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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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A. FREDIUCKSON, Editor PAUL D. HUMAN, Advertising Manager Sole National Advertising Representatives: Wallace Wttmei New York, Chicago, Detroit, AfJnrita, Memphis. Entered R.S second etoM matter nt (he post- office at Blyllieville, under act oi Con- press, October 9, 1017. Member of The Associated Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES; By carrier in the city of Ulythevillf- or any suburban lown whore carrier service is maintained, 2Sc per week.

By mail, within a radius o( SO $5.00 yonr, $2.50 for six months. $1.25 for three months; by mail oulskii! 5c mile $12 50 per year pHj'aWe in nth rente. Meditations Far v.c brought no (ding Into (Ills world, nnd Is certain we vnn carry nothing out. Ami tnir- Ing food anil raiment let us be therewith I'onlent. Timothy 6:7, 8.

Let's live with (hat small piUunce which we have; Who covets more evermore a slave. Barbs Here's hoping you get fti the pink during not that you wind up In the redl We vender how some of tbe bathing stilU eel they do, Just liarclyl Eat grapefruit to combat heat, advises a doctor. Any type of shower bath Is okay. Even the stories about folks swallowing pins are hard lo You cnn depend on a fine sour grapes crop this after election. Midget League Sponsors Deserve Congratulations Congratulations lo Hie adults sponsoring clubs which have taken the jMidgel Lcngtie baseball program iiiulcr their protective wings.

Organized and supervised summer activities for youngsters are of utmost importance. And the Midget League as it appears now witt Imve right nt 100 hoys in the 10-12 year ago bracket hustling about the city's various baseball diamonds. As part of the summer program, some 112 young baseball players have registered for play on the six tennis being sponsored by the Kiwanis, Rotary and Lions Cluli and the Jaycees, American Legion and Yarbro Co-Op Gin. We can't think of many things a lad couldVbeller devote his lime to. And up 100 boys in one stroke takes care of a goudly number of them.

would also venture to say that the mlults who volunteered to coach the teams will be repayerl in more ways than they imagined when they took oti tho job. Parties Need to Cleanse Blood of 'Smear' Venom The "smear" us a laclic is us old its politics. But the last two decades have seen il elevated to vastly greater importance in pnlitiuil propaganda. we must sadly ncknowleilge thai many IIIPD of professed decency nevertheless cither employ or condone the most virulent attacks upon other men. That tin.

1 users of the smear include so many who think of themselves as de- con is a mark of what lias happened to our ninrai 11 ha.s become commonplace for political candidates to close their eyes to the presence within their camps of the very lowest order of hate-mongers. A lot of these candidates offer themselves as shining white kmVht.x ready to do battle with the terrible enemy, communism. They apparently do not realize they are strength lo a (lociline which is part of tho very essence of communism. They are acting as if they believe the end justifies the In other words, in their often totally sincere conviction that the opposition is had and must he routed, they allow themselves to he persuaded that any technique which does the job is in the interest of American people. Perhaps such tactics will work for while in a time when people are troubled about who the enemy is and where he is.

Perhaps the stirring of religious and racial hatreds will be looked upon briefly without, great indignation. But sooner or later the elemental sense ot decency of ths clU- 7.en will revolt against the injection of such poisons into the political blood. xlrcam. Sooner or later tlie men who practice or condone the on a grand scale will be thrown out of office. One of the jnost of modern experiences is to listen lo a smear artist defending himself against charges he knows he cannot refute, wraps himself in cloak of righteousness, and de- clarcs (hat UK i.s the victim of a smear.

Recognize the techniijucV It's straight out of Moscow. American political debate has within the last five years sunk lo not equalled for a long time. Regard for (rulli, for honest presentation of issues and'men, has slipped into the background. The great cry is: "Heat 'em, no matter what you have to say!" In the mouth or more before the I9, national conventions, we will lie in for some intense politicking, particularly on the Republican side in the fight between Senator Tuft and General Ki.seuhowcr. Bitterness i.s already rife between these camps, and seems sure to mount as nominating lime nears.

