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The Times from San Mateo, California • Page 7

The Timesi
San Mateo, California
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I Hillsborough Rites Performed at the Hillsborough1 and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sloss, and home of the bride's parents, the is the granddaughter of Mrs. FanDaniel E. Koshlands, were the rites nie Haas of in Francisco.

which united Miss Phyllis Koshland Mrs. Geballe was the only attend. and Howard Friedman of New ant for her sister, and she was York at 4 o'clock yesterday after- dressed in blue brocade with matchnoon. Rabbi Irving Reichert of San ing blue hat. Her flowers were yelFrancisco officiated before low orchids.

mately 100 The For her going-away ensemble the approxiimmediately followed at the home. bride chose a red wool suit with guests. reception brown accessories and an orchid The couple stood before a back- corsage. At the conclusion of a few ground of decor in the yallow days spent in Santa Barbara and shades. There were columns of yel- vicinity, will return to low narcissuses and a tall profusion of live in Berkeley, where the the couple Birds of Paradise and lighted is studying at bridecandelabra.

the University of California. groom architecture White satin made with long, sim- Phillip Friedman was best man ple lines and a sweetheart neckline for his brother, and among was worn by the bride, and her guests were the bridegroom's sister, heirloom lace veil, long, was held Mrs. Lillian Lazar, and aunt, to the coiffure with a crown Mrs. Esther Shapiro, both of New trimmed with orange blossoms. She York, who flew west for the marcarried white orchids.

Phyllis is the riage. They plan t8 leave tonight by sister of Mrs. Ted Geballe and Dan- plane for thei reastern home. iel Koshland Jr. and a niece of Mr.

Announcement of the engageand Mrs. Walter, Haas, the Robert I I ment of the couple was revealed Koshlands, Philip N. Lilienthals September of this year. Art Show Project An art show by Peninsula artists, sponsored by the local branch of the American Association of University Women, is to be held February 14, 15 and 16 in the auditorium of the Herbert Hoover school, Burlingame. The exhibit will include paintings, etchings and block prints.

Participation of all Peninsula artists is invited and eagerly anticipated. This is not a jury show, but the pictures will be screened for quantity with emphasis on quality. If the picture is "for sale" this will be indicated in the catalogue. Artists wishing to. participate will be forwarded further details on receipt of name and address.

As this notice is an attempt to compile a list of all Peninsula artists, they are requested please submit name and address by mail, together with names and addresses of other artists whom they know. All names must be submitted be- Pen. Card Events Peninsula Circle of Druids No. 156 will entertain with a whist party next Thursday evening in the Burlingame I00F The business meeting has been called for 7:30 o'clock and there will be special games preceding the cards. Lucille Jones and Nellie Schreckengast heard the card committee and in charge of refreshments are Grace Hagman and Teddy Arnott.

The public is invited. fore January 10, to American Association of University Women, care of Mrs. A. Woods Giberson, 2714 Easton drive, Burlingame. Executive committee for the art show is as follows: Chairman, Mrs.

A. Woods Giberson, assisted by the Mesdames Jeptha A. Wade, Fred W. Wyckoff, Edward A. Poage, Linden L.

Stark, E. Ransome Fox, Messrs. Samuel W. Beeman, A. Woods Giberson, Howard Watkinson, John W.

Dooley, Lloyd and Dr. Hartzell Ray. Chat and Comment GUEST OF SISTER Col. Ste- phen C. Whipple, USA (retired), was the guest of his sister, Mrs.

Henry W. Root of Burlingame, for several days during the holidays. Since his retirement Colonel Whipple is associated with the state engineer's office, and he and his family live in Sacramento. On Friday the colonel and Mrs. Root joined with relatives in San Francisco at a dinner party.

HOLIDAYS HERE--It is a Lappy holiday season at the A. R. Hansen home as the daughter, Florence Jean, arrived home from Tokyo in time for the Christmas festivities. Sanford. Ladies' Watches Complete assortment from $27.50 3 Includes Federal Tax 224 Third Ave.

