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Belfast News-Letter from Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland • 4

Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BELFAST HEWS-iETTER, THURSDAY MQRMNft APRIL 3, 1862. THE CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA. 118s. The bacon market ruled very firm. Afnrtl.oj of Is to 2b per cwt.

was estabUsSoTSieaUc Sat fef manufacturers are now looking for more mniVX ho meat sella very slowly, American cure toteferZ vV with the sale of it in this country. mtcnermS mud, ST0 OKB AND DELIVERIES FOB THE WEEK ENDrKO MAItCH OQ TIT7 THE FIRST THE POPE. The following extracts; from a letter of First Napoleon to hisrstep-son itee worth: perusal at the present time: i MTOTHE YlOEBOYSrOENE. My SoN-ii-I have 'seen iri 'the letter which his Holiriess has addressed I to but which, undoubtedly, he did not write, I have' seen that he threatens mei 1 They will1 denounce hie to Christendom i ThiB ridiculous thqught can only proceed from a profound ignorance of the age in which we live; there is a mistake of a thousand years in thadafe: What would Pius VII. effect by denouncing me to Christendom? Place my throne under interdict? Exco-mmnninnfo Tinin liaTiiTilr fViof, DR.

GUTHRIE ON ITALIAN LIBERTY. the close of Signora Mario's lecturein Edinburgh, on Friday last, there were lond calls for Dr. Guthrie, who at length came forward amid loud cheers. He said he was under a vow not to speak. He had been under the necessity of refusing to attend, and certainly to speak, at any public meeting whatever for months to come.

He had written himself out of all engagements in England, Scotland, and Ireland (laughter) and it was nothing but the attractions of this lady (applause and laughter) and the noble cause in which she was engaged that brought him there that night. He had the deepest sympathy for this cause and he might say for his brethren of the clergy, that he believed they sympathised with him in that feeling. His sympathy was expressed long Ins Abt Joubjtal fob April. London j. 8.

Virtue. Belfast J. Harion, Waring Street. Containing, as it does, the first part of the illustrated catalogue of the Great Exhibition of 1862, this number is, perhaps, the most interesting that has ever been issued by the proprietors of the Art Journal and quite irrespective of the catalogue, it is not in any respect behind its predecessors. There are two admirablelineengraviiigs onefromMr.

A. Johnson's picture, The Sabbath Eve," in which the figures are grouped in a manner worthy of Wilkie; the second from Turner's charming work, "The Sun Rising in a Mist." The engraving of this picture is wonderfully executed, and all the dreaminess of the original is given to the middle distance, contrasting fully with the distinct lines and busy groups of the foreground. The Illustrated International Catalogue" occupies twenty-four pages, and every page is crowded with engravings produced in the highest style. First come selections from the contributions of the well-known house of Hunt Eoskell, formerly Storr Mortimer," and many articles are represented at once perfect in design and finish, including cups, vases, and articles of jewellery. Amongst the contributions of other houses is an exquisite cup cut from a solid topaz, and mounted in pure gold.

The design of this exquisite bijou is beyond praise, and on the workmanship, the celebrated artist, M. Chesnois, has been engaged two years. The "Catalogue" reflects the utmost credit on the proprietors of the Art Journal and the numbers containing it will be eagerly purchased. It will be, in itself, one of the best and richest products of the Exhibition. THE TOUE OF THE PRINCE OF WALES.

Alexandria, March 21. My. last letter mentioned tie departure of the Prince of Wales for Upper Egypt. To-day, intelligence has come that bi.8 Royal Highness had reached ThebeB on his way back to Cairo, where he may be expected within the next few days. The party proceeded up the Nile to the first cataract, the limit of their voyage, according' to the usual plan of travellers, with as little delay, as possible, though not without the incidents of sand-banks and rocks, which, at this bite season, render the navigation of the rapidly-sinking river so difficult.

The first sight of an Egyptian temple which the Prince enjoyed waa at Esneh, where, during the necessary halt by night on the upward voyage, the Roman portico of that temple was well seen by torch-light. From Assouan he visited Philae, the holy island, on the frontiers of Egypt and Nubia and, after exploring its picturesque group of temples, returned the same day to Assouan, and immediately commenced the descent of the river. Edfou, which within the last few years has been entirely cleared, by order of the Viceroy, now presents a complete plan the only one in existence of ah Egyptian temple, and thus affords to travellers in Upper Fgypt something of the same information which could formerly be obtained only by the sight of the rock temple of Abou Simon, in Nubia. This instructive' example of Egyptian architecture was the first which the Prince witnessed on downward voyage, and was a good preparation for the magnificent confusion of Thebes, which he reached on the night of the 15th, with the intention of remaining three days. The first was spent on the Eastern bank of the river, among the ruins of Kamac and the day being Sunday, his Royal Highness and suite attended Divine service, which was performed in the great hall of that splendid temple by the Rev.

Professor Stanley. The second and third days were to be devoted to the temple and the tombs on the Western bank, after which bis Royal Highness intended to return to Cairo, visiting the chief objects of interest on tho way. weather has been singularly propitious. The Southernmost limit of his Royal High-ness's voyage was marked by the portent of a cloudy day and a rainy night, unusual at all times in Upper Egypt, and especially rare so late in the season. The Prince has also been enabled to combine his love of sport with the'other objects of his tour, especially at Edfouand between Esnehand Thebes.

The health of the Prince and his suite continues unimpaired. GARIBALDI' AND THE ITALIAN CRISIS. FBOM'THE MOBNTHa POBI. The two addresses by Garibaldi t6 the Italian clergy, just published in the Turin journals, are documents equally characteristic of their author and of the remarkable epoch in Ms oountry'B history at whieh they have appeared. The theology of Garibaldi' may be summed up in two or three very simple articles.

The consecration, by religion, of ithe liberty, equality, and fraternity which the soldiers of democracy would gladly help to establish in every-region of the globe the identificationin Italy, of the Roman Catholic priesthood with the national cause; are to him the chief ends of pulpit oratory and parochial teaching. In the address to the Italian priests, circulated some three months ago, but now published for the first time, Garibaldi had told them that a sublime mission was being opened up to the true ministers of Christ in the Italian peninsula that, except by stifling the voice of conscience, they could not remain the accomplices of what was done at Rome, to the injury of the "common country; that they should 'fight the go6d fight for the best interests of the human race; that they Should diffuse among the people the holy word of the religion of truth, and that a grateful country would insoribe their names amongst those of the heroic sons by whose efforts she had been redeemed from bondage. -It may be presumed that 'the' patriotic 'exhortations of that -first address did not produoe the effects amongst the Italian priesthood' which Garibaldi had fondly looked for. The second address, issued from Genoa on the 12th of this current month, is in a sharper tone. Gari-baldi here tells the Italian priests that he has no intention of dwelling too severely on their past conduct, but if, in future, a good understanding is to be maintained between the Italian laity and the Italian priesthood, it must be on the condition of the latter turning away from evil and learning to do good.

Hitherto, he says, their work has been one of unmitigated evil. They have converted Rome into a den of wild beasts, ravening for the destruction of Italy. The cardinals, Garibaldi tells the Italian-priests, are doomed. If they can still be saved, well and good; but if not, let the Italian clergy loudly and emphatioally proclaim that they separate their own interests and hopes from those of the purple tyrants of the Vatican, and let them preach from, their pulpits the dootrines that their country must be-made free, and that the Vatican will incur eternal damnation-. The Italian priest, Garibaldi affirms, who proclaims these truths, will receive first, the approval of his own oonsoience and next, the gratitude of millions of his fellow-countrymen.

If the Italian priests are to be regarded as brothers by the Italian laity, it can only be on the condition of their returning to that ancient Christianity which taught self-sacrifice, mutual forgiveness, and the sacred truth of the equality of all mankind. The most suggestive commentary on these addresses of Garibaldi is to be found- in the riots by which the peace of Naples was disturbed on the 15th. They owed their rise to the 'sermon preached by a reactionary priest named Cocozza, in the Church of San Severino, situated in the immediate neighbourhood of the University of Naples. Liberals, constitutionalists, patriots, Protestants, and Atheists appear to have been all jumbled together by this Ket-tledrummle of Neapolitan reaction in one farrago of abuse. Amongst the congregation were some of the students from the neighbouring university.

They are reported to have given utterance to their disgust in tolerably strong language. Instantly they were surrounded by the mob, pursued as far as the university, where the lazzaroni, their assailants, rushed in after them, and a general melee ensued several companies of the troops had to be called out before the tumult was appeased but this did not occur until several of theoombatants on both sides were wounded. Meanwhile the charges of Protestantism and Atheism, which had been hurled against the professors and students from the pulpit of San Severino, were caught up in other parts of the city, and screamed out by furious beldames in the middle of the streets. All who sent their children to schoolB or colleges not under the exclusive superintendence of the priests, were denounced to the vengeance of the mob. These acts of reactionary violence stand but too closely and clearly in connexion with the centre of all Bourbonite and reactionary intrigues with Rome.

