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Freeport Journal-Standard from Freeport, Illinois • Page 4

Freeport, Illinois
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PAGE FOUR THE FREEPORT JOURNAL-STANDARD PHONE voim ADS 3100 MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1939 News of Society- Clubs- Churches Mr. and Arthur Gastmann Dinner Saturday Night Mr. and Arthur Gastmann, Einpne street, were hosts at dinner Saturday night at Mrs. E. C.

to members of their club, The later hours of the evening were enjoyed at their home. r. E. O. Holds Hi-Monthly Meeting Wednesday Evening The regular bi-monthly meeting ol the P.

E. O. will be held Wednesday evening at 30 at the home of Mis. Wagner, 28 North Wise avenue. Mrs.

Stennett C. Hul- biut be In charge of the pro- tjiam. Club Members Dinner Guests of Miss Mary Louise Franz Tonight Club membeis will be dinner of Mi." Mary Louise Fianz tonight al the Emmert Tea room and will enjoy an of contract at Uie Franz home on South Liberty of Women Voters Hold Study lass Tuesday Morning League of Women Voters meets Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock with Mis Firmor.t Keene, 1265 West Stephen-on street. Mrs. Robert A.

Hunter be the leader, her subject bring "International Co-operation in Labor." Helen Creitz Entertains On Tenth Birthday Helen Creitz, daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. F. Creitz. West Clark sireet, w.i-) ten years old Saturday and en- ui tamed nine girls in the afternoon in celebration of the Games were and refreshments weie "cned after p'easani.

hours. fronds were generous with birthday renu-mbranccs Amu'itia Cluli "Meets Marion Alder Marion Aldei was hostess to members of the Armenia club Fn- day evening at her home on East Illinois street Banco followed The business session. liuors going to Joyce Moiienson ana Janet Tavenner. Delicious refreshments vre served bv the hostess at the conclusion of the game. Miss Beatrice Luecke Surprised Last Evening On Fifteenth Birthday Twentv boys and girls surprised Miss BeaTice Luerke.

daughter of Mr and Mrs Leo Luecke. South Oak axer.ue, last evening. the occasion beir.j: her birthday. Darcirg and were features of ai 10 o'clock, Mrs Luecke was a party to the surprise served a delicious lunch. MIKS vas presented with a smail radio her guests.

Freeport Garden Club Resumes i After Two Months The first meeting of the year of the Fveport Garden club will be Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Luther G. Younglove. North Wise avenue. The meeting be a picnic luncheon at 1 clock and members are asked to bring a dish 10 pass and table service.

Robert J. Stewart will show his beautiful pictures of South America after the luncheon ana business hour. Mrs. Robert Schmitt Entertains At Shower and Tea for Miss Dorothy Malott Mrs Robert SchmUt. a bnce herself.

at a shower and tea Sunday afternoon at her home on East Empire street, compiimen- to Miss Dorothy Malott. clpct of Thomas whose ued- takes nlace in February. Many utensils for the kitchen were presented to Mis- Malotr. ihe tabie was decorated pink Sw'-ei, peas and pin 1 tapers a-d bv Mr-. Jack and Miss Dorn'hv Krcci.

"asl in Junior C'lass Play Enter- tPrtained by lliss McCool The of Junior ic'i sr-r a rericrir.anc" nich! TO- MS AS HIS SUBJECT ATTORNEY CLIFFORD A. A DALL HFAUD AT TLl'B MEETING THIS NOON BOY SCOUT TROOP NO, 1, FREEPORT, SPENDS SATURDAY NIGHT IN CANYON CAMP i a social time were enjoyed dunng the afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Parson were pre- sented with many pieces of hand-1 some silver.

Miss Joyce Baltzvr, of DakoU. Earns Many Honors at Kockford College From Rockford college conies honors for Miss Jovce Baltzer daughter of the Harold K. Baltzers, of Dakota. Miss Joyce is a senior I and has been nominated for recog- i mlion as a Rockford college student in "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges i This honor is based upon qualities i chaiacier. scholar-j A A ship and upon i i i a potemiali- waukee Wa5 speaker at the weeklv weather, and in high spirits hiked As one mother said.