It behooves all sides in both parties to take slock as they go into this critical period. The degenerative process in political debate lias already gone too far. Men of real moral fiber are challenged, in the immediate days and beyond, (o arrest the trend and restore political campaigning to a level of decency. Views of Others Canada Has Newspapers Over a Barrel- Because almost the entire newsprint jnpnly of tills country's newspaper comes from Canada, that country's government approval of another $10 increase in the per ton price will Impose additional cosU of about $50 million on the American jiress and through It Die people. Such added operation casts inevitably must be pa-ssed along to the advertiser or the reader, or bolli.

To the extent that advertising increases volume business and shortens turn-over time, its costs are absorbed, but some of the heavier advertising expense certainly must be flKiircd In selling prices. Newspaper publishers and those in the government who have studied newsprint problems rto not believe the latest increase in the Canadian price is Justified. Qnnniln simply has American newspapers over barrel and is making the most of it. In 1D10, newsprint was delivered to Slium- ton at $46 a Ion. Successive Increases, Including the one just announced 15, have brought It to $130 a ton, tin nll-tlmeTiicqrd.

A fight against Ilils price hike is being prepared, and it may re- Mllt in nn official U.S. request to the Canadian government lo rescind Its approval. It may be possible thereby lo reduce the amount, ns tin manufacturers have probably demanded more than they expected to gel, but Canada Is sure to back up Its Important, industry regardless of U.S. object ions. SugBe.Mions abroad that U.S.

newspapers are too large and could be reduced in at considerable savings arc sometimes echoed nt home. The British point to their small newspapers and the high prices Jor advertising and subscript lorn that have kept them prosperous. The British press, howevrr. Is giving tls people nothing like Ihe news coverage nnd general Inlormation and opinion that the U.S. press affords, with what detriment to Britain's ultimate national good we shall not attempt to say here.

U.S. newspapers nrc so operated that they are dependent upon Inige advertising patronage, which in turn supports much more comprehensive treatment of Die news, provides employment to many who would have to be laid oft if the size ot newspapers was reduced, nnd develops business volume without which our whole system o( mass production would collapse. Reducing the size ol American newspapers Is not the answer to Die newsprint problem. The immediate MJ far ns costs arc concerned lies in (in- (air lecxiiisiderntion of the Canadian pvkf The ultimate answer lies In fur- tlicr priuliK-tion from Sovithern nine, more re- riHTstaiirm or spruce in the North, and promotion ol a Mroiii; newsprint industry In Alaska. American loo rital to the preser- viuion of irmloni and piivute enterprise tor them to be dependent upon even as Mcnrtly a neighbor as Canada The Staijnton iVa.i News-Lender SO THEY SAY My in Trxn.s MV I cuiild be rrolcrtccl.

would i. -quire an lunus It niiiilil Ken. Tom Comially i tljalniMii Dir senate 1-Vneign Rcbuons Thi'ie L- between us I is bi-uer brcauic vrry qi.ukty become urir.g. -Greek Iiene Papa ILK been ln.fccd lomatitically with Aly Klnu. luis opciatcci ill au abnormal stale for so lorip ihai many people have come lo x- ftpi it the unrmnl John L.

McCnlfrey. of Itiicinatduuil HoncMrr Co. I have this inflection to make. Itart a most happy gllc fl W( as man of this a (c Harry s. Truman.

MONDAY, The Large Uneconomical Size Peter Edton's Washington Column Faces Still Red from 1948 Poll, Writers Picking Ike, Stevenson WASHINGTON To know bow good Ncu-swee't: Magazine's poll of 50 Washington 'political writers is in picking the most likely presidential tickets, the 1D52 results must be Judged along with predictions by a similar group in 1348. Polled on June 7. 19iS, all 50 of the correspondents including this writer predicted thai the Republicans hud he best chance lo win I lie election. The late Sen. Arthur berg was picked by 2a of 50 writers the most likely to get GOi' nominiUioLi.

Governor of New York was second with in Peter Edson lilw. This sentiment Is particularly strong nmoiig congressional dcle- giUes from the deep South. This time the Southerners would try lo the name of the Democratic Party and its ballot emblem, the rooster, for themselves. They would try to make it appear that the northern or "jackass" wing of the pjirty was the real "third" imity for having deserted the principles of true democracy. When it is pointed out that this sjili: would only insure the election of a RepubUcam president, southern leaders merely shrug their shoulders.