It appears that, on the same day, reactionary risings were intended to take place (and did partially occur) at other points of the Neapolitan territory. From tho number of functionaries appointed under the old Bourbon regime, still filling the bench in the Neapolitan criminal courts, the actors in these scenes calculate on a sure acquittal in the event of their being made omenable to justice. The old Bourbonite element is likewise very strong in the Neapolitan police force. Whilst these Bourbonite partisans know that the ex-King is still allowed to remain at Rome, and to plot against the peace of his former dominions with impunity, they; cannot bring themselves to believe that his cause is wholly lost. They are, therefore anxious to secure to themselves a locus penitential, to curry favor with the power whioh may be again and not to commit themselves altogether irretrievably in the cause of King Victor Emmanuel and Italian unity and independence.

The Neapolitan police are said, in accordance with this feeling, to have lately winked at the transmission to Rome of a number of cases containing the Peter's pence contributed by the faithful to meet the more pressing wants of the Holy See. It is in accordance with the same feeling that they do dot exhibit the requisite vigilance in proceeding against and putting down riots like those of the 15th, There is a thorough understanding between them and the priests, who are the real instigators of all these disturbances. The addresses of Garibaldi, especially the last address from Genoa, show to what very serious consequences the antagonism between the Italian priesthood and the Italian laity must ere long lead. Let it; be remembered that the words of Garibaldi are received almost as the inspiration of a prophet by millions throughout the Italian peninsula. It is a strange sign of the times one of which the magnitude cannot be over-estimated that the patriotic leader to whom the Italians look up with so enthusiastic and passionate an idolatry should impress upon the priesthood of his country, as a sacred duty, their announcing in plain language to their fioeks that the Vatican and all its inmates are hopelessly doomed to ago in a way which he considered was most suitable to his profession.

He never was a smuggler but once. (Laughter.) He disapproved of all kinds of smuggling, and had never been a party to anything of the kind, save in smuggling tho Word of God into Italy, which he was a party to many years ago, (Applause.) He once attended a meeting in this city, which was addressed by a lady of color, to advocate the cause oi the enslaved America, and he had the honor on that occasion of doing what he supposed no Yankee would do walking arm-in-arm with that lady of color to the platform. Now, it might be said that ladies stepped out of their province in addressing public meetings of that kind, but when a lady had got a good cause, and had got a head, and had got a heart, and had got such a tongue (laughter) as the lady who had addressed them that evening, he thought that the male sex, clergy and all, would do well to come there and learn a lesson from her. (Applause and laughter.) He was not sure that he altogether agreed with his distinguished friend in wishing a very speedy settlement of the Roman question. He was sure that all who knew him know that he had no sympathy with the Pope (cheers) that he had no sympathy with the temporal, and.

far less with the spiritual, power of the Pope but ho was inclined to think that the longer the Pope stuck to Rome, the wider would become the breach between the Pope and the Roman people. The longer the sore ran, the deeper would be the wound and the less chance of healing it up. (Applause.) He did not envy the Pope his seat upon 30,000 French bayonets. He was sure the poor old man or the poor shrivelled image in the niche as the lady had called him (laughter) would find himself much more comfortable elsewhere. He anticipated a glorious future for Italy.

He found, on visiting that country last year, that the spiritual was advancing pari passu with the temporal, and for himself, he had always believed, and would continue to believe, that in order that liberty should stand on a solid basis, she should stand on spiritual freedom, or she would not stand long. (Applause.) He had been forced to speak against his will, and he could only say that he had great pleasure in seconding the motion of the gentleman on his right hand, to return the thanks of that whole assembly to this noble-hearted lady for the admirable, interesting, instinctive, and stirring address which she has delivered. (Loud cheers.) dtfimitemai REVIEW OF THE BRITISH CORN TRADE DURING THE PAST WEEK. FROM THE MARK LANE EXPRESS OP MONDAY. The past week has been warm and wet, and altogether unfitted for labours in the field.

The further sowing of Spring corn is impeded, as isthe beneficial thrashing of wheat but the grass lands are renewing their growth, as well as the young corn, and all vegetation has been pushing forward, giving the prospect of an early harvest. The sudden changes, however, of this climate make all calculations unsafe. The markets continue to show the unfavorable influence of the weather on prices, which have been still declining, and tho opening of the Baltic before granary stores are much reduced is not likely to stop the movement. This can only be done by short markets in the country. The matter, therefore, is in the hands of those who yet hold stocks, which in many places are said to be getting very low but no serious falling-off yet appears in the weekly returns.

These since harvest have averaged an excess of 30,000 qrs. weekly beyond the previous year. Such free deliveries upon a deficient crop must eventually tell, unless made up by adequate imports. But to make these there is no inducement to merchants here hi the relative position of prices, while to foreign growers tho rates are high, and as appearances on the ground are generally favorable, much is likely to come forward. Notwithstanding all that had been said of the serious deficiency of the French crops, markets kept drooping in that country, the price of wheat in Paris being down about 3s per qr.

Arrivals, again, are appealing in the Baltic, where the river navigation has been resumed, and holders there appear willing to take less money. Forced sales have been made at Hambro' at 2s per qr. abatement. Leghorn, where there was a great deficiency of native wheat, is now overdone with foreign supplies, Venice and Trieste being also cheaper, excepting for maize, which is much in demand. Odessa is apparently in an expectant attitude, and unwilling to quote lower rates, without sufficient business and New York odviccM are very dull.

The sales reported of floating cargoes of wheat this week were rather in favor of buyers, and it has been the same with other grain. The deliveries of wheat noted last week were 78,300 qrs. at 59s 5d, against 65,778 qrs. in 1861. The London averages were 61s 2d on 1,296 qrs.

The arrivals into the principal ports of Great Britain for the week ending March 19, in wheat and flour were equal to 84,050 qrs. wheat, of which 42 qrs. were from the colonies. The wheat trade in the country has again been very unsatisfactory, chiefly through the unfavorable character of the weather, which seriously affected the bulk of the samples exhibited. There was scarcely anything diy, and the value of such was little changed but for secondary qualities most markets were down Is per qr.

This was the case at Hull, Bii'mingham, Spalding, Bourn, Louth, Gainsborough, Lynn, Melton Mowbray, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Burton-on-Trent, and Bristol. Spring com has generally kept declining in value, barley excepted. The supply of home produce at Dublin was moderate, and rates unaltered, excepting fine oats, which were held for 6d per barrel advance. Foreign wheat was dull, at Is per qr. decline, and maize was very heavy and neglected.

Some later reports from Ireland were rather improved for wheat. LONDON, Monday, Makch 81. Grain. Wa have tho arrivals oi English wheat small, and we liavo only moderate arrivals from abroad. The English wheat waa taken at the rates of this day week, and wo had a moderate demand for foreign also at last week's prices.

Flour is 6d per barrel and ls-per sack lower; and the low price is causing increased demand. Barley, beans, and peas are without change in value. We have small arrivals of oats, and no change in value. There have been but few fresh arrivals of cargoes, and the buBineBS has been inactive at late pricoB. Wheat, Essex and Kent, white, new, 57a to 68s per quarter; red, new, 56s to 59s; Norfolk, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire, red, 56s to 59s; barley, new, malting, 80s to 84s per chevalier, 84s to 89s; grinding, 27s to 29s; lUstilling, 80s to 83s; malt, Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk, new, 62s to 66s per KingBton, Ware, and town-made, new, 02s to 60s brown, 50s to 56s rye, seed, new, S2s to 85s per oats, English, feed, 20s to 24s per potato, 23s to 20s Scotch, feed, 21s to 26s; potato, new, 22b to 20b; Irish, feed, white, 18s to 21s; fine, 22s to 28s per black, 18s to 21s; fine, 22s to 23s; beans, Mazagan, new, 88s to 84s per ticks, new, 333 to 84s Harrow, new, 35s to 37s; pigeon, now, S8s to 41s; peas, white, boilers, new, 38s to Us per maple, 89s to 41s grey, S5s to 86a; flour, per sack of 2801bs.

town households, 48s to 55b country, 88s to 40s households, new, 43s to 45s Norfolk, and Suffolk, 38s to 89s. Foreign Wheat, Dantzic, mixed, 60s to 65s per quarter extra, 60s to 72s Konigsberg, 58s to 63s extra, 84s to 70s Hostook, 69s to 61s fine, 63s to iub; uisto 50s; white.BOs toiitfa; suesian, rea, 60s to 59s white, 66b to 62b Pomeranian, Mecklenburg, and Uckermark, red, 55s to 61s Danish and Holstoin, red, 55s to 59s; Russian, hard, 46s to 53s; St. PeterBburg and Eiga. 50s to 55s French, i 0s to 0b Rhino and Belgium, 66s to 61s; barley, grinding, 26s to 28s per distilling, 20s to 82s oats, Dutch, brew and Polands, 19s to 24s per feed, 17s to 22a Danish and Sweden, 19s to 2Ss; Stralsund, 20s to 23s; Rnisinn. Rimi. 23s ArchonBol. 28b Oil St. Petersburg. '28s to 25s beans, Friesland and Holstein, 38s to 88s per nonlgflDerff, Has to ads isgypuan, sua bus peas, tceaing, 85s to 86s per fine boilers, 38s to 89s Indian corn, white, 85s to 88b per yellow, 35s to 86b flour, per sack, French, 00s to 004; Spanish, 45s to 47b American, per 26s to 27s extra ohd doable, 28s to 80s. IMPERIAL AVEEAGES.

