Belfast News-Letter from Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland • 2
- Publication:
- Belfast News-Letteri
- Location:
- Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
SMALL PBBPAIB ABViERTISRESSTS 03? SncATioss Wanted or Vacant, Houses to Let or Wasted to Rbke. LODGESGS WANTED Or to LET, BOABD WANTED Or OFFEUED, Businesses Wasted or for Sale Articles Lost or Found, Specific Articles Wanisd or jrSitB. Paktsebships Wanted or Oppesed, Are inserted at the following rates, but only when Prepaid 20 Words, Sd; or Four Insertions for is 6d. 25 Words, Sd; or Four for 2s Sd. 30 Wards, 1b or Four for 3s Del 40 Words, Is 6d ar Four for 4s 6d.
The address counted as part of advertisement. Advertisers should send stamped envelopes to prepay replies to their advertisements. These rates are strictly confined to Advertisements of the Classes enumerated and must be PAID TO INSERTION. Advertisements not Prepaid will be charged at the mmiinum rate of 2s each Insertion. The new Postal Orders form a convenient, mode of remitting in payment of these advertisements.
They are issued by the Post Office at the following ratss of commission: 0x3 HALFPENNY for Orders Is and Is Sd O.NE Penny for Orders of Ks, 2s 3s. 3s (Jd, As, 4s fid, 5s, 6d, I3s, 10s 6ct; THKEE HALFPBNCB for Orders of ISs and 20s. IN THE MATTER OF A TRUST ESTATE. iO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TBEATY, 9-ie MACHINERY and STOCK-IK-XEADH of Jihe ULSTER STATIONERY COMPANY and LINEN BlALL SHIRT AND COLLAR COMPANY, carrying 6b. business at Linenhall Street, Belfast.
The Premises where the business is carried on are held from year to year, and are fitted with the most modem machinery and appliances for carrying on the businesses of Lithography, Wholesale Stationers, and' Shirt and Collar Manufacturers on a- pretty extensive scale. Offers will be received for the whole or part only of the Machinery and Stock. Tenders to be sent to the undersigned oa or before Saturday aext, the 21st January. Further particulars and Orders to View can he obtained from EDWARD BAILEY, 49, Royal Avenue, Belfast. 14fch January, 1SS3.
1269 TOWN OF LIMAVADY. IMPORTANT TO DRAPERS. WOOLLEND RAPERY STOCK FOR SALE, BY PRIV TENDER. TO BE SOLD BY PRXVAIE TENDER. THE ENTIRE WOOLLEN DRAPERY STOCK of the late GEORGE MOORE, LIMAVADY, in Three Lots, Lot 1 Woollens 239 7 9 Haberdashery 120 16 6 Hata and Caps 35 16 4 Blankets, Flannels, Shirtings, and Cdlcoea 127 18 Hosiery 183 3 CJ.
DreBses S3 12 4J Silks and Velvets 63 15 1 0 i 23 17 11, Mantles and Jackets 106 3 7 Millinery 134 12 10 Shawls 37 IS 4 Eoompapers. 24 ID 6 1 231 1 1 9 LoiS Ready-made Clothing 222 7 0 Lot 3 Boots and Shoes 51 0 11 The Stocks may be examined and compared with the inventory on the Premises, up till Thursday, 26th January 1893. The Purchaser of Lot No. 1 may have the use of the Shop free of for the purpose of disposing of the Stock up till 25th April, 1893. Tenders will be received by the undersigned at Kilres, up till Wednesday, 25th and on the Premises at Lima vady, on Thursday, 26th when the Purchaser will be declared.
Inventory and Conditions of Sale may be seen on the Premises at Limavady. J. BAMFORD, Auctioneer and 1404 Valuator, The Emporium, Kilrea. mo SOLICITORS. -SOLICITOR in Belfast, JL first-class connection, remunerative business, four clerks, splendid offices, WISHES TO DIS FOB SALE'.
ESTABSUiiHED W4, ROYAL VICTORIA HORSE SI AJTD 33, OHISEaBSTICE Stebhsp. AUD 13, EOS-GOMES SZSBST, j3 JOHN RQBSON imfft fo intimate that be has' always on hands, for Private Balis, CA NEW ABB SBCOKD-HASTD OAS- RIAGES of tocriptkawi ako SETS OF STEW AND SSCOSTO-HAND HARNESS, wood Saddles, Side Saddles, Bridles, to. Horses. Carriages, Pony Trape, Bath Chairs, Harness, LET ON HIRE by the week, month or year 139 BAY HORSE, 7 years, 15-3 quiet goea well in single and double harness; good farm horse price, 20 goineas. Also, strong Bay Cob, 14 hands quiet sound good goer in saddle and harness price, 1 5.
Samuel Wilson, Portadown. 117S In the Matter of the TruBt Estate of JOHN SHIELDS, of 69, Victoria Street, Belfast. Boot and Shoe Maker. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO the 18fch day of January, 1G93, by the undersigned for the Sale of the STOCK-IN-TRADE, GOOD-WILL, and BUSINESS of the above as a going concern. Stock Sheets and Books can be seeD at the Oifiee of the Trustee.
DANIEL O'RQRKE SON, Solicitors for the Trustee. WILLIAM MEEK, 14, Donegall Street, Belfast. Accountant, Trustee. 1011 TO CAPITALISTS, GROCERS, "WINE MERCHANTS, FOR SALE, as a Going Concern, a large, prosperous, old-established WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUSINESS, in the City of Limerick. Apply to F.
M.Fitt, 57, George Street, Limerick. 1272 SEWING MACHINES. New Family latest improvements, guaranteed, tables and stands complete, only handsome covers, 6s J. Robb Co. 472 jf1 35NTLBMAN of position, anxious to realise vJT valuable single stone DIAMOND RING cost recently 75 will aacepfc 50.
