cal Un Pacific Unit Air Unit Alreft Borax Gypsum Rub Steel Warn Pic 43 Wests Air Westg Elec Wool worth Yngst 136 Zenith Rad pect to get a higher yield on our investments, and nut a lower yield. "lt is a fallacy for investors in home producing property 10 think that they will be able to pay back heavy debt in the future because of the possible increase of the property, or of the diminution in the value of the dollar. still have to have the dollars to pay back the debt, I don't know how you can manufacture dollars for that purpose in apartment houses or' office buildings.
"On the contrary, there is a constant struggle going on today in the case of prime properties to protect future income against the ravages of inflation. "With a dearth of good investment property, high prices and low yields, there is no valid reason to urge nonprofessional small investors to participate in ownerships at lower than reasonable Real Estate Already Hit There are many indications that inflation already has hit estate, the publication points out. It notes the SO catted "syndicate" offerings to the public have been carrying progressively lower yields, because higher "prices must be paid for suitable properties bought from inflation alert owners. Also it is noted there is a marked coutraction in the volume of commercial property sales in most cities since shrewd owners are unwilling to sell against the difficulty of finding a suitable form of reinvestment, and the prospect of sull higher prices for their holdings through further inflation. The publicalion calls attention to a growing number of "how to" books on the "fortunes to be made in real estate, supposedly available for the taking, All you have to do, say the books, is buy.
and sell, buy and sell, at progressively higher prices. "How To" Books Crilicized For a period in the late 20's, say the aulhors, the same kind of system was well on the way to making millinnaires out of thousands of "average" people buy. ing and re-selling stocks, until their "average luck" failed them in fateful Doctober, 1929. "'The Appraiser" points out that "the total' supply of investment real estate and the income it produces, expands only slowly. "If widespread ad syndicating, stock promotion and glib or exciting best sellers stimulate an excessive amount of money to scek investment in a limited supply of property, much of it investment by uninformed persons rather than.
by prudent well informed real estate investors, serious inflation in real estate is inevitable." Little investors have learned a lot about stocks. They are getting I -to the point where they know their business, Wall Streeters suggest perhaps it might be good to avoid trying to invade new fields which require just as much study as do stocks. 0. TEACHERS SEE REACTOR CONTROL shown examining the control board of a small BOARD Robert L. Nelson, left, of Mento atomic reactor at the San Jose General ElecSchool and College is one of three of the 50 tric plant.
Other men are James E. Hanthorn teachers attending summer school under of Oakland, Col. Paul Hamilton of San Rafael General Electric fellowships. Teachers are and GE engineer Charles Kindness. Industrials Stir Market NEW YORK (AP).
Industrials perked up late this afternoon to give a sluggish stock market an edge to the upside. Trading was fairly active. Volume for the day was estimated at 3,200,000 shares compared with 3,360,000 Monday. Selected industrials posted gains of fractions to a. point or 50.
A good assortment of losers remained from the earlier irregularity. Gains of more than a point by U.S. Steel and Jones Laughlin highlighted the steel section. American Motors advanced more than a Chrysler was about a point higher. Aluminums found renewed strength and aircrafts staged a minor rally.
Reynolds Metals was up more than 4 and Kaiser Aluminum well over a point. North American aviation was about a point higher. Coppers and oils drifted off mildly. Rails were irregularly higher. U.S.
government bonds turned narrowly mixed after opening firm. NEW YORK (AP) -Markets- at a glance: Stocks Higher; industrials improve. Bonds Mixed; corporates low. er. Cotton Lower; hedge selling.
Chicago: Wheat Lower; scattered selling. Corn Higher; general shortcovering. Oats Mostly higher; shortcovering. Soybeans--Higher; bullish crop news. We recommend YUBA CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES (COMMON STOCK) This company has had a dynamic growth.
14 operating divisions and subsidiaries have been created since 1956 with sales jumping from $8.4 million to $37.2 million. In the same period, earnings have grown from to 97e per share, 1958 was the 52nd consecutive year of dividend payments by this company. Write or phone for a reprint of the Informative TRADERS GRAPHIC article on the above. FRANK KNOWLTON CO. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 445 California Street San Francisco Telephone EXhreek 2.3044 1212 Breadway Telephone Glencourt Mayward, phone BRowning 8-3114 is Concard, phone Mulberry 2-5572 Please sand latest copy of TRADERS GRAPHIC.
CITY. Famed Menlo Botanist Dies DEATHS Dead Child Was Diabetic County pathologist Dr. Arthur Lack today reported one positive finding resulting from the autopsy and laboratory analysis performed on 11-year-old Diana Louise Schweitzer of 411 Fairfax avenue, disclosing the child was a diabetic. The condition could have caused her death, he said. The little girl died at Mills hospital Sunday afternoon, following a sudden seizure at a neighbor's party.
Dr. Lack today said, "We have determined one positive finding. The chil: was a diabetic and had a marked elevation in the blood sugar count." Meanwhile, results of further laboratory analysis are being waited, reported Dr. Lack. Funeral services will be held for Diana tomorrow.
native of San Mateo, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schweitzer. The father is the president and general manager of the Baue Malting company of San Francisco. Diana, who would have been an August 4, was student at St.
Bartholomew's parochial school. Besides her parents she leaves two brothers, Joseph L. Schweitzer Jr. and Gregory L. Schweitzer, and three sisters, Nancy Edna M.
and Ann M. Schweitzer, all of San Mateo. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C.
Raetz of Burlingame. The maternal grandmother is Mrs. A. N. Skoegard of Lemoore, Calif.
Diana was also the granddaughter of the late August Skoegard. Surviving. is. her paternal greatgrandmother, Mrs: Elizabeth A. Von Husen of San Francisco.
Tuneral services will commence at 8:30 o'clock from the Sneider and Sullivan chapel, proceding thence to St. Batholomew's Catholic church for a requiem mass at 9 o'clock. The rosary will. be recited at 8 o'clock tonight at the chapel. Interment will be in' Holy Cross cemetery.
HAZEL J. HAYNES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO eral services were held today for Mrs. Hazel J. Haynes, 66, 316-A Locust avenue, here, who died Saturday at Community hospital in San Mateo following a long illness. A native of Portland, Mrs.
Haynes was a member of the Gold Star Mothers' club of San Francisco and the Senior Citizens' club of South San Francisco. Survivors include a son, Leonard Haynes of South San Francisco; a sister, Mrs. Ava Templeton of and. four grandchildren. The Rev.
Robert Lundy of St. Paul's Methodist church of South San Francisco officiated. Interment was in Cypress Lawn Memorial park. HARRY W. AYRES SAN CARLOS- Harry' W.
Ayres: died this morning at 1908 Howard avenue, where he lived with his daughter, Mrs. Aileen Turner, followed a short illness. He was a member of the Victory Lodge, 474 F. and A. of San! Francisco.
Funeral services are pending at: White Oaks, chapel in San Carlos: Entombment will be at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. LONG DELAY RICHMOND, Va. Commissioner of Revenue E. Glenn Jordan says he received a letter containing income tax blanks mailed with return address from his office in 1944. The post office couldn't locate the person the letter was.
addressed to. LEGAL NOTICE Edward N. Jackaon, Armond Emanuel, NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 27304 In the Superior Court of the State of in and for the County of San Mateo, In the Matter of the Estate of SAMUEL P. DONIG, Deceased.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned ELSIE. DONIG, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of SAMUEL P. DONIG. deceased, to the creditors of and all persons claims against the deceased, to file them, with the necessary within six months after the first of this notice, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of State of Californin, in and for the County of San Mateo, or present the same with necessary vouchers, within 'gix months after first publication of this notice, to the said Executrix, at the JaW offices of Messrs. EDWARD N.
JACKSON ARMOND EMANUEL, 103 Market Street, San Francisco, California, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of sald. estate. Dated this 13th day of JULY, 1059. ELSE DONIG, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of 'SAMEDWARD DONIG, N. Deceased.
