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The Lima News from Lima, Ohio • Page 9

The Lima Newsi
Lima, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES-DEMOCRAT, MMA, OHIO, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 16, 1916. NINE MARKETS ON ILL SI. LIICAL MARKET I corrected to fancy 465S; 46; firsts Milk, wholesale price per quart delivered ia New York, lie; XEW YORK. Xov. irere In urgent demand all around the room at tiie opening of the stock market today.

Offerings were taken as soon as made in nearly all the im- ponant issues. New hteh records oc is ere made in several stocks, vrith State Steel advancing 27 points UU4C11 to 1S6, or 43 points above Tuesday's Atlantic Gulf aad West Indies rcse to and Sloss Sheffield to tmuuitru 8 1 oc ii. The Marine issues were actively uc Ou zuc 10.. dealt in, the common advancing -y uuaca; 10 4 and the preferred over a point ioc beau; i-cai to 120 1 The minor steel indus-; ioc trials were all strong, with Republic Hunter. Iroa and Steel, Colorado Fuel and, Creamery Butter, ysr pound.

43c American Can showing fractional ad-' Butici-iue, per pouua. i vances. The railways also shared in the upward movement. Union Pacific advaned ft to 148 and Reading to 108. stocks also we CHICAGO LIVE STOCK.

UNION STOCK YARDS. Chicago. Nov. receipts 48.000; markets, 5 and lOc lower; mixed frruiu and td batchers $9.10 good and lor oc; Cucumbers, heavy rough beavy Cocoaauw. lOfciSc; fit- light pigs atUe.

receipts 11.000; weafc J0c lower; 1U THINGS THAT NEVER By CENC BYRNES At, The low-priced active and strong with Corn Products moving up to 22. teel common, in which there was nu heavy trading, advanced to Wvo-ier Anaconda rose 7-8 to aadj American Smelting 3-8 to 122. Utah' Princeton Copper was In good demand and 1 rose to Plymouth 1- A The demand tor stocks In the late Southeastern ObiJ. forenoon was far greater than the enn8ylv ania supply and as a result new high rec- Mercej Black a 0 ords were common. Gulf State Corning 2.10 market, ja.rn.iu.

aoc; weak joe lower; beeves IS-OOff iiutd. oc ver Duiica; Of cows aad heifers iu to ovc uoivji; 9.80; stockers and feeders ac 7 go- Texans 8.90; cslv oc sweet, foist-j jio.00® 12.25. -runt sheep, receipts 14.000; markets b- ouwcu; ZsXtf I trong; native and western 10.25; lambs 11-90. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. EAST BUFFALO, Nov.

tie receipts 150; market quiet priiue steers butche grades Calves--Receipts 100; markets active, 50c higher; cull to choice $5.00, Sheep and lamb receipts 1200; market choice lambs 12.15; cull to fair 10.00; sheep Hogs--Receipts market slow lower; yorkers 1000- pigs 9.00; mixed heavy roughs stags I 1 47 IDEA TIME IS ATTENDIM6 WANTED CLASSIFIED Claslfled eda. eve cent tbree tnsertloiks for tteprtwcl Keferetico reauired. SUte place employed. Address Box 81. o-o Times Democrat.

1B-31 WANTED--Old false teeth. Don't matter if broken. I pay $1 to ptr set. Mail to Mazer, 2007 S. Fifth street.

Philadelphia. Pa. Will send cash by return mail. When man and Center Sts. Short walk to Interurban and city car Inquire Main 3698.

11-14-tf FOK SALE FOR SALE--81 acres. 2 miles east of Yoder, fine 7 room bouse, with basement, barn, drilled well, good soil, good fences, well drained. Price $9.300. A. J.

Dunn. 110 Savings Bldg. Phone Mala 1026. 11-13-Jt MISCELLAKKOUtt WANTED--Will pa, oc each for copies of Times-Democrat of November 4. Deliver to Times-Duui- ocrat office.

tt WANTED--Boy 10 ol mnt apprentice lu job printing Apply second floor crai. FOit KENT. 8.25. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN. CHICAGO, Nov.