Foe last Six Weeks: February 15,1862 February 22, 1862 March 1,1862 March 8,1862 March 15,1862 Peas, R. 39 89 89 89 40 4 7 9 1 Wheat. Barley. Oata. Rye.

Beans s. A. s. d. a.

d. s. d. s. d.

59 10 86 5 21 11 89 4 89 8 59 6 86 0 22 4 88 0 40 8 59 8 85 9 22 6 88 0 89 8 59 2 85 9 22 1 84 6 89 7 59 0 85 10 21 11 8 5 89 5 theiimbb' special cobbssspondent.) Washington, March 14. On Monday night, General Mfjlfl11cm. ani Mnnaaaita at. laaat. trt tllA front of 'the old position' at Bull Run.

On Tuesday, it. was rumored tnat.he was ooming oacK witn tne the. President's order, relieving him -from the com- jiicuiu vi uie wnoie oi tne army, lanu resuicimg mm to thecorps on the Potomac. iThe most tremendous invectives are hurled at him in the columns of the New York 2YMne. As a specimen, take the paper and read the cwfespohdence of March 13th.

If he comes dbck nere, it is evident to ail ne is lost; ne cannot stay where he The Question is. Can he or will he go on?" The mischief of railway com munications in sncn a country as America is, tnai in States not mnbh developed they have prevented the enrtfltrrirttirm nf cnnrl mnxta. nr bb.vfi' led to their neglect and ruin. When, therefore, tie rail is destroyed and the bridges blown up, it is difficult to move an army difficult, hut by no means impossible. The moment General1 M'Clellan found the enemy moving, he should have pressed on them and kept them going, always supposing that he had the means of doing so.

If he had not, whose fault is or was it? General M'Clellan has been "master of the situation" up to a short time ago. Never had general such advantages unlimited confidence, a vast army, abundant supplies, the largest transport possible, railway communications, fine weather, good material I shall not pretend to criticise his military Ab I have never been an extravagant eulogist of a general who had never been tried, so will not join in the senseless invective which denies to' him all merit whatever. It strikes me that he was over-: staffed, that he had undertaken or been ordered to do that which was beyond his capacity, and that he was unfortunate in having around him gentlemen' who seemed to believe they had a right to think for him, who opened his letters and did not answer them, and screened him from view, as though the virtue would go out of him by exposure to the public. But that he is a soldier of conduct and skill I am, fully in-clinedto beUeve he loves his profession hd is well acquainted with its principles; ho has gained the regards of the army; and if to-morrow he fought and won a great battle he would be master of the; situation once'more and do whatever he pleased with1 the people. The account of his first council of given in the New York Tribune, is very extraordi-; nary, if true, as it seems to be.

Nor should it be forgotten that the Generals of Division were divided on tho question of carrying out the President's instructions to attack the enemy, and that the majority of eight to four were against the feasibility of its execution, the dissentients in favor of action M'Dowell, Heintzelman, Keyes, and Stunner being those just named to command separate corps d'armee. It is represented that the General has fallen very much into disfavor at the White House, and there are people who really think Mr. Lincoln was serious when he said he would take the field at the head of the army, if there was no other way of Btirring it. It is probable that General M'Clellan will now leave a garrison force in the works covering the city of Washington, and will move his corps to operate from the waterside if he gets time enough to prepare for such an expedition. On this point speculation is useless.

The contest between the Monitor and the Merri-mac diverted attention for the time, and still attracts much notice. The common remark is that the naval supremacy of Great Britain' is disposed of, and that no town can be rendered safe by fortifications. It certainly is a matter to talk about and think over. If the Merriniac could be fitted up by the Confederated and effect such enormous mischief, what could not bo done by a ship built for the purpose The pilot turrets are weak points. In the Mississippi gunboats the pilots refuse to take charge of the gunboats after the recent experiences at Forts Henry and Don-nellson.

It is impossible to suppose that Mr. Davis, if he has the smallest military enterprise, will not overwhelm Burnside before he is How he allowed Banks to remain unmolested is beyond understanding also- But, in fact, nothing is known here of the numbers', views, and movements of the Confederates except what they like to tell. It is wonderful that they could so long conceal their weakness at Centreville and Manassas. They repeated the wooden-gun trick and the "quaker" delusion once again but I shall not say a word about the defences till I have had an opportunity of seeing them. The Union feeling could not be very great to have kept all this in tho dark.

It is'said that the General never know of his removal from command of ail the ariny till he read the order in one of the papers. General Freeman's command is accepted by the people without so much surprise as might be expected. The Germans and Abolitionists are playing round the tub that has been thrown to them with great delight. The country is not yet aware of the causes for irritation which exist in Washington against General M'Clellan and his want of success. The politicians had set their minds on a great battle to wipe out the stains of Bull Rim.

The advance made' under the circumstances relator! partially satisfied the people. It is obvious that it wuu xue retreat or tne enemy on Sunday which caused the onward movement of the Federals oh Monday, and that the retreat did not take place in consequence of the advance. It is not possible to say how far it may have been caused by the apprehension of being outflanked by a larger force, but it is plain that Mr. Jefferson Davis had made up his mind to withdraw the Confederates within narrower lines wnen ne aenvered His Message to his Congress, admitting they had attempted to accomplish more than lay in their power. Winchester is now evacuated by Jackson, and is in the occupation of Banks.

The Confederates have fallen back to Strasburg, 18 miles South-West of Winchester, the Western terminus of the Manassas Gap Railroad. Gordonsville, on which the main body of the force at Monassas is believed to have retired, is on the railroad to Richmond, and is in direct communication with the Western and Central Virginia, Tennessee, and all the South and West. The fears respecting an attack on Burnside have not yet been allayed but he is aware of the retirement of the Confederates from Manassas and the chance of being attacked by them, and will be prepared accordingly. Yesterday, men were sent off in 40 steamers and other vessels down the Potomac, no doubt to reinforce him. A flotilla, with great quantities of stores, is lying under the guns of Fortress Monroe.

If the Quartermaster's Department fail to supply the troops out at Manassas, they' must be withdrawn and I think it will be found that General M'Clellan will return to Washington with the greater part of Mb army, and commence operations in another quarter. As was supposed, the tax on flour has been rejected. Canada will not gain the fortune she might have expected in case the impost was retained. The manufactllrfiTH nf linnno1 cL-ifo fm. -J' -wuuuu lOUlGD, I 1H! 1,111 ploy no less than 20,000 persons in the city of New York, are up in aims against the tax on their particular commodity, and have prepared a remonstrance, to be delivered by a deputation at Washington.

The Baltimore Sun and other journals are working up the heaviest artillery aorainst the On WGdnflHr1fl.V AVAmiKy TirtVil T.WMlt, rtalfn nv. 1 ,1 'in 1,11111 VW.UUAU1AW, nua yiuuauiy me iiraii oi lis- iana ever known in Washington, and which afforded great pleasure to the company, consisting, of the principal families in the eitv anrl tlin naTiiiifif anH fnrainn nji nisters. A prettily-arraneed staae was erected in tlm large dinner-room of the Legation, and the vest of the saloon was devoted to the reoeption of the guests, about 450 in number, among whom were Mr. Seward, his Bon, and Mrs. Seward Mr.

Chase and his daughter Mr. Secretary Stanton, of the Ai-my Department mi. octieuuy wciies, oi tne avy; fllr. Secretary Smith, of the Tnt.evinr the French Minister; M. de Stoeckl, Russian Mi- xiaron tteroiti.rrussian Minister; Chevalier Bflrtirmtf.f, Tffl.lin.n TVf Taw hji vyauiau iYAJl- nister; Count Piper, Swedish Minister; M.

doBlondel, Belgian Minister Colonel Raasloff, Danish Minister M. de Dutch Minister; M. Lisboa, Brazilian Minifltpv A Rumauk rtuii: Minister; Hurtado, New Granada Brigadier-' vioueiiu vtuMUfuei, unuea.Btates' army, The pieces were "The Serious Family' (admirably afifcfifl Tv Mra. Volofa lUDi1nmr. TT-J Baroness Gerolt, Miss Loring, the Hon.

E. Monson, -Tii wane, air. onemeiai, Bom-bastes Furioso," and Box and Cox." The Diplo- malm Unii-v nma wflmT ntnnnortw KaiiiuaanfnJ A w-uQij tTiiiionguwiU, xB Washington is not particularly lively now, the enter- 11 Al. il 1 uwiuuicub wh mi mu mufu uuueptaoie besides which; it was excellent of its kind, 'i supper included." The rn TW-p Ci BnaooTr a till- accident in tliA nA.rlr Mr. flAATmi i uiuii, j.Kuoocji, coin-entry to his cousin, the Earl, continues to excite very deep interest in the numerous circle of his relations and friends.