JACKSON ARMOND EMANUEL 103 Market Street San Francisco, California Telephone: EXbrook: 2-8533 Attorneys for Executrix First publication' in SAN MATEO TIMES at San Mateo, California, July 14, 1959. Pub. July. 11. 21, 28, Aug.
4, 1959. (1218) DOES MORE THAN JUST "SHRINK PILE TISSUESI NO SURGERY NEEDED TO Put Nerves To Sleep- Stop Pain of Swollen Piles In Minutes! To stop nagging discomfort of Stainless Pazo combines the most swollen piles in minutes, thou- effective. Ingredients' known for sands use Stainless Not piles. Thus works 3 ways, at once: only -reduces tissue swelling but (1) stops pain, Itching in minutes; stops pain at once, promotas heal- (a) shrinks tissue swelling, 1ng of inflamed tissues too -all gestion; (3) promotes healing of without surgery! Preparations that raw tissues. You get immediate Just act to piles can't now comfort while Nature's own offer complete symptomatic relief.
healing magic goes to work! FOr real comfort, fast, you need Don't puffer needlessly. Get this more complete medication. Stainless Paco Suppositories or In doctors' teats, patients had. Ointment at druggists. Get relief Immediate relied, That's bocause without surgery or money backi A 1 VIOLA H.
DODGE LAKE TAHOE Mrs. Viola H. Dodge, 42, a former resident of Redwood City for. 11 years, died Sunday in Tahoe Valley, following a lingering illness. She is survived, by her husband, Edugene Dodge, a general contractor in Tahoe; 'two brothers, Leo Panttila of Menlo Park, and Lande Panttila of Illinois, and a sister, Mrs.
Charles Rosso, of Illinois. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from Layng and Tinney chapel. Interment will be in Alta Mesa Memorial park, Los Altos. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON WRITTEN REPORT FOR 1059-00 ON COUNTY.
TAX ROLL COLLECTING CITY OF BELMONT SERVICE CHARGES FOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there 18 on file in the office lot the undersigned 3 written rethe I fiscal year on the tax for port for collecting sewer service charges of the City of Belmont roll of San Mateo County, Said report contains a description of each parcel of real property receiving such services and facilities and the amount of the charge for each parcel for said year, charges computed in prescribed conformity 1n Ordi- with nance No. 257 of gald NOTICE 18 FURTHER GIVEN of 8:00 P.M., in the regular meetthat JULY 3 27, 1059, at the hour Council Chambers, City Hall, Belplace, of gaid City. Council, mont, California, are hereby fixed as the time and place when and where the said Council will consider and act upon the final adoption of said report, at which time all usera of the City sewerage works owners of property served, ar proposed to be served thereby, or other persons Interested. will be beard concerning same. Upon final approval, said report will be filed with the County Auditor of San Mateo County and the several items therein posted to and collected on the County tax roll for said year.
Dated: 13, 1059. CATHERINE A. HERTSNER, City Clerk, Belmont, California To be published in SAN a MATEO TIMES at San Mateo, California, July 14, 20, 1959. (1217) Vital Statistics The following vital statistics for San Mateo county were compiled yesterday by John 'A. Bruning; county clerk: MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Roger Kneeland Godfrey, Arnold 27.
of Palo Alto, and Patricia Hurst, 21, of Oakland. JONES -JOHNSON William Grant Jones, 54, and Jacqueline Toler Johnson, 41. both of San Mateo. PETERS-DRESSLAR Leslle Harold Peters, 87, of Atherton, and Vera Louise Dressler, 63, of WashInston. Oliver.
