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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • 31

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TX 'v i flr 4 i Pi if te! I TT v. AkUnb22L(Trbune 1974 5 v. 3SoE A.aVTv A rT '4 i -t i V. 1 i1 r'-J t. -yprv Enarr Ma anriaarv.

OMMaa'- and Wlarana PAL VMmaNm mam. v. cm SS, m35a'KJ-hlLl2rT r25- Mart Harm batao teteaMntea Qtartea llarwaa. Jr Artear Inna and arMd Kara! teylaa feratear Piaak TMaHra Saa Paute. Oraid, aaaaww mmbnmh IPOS id nnaitlna nnunl.l MMlMar MdM7 and aavteaa (OEEWSEN OROTNEEI chapel.

IMIB MnaL Htenaard, Hat MO am. VteOMtea at tea Marteaite waaaidte OaL I aai, latenaaat aaralas HamMaa Canw-tenr. Enter, CM. Taaa, tea. AMI teat kataO slater A astern OMlail.

Tho.Best In Motorhomos Jr Wmimw iMn Hi datem ta maka i Aaaraa. A aatem Saa te te. baaral tram tea NEW MMTUABV op Hsaaatear 4M teaaca MR Laaatert Otero. 5 W. Eitedllla Aa- i lar a Man Ckrla IM later- i tea Mary tea inmemoriam TOW MM Au a temaM aaaM wawaMraaea, tel a mamarv aataMj mm laal ilia Mtek ran.

IT, Mil I aasd tOvsara. A ter aar a A aa -I A S-pace book about OaUand apbool Supt 1 A. Footer, writtei by er and JUnatrated by a.stu dent, hu beds published lor school BSE. US a biography titled, Dr. Marcus A.

FoEter-AUau for All The district 'pianotodtaeminotoltloruie W- cMtaa-WU HITCH MMTUARV CHAPEL. I1 Z1 Jaka SI. PHaumm. Intarmanl Ml CHAMLES P. OANMOte MOETUAkY ttetea tea Duka Camaterv.

Frtenm'l- cars kaiadar Nlak Srnnl ar vaNav "larania Ranald TlateM Ham gy omt imiMRip Otvm iM t- j'. -v ard LsMa; teYtea aaa Mary L. Sami nate. Taaat; daar kradt- OMVNi UCIMf a kMiMa UUIaa (mteite Tmmm Et ETalfR IteMIOMW MVBIlmr laUBOl rlkULt catw Macks, Maks aad mjmJSlaZZ OaMaa TrteteM Hsvate. A mamkar rkteWfMuultS MH Orteara Uaian.

LacM Ha. JR A MkarMttemJ iSmS! SSS aSn temwima wr epnMH Hmate. Varaaa Mnd, lV A CHAPESSOP THE OAKS HraatR WldteM Caatea WteteM Mia Craca, I Paul LatMna. Mltertatear CaarW A Md J. Habrlaa Sr.

and Tadtey M. WlUte lavtea teotear at Jaaiaa V. Carrate wWMRMra. CsaManca Vaaca LMteM OrarlHa and tea tela ManuM Carrate; aha aurvteaa kr man Mscas and nmr nteHvn. A I ara teMted la attend te ru.

HamterHEW MORTUARY OP uir. fANNON. mm i. lam ak teased la 'R Ckarck, SM Waat-EMadNIs AwjjSaa Laandrs ter Mtek Mam CMMtaa tevM cammaadna dim sssus asBsaas Mill. CHAELES P.

BAN NON MOkTUARY aaaatea te aitead tea. JJ cntrol 1 AHantiC Cootf. Precipitation was forecast nqtion today, including No Observance Of Foster Death The Oakland public schools -oadiatricMride obserV-of the flrot of.ttw death of Foster, but are free to programs, deputy superin-AldenW. BadaL He said the more appropriate time for special programs in tribute to Footer is probably bis birthday, March 1-' Foater was alain loot Nov. I the -dlstrict adminit- 'primarily in upper elemento-ry.

and higher grades, and other districts have ordered copies. Ttie text io by Rosemary -HaUum, an Oakland piiblic odiool teacher now oa sabbatical leave. She says she poreted into it some verbatim responses' by Footers widow, Albertina Foster, to quesUona about him. The illustrations are by David Gulassa, now a 14-year- 'wwsfbsjrsfEs iSawsrsMss; FMwurv; tevtad matear Edna Fak- Alia Jijadna kratear Vara Oaan-aura. Undo Tarn aad EMa KMd far Oakteate Katerrlite Hack At kalk Ora.