No 2 hard winter 197; No. 3 bard winter 186; No. 2 north- CRIDERSVILLE -O, cousin, Mrs. Bodell, which was held i there. Mr.

and Mrs. Clarice Rydman en- 'tertained Mr. Rydman's brother and Mrs. 'Mary Mohler, Mrs. John of Toledo, Friday and Saturday.

Mohler and daughter Kathryn. Mrs. S. E. Meffley and dausb- hig FOR RENT--A complete modern house of six large rooms and bath, at 624 W.

Kim St. Rent $25.00 per month. Inquire at 318 Cincinnati Block, or phone Main 6413. FOR RENT--At 831 W. North 5 rooms, bath, furnace, fireplace, oak floors.

$25 per month. The Home Builders' Realty 310 Savings Bidg. Phone Main 1026. ll-13-6t LADIES. Irregular or delayed Triumph Pills; safe and alwayi dependable.

Not sold at drug stores. Do not experiment with others; saw disappointment. Write for "Relief." and particulars, it's free. Address National Medical Institute. Milwaukee.

Wla. 10-11 to CHARLES E. ECKEBI 80N Funeral Directors 120 MV- IT. Phono 1411. t-IU Steel, which closed yesterday at 139 sold up to 192, a net gain of 33 roints for this morning.

Later this somerset .11 No." 2 mixed old 109; un i i Mn 2 VGllOl NewcasUe -lOjern spring 189; No. 3 northern sprin Cabell 8-10 No 2 stock reacted to 175, from which it Ragland rall'ed steel to above ISO. Trading in continued large, that mediums heavy york- pigs roughs their early Lead rose 70 Sloss Sheffield sold at 93, Pretsed Steel Car at and An- 8.90; stags Iconda at all new high rec-J Cattle, market steady; unchanged. aLonaa Veal ma rket steady, un- oruS. Sales to noon were l.OOa.1000 changed.

Money loaning at peri Sheep and lambs, market steady, The rails in this period lost'ers light yorkers $8.75 eains good mixed Xationai T-Y rnsa a eolnt to bulk of sales good 4 yellow white old No. 2 yellow 105; No. 3 mixed 103; No. 3 white No. 3 yellow old new No.

4 mixed old 104; No. 4 white 100 101; No. shares, cfnt. The close was: Allis-Chalmera Allis-Chalmers pfd. 8 9 American Agricultural 8 7 Amerl- American packers and common to! unchanged.

CINCINNATI LIVE CTOCK. CINCINNATI, Nov. c-m Beet Sugar American receipts 1 weak; Can Co 6 5 American Car butchers Foundry American Cotton Oil choice pigs and lights Exdiv 5 2 American Locomotive stags 9 3 American Smelting I Cattle, receipts steady; American Steel Foundries 66; Amer-1 steers calves strong; ican Sugar Refinery American 12.25 Tel. Tel. 133; S3; Anaconda Copper Atch-, steady.

ison Baldwin Locomotive" Baltimore Ohio 86; Bethlen Steel 6 4 5 Brooklyn Rapid 84; California Petroleum 22; Canadian Pacific Chesapeake Ohio 6 7 Chicago Northwestern 127; Colorado Fuel Iron 5 6 Oats No. 2 mixsd 57; No. 2 white No. 3 white 5 7 No. 4 white Standard CLEVELAND PRODUCE.

CLEVELAND, NOT. poultry: turkeys, young, 26c; fat fowls light, medium and mixed chickens 16 a pound; fat springers 18 ducks 18 unchanged. American Woolen sheep, receipts 400; steady; lambs CLEVELAND LIVE STOCK. CLEVELAND, Nov. TOLEDO GRAIN CLOSE.

TOLEDO, Nov. cash Dec. May $1.97. Corn, cash Dec. and Mav 99 Oats, cash Dec.

May Rye, NO. 2, $1.51. Clover seed, prime cash and Dec Jan, Feb. $10.95 Chicago, Mil- St. Paul 93: Chino Copper 6 9 Consolidated Gas 137; Corn Products 2 3 Crucible Steel 9 5 Distilleries Securities 4 3 Erie 3 6 Erie 1st pfd.