Simpson, Bridge Street. 1121 77 ORSE-FEE DING. Cracked Indian Cora, JO. cheaper than oats lots, one ton and upwards; cash with order. Abraham Neill, King Street Mills, Belfast 28293 AT SMASH, Barleymeal, Beanmeal, Wheat-meal, suitable for cattle and nigs lots, ton and upwards cash with order.
Abraham Neill, King Street Mills, Belfast. 28K94 FURNITURE, payable by instalments. Everything requisite to completely furnish a house supplied at James M'Oana Co. 's Mart, 111, Donegall Street. 333 FURNITURE and general EFFECTS of dwelling-house, FOR SALE bargain to immediate purchaser advertiser going abroad rent of house, 27.
FG. 1180, Mws-LeUer. ENUINE SEEDS. JOSEPH ORR SON'S V3T Illustrated Catalogue is now ready, and will be sent free by post if any of our customers have not received catalogue will thank them to let us know. Seedsmen and Florists, Ann Street.
1271 TOHN M'DUFP, THE CITY FLORIST, High J) Street and Victoria Street, Belfast. Telegraphic Address M'Daff, Florist, Belfast." Telephone No. 450. 'DUFF engages only First-Class Artists his RHhi tk OTTSTTn ATMSTTin- Bouquets, Sprays, Wreaths, Crosses, of the choicest Flowers in Season. 'DUFF'S FLORAL DESIGNS, made to Order, equal in merit to those famous Designs which have, during the past season, received such high honour fromRoyalty, and were favourably noticed by the Press of two feamis-pheres Photographe aad Press Notices on view.
'DUFF is showing a splendid assortment of i'v'JL Porcelain Wreaths, direct from Pari3, in eases, or with juarble stands and shades. 1393 J)R0MMOND'S GARDEN SEEDS. SUPERIOR VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS from best strains, of excellent growth; esoeedingly moderate itt prioe. Diummoad's, 58, Dawson Street, Dublin. WRITE S-OR DRUMMOND'S Illustrated Descriptive Priced CATALOGUE vegetable and flower seeds of selected quality post free.
58, Dawson Street, Dublin. LL GARDEN SEED ORDERS value 20s and upwards, sent carriage paid small seeds, post free. Druauaoad'a, 58, Dawsoa Street, Dnblin. 920 THE BELFAST NURSERY, Malone Road. Wreaths, Bouquets, from fresh flowers.
Telegrams, Crawf ordson, Belfast. Telephone, 511. Town Depot, 20, Mill Street. 127 GARDENS ARRANGED and kept order, grounds laid out, and tennis courts made by experienced men, The Belfast Nursery, Malone Road. 128 ULBS.
Mixed Narcissi 100 free, Is 6d last otter before Gerrard. JBallv- canew Rectory, Gorey. 1349 -jVTURSERY TO BE SOLD, with stock and JJl appliances situated on main road good 1 locality first-class connection. Apply, Noiasry, THE EGGIS" TYPEWRITER is the simplest and most compaot price only 9 easily learned. Sole Agents, Gilbert Co Castle Place.
1351 Ltjjfl UN. Double-barrelled Breech-loader, central VJI hre. rebounding locks, pistol grip, extended rib, fine Damascus price, 6 trial granted. Apply, Hunter Sons, 08, Royal Avenue. 1 348 TWO beautiful Silver-Pencilled HAMBURG HENS, fit to show and win one has already won cheap.
J. Craig, Belfast Bank Chambers. 1347 DRAWING-ROOM COMPLETE WITHOUT an Irish Splnning-WheeL Write or wait M'Creery, 257, Albertbridge Road (patronised by the Queen). 1348 FAROLA. Tho delicacy of the season, as blancmange, or baked pudding, with stewed fruit, 1 and 3yb.
packets. 1 3189 BILLIARD TABLE, foil size, slate bed, with all appointments, by firsc-class maker in splendid order. M'Coy Sons, 80, Smithaeld. BBS FUR BOA. Lady has for immediate private disposal, a real Russian Tail Fur Boa, very dark brown, ten feat long immensely thick, soft value, 75s Bacrince for 19.3 9d perfectly new.
Can be seen by writing P. 437, Office, of this Paper. TO BE SOLD, GOOD-WILL AND FITTINGS of Shop, with Dwelling-house attached, where a long-established Grocery Trade has been done rent very moderate. Apply, 28, Scotch Street, Armagh. 1122 THE PRICES I am selling off my Winter Stock at are marvellous see them annual clearance.
Meek, 125, Royal Avenue. 1120 FOR SALE, A MACADAM TURBINE, in first-class order very suitable for low or medium fall; would give about 70-horse power on a 14ft. fall will be sold cheap. Apply to SL, 113S News-Zetter. GRAND PACKETS of seventy Foreign STAMPS, all different, many obsolete post free, 7d.
Eoss Btyansford, County Down. 1117 DRESSING largest variety, moderate prices, from 5s to 60s. At B. Cwtawell Son's, Stationers and Bookbindera, 10, Royal Avenue. PURSES, immense 6dto 20s.
AtR. Cars well Son's, Manufacturing Siataeners, 10, Royal Avenue. A LBUMS, largest stock in -Ireland, from 3s Bd X3L to 60s. S. Carswell is SoayPrinfcew and Stationers, 10, Royal Avenue, OTEPAPERS in all the newest deshjns and colours.
CaraweU Son. Ldthoetaohic Stationers, IB, Royal Avenue. USEFUL PRESENTS, at moderate prices. R. Carswell Son, Manufacturing Stationers, 1 0, Royal Avenue.
