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The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 1

The Daily Courieri
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Sworn Average Daily Circulation Last Week 7,169 VOL. 12, NO. 133. CONNELLSVILLB, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 1914. BIGHT HUERTA MUST APOLOGIZE OR U.

S. WILL SEIZE SEAPORTS Insults Ofterml American Sailors, Just Made Public, Vttnt Affronts to the Nation. INDIGNITIES OFFERED YANKEES Charge O'srtmtighnewjr's Communion- luicRtiptcd by Censor; Suitors Molrslctlj Murlno Draffgril (rota Ills Own Bom When Arrested. tly WA8HJ.VOTUN, frees. April -Huerlu will salute thr American fluff or the Atlantic fleet will Vpru (Jrux unit Ttunblco.

What httppeim ufterwnnU (Ippefids on Muefta. That Prralftetu Wlteon'tf nation. Lenitprg In Cnngtets with whotti ho ccmfprfed today iiKrrtnl that there was ample precedent for such action. iVot only Ihe Tnmplco Incident, but ft long series of IndlgnltlM offered to the t'nlt'ed Stales to the conspleunun of other foreign repfesrnled In Mexico hntf convinced the Prcpldertt ami his that th? t'nlted has been ulnwlr-il out fur "miinlUiitmloiM of ill wilt unil contempt." omcUl dispatches to o'- ShnusthrtPXsy httvp tioen Intercepted by the Mexican censor. A ship's orderly, ashore In full uniform at Vefu on business of Ihe tinted Plates, Wttfl defeated nnd released, while a nominal punishment meted out to the lorlll ntHcllllil.

These hlthpHo unpuhllahcd fnets were disclosed today tn nn ofllclnl statement. President Wilson told his hy Ptamls for peaoe but Is determined to force ttuertn to repoenlne the honor dlenlty of the ('Piled mutes. While these developments wnro lah- Inir place In Wnshlnffion the ships of the Atlantic fleet were beginning mcve Tamplco. The rtrst the ble fighters cleared from Hampton Roads and others In the Atlantic, navy yrdg were ready to sail before nlplu. One new fact brought out at the WhStp Houso conference WHS thtil two of the American bluejiickets arrester! Tfcmplert aetunlly were taken from the Dolphin's boat "The bluejackets arrested had Bone the ffampl'-y wnnrf to toad gasoline.

Two of the men were In the hunt. The Mexican soldiers, after seizing the men on the wharf, bourdml the Artierlcah boat nnd tuok the two forcibly into custody. "If It Is not actually an act of said senator tndayi comes very near it." The Incident disposes of Huerta's ctaim that there Is no ground for reparation because the men arrested were on Mexican soil where It Is maintained they hnd no to be. Ths tlistmlrh from liciir Admlrnl Fletcher nt Vera ('run. dated 10 P.

St. last received today: ''No new developments at 1'ampU'o. have retired from tli. vicinity Miisinexs resumed nnd BATTLE REET STEAMS SOUTH Dcpiuturc of the Bl(? Fighters From Hiunpton lloads Markuil by to Sullliie- of ftolilny'M "Flying" Siiimdron In '08; Troops Heady tly Associated Tresg. NORFOLK.

April battleships ArkuiiBun. Vermont, Now Hampshire and New Jersey and tho dispatch boat Yankton Miilod from Hampton Itonds today Cor Mexican waters at full Mpeod. Tho ffevr Hampshire was the first to gel under way. All hut tho Ynnkton wero In tholr war paint of gray. Tho activities In Hampton Roads almost some of tile scones pro- ceding tho oepitrture of near Admiral Henley's "flying squadron" during tho Spanish-American War.

Admiral Flske, chief of operations, who came djwn from Washington luxt nlKht to bptvr to ttcar Admiral Hadgur formal orders, found every preparation brlni; madn for hurried when he stepped abo-ird tho flagship Arkansas. A heavy mist hunp over Hampton Uoiids. Thoro wero signs on every ship of their preparedness to cot awnv under hurry orders. Gunners cleaning the biff rifles and s-Jores wore bolnjt taken aboard. The dispatch boat Yankton, which Is to accompany the ships to Tam- plco.

occupied a position close by Hear Admiral 'Badger's llngshlp, tin- Arkansas. The torpedo boat destroyers Parker. Cassln. Cumminss and Henham wero at anchor close by tlu- battleships Vermont and Nrw York. The battleship New Hampshire was making rcndy at tho Norfolk navy yard.

Tho Delaware, also nt the Norfolk navy yard, may not be ablo to set with the rest of the ships, which are better prepared for un linmedlatto start. NKW YORK. April 15 All prep- for the departure of (he battleship Louisiana for Tnmpk-o were completed early this nuirtiinir. were put aboard durlns the, nlcht anrl with these. It wna mild, the HTcal nlilp was amply provisioned for a tnonth's cruise.

NEW Ofit.KANS, April tr.uisporl Hancock with lir.o marines aboard, sailed from here today tn the battleship fleet that will concentrate near T.unplco. April i (in. of about 10.000 mm of mile "hike" the Second Army Division, nuihlllzeil Clalveston nnd Texas Chy. bnitati to- clav with the departure ti the Fifth brltfude from Otilveston. Pllc mi'ldly tvtuxr-t Mexlcnn rnL'rsrtny, practically entlrc- 1'ruacsso anil ZHrngoai left l1lv lon wl Oenerill Kuns- I tor.

a i thn division, wild to- 1 A i hll! i not nITcct the f-ut of the l-'ederal for a a i I Knc the nt gun fulro. st.ite 1 Plvlsluti as are In i losses killed nttd wminded. and Ton pfisoneri. nnil leliel report- BSn kille.l mid wi.uhdcd. II "nd rendlne'is for the men nnd nt no i will they be out of sltlu of the i wuy tracks which could tnltn mnml to (liilveiiton in shorl nr" always kept ready for lust.nil IINP and no i i a lie necessary lh' truopy needed south; none has been U.

S. Warships Which May Open Fire on Mexican Coast Cities and a View of Harbor Front of Vera Cruz KUZ. MOINEV ASKS RETURN OF BELT WITH WHICH HE TRIED TO HANG SEF i.strlmrired Herlarcs It In Untidy to Hold KI.4 When frnm tho lookup i mnrtilnt; nfti'r nerving -18 Jiourn fur i i i a Vruiik Slucg of J3v- rnon rcqui-Mictl tluU his belt UP ro- turncd to him, AM in custointiry I i fmrn prlHonora but wc-np- nim, reiul rarely articles h-rn reiilly the h'fnaf ion of 1 tho i i i of Torrpoit t)PK-in r-n Wfr.Mi VHHjMi'M. thn t'Vdprul i noutotrd Turret in of imtttth iirtny pt-iu'tii-jdty intiu't iihtt htrn to join wh'rh tift'l fdilpil to 1 nnM to Uittt nxtpul AI-BIIIIIPIHH iiti BEGIN TEMPERANCE HEARING nt wearing uppurcl, developed tho that Slnrs hud boon deprived ot hin bolt bfcituHfr hp inMistud upon udntf It In nn effort lo hnnar himself on Monday Shu'K waM urn-Ktcil at 6 o'clock Monday evening and ncnleiurnd to i'(- -IS Imam. About 10 o'clock nt lumrd excited aurpums from oriMunorH uiid upon in- vcstiffattn-r l'u ami that Slsirw had twlwtpd hlH bt-lt i i tho burw of tho dour hla cell and maih- II'OUHU tho nnd about MM iH'fk.

In UiJ." lie mrnr-nlly lo ott this mortal uoll. I-lo LM bt-foro hu hud dnne Ttuicii dtLinaffM to hlmsolC and tho InOt lukni from i Thin i Slni'K domnmliMl i a bolt, that thmiffh II niiHWorod the purpoHo aul- also came jn handy in kcop up. i auerniiafut innnrtivi-r a 1 (hp l-Vrteniltt i ckle hlM IIAVU ATtlllVHI). 1'ninms The Omi'k'r May National at Th ha ndHomo Amo rlnan IU.KH which Tho Courk-r ofTorfrin' to roadors 08 conts and a cuupun Aiii'-tKliiu-iit. April i the ItMirun today bGrrt the Hoiiao fh" h.nMr ttrnfipr Mix Judk'tary the Hobrfon i i i i thr Mlehl ihp I-Vtl-1 to miturilt foiiHllttiUonat The tttftordcrcd 1 amendment for national prohibition, clipped from any Unnio of the pupor Hfr.ilrs in Tnrrpntt rMUlonlVninnrmw will tn-uin on thu I J'l'rlvpd today and orders may now bo i thp fart fh.u subject before S'-mttP i 1 filled.