Mull, 19, of North Carolina, and Carol Joan Adams. 19, of Redwood City. BENSON-HOFFMAN Philip LeRoy Benson, 22, of Burlingame, abd Dana Joan Hoffman, 19, of Sun Mateo. JASINSKY-LAVERY Robert Frank Jasinsky, 19, of BaD Bruno, and Sharon Alene Lavers, 18, of brae. QUENNEVILLE LANE Maurice Henry Quenneville, 30, and MarlAnne Margaret Lane, 30.
both of Red wood City. Dale Lynnwood Brooks, 18, of San Francisco, ADd Pearl Ann Crippes, 17, of Pacifica. POWLER-O KINSKI Jordan Dennis Fowler, 39. and Sandra Lee Kinski, 19, bath of South San Francisco. WIlJam Rodota, 23, and Iram Linda Gonzalez, 18, both of South San Francisco.
SOETJE-HOLMES Fred Bernard Soctie, 21, of Redwood City, and Barbara Jo Holmes, 21, of 6an Francisco. Roy Kleinman, 27, of Stockton, and Joann Lee Smothers, 19, 01 San Mateo. IN FRANCISCO COTTON-MELGAREJO Patrick E. Cation, 41. Daly City, and Windfred P.
Melgarejo, 35, Daly City. WARNER-GODLEY Philllp Warner, 25, Los Angeles, and Gerry Godley, 23, San, Mateo. GOOCH-HOGAN Gleen Gooch, 22, San Bruno, And Carol Hogan. 23, U. 8.
Navy. BELISO-YOUNG Leonardo Deliso, 26, Daly City, and Barbara Young, 17, Oakland. GUARALDI-ANDERSON Secondo Guaraldi. 52, and Webona Anderson, 40, both of South San FranDIETRICH-3 San Francisco, Howard and DietBetty Broady, 36, Daly City, DICORCE COMPLAINTS FILED BAKER- James 5, vs, Dorothy Stever. BAUER-Mary Joan VS.
Darwin RAY. COPPOLO Mary vs. Rocco 8r. -Nina Onda vs. Lester.
DEVOU-Lucille C. V8. Lester. vs. William B.
HARRIS -Aurelia Vs. William J. VS. Georke S. LYON-Arlene Ruth vs.
James Hudson, PAMPANINI Phyllis Rabjohn vs. Quirino. ROBBINS-Helen vs. Ovil. VIELLE-Kathryn L.
vs. William W. INTERLOCUTORY DECREES GRANTED from Alex. BURLEY Robert E. from Evelyn Gail.
INAMURA-Mary Lou from Sam. MURPHY-Lou B. from Sobn P. OLSON Virginia Aileen Genicke from Roger Allen. -Dorothy from Gustav.
SMITH -John C. from Diana Estelle. 3PRADLING Jordas Elaine from RAy Gene, THORBURN-Camille M. from Donald G. WE Edward from Marcaret, FINAL Jean DECREES Morgan.
GRANTED BARLOW--May D. from Robert -Dorcas M. from Maurice A. Vital Statistics ANNULMENT COMPLAINT PILED -Helen VS. Rodney, PROBATE MATTERS FILED In the matter of the catate John Graham -Petition for letters of administration.
In the matter of the catate of Jobnstone- Petition for probate of will. MENLO PARK Internationally known botanist Gilbert Mor. gan Smith, retired Stanford Uni: versity professor, author of two books on botany and an authority on marine algae, died Saturday at Palo Alto hospital at the age of 74. He lived at 1221 Hobart street, Menlo Park, A past president of the Botanical Society of America and member of the National Academy of Sciences, he won the botanical society's gold medal for an 18- year research project on marine plants in the Monterey peninsula area. Dr.
Smith also served as member of the scientific team which did ocean research on atomic blast affects after the kini tests in 1947. He was the author of a textbook on general botany and another on seedless plants which is used in the world's leading universities. A graduate of Beloit college, Wisconsin, in 1907, 1 he received his doctor's degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1913. Before joining the Stanford ulty, he taught at Pomona college, Wisconsin, He retired from Stanford in 1950. after a 25-year teaching career there.
He continued to do research at the university, however. He is survived by his wife, Helen, of Menlo Park. There will be no funeral services. Dr. Smith willed his body to the Stanford medical school.