"It doesn't 1 pav to worry, tor things usually out much better than you ex- 1 pect." This- remark was caused by I the fact a her son was one of twenty boy scouts of troop No. 1, SHEPARPSON DESCRIBES POWERFUL POLITICAL PLAYS IN GERMANY BV GRACE IV. ZEIDERS fascinating and thought-provocative lectuieon "The Contemporary under Scoutmaster Frederick Bow- German Theatre," based on flrst- er.s, chose Saturday night to t'n to Cam on camp, near Apple The bovs and their leader took hand experience In travel and attendance at numerous opera and play productions In Germanv during three trios to Europe, was given by a DUS 10 Wuodb're s.iturdav Nadlne Shepnrdson. Chicago temoon while it was still a a the metm of the Freeport the seven miles to the boy scout camp. for distinguished work in the fu- mefctmg of Rotary club, held today a Hotel Freeport His subject wa.s Miss Baluer is serving as presi- 'A Critical Analysis of Present-Dav dent, of the college Forum, of the Democracy bv One of Its Friends blankets were piled high on them Sorianc nonor society and of the talk.

Attorney Randall an thev reached their destination Relations was "inspired by the multitude of R(J time. Their first job was to Lhib. She elected to member-' efforts being made by agencies cu down a tree for fire wood and in Smma Rho, national throughout the country to impress ie caDln Wa5 soon as cozy as; a tea Woman's club Saturday afternoon She said, "the German theatre is definitely not the theatre of old. because it has become propaganda Some of the scouts had sleds and the only plays anket were iled i on them i iocietv, dunng upon the public the necessity of re! cat jy. ner junior and was a varaiiy Dedicating itself to the principles of debate democracy bv the minister of culture can be given so that the masses mav see and hear only what Hitler wishes Miss Shepardson said Germany had made a "very subtle thins; of its New Scout Executive Assumes Duties Here On 1st of February FRANCIS WALLACE IS PROMOTED TO POSITION OF FIRST AIR PILOT Fretportrr Amiliiied To United Air Llnrs Englneerlm Bate ft! Cheyenne Mr and Mrs.

L. C. Wallace, 1311 South Oak avenue, have received word from their Francis Wallace, i with the I United All linen, thiil lie has been STREAM FREEZES OVER AFTER piomoted to lliM. pilot and assigned DECIDED TEVPKKATIUIE DROP OVHt WEEK-END Sports lover.s can aguin enjov skating at Krape park as result I of the which followed the to the United Air Lines ins tit Cheyenne. Wyo.

Under Bonny Howard the United engineering depurtment at Chey- unne maintaliib a complete flying laboratory to develop new motor ac- 1 week-end cold which sent the ce.s.sone.s, iifnal navigation aids temperature below the mo mark landing rudlo and methodt Although the wa.s flowing as in midsummer s-evernl ago when mild lempoiahirr.s prc- uf combating bad weather. Fngliieeriiig "One ol their latest develop- I vailed. Yellow creek is now Wttl ace fath over sufficiently since Saturday thl morning in explaining the LAURENCE R. HAWKINS Word has been received that Laurence Hawkins, executive for the Grant council area, who About supper time, the wind be- i theatre There is no evolution in succeeds Clavton Chatters, now afternoon to permit skating. The ice is being prepared for skat- work.

"I.s a new compasn which is -said to ihow the exact ers todav and it is a large height above the ground, or the throng will appear at the park to distance from an obstruction ahead, enjoy the outdoor winter sport to- by IIIIMH.S of the reflecting of a night. directional radio wave The Ice at Taylor park is be- Another interesting developing cleaned and it Is possible there ment." continued Mr. Wallace, will be on thr east side to( i adapting to air line practice of night, although this wa.s not defl- triangular method of radio fixes By this dispatchers on nitelv assured this afternoon. Freezing ov r-r of Yellow cref-k the ground can definitely locate any close i i i a i in gan to how! and it never stopped the German theatre: vou can not at Madison. Engagements i -I Kiclman-St hrader i Mr and Mr- George Kielman.

of 'Fioience Stanon, announce the en- daughter, 1 i i tU" I I i A A 4 i A i (order that there may be a better ice covered Only "Hitler-Approved" Plavs Given where he served Ze water the creek. i "The only plays which may be 1 928 resign! democracv 15 and what 'is necessary to preserve it in the niture. The only plays which may be i i 1928. resigning to become field After breakfast they enjoved slid- produced Germanv are those on scou executive of the Toledo area TM A mg on tne hills and were almost re- appro Emphasizing further this line of reasoning and dividing his topic into luctant to leave and hike back to the bus station and civilization. i the srJ of lnlster garment of tneir Oileita a i to Paul Allen I different clarifications the speaker I i i 'Scnrader, son of Mr and Mrs in par: as follows: COASTING PARTY ENJOYED se Srhracier of Shannon, 111 Democracy of Early Davs Contrasted has Present "The democracy of the founders i He served as field executive ol culture, and that list is sheer propo- he i and ttest dlstntls nrui ancl a lor the past and one-half years "You'll find the great music Mas been in charge ol scouting in festivals eiven over to Wagnrr Sanciusky county district.