ri'iM'i-t -f huiiM Mjbcmnmittff hnadod by Hvnalori Tllt "pproac-h of Mtnnorlat Buy and ('uffunxa. flcst chli i t( Virginia. other national holidayM when all KOOC! i i at ht-ariiiKH i patriots should dlyptay the colorB, Tit" (-itpr! rt'pttrtrtt lo Introduced 1)- Senator i nutkea tho arrival of these HUKH very i In the dtrrcthm of Wheppard of Tf.ttui whioh ift Identical opportune and It behoovoH ruadors to and hfivlnMft It IM with the FtnbHon rjsolutlon. Ttepro- apply early before the. llrst consign- i i rpp I'M'! the rail ft md In thnt senlatlvew of temjierance Mocleties,) rnt-nt is exhauatod.

The finga a i i the battle. The Fed-1 anti-liquor anffoclatlonH and prohlbi- thp rtmrkpt bultdlntr. Mon orKanlnntlonM, nnd till opponentH nruf Un 1 prritirfty the a the resolution hnvo been invited to 1'repidpnt hefi-re appear before both commltteey; i 'jo extended for time hut whether tho i br for paaungo at thin Hcsaion -f butt not Locn flll.HONKU nK-AttUKSTKU. to; I'l for Daittngc Hlorr. rule ( "2 h'nirs In the police Jtiv ftltterp.

colored, frft h- U'ltUuni ifoiand unbar ton-tishlp on fallltm to pay d.tinnec? dnin' ut the ftore of Abo' Hti'eet, W.e«l Side. fonntubte; seveml rttiys on tmide. by Sleif the hearing Alderman Kuttrnr O'tionuvun of the West Hide, lie (utirl she costs' nnd ftjtrpert pay 1'or dttmusett. Thla' he f.tiled to do. eil.

COXKY'8 STAKTS. Hand Arrives In Dy AwsoclutKcl April Ihvt nrvunUi'tl band lit with "Ornprul" S. Coxey'n Heeonil "army of the commonweal" arrived It was e.omposfd of 35 men from Coshoetun, under tho command of "Colonel" Paul Arm- It estimated thnt about 71)') innn ure here ready to nvviimpmiy "Onenil" Coxey when the uriny mu rch over- Mrnrlug. John who WHS nt one fl.iy week liy starts tomorrow In the Mitchell on sevi.rul charges of lunil to i i costs belonitlmi to wit. i l.i expected thnt the army i before Atdurman eonslnt of several hundred men when I-Tetl Munk last litrht and entered bull Ui" snvernl other form In tho sum of $2110 his uppclirallCf 1 Junction i the main I'oxey at ceurL At JUeavcr i-'ulls, un.

a and Hcirviceablc. SIvAKCH Altnoila KOU BANDIT. Mountains Uni'Klnr Keen In Ncnr SlUci'ton. April purllcs are scouring the cuuntry nt Slberton In soarch of Pi'ank O. who robbed the Union bank here and escaped from tho HolliduysliurK Jo.ll.

A All's, Belle, who resides iieiir Sib. erton. notllled the police that anawerlUB' tile description of Hohl called at. her home and asked Cor a drink of water. A Mearchhij; party from Cresson left Immediately upon receipt 'of the news in an effort to round up the.

a and bunk robber. To Sell Work Kstilli-. The personal estme the Into Daniel Work of a tiiwnshlp, will be sold nt i sale Saturday a noon. The executors are Daniel Work, and CMurli Grim. lias Stfirlt't I'Vver.

Oordnii Herd, Hi. s-on of Mr. and Mrs. Herd of the South Sble. l.s ill with scarlet Cover.

This Is Iiu- second cusu lu develop In this family. TROUT SEASffl.OPENS. Have Bud Bay'to Start tor the Speckled Beautltw. The season opened 'today, liut It was mit an auHpicious beginning for the anglers. Tho heavy rain of liiat nijrht and today swelloU tho mountain at reams and muddied them, Overhead conditions word fairly mitls- Cuctnry, after thti rain had couscd, but thin llttlo compensaLiQ.n for the antrlei'H who trudged along In search of trout.

