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The Evening News from Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan • Page 9

The Evening Newsi
Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EVENING NEWS, SAULT STE. MARIE, NOV 28, Gogomain Found Tougher To Map Than Everglades By WOODIE JARVIS DETOUR The eastern end is even more difficult to map of Michigan's Upper Peninsula t'nan the" famed bo 0 of the Florida Everglades, according to a mapmaker who has worked in both places. i Epoufetle north-south line. The 1351. and on the northeast corner arca include? a number of is- of Drummonci Island there was 'ands in the St.

Mary's River and a monument dated 1896. northern Lake Huron. Among Work on the maps that tnc islands are Drummor.d. liams and his crew are finishing Lime, the Potagannissing Is- started in 1953 with a series of lands. St.

Martin. Mackinac and aerial photos flown at an aver- BO: Blanc. age height of 8.000 feet. The Williams was aided in the work finished maps will be printed in SZSZ who has just finished sis months of map field work in the DeTour- Drummond area. "Williams was chief of a party of six engineers who worked throughout the summer and fall gathering final field data for the first topographical maps ever made of the DeTour-St.

Ignace area. The area mapped covered 939 square miles ranging from Marblehead on the east coast of Drummond Island to a line miles west of Epoufette on the northern Lake Michigan shore. The northern line of the mapping area runs from the north end of Raber Bay west to the Payne, nace: and Jules C. Le.Moine and James F. Creapo.

who stationed in Trout Lake. Williams said the contour maps were are especially valuable to hunters, who can study contour lines 'PHONE FOR OUR WEATISJGOILTOCAY. AMD HAVE OUR OIUTRUCX COME M3UR WAV The maps (hese engineers are to learn the naturai avenues i helping to make will be publish- same will travel in moving from ed for public sale in June of 195C one place to another, by the Map Division. U.S. Ceo- The DeTour-Epoufette area logical Survey Washington 25.

the nest to the last area in the D.C. They will be in two series. Upper Peninsula to be mapped i one at 2 000 feet to the inch and; topographically. The last section the other at 4.000 feet to the an adjacent area to the west, nch a 50-mile slice between Epoufette Williams said the territory he worked was tne worst he has, encountered 13 years of map-; basic riangulation this area was completed during the i i MI past summer by U.S. Coast and main Swamp north of Goctzxile to be utterly impenetrable.

It; Apn was impossible to nacK a urvo ld schedul- jine through the tangled ceoar publication of (thickets. He was forced to Uu ping throughout the United States. He found the big Gogo- i Congolese Premier Moise Tshombe shook hands with 9 refugee in Leopolclville, The Congo, after the arrival of a plane load of refugees from Stanleyville. More than 900 refugees were evacuated from Sfanieyville following the rescue operation by Belgian paratroopers and Congolese forces against the Congo rebel forces. (AP Wirephoto) the swamp from the outside.

i relying on aerial photos and I other map-making devices to cs- tablish the necessary contour lines. i "The Gogomain was even i worse than the Florida Everi glades," he said. "In the Ever! glades I have worked in up to my chest and at time? the completed maps set for June, 1963. Chevy Worker Gets In Back Pay Macomb Teachers Combat Drinking Among Teens 1. LAND USE STUDY I (AP)-Plans for a i transportation and' land use study for a six-county Detroit area looking ,1 ahead to 1990 were completed MOUNT CLEMEN'S high school students -have! Macomb County schoolteachers "some experience" -with group is trying to do something ing before they graduate, Dr.

Clay said her studies showed. No Bond For "IT In Driver's Death DETROIT 'AP) Ex-convict James E. White. 32. was ordered held without bond Friday for examination Dec.

8 in the holdup slaying of city bus driver Lucian A. Fryling. 40. A youth. 18.

said to have been the one who gave information to a tipster in White's arrest, was ordered detained and held under $10.000 bond. Police have withheld the identities of both the tipster and the youth. Fryling's union offered a $5,000 reward in the slaying. Recorder's Judge Joseph A. Gillis entered a plea of innocent for White to a first degree murder charge after ruling the defendant had stood mute.

White told the court he could not afford counsel. Fryling was shot and fatally wounded by a holdup man who fled without any loot. The Amal-, gamsted Transit Union (AFL-! CIO) offered the reward for his arrest and conviction. about teenage drinking. The teachers will take an ex-i Dr.

Clay said some of ths! tcnsive course -on alcohol from i answers students gave to ques-: 1 i mcn to the federal government government would fi- DETROIT (AP) E.J. Kor- vetfe a department store chain, reported net earnings of $1.3 million, equal to 31 cents a share, for the 13 weeks ended Oct. 31. This compared with $953,767, or 23 cents a share, in the similar 1963 period. You'll (ike the way our courteous servicemen check your tank and supply you with CITIES SERVICE fuel oil regularly.

Call now! WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS the University of Detroit, then: tionnaires in the study were re-i nacnce 80 per cent of its cost, pass on their new information i vealing. ns rs jt the largest ito students and other A 17-year-old high school sen- sed urban su th had to kick six-foot FLINT (AP) A once-fired! project, sponsored by the said he drank "quite a bit'' gators out of my way. But in Chevrolet assembly line worker Macomb Committee on Alcohol nonetheless believed alcohol nf -t rp.ppivpfl 3 hapk-n3v for TTfiiippf inn tin hi con the Everglades at least we could i received a back-pay check get through, hard work as it was I more than S17.000 Friday from cern ovcr youngsters' drinking! ish In the Gogomain we simply General Motors Corp. and thc reported discovery that whv should be "completely a bol- la lan a co and The six counties, with their Why a drink) I cannot an- 'scores of cities and millions in couldn't get through. It was impenetrable." The check went to 27-year-old Jerry H.

Thomas, formerly of Williams found that Drum-' Warren, who had been mond Island presented another difficulty, that of access. Large areas of the island could not be reached except on foot, he said, and the thick forest cover made surveying difficult. "It was chop and walk, chop and walk." he said. Another tough place was the so-called Rockview Badlands, northeast of Cedarville, where the country is chopped and torn by limestone outcrops. Here again Williams was balked from fired by GM in 1960 and reinstated last August after grievance action by his United Auto Workers local union.

Vice president Bud Lawley of Chevrolet Local 659 said Thomas' total return may reach completed on vacation benefits, holiday pay and other items. Thomas, who is single, said he will put the money in the bank. The check for $17,146.96 was Thomas' take-home share of a "cent of children from the I hate the taste of ako-; population are Wayne, 10th through 12th grades drink, i hobc beverages yet I always comb, Oakland, Washtenaw, St. u'tryng to get some alcohol," he Dr. Margaret Clay, research co psychologist for the State Board said.

Clair and Monroe. The Metropolitan Regional of Alcoholism, said this inci-; A 15-year-old boy said his Planning Commission dew up oi H.CO..O..S.I.. parents knew he drank but did the study design over a period Ss n'a ot 8Ct because six in cooperation disclosed in a mo 0 roH i come home plastered." ith the State Highway Depart- Dr. Clay said the extent of Max Thompson, chairman of ment. City of Detroit, Super- drinking among the 61 per cent the Macomb Committee, said i visors' Intercounty Cbmmit- 525,000 when the figuring is ranged from "only on holidays" the purpose of the education tee, and the Metropolitan Fund.

i i i i 1.1 1 to "often. I program From two years of study children was over not to alcohol frighten inc. but to Clay said it also was deter-! "improve attitudes and behav- mined that students had little iors" in its use. instruction schools and about alcohol in that the teachers access in many places as he retroactive wage adjustment of was in the Gogomain Swamp. Williams was helped in his survey by ancient concrete mon- I uments of previous surveys.

some of them dating back more than a century. In the Sault Ste. Marie area he found some U.S. Lake Survey stations dating back to 1848 and 1849. Another monument on the southern tip of Albany Island dated back to 1851, and on the northeast corner of I Drummond Island dated back to Lawley said.

The union said Thomas was fired on charges of falsifying themselves lacked knowledge of Detroit the subject. rp The Macomb Committee said i 1 aXCSl i i the study course arranged for his job application record. He the teachers will be unique in; had left work after a fainting Michigan and perhaps in the i spell. The union said there was Belt a conflict between his application record and his Air Force military record as to whether he was subject to faints. per cent of Aquinas College Plans S800.000 Student Center GRAND RAPIDS College hopes to bresk ground early next spring on its proposed $800,000 student centsr whether Thomas was subject to! orne tax DETROIT (AP) Citing an anticipated yearly tax loss of, S2.8 million from the downward following receipt of word Friday adjustment of Detroit's city in-! that 'the government has given Mayor Jerome P.

i tentative approval to a loan for The union said General Mo- i faints. Thc examination showed Cavanagh ordered a belt- tors agreed to accept the ver- he was not so subject, the union I Mshiteninl by aU municipal de- diet of a medical examination' said. partments. the project. Gene J.

Kennedy, Aquinas director of development, said fi- DCW'T VO'PULLVORE DRESS DOWN FUMOFFAVDRE SMVT ANYONE ITS THE- USUAL SADIE HAWKINS DAY -GRIM AND THREATENING E-XCAPE 7i-( MOMST. MARRYMEf. Cavanagh, calling for reduced approval of the $300,000 self- spending for the remainder i liquidating loan is expected be- Detroif fiscal year, said an-j fore the end of tne vear frojn ticipated reductions in the city's tne Fed eral Housing and Home i assessed property valuations so required economizing. In addition, he said, an elimi- nation of taxation of the muni- cipal transportation system will reduce the city's revenues. Cavanagh said preliminary projections indicate it will take SI1.2 million more to operate the government in fiscal 1965-66 HATS TO T5.L VOU, BUT YOUR.

DAVS LET'S OFF Finance Agency. A gift from an area foundation is expected to cover the balance of the cost. Kennedy also announced that the college trustees have approved a study committee port on the need for an Aquinas field house and assembly building estimated at construction TOTJ VOJ ASKEP o. rfr PINNER ISNTi GOT TO He said this would take piece despite the fact that "economic activity continues at a high level." The mayor also directed all city departments to prepare alternative budgets with 6 to 10 per cent spending reductions for the next fiscal year. The city's fiscal year runs to July 1.

Michigan's new Constitution limits Detroit's income tax to one-half of one per cent on nonresidents. The same limitation applies to sny other city income tases. Detroit's tax has been a flat one per cent on both residents and nonresidents. The reduction for nonresidents takes effect Jan. l.

Cavanagh said Detroit's deficit has been reduced to SS.3 million compared to its original S34.3 million. He said it should bc cut in half by the end of this fiscal year and eliminated by the end of fiscal 1965-66. Population Hits A New Record WASHINGTON' (APt The whooping crane population at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas has reached a record more than when the Fish and Wildlife Service began careful record-keeping 26 winters ago. The sen-ice reported Friday that the last of 32 adalts from last year had returned to the refuge from the summer nesting in Canada. The flock at Aransas also includes 10 young.

An nth chick, found injured curing the summer, is recuper: ating at the Monte Vista Xa- jtSonal Wildlife Refage. Besides the birds at Aransas fand Monte Vista, seven whoop- are in captivity at the Adu- ibon Park Zoo in New Orleans. DETROIT (AP) An ordinance aimed at combating so- called "glue sniffing." a reported dangerous fad among some young persons, was given tantamount approval by the City Council Friday. The Council, sitting as committee of the whole approved the measure. It now goes to a formal Council vote Tuesday.

The ordinance forbids the sale of model airplane glue to persons less than 21 years of age without written parental permission. Sniffing a'so is forbidden. Penalties include 90 days in jail and a fine up to S500. Inhaling of a chemical in the model plane glue can cause intoxication and do bodily harm, police said. The City Council is asking the U.S.

Public Health Service to urge development of a substitute glue for model pJane makers. MUSKEGOX arc the former west Michigan business acquaintances of" Will'ain L. Stribley. now a Chicago manufacturer's agent, who could he's never been away. i Before moving to Chicago shortly after World War II, he won prominence throughout this area from 1927 to 1942 as secretary of the Grand Haven Chamber of Commerce.

His brother, Charles E. Stribley of Nonh a manufacturer's agent has kept the image in focus through-calls on his own area clients. The two men. are identical twins. They celebrated their 60th birthday Thursday at the Stribky home in North Muskegon.

Legal Advertisement STATE OP MICHIGAN, The Probate Court for the County ot Chippewa. At a session ol said Court, held at the Probate Office In the City of Sault Ste. Marie, in said Countr, on the 19th day of November. A. D.

1964. Present: Hon. James A. Henderson. Judge of Probate.

In the Matter al the Estate Minnie Barras, Deceased. Earl Worthy, having filed in said Court his petition, praying for license to sell the interest of said estate in certain real estate therein described, It Is. Ordered. That 21st day or December, A. D.

