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Valley Falls Register from Valley Falls, Kansas • 5

Valley Falls, Kansas
Issue Date:
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ffce allrn Kails llttdsUt. For Sale or Trade-Lots 1, 2 and 3, in block 46, in Valley Falls, south of city Park, the property known as the Gephart home. It contains a large, roomy two-story JfHjRSOXA.L, Abe Stanffer desires that persons I who buy(?) corn of him at night to Mis? Blanch Beland ret ornel Wed" jCan around when ha is at home, or nesday from a visit with Mrs. Flintier no jn ej of Topeka. Prof.

S. Ilellwitz has been en- Geo. Lewis was at Topeka thisa-ed by the Turner society to con- 81.50 PER YEAH 1 nM of mrW IllSllili AT THE house, good well, out barn. LOCAL eek us a witness in the HiDinan I a turning scnooi, at a lair and a tine lot of trees and shrubbery. For fntLer particulars, terms, prices case.

salary. Nearly 40 pupily are enrolled, aad there is room for more. 2 The. Pitcher, of North ops etc. call on Dr.

J. T. B. Gephart. mmmm Six loaves of bread for 25cts.

at McCoy's. 33-it Try somo of those home made II PI -We ho will wing along 1 according to tiie oiu weatner WiSg was in town the past week. Miss Franc Hillyer h-i, returned 334t cookies at McCoy's bakery. The following obitnarv should from a visit amonr mends at Aluseo- sayiag and go out like a Iamb." G. G.

Shellabarger has sold his photo-gallery to Ed Tutt, and thinks WE AEE BEADY. RING THE 'BELL, have appeared tto week- since, but tah. through some inadvertensy, was lost, John B. Beightle, accompanied by ence the delay, his little daughter, went -to Holton of spending the summer in Colorado DEU1 SCH BROS for his wife's health. tuary.

Monday, to attend a lawsuit which was decided in his favor. Basis of Assessment The assesors of Jefferson count Died of pneumonia, Feb. 11, 1S38 James S. Jackson, aged 35 years, 2 months and twelve days. Smith Cal lorn, of the K.

C. W. N. was in the city Monday night were in session at Oskaloosa the 5th The funeral took place at his late ooking after the "material" interests inst. and agreed upon the following basis of assessment for 18S8.

All the Having returned from the East with the largest and best selected stock of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS. township trustees were present residence' Feb. 14th, services conduct- of that road. ed by Rev.

Hill. Mr. Jackson was Simon Deutsch returned from born in Dearborn Co. Nov. 29th Chiea0 Fridar night aad is proud ru rr tft no xrv Let the Crowd come in and look at our magnificent SPRING STOCK.

Its a regular LA! LAI! and on every point will beat anything ever shown in thii city. The quality style and price are just what will 6uit you and the assortment is so large that it will dazzle you. The performance has commenced, and people are already carrying1 away bargains in. WEIITE GOODS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, Horses six months old and under looz. Dame to lLansas vntn nis of the fina new stoik of goods he has two years, from $5.00 to horses two years old and under three, from $7.00 to 20.00; good farm horsoa comin in.

Chas. Kenlson has been visiting from $20.00 to 145.00; fine horses from at Waterville this week. We are now installed in our new quarters, the finest and largest general store in the county. A cordial invitation to everybody to call and see our New Goods. Our Grand Opening will begin with a Special Sale, $60.00 to ping horses from mother, brothers and sisters in 1870.

"Was married to Miss Cyatha Brown Jan. 16th, 1879. He was an energetic and euecessfu farmer and stock raiser, highlr re 6pected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and two sons, (a little U. S.

Mitchell and Dade Piazzek 5.00 to $20.00. returned from their visit to California Tuesday evening glad once more tc Cattl six months old and under two years, from $2.00 to cattle greet their old friends. aturday, March lOtll, two years old and under three, from dauorhter havinsr Dreceeded him to BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS. the spirit world about five yerra since) Dr- M- P- Ward a prominent physi-- 400 to cattle three years old a brother and two sisters in Colorado cian of Topeka paid our city a visit and over, from $6.00 to heifers nnd two sisters in this state, who hare last week and Purchased a fine, Allea six months old, from $2.00 to We are waiting- to please you with bargain. Come and see and continuing for ST OISTZE "WEEK OiSTLY.