ACCOUNT BOOKS, largest stock, wholesale prices, all manufactured by S. Oarawell St Son, 10, Royal Avenue. 1.8107 riALVAHISED CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING SHEETS, Large quantity of slightly defective Sheets, 6ft. long, Is 3d eaeh 6d each Is lOd each 2a Id each 2s fid each; 3a each. Galvanked ridging, gutters, and down spouting, nails, screws, washers, all materials for fixing.
Cisn he inspected at BRUCE STILL'S, C0UTBACT0E3 IBON EOOFS ATO BTHLBIStSB STREET, 8 DOCK, ilVERPOOfe 310 TO RTil T.P.T II, THOSE PREMISES recently ooeupie- by 3 juiuuugu, uiUMj luuiu5 accommooaEon. sjommercial Gourt, which runs from Donegall Street into Hill Street, immediately adjoins the Premises. Vase Offices are in excellent repair. For Sent and all other particulars, apply to the 'Proprietors" of this Newspaper. 24915 DETACHED RESIDENCE.
TO BE LET, THAT MOST COMFORTABLE DETACHED RESIDENCE knows as MamitpZeasant Souse, Strandmillia Boad. The House contains four Reception-rooms on ground floor, six Bedrooms, Bathroom, hot and cold water, with Stable, Coachhouse, and other Offices, Flower Garden, Tenuis Ground, and Gate Lodge attached. A. Field for Grazing and Kitchen Garden, can also as had if required. Apply to THOMAS FISHER, House and Land Agent, mi 28, Arthur Street.
GRAZING. TO LET, ABOUT TWENTY ACRES OP LAND, mostly suitable for Grazing also, Dwelling-house, Byres, and Garden three miles from centre of city. Apply to E. M. STEWART, 3188 14, Donegall Street, ROSETTA AVENUE, BALLYNAFEIGH.
iOUBLE SEMI-DETACHED Y1LLA, CON TAINING three Rccention and five Bed Eooms, Bath (hot and cold), large Garden, and Stabling splendid situation rent low. E. M. STEWART, 1187 14, Donegall Street. KNOCKBREDA PARK.
VILLA SITES TO LET IK THIS BEAUTIFULLY-WOODED PARK, situated imme-Siately outside the city boundary.ORMEAU ROAD. Trains pass ten minutes. .33. M. STEWART, Estate Agent, 1188 14, Donegall Street, CASTLETON STREET 4), OFF ANTRIM ROAD, overtasking Alexandra Park two BeoenSaon and four Bed Rooms, Bath (hot and cold).
B. BTEWART, Agent, 1189 14, Donegall Street. CEDi GROVE. CASTLEREAGH: CONTAINS three Reception and seven Bed Rooms, Mistress's Pantry, Lavatory, W.G., and Bath, in. accordance with the latest sanitary improvements Electric Balls throughout Stabling within fifteen minutes1 of the Woodstock Tram.
Apply to THOMAS S. MARTIN. 312 46, Arthur Street. TO LET. DETACHED VILLA, BEAUTIFULLY situated Ben Eden Park five minutes' walk from Greeaoastle Station with ten years' first class ticket attached contains three Reception, seven Bed Rooms Bath (hot and cold); standing in half -acre of ground rent, 55.
Apply to WILLIAM J. WOODSIDE, 104, Corporation Street. 1032 OLDPARK AVENUE (47) comfortable house, with garden, close range, newly painted and papered rent, only 25s per month. M'liroy, Lombard Street. LISBURN AVENUE (off Lisburn Road); very healthy situation newly painted and papered; rent, only 28s Ed per M'llroy, Iiombard Street.
BENRY STREET (1 3). Yard, OfBces, and extensive Storage to Let convenient to docks; occupied for the past number of years in the wholesale provisioa business. M'llroy, Lombard Street. OLD LODGE House and Shop to Let; rent moderate. JtvUroy, Lombard Street.
Ipl LEN FIELD PLACE (2), Ormeau Koad, to JT Let, from 1st February contains two sitting, sis bed rooms, bath (h. and with large garden in rere, if required. M'llroy, Lombard Street. J'S7QA For immediate Sale, eleven new I OH. HOUSES, convenient to Sandy Row; let at 110 ground rent and taxes, 36 profit, M'llroy, Lombard Street.
1 1 25 CHICHESTER AVENUE, Antrim Road. Double House southern aspect garden rent, 35, free. T. A. Fisher, Agent, 8, Waring Street.
CS TORE and YARD, Long Lane, North Street, to Let from 1st February rent, free. JL. A. Fisner, Agent, 8, Waring Street. 1280 HORNDALE TERRACE (No.
7), Antrim Roa4 fine, large House, in good order immediate possession. J. M'Clune, 20, Rosemary Street. UMMER TERRACE (84), Cliftonpark Avenue; Double House three reception and five bed rooms. J.
M'Clune, 20, Rosemary Street. fEW STREET, off Cregagh Road Parlour I House 5s per week srarden front and rere. M'ClnEe, 20, Rosemary Street. TJfTILLOWFIELB STREET (No. 45); rent, 15, free.
J. M'Clune, House and Land tgeat, 20, Rosemary Street. CLUAN PLACE (17), Mountpottinger Double House rent, 24, free. J. M'Clune, House md Land Agent, 20, Rosemary Street.
ORB STREET, Albertbridge Road Parlour House rent, 4s 6d per week. J. M'Clune, 20, Rosemary Street. 1-278 ELHWOOD AVENUE contains three sitting and eight bed rooms, convenient to Colleges and Gardens. Davys Bowman, HO, Chichester Street.