General Electric General Motor 510- Goodrich Co. 6 9 Great Northern, 118; Great Northern Ore 4 4 Illinois Central 105; In- Calves, receipts 300; market 25c receipts 25 cars; market strong; 0 AprU 10 90 Alsike, prime cash Dec March $10.85. Timothy, prime cash Dec March $2.70 bid. CHICAGO GRAIN CLOSE. CHICAGO, Nov.

clos- higher; good to choice calves $13. 00 13.25; fair to good $10.50 Sheep and lambs, receipts 25 cars; market lOc higher; good to choice $11. 25 11. 60; fair to good 11.00; good to choice wethers $7.25 good to choice ewes $6.75 mixed ewes and wethers er Gertrude, Mr. and Mrs.

Herbert dUch along stoner road, while Mr. pyker and James Swagliert all Griffiths was returning from Lima, pent Sunday wltb Mr. and Airs. Wil- The buggy was badly bJoken. while iam Deitz.

B. S. Crites are sendin, FOR RENT--A house and 6 lots. Also chicken house. Cor.

of Sher- Theo. G. Scheid, PLUUUINQ Heating and Ventilating GOOD SURV1CB Modern Meuiodj Waldo received very painful and their son severe injuries. Mr. Griffiths is 1m- from here attended tbe sale of Rollio Watt, who lived near Lafayette, Tuesday.

FLAMES DAMAGE HOSPITAL. HAMILTON. Nov. hospital, presented by the late Colonel Waverly, who is on the border line, a Thanksgiving box. Oscar Scnaefter spent Sunday vening at Wapakoneta.

Mrs. George Hoopengarner, of Wapakoneta, is visiting with ber sster, Mrs. OverholU. Mrs. Emma Myers and son George, of Sippo, were the over-Sunday McK.nney to the Children's guests of tbe former's father, Joan in South stree a six-room Reinouls.

1'building was damaged by fire last Literary will be held Friday nlgnt The i 0b is The fire ing, November 17, at the C. H. S. orjgi a ted from the furnace. There auditorium.

Tbe Adelphians are were no pat i nt3 in the hospital, giving this program. All are cordially invited to come. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delong and Margaret and John Shields spent last Sunday wltb -Mr.

and Mrs. Claude Rhunebeart, at Dana Biner spent last Sunday with his father, at Lima. are cor which was being painted aad renovated. BACK TO WOOD FIRES. WOOSTER, 0., Nov.

mally high coal prices have given the farmer an opening and many lane owners with large timber lots are I I I 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams, hauling wood to Wooster, where th Spencerville, and Irvin Hill, of El- clty man ls buying it to burn in stov gin, were the Sunday guests of Mrs. arna ce. Wood is selling at from $2 to a load and the claim is mad that a load of wood such as the far Etta Williams.

Frank Lusk, who recently purchased a share in the garage, moved delivers, will produce nearly a in the house which was known as many heat units as a ton of coal. the John Shaffer home. It is probable that the senior class will give a program and a box splration Copper, 70; I I Interboro, preferred, 7 4 Int. Harvester 117; Central Leather Kansas City Southern 2 5 M. K.

T. 7 Kansas Texas pfd. IsV' Lackawanna Steel Lehigh" Valley Miami Copper 4 6 Louisville Nashville 132; Maxwell Motor 1st pfd. 82; Missouri Pacific 10; Mexican Pet. 109; New York Central N.

N. H. Interboro $7 7.25; culls and common Hogs, receipts market 20c lower; yorkers mixed heavies mediums pigs roughs stags $8.00. PITTSBURGH LIVE STOCK. PITTSBURGH, Nov.

supply light; market steady; prime good 8.75; fair common common to good fat bulls 7.00; common to good fat cows fresh cows and spring- ding 108: Republicjers 4 0 8 5 $12.00 58- National Lead 6 8 Norfolk 11 9 6 Western Northern Pacific, tidy butchers 110- New York, Ontario Western 2 9 it- Pennsylvania 5 6 Pressed Steel' Car 81; Ray Consolidated 34tt: Int. Paper 6 9 Int. Paper Iron Steel 8 6 Republic Iron Steel pfd Rock Island 3 2 Sloss Sheffield 91; Southern Pacific 9 qy, Southern Ry. 2 6 So. Ry pfd neU Tenn.