RUTH L. PAXTON Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday from Dutra chapel in Half Moon Bay for Mrs. Ruth L. Paxton, 49, 489 Kelly avenue, Half Moon Bay, She died last Saturday at Lower Lake in Lake county, where she had been vacationing.
She had been ill for some time, A resident of Half Moon Bay for 16 years, she was a native of Oklahoma. Mrs. Paxton was the wife of Fred -L. Paxton, who is a member of the Half Moon Bay contracting firm of Wallace and Paxton. The following children survive: Trula Ramos, Menlo Park; Mrs.
Darlene Cuha, Fred Paxton Jr. and John Paxton, all of Half Moon Bay; Mrs. Freda Stevens and Michael Paxton, both of Reseda, and Mrs. Patricia Bernbeisel, Woodside. Also surviving "are 'two sisters and a brother, all in Oklahoma; Mrs.
Mabel Dudley, Mrs. Ethel B1-uf, and William Gingles. Funeral services will be followed by interment in IOOF. cemetery in Half Moon Bay, Mrs. Paxton was a licensed volunteer nurse, and had been employed at the Pines sanitarium in Belmont and previously at the Crystal Springs home.
FLORENCE H. MELBOURNE Funeral services will be held Thursday for Mrs. Florence H. Melbourne, 48, 300 Bayswater avenue, Burlingame, who died this morning in Community hospital. She was a native of Othello, and.
had lived here for the past 13 years. She is survived by her husband, E. Courtney Melbourne; a daughter, Mrs. Karen Diane Mortensen of Castro Valley; a son, Sydney Lee Melbourne of Burlingame; a sister, Mrs. Alice Anderson of Seattle, and a brother, George Larsen of Malibu Beach, Services will be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m.
from CrosbyN. Gray chapel followed by intorment at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. CARLANTHIA ALICE JOHNSON Mrs. Carlanthia A. Johnson, 64, of 4010 Edison street, San died yesterday in Mills hospital.
A native of Bourbon, she had lived here for the past two years and was a registered nurse for the past 30 years. She was a member of the California Nurses' association and DAR in Indiana. She is survived by her husband, Joseph E. Johnson, an auditor for the United States army; a daughter, Mrs. Jeanne A.
Hoffman Jr. of Indiana, and a sister, Miss Elizabeth Parks of Bourbon, Ind. Services and burial will be at Bourbon. Patterson and O'Connell chapel is in charge of local arrangements. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEETH, pleasant alkaline (non-scld) powder, holds false teeth more firmly.
To talk in more comfort, just sprinkle a little FA8TEETH on your plates. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Checks "plate ador' (denture breath). Get PASTEETH at any drug counter. Established 1889 8an Mated County's Leading Daily Newspaper HORACE AMPHLETT Publisher 1917-1933 AMPHLETT Owned and PRINTING Published by.
COMPANY California Corporation J. Hart President Walter A. Jack Vice President Anne Janet E. Brubaker Treasurer Harold A. Mat.
Secretary Harold Editor Richard G. Business Manager GENERAL INFORMATION Publishing Office 145 Second Avenue. San Mateo, Calif, Telephone DIamond 3-1631 Branch Offices 1452 Burlingame Avenue Telephone DIamond 3-1831 2134 Broadway, Redwood City Telephone EMerson 9-1791 MEMBER Audit Bureau of Circulation The Associated Press and The United Press International The Ean Mateo Times is the Official Newspaper of the City of San Malco and of the County of San Mateo, National Advertising Representative GILMAN NICOLL RUTHMAN Boston. Chicago, New York, delphia, N.Y., Los Angeles, PhilsSan Francisco, Calls. Detroit, Mich.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective October 1. 1956 charge $1.60 Minimuta size Ines Four Lines Minimum Times Per Line Charge .40 1.60 .27 5.40 .19 ..40 cents Per Line Flat Contract rates and rates for additonal insertions upon request. Classified must be placed by 4:30 p.m. day preceding publication Monday through Friday; 12 noon Satur. Au classified ade appearing in Wednesday night's Times will auto.
matically appear in the Thursday morning Peninsula Shopping Guide for an additional charge (4 cents per line to Tines Classifled Advertising contract holders and 7 cents per line to holders). Cancellations must be received by 5 p.m. day preced2.1g publication Mon. day thru Friday before 9 for Monday's publication.