4' HAMPTON TERRACE. Lisburn contains two sitting and six bed rooms, convenient to Colleges. Davys Bowman, 10, Chichester Street. 1 354 CONNSBROOK VILLA, Strandtown, to Let containing five bedrooms, two bath (h. and Apulv.
D. Anderson Son. Limited, Short Strand, Ballymacarrett. 1124 I TO LET, No. 1, MONTALTO, South Parade, Ballynafeigh, with all modern improvements, containing two reception, four bed rooms, bath (hot and cold), lavatory, garden front and rere, Apply, Joseph Taylor, 85, Bradbury Place.
1170 UILDLNG-GROUND TO LET, Tennent and Emerson Streets moderate rents liberal advances reasonable interest. Mr. Moore, 3, Salisbury Terrace, Lisbnrn Soad. 1279 BANGOR. To Let, SUNNYSIDE VILLA, Princetown beautifully situated containing three reception, seven bed rooms garden, stables, Apply on Premises.
1083 BANGOR. ORIEL HOUSE TO LET, from 1st May, Unfurnished; two recaption, six bed 100ms, and every convenience sanitary nrrangements perfect overlooks bay, and within five minutes' walk of train and boat. Apply, Archibald Thomson, .25, VioSoria Street, Belfast; or Ardlusso, Baagor. 11 23 RENT. 1.
Henrietta Terrace, South Parade; three sitting and eight bed-jrooms beautiful aspect ornamental ground. James M'Cann, 111, Donegall Street. 1182 CI RAMPIAN AVENUE, Holywood Arches, containing two sitting anci three rooms; bath, hot ami cold. Samuel Gelsion, 133, Royal Avenue. 1 183 rINDSOR GARDENS (Malone Road).
One of those magnificent Residences to Let Dewly papered and painted. Apply, Crown Chambers, Koyal Avenue. 11 01 LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE, facing sea; also, extensive FACTORY PREMISES; workers plenty owner would float company Immediate possession. Apply, Neely, Portaferry. 1 1 85 10 LET, STABLES and COACHHOUSE, 18, TT-m-mwai SnniirR.
Aonlv to Warinff TEan an Place. Belfast: or to jutouoxu wwwftuv5 Belfast. 1357 i REDA PARK, Newto wnbreda. Semi-detached Si TClln Ito oSt.rino- oio-ht hsA rooms oarfeot sanitary arrangements electric bells, H. H.
Boyd 8c MagiU, Commercial BoUdiags oe S. W. Stewart, Adelaide Street. 1358 COUNTY ARMAGH. BEETLING MILLS, DWELLING-HOUSEj AOT FARM.
TO BE LET, ON SUCH TERMS AS MAY BE agreed upon, THE LOWER BARKLEY BEETLING MILLS, near Keady, as lately ia tfte occupation of Messrs. W. J. H. BAECSOW.
Those Miils contain 23 Beetling Eegiaes, and tsave been ia eonstaiefc work up till asa fibe Messrs. Baserofi's lease AliSO. LOWER DARKLBY 'DWELLING-HOUSE, OFFICES, and- FARM, of about 97 Statute acres, adjoining said Mills, aad to be Let with them, or separately, as may be arranged. Apply to ARTHUR B.RQ.QSB, White House, KUlybegs, Co. Donegal, "BBLLAVON," Tram Passes Gate.
rpaiS BEAUTIFULLY-SITUATED DWEL-JL LING-HOUSE AND GROUNDS TO BE LET, for 1st May next. The Dwelling-house contains three Reception-rooms, large Sitting-room on first floor, seven Bedrooms, Kitchen, Larder, aad Pantries, and all necessary conveniences for the aooonimodations of a-Gentleman's Family. The Outhouses comprise two Greenhouses, Stable, Byre, Coachhouses, The Garden is about 1 acre in extent, and is well stocked with Fruit Trees. The Grounds are tastefully laid out and planted, and have two Lawn Tennis Courts, one of which is formed with asphalts. JAMES HOLLYWOOD, House and Land Agent, 1 1 26 1 18, Albertbridge Road.
TO LET, from 1st February, 25, Wellesley Avenue, soar Botanic Gardens two sitting and fom- bed rooms rent, 24 and taxes. Robert Seggons, Wellington Park. 1353 The Bank BOOT SHOE DEPARTMENT. OUR ANNUAL WINTER SALE of High-claas BOOTS, SHOES, and SLIPPERS oontinned each day taring this month. Several very Special Lots have been marked in plaits, figures, at exceptionally low prices, and left on tables at door.
Xhspectiox Ikyiteb, ROBERTSON, LEI) III, CO LIMITED. 426 ALTERATION OF PREMISES. CLEARANCE SALE OF MONUMENTS, CHIMNEY PIECES, GRATES AND RANGES. GEM' ROBINSON SOM5 YORK STREET, OFFER TRBIR ENTIRE STOCK OF Granite, Marble, and Stone Monuments, Obelisks, Crosses, Headstones, and Enclosures also, Marble and Slate Chimney Pieces, Grate3, Ranges, and Tiles, at exceptionally low prices, previous to commencing alterations to their Yrk Street Premises. Inspection and comparison invited.
COUNTRY ORDERS will receive the same attention aa town will be assented with the utmost 06 BELFAST NEWS-LETTER STEAM PRINTING WORKS, 55, 57, asd 59, DONKQ-ALL STREET, BELFAST fiANTAL-MPY, These tiny Catssules are suBerio to Cotiaiba Cubebs, and astringent liquids, and will oare the same diseases in forty-eight hoars without incon vBQienoe of any kind. Each CapBule bears the name "MEDY" Paris, 8, Rue Vivieime. Price, 4s 6d, of all Chemists; or post free from WILCOX St 239, Oxford Street, LONDON, 77. 181 ASSY'S "Wellington" KNIFE POLISH The Original Preparation ror pousnmg cutlery. For use with Boards or Machines.