S3fr tho sympathy of a large circle of bt- Joe colt of J. J. Gardiner. heifers two to three years old, from n. Evans Keiifer Candies and nuts at McCoys, acquaintances in their sad bereave- Amer Simmons, of 111., was in th $3.00 to cows from $5.00 to ment.

A Neighbor. Jcity Wednesday with his brother 0J; fine cattle, one third value; fat 33-4t Joshua, of this county, for the first sheers, one cent and a half per lb fat Try somo of McCoys fine bread I 0U mcTV COITIC 10 US timo in 12 years and lad to noto wst on ttnt per lb 33-4t with a sour face but you will laugh at Valley Falls had grown conrid- Mules, the same as horres. hnfnr ton W. Fvervho 1 is han- erable- osh Proposes to trade a 160 Sheep, $1.00 per head. EYery one is pleased with Mc We will sell the following goods at CUT PRICES.

25 pieces 4-4 Bleached Lonsdale Muslin for 7cts; regular pric 12 Jets. 20 pieces Fine Unbleached Sheeting for 6c; regular price 8c. 25 pieces New Stylish Dress Sateens for 115; regular price 15c 40 pieces Renfrew and Normandie Dress Ginghams for 9c; reu'ar price 121c The above goods, in fact all cotton goods being much higher in the market than they were a couple of months ago, we will only fell 25 yards each customer, and after CoyB bread. Try some. py that trades with Evans Kemper.

Jopebv valued at Hogs, from one cent to one eent oo nx $8,000, clear, for Valley Falls proper- ana a half per lb. Euan8 Kemper have just received their Spring Stock, the lar ty. "Who can acaommodate him I Wheat, 20cta. per flx, 30ct Crof. Shirek has been succeeded Pr milelt and hnngarian, on the N.

W. section by John Mc- 20ots. per bu; oats lOcts. per bu corn gest and most complete ever shown by them, and we'll make it to Donald, his health not being very locts. per bu; potatoes, 20cts.

per bu "How to become a great violinist?" It is necessary to learn to play a little on the violin, but the chief thing is to cultivate your hair. "What was Mrs. Modus dressed ia, George?" "Oh, she had on a kind aturday, March Bees, $1.00 per stand. good. your advantage to buy your Spring Goods of them.

Remember Farm implements, musical instru Some people are still wondering square dealing is their motto. of a mauve blue arrangement over a why the millers are not working on ments, real estate and moneys, on third value. plush-colored thingumbob." "Ah, the exchange plan. The best way we Call early and get first choice. Dr.

L. Northrup has returned Regular prices will be charged. Govern yourself aocordingly. "We will also include in this sale 15 dozen Ladies' Hose, solid colors, for 5c a pair; regular price lCc. 10 dozen Turkish Towles for 5c a piece; regular price 15c.

15 dozen Heavy Mens Seeks for 7c a pair; regular price 15c. 5 pieces Figured White Goods for G-c; regular price 12 Jc; an! lois of A great number of sets of heavy know of to get on the inside is to buy and light harness at Hinnen Kell Miss Gertie "Professor, do you a grist mill and try it fliinlr, rendinrr Onida's novels I from California, and is treating patients in the same office, room No. 11, er's, to select from. 34-3t weakens the mind?" Professor J. H.

Eshleman, of Topeka, was in The prices for harness, saddles, other Bargains. Snarl, Kindly "No, dear; because the city yesterday 1 1 A l. .1 ,1 I in his Octagon building. Diseases of women a specialty. Particular at- briddies, and other goods in their line are quoted low at Hinnan Keller's.

uoooay wuu any zmnu ever xeuus A Con of thQ Topeka Capital ention given to painful menstrations. EUTSCH BROS 28-tf 31-3t was looking after the interests of that Young Mr. Sissy (to his pretty paper yesterday and registered at cousin) "In your matrimonial rish- tt An eastern correspondence is re Hinnen Keller are sole agents for the celebrated Spooner collar, in New Double Store, nearlyopposite the Post-office. The sponsible for tho If Yal-ley Falls is meant, the boy is mistak mg, li you suouiu mait catch like me, what would you do?" Maude "Throw it back in, Charley." Dr. D.

Northrup is highly enjoy- this city. Call and see it. It is war largest and cheapest selling store in Jefferson County. ing the friendly calls of his old ac- ranted. en about the death of Mