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The Lima News from Lima, Ohio • 4

The Lima Newsi
Lima, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FINGER PRINT CAMERA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DIRECTORATE TO MEET mMM Ltaaola for the yaryaas of tatog tazaftoa prohlaam M'SdmtoT dalogata ta a tasmtioaMUaeif haid ia Celamhaa eROeSsVEiBE 'mA -p -i-- 'F 1 ITiffiUn 'fte-St-r rffW aapsilTIlllljlllJllfFOItl GOSTSI0T709 ft tt There taa tampUtloa tor many ta the aorea and alikt per cent interest rates atferad tha (BTOatoi some stocks being atfered with a Mgaraa SECURiEQjFdBl BTUMAPOUCE Thq exploits at therioelr Holmes aad -Craig Kanaedy siwto ha sqsatod la the lima pollen department ao cording ta Chtat at -Bailee 0 A' ftoash wha aaaonaaod i Wednesday a Ms K'- 'is ngalar awsth at tha rtmkwU "nuOdtng at Friday ava-lag'' flanratsiT Tnrtuff -B liacala i- v- n-usJ uneven More Democratic Ccnven- MmyorFraakA Tharaday movalai a aaartar af a arilHoa dgi fbTS tha ftnltadO i Daugherty Satfr $11310950 V'V Raised For Senator Tharaday tha impactaat gaaariois to hoataiad anthdfg -aadthaMalaHstro ttoiworfjtooCthft vmylaurtplufto imbroie Qeyiri Sain Ha Got vVOhly Coit of Sugai as EBBS Avftawi waro swora ant by Art ttf be Held 1 HAS -138 CONTESTS f- I HMMMlMtlMMMM I H444S i a fc -j iM-i c-t a -VT 1 era- a -v Harry Daagharty atovHardlng'i manager sabmltted a detailed atatamaat ta tha aanate eomalttea showiag eoatrlbatlons tN ot OTsa higher returns It la a worthy trait la any one to went all ho can haneatly gat (or hla money but there are ether things Ihaa Jut forest to ha thought of The drat point of all to consider la safety Be cars you know aomo-thlng of tha peraoa or company whose paper yen taka and that the so freely offered worth something 'V When each a -safe hnd rsllahle Instltatloa as The Alloa County Savings and Loan Company right hero at heme pays fire per cent Interest on deposits and makes loans only upon -first mortgage real estate security there Is no need (or anyone to risk his money upon an uncertainty sgmwaigiF' la making sagar a-vsetlgstleoa havf stgalfted thalr ta tentlou Chlat of Foliea Boash to ba ta Toledo Friday to aasvay to JohhibolUnks Second to Wood's asd azpeaditarsa la tha Herding It nhowad V' 1 JK iv -jBnCAO ehargaw-- I tko dstsctlon at artmfaala which 4a equipped to taka phatagsMhs at dagar prints where yobbertae ar other Crimea are masltud Tha naw enasara ta aqnjpped wtth atnag aleetrla batterloa which -fnr-alsh power tor alcetrie lights and is said to be capable eC -taking aa a earate photography of the faiatest lat left aa any material ot any eolor' Maahard sad Soa wQl oparata tha eamara for the depart-meat Chief Rpush acatad Itajm laths fortheomin csorud' Thursday (or delegates oebod- othor (Mean have yet beau with afSdsvfts Ambrooo Gayar aao at tha groeora agsinst wkom affidavits wan (Had ta i atetaawat Tharaday said: have baaa gatUng my sagar by trlhotlons ot fllllOPSO and ex-pcasoa ot flOTTOMf-' Contributors lnclndis: Mrs ADf Battel Colnmbn Ohio 94000 Franco CQlnmbas 1000 Daugherty fOJOO XL Foatoa 11000 ClUene ot MarUm Ohio tha senator's homo town hatwoaa 100000 aid 940000 ta nil abont taken Monday by a of tha national commit a panel post aad mode trips after tt 1(1 would gat what tha Ba aami "BcjmJdsaUAm Bigryyaejiwy nt indications fthpe Will be lli confcattTBnwtlr sands wbo deal with thla Company may ba ssfaly (mated i'vk! Isnk-lm2a' A L' wuthern states and Involving principally tha candldaetec at Major Wood and Governor Frank VoVLowdea agar coat aa tsdsdlng expenses at gatttag4tr4-wiMlAhantftatIl ft tar a gnat deal more than 1 Aid saint tag la hraak avaft wag Juaf sutktag aa effort to accomodate my eaatomerd I purchased thla Utile grocery attar I waa discharged tram tha any aad have FOUR BOYS HELD jwib- lev Mata will ha ooatcatod by Johnooa Tha leg -will eollact all data clamlfy and Tha 'AqMa pnved ftfa hy Mar KhMa at AepfcW yau amtsU hsw ta aldr Pshsthls Asptrta tar Odh MID-YEAR MEETINQ CHURCH ENDS Tha eioaiag ssastsa ot tha midyear meeting ef tbqr Morthwastam Ohio ChriaUaa 'ehareh eontsranea waa held at tha Maw Richland Christian ehareh Wednesday Objeet of the conference waa to bear roparta tar tha halt year aad ta plan for aaausav work Thirty-five ehtrehoa an laetadod la tha honferenee of which the First Christlag ehareh Uma fa a -rh Tha fatl sausionwt tha aoafemea will ha hald tha lattar part ot September or early la October at a place aot yet fully decided apos Dprdaa Waahlngtoa 91 000 Canal Thompaoa Clevaland 911010 CL Walters Cleveland 9SS0 ettisaaa of Meant Vernon Ohio 9IE4JO Myron Herrick and Fnrmaloa Herrick Cleveland 91000 Oraavopor jfutehins New Yarlt 99900: Mrs: David Tod Yoangstowa' $100 8 Firsstoaa Akron 91000 -William Leech formerly ot Cleveland 91004 John ghanrood Clevaland 99B00 A Banna Elyrik 91001 Wads Ellis ItiOt baneef Pwln4sWv ajW'SaahUfn: b7tag ta baud ap aa hoaeet trade Tha affidavit hut ma aad I i anbmit Ita flndlnga to tha credentials eoprmltlee to ha appointed after the Sfc'oosvesUone cat under way Frank Hitchcock to expected to look oat riacaraly lagnt Gayar atatad lnteresta la- the contest bearings while August McSWaea Farina 94 Fratata Dairy Feed at Doncy -xsTriJl handle Jahnaon'a affaire Urw-twb' dee's repraaentathfo had not yet X'Lvtod ehOMn Thursday Despite tha Importance of these rj eoatasU there seems to ha not evpn xJLthe remotxet possibility of them ijfe ewtnftaf a decision lntha Jlrst bal should they allTbe award-ffcS'Od to ana man' For Instance II Wood-the prssent hlkh man" as eretarda delegates should got the D0 N0T DUMP GRASS IN STREET REQUEST Han you hasa dumping youf lawn ellpplags Into the street? It sot hand tha- warhlng ot Sar-viea Director Elmer MoClala and dla-poea ot them 4a eoma other manner Thereby says the s-rrlcs director you will aid tha elty la keeping the Mwers from becoming stopped up Police Say They Confeised to Robbery at Cincinnati -A' ft fT Ftfsr toys ayfustod by Xlpkar and Crfaenberry on abspieioU: at Wadnaaday Ovaaiag whca 'they 'arrlvsd oa Klbbref la' aa old modal Ford tour-tag mVpravod ta ba waBtedJaCin-maaati oaa charga of lareany go-eordlng Id polk- They gave their atmao as Cola Willard 10 Edward Kelly 17 Lana Loy if and Las 1(01101117 't Both Rotroff and Kelly had ro-volvers on thalr parsoas whan see rebad and when qsesUoaad ad-Blitted thei robbery of a Cincinnati arbor shiv acaondlng ta Chief of 'ollce Roush Tha Ford ear which they wan driving la said by Rotroff to belong to hla father hut hie father does aot know whan they are with' tha ear ha told police Cincinnati officers- an etpeeted to arrive Into Thursday to return the hoy Id Cincinnati for -trial bo would still apparent-lyjhe pearly 100 short ot the lit UNLAWFUL FISHING IS REPORTED TO SERVER Service Director Elmar MpClalm aasoniicod Thanday complaints have hcaa rscslvsd that amdersUe flab have baaa taken la large numbers fromLIms Lake Last Creak ridervclr and tha twla takas "Parsoai ttohtag la dty waters an raqulrad-to eonforpf to tha state game ngalatloas "la this matter" aid MaCUlm" and it tha practloa keeps ap It may be aoeaaaary to provide aa eCftoer to aaforoa the law la regard to fishing to aaa ot tha worst things thaiw la to atop np a sewer" said MoGtatar 'Tha street denning department cannot remove all this trash and It to up to dtlsvae to cooperate as tar at pomllne wyu disposing-of lawa cUppingg ta coma other way: Will Always Do It sholea With tha Republican pra-eonven-ftoa eompletad the apportionment on InetTpcted eoncedlnj Blit Virginia's 10 to