"WeBiugton" KNIFE HSH For Cleaning Knive Equal to New Cutlery. Preserves 'the Knives. OAKBT'S Wellington" KNIFE POLISH. Used without trouble. Polishesinstaatly.
Refuse worthless imitations. AKEY-S Wellingtoa" KNIFE POLISH. IronmoBgers, Grocers, aad Oilmen Sell it Id, 2d, 3d. 8d. 1s, 2s 6d, and 4s.
AKEY'S "'Wellington" KNIFE POLISH JOHN OAKEY SONS. Manufacturers of emery; BLACK LEAD, EMERY CLOTH, GLASS PAPER, fee. Westminster Bridse Road. Landnn. 285 reasonable.
Address, S. 1 350, this ORce. "OOOTMAN, first-class, DISENGAGED shortly rT SJ engagement wanted as Butler daily, or en- CHURCH ImtF Ployment; two years present place; highly re- rSrY commended. -Mrs. Maxwell, 1 07, Donegall Street, chaser can see, and test draught and heating isgc power.
Address, Stove, 1334, News-Letter Office. ctRoWSne5 13, Eglinton Place, Carlisle Circus? X399 I ARB-WANTED, OFFERS of Leaf, Back JLl Fat, Gat tat, -Address, Whinyates, Zied two Ptrint 7 GiU Street, Liverpool. 1Q25 Nurseries, Newtownards. 1395 pt OOD PLAIN COOS seeks ENGAGEMENT; "Of would undertake small washing good reference. Address, G.
1387, Mies-letter Omee. OUSEKEEPBR (Working) wishes SITUA-TION good cook-laundress wages, 1Q Protestant; can be highly recommended. Apply, LADIES' 76, Hanover Street. 139 ANDSTEWARD seeks SITUATION; iLi thoroughly understands his business testi- FT7T HP mocials will bear strictest investigation Pro- JZaJLiJ- ftestant: wife good dairymaid. Apply, General Post Office, Lurgan.
1 207 HA TQ ADAKB SINGRE, qualified Cook, undertakes XjL Jl KJ to prepare dinners, wedding breakfasts, and ball suppers; terms moderate. Address, 67, King Street, Belfast. tHD 1 1 PORK-BUYER. Advertiser could attend markets in Armagh or Tyrone acute buyer; JJNMB, ALWAYS BEAR IN MIND THERE SScSST IS ONE PLACE IN THE CITY TO BUY A ftPIRIT. four years' ex- penence, desires SITUATION at above FELT HAT A GREAT DEAL CHEAPER mwLt moderate-Addcess' THAN YOU CAN ELSEWHERE.
rjpo MERCHANT TAILORS. SITUATION JL WANTED by experienced Cutter none onlv city houses need reply to J. 1366, News-Letter. fTfRAVELLER. OR FIRST COUNTER HAND.
Jl Young Man wants SITUATION disen- YOU WILL SEE A GREATER RANGE OF shortly long experience in Grocery Trade wholesale and retail character will tear strictest SHAPES THAN IN ALL THE RETAIL tfUPtionr; security required. Apply, 120 1, Aews-Zctter. SHOPS COMBINED. "TTERY GOOD COOK Wants Engagement in or near Belfast; understands her business 1 -a- thoroughly first-class references Protestant. 11, May Street.
1310 ATCHMAKING. A respectable BOY, from tho country, of sisteen, is anxious to learn above business. M. 1 363, Neics-Letter Office. 1 T)T1 TT ANTED, SITUATION as YARDMAN; good milker make himself generally me th- .,,..,1,..
useful good discharge from last employer. Address, J. 1315, News-Letter. HIT ANTED. SITUATION as ATTENDANT on OU WILL HAVE NO TWO OR THREE invalid lady; light housework; town or country recommended trustworthy.
Address PROFITS ON YOUR HAT. given at this Office. 3 3S4 WANTED. QUE LADIES' TRIMMED FELT HAT ic XPPEENTIC3. WANTED, a peS a Tm -CTL well-educated Young Girl as Apprentice 2s 3d.
SEE IT, and yon will agree that to General Stationery. Apply, letter to 1199, News-Letter. yon cannot cay a better one at 4s or 4s 6d. A PPRENTICE WANTED for the Office of a -OL large firm must be respectable, and well 1 educated; liberal terms. Apply, Apprentice, 1198, News-Letter Office.
A CTIVE CANVASSER WANTED. QUE 38 3d LADIES' TEIMMBD PELT HAT. A Appi7 by ietter only, to the EXCELLENT foe THICKENING WA2CTEB. PARTNERSHIP or Position of Trust. Easiness Man, with 600 capital, would like to hear of an opening; experienced bookkeeper.
Address, P. 1144, NciM-Letter. P' ARTNBR WANTED, with 500. for a good paying business fixed salai-y could be arranged. John T.
Scott, Accountant, 42, Dons-gall Street. 1234 TRAVELLER. WANTED, a Young Man of ability to represent a first-class Drapery House in the North of Ireland. Apply, stating experience aad terms, to Alpha, 1381, Nems-Lelier Office. TST" ANTED, two well-sduoafced LADS, over If eighteen years of ase.
to work at night. at this Ohice between the hours of ten and one o'clock. 1397 ANTED, a YOUNG MAN for the Drug Trade qualified nreferred. Asscly to James Selkirk, Chemist, Cork. 1 1 32 ANTED, tespectaale YOUNG WOMAN to train as General -Servant ia clergyman's famijy.