A flat service charge of 50 cents will be made it advertisement 1s cancelled prior to first publication. REFUNDS MOST BE REQUESTED WITHIN 30 DAYS. No cuts or borders. Type up to 48 point permissible Classified Display COpF. Minimum size one column inch.
The right 1s reserved 20 reject. tensar and properly classify any advertisement. Five average size agate words are counted to the line two initials counted as one word. Display Classifled charged at 14 llaes to the inch. Responsibility wIll bot be assumed for more than one incorrect Insertion of acy advertisement ordered for more than one time, Errors should be reported immediately.
One Line. Six Days $1.00 Only articles priced at F15 or less may be advertised under this classideation. Commercial Advertisers, af ads more than 30 spaces tone line) are not 'aDlowed. All articles be priced and only one article may be advertised on one line. No refund will be given for ads stopped prior to expiration date.
Economic Activity Continues Slow Rise During April Against the backdrop of a vig. prous national recovery in April and May, the Twelfth District dispiayed many strengths and a. few weaknesses, according to the June issue of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco's Monthly Review. In general, economic activity continued to rise in April, but at a slower rate than earlier in the year. Employment, production, and consumption moved above March levels, and scattered data for May indicate continuation of the upward trend.
District nonagricultural employment in April was only 0.1 per cent ahead of March, but continued to maintain a larger margin year-ago levels than in the nation. Construction lost some of its impetus in April 25 favorable weather in the Pacific Northwest delayed various projects. The value of construction contract awards, however; moved up another 5 per cent, a less spectacular increase than the 33 per cent March rise. Automobile sales in the district displayed continued strength in April, and partial figures for May point to little change in the high. level of new car registrations.
Steel ingot production rose sharply' from March to April and remained high during May; steel users built up stocks in anticipation of a steel strike and to meet a stronger than an.ticipated current demand for steel products. The continuing upswing during April and May was reflected in the more restrictive credit situation. The demand for funds has been increasing and interest rates, both long and short term, have reflected these demands in rising to the highest levels of the postwar period. The second Monthly Review article examines consumer penditures on durable goods sincethe end of World War I. Outlays on durables have reflected the pull and tug of special conditions such as consumer credit controls and changing consumer credit terms, the early postwar backlogs of demand, the availability of products and model changes.
Farm Market SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) Vegetables: Artichokes, all districts Beans, S. Mateo Cabbage, local 1.75-2* Carrots, all districts 3.15-3.35 Cauliflower, local 1.75-2 Peas, S. Mateo Spinach, all districts Onions, all districts 1.25-1.65 Squash, all districts Over the -Counter JULY 14-Over-the-Counter Midmoraing Market Quotations by Merrick 222 East Fifth avenue: Bid Asked American Marietta American Trust American Express Bank of America 51 Buckeye Steel 291 Crocker -Anglo Bank Eitel-McCullough 43 First Western Bank -Packard 45 Insul-3-Corp, Kaiser 56 59 James Kilburg Lucky Stores 281 Maryland Bank of California Tracerlab Reserve Insurance Pacific Int. Express Russell Mig. 37 Packard -Bell Listed NYSE Permanento Cement Radlation, Inc.