During said Mr. in an indicate on a sudden cold wave t'ns unninous sneen tlie various instru- way from northwest witli a ment indi( ations The advantage i which began about o'clock of thi.s is that it i give the pilot Saturdav afternoon and continued single instrument to watch, in- I I )aV of che country and the democrac; 1. 1- a i i ril for on practicallv all night stead of a dozen or so, making On Sunday the temperature rose nu Ampler to observe all the Into a maximum of 33 but at formation n-eded for instrument m-jht Old Man or landings This new ap- mercury down to one degree below has been named the RY ''Y" A I I A eras ver powerful and moving his time of employment he a i i i i i DI I I i i A I cven wasner should not served as director of Camp Miakonda Tnls nlarks wond TM' ned at Locil Alrport ordered down peoples throats in- a has been charge of the an- winter the creek over. The ire of today are two i i things. leVtod" 1 the davs Art, he remain until re March first.

ly different following the the industrial i i i a i i LA .1 tv7 iiac 1 "Jtrv i i 111 i a J. tr I I a i Prizes In fenow-Man Build- definitely. The peonle are told about nual June field Bov Scout however, melted i the First Pilot Wallace was graduated i i high school and re- Released i the greatness of Wagner. Schiller exposition and other scout events, as iiith and all his ihght training. liJt; i a ui agiiri A I I I I rtiiu I I I cvtriiLJs.

o- rrmiir. i Goethe and Beethoven. The musical well as an worker during cleared out of both Yellow cre-x ous to he nited dramas are fine plays but you can I community chest campaigns. and the Pecatomca river abo-i: "J''. en IG TM.

Members of the Prep and Junior bCome rerrlD overfed on a fare vu ''dJateti in aero engineering "the majority of the people "were of the A and invited but Wacner, Goethe, Scil- frpphold farmers, who had control i suests enjoyed a fine coasting party Beethoven Mis George Cannon and Jack freehold farmers, who had control of the means of production and. Canron West Stenhenson street, therefore, control of their own le'; t'-s on a visit to 'ela- destiny, whereas today the majontj in Ouio. They plan to be 01 the 6 do not own produc- a voe i property and are dependent upon industrial wages for their in- at the Freeport Country club Saturday after cooking their I noon mea! over an open fire at Krape park. Shakespeare's Plavs Evpurpated "Shakespeare's plavs were out for a while, ar.ti if produced now thev his i and t'AO children. The boys were transported to the ro are anything that refers park in automobiles provided by out the life of a king or ruler are any comments against i John Goddard.

of Lancaster. Pa The majority of the people various parents following regular a The piavs are ca spencing a few c.a'-s i his 'todav. therefore, have no control Saturday morning and and revamped so no siy Imc-her ard siste" Mrs I lhe raaiis 01 procjction, whicn swimming classes at daid and Miss Kathenne Goddard, i a be traditionally the basis of Mr. Hawkins's fatnilv consists 6 afcer man da of l1 "usually high temperatures. POLO WOMAfTS CLUB TO HOLD MEETING ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON EXTENSION COURSE FOR TEACHERS OPENS HERE ON THURSDAY, JAN, 31 1Sa nst I Pn'n Til Tan rperHr seniority.

In the engineer- refully The teachers' extension course for Wo" a-'s eepariinent he will keep up siy in- the secona spmester. eiven bv the on procedures engineering the University of Michigan joined the United Air Lines aa i pnot two and one-half years ago, i i the Cnicago-New York division Ho has been given leave of Absfncf for one year from the piloting to the engineering department, which will enable him to retain his Feature of the afternoon was a i might murder a king. the secona semester, given by the nn creep in whereby somebody northern Illinois State Teachers 1 De ne college. De Kalb, will commence at afternoon. 24 Foi'owing tn" -oppra'intj procedures i aMt in of the ux mainhners and Boeing 247s as ri'ey come ihrough the Cheyenne j-.

erha'i! shops. PROPOSAL TO BUILD SCHOOL ADDITION AT PEARL CITY CARRIES as re'eased by Miss Pamela Connor, daughter Secretary Arnold with very '-arge revolving stages I FTTCD A I ing effect and eauip- I I i fie club (range); She said actors' salaries were club. c.ab. club, Model Airplane Mary and Agnes Connor tl uvon of government, and for the South Float avenue, attended the tpvera! vears a been con- ceremonies. Jackie Connor, of eT TO have their electr-e repre- Dubuque.

was tne guest of wma approve govern, relatives, returning home Sunday Pnt by an executive. ir.otner. Th or inability of to the con- nnn i i Announcements rci A ch placed ncl li0 0 33 nfliacu in i 1 siven rise to a r.g PIIQDCirT CliUH PDIUC 1 ti-at. derr.ocracv has failed i I Rebekah lodge. world No.