Address given here. 1215 WANTED, APPRENTICE, for Linen Business. Apply, in applicant's own handwriting, to E. J2S9, News-Letter. WJ ANTED, by a course living in the suburbs, a good Plain COOK wages.
1 6 a year. Address, C. 1S72, News-Letter, XT ANTED, steady MAN and WIFE to mauage a Spirit Store security reauired. Apply, J. 1383, this OfSce.
ANTED, for provincial town, LADIES' TAILOR, of good taste and ability, to cut, fit, and make ladies' costumes. L. 1377, Neivi--Letter. rANTED, A JUNIOR SPIRIT-STORE CLERK for a Distillery. Apply, at once, enclosing copies of testimonials, Btatiag age and salary expected, to Box 2, G.P.O.
1290 If 7" ANTED, art ASSISTANT (Protestant) for 1 Ironmongery and Seeds. State experience, where employed, and salary to J. C. Banncm, Mul-lingar. 1284 TEST ANTED, LADIES' COMPANION, for Ban-f gor comfortable home musical and cheerful small salary; LC A.
R. 1243. Office of this Paper. SlANTKD, immediately, YOUNG LADY, having thorongh knowledge of Boob Trade, for good town in the North. Apply, giving references, salary expected, Boots, care of Messrs.
Bradley Robb, Ann Street. Belfast. 1311 TTANTKD for TVTa.iinfnf.i-.TiTinir finTiAo town, a Youn Man as BOOKKEEPER. accusljotDed to keeping cash and paying wages. Apply, stating salary and experience, to Bookkeeper, 1396.
6 See of this Paper. Tf 7 ANTED, a good COOK kitchen-maid kept: and weil recommended. Mrs. Macauley, 2, Joy Street. 1 3S5 ANTED, immediately, experienced BAli- and he well recommended.
Apply, Mrs. 55, Arthur Street. 1 396 TENANTED, JUNIOR ASSISTANT, groeer or and fair penman; Protestant, and abstainer. in own hand, with references, age, salary, to Merchant, Post Office, Maryboro', Queen's County. 137S WANTED, a respectable YARDMAN to milk and take care of a small stock of cattle and sheep, and to make himself generally useful wife would have occasional employment man and wife without encumbrance, and members of the Ch urch of Ireland, preferred.
Apply, with copies of testimonials, to Mr. Walker (Gardener), Tally-more Lodge. Ballymena. 972 T77M. STRAIN SONS, Great Victoria Street, Want a thoroughly experienced FOREM AN for their Lithographic Department.
1210 KTM. STRAIN SONS, Great Victoria Street. Want a LITHOGRAPHIC WRITER, aol customed to first-class work. 1209 TIT ANTING THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT If THE GLOBE LOAN COMPANY, 65, Donegall Street, Belfast, ADVANCES CASH, privately, to respectable borrowers, daily, from 3 to 500 no bailsmen required. Apply, only, at above office, where easy payments and moderate interest is the rule.
All communications strictly private. Apply, personally, if by letter enclosed stamped, addressed envelope, to S. FREEMAN, Manager. 7a TRAVELLERS, Collectors, Xy Cashiers, provided with security. Ocean GuaranteeCorporation; capital, 330.000.
Downeb Secretaries, Skipper Street, Belfast. 10507 SECURITY provided for aU positions of trust by the Travellers' Accident Insurance Company, Limited. District Agents, Gilbert Castle Place. 1 AGENCIES. AGENTS, cash purchasing, required for St.
Patrick's Rheumatic Oil, Non-alcoholic Spirits, large profits. M'Cluskey, Liverpool. 466 AGENTS WANTED, by an old-established London firm, to call on Mills, Ironworks, Collieries, Brewers, Contractors, Builders, and Farmers constant employment for whole or spare time high commission no risk every encouragement given. Address, Manager, 45, High Street, Stratford, London. 1285 jpOMMISSION AGENT, calling upon Drapers, Outfitters, and Clothiers in Belfast and the North of Ireland, is open for an additional AGENCY good references.
Apply, Commission, 1141, News-Letter Office. SERVANTS' REGISTRIES. IMF RS. MACAULEY requires Cook, 25 JJJL Kitchen-maid, 16; Scullery-maid, 14; third Laundress, 16 Nurses, aud experienced General Servants. 2., Joy Street.
1386 'RS. GLASS requires, for February term, all classes fif anmmrtv -cit vuiuuik uu iitJ. LL1W various orders good references essential. Office 73. King Street.
3.312 MRS. MACOUN requires several House-Parlour Maids, active, young. Cooks, and General Servants for town and country, 11, May Street. 130fl RS. ROLSTON requires Cooks, plain and pro- JJ TT-.
5 o.tuse jjiiMua, aurses, nucnen Maids, experienced General Servants. 55, Arthur Street. 1314 MISS haste engagement good JLL Cook, House-Parlonr-Maxd, Working House-teeper Protestants well recommended; Hotel Housemaid, R.C. 1 3, Pairview Street. 1 3S2 BAD OFFICE, BELFAST, 2, College Street.
Mrs. FT. 'Rtoffr umc ixvf ulXJiltW itnu. gentry early orders carefully filled; ready for engagement a few good Cooks, all classes of good Servants wanted, at once, for present engagement 1371 WANTED, fcr February 1st, good Honse, Parlour, and Kitaben Maids all classes superior Servants reauired. Apply, Insti-tntion, Twickenham Street, Cramlin Road.
1313 7 ANTED, Butters. Footmen, good Cooks ff TT vji tm ujuuar nouse- "nuui cosca, ana. iairy-maias. Annlv Protestant Registry Offioe, 12, Gloucester Street 'ffis Back. Goaimteetl free from Mcrcunr.