Baastor How-ard-gstharlasd on Ineomplou'ia-tans would ha follows: Wood in IchnsOB-lll Lowdsa It 9aa-stew Wsrrea CAfardlag II Sutb-srpMid 10 issstor MUat Polndex- whtls tbs Damoorais in alas asd two 1 territorial poises-yet to ehooee their rspro at tha gan Fraselseo oon-Apporflonment ot laetmct ieMgataa la as inconel ustvs a (ha atahdiaiio date hetagf tvarhor Jamcajf Cox 74 1 Edwards It Ion-Carter Glsss 14 gcaator Bob-10 Senator Gilbert Hitch II William Brya 10 JsUmc Gerard 10 William IffAdoa IOk- rSeAdoo contlaace to gala la unpledged delegatee the standing of thO" Democratic! eandldatas oa tha hah eC hoth toftmeted and urUs- MAHOMC NOT1CB Spatial sommnaleatlon ot Lima lodgs No 0C A tomor (Friday) arenlag eoavaaing at o'cloek Work ea Fallow Craft Tha' Sew-Maa Laxative That Ns sad Batoni Apprentice degrees Voting brethren welcome UNDERTAKERS TO MOVE Charles Eckert aad Boa well known local sndartakars who for a aumber ot year hays been located at 994 south Mala street will' mova th' first of the coming to south West ptrest Just south or street where their boataais will be hereafter eondnetod All eld style laxatives are headed for the dl eoard aew that "Jest If hora- Who waste te keen oa Harper Wallaoa Landis Bec'y ehangtag tram eaa bread te another as the effect of each wears out when Chu" never wean eat MON-SCFFORT CHARGED John Gibbs ST laborer -1991 8 Msteslf-et wm arastad Wadnaaday srentng by police on a charge of nonupport from Hamilton Tha Kills Pe sKy Bed Bugs affidavit hto amat la algaad-hy hla wifajMrah Glbba cbaiging noa- mttsUd Wsgatar balngt Cou lltl Bdwima rasyyGeaaral A- MltehOl hto'ihraa ehtl4raa -ft Mtuderl 9 aad Albert PDQ 9 kwtuM: niainv1 -P- aMeheaefF ef JM xia may a quart eneagh te Perils Eh TBt Champ CUrh 10 Via doatthoihagH Marshall OO arr et Agriculture Mara-U Glass '14 SsOatbri 94 Owaa 90 Bryaa 19 ltv'Homar Cummings Hkebsoek ltii'H er future atatcatiBue by aad does aet lajiiro tha Eaeli of the II tablets A at la tha urn alee shape and appearance hut ot dlf-tereat composition from tbo othor IS Oae tablat cots ullMto up the elagglsh liver aaother work upon the lower hewecte gate aotlMWto atlrrlaa liver lower trp the and lty Gerard 10 iAura will hs SKEK VOTH ON BONUS WASHINGTON la the hope of bringing ha soldier bonss bill to a veto la tha house baton tha proposed recess or adjournment of congress tha house rules committee Thanday byA fotc of1 to 4 recommended -the aspensioa oLtha rvtos for nix daye bagtaaisg Saturday i Mt thorough dap tire at a different sort a li A 'tSun-Rain1 umellx makes a gift that la thoroughly appriieil Yiyc eVefy graduatingiiiiss why One fa fha Meal laxative that never wears out Tha altM oa? a single -erana all the haao snrcsaaa la sc-(Wf Democratic delegates ns--week gkaa Arkansas Leal-sad New Mexico hold ateto qtioas A tatalof At dele-Involved Tba tost state convention to that of Missis-' ghha 41 whan tea ddsgstss I Sre to thohoSbuce to what ta Ilka bedbug! stand aa good ae a enowhaU in a toady famed ort Meat aaeut neehi of dTq to aaaMojmu te ihuadCtomeTeet hxiiWito eatawee apemal HiMpiWI ILN tao ota(-nitai I eyoute- Hit Long gtovjes vopie are shown in silk and kid of excellent fcurilV for? "Lonf sflk rlovfd ln t2 snd t5 but-toa Iriifthi sre shown in white -blick ntry pongee end grey $175 $2L00 tad ip to $300 time but keep all flt aad vlgoreue Tour system seat besoms seed 1 oad unresponsive to One' eaeh doao Is a change get One? ter yon or we wilt sand It prepaid npea receipt ot lie per hen Terri tone Chemical Ca CeuactlBluffa Iowa See the point? Then get OaaF today Any druggist anywhere ai "Ta A ft OHUFS-ARM BROKEN 7 Richard ltcCltatock three-yeaT olr eoa of Mr and-Mrs A Media took Dclphoc suffered a- brokca arm-whcn ha toll from a window hic-hoocM-Tho XfaCltatoek faaUly