Gasrsa -and AamaiarMR BtmaLadaalR'-Altrad Pnkawry; arandmalliar i A. M. Fad Cwaanla at i anY. Javca. MIckaR V.

Listen Quartermaater Judy and Natev; Mter Hick '1 Fad He. Wte VFW. ImarYvate. ScMItlk ryadtea aad HkaMaaAMt. NFtWawOWeil Hfll and ll.

RMrtd CaMala Alamaik I Ihsrlira Omc. A naHa Oakland. cnAaMte ad raddiM at DVID GULASSA DRAWING OF MARCUS FOSTER included. Hi now book about late superintendents .7 I Ji old nintb-greiAer In thd book's notes- about him? Slid for major sections. of the portions of the Southwest, the northern Tewsand MwNm ImM It MM Mrvkat aaown MoaruAiv OtM PladwaM Aaa.

Oa ucteknlLinvmmtedteH.Mlk.lM. Hmatd B. Pradarlckii lavtoa HaraW Pradartcki Latavami oraadmalkar Jam H. and Laura A. PradaHckw mter of Laud E.

MHter Sen Dtegs; eeM Dm Millar Atema-da. A aatete Oakland! otad 71 nan. A mamkar Gardan Granck, Medical Canter. An Rakte ftead Chaster. te Mteae The Weather Outlook Temperaturos 355 SSSES1- SS nonfuotli ForOcasts ES Socram rn-k a auV k.

ovira tot norm 10 nonnwcir IS to knots dacraaikio to knots Gecreaikio Soda, 6 9 Port May Retract Plane Rentvtiike Oakland -port commissioners may pull back bom the stecP rent increases theyve proposed for parking air-planes at the airports North Field. heard stiff' sketch, according to and were but 328 far Aircraft tael sales, they declined from $1235,343 $1,884,379 in the same period. They presented statistics Alameda County assessment Havimkcr dlh FOWLER-ANDERSON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HU Santa Clara Avs Atomsda: teaaca a PM Up Narl Ckarck. Vo Bars Msk Mraal aawra a Mow CkrlHlaa a slsSmm' la vaur favarit darter Bra- MRMmS Eaymead Sterar; lavkia tan tea late May Sllvar; lavias Fraacte.

Windy. Jaw Church whara a Mate MCkrMiaa MiHte attend dm. Tram. mankar Maaktahk UM. EawrVYWi aad Nd.

OMttead. Mrateadjaada. Nausmksr JrdM 4i'd temteftt LAUREL CNAPeL Mtef ALOBRT ENGEL 0 COL SM Hidk SI. i 'ssa'pwtsas'-- "BSSaarS'a wal A. Mama, I MnUMi MS I Msara; Jprlna unci AMrsd Newark.

A natete Gaana, A member and auw HutaacrateryMteaCMIterMa Balaam mom ktdu ft wiluJ rnw are Ml Ildar. Haven Ml am. team THE CHAPEL OP THE OAKS. OAKLAND MORTUARY. MS7 Tam Bute I te Beard Mracters mw Oakland Symiaany ate State oritearaaad.

Tdmate SimL fv jwonftg Fim i uamadiwS EME Oi VlUinV WafHIW mh MTN9 tMMkn GRANT MILLER MORTUARIES' R. ommd. fefa YRMMa Harti Cancard and Warraa Stewart Prlaal Twain Marta; atear ten. A aaHva Cal Narnia; aed 7t vaara. A mantear Th Em trlcM Wsrfcart Uami LacM Nn St.

Frteads ara hadted te attendsrvteH I tevint tether FraawnL Mr. I Hera DukOn; lavlna Chartea Stwrawa III, Eric LEGAL NOTICES a- a--- 0 ft Oft NwNf IN nVYlUv VlwWI IvlOV TTW Annual Rtports tor 1V71 and W72 ara avaUabla for Turn On Ta A aa or its principal Ion Placa, Oak- lattj during Vtduia'r bu hours by any dtlnn who raquasts within 120 days after this puML rllon. TOTA's principal Mr. Wllllqm Na tSto Nov. -) md northwMlv Naftkwaftaro Collfarala-Fatr Mdutaani ataM ommo mo SacroMiota Voriav Fair Raatimh SawaaamM ftllftOUj MamwMwm HnwVRfl WIM TvW, JHUIIIIf wQYnlVr a 1-La am a QYte LOW! TOVNfllW IfPPGf IO ml kjla IraiM, Majf upor qvii niwn nBv wiM lovnov HftMteS Uftmrim OtalfliiftM 9 ana wwHw wsIWyO jwawt tcojjy yuijy norttyily winds.