Copper Texas Co. Third Ave. Union Pacific TT Rubber 6 0 U. S. Steel Utah Copper Virginia Carolina Chem 4 a Western Union Blec 65, Willys-Overland Maruw pfd Sales, 1,916,700 shares; bonds, and thin to lower.

Corn lower; oats steady. Pork to V4 higher; supper, 24th. Mrs. Friday evening, November HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN M.

BOOSE SON ESTABLISHED VBAHS SOO-301 Black Block. LOANS--HOUSES TO Phone, Mala Tour Business Solicited. cistlon, Ohio State Horticultural Society, Ohio Vegetable Growers' Association, Ohio Rural Life Aaso- latlon, Ohio Percheron Breeders' Vssociatlou, Ayershire and Holatein Breeders' Association, Ohio Jersey lattle Club, Ohio Guernsey Breed- rs' Association, Ohio State Corn Show Machinery Show, Eg; Shaw, i n.rti State Stock Judging Contest, Students' Reunion and State Institute. "0.00 on AT or TWO CONVICTS ESCAPE. FRANKFORT, Nov.

elegram was received by Warden T. M. Pythian, of the Frankrort penitentiary, stating that Roe Qilliam of Harlan county, and Tom Williams of Franklin county, convicts at work on the Bell county roads, had escaped. The men were doing bridge work when they disappeared. o.

a FOLSOM Real Estate and Loan Broke) Rooms 2 and 8 Block. Sheep and lambs, supply fair; market steady; prime wethers $8.25 good mixed air mixed i 7 2 5 culls and ommon spring lambs 8.00@11.75. Hogs, receipts 30 double decks; market lower; prime heavy hogs 9 95 10.00; mediums 1 85; heavy yorkers yorkers pigs CHICAGO GRAIN OFENTXG. CHICAGO, Nov. opened to higher.

Corn was J4 to higher and oats to higher. Provisions slightly higher Wheat, December 1 8 tofi May $1.93 to 1.92%; July $1-61 i. December 97 to 9 6 Ma 98 to 9 7 July to Oats, December 58 to to MLard, May $16 40. Ribs, May Ma January January ight J8 7 5 9 0 0 -roughs stags lard firm; ribs lower. The close: Wheat, Dec.

to 1.85%; May $1.91 to 1.90%; July to 1.59. Corn, Dec. to May July to Oats, Dec. May 62 to Pork, Dec. Jan.

$27.35. Lard Dec. Jan. May Ribs, Jan. May $14.57.

OHIO INCORPORATIONS. COLUMBUS, Nov. articles of incorporation were filed today; Buckaye'Pool Oil company, Loraln M. V. Walker.

Abel Publishing company, Cleveland, M. Taraiba. Auto Safety Light company, Dayton, George F. Dcady. Hibbard-Atwood company, Toledo Harry W.

Hibbard. Ohio Consolidated Coal company Columbus, D. C. Hitt. Premier Manufacturing company, Ravenna, C.

H. Judkins. Western Chemical company, Cleveland, George H. Fleming. Window Shade Cleaning, Repair and Manufacturing company, Cleve- STEEPLEJACK INJURED.

ALLIANCE, Nov. longer to hold the hot smoke- Phillip Nagel and little' stack the Sebring Cooperage corn- grand daughter, of Wapakoneta. pany after his i ope had fallen to the spent Wednesday evening with Mrs. ound, A. L.

Ramto, 35 years old. Catherine and Miss Amanda Shaf-, steeplejack, was forced to let himself 1 1 A TTl WS BAND LEADER ARRESTED. FOSTORIA. Ohio, Nov. H.

Marshall, band leader, who recently inherited was arrested at Springfield on the charge ot stealing a $3,000 automobile owned by Harry Nestlerod. The car was stolen a month ago. was brought from Springfield to Fostoria in the automobile. fer. Elden drop 60 feet to the ground.

Puffenbarger, of near picked up unconscious, and is believ- Waynesfleld, was the over-Sunday guest of T. M. Dotson. An oyster supper will be held at Mudsock, Saturday, November 18. The proceeds are for the benefit of the schood.

ed to 'be fatally injured. HOW TO MAKE GOOD BREAD. The November Farm and Fireside says: Because It Is difficult to maintain the proper temperature, winter Is the poorest season of the year for successful bread-making. The temperature of the dough should range In of the high cost of living, our rates oa loans are very much lower than ever before. You can obtain the money you need ot us oa your household goods, piano or stock.