Within the last day or two faint symptoms of improvement have been perceptible indeed, the fact that fatal symptoms have not become apparent is in itself a matter of hope and though, of course, he is veryfarfromoutof danger, his family do not despair of his recovery. The spine has unquestionably escaped unharmed, and the internal injury is not of that fatal nature which wan at fiimf. 'r-- fD viuiuuD, that at farsfc he watj unoonBoious of being1 seriously hurt. On risinf" ivn 'nftov ha hnvak AtA from off him, he quietly beckoned to the driver of an XtHvllr. til, ,1 II .4, Duiptj utuugunui, juu uaauu.

mm to tate mm home refusing that of Sir Edmund Filmer, who happened to drive by at the moment, and instantly own. On arriving at his house, ha got ont of the brougham without any help, walked up the steps and onened his door, hnt then fell i i 1. insensibility' in which he remained for a considerable length of time. When I last heard of him, a few hours ago, the answer to aU inquiries was; "A slight shade of improvement, but rHII in V. wmAgor.

xniB UMOr-- tunate event has caused a painful shook to society: feiK 2folHd, a Werable amount of km! Auurumoness oi iiowashtre, though no relation, nostnnnejl ho ately on learning the accident, and the Queen, it is. understood, has repeatedly sent her gracious "ww ui OUUCJ.t3A.r-T-0(t(ea JUI respondent. Conscience Money A Penitent" has sent the Glasgow Athenmum 1, for having used the Reading ROOm afteT lift linl KAnand Via momliaii Tllia 1.1 1J 1, 1 1 11.1,111111,1 11 1 18 ail eSTfimrilfl wnrfliv nf hoinrv frJInnrAA rilnannm Mail. Stock Delivery. 1860 1,180 820 18B1 4.M5H 9 70 Stock.

i.RRI Leliverv. 3,370 1.77H 8,180 8,400 1862 820 620 2.3S0 luooc, Homo, otu. uuttcr, 1-riosliTwi nc to 122s per Jersey, 100s to 116s; Dorset, 126, to a Carlow, 100s to 112s Waterf oi-d, 100s to 112s Cork -L in Limerick, 96s to 104s; Sligo, 94s to 108s; freKr Ac Od to 16s Od. Cheese, per cwt. Cheshire, 60s to Gloucester, 58b to 62s; Cheddar, 60s to 76s Anieric.

54s. Hams-York, 80s to 86s; Cumberland, 80s to 0 Itt8 BiltBhire; dried, 64s toV5s L-M 58s to 64s. have to report a fair, bn means active, inquiry for Down and half-bred wool, at in quotations; bnt other kinds move off heavily, although t. uuuhd-ub aupposeu mat the next nnl, he sales of colonial wool in the metropolis will bo common 1" somewhat earlier than usual, and that a very lanro of wool will be offered at them. Dealers, therefore coi'itS to operate cautiously.

TaVow. Very little clmnce taken placo in tha value of tallow since our last rciori the market is still far from active. P.Y.C. is quoted it -16s cwt. on the spot.

Rough fat 2s 5d per 81bs. Stock corresponding period last year, 72,241 cri LIVERPOOL, Friday, March day comprise 8,057 qrs. wheat, 19 qrs. barley, 75 nnf," 7,970 1 qrs. oats, 4,894 qrs.

Indian corn, 1,062 loads oil and 518 sacks and 1 13,697 brls of flour. The shipment land consist of 548 qrs. wheat, 8,230 qrs. Indian corn, a a sacks and 180 brls. of flour: and coastwise, 902 rl wl Jf, 274 qrs.

oats, SOoqrs. beans, 60 qrs. peas, 196 qrs. Indian enn, 7 loads oatmeal, and 114 sacks and 630 brls. of flour Fy ported to Havre 1,000 qrs.

wheat, and to Melbourne 1U0 rV malt. The trade has remained dull, prices of all articles tendmg favor of buyers. To-day there was a slender at- to force ot wheat, at a decline of fully 2d per cental. Egyptian ivh. nt was loss plentiful, and brought full prices.

Oats were ouiet but not lower. Barley and peas were neglected. Km ti-m beans were 6d per qr. dearer. Indian corn was nriwirt 6d per qr.

decline, a moderate business being effected at rSs per 4801bs. ex-quay, and in some instances nt the snii'10 figure ex-store. Oatmeal was without alteration. Flour is pressed at 6fl per brl. decline, with only a limited lnHn, 4' XJiuuutO HI AJtVC-rpUUi: WllCJU white, 12s Od to 18s Od red, lis Od to lis lOd Canadian, whiu.

llsfid to 12s Sd: red, 10s 6d to lis 8d ner cental ioauuio zvBun; -Baltimore, Philadelphia and Ohio, 26s 6d to 29s Od sour, 23s 0d to Od Indian com. nor wOIato QAa in ona iur, Western Canal, per 26s Od to 27b Od Baltimore ilnilfflnltta an OliSft Oflo fi nj r. 34s Od to S7s Od mixed, 28s Od to 28b 3d. (201bs. tare iillowed on all American flour.l bt magnetic telegraph.

LONDON COBN MARKET Apeil 2. Horse's Eeport. Supplies moderate. Attendance email very little doing in anything. Prices nominally as on Monday.

Usborne's Report. English wheat fully as dear as on Monday foreign in better request some quantity also bought on spec; cargoes well bid for. Flour had a better sale. Indian corn Buyers of mixed American, 29b per good Danube scarce. Oats steady foreign a better sale market generally more cheerful.

LONDON PRODUCE MARKET Aprit. 2. Sugar very quiet. Coffee very firm no public sales. Tea dull.

Rice quiet. Saltpetre very firm. Tallow steady all the month and spot, 46s Sd to 46s fid ulv to 47s; Oct. to Dec, 48s 3d. Jute Of bales by auction, about 900 sold at from 16 to tlG lis 6d market steady, but quiet.

LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MARKET April Nothing doing to-day. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET April 2, Sales to-day, 5,000 bales, including 1,000 on spec and for export. Market very firm. CORN AVERAGES IN ENGLAND AND WALES. Wheat, 66,917 quarters, at 59s lid; barley, quarters, 35s lOd oats, 18,468 quarters, 21s lid Rye, 97 quarters, 35b Od; beans, 4,012 quarters, 38s 101; 'peas 637 quarters, 40s 2d.

risji iiiirltcfs. BELFAST MARKETS Wednesday, ArniL 2. borough market OFFICIAL PRICES VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. Per cwt. of 1121bs.

s. d. s. GRAIN, Per cwt. of U21bs.

s. d. s. d. 0 Oto 0 0 10 2 to 11 4 5 9 to 7 9 12 2 to 12 6 0 Oto 0 0 0 Oto 0 0 0 Oto 0 0 Wheat, white, red, Oats, Oatmeal, Beans, Barley, Potatoes, White 8 Skerries, 4 Carrots, ..8 Turnips 1 Mangel Wurtzcl, 0 Pears, 0 Oto 3 Oto 4 Oto 4 Oto i) Olol Oto 0 OtoO reas, PROVISIONS.

HAY AND STRAW. Hay, new Upland 2 6 to 4 meadow, 1 4 to 2 Straw, oat, 1 il to 2 wheat, ..1 2 to 2 Pork, per 1201bs.46 0 to 54 8 0 Oto 0 0 1 Oto 1 0J lump, 1 Oto 1 1 Borough Market Official Returxs. April 2. May's Grain Market. The total quantity of grain brought to this market for the week was 171 bugs wheat, 2 bags barley, 1,420 bags oats, 160 bags oatmeal, IS bags beans, bags peas.

Total, 1,771 bags. Butter Market. The quantity of butter brought to market for the week was 0 box, 5 barrels, 0 wholes, 0 half-firkins, 14 crocks, 94 lumps. Total number of packages, 113. Pork Market.

The total number of pigs sold in this market for tins week was 2,459 of this number, 771 were brought by farmers, and the remaining 1,688 were from jobbers. New Cattle Market. The total number brought to market for the week was 86S black cattle, 732 pigs, 102 sheep, il calves, 22 goats. Total number in market, 1,760 and, in the Horse Fair, there were 234 offered for sale. Smith-field Market.

The quantity of hay, straw, brought to market for the week was 295 loads of hay, 114 loads of straw, and 26 loads of nursery plants. Total, 435 loads. Potato Market. The quantity brought to this market for the week was 517 loads of potatoes, 197 loads of turnips, 9 loads, of carrots, and 257 loads of vegetables. Total, 980 loads.