Mnv NWwM roir Toooy ona tamorrdw but soma cloualnass aostam Mooes today. Cooter to- irioM. SHohtty warmdr afternoon tomporaturas. VeHj, omrvib uwi eavvraov nienv in mv 4R Hlohs today and tomorrow In UaM norttnaoo- MORtarov Bev rti through tomorrow. Sllatitlv ArE Fair USB) CAMPERS I TlAJlEtS iframllTi.

CHUCKS CAMPEK SMB M-rlmnwnwiht. mbimiii I not WHidwi Traitors MOBELXnnRIVINC BAIL? DU JUCSTKUM fKMl aTImI IWw 6 Mater Hama M. NELSONS RV ENT INC AftGOSY KnatATT 7 ff iwtei mia ar walmarwa ratal A1RSTREAM1975 axtaiteacar AT NELSONS RV ENT INC MIW SUS I KNTMS vxrmx'r SPARTAN TRAVHEZE SANTA Ft 4 Qo out dl 74 Modrit tomobraodyforTS'd'' Wid sshction now on Display Abo CWout Tint Traibr Rmtob JONES TRAILER SAUS Manamaat Blvd. Caw card 619-3172 TERRY-COACHMEN 197-Metor SalaAaiitStomi Hk TiobA Mini Mowmam." mod Orat a5Fr am ar awd W6uld you buy -WOODEN I why settle for anything less than an ALL STEEL FRAME" MOTOR HOME. Spbrtscoach Titan 0NLY.rr.

1974 LEFT donout Prim sorno iwd 1973 1 DISPLAYED NOHRS RV CENTER SM.EMERVICI-REFMM 20777 FooltilBM (Carnar at Mattel 4 FaaNtWI ACT NOW! Mira. ate mgwtjlai foflC Ml HM ML UMTS READY TO a RAMSEY MOTOR HOMES a 2SISC Mission, Hoyword SI2-92N' CXIAbA' nwi R.V. CENTER if Rant Motor Homts Wsstond-WiiMy-Monthly 4U4 WILLIAMS ST FREMONT 794-1717 iPA RENT! Iff HARVEST.alr cand. 3aas A HAMIJfeNTAL 1 caala Imotmhomes-campers i estaiushmeni tSa wnt SM Mtealaa. Hayward a RAMSEY MOTOR HOMES a raarO MM ma.

any Mraak. ffka. all nrata avati RENTALS sr-te sr motoh homes. LCEJPETERSEN MOTORS EaM MM OL SAN IEANDRO 430-26S6 Tit A. tewy.

Mrj; c.ffrlbunr SHOPPWS CENTER districts Benaissance Schoolr-aa altemative program instituted under Footer that- uiea art as a vefaide for learning and The book contains 21 draw-' tags Iqr Gulassa. Eabh took about three hours of concentrated ink work over a pencil, the 1971 said, to bom mils allowing that a decline in the general aviation Beet here -bom $11047,410 in 1900 to in 1973 meant a in tax dollars from $71237 tq $41478. In the same time period, the tenants said, the numbers of general aviation aircraft based at Hayward Airport increased from 369 to 531 at Buchanan Field in Concord bom 373 to 411 and at Livermore Airport bom 159 to 301 Port commissioners told Ftaser to come back with a mser io come dsck wun a revised schedule spreading the hikes across two across years. In his new schedule, which the commission will study at its Nov. 13 meeting, that 43 per cent increase originally scheduled all at once for a 840quare-foot rental would go up by 21.5 per cent on Jan.

1971 and by- the same amount again on Jan. 1, 1971 That rental is currently $52.50 a month, and it will go to $6175 the lint time and to $75 the second time. Similarly, the current rental for a apace of LUO square feet of $72 a month would have gone up ta one 64 per cent hike, to $111 but now goes up 32 per cent to $9150 ta 1975 and 32 per cent again to $115 ta 1171 Canal Being Cleaned of Shells, Silt of RedamsUon began drain-' tag dry the Delta-Mendota TRACY The U.S. Bureau Canal between the -V i .1 -A i I iteiS-ai Ml. Mad la Mflca.