They feel that, would be to another four years of northern Democratic rule. But privately there is some lln- L-rr belief hope New York was second with in votes. flection be thrown into tbe Stassen was favorite for Hepubli- i House of Rcprescntnivcs, where the can vtcc president 15 votes. i southerners would hold bnlance-of- Thc was prc- x-Gov. Mon tad Thc Deniocrutii: ticke dieted as Trumun and cx-.

C. Wallgren of Washington. On Ot 11. 1048. the same 50 correspondents guessed Dewey gel 37G control.

It's nn adcs hard, old dream SEN. KiCHAKf) D. Russell of llul 0)IJ UUT Georgia is the man whom South- lorial Trmuan 11C. Actually' would Like to sec at the head Truman tjo-t 303 votes, Dcwey 169. a t-'onservativc; Democratic pnrty With Die background in mind, the' movement.

If he can't get the reg- vote or the 50 correspomiem.s nomination nt Chicago. Four) year is 35 votes for Eisenhower, 11 i ftpo the Georgia senator re- for Tnft as GOP presidential can- i fused to join the Dixiecrats and didate; J6 for Warren, 8 for Dlrkspn i regular, ns vice president There is belief now that- Russell Democratic preferences are 20 for' not. bolt the Chicago conven- ''No. I am not going to leave the party." Reporters covering the Russell- Kciauver campaign in Florida later cornered the Georgia senator to pin him down on far he would go in a revolt from the Democratic Party. ''If you mean to imply that I'm going to walk out," Senator Russell said, "I will not wulk out of a Chicago convention on an FEPC fight, I intend to stay right, there and fight it out." NEARLY 100 ot the toughest questions imaginable on ever conceivable domestic and foreign political isiite have been sent over to Gen.

Dwlght Eisenhower to help him get ready for his Return to the U. 3. as a candidate for the presidency. The questions range from, "Will yon repudiate Sen. Joe McCarthy of "Wisconsin?" and "Why did you endorse Dr.

Philip Jossup?" to "Will you support Senator Tnft if he's the nominee?" and "Would you Eiccept a Democratic draft if you don't get the Republican nt 9 a.m. Central time Thur: This conference win not be mance "lin'sHi as vice president. fl rcl fo head up an independent Dem- I ocratic movement, if the regular' were not, to his POLITICAL LEADERS of the old The transcript of Senator Riis- South arc still counting on tin- pos-; aril's debate with Sen. Estcs Ke- president ml ran- fauvrr at Miami, May 3. would sretn tho' 'Thu Excerpts from Erskine Johnson IN HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD Behind the Screen: The tale ot a movie queen with king-size feet is circulating around flicker alley.

The slar In question wears wedgies a couple ot steer larger than Ciarbo wears and is very sensitive when mention Is made of the fact. One day she left a pair of moccasins outside her dressing room door anil a burly electrician slipped them on. The star discovered it and frantically.appealed to a lass in the studio publicity clejrart.ment with: "Vou have to Kel those moccasins hick for me. I don't dare ask for them. Think of It, an electrician "earing my shoes.

It would be all over the lot In (wo minutes So the press agentess girded herself for action, marched down to the set nnd confronted Ihe electrician. "Listen," she said, "those are Victor Maturc's shoes you're wearing and lie wants them back pretty darned quick, buddy!" Remember little George B. Stone who put you through the emotional a ringer with his roles in "Seventh Heaven" and "cimarron," and then menaced his way through Hollywood's gangster film cycle? I Sure you do. Stone had appeared 1 in 200 films until a serious illness took him away from the five years ago. Now he's back, play- iilR a Damon Rimy an character in "Bloodhounds of Broadway" at Fox, and not looking a day older.

"Why should 1 look older?" he a-kfd. "I was wearing a hairpiece 15 years ajfo." Sioiie sees a bfe change in Hollywood since his days as a star and he's not happy about, it. "Everything has to lie done in too much of a hurry," he said. "You can't get great performances out of people in a spit and a half." Shelley Winters breezed Into a lur designer's salon recently a ciiccl: for a crystal mink coat, that had been shown her weeks before. "I'm sorry, Shelley," apologized Ihe furrier.

"But you told me you didn't want the coat. It's been sold to somebody ehe and it win he weeks there's another supply of crystal mink. If I had known you wanted the coat, I'd never have sold it. But you said you weren't I nffered 50 reward for Informa- interested." tion leading to identity of persons "Listen," blazed Shelley. "Thai's I Intimidating farm laborers in an ef- iiol the way in rto business with me I imt keep them off farm jobs Paving Districts Two imd Three have been put receivership.