1964, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate Office, be and is hereby appointed for hearing said petition. and that all persons interested in said estate appear before said Court, at said time -and place, to show cause why a license to scil the interest of- said estate in said real estate should not be granted; It Is Further Ordered. That public notice thereof bc given by publication of a copy of this order, once a week tor three successive previous said day of hearing, in The Evening- News, a newspaper printed and circulated in said County. JAMES A. Judge ot Frobate.

(SEAL) A true copy: MARY E. BEARWOOD. Register of Probate. Lrril Advertisement STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Probate Court for the County of Chippewa.

In tbe Matter of the Estate of Joseph Milton Moore. Deceased. At a session of said Court, heid on November 10, Fresent: Hon. James A. Henderson.

Judge of Probate. Notice Is Hereby Given. That all creditors of said deceased are required- to present' their claims in writing and under oath, to Court, and to serve a copy thereof upon William C. McDonald of Pickford. Michigan, fiduciary of estate, and that such claims will be heard by said Court at the Probate Olfice on January 21, 1S65, at 10 a.

m. It Is Ordered. notice thereof be given by' publication of a copy hereof once a week for three weeks consecutively previous to said day o' hearing, in The Evening News, and that the fiduciary cause a copy of this notice to "Be served upon each known party in interest at his last known address by registered, certified or ordinary mail nrilh proof of mailing i. or by personal service at least fourteen (14) days prior to such hearing. JAMES A.

HENDERSON. Judge of Probate. (SEAL) A true eopv: MART E. DEARWOOD. Register of Probate.

Advertisement STATE OP MICHIGAN. The Probate Court for the County of Chippewa. 'In the Matter the Estate Mark Girlinjtuur. At a session of said Court, held on November 10, 1964. Present: Hon.

James A Henderson. Judge of Probate. Notice Is Hereby Given. That ail creditors of said deceased required to present their claims in writing and under oath, to said Court, and to serve a copy thereof noon Leon Victor Gariinehouse of Sault Ste. Marie.

Michigan, fiduciary of said estate, and that sucn claims will be heard by said Court Probate Office on Januarv 22. 1365. at. 10 a. m.

It Is Ordered. That notice thereof be given by publication of a copy hereof once a weeS for three weeks consecutively previous to said day of hearing, in The Evening News, and that the fiduciary cause a copy of this notice to be served apon each inotn partv in interest at his last known address by registered, certified or mail twith proof of malliagi. or bV personal service at least fourteen (14) days prior to such hearing. JAMBS A. KESTJERSON.

Judge of Probate. 'SEAL) A true copy: MAST EL BEARWOOD. Register of Probate. Advertisement STATE OF MICHIGAN THE CIRCUIT OOCRT FOR CH1PPEWA COTOTY GAJL Y. XEAL, Plaintiff, vr.

G. NEAL. Defendant. ORDER TO ANSWER 25th day of September. 1964.

action was filed by T. Plaintiff, against James G. Neal. Defendant. a this Coari to obtain a divorce Jrom Hie boads of natrisony.

IT IS HERSSY ORDERED that the DsfKiSarr. Jasw o. Seal unknown address. SHALL ANSWER OR take such other sctioa as may necessary or permitted by law, on or before the 13th day of January. ISSi.

Failure to comply wiih this ORDER will resnl; in a ment by default against such Defendant for the relief demanded in the Complaint filed in this Court. (Signed) GEORGE S. BALDWIN. Date of Order: Oct. at, WILLIAM £.

Attorney for Plaintiff 904 Central Savings Bank Bidg. 07 MICHIGAN. Court for the County of Chippewa. la the Matter the Estate ft Elsie T. Simari.

Al a stsjion of said Court, hell on November 17. 1S64. PrtiMrt: Kca. Jatnes A. Henderson, of Probate.

Kctke Is Hereby Given. That ail creditors said deceased are required to their claims in writing and under oath, to said Court, and to serve a copy thereof upon Caroline H. Woodard of Route 1. Sault Sie. ilari-.

Michigan, fiduciary of said estate, and that such claims win heard by said Conrt at the Probate Office oa January 28. at 10 a. m. It Is Ordered. That notice thereof be given by publication of 4 copy hereof once a ireefc for weeks consecutively previous to said day of bearing, in The Evening News, and that the fiduciary cause a copy of this notice to be served upon each known party in Interest at his last known address by registered, certified or ordinary mail (with proof of maiiingi or by service at least fourteen days prior to such hearing.