SoM in BoiSl is 6A each, bv all -rMt 43 COMJAHir, Lioroln. Wholisale Ar.ts, SScV I 304 DBTOTOESS, OR TBS LIQTJOS HABIT nositivelv SraOIFIO It is a powder which cu JLfW patteut. It isharmleas, ini TZt la? speedy onre, wetUer the patient Ja a modra-fttrarSXer analoohcUo wreck. It has giveafaS and -everyjnstMoea perfet cure oHowedT It full Tbe system ones impiegimtea with ths mecifl it beomies aa utter impossibility for lioaor annotili book of particulars free OwbBhjS fat eJt nSiiTM ana Bdfe lr4e mXttoXS 421 HOUSES. nnO LET, small COMFORTABLY-FURNISHED I HOUSE, close to St.
Thomas' Cnnrch reat small to carefal tenant. F. 933, Kcia-Lctter. URNISHED, 50, ULST.ERVILLE AVEXUe" contsias four reception, ten bed rooms stabling, garden, Davy3 Bowman, 10, Chi-Chester Street. MANSION HOUSE AND DEMiiSNB.
rpo BE LET. FOR A TERM OF YfiRS JL FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED, a very desirable Residence in County Armagh, with Walled-in Demesne of about 200 Acres, heautiialit Wooded and large Garden. The Land is of the best quality, and there is a plentiful supply of Water. The Mansion House contains every accomm tion for Gentleman's Family situation is witLir easy distance of good market towns, aud one of railway station. For farther particulars, apply, M.
JL News Litter Office. MISCELLANEOUS. rilHS ULSTER TURKISH BATHS, 43, Arthur A Street best curative of diseases aisd preservative of health also, Medicated and Warm Baths. Open daily. 1353 TT7AR MEDALS.
WANTED, Medals dated 1848, or earlier also, Naga, Looshai also, Orders and V.G. Tombs, Hollies" Droitwich. S3o JET ANTED, CLOTH BOILING POT. State particulars of size, caadifcion, aud priee. to care of Eason Son, Limited, Belfast.
1197 ANTED, to Rent, a neat, small SHOP in Royal Avenue, Donejrall Place, or CastU Place. Apply, with particulars, to Alpha, Uss. Netoif Letter OiSce. 1 ADYLIKE HOMS EMPLOYMENT. Good lj weekly incomes can be made by the Atito-mafcic Knitting Machine or hire terms wort supplied, L.
B. Company, 73, Daine Skreet Dublin Agency, 54, Dancairn Street, Belfast. 25379 MONEY. H.fONEY. COANS of Belfast) grant SELECT itJL LOANS from ZO and UPWARDS to Farmers, Licensed Vintners, Householders.
Professional Gentlemen, and Parties in Government employ (Civil. Naval, and Militarv), ON OW OS OTHER SECURITY. Advances made or Reversions, Shares. Leasehold and Freehold Deeds, Life Policies (PAID UP), Municipal and Harboui Bonds, and Dock Warrants. DEPOSITS RECEIVED TO A LIMITED AMOUNT.
Hours. 10 to 6 Saturdays, 10 to 3. Tems and conditions on application to THE MANAGER (Private Offices). No. ZZ.
HIGH STREET, BELFAST. Note. The above appears on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only. 832 rpo INVESTORS. A Gentleman 13 ooeu to sive JL particulars of a Limited Company which will shortly be thrown open to the public sood anc safe.
Apply, Shares, 1339, Office of this Paper. TMPORTAKT NOTICE. If yon want to Borrow JL MONEY privately, before applying elsewhere, call, or write, for terms to Mr. M-Bride, 46. Donegall Street, Belfast.
23559 ANTED. 500, at 5 per on first Mori I gaere Real Estate., Messrs. W. A D.
Johns, 11, Lombard Street, Belfast. 1288 fTyANTED BORROWERS requiring private LOANS without unnecessary expense, Belfast or country communications private. Apply, Bank, Queen's Arcade, Denezaii Place, 1139 STRICTLY PRIVATE. A GENTLEMAN WITH A LARGE CAPITAL at his disposal will ADVANCE LOANS from 3 upwards to respectable borrowers, in their own security, without the aid of bailsmen, or unnecessary expense no habitual borrower neoa apply. Call personally if by letter, address to LIPSON, 147.
Donegall Street, Belfast. N.B. Please note the address. 41 4 BANKS. ONDON AND UNIVERSAL BANK JLi LIMITED, 449, Strand.
Charing Cross London, S.W. Established 1867. Authorised Capital, 1,000,200. Reserve Fund 130,000. Current Accounts opened.
INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. At one months' aotice 4 per cent At three months' notice 5 per cent For one or more years certain 6 per cent. Interest paid quarterly, free of Almanac, with Balance-sheet, and full particulars, on applicatioa. 500 WILLIAM S. COCKS, Manager.
rpHE BRITISH BANK OF SOUTH AMERICA JL LIMITED. Head Office 2a, MOORGATE STREET, LONDON. E.C. Capital Authorised and Subscribed 1.000.008 Do. Paid up 500,033 Reserve Fund 300.000 Branches in Brazil Rio ie Janeiro, Santos, and Sas Pauls.
Branches in the Rives Plate Buenos Avres and Monte Video. Correspondents ia Nett Y02K and the principal Cities of Europe. Deposits received for three years at 4 per cent, per annum. 307 HENRY K. GREGORY.