TANDRAGEE, Wednesday, April 2. Grain, fc Wheat, lis Od to lis 6d per Oats, 6s 3d to Ss 6d per Oatmeal, lis 9d to 12s 3d per Indian Meal, white, 9s 3d to Os Od per yellow, 7s 9d to 8s Od Flour, first, 16s to 19s Od second, 13s Gd to 15s 01 per Potatoes, 3s Od to 3s 9d per Pork, 48s Oil to 52s 6d per Butter, 13d to OOd per Beef, 4dto7d per Mutton, 6d to 8d per Eggs, J1 to 7d per Hay, Is 6d to 3s Od per Straw, Is 6d to Is 8d per Flax, 7s 6d to lis 6d per Hides, 12s Od to 18s Od each. ARMAGH, Tuesday, April 1. Wheat, 10s 9d to lis Od per Barley, 0s Od to 8s Od per Oats, 6s 8d to 7s 4d per Oatmeal, lis to lis 6d per Flour, 10s fid to 18a 6d per Indian Meal, 9s Od to 9s Oil per Bran, 6s 8d per Potatoes, 5d to 61 per Turnips, lOd to 13 Jd per Pork, 45s Od to 50s Odper Hay, 2s Od to 3s Od per Straw, Is Sd to 2s Od per Beef, 5d to 6d per Mutton, 7d to 8d per Butter, 12d to 13id per Eggs, 5d to 7d per Flax, 6s Od to lis 2d per Hides, 12s Od to 18s 01 each. DUBLIN, Tuesday, April 1, Grain.

Quotations Wheat, white, new, 80a Od to 35s 6d per red, 27s Od to 33s Od per Rye, 16s Od to 17s Od Barley, 13s 0d to 16s 6d per Bere, 13s Od to 14s Od per Oats, white, 12s Od to 14s Gd per per black, lis 6d to 13b Od per Oatmeal, 13s Od to 15s 6d per Blour, firsts, 50s Od to 55s Od per sack of seconds, 4ns Od to 47s 6d Peas, maple, 25s Od to 27s Od per Beans, 24s Od to 27s Od per Indian Corn, yellow, 31s Gd to 32s Od per white, 38s Od to 40a Od mixed and inferior, 30s Od to 31s Od per Indian Corn Meal, Irish ground, 8s Od to 9s 6d per Egyptian Beans, 26s Od to 28s Od per 2801bs. bs magnetic telegraph. CORK CORN MARKET April 2, White wheat, 00s Od to 00s Od red, 00b Qd to 00s 01 barley, 00s Od to 00b Od oata, 12s Od to 15s Od. by magnetic telegraph. EDINBURGH CORN MARKET April 2.

A better demand for Scotch wheat to-day at full rates, and better feeling in trade holders decidedly firmer, under the impression that the lowest rates have been seen, but as yet the transactions are not numerous. Scotch barley unchanged in price, with rather slow sale foreign quiet, and rather lower. Scotch oats dull, and large quantity remaining unsold prices against sellers; in foreign nothing doing. Beans unchanged. White peas scarce, but merely wanted in retail.

Flour quiet prices rather lower. EDINBURGH CATTLE MARKET April 2. Supply of sheep, 3,100 trade stationary, at last week's prices; top prices, 8 jd; current, a clearance easily effected. Supply of cattle. 1.030.

which was frnelv over demand, South trade being generally worse top price, 7s 3d current, 7s inferior, 6s per stone a part unsold. GLASGOW CORN MARKET April 2. Supplies Moderate of wheat, and small of all other articles. Attendance fair. Wheat trade dull, at a reduction of 3d to 6d per 2401bs.

Flour 6d to 9d per hrl. cheaper, but not so much pressed as during the' week. Barley, beans, pease, oats, oatmeal, and Indian com had a very restricted demand, at former prices. GLASGOW IRON MARKET April 2. No.

1, 50s Od to 50s 6d mixed numbers, warrants, 51s Od to 51s 3d No. 3, 49s Od to 49s 6d. Market strong. A Noisy Barrel, Senator EubIc was present on one occasion at an Indian talk, -when a man drove up with aharrel of whisky an old Indian, who was sitting hy, fixed his eye on the barrel, and, after looking earnestly for some time, said Mr. Rusk, do you know what is in that barrel 1" Why, it's whisky, presume," said Mr.

R. No, not so," said the Indian; "there are about a thousand songs and fifty flights in barrel." The Mas. The contented man, ortho contented family, who have no ambition to make any one else happier, to promote the good of their country or their neighbourhood, or to improve themselvesr in moral excellence, excite in lis neither admiration nor approval. A covetous, but very vain nobleman, employed an architect to erect for him a splendid mausoleum. When it was finished, he said to the builder: la there anything wanted to cornrjleio it Nothing hut your lordship's corpse," replied the architect.

A depraved spirit is disqualified for true happiness, and whatever its apparent opportunity, cau never really enjoy it till purified and regenerated. Holloway's QraTJiEira wn Bills. Indisputable Remedies. In the use' of these medicaments there need be no hesitation or doubt of their cooling, healing, and purifying properties. Holloway's preparations must always po good both should find a place in every household.

The Ointment stands unrivalled for the facility it displays in relieving, healing, and thoroughly curing the most inveterate sores, and in cases of bad legs they act as a as thousands will testify who tried them, and would have lost their limbs by amputation but for this wonderful medicine. The Pills by purifying, stimulating and regulating every organ, greatly assist the remedial virtues of this excellent Ointment they cannot possibly do any harm, but will always do good when tho printed directions aye fjollpwco, TlPXTrAST. THURSDAY. APRTT, 3. 1SC2.

Printed and Published Every Morning, at the General Printing 'Entanlisliment. Nn. 9S Diwegall Street, Belfast, by JAMES ALEXANDER HENDERSON, to whomaUconmunications (pre-paid) are to be addressed, iu mi, AIUCD 1 11 1 -1 1 1111, 1 1 11111 arms would fall from the hands of my soldiers Does ne imagine tnat ne would put daggers into; the hands ycuio io muruer me wouiu oe out one step more to mate ma cut off mv hair and shut myself up in a monastery The Pope has taken the urouoie to come to my coronation at and in this proceeding I have recognised a holy.prelate. But he wished me to give up the Legations to him. 1 de- umicu ine jfope nas top mucu power.

are not made to govern. Why will not the Pope render Untn nmnoK lia ova O.maaWn 9 Ta UiAO UUUgO 111VU W1UUH1 UU more than Christ upon earth? Perhaps, if he continue to IrnnWo fVio nfFUifa nf mv 4ittja la v. waw VUli WIUIIU VJ IbUW UUUW not far distant when I shall recognise him: only as Bishop of the bishops of my own States. I hare no fear of liMnn A If uciiiji ran 10 unite the traiucan, xtauan, trerman, and Polish in o. nnnnnil tn mv business without the Pope.

In fact, what can save in one country can save another. The rights oi the tiara are, at bottom, but humiliation, Prayer. llnl1 iWim fvnm d-nrl nnyl fArrl mv people, and am responsible only to God and to my TlQAMln t. rt 1 A 1.1. iiovpAo.

a win always De AuarieiugAie tu.iiiiu uuurii of Rome, but never LewiB le Debonnaire. Jesus fibrinf. bl Yirtf liieiirnl ft tt lrrr-irvio rvn i-n Prtma oo Mahomet to Mecca. Such are my sentiments, my son. I have thought it of importance that you should know them.

I authorise only a single letter from you to his Holiness, to apprise him that I cannot consent that the Italian bishops should go to seek their institution in Rome. Napoleon. Dresden, July 28th." The Persecuted Pbotestants of Spain. On Friday evening last, Mr. R.

C. L. Bevan-and-Mrs. Bevan received at their Prince's Gate, a large number of the friends of Protestantism in Spain, for the 'purpose of hearing from General Alexander and the Rev A. R.

C. Dallas sdine account of the visits which those gentlemen have lately paid to Spain, to inquire into, and if possible, ameliorate the condition of those Protestants who are now nn-dcrgoing imprisonment in that country for the profession of their faith. General Alexander gave a very! interesting account of his mission. He had satisfactory interviews with Lord Clarendon and Lord Russell, and Lord Russell gave him a letter of introduction to Sir John Crampton, our Minister at Madrid. He had also credentials from the Geneva Conference M.

Guizot, at Paris, he found, was actively engaged in getting up a representation on the subject to the Cortes. He saw Lord Cowley, who gave him an introduction to M. Thouvenel, the French Foreign Minister, who gave him an open letter of introduc-' tionto M. Barrot, the French Minister at M. Thouvenel expressed his sympathy with the ob-, jects of the General's mission, and commended him: to M.

Barrot for such: non-official assistance as it might be in his power to render. He arrived at Mad-, lid, and saw Sir John Crampton, who warmly syin-' pathised with, the object of his mission, and gave him good advice. At Paris and Geneva, he got letters of introduction to the Duo de Montpensier, and also to Count! Stackelberg, the Prussian Minister at Madrid. The Due de Montpensier wrote very kindly, and said that, if the matter had been put in the form of a peti-, tion, he would have presented it to his the Qtieen, and he expressed himself in, the kindest manner. Count Stackelberg received him with all the warmth of a fellow-Christian.