A particularly good season In pre- dlutcd, A of the streams hflroabouLa have hern 'liberally stocked durinjg tho pant Mvveral years and it Is predlctfid that fishermen will have sood luck if other clrrumstancoa art' favorable. Wado IT. Marietta and E. Marietta loft yesterday afternoon for In- Uan Creek to try their luck, while Carl Bishop and Jones McClaln went to F. T.

TSvunw, M. F. i' L. Cplllns and Ray Collins woiy also the Hahermen. Ictivlns: yrHtorduy afternoon.

TO ATTKND Tjouuf Hoys lo ho Jlppivsuntotl at Pltts- 1)UM? 'I'leproHcntatlvey (if. tho boys' clubj of tho sovonil and.the I Men's Cht'tHllun Apsoclatlon, accompanied by 1C, T. Bner, will lerivc over tho fennaytvanln railroad Friday i Vioys" con- Crrenrc will be In I PlUHbui-K l-'rlday nlffht; Saturdiiy and Sunday. reijrcacntatlon will be aft fol lows: First Prey hy tor I an Church. Hamt-a T-ttploy Raymond Ward and Hall; Christian Church, Fru-nlc Crowley and Huffus a Methodist Church.

Enploka, a.nd Clark The party will return homo on Sunday even Ins- CASK Gcorgo Adams Pays Ocwta in Assiuilt Suit. An assault and battery case was tried laat evening before Alderman 'W. T). Colborn, M. Fii'estone ac- ciiHed Goorpo Adams of assault and battery tn His own home at Mayer, Tho cuso wna diamisaod upon the paying the coats of prosecution.

Constable Charles Shultz' of lUtllBkln township made tho arrest. Kertured Opcnitioris. Iron and stoel pipe mllla In the I'itts- i-p- district have reduced operations Hliffhtly. some of thorn not doing better than CO per cent of capacity. THE WEATHER FORECAST.

Ttaln tonight, Thursday probably fair. Is the noorr forecast for Western Pennsylvania. Temperature a i Minimum 73 .48 60 'J'ht 1 Youjtfh rlvor fell 2.05 root durlnff the nighL. 1313 8 50 54 MAYORDEtEGATES JiLDEiRMAN COLBORN TO HOLD HEARINGS City Head Falls'to Hold Police Court for First Time Since Uc Assumed OJltec. for tho llrst time since he assumed office ItiHt J3eceinber, Mayor Rockwell MurJtittti deleg-atod alderman to act as police magistrate t.hls morning, and Alderman D.

Colborn sat In at police court hearings, Usually the mayor holds court early when he goes out of town for the day, but this time he secured substitute, a privilege given him under the Clark Act. Tho acting- magistrate fa to be compensated for hts services, the act Bays, though it docs not ilx any amount. Mr. Colborn will act hereafter, whenever the mayor is away Mo rela.itd of So'Uth Connells- vllle, and Ed Zimmerman of Connella- who both admitted that they been arrested before, were sentenced to servo 48 hours on charges ol' drunkenness. John Demand of nlso back Lo the cells for 48 hours in default of S3.GO line.

Sam Puish of 'Leisetiring', and James Burns of Mount Pleasant, were disc-harped, they being tlrat olfenders. Joe Betters. with and breaking a plate Bluna window at tho store of Ben McC-raruo, was at-nt back for 72 hours. Betters agreed to the owner for tho damage. Catherine Wright, colored, iX-us discharged when arraigned on chargre of drunkenness.

Sbo was arrested by Chief Rowers on West Main street at 8.15 o'clock last John Donny, a fanner, was committed for 48 hours on a charge. TjOOMlS WANTS Cornell Star Seeks to Break Into Professional JlnlJ. Loomts, the Cornell star of '10. '11 and '1U, has written Manager Mack lor a trial with the Colters this season. wns much sought after at the end of his catk'S'o careet' but at that time 'was not much attracted to the Idea of professional ball.

Ho played the Oil City indepondentH iast suason aiul tho experience has caused him to chuiigo Ms mind. Muck lias written him to" report anrl bring with him his catcher, Uuve Sk'snick, who quught at Oil City. The latter la well ten own to Mack who pronounces him a line ball player. Wants Branch Bank. CHARLESTON, W.

April Clearing House Association and the Chamber of Commerce, today began a statewide campaign in support of an effort to have established here a branch of the Federal reserve bank to be. located at, Richmond, Va. inmtife Distributed. C. G.