133 r-H-s paid by the government the production staff was carefully super- but "if vou are anti-state vou i find yourself with noihin, to Pearl City. I Jan 23--Voters of Citv high school Mr and Mrs Rav Kifpr Mr and I i No 301 an ved a pro- rjosnl Saturdav to iwue bonds in the of S30 000 to match a fund of the federal gov- purpose of erect- Mrs Gn Tvoer. Mr p.rr. Ma r.ard Wolf and Mr ard Mrs a a AND AUXILIARY MEET i Mount comprise the commrfe in Srephenson county Rural Lettp; i of a par: be bv a r3 thP piers and a group of th, a i i i held church at "he rhurrh this evpr.ins club. i'30 Theatre Is momhiy meeting Fridav evening at 6 '30 o'nr'-: sc-airbl" " wiP.

Freshman Hi-1 cluo. -The German theatre is back; nome of Frank Smlthi Rt Handicraft club. for many n-w plays, "pniUr- o'f'v-w Yo- n-v Sat-rcay--10 30 a. Prep club, do not suit the government's ideas, boun ful ic TM Dr)P wa Lnd "w'-o's 11.03 a Junior club. and order to get safe dramas I i thev mast go oack into tne past.

I Qf the precen: WPrp of the tirwr'" a i business session followed the suppT Emma Pearson Fnclav anc: Green Division Workers Issue Chal des :r.ed to be supplantea oy HOSPITAL NEWS a iarge addition to the present scr.ool Vo'i-rs balloted on four proposals, as First: to locate a school site. There v.cre 401 votes in favor of the present school site, and several votes for other Mies to airhorizp the school site: For, 404; the school ool buildings lightecl with sixieen canclf-, of his res are on exhibit.on Fourth: to authorize the school to the guests. the Ar" ins'itutp in board to boons in the sum ol Icr.t Such survival is de' Der.d^ri", upon a I for the future, program miisi 1 contain The following rran church tonight, at 6 04. More movement to have the Theatre than half of the S10500 goal has ir.evper.sive. 0 the masses can af- been reported to date, the total be- fcrd to ear a iarse CANDY, GUM, CIGARETS, CASH TAKEN AT OPEL'S GROCERY "Wir-fr Jac'-c-on S30000: For.

4:3: aeainst. 39a. wr.ich has rt-ccivrd a'- FINE OF S50TND COSTS IS IMPOSED AGAINST EASTWOOD MRS. DONALD HERMANN, STOCKTON, ENTERTAINS 3. a mecical patient "A recncnitiori that demrv-racy Jor.n Homer Whitford.

I. P. capitalism i rn W. A. Goddara.

Frank Haupert. Kepner. Luke Stuart. 3 F. Shafer.

Dr. N. C. Phh- Mks of a comedr eluded cicarets. car.dy, gum and that was a on the S4.55 in change.

I 1 Jan. 23--Mrs. was to tht Henrr Proorietor. Bona p.

at the home of Mrs. With -J-lline itiiinr After Closing Hours I absurdities of modern education. TODAY. BOTH ALLEGE DESERTION a adcine -hat it was a 1 fright jor the EDWARD SULLIVAN TO SPEAK Trt UinUAU'C Ol IIO Gor proprietor of the East- IU WrUMAN 0 ULUb A I AHlDUl wood Inn. iocatod of Frreport on rnu'p "4.

paid a of ani Coiintv Edward costs in todav IXTj'v 1 -vard. after The tnu-riph a-s ice box a be Th're TTVO more report report bf-ing cm rourt o- Jan 25 at -e same anc time. of in so hv trt-ir i Mir.f- T', ".7 lead- r- j- n-T- for all n'hT lhar: ir of MR, AND MRS. LEE WILLIAMS OBSERVE SILVER WEDDING in a niav. i Mr Effrrt on Passion Play "How abo-jt "tr!" nes: nrot of 1 Pa.v;:on P'siv at ea-j.