STILL CHIPPING AWAY at the Laboriles' national medical program, Britain's Conservative government lias stopped handing out free wigs. Henceforth, the cost will be shared by the health service and those getting the toupees. This, we presume, will be known as splitting Tenncssean. "MY LAWYER thinks I can obtain redress," wrote the client to the automobile salesman. "But personally, I'd be satisfied If you just repeated what you told me when you sold me this used car.

I'm getting dreadfully despondent." Greenville (Tenn.) Sun. writers. Ed Simmons and Norman Lear arc Jerry's greatest fall guys for his practical jokes. One morning Jerry called each of the writers at their homes and asked if they their wives and children would like' to EO for some snow fun in the mountains All aerced It was a fine Idra and Jerry Instructed them to meet him if a Beverly Hills tersection at a.m. the following day.

Tlir writers, their wives and (he children were there at the appointed lime, but no Jerry. Al 1:18 a truck pulled up with 100 pounds of shaved Ice and the driver handed Simmons a note It read: "Hone you enjoy Ihe snow- Jerry." Screenwriter John Lucas overheard it at the Brown Derby I married husband, he had a strong by working at it for 10 years, lie's developed just as strong a won't." Pampered Hollywood kiddies are kept busy from morn to night with professional lessons in everything fvom swimming to table manners' Two such small'fry lads, it's were playing in a Bel Air park area and one climbed a tree and called the other to join him In the branches. ''I can't climb," said the grounded tot. But you certainly do it well Tell me, who is your tree-climblni instructor?" A UI press agent dreamed that Francis the mule developed temperament and refused to place hij hoofprint on a mv contract. The cntlcr just hemmed and heehawed.

15 Years Ago In Blythevilte Miss turned Martha Lee Hall has re- from Southeast Missouri u. sou Teachers College, Cape Qirardea. Agricultural Division of Blytheville's. Chamber of Commerce liai nn, I in nu imsiness wiin me don't pay any niientlon fo anything When you do business with I say." me It's Wally Vcrnon's tale about an agent who told a TV variety show producer that he had novelty band composed of five mice. shouted the bug-eyed "Great let's hear So the five mice went to the TV Mice! producer.

"em. instru- on the studio, set up their ments and went to latest hit tunes. "Well." said the agent after the addition. "Are my mice "I'm sorry." replied the TV producer, "but. I cnn't hire 'em.

The picno player looks too Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis' the contract around West's neck. Declarer won the first trick In dummy with the ace bE spades, cashed the ace of clubs, and ruffed a club. He then cashed the ace and king of diamonds and ruffed a diamond in his hand. When East showed up with only two diamonds. South realized that it would be safe to ruff anpther "wmi uc sHie IQ run another dm- broadcast, or telecast.

But after It mond ip his hand later on Before is over there will be a repeat per- he did so, lioweve cnshed the and ruffed king of li in dummy. a diamond in his own hand thus master Uipe recording will also be collecting a total of lo tricks. ciidale this fall (he Democrats insist on -A str -fuic tills belief. Asked by Sena- KofnuvfT if he would pick up i lt ,1, 1 mi ixi'iiuu er ne v.oiiui jncK up rights plank the platform, rail- his marbles and go home if he (Sidi nc ior compulsory FEPC. iVdi-ral n't like the Chicago platform and cago paorm an poll tax ban and fccScral ami-lynch i nominee.

Senator Russell replied, made available for radio, If the performance works out as planned 1 it wilt be the first time in American political history that presidential candidate has revealed his full platform a press conference, rather than in prepared political speech before a mass- mecting rally. ibc Doctor Says P. JORDAN. M. IVrlUen for Service prolfctcd the is good tanning is JACOBY ON BRIDGE Ry OSWALD JACOBY Written for NEA Service iWesfr Is Outfoxed; Hrirr UT po aacun with Mir early 5uimnrr rrop of icrs wlio don't liuve enough present.

know when enough Is enough Umil the skin is protected in this; first sunny i v-ay it can be burned by the sun in I Nearly Blows Fuse almost, exactly same way thcvt it ran be burned by any other hot West waited patiently for the op- suh-tnncr. poncnts to get high enough before When the skin is burned by sun doubled. When South finally got thr outer layers arc killed and have'. to four spades. West doubled with 1 Eeii5p of outrage.