Lewollyn of col- lo'ctor of internal rovenue, hinde Jour temporary appointments In the income tax ofllee yesterday, including Justoph Kennedy uf Greensburg- and William Hln'soy YOUNGSTERS SCRAP DURING WATER BATTLE AT DAVIDSON Nigger Hill Youtli is Acwwccl of Vio- lutino- the Rules toy Ob- jvcrlng' to Sousing. Tho annual Easter water bnttlo Li.monsr the foreign children of Davidson may wind up in an alderman's office aa the reault of a. free-for-all scrap among' the youngsters yesterday, precipitated by one of the tooys who broke tho rulew. The water ijattle la an annual event anil quite a celebration. On Kfistor Monday the boys throw water on the girls, w-hile on the day following; the -glrla have their innings.

It is an unwritten law that tho victims must take punishment without retaliation. Thn Monday battle went off smoothly: The girts took, their drench ings IIH 1C they Uked it, and the boys used more gallons of water in splashing thorn tlum one cares to estnmte, 1'es- terduy the girls came -out for revenge. It beiiiK their turn, and drenched the boys with vicarious freedom. Spittler is said to have been the boy who bulked at his share of Iho drenching. When a little girl poured water on pushed her, Another girl then clubbed him over the head water bucket.

Angered at the a'ttack from the rear, Spit-. tier turned on the crowd and is said to have alapyed Mary Krapnalc In the A free-for-all tussel resulted. In which considerable water was spilldd. There is talk of entering prosecutions as the result of the fracas. CITY BEAUTIFUL LECTURES Sir.

Hemomvay Begins Series of Talks to Women In High School. Plans for the bl Day go merrily on. Chairman Robert Morris Is puttlDff tho energy into It that he puts In everything and the success of tho movement is going to be IL huge surprise to the skeptical ones who scoltcd at the itlen of brushing up the old town. Herbert Hcmenway, the City Beautiful expert, will give the first of his Illustrated lectures In the high school room this addressing women and children on "How to Make the Home Attractive." Everybody Is invited and a record attendance is urged. Tomorrow night Mr.

Hemenway will give a special lecture to everybody on "Planning Home Grounds." All of his talks will be copiously illustrated with lantern slides showing how this can be accomplished. SmCKPAYSUP Tries to Move Goods Not Paid For, But Is Detected. Mike Siliek, an Italian hailing from. Murphy Siding, who had purchased a quantity of household goods from the Grim Furniture Company of Scottdale on the installment plan, yesterday attempted to remove he goods to McKeesport without the formality of paying the balance or getting a. permit to move the same.

A representative of the ScWtdaSo firm appeared before Alderman S. H. Howard and go out an attachment for the goods which were found in a car at the Baltimore Ohio freight station In this city. Constable John Snyder served the attachment on both the railroad company and Siliek. Italian promptly paid the amount involved, $17.50, and the costs, whereupon tho shipment of the goods to their destination was allowed.

ACCEPTS CHARGK. Vtislor to Cio to Berlin. "Dr. J. Calvin Mead, paator of the First Presbyterian Church Waynes- hnrgr, has accepted a call to the Am- erUM.ti Presbyterian Church at Berlin, Germany.

The congregation has among its members the American umbassador and Htall' besides a large number of teachers and students from the United States. STATE TAKES California Negotiations Will Be Com- iitcttut by Snturday, Negotiations by the state authorities for the acquisition of the California State Normal School wl)l be completed at Pittsburg on Saturday. Within the next Sfi days, in all probability, the state will also take the title to the normal schools at Edinboro Jind Iock Haven. The names and trustees for the schools will bo announced later. MIXES SHUT Thomas Jroii Coinpuuy Closes Kieli- arrt Mine to Prevent Strike.

Tho Richard- the Thomas Iron Company at Wharton, N. was shut d-own, April tt for an Indefinite period, following the announcement that the employes had- voted upon a strike. The employes have demanded thi reinstatement of .55 men recently laid ofC, which was necessary, the company states, because of the depression in business. Knlt'c Victim. Kccovcrlngr.