Jhp history in U' 1h" Ihrn-s- out that Is 11 is a great draw.ris it tr peO'ical German gov- the pnncipal rrc-aker at a Sheriff Pat and Jfrrv Plow- of Ambov Woman's nan at 17 50 it a thi; o'rjork Sur.r^T nirrr'i firifiirr prosrram spoon- 15 pa'rnns in tr so-cd bv the public hpalth and -r b-ine child of the club Harry Yd- E. Mr. Sullivan spokp on the theme man lh of "Juvenile RICHART) CROOKS TO SING AT ROCK FORD. on. have Indicated Uiat to enforce the day.

in ro'in'r -or?" on Saturday eve- The ciub members enjoyed a "Hobby Fair" and each member r) or presented her hOb- DV. were served by tjie hostess Despite cold wave which Suridav a large number of skaters were enjoying the newly cr'iiFtrurted ice skating rink on the hiph school athletic field. 77i" nnk is in shape and an''. arf hoping for continued Sheriff Mr and Mrs Clifford Hermann attended a conrention which was hcJd Chicago Thursday and Frt- For '-r rl T- r-rv m- r-f- -7 35- ri IT! -rr- 1 i 1 rir Tl sn- rJ PT thc Mct- Ojxra in a a 7. in 1 Hi? is Schau- aecompa- i bv th" Ja but 1ha1 WORKERS' WAGE NEGOTIATIONS FORRESTON A.

TO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT i T13 Jan 23-- The I iiarv PrfT'n1 a.swxj5i*jo-3 -i plans ELDENA MAN GIVES BOND FOR APPEARANCE IN COURT HERE 3 1 1 11 i a the b'jjjd- arrcstcti oy rrrj rani on 5-jriday 3 3 rfrunk and Sdrrti. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, oj Mrs. LCP A Stf-ams.

Thr Cu'lv. a I r3Jsord It i i Mrs 'n biicai into a hoiisr on East I Mis John Ms-slrjaon. Mrs Jan 23 --Tie Unit-M and Progressive Mirw Work- of America, rival miners' unions. to "pull togeliwT" to "erf rc-Milu" br spwikfrs favoring a mine vage mce'Jni: here yesterday. 'Mi rcMliaUiwis, which are to 1Jjr board nfrolja'ic lor a contract, a 30-hmir.

6-day 1jmc and a half for overtime, a 30 to 40 prr Jnrrpase and MC.m«. Mr.s r- ,1 a Philip Parwtn On Wr PolV.rrts. I iarr-r TS'nn Ah'in planned in OuqwMn -0, 'W. 1 ''-0 7 it Gl" 1 rtarrj? RTT! TTnlij'jrmaTf 1han anv nlh'T road FOR LICENSES 1 rrrinlTT Trrirlrt MAN DRESSED IN UMBRELLA CLAIMS HE'S CBAMBEHUIN Nn 303. nf th" Enfl- fnllou-irjE thf 1 nJght.

Jjin Zi, al iho All uicmbT'; sr -snll rlfr- 3tif5 and rc arc Wl Myh-l la, "Wis. ItaTr. Jan. 23--OP-- SOirTH SEA Rocra 2S. arrfs-tcd in a PLAT AT BELVIDKRE ''red as 7w j)i c'jij fi fl A tTio ff fTi1'CTlA3rfTS fcncnrn as an aTid in- arrn Vfoss Fprn BrtnfcmrftT.

br Motion 1h? Calhollc 'WorrK'n'p Tiars- Mothi-r's club will this chairman if riaf nine Jn nine at the home ol Mrs. Jacob of Jan. 5 and 12 oT tire ipirttwnan. The talk bp given by be swarded the il lo tor trill be made oT of and ir OOTTXT, Ullian win rhurch in i.h» church "Dawn Those to be nm inriurt" "Jurt Arwmfl 'Swrz" Ortajn vs Other ti? Ctril Oal; Part fi T. f'71- nt and I I MT.

ChsmVilam Symanck and Mart SrJiar TT.t "hrr rJia A., qt Saturday to Itir oteer- an tnt'-rtainmt-nl tnien toy lite Veterans oi Foreign Wars. mfH be "Yon CtenT II of (vruniry. on and a pod- Aldf-r Artn-nr if the "fluraMcfn frTtarimmt. an- A HiJlmrr Jnounoed liiat lie prograia fen- Satar- coffee sma fhe smial nrro-.

Mrs. a-nd Mrs. Hcnty at the tea and The Lutner will ol Uw Lirth- jl? 45 Jor be Idle," by County at 1Ji ttms ycsir as C. A. Ktfty; rioe presa- club brtd at rn- CONSTRUCTION EN6MEEH, N.

F. RILFY. CHICAGO, MS Jan. Tnr build In nJ C. r.

H. 3 A for hunt hfld Tnesfla? Jan 24, br Sporte- clai. Evoyoiae to.

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