Marshal O'Donnell said that, if he came as a private English gentleman he would receive him but that he, could not do so if. he came in any representative way from any of the English societies. He frankly placed before his Excellency the nature and objects of his mission, and admitted that a society in London had made all the arrangements. He gave the Marshal Dr. Merle minute, and stated that he would throw himself upon the magnanimity of his Excellency and of the Queen, with reference to his, co-religionistsi His Excellency said he would call the, attention, oi his colleagues to the matter, and he ypuld place the documents before them.

He said that the, revolution nary party had been very and that the masses conf ounded Protestantism and the revolutionists together, as both introduced the Bible and spoke of civil and religious liberty. His Excellency, spoke in complimentary pterins of the Queen of England! and alBO of the British army. As a specimen of the tone of the newspapers, and of the kind of information they place before their readers, the General translated somo passages from, a pastoral of the CarT dinal Archbishop; of Santiago, published in La the of were most fa tolerant. The Cardinal sud' ho did- not fear Is-lamlsm, but he did fear Protestantism, and he cautioned the Government not to grant it any liberty in But he felt convinced jtfiat if the question rested solely with O'Donnell, no one would any longer be persecuted in Spain on account of his religious convictions. TheGeneral concluded by saying that his mission, he believed, had been a complete success.

Watchman. Tub. Civil Service Home-office. Mr. William Ferrie has appointed inspector of mines in the Eastern district of Scotland, vacated by the death of Mr.

Williams. Customs Mr. Thomas Preston has been appointed an extra clerk at Manchester Mr. George Weston has been appointed ah out-door officer atNewhaven. Mr.

James been promoted from second to first class out-door officers, Belfast; Mr. Edward Downey has been promoted from third to second class out-door officers, Belfast'; Mr. Samuel Cochrane has been promoted from fourth to third class out-door officers, Belfast; Mr. David Campbell has been promoted from fifth to fourth class out-door officers, Belfast. Ireland--Mr.

J. F. the Government Local Inspector of the Four Courts Marshalsea, has been transferred to tho Government Prisons' Department as secretary to the Board of Directors. East Indies Mr. J.

Graham has been appointed standing counsel for the Presidency of Fort William in Bengal Mr S. H. C. Tayler has been appointed magistrate and collector at Sylhet; Mr. A.

R. Thompson, officiating magistrate and collector of Rajshahye, has been appointed magistrate and collector of that district Mr. S. F. Davies has been appointed magistrate and collector of Backergvuige Mri J.

E. S. Lillie, additional sessions judge of Hooghly, has been appointed to be also additional civil judge of that district Mr. H. W.

Payne, officiating judge of the Court of Small Causes in Calcutta, has been appointed a judge of that court Mr. A. G. Maopherson has been appointed secretary to the Government of Bengal in the legislative Mr. 0.

Boulnois has been appointed first judge of the Court of Small Causes in' Calcutta; Mr. W. J. Bramley, magistrate and collector of, AUahbd, has been appointed to officiate, as judge and sessions judge of Allyghur Mr. Palmer has been appointed to officiate as magistrate; and.

collector of Bijnour Mr. L. Bayley, of the Bombay Bar, has been appointed deputy-secretary to the Bombay Government in the Legislative Department Colonel J. A. Ballard, C.B., Master of the Mint, has been appointed Commissioner of the Department of Issue at Bombay.

Ceylon Mr. W. D. Wright has been appointed' acting-deputy-collector of customs Mr. H.

W. Gil-man has been appointed aotmg. landing surveyor at St. John's River, Mr. L.

F. LiesoMng has been appointed acting-assistant at -Jaffna to. the Go-: vernment agent for the Northern- Tho Straits Settlement The Hon. Maopherson, resident councillor, Singapore, been ap-pointed ccp-officio secretary to the Government of the Straits Lieutenant'M. Protheroe, secretary and aide-de-camj io tbe.

GoveEnoi', been, appointed to' rtatpffie io: dpnfcy-secretary to, the vernment of ihoT SfSM1 Solptjre 'ijt0 Discoveby op Ancient, Rklics in Coleraine. Whilst the workmen, engaged in enlarging the pre-' mises of the Messrs. J. J. Mathews, Bridge Street, were proceeding with the necessary excavations, they came upon.a portion of an old whichj it is said, occupied the whole of the square now comprised between Meetiflg-House Street aid Haiiover Place.

A considerable quairfcity of human bones were and, proving antiquity of, the deposits, a number of Piotish pipes and copper coins, denominated Str Patrick's halfpence, were also turned upi Colerditve Chronicle. The drama of the Golden Knife," which has been written by Mr. Fechter, in conjunction with Mr. Edmujid Yates, and which the former intiends to sustain principal part, will probably be produced at the Princess's Theatre in the course of the Easter week. STRANGE.

The followilier nlvArHaomonf nniunnjin the Era Notice 'io the profession in general Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, duetiists and combatants, have dissqlyed partaersljip, a'n'd al engagements must be broken. By order, Mrs. Hushes.

lot of fellows, banterins a lai'se and fat companion, temarked that if all flesh was he must be a load of hay. I suspaotil an," said the man, from the way the asses are nibbling at me." The "Milky Way." One of the opinions rer speeting Milky Way, versified by Manilins, is-that it is formed of the souls of illustrious wen, who after death baveibeen received into the heavens. r-r-Astronomy of the ients, By the Right Hon, Sir G. C. Lewis.

Death of Pitt. "The immediate cause of his death was the battle of. Austerlitz. I dined with him the day before his departure for Bath, when I found hinvin his usual spirits and on inquiring after his health, I learnt from those about him that he had some flying gout, whioh it was hoped might become a regular fit. Such' was, indeed, the effect of the Bathwaters; he reoeived the despatches containing the account of that most disastrous battle, he desired a map to be brought to him and left alone.

His reflections were so painful that the gout was repelled, and attaoked some vital organ." Life of the Right Jton, William Pitt. By Earl Stanhope, The Stoby of the Incumbered Estates Court by Percy Fitzgerald, M.E.I.A. London: Saunders, Otley, 66, Brook Street. The papers collected in this neat little volume were first published in All the Year Bound," where they deservedly attracted very great attention. The style of the sketches," as the author somewhat disparagingly calls them, is light and agreeable.

There are four chapters the first, The Disease the second, The Operation the third, The Cure and the fourth refers to Judge Longfield's proposal for the transfer of property. In chapters one, two, and throe Ireland is represented first as a patient at the last gasp then as undergoing an operation, painful, but essential; lastly, as healed. The idea is carried out cleverly, and The Story of the Incumbered Estates Court" will doubtless have a large circulation. A Treatise on Peace with God by the Rev. F.

Ferguson, M.A. Glasgow Christian News' Office, Trongate. This is an earnest and well-written treatise, designed principally for the use of inquirers. The author treats the subject with much ability, and there are many eloquent passages in his work. As Account of the Scottish Regiments.

Etlin- burgh IV. P. Nimmo. In this pamphlet there is a brief history of the Scottish Regiments, with statistics of each, from 1808 to 1861, compiled from Regimental Records. Every one interested in the regiments will road them with pleasure.

Good Words, for April Edinburgh A. Strahan ct Co. This admirable publication continues to hold its high place in periodical literature. The papers in the current part arc of a high order, and include some brief essays by Archbishop Wlmtely, the continuation of two tales, one of them by tho author of John Halifax," and many other interesting contributions. Temple Bar, for April, London 122, Fleet St.

This is in every way a good number. Captain Dan-gorous continues to narrate his adventures and it is nottoomuchto say that it is the best of Mr. Sala's many clever works. Aurora Floyd is also an admirable story. There are a large number of papers and sketches, most of them of high literary merit.

The Book of Days. Part III. Chambers's Jourxal. Part XCIX. Edinburgh IV.

Ji. Chambers, 389, High Street. Belfast W. M'Comb, High Street. "The Book of Days" is an excellent compilation of things curious and interesting a medley of matters thatconldonlybefoundelsewherebysearchingthrough libraries of rare old books.

It is produced in the style for which the Messrs. Chambers are famous. The "Journal" still holds its honorable position amongst cheap periodicals, and is full of readable matter. THE COURT. Windsor Castle, March 31.

Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Prussia took leave of her Majesty this morning, and left the Castle at ten minutes before twelve o'clock for Gravesend, where the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert is waiting to convey her Royal Highness to Antwerp. His Royal Highness Prince Alfred, attended by Major Cowell, accompanied the Princess to Graves-end. The suite in attendance consists of the Countess of Schulenburg, Countess Blucheiy 'Count Fursten-stein, and Colonel the Hon. Arthur Hardinge, who attends the Princess to Antwerp. Lady Isabella Stewart, family, and suite have arrived at the Gresham Hotel, Dublin, from Ards.

Lady Emily Toler and suite have arrived at the Gresham Hotel, Dublin, from Ards. A deputation of English, Scotch, and Irish distillers had an interview with the Chancellor of the Exchequer at his official residence in Downing Street. The deputation consisted of Mr. Bouverie M.P. Sir E.

Grogan, M.P. Mr. Dalglish, M.P. Mr. Vance, M.P.

Mr. E. H. J. Craufurd, M.P.

Mr. Currie, Mr. Smith, Mr. Jamieson, Mr. Grant, Mr.