-EFFICACIOUS-ECOXOaUCAL-CLEANSES THE TEETH PERFUMES THE BREATH ncollapsible Tubes, One Shilung each. 174 IBATING'S GOUGE LOZENGES. Trvkv or-" S-' CoramroiaI Eoad, Peckham, July 12, 1113. had tbe operation oi tfS the Ia Emperor of Gcnasav, S1kD ltE God, I am still alivi) performod at St. tomewsEospital, noonecoahlposaibly Lavelud a mire violeat coash itwaaso bad at tirces that it quite eitawted vhic'k was ver' copious and hard, ha; btcn UTTERLY UNRIVALLED.
"he above speaks for itaslf. From strict -'t mW! stated. The operation wa a specially eeve-c oae. a-d was mew Jlospital. bmcc the operation the only meai-s oi rel-sl WEIGHT IN GOLD.
sptendid congh remedy the-fare anloae TBOIXBLBS. c' and THiSOAS 235 QERMONS, PA MP SLETS, SOCIETIES' RULES and all Muds of Book Work turned out at If a ih Nbws-ee Steam Printing Office. 56. 57. and 53.
Dor.u street. Bltat WAFTS AS ATTENDANT. COMPANION, ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER, or useful, reliable HBLP to elderly Lady and Gentleman travel if required salary, 1(1. 0. 1136, News-Letter.
RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN desires SITUATION as DOMESTIC SERVANT can be weil recommended. Address, Mrs. Clyde, Registry Office, Townsend Street. 1379 CLOTHPASSER WANTS a SITUATION has a good knowledge of damask, hucks, and fine plain goods can produce first-class testimonials. O.
1387, Neas-LeUer. COACHMAN. A Gentleman wishes to recommend a thoroughly steady, reliable Man drives single and double, and has a jrcod knowledge of farming aad cattle. Apply, J. 1045.
Office of this Paper. COACHMAN understands care and management of horses, drives single and double two and four years' character single Protestant age SO. John Boogan, Rossmoxe Park, Moztagrhan. 3374 COACHMAN open for ENGAGEMENT drives double and single harness good appearance; Protestant; absfcaiaar. 76, Hanover Street, Belfast.
1370 COMMERCIAL, desires to represent good Whisky House eight years' travelling experience aire, 31; first-class references. Address, Whisky, 960, News-Letter Office. DISTRICT MANAGER, National Telephone Company, Limited, IS, High Street, Belfast. 1380 BARMAID. WANTED, a respectable Young Lady.
Apply, with references, Uister Bar, Castle Lane. 1235 BOOT TRADE. WANTED, good JUNIOR SALESMAN, with thorough knowledge of business Protestant, and total abstainer. Apply, Athloce. 1375 BOOT TRADE.
WANTED, smart, well-educated Lad as APPRENTICE to above. For full particulars, apply to Parsons Son, Athlone. 1376 COOK WANTED, small family 25 kitchen-maid kept also wanted, a Kitchen-maid and an Under Housemaid. Mrs. Maxwell.
107, Donegall Street. 1403 CUTTER. A Merchant Tailor in the city Wants, immediately, a good General Cutter of experience. Apply, Cutter, 1390, Aews.Letter. ENGINE-DRIVER WANTED, for Triple Expansion Engines steady and reliable men only need apply.
Send copies of testimonials, and state wages expected, to ffm. Barbour Sons, Limited, Hilden, Lisbnrn. 1291 jOENERAL SERVANT WANTED; three in JT family no washing must have good character and experience. Mia, Maxwell, 107, Donegall Street. 1402 HOUSEMAID (Upper) WANTED most be good sewer, and thoroughly experienced also, an Under Housemaid, for the country.
Mrs. Maxwell, 107, Donegall Street. H01 JUNIOR LADY CLERK (sixteen to eighteen). WANTED must be a good and rapid writer; terms, 100 for foar years. Apply, by letter only, in own handwriting, stating age.
to The Franklin Steam laundry Company, Franklin Street, Belfast. 1145 ir AW. WANTED, ENGROSSING CLERK, Jul with good general knowledge. Apply, with references, to Lex, 1202, News-Letter Office. LAW.
WANTED, fox an ofiioe in the country, CLERK, with good experience of general office work capable of taking charge in absence of principal. Apply, by letter, stating salary expected, with copies oi testimonials, to 1 400, Office of this Paper. TtfflSS O'NEILL, Fisher wick, Newcastle, would JJJL take a middle-aged Lady as HOUSEKEEPER 12'Kf I Ss 3d to 6s -Sn CABMiOMAEiS IILLINERF DEPARTMENT, NOBTH STREET, BELFAST, 30S THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE 17' AYE'S WORSDBLL'S PILLS PURIFY JLV. the BLOOD. A mild, effectual aperient They cure INDIGESTION, HEADACHE DYSPEPSIA, Bowel, Kidney, and Liver Complaints.
They are invaluable to ladieB, as they correct all irregularities, and restore to complete healtb. Of all Chemists, price Is lie, 2a 9d, and 4s 6d per bos. 13) PEOVEEBS FOR ADVERTISERS. The firm is dead that not advertise. A world of wealth, lies in that one wordVadwr-saaing.
Let thy advertisement be short, comprehending much in few words. Know how aublime a thing it ia to advertise and be famous. An effective advertisement ia a fair estate. A little adveriasemeat may save a 6ml of idleness. A false oircolation is abomination to the adVer- laser, bnt a guarantee is his delight A.good advertisement keeps off wrinkles.
He gets the best poaitioa that pays cash in ad- TOuce. Advertirag is a coriatant want, and should be a constant study. Meao are your space before jsm write yoar adver iiisemsnt. Let you? goods be known among all men. Fit words are fine advertisements bat often fine words arenot fit advertisements.
The great art in advertising is to catch, the reader's re. Aa advertisement should fas intense expression of condensed idea one pitbj Imaimm mmmabtta, a vindyetAomnn.
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