The opponents gone out of their Invariably, after HiiHlay or holfdrtv rnriv nosl in air-very of tire with mi and bh-Mns. ihcir ood PC 11." 1 in ox si)-'. ii i their.srhe? to the sun tho be-! fore. Notue, too oftou it is the Siimo ones who btirsifd tliruisrUfs (he year before and to known better, but teem (o learn. A sovcro sunburn ouU tOMifoi'tiihlc bi 1 C.TIKM'IVIUF therm ore.

LP no nui to True, (lie ra 1 for the crovrih of pl.ui'.s and hi'lji in tlic and ot and .1 nimuls. One or bone'its lih Hie Sim i'nn y.ue is to 1ht? humun skm to pforiire vitamin D. which is for complote lir-alfh nnd whioli prevents rickets in children. A brown, Uinnrri color the ic- sult of thr nl a or coloriim matter in (he mclivtiin. This helps Ui proirci the botiy ocainst orttijic ion II.T.I the sun's rays.

When the be- not nuu'h melanin present. Mrhitiin does not flow fn 'lir ai onre on to si in. but takes Unie. A 'Alilte skin, therefore, Irotn the layers be- lnw After severe sunburn, for had evidently thr outrr are shed in and pull off. Tho dead outer layers rlo not m'E imy benefit from the sun and actually prevent some of the good which is dcf-ircd.

People who are not uncustomed to much sunli'-ht rind do not show be careful about tlie few r.vjoMirrs. F.Ulint: aslrcp in Tbe is A numlirr of ninlmrnls or lo- tiosr; t'an placed on the sic in nnd ptnrect somewhat against rays of the sun nnd promo to tanning ra- i than but someone i skin should not put too :IIP.V rrluune on them. LOOKING OVKR Ihe nuny new of thaneht is flint ihe ol the lies'ln a couci'LiUon that flunks m.i^r..--Columbia (S.C.i 1YEST .1 1 7 South 1 2 .1 A 1 r.iss Ope NORTH 1 AIDS None 10832 AB753 EAST 9 A 2 10873 6 494 KQ 106 4 SOUTH (Dl A76541 A 9 6 4 2 As None N'nrtn-Soulh vul. North Pass 1 Pass I'aw 1 Double r.iFS IVi.v Ting lead- By this time West was left with the queen-jack-nine of trumps nnd a case of near apoplexy. As Smith graciously conceded the last three tricki East dryly observed "Nice double, partner!" West's reply is best lert to the imagination.

The ordinary turkey ts the dumbest bird in the world. It will stand with Us head thrown back and Its mouth open in 4 rain storm until tt drowns. General Dodd, who allowed himself to be captured by UM Communist war prisoners, must a near relative. Stick 'Em Up Answar to HORIZONTAL 3 Musical 4 Coarsely ground hominy 5 Entice 6 weapons 7 Worm 8 Caudal 27 Publications 18 Famous city in Nevada' 29 Poems 31 Weirder 33 Catkin 38 Dress 40 Frock in and West felt half sorry tor South he doubled. el West cnose his Iwst opmi'iR lead, nlm it niorfc dif-1 tlie kmg of Tlicreupon to the plot of the pic- i South, tn the elegunt of ivnlrie (Ark.) Herald, bridge players, proceeded to wrap) I Chewing is sticky 4 Stick together 8 Adhesive IZExist 13 Stocking disasters Murderous frenzy 9 25 Cupola 15 alt Christian 26 Mistake 16 Easily angered church ISConniver 10 Rod 20 Century plants iKes mt 21 Underworld 17 Professional Sod course 22 Damages 19 Lighl colors 24 Scandinavian 23 Rage chief deity 24 Persian poet 26 Domestic slave 27 For 30 One who disputes 32 Equipped 34 Entertainer 35 Costly fur 36 Legal matters 37 Shout 39 Seth's son (Bib.) 40 Earth 41 Insect 42 Watered silk 45 Sampling 49 Planetoids 51 And not 52 Islands (Fr.) 53 Rid 54 Turn 55 Cryptogamic plant 56 Try 57 Furtive VERTICAL IPant 1 Russian river ito 41 Property 42 Injure 43 capital 44 46 Fruit 47 carol Dull color 50 Frequently.

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