HIM GaM Links ML. OaklaaA III ttM ar araaaM Ciackar Bank. MSO OraaSY, Oak. cnlrlkMiaiia. drasaka'AMa SW Padt- Ic Marla A Atemada.

ca MHSIS IMfllTHMA FUNDS CmlwHliruiS luMv acknaailidaa ISV Wakater MO AaMdOr, gL, fiJSSSLa' AiwniKiv KonsosCty HSSnSC fhriotniinf riwiitJNr ai JT Phlodelph Phoenix I Pittsburgh I PrtlandMe I BnadlmmrdAm Fonnnoor I Prvldence Ctevteond. ColmbtOft DolFfWrtti nSSuw Detroit RoiMoh ss RwMCHv jo so 4i Richmond StLouis 73 62 StPraTmp 9 12 MtLkaCnr 62 40 SanAntonl 741 iOIooo Duluth 31 Halana HonoUiWi 07 1 Houiton 76 IndtonopMt 7S 1 Sookana Syracuse Sssr 61 42 Voncouvor S2 4S 61; AucktondTlL' Berlin, 41; 46 Brvraeti, 41; Cairo. Casablonca, 44; Copenhagen, 43; dMI AHHHHVJVfla tVWMW N64 1 (Manila. TsM escow, 4S; Delhi, 72; Nice, 5S; 41; Peking, Ri video. Rio da Jatitora, 7X ftl fj ftft- AI Reall VlaSS Scheduled For Monday A Mass i A Christian Burial will be said Monday for AI Resli, ML of Oakland, owner for years of AI Beau's at 18th Street InCE San Pablo Avenue, and a figure ta Oakland restaurant circles fpr years.

Mr. Bealls late brothers, Pete, Jack and Leon, an were owners and operators of bars restaurants. He was a natiya of Bogno, Switzerland and came, to the VJS. ta 1921 Mr. Bnll was a member and executivo secretary of the California Licensed Beverage Association and at various times belonged to I number of fraternal acganlsatious Includ lag the Elks, Mooee aad Eagles dubs.

The Rosary win he redted at I tomorrow at Chapel af the Oaks. 3007 Telegraph Ava. end the Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Monday at Sacred Heart Church, 40th and Grove streets.

Mr. Beall io survived by Uo wife, Aonetta and a daughter, Mrs. Irena Moon of Oakland. Iran Hoskins; mrlna tartwr Clear PlaaianI HIH; dsor Tin Clear Son Susan Andanan Mauniala Vttw and Ctaor nl PWamnt HHU araoh dl Hddlhar kalaridl, lair Mrs. Wllltem Slaadir Ncv.

A aaHva Navotfai 71 yinn. A Bay Araa ftaa ftlaadmi Uauahaa A OiOft IVIIWwl UH HwMBTl liWURIUtl U1 an. team tea JOHN COX PIEDMONT MEMONIAL CHAPELtNiaac te ns an te IS in Horary Sunday 7 an Ndanaaal Maryte Cdnwterv. Tka 35 12 am JOHN COX -PIEOMONT MEMORIAL CHAPEL 8SBr kalaind adf WH- ki I uiaa a laulaa Aalteaa Hum ml miVHVt him wing mwovwr wv Itllallra tel la EalailaU W1MIIR Pvi Mefnm man vWOoalOvOw Mfp, J. X-Later WakimR MaMacnuraHa aad Ddatel E.

Mdvad Howard; daar fraadmaimr af araaddiMdraa. A astern EwralL MraracmiaNa. Aa dte Frteam ar Invited te attend Nw hmorte tram SOEENSEN BROS. CHAPEL. 1141 SL.

Howard. Msnday. Na-yambar 4 A.M. TTManca la AH Salute Ckarck ter a Mora Chrtaltea Oarite cammaadna AM. Eacltellaa LEGAL NOTICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMEN AND COPVING SERVICES, at 14744 Wathlnoton Avanua.

Son Laandro. Ca MSTft Elbert Jo Tibbs. 14744 Washington Avanua, Ca 04S71 This buslnats Is conducted by Elbort Jot Tibba. ELBERT JOE TIBBS Dvldiiai Individual Na 749 Oct. Ik 2L Nov.