San Mateo March Ceremony Planning to be married in are Miss Shirley Ann Hitchcock and William Paine Thomas whose betrothal is announced today in the south and the bay area. Mir. and Mrs. residents Herbert of Burlingame, Hitchcock, longtime now live in the south, revealed the plans of the young couple. Lives in Berkeley Shirley, who has lived in Berkeley for the past two years, went south for the holidays and told of her engagement to members of the family on Christmas eve.

She has been working in a doctor's office in the east since graduation from the University of California in '43 where she was affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamma. The bride-elect, niece of Mrs. Olive V. Loomis of Piedmont, is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.

John R. Hitchcock of Los Angeles, and the sister of alarilyn Hitchcock, also a UC Kappa, and Barbara Hitchcock. She plans to depart next month for New York to decide the details of the coming nuptials. Next Friday Mr. Thomas, who spent the Christmas, holidays with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick F. Thomas of Berkeley, will return to Rochester where he is in the final years of medical school. M. D.

Next May A U.C. alumnus and Beta Theta Pi, the prospective bridegroom will receive his M.D. in May, follow- Local Residents Enjoy Snow Sports At Strawberry A number of Peninsula people are enjoying the winter sports at Strawberry lodge in the High Sierra during the holiday season. According to Miss Shirley Smith, cial director of the lodge for the winter season, the Peninsula folk are entering into the spirit of fun and leading the rest in the gay folk dances which are a part of the evening fun. Getting acquainted with young people from all over the country: were Bob Harris, Peter Dondero, Arno Heinig Bonner Gordon.

Although the boys spend the days participating in the snow sports, they are always "on hand for the evening's entertainment. Also from San Mateo were Mrs. J. C. Downer and her son.

From Redwood City over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Campbell and their daughter Lynn. TRUSTWORTHY It is an old word, and comforting one in time of trouble. To render Trustworthy prescription service is our first consideration.

Trust us with your next prescription. WE DELIVER Phone 3-9375 COLLINS PHARMACY 98 Third Avenue Dear Friends: Here is a prize winning recipe: Potato Chips A La Gorton ale 3 cups coarsely crushed 2 tbs. flour potato chips 1 milk 6 medium size carrots tsp. salt 8 medium size onions tsp. pepper 2 tbs, butter or margarine cup grated American cheese Scrape carrots and slice into slices.

Cook until tender in boiling, salted water. Drain. Pare onions and slice in slices. Cook until tender in boiling, salted water. Drain.

Melt butter or margarine in a heavy sauce-pan. Add the flour and blend. Add the milk and cook and stir until cheese is melted. Arrange half of carrots in bottom of a greased casserole dish. Cover with a layer of crushed potato chips, then with half the onions.

Cove: with crushed potato chips. Repeat layers. Top with sauce mixture and a dash of paprika. Bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees, for about 20 minutes, or until thoroughly heated and lightly browned. Makes 5-6 servings.

Sincerely yours, Laura Scuddord PURE PEANUT BUTTER Scudder. Blue Bird Potato Chips, Oakland, California Laura Scudder's Peanut Butter, Toasted Nuts, Blue Bird Potato Chips NEW! Chrome Serv-A-Carts FIXTURES Colonial and Crystal ELECTRIC WIRING All Branches RICHMOND ELECTRIC CO. Dial 4-1810 220 California Burlingame ring which he will take his internship in the east. He is the brother: of Mrs. Norma J.

Hearn (Beth Thomas) and grandson of Mrs. Charles Lewis Paine of Berkeley and the late Mr. Paine, and of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F.

Thomas of Berkeley. I San Mateo Hostess Entertains at Christmas Lunch Miss Nancy Williamson, of Mr. and Jirs. Chas. J.

son of ninth avenue, Mateo, was hostess at a Christmas luncheon recently. Christmas carols were sung appropriate games played. were won by the Misses Lucy FURS SALE STARTS THURSDAY, January 2nd Look for our advertisement Wednesday, January 1st trot ST YOUR Years' FURRIER Experience 1219 BURLINGAME AVE. PHONE 4-2355 Nor Resolutiona Stop playing the horses? 2. No more criticsing night wife poker hate! all a Stop my 4.