formerly resided in thle city1' This UKful artkiema(toftoe4uiifity 1 silk is shown her in a big viriety of jpop Lilar colors and notelty plaldbL They iaye fancy Ups and tumdles of dever styies plain and with rlng'or ord to sfip orer the I arm $6L08g $70 and coiirAn -v ftong' kid lores hi white come In 121 6 and 20 button lengths $575 mJmg to $1050 Others of cotton taffeta at $340 to to Start Soon on Salvation Ajjna How Homo Vcaatract vu let this week tor bnlldiag ol a -asw Salvstlon lyHoasa aa I Mata-st whan the aad Soa aadartaktai aatab- it to wow located Mr Eckert tlf vacate tha building toe find of weak aad tke hoaaa whtoh to -4j Novelty Cloves for gifts are shown in An umbrella might also solve the question 'of-what to five the foyTgnikiate We Show many dever stylei for mreM jteiatag variety In both silk and kid YDMCREDIT located ea the property will ba a knndr Ul lha rear to as' new brick structure which will ba a A' As ST JSC0QI building i- iFor the prccent or aatu the new Handkerchiefs tore 4a hut IOfii)ttunk(R6: KaRie la complatodi1 the Salvstlon occupy tbaframe dwelling new bnlldtag wham aomptotad aoasist of a aula auditorium Atd a young peoples masting room XOtowtoa a suito of offices fa? the Fardam aad ii-ataC iTha pMond floor wUi provide rtney rooma tor women and -i: it la later hoped to have tha tra Wtedical dtala at tha Hama ta- rA KERCH I BW talUatod In white er folors embroidered ta on 1 concr AMui 'wUU or colored come have iwa adgec and others sesllQpcd horden and taritoitomsdlcrs Beautiful without draht raalmadlera kerchiefs head seaUosoq sad haad cbtSrb ldared la om con- I -of at tha City bocpUsV wheye ttamporaril toeatod jv you can dress up at a big sayixig arulelebrate MemodalDay a befireevcxytxue' and staunch Amenquplad to change any mentypuJ3geIccLv CHHAZEL AND CAMPHOR REUEVE EYr STRAIN (-common wltchhasM castohhr hydrastto atov aa fatoad la Lavoptlk aye -wMh produce Quick reaults what wold tor ay a strata Ona' Cus-tomsr wss gnatly astonished at the 'h fS-'Jfnjt ft ft -yWI liadi i wiristtol toaltag prodnesd by a single lieatlou A yossg maa raparto LCiTHER FUR8JBS AND BAM' iftrsp Maks £our Own Terfna s-v both he and bis mother ware $fi greatly helped by Lavopnk 1 Wc 91BS ad up to 8840 18c lfte Mg and up to $188 itoc a small bottle to help ANT Lop and strap back strias arwstowa la iuhai dovsr shapes aad ta all yfeila toUin'VMft Uiew $1 Je apw eiBBd giaraateeai CABB -wcak atraiaad er ayaa Hsatars Drag Storaa v'-' -'S nun BAGS of the MWMt BLISS NATIVE TABLETS PHttcrusd after high uBk onso- rolled hams or hcastitMud big variety fit dever patterns sad eeter- taff IBs 18cb BBs Md 88 most wsatod eolors uco to to aomd shriL sud nobby mots! trajusdThcy uu aU toanttfuDy liaod and A 9 there other otoas pnrao aad mirror f'M to WttM rualar intervala will InaMp year wreteinja eouiid healthy BEADED BAM of tto eroatloui ihewa barest at-WitMftftt of ths sweat -patterns sad tieagtl ta! eetortafs la the tost quaWlas are aigns ot falling in- with our moue to reduce prfoe of -Clooiihg For The Entire Family jfcre at you can choose die finesD and dic bdit wimoud restriction Suitf' CoatSg Dreaaea Sldrtaj Wustsp ate all goataMviBgflU0to Cometottvda are all tale we were eenCltten aad ward eft i itaaeh Bayema at 1 these lr- ana Prevk if -to the a not- aeem ti rte eim Prevlem to Mias to tha Ooeter ato not- seem to helm va uu ahowu Imported sad domastla bap teastlfnl dsolaas aadeolortap torn baodod ft ihsHmstal or croctotod tap f8M to (B but hie OMdlclne end we did Bat aenur la cotton sad 'its plula Initiated or wth colored borders gilk bum art to to tod ta a vast ataertawet of telortnin la boat of dovsr ahapoo taciaHai toift miser bog style -gold sQvoraad gnautaL 1940 to.

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