Haig, Mr. Cusack, Mr. Ewart, Mr. Scott, Mr. Mackenzie, Mr.

Walker, Mr. Ballantine, Mr. Harvcv, Mr. Crabbie, and Mr. Bald.

Abd-el-Kader's Present to the Emperor Napoleon. Two of the most perfect horses that Abd-el-Kader has been able to find, after a long search, in all Arabia are on their way to Paris as a present to the Emperor. Writing of them to General Fleury, Abd-el-Kadcr says I have found a dark bay stallion with black mane and tail, rising seven years old, such as is not to be matched in all the tribes of the desert. His reputation is so great that the Bedouin Arabs would take a twenty days' journey, and more, to take a mare to him. I have besides selected a three-year-old colt, who, for beauty and noble race, is unequalled.

The Arabs can trace his family for fifty generations, pure from any crossing. Desiring to present these horses to bis Majesty, I beg your Excellency to send the necessary orders to the French consul atBeyront to have them embarked with the grooms in charge of them." Queen Victoria reigns over 174,000,000 of people. Of this number British India has 135,000,000. Wills and Bequests. The will of the late Win.

Hammond, of Russell Square, was proved in London under 250,000 personalty. The attesting witnesses to the will are L. Mieville and Frederick Louis Mieville, both of Switzerland, and it was executed as far back as 1842, the executors appointed being his two sons, William Amedfie Hammond and George Dighton Hammond, Esqrs. The testator, who appears to have realised a large fortune as a stockbroker, has left it entirely amongst his family, as follows To his brother George Hammond, the sum of 10,000, and to each of his two sisters 5,000. To his eldest son ho has bequeathed his library and other effects, and the residue of his entire property is left equally between his two sons.

The will is concise and very clearly expressed. The following munificent bequests by the will of the late Mr. William Block to the undermentioned charitable institutions The London Fever Hospital, St. Mark's Hospital, London Female Penitentiary, Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Cancer Hospital, Royal Free Hospital, to each 500. Two sums of 1,000 for tho endowment of the Church of St.

James, Muswell Hill, near testator's residence, and a new church at Crouch End, Hornsey. The will is dated March, 1861. A liberal provision is made for the testator's widow, and there are legacies to his four brothers, who are also made residuary legatees. The personalty was sworn under 120,000. Illustrated News.

Lord Carlisle and Lady Eolinton. The Court Times says We have heard lately of some very musical lines, written by Lord Carlislo upon a tree which died in the grounds of the Viceregal Lodge in the Phconix Park, and which had been planted by the first Lady Eglinton. Twelve months did not elapse before both were gone the fair lady so fondly loved, and the tree which she had planted with her own hand as a memento of her stay in Ireland. So run the lines, which are inscribed on a tablet erected over the spot whorethe tree was Poor tree Another mistress placed thee here To be the glory of the glade around Scarce o'er thy head has passed a single year, And she, too, lies beneath another raound But mark 1 What different terms your fates allow, Though like the period of your swift decay Thine is the sapless trunk and leafless bough, Hers the green memory and eternal day I A PARISIAN FANCY DRESS BALL. A magnificent fancy dress ball was given on Thursday night last, at the Hotel of the Interior, by Count and the Countess de Persigny.

The fete commenced at midnight in order to bring it within the Mi-Careme, and almost immediately after the splendid rooms were filled with a crowd of the very highest personages in Paris Ministers, Marshals, Members of the Diplomatic Body, and the elite of the fashionable world. The various suites of apartments were dazzling with lights, flowers, and the richest hangings, and a long temporary gallery constructed outside in the garden, and running along the whole Northern facade of the hotel, enabled the thousands of guests to communicate with the various saloons without impediment. The Countess de Persigny in a most ingeniously-devised costume representing a Winter's night with flakes of snow, and the Count in a domino, received with most perfect grace the guest at the entrance into the long suite of roomB. The Princess Anna Murat was dressed as a Neapolitan, and the Princess Christine Bonaparte as a Myosotis, her dress being covered with blue flowers. The Countess Walewski, wore a gipsy costume of blue and crimson satin, and the Count a Venetiandominoe.

The Countess de Moray was a Pierrette, white satin and blue buttons Mdme. Alphonse de Rothschild appeared as a Hebe of the time of Louis XV. and Mdme. Gustave de Rothschild in a dress covered with ivy and margnrites, sprinkled with emeralds the three daughters of Marshal Magnan appeared one as a bee, another as a Scotch huntress, and the third in a dress sprinkled with red camelias Mdme. Mag-nan, was in a modern Greek dress; Mdme.

Pereira represented an Angel Mdme. Erlinger in a harlequin dress of red and black Mdme. Emile de Girardine appeared as a Marquise of Louis followed by a page, and holding a lofty parasol and Mdme Leopold Lehon, in a dress covered with cherries. Prince de la Moscowa wore the dress of a Reitre, chief of German mercenaries in the middle ages. Prince de Demidoff was in the costume of a marquis of the ancient Court, wearing in his laced cravat the famous Saucy diamond.

Count de Luteroth wore a dress representing Gambling one-half red velvet and the other black (rouge-et-noir), with a girdle embroidered with playing cards, pieces of gold, and bank notes, and having at one side a full purse, and at the other an empty one. M. Cordior Randouiu appeared as Don Quixote on horseback, and Sancho Panza on his ass. A person, whose name we could not learn, wore a costume representing on one side marriage, and on the other widowhood. Notwithstanding that there were two admh'ably-aiTanged ball-rooms, with Strauss's orchestra playing their most inviting music in one, there was but comparatively little dancing, the spectacle of the splendid and most original costumes being infinitely more attractive.

Two spacious rooms fitted up as salons-de-conversation, were during the night constantly occupied, and it was even said that an illustrious personage appeared there more than once in a black dominoe when going through the rooms. Every kind of refreshment was furnished in profusion', there being a magnificently supplied buffet open the whole night, and a regular sit down supper at separate tables afterwards. The variety of this splendid fete was enmess, ana morning iouna the guests, as they were retiring, still doubtful whether they ought most to admire the splendour of the entertainment, the beauty and elegance of the costumes, or the exquisite grace ana urbanity witn which the Count and Conn tess de Persigny did the honors of the fete. Galig- num. Enolish Ladies and "Distinguished A trial of remarkable interest and one particularly interesting to English ladies with a penchant for foreign alliances, took placo on March 21.

before the Imperial Court of Paris, presided over by the First President, Devienne. In April, 1857, Miss Clementine Thompson, an English lady, aged twenty, was married in England to a French gentleman, calling mmseii dean josepn, jrrince cie itohan de Denis, do lonrondel, aged sixty-eight, since deceased, The witnesses of the marriage were Lord Claren don, Lord and Lady Palmerston, and several other persons of high rank. The husband died week after the marriage, and, as it is alleged. in a gallopmg consumption. A son was.

however. bom in Paris eight months after the marriage, and una son was registoreu ma zatner names, at tne Maine of the 10th aiTondissement. The widow. ever since 1857, has called herself the' Princess de Rohan, and her infant son the Prince de Rohan. In February, 1858, tho Prince de Camille de Rohan cited Madame de Rohan de Fenis before the civil tribunal of the Seme, to show cause why she should not no loroidden to bear the name of Rohan.

Madame do Rohan do Fenis pleaded that the Prince, being an Austrian subject, could not appeal to the French tribunals on the matter but the objection was overruled, tne cause was tried, and tne tribunal gave a judgment prohibiting Madame de Rohan de Fenis and her son from bearing tho name of Rohan, and ordering that the registration of the child should be rectified. From that judgment the lady appealed. The Appeal Court, confirming the judgment of the Court below, held that Madame de Fenis nee Thompson) had no right either to the title of princess or tho name of Rohan, and restrained her from using them. This is a terrible lesson to ladies who aspire a- i. iu linuiy uisimyuisiieu lureigiiers.

Agreeable It is decidedly the-reverse of a'pleasant surprise, when, having entertained vour friend and his charming wife and interesting young iiwiiij iui weeiv ur lurimyui, you pan witn expressions of sincere regret and affectionate promises to meet agam shortly, xou send them off to the railway station in your carriage, and their luggage in the Coburg cart, and return to your ordinary avocations. Hali-an-hour afterwards the carriage and the cart drive up to the door and disembogue your friend, his charming wife, and interesting young family, with their thirteen corded trunks duly labelled, once more in your entrance-hall, in consequence of having missed the train by two minutes and a-quarter. If dearest mends would make a clean breast of it, this unexpected realisation of their hopes to meet again shortly is anything but a pleasant surprise. The process of onee more welcoming the involuntary guests, and if there is no other train that day, locating them in apartments which, had been already abandoned to the attentions of the housemaid, providing aeririn fni their conveyance to the station, and going through uio uuiemony 01 leave-taiung witn expressions of renewed regret and doadly-livolv hones of meetiner airam shortly these are trials which test the strength of the most ardent affection and shake the foundations of uus-iuug inenasnip. A Rich and Gay Hairdresser.