And use nothing but that New Beacon The Beacon Gasoline dealer in your neighborhood takes this means to extend to you and yours, best wishes for a happy and prosperous 1947. MISSION OIL COMPANY Colma 25 J. V. CHRISTIE DElaware' 8748 And for your future convenience apply for a Beacon Credit Card NEW I BEACON Gasoline FOUND One Store with Plenty of Sensibly Priced ANKLET Sox EVE YOUNG 231 South San Mateo Drive MONDAY, DEC. 30, 1946 SAN MATEO TIMESJust Arrived- A Limited lot of 7 Rough Rider SLACKS MEN'S All wool Bedford cords In tam, brown, blue and green $15.00 MEN'S Forest green whipcords.

All wool heavy welgui. $17.50 BOY'S All wool Bedford Cords, sizes 10 to 18 Tan, brown and blue 1085 or Third and Streets richs, Frances Jackson, and Jean Johnson. Other guests were the Misses Barbara Feldman, Mary Jane Greenman, Cyrle Haas, Anne Jud, daughter Margaret Ann Landon. Shirley William- Overmohle, Joanne Petersen, and San Claudia Zorn. and Prizes Hin- Typewriter SALES -REPAIR Corona Royal Remingion Underwood Desks Files Chairs OFFICE SUPPLIES CRAWFORD TYPEWRITER CO.

116 Street, San Mateo DIAL 3-2968 LIQUOR SUGGESTIONS for your New Year's Eve Party 100 proof, botted in bond OLD CROW Case $87 5th $725 15-Year-Old Scotch. Bottled in Scotland 5-Year-Old Straight Bourbon HIGHLAND QUEEN ANCIENT AGE Case $125 5th $10.50 (Limit one) 5th $5.85 12-Year-old Scotch, Bottled in Scotland Blended Bourbon MARTIN'S DE LUXE OLD THOMPSON Case $125 5th $10.50 Case $46.44 5th $3.87 Scotch Blended Bourbon WHITE HORSE 5th $7.66 Fleischmann's Preferred Case $85 10th $3.88 Case $42.84 5th $3.57 Gilbey's Spey Royal Blended Bourbon SCOTCH WHISKEY HUNTER'S Case $75 5th $6.25 Case $51.12 5th $4.26 Scotch BLACK AND WHITE Partner's Choice Blended Bourbon BELLOWS 10th $2.98 5th $5.66 Limit Two Limit One Case $48.85 5th $4.07 Scotch Partner's Choice Straight Rye Whiskey BALLANTINES BELLOWS (Limit one) 5th $9.89 (Limit one) 5th $6.63 Scotch Bottled in Bond. Bourbon MARTIN'S VIO OLD FITZGERALD Case $90 5th $7.70 Pint 34.25 Blended Bourbon Seagram Ancient Bottle SUNNYBROOK GIN Gase $45.36 5th $3.78 Case $43.32 5th $3.61 Distilled Puerto Rican Rum RONRICO White Case or $35.00 Gold 5th 98 Miller Drug Co. No. 1 1200 Burlingame Avenue Phone 3-4556 IN STOCK New Galvanized CORRUGATED CULVERT Nested Type 24-in 30-in.

48-in. BARGAIN PRICE KEN ROYCE CO. Ballding Materials Division 312 South Linden Avenue South San Francisco 2001 Not a Drug! It's a Food! CALWHEY (Dry Whey) Intended as a dietary aid in the treatment of abnormal conditions arising in the intestinal tract which may be caused by absorption of toxic material in the blood stream and by faulty elimination. 12-OUNCE 89: 5-POUND $450 PAUL'S HEALTHWAY 133 Third Avenue Dial 4-2710 San Mateo Closed Saturday and Sunday Fireplace Fixtures Table Lamps Shades Lighting Fixtures Expert Lamp Repairing ROSS Lighting Studio El Camino Real. Belmont PHONE 682 I FRANCINE'S CANDY SHOPPE HARD CANDY CHOCOLATE PEPPERMINTS Third San Mateo, Ph.

4-3401 ,7 7 CARDS WALL PAPER Complete Line in Stock Imported and Domestic FLOYD BALDWIN Complete Painting and Decorating Service Phone 3-1981 151 Sam Mateo RAVE YOUR FURNACE Serviced -NOW Completely Equipped Fun Time SERVICE DEPT. Service on All Makes Experienced B. B. STERN CO. 211 CALIFORNIA DRIVE DIAL 3-1856.

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