Our terms will suit you. gee us today or phone Main 3Sb4. We will arrange It for you. LIMA LOAN CO. 20O House BIfc.

Ltaa, O. Upstairs Over Old Nat'L Bank between 70 and 90 degrees, depend- QUICK LOANS SALVATION ARMY SUPPLIES SNAKES' MICE IIET CHICAGO, Nov. strange Bridewisers moved Into the Grand- requests have been made of the salva- ma Arthur property the latter part ion Army but never before has it of last week. jbeen asked to find mice for rattle- Mr, and Mrs. Arthur South re- sna kes.

Lieutenant Colonel Mar- turned home after having spent a cussen was at first much distraught few days with the latter's as the result of the request. Loans negotiated by this uu furniture. Dianos. vlctrolas, dla- ing on the season. The dough should mond- au tomoblles, live stock, tm- be kept at 70 degrees in summer and 90 degrees In winter.

"Heavy bread Is caused toy nnfav- rable temperature, old yeast, or the It came Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Winget.

from a woman--blonde and beauti- Mrs. John Re'nohls returned home i---who walked Into hrs office. I have snakes," she said without preliminaries. "You certainly don't look it, said from a visit with her niece, Mrs. William Langley.

The "Hard Time" social which was held Wednesday evening in the the colonel. town hall by the Home Missionary "You misunderstand me," severe- society, was considered a great "I mean real snakes. Big ones- success, rattlers. They like rats and mice to Dr. C.

A. Strausburg left Wed- ca t. I can't catch 'em. The nasty hunting trip things! I couldn't bear to touch one It makes me shudder to think of it Miss Florence DeLong was quietly What I want is m'ce. Four dozen a married Saturday afternoon to J.

-eek. Perhaps some of the boys Hoitt Miller, of Toledo, will reside in Toledo. A group of young people attended Literary at Wluteman school last nesday morning for a in the south. XEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK, Nov.

firm; I I No. 3 mixed Mover Wool strong; domestic fleece 39 fl47; do pulled basis 5 7 8 0 Tetaa scoured basis poultry quiet; chickens 32: fowls 15V, turkeys 19(5)30; durks 140)20. Live poultry fair demand; chtck- TOLEDO LIVE STOCK. TOLEDO, Nov. market steady 15(325e lower; selected heavies $9.70 good 1 5 turkeys 22; roosters ducks "eese 15.

Butter, advancing cream- erv extras creamery first (5)39; higher pcortng 37ffl41 state dairy tpns renov-tPd rrtras 34; imitation creamery 32 9 ood- demand; nearby white The couple cripples you are trying to help wonl a little money. I wil dozen." The orcie jularly filled. and, Carl Lindquist. Ashtabula Telephone Service company, Ashtabula, W. Flower.

T.tanic Manufacturing and Machine company, Cleveland, Walter J. Schtx-idt. Pioneer -Window Glass company Marietta, B. F. Steicher.

Increases. Davles-Fahey Sale company, Cleveland, $25,000 to Defiance Horns Savings and Loan assoiiation, Defiance, $2,000,000 to $5,000,000. Friday evening. Another group attended the box supper at the Sharpe school. Due to the fact that Rev.

Constein is hold'ng revival services at Shaw like to earn pay 50 cents a la now being rr YOUNG IllJXTKR KILLED. GREENVILLE, Ohio, Nov. 16 -Chester Huston, 17 years old, so se of poor flour that Is, flour! a loan. plements, etc With us there Is no red tape, no delay; your needs supplied the sanu day you favor us with a request for which does not contain the proper) mount of gluten. Keep the tem- erature below 45 degrees and the ction of the yeast will be retarded until a hisher temperature is main- atned.

Continued low temperature means heavy bread. $100 Reward, $100 Tho readers of this paper will pleased to learn that thara Is at least one dreaded disease thSt science has been able to cure In all its stagei ana that IB catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional tieatment. Halls Catarrh Medicine IB taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con- stltutlon and assisting nature In doing Us work. The proprietors have so nrnon faith In the curative powers ot Halls Catnrrh Medicine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure Bend for list of testimonials.