2, -() "'sSSSBS ilpS torn orthwiiry Hartford 11 S4 SlauxFalls IStoH 41 m.p.h. Elsawhara, winds wasl to north wM to nLp.h. Santa. Clara Vallay-Falr. through tomorraw.

Cc tllwhfll, aMu jiiuiiiiv warmer uiivi atonal Lews tanlpht to Uwu toulwu raMM 6ww, nigns vdody ona am Jiohs today Mb to. low Al Northwestarty winds to IS m.pJL I faraiMaaa UmRom rwla Iftawiu unfimra vhrhy THir iniuvun a I- 1-9 RltwMk vUVTINvTVwa Wmn NngiTra BUIHIf warmar tomparaturoi wiim to North to north wad he wore three pen potato in the process. Hallum soys that; 'if- ter Foster was killed last Ntff. A 1 thought 1 wanted to do something, bur 1 didnt kngw what 1 wanted to do" a sympathy card or a.ltaaa-cial caotributioa in his mesta-ry. LLK.

yit ihU CHUBBY JOHNSON Ployed in 100 films" ActorChubby JOlmSOfl 1 Dies at 71 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Veteran character actor Chubby Johnson, the grizzled hut kind-hearted western sidekick ta scores of motion pictures and television shows, has died at a hospital here. He was 71. Johnson died of unknown causes Thursday at Cedars ef Lebanon Hospital, where he ahd been undergoing tests for a foot and leg infection since Monday. An autopsy has been actI-uied. P- Johnson appeared ta inode than 100 films and 900 televp shows, playing roles ranging from a riverboat captain In.

Bend ta the to the more typical sidekick part in dozens of Maverick television sodes. Born Charles Randotek Johnson at Terre HauteTtyl. Johnson legally changed bis name to Chubby. He moved to Las Ve ithe early 193fls' active in Nevada politics: tag death Wednesday of Tiled dore Walker, SSL Homicide Sgt. Lew httet said the investigation Indleafr rinselt- Belton shot Wi S2iffi shot Walker I following an argu-alkera bomejjg Belton told pollcothstwS-er got a rifle his parked car and that the two men struggled for Jte before Walker ana tot Belton waa Jilted for.

taVtf-tigatfam of murder whil-police checked hla accounL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Saalod araaosols wHI bo received In tha off lea of tha Purchaslna night. Saa Ramaa i through tomorraw. SUfhhv wannarat-m tomporaturas. Laws to-to tha 4GB. Highs today and row to tha MB to low 70s.

to narthwasTwtod ta 20 California Summary conttoua to ctear over CaL Jwnto Mah nrassura buttdslnto Tunis, I te Pacific nonfiwasl. Snowshow- South Athens, Blntitoohom, SO; Of ratHHrtSI MaltaSN Now Par It. prapoagd warn and mmrbaabtatood DIM rlct's SaaclflcatlaM Sactlan, Room CaUfomia 0430. UN AUflinV IIIWI7 a raeram SaadflcatlMi IMtdascrtbas the zTj from Oakland, wiywraaiv 1 2130 AdaUna as tha tha (land, Theyve tome protests from their aviation business tenant and from -private fliers. Five months ago the port proposed space rate taermsea of 32 to 63 per cent for the general aviation tpuuta at the old North Field.

Then the tenant! came in a body to argue that the North Field was steadily losing business and tenants even before the rent Increase was pro- Now the port staff, at the order of the commission, has revfaed the proposals to that the increases would be spread acrosc two years. That is, a 43 per cent increase would now come ta two annuil increments of 2L5 per cent. Two kinds of rentals are. involved: for the so-called T-hangars for individual aircraft, and for outdoor tie-down parking places. Rates havent been raised since The intent of the increases, according to Kenneth A.

Fraser, the port's director of aviation, is- to balance costs and Income after six years of substantial increases ta operating costs, in some cases as much as 128 per cent. But even the higher increases first proposed didnt achieve that hoped-for financial balance on hangar costa and income, FYaaer said. Aa ordinance that would have established the I ihffi-i two muired ol.e 01 rcquireq readings before the general their protest I- tenanu told the com- Baby Beef -Smaller Bills And Waists Using the new baby beef instead i of grain-fed beef will give customer! smaller waistlines ss well as smaller food Mils, according to a professor of nutrition it tM University of California at Berkeley. Speaking at the Grand National Food Conference at San Francisco's Cow Palace, Dr.v George Briggs laid the new baby beef lacks soma of the fat marbling that occur ta older animals. But sines tha younger cattle Product naturally tender meaL basal not require der.

A recent survey showed that the baby beef prices are about ha said, the new cuts de the 1st to be ten- 33 per cent below prices for U.S.D.A. choice beef. The Grand NaUonal wu to continue today with an auction -of fleece, aomo of which baa coma from as far away as Australia, at I ijr. If located in Contra Costa County ESsffiwsM fteoBitml prtvolUfiB rafts etper BtemwaGts of ffwioffiteondcopfrs off gvoiiobit lo onyHitBraml pwrfv br fiiutB et the. OWrtdT JOHN H-PtUMB Noi ISIS Novombor I () IR CPU UNTVI (cotton jfalltfiMif tomoony onJomiPMWon- RT OF OF Ihaand ostaMIshkia EXPRESS" to bo aowspopor of gonoral drculoflon.

No. CALIFORNIA ALAMEDA new nawipopor known at Thornton 1 1 bT pBntral proceed PETITION FOE AMENDED DECREE Tracy His imt recent effort wuOl pumps and Check 13, near the O'Neill Pumping Plant, yesterday to remove an estimated 70,000 cubic yards of silt and clam shells which have accumulated in the canal since the 1972-73 cleaning. Tha bureau said, These deposits have reduced the carrying capacity of the canal to. a point where it is difficult to satisfy all irrigation needs." The canal is expected ta be dry ty Nov. 2L In addition, the bureau plans to drain the canal be-'tween Chick IS and MendoU Fool, starting Nov.

1 5. to r9 wu ctafiSiiSrss canal ing caused by 11 Oakland police rat the canal lining caused tar 11 feet of land subsidence which investigation of the Sierra Nevada onda fawroInMMwars Itooer to tha southern San Joaquin VaNav and or the.TohochapI mountains. wSiSggisuwsisrs California fhrtuoh fha waakand but a Ilf ora la tomorrow morttint. jfLkcssa Precipitation Ran oiMdu flj NATIONAL JIOoHnitOI; Billings, Bismarck, OS; Bur' Vf JnTCmoar, On- wnglwnf vlii Mi. aiivrf iVI WIF eta noli, Cawmbus.

Oik Mt LRMRllq a Vraj teSHWiiWVll UIIiJ ewBv Helena, Hamfon, Ju. ufncNKb adf ofiiono OfVu eiij a. Juan F.R tt. Ford Campaign for Dolt WICHITA: Kan. (APH Presldent Ford will camapign here tonight for the rt-elee-Don of Sen.

Robert Drie, B-Kan. MMtO i cs nounrfliii nEWt CEHBTERY: Aaoodatkm A community non-profit corporation gOOOPlodMmt Avo. Oakland S5S-3S88 in iRttrClfV EkpTMB kWI bBBII drcuMtton as I. Sacha Coda. R-6il(wteAa I FflllMNi CRvERpraisr1.

an Octobar 2VN; fho puWshor of tha and pgbllshad Cair rfi THE INTER Hv mi iimhi of atnarai imonf i occurred ta the area the canal opened ta 195L This reach, of the canal has before been pumped dry. The heavy land surf ice sub- ter. tha subsidence tha carrying capacity of the ganaL bv 3 Tbt problem ta the northern roach of tha canal la an infestation of Asiatic dams, whose bodies, act as tilt traps for bottom kdlmeata. In aotao the clam beds have turned fata reefo, Mocking the flow of the canaL CITY EXPRESS PUBLMHI Lloyd 1 MacDonald. IBLISHINO COMPANY Frasl dent NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN pthflonar Intands to apy tor yn amaadH ardor dadartny newinopyr of aanaraT drculaflon la accerdanca with ma 1 JAMES K.

ROFORO Aftomoy tor FoHftonar No. ItJT Oct JV MOV. 4 6 $tW I Mowmbaf t- W7 i mbqv Ncrdi 'FaltenwiiiSte'ol 1 1 i Ma FMteMS 46 ra.ate-ateiteLa 4. -SdLM. a -ai Mb4U4.

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