Cacaeri, the Italian who was stabbed by colored, is convalescing: at the Cottage State Hospital and will be'able to leave, in a days. He was able be about the hospital yesterday for the flrat time. Steel Comjmny F-xpands. Improvements recently in progress at the-'Ashlard Steel Company's phwit a.t Ashlantl, been complot- The company hits added a bar conveyor- and overhead crane, to Its mill chuJn, enabling- it tu roll and handle sheet bars. PLAN SYSTEMMt PATROL OF CITY; BEATS ASSIGNED Police to be Located in Certain Sections During Whole Night.

ALARM LIGHTS ARE PROPOSED Talk of Adopting Telephone "Whereby Patrolmen Can be Secured by Calllnp: Telepliono Plan Has Been a Success Klsewbcrc. Following: the reorganization of police force by council, Mayor Marietta has decided that the city shall be divided into heats which tho night men 1 will be required to patrol, inatea'd of walking about in haphazard fashion as has been the case in the past. It ie believed that better results can be obtained by following the new plan. The following schedule was announced for the police today: Thomas McDonald, noon until 6 P. M.

on West Side; from P. M. to midnight on street. W. D.

Eagan, 6 A. M. 'to 6 P. 3W. on South Stde.

J. ar. Elder, 6 P. M. to 6 A.

M. on West'Side. George WVishabaugh "and W. P. Stump, general duty in business section from 6 P.

M. to 6 A. M. Andrew Geicher, who was elected on Monday nlgrht, will be assigned to the Pinnacle district from P. M.

to 6 A. M. He has not yet reported for duty nor given any indication as to whether or not he will serve. Chief B. Bowers will be on duty from 9 A.

to 9 P. M. and Desk Sergeant Harry Miller comes on at 9 P. At. and works until 9 M.

J. Elder, who was elected at Monday night's meeting, was sworn in by Mayor Marietta last night after.he had presented a recommendation from the chief of the Pittsburg "Lake Erie railroad police force. Tt is probable that a telephone call system may be ultimately adopted as part of the police system. This is lu In cities and by means of it any resident who desires a policeman can siecure quickly by.notify- iflK the telephone exchange girl who rea light, on in the section where the patrolman situated. The policeman is required to be within, seeing distance of this signal all the time unless off on a special call.

FALLS UNDER TRAIN Dinxbar Man Ivoscs Legs Jis Result of Accident. "While attempting to board a moving freight train, on the Baltimore Ohio railroad at Youngstown. Clark Wilson, 35 years old of Dunbar, missed his footing and fell under the train. He was talcen to the Union- tovv.n Hospital where it was discovered that both were so.badly crushed that the left one had to be amputated between the knee and ankle and the right one at the knee. Wilson and his two brothers were g-olng: to Lemont in search olf work, his two brothers having boarded the freight ahead of him.

The train crew knew nothing of thet accident and kept on goins; to Uniontown. Wilson was found en the tracks In an unconscious condition. The first aid team of Youngstowit was sum- m-oned and stopped the flow of blood. His condition la not thought to be serious. PRICK CASK KKDO OV13R.

UiH'ixieketl Minister Asks Presbytery for Reinstatement. Hev. "Walter Price who was suspended from the Redstone three years ago for conduct unbecoming to a minister, appeared before the Presbytery at its closing- session In Uniontown yesterday nvorning and pleaded for -reinstatement and his good name restored. The application was held over until the June meeting. Names of several- women, members of the Presbyterian Church at McTCoevpori- of which Reverend Price was pastor at the time of his suspension, were'involved.

Reverend Price is now a resident of Washington, D. C. M'OVIXG Bottif? Taken Buck to Sixth Street. Adam "Deemer has commenced work on the removal of the frame building of Miss "Florence Sniutx from Main. street.

West Slue, to South Sixth street. While the building is being moved Miss Smuts will still conduct her business. The. contract for a brick building to be used for offices and "other business purposes 'will be let probably the latter part of this week by Miss Smutz. Agrees to Kill Peter Fink of the West Side, appeared befpr'e Alderman Eugene O'Dono- va'n of the West Side last evening and pleaded grullty to a charge of keeping a vicious dog-.

He paid the costs anil agreed'to kill the dog which on last Sunday bit Miss Lena Miller of tha West Side. File Tiieir Congressianal nomination papers were filed at Harrisburg yesterday, by Hon. Wooda N. Carr, Democrat, 'present the Twenty-third district Thomas S. Grage, burg-, Republican; also died papers as a for Congressman-at-Iarge..

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