Addrc P. J. CHFNEY Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Drugslst, 7Ec, nee, preaching services will be am i I Samuel Huston, was Sunday morning at 10:25. All are 8 tantly i near here when invited.

hunting i his brother. In plck- UNION CHAPEL LOST TEETH CACSE ARREST. KENOSHA, Nov. Murphy, a Cleveland man, lost bis false teeth In Kenosha. Murphy was In a fight with Joe Gallagher In a saloon, and Gallagher was John Stoner ia 111 with tonsilltls.

Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fetter of Lima; Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Sneary of Vaughnsvllle, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Griffith and son were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Owen Griffiths. John Esmonds is shredding bis Auto Finance BOOMS 810411 OPERA BOUSE BLOCK NOW OPEN interest. to sell you any dealer as you pay or Truck, new or that yoa individual on Knsy stabbed In the back with a knife. As Murphy fled from tbe saloon his false teoth fell out, and they cutar motored to the nardin were turned over to the as a'infirmary. Sunday where they visitod clew to his Identity.

Murphy found Boatrica Baxter, an employe corn, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Staver and son. Charles, of Allentown, were over- Sunday guwsts of Mr.

and Mrs. Jacob Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter accompanied by their guests and Miss FSie that be could not get along without the teetb any longer and he came to tbe pollee and made an appeal tor them. He got the teeth, but at tbe same time he was arrested on charge if assault with intent to do great bodily harm.

He was held in bonds of $760 for an adjourned hearing nnd to pall, belnp: unable to furnish tt-e bonds Gallagher was not injured. there. Mr. and Mrs. leulah had as their guests, Sunday: Mr.

and Mrs D. O. and two sons of Columbus Mrs. Earl Wingato and daughter, Margaret, of Lima, Miss Ethel Steelo of Boaverdam, Eunice and Rosa Stee'e and George Steelo of Lima. Mr.

and Mrs. Sam. Mpiioncott motored to Waynosficld, Sunday, where they attended tbe oi a mg up his gun the tripger caught on borne i a i the contents of the gun in his lace, tearing off the entire front part of his SKiill. FIFTH ANNUAL FARMERS' WEEK Heads are already being put together at the Ohio State University College of Agriculture to arrange the program tor the fifth annual farmers' week to be held at Columbus from January 29 to February 2. It is the time when the ent're Institution throws its doors wide open to tbe agricultural interests ot the state.

All of the meetings and exhibits will be open to the public without Last year at Farmers' Week the University was host to nearly 3.000 visitors, or nearly double the num her of the year. It la now Loans to farmers, straight time to $500.00. What to Do When Backache Comet en YOUR SAVINGS Deposited with us either in book certificate form, will earn inter ebt Wo invite you to deposit your idle money in this Association. Resources Over 92,800,000.00 OFF1CB HOURS: Daily, 8 a. m.

to 4 p. m. Saturdays. 8 a. m.

to 8 p. m. THE CITIZENS' LOAN AN1 BUILDING COMPANY No. 321 N. Main Lima, O.

O. Francis, L. A. Feltz, secretary. "Toley $150.00 worth of medicine," CbM rod, W.

T. When backache comes en, Knl It as If you can't stand psln and In tha small of your back and do not feel that you must continue suffer, but get a. Dottle of FoUjr Fllli and btsrln taking- They usually help from first It worth a good deal to you to thai FoUy Pills you Jttrt what your system to repair weak sick kidneys. It to Inabffltr to do their work properly your pain and Folty Kidaqr P11U lend to and people the eprytiess and elasticity ot youth. They take away the eanM et backache, stiff and aching Joints, rtettj matle pains and annoying bladder aM urinary troubles.

Try tbei B. F. VORTJUMP. planning to entertain at least 4.000 farmers for the nest Farmers- week. The proRram will include 60 lectures and demonstrators, asUlo from a Rtato and exhibits of Intm-fiat to farmers and their and children Included in 1 nicctinrfu Oliio Dsuhjinau's Asso- MORTGAGE LOANS FIEST OE SECOND-REAL ESTATE SECURITY NO DELAY.

THE KALB THRIFT CO. 129y 2 West High St. (Times Building) One Door East of Post Office. KWSPAPERl iWSPAPERl i.

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