An application has been made to the Civil Tribunal to prolong the powers of a person who had been appointed a provisional guardian to the estate of an old man who died in the Rue St. Nicholas, in January laBt, and who had long been known to the neighbours as tho the juge. de paix went to seal up his property to secure it for the rightful owners, he found an immense quantity of jewellery, consisting of diainond rings, bracelets, brooches, also in eash, and a red pocket-book full of love-letters, addressed by ladies of high rank to Peter Frederick Scheult From these it was ascertained that tho deceased was once the fashionable hairdresser of the French Court during the first empire and the two succeeding reigns. Scheult was a Pomeranian by birth, but having attained great excellence in Mb profession, he came to Paris, and got appointed bead hairdresser at Court. He held that post till 1830, when ho had amnHRnd fortune of about He then purchased the domain of Montcient, near Nantes, where he always passed the fine season in a little cottage which he had built for the purpose.

The room he ocenpied in Paris was a miserable hole, dirty, and with scarcely any furniture. As the deceased died without a will, and his relatives are all in Pomerania, considerable time will be required to realize the estate, and therefore the prolongation of powers was granted as demanded. Galignani's Messenger. Commencing Badly. A man was taken up lately for robbing a fellow-lodger.

He said he commenced by cheating the printer, and, after that, everything rascally came easy to him, he consigned to everlasting perdition. PROMOTIONS AND EXCHANGES. Wab Office, Pall April 1. Royal Artillery Lt. Jf.

R. Kins to be-Second-CaDtain. vice A. H. Hutchinson, removed to the Supern.

List. 1st Foot Ensign W. S. Thorburn to be bv purchase, vice J. P.

Gilmore, who retires H. Hawkins, to De unsign, by purchase, vice Thorburn. 5th Ensign, F. A. Forsyth, to be by purchase, vice F.

R. Bradford, who retires W. Bingham, to be EnBign, by purchase, vice Forsyth Lt. J. Hartley to be Instructor of Musketry, vice Shegog, who resigns that 10th Lt.

R. S. Bagee to be bv purchase, vice J. Farquhar, who retires H. E.

Poole to be ny purchase, vioe JJagge X. V. Jiiron, to be Ensign, by. vice H. E.

Poole. 18th Lieut. J. J. P.

Fox to be by purchase, vice H. N. C. Thurston, who retires Ensisn J. D.

E. Mooney to be by purchase, vice Fox C. Baiter, to Be iinsign, oy purchase, vice Moonoy. 18th Capt. J.

F. Ferris, from half-pay to be vice 6. G. D. Annesley, who retires upon half-pav Lt.

R. I. Adamson to be by purchase, vice Ferris, who retires Ensign J. F. MossQ-to be by purchase, vice Adamson; G.

Q. Fi Ferguson, to be iinsign, Dy purcnaBe, vice mosse. 22nd M. H. Cetto, to be'Ensicn.

bv pur chase, vioe R. Q. Lucas, who retires. 24th Ensign W. Macnll without pur chase, M.

Pearson, deceased Ensign C. W. Story to be Lieuti, without purohasej vice Magill, whose promotion oh 24th 1862, has been cancelled. 25th Ensign G. Dixon to be bv purchase, vice H.

T. Duchesnay, who retires; B. Douglas, to be Ensign, by pnrcnase, vice Dixon, 27th Hi T. KinghaB been permitted tq rwigirlliS; T. Y.

Baker to be viee. J. H. T. King, resigned.

1 dlst--Uapt. J. O'Flanagah, from half -pay 33rd, to be vice A. J. Schreiber, who retires upon half-pay.

66th-Lt. W. Taylor, from 64th. to be vice J. L.

Watt, who exchanges. oist Hj. M. JLyte, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Rogerson, who retires. 64th Lt.

A. J. Tuke to be without purchase, Vice Brevet-Major A. P. Bowlby, who becomes supernu merary by bis appointment tp a Cqrimany of Qentlemen Cadets at the R.

Jf. College Ensign Grant to be without purchase, vioe Tuke; Lt, Watt, from the S8tb, to be vice W. Taylor, who exchanges F. J. E.

Green, to bo Ensign, by pur-ohaBe, vioe Grant. 65th A. H. Toulmin, to: be Ensign, by purchase, vice K. Douglas, appointed to 60th.

66th Lt. F. H. I. Day to be by purchase, vice Brevet-Major Sir C.

F. W. Cuffe, who retires Ensign R. G. Westropp to be by purchase, vice Day R.

C. Graeme, to be Unsign, by purchase, vice We3tropp. 72H(t-Ensign H. E. de Cetto, from 22nd, to be Ensign, vice A.

Sice; deceased. Xooth J. Y. Donaldson, M.D;, to he vice Q'Brien, appointed to the Staff. cavalry depot (maibbtone.) Lt, G.

Luck, Dragoons, tq be Instructor of Musketry. Tq be Majors without purchase. Capt. and Breyat-Col. A.

Houstoun, half-pay 4th Foot, Staff Officer of Pensioners. Capt. and Brevet-Col. G. H.F.

Campbell, halfway Royal Staff Corps, Staff Officer of Pensioners. Stewart, M.D., from the 98th, to bp vice Baker, appointed to 27tj. T. O'Brien, fwn the lQqtb, to be StaffAaslstSurgeQH, YioeDonaldson, appointed to lOOtii. The Rev.

John Arnold, A meeting of the members of the First Presbyterian Church of Omagh, was held some few dava sinna in psmairlai they might show their esteem for, and at the same 1iW ciot.a Tl 1 By his recent illness it was found thai the labour of his farm had bean fliifmfinHAi. -nni Vhmr vaani.a in send their horses, to give hinv a day's ploughing. Accordingly, on Tuesday and Wednesday last, about thirteen ploughs and harrows were brought, and a large Quantity of around turned ovaiv nmniA has now almost entirely recovered. Tyrone Consti- 7 6 9 Maroh 22,186.2 Agg, Average Same time laat yr, The total imports of foreign stock into London last week amounted to 2,054 head. In the correBponding week in 1861 we received 2,085 in 1860, 2,602 in 1859, in 1858 1 620 in 1857, 1,194 and hi 1856, 722 'liead.

There waB a fair'ave! rage supply of foreign stock on offer here to-day, in, for the most part, good condition. Sales progressed slowly, at drooping currencies. From our own grazing districts, as well as from Scotland, the arrivals of be.asts fresh up this morning were large for the time ol ear and their general quality was very, prime, especially the Scots, shorthorns, and crossea. Although the attendance of buyers was tolerably numerous the beef trade was' in a depressed state, at a decline in the quotations, compared with Monday last, of from 2d to 4d per 81bs. The very best Scots and crosses sold at 4s 4d but many really prime beasts changed hanAs at in 2d and even 4s per 81bs.

Tho reooipts from Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire comprised 2,700 Scots, shorthorns, aiid crosses; from other parts of England, 950 various breeds; from Scotland, 400 Scots and crosses; and from Ireland 150 oxen and heifers. The show of sheep was good, both as to numbers and quality. Downs andhalf-breds in the wool, were in steady request, lit prioes nearly equal to those realised on this day B6'nnight-the extreme quotations being 5s 8.3 per stherwiso the' mutton trade was very dull, and the currencies gave way 2d per 81bs. Prime Downs, out of the sold at 4s lOd per 81bs. were well supplied with lambs, and tho demand for them was very inactive, at 4(1 uer 81fis.

less The quotations ranged from 6s 4d to 7s per 8a. About 250 came to hand from the Isle of Wight. The pork trade was in a mo st inactive state, and prices were 2d per 81ba. lower than on Monday last. Per 81ba.

to sink the offal Coarse and inferior beasts, 2s lOdto 8s Od second quality, 8s 2d to Ss 6d; prime largo oxen, 8s 8d to 4s Od prime Scots, 4s 2d to 4s 4d coarse and inferior sheep, 8b 6d to 8s lOd; second quality, 4s Od to 4s 4d; prime coarse 4s 6d to 5s 2(1; priine Scmthdown 5s 4d to 5b 8d( lambs', fls'4d to 7s Od; large coarse calves, 4s 2d to 4s 8d; primo small 4b lOd to 5s 2d; large" hogB, 8s 8d to 4s 0d; noat small porkers, 4s 2d' to 4s 8d; suckling calves, 12s to 26s; and quarter-old store pigs, 20s to 29a each. Supplies. Beasts, 4,610 foreign, 94 sheep, 19,000 foreign, 1,450 calves, 42 oreigu, 122' pigs 360 foreign, 0Q. The arrivals laat week fram- Iielond were 250 firkins butter am 2,989 bales baoan, and from foreign ports 15,214 casks butter, and 111 bales and 2,076 boxes bacon. There is no Irish butter offering for sale.

Foreign mot a fair sale, and best Dutch brought 124s to 126s. Some fresh arrivals American met a ready sale at 116s to 59 5 86 0 21 11 36 1 88 11 59 5 85 11 22 1 87 1 89 6 54 0 38 6 23 10 82 11 40 1.

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