Reeves Sounderaft Security Insurance Travelers Insurance 96 Nat. Bankof Westchester .27 29 Varian Associates Weyerhauser Timber 49 We are pleased to announce that CHARLES DERRYBERRY has become associated with us as a registered representative in our San Mateo Office 420 South Ellsworth Avenue Telephone DIamond 2-6311 Kidder, Peabody Co. FOUNDED 1865 Members New York and other Principal Stock Exchanges NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES PHILADELPHIA LONDON, it UNITED STATFS HI To Albany 84 61 Albqurque 94 72 Anchorage 59 49 Atlanta 86 68 Bkrsfield 102 73 Bismarck 94 67 Boston 83 71 Brownsvile 92 72 Buffalo 83 Cincinnati 87 65 Chicago 81 Cleveland 80 Denver 92 DesMoines 65 Detroit 84 61 Ft. Worth 97 Fresno 99 Helens 86 90 51 Indianpils Kan. 83 72 Las Vegas 110 Los Angles 90 66 Louisville 94 67 Mempbis 88 63 Miami 88 77 Milwaukee 77 57 Anchorage .49 Atlanta .12 P.
OB New Oricans .70 Philadelphia .58 WEATHER R1 TO 88 65 New Orlns 88 74 New York 78 72 Oakland 63 55 Okla. City 87 68 Omaha 85 64 Phitdiphla 84 6B Phoenir 108 83. Pittsburgh 82 60 72 55 Portland, 82 Portland 72 Rapid City 90 Red Bluff 101 Reno Richmond 80 St, Louis 88 Sacramato Salt Lake 96 San Fran San Diego 77 Seattle 71 Spokane Tampa Wash. Thermal 110 85 UP Precipitation Reno Salt Tamps Richmond Washington Lake City BEHR5 High. 72 .54 RAINFALL 24 nours SCARIn ending to 10 date 3 daLe Inst SPRE San Mateo None None "Intl.
Airport .00 NODe None Redwood City .60 Noce None for 4'30 Season began 1 BUILDING PERMITS Totals for 1938: San Totals 199: San $3,129,772. Tetals for Jals: SAr Mateo $711.418. Permits Issued July 13. 1959: San Mateo- J. Felton.
806 Neyada avenue, aiter dwelling, $1000; New York Life Insurance company, 205 East Third Avenue, alter office, $40DD: Edgar H. Morrill 402 East Thirty-ninth avenue, alter dwelling, $1500; Glenn Ricke, 10 Olive court, swimming pool. $1600; Glenn Ricke, alter dwelling, $500; James A. Bryan 1416 Newbridge avenue, alter dwelling, $250. Burlingame -D.
Cabral, residonce, 3837 Rivera avenue, $20,000.: Hillsborough J. C. Hadley. 880 Longview road, addition to residence, $3000: Irving Feldman, 245 Sierra drive, swimming pool, $4000. "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean For Wednesday, July 15 Present- For You and 1 Yours Another fine day! The atmosphere, continues to be one of gaiety and you may find it difficult to concentrate on your job.
Much can be accomplished, bowever, under present radiations, 50 don't give in to temptation to play during working hours. Business plans work out well, Past On July 15, 1933, Future Vending machines General Italo Balbo landed ani may be placed at strategic spots 'armada of 14 Italian planes at (such as saloons?) to dispense Chicago's Century of Progress bandages and other first-aid maexposition. It was, at that time, Machines at busy interthe most spectacular mass. flight sections would also include such in history. items as tourniquets.
The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Born Match 21 to April 19) eco, LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct, Aspects especially are of favorable for pet project, This is a good day to act on hunch 22) one group activity, as intuition is strongly accented. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Consider an investment proposed to you, Pay atlention to your health Have but don't dig into your cash reserve.
check-up if necessary. GEMINI (May 21 to June Lunars SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22. to Dec. 21) Place your trust in relatives.
You Can life, usher in some change in your depend on their love and understanding, ment. possibly the romance CANCER outlook 22 to July 21) CAPRICORN (Doc. 22 to Jan. 20) The is particularly bright. Give up the idea of making money in mony prevails -keep it that way! hurry, Your long- range prospects.
are good. Ever if it means a sacrifice, 21) do what AQUARIUS 21 to Feb. (July 22 to Aug. 19) you can to help a relative in need. Get an carly, start as things will up by the middle of the day.
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