At said hearing the Court will adjudicate and determiue who arc helrs-at-law of said deceased and entitled to inherit her estate. JAMES A. HENDERSON. Judge of Probatt. 'SEAL) A true copy: MART E.


vs. KOBERT G. 1IASSIE. Defendant. -ORDER TO ANSWER On the 8th day of October.

1964, an action was filed by Delores A. Massie. Plaintiff, against Robert G. Massie. Defendant, in this Court to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony.

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the Defendant Robert G. Massie of Ashville. Korth Carolina. SHALL ANSWER OR take such other action as may be necessary or permitted by law. on or before 31st day of Januarv, 1965.

to comply with this" Order will result in a judgment by default ajainst such Defendant for the relief demanded in the Complaint filed in this Court. fSignedt GEORGE S. BALDWIN. Circuit Judge. Date of Order: Oct.

29, 1964. WILLIAM S. LESTER, Attorney for Plaintiff 204 Central Savings Bank Bldg. Sauit Ste. Marie, Michigan.

Leial Advertisement STATE OF MICHIGAN, The Probate Court for the County of Chippewa. At a session of said Court, held at the Probate Office in the City of Sault Ste. Marie, in said County, on the 6th day. of November. A.

D. 1S64. Present: Hon. James A. Henderson.

Judge or Probate. In the Matter the Estate of Mai Merlin Taylor, Merlin Taylor. Deceased. Betty L. havlnc filed in said court her final administration account, and her petition praying- for the ajlon-a'ace thereof and" for the assignment, and distribution of the residue of said estate, Is" Ordered.

That the 2nd day of. December. A. D. 1964, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said probate office, be and is hereby appointed for examining and allowing said account and hearing said petition: It Is Farther Ordered.

That public notice (hereof be given by publication-of a copy of this order, once a week far three successivs wests previous to said day of hearing, in The Evening News, a newspaper printed and circulated in said counrr. JAMES A. HENDERSON. Judge oi (SEAL) A true copv: MARY E. DEARWOOD, Register of Probate.

Legal Advertisement STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Probate Court for tbe Counts of Chippewa. In the Matter of the Estate of Oscar Bannnla, Deceased. At a session of said Court, held on November 10. 1964.

Present: Hon. James A. Henderson. Judge of Probate. Notice Is Hereby Given.

That all creditors of said deceased are quired to their claims in writing and under oath, to said Court, and to serve a copy thereof upon Earl Worthy of Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, fidociarv of estate, and that such claims will be hearo by said Court at the Probate Office on January 21 1963 at 10 a. m. It Is Ordered. That notice thereof be giren by publication of copy hereof once a week for three weeks consecutively previous to said day of hearing, in The Evening News, and that the fiduciary cause a copy of this notice to be served ueon each knoam partv in interest at his last known address by registered, certified or ordinary mail iwith proof of maninzi or by personal service at least "fourteen days prior to such hearing. At said hearing the Court will adjudicate and determine who are the heirs-at-Iaw of said deceased and entitled to inherit his estate.

JAMES A- HENDERSON. Judge of Probate. 'SEAL) A true copy: MARY DEARWOOD. Register of Probate. Advertisement STATS OF MICHIGAN, The Probate Court for the County of Chippewa.

In the Matter of the Estate of John J. Fischer, Deceased. At a session of said Court, held on November 5. 1964. Present: Hon.

James A. Henderson. Judge of Probate. Notice Is Hereby That ail creditors of said deceased arc required present tftcir cJalais. in writing and under oath, to said Court, and to serve a copy thereof npon C.

W. Coates. of Sault Ste. Marie. Michigan, fidaeiarv of said estate, and that claims be heard by said Court the probate Office en II.

1953. at 10 a. It Is Ordered. That notice thereof be given by publication of a copy hereof once a week for thres weeks consecutively previous to said day of hearing. i The Evening News, and that the fiduciary cause a copy of this notice to served upon each known partv in interest at his last fcnown address by registered, certified or ordinary mail (with proof of or by personal service at least fourteen day; prior to sucfc Sezrlng; At said hearing the Court wii! adjudicate and determine who are heirs-at-iaw of said deceased and taiiiSed to inherit estate.

JAMES A. HENDERSON. Jndje of (SEAL) A tree copy: MARY DEARWOOn. Register or Probate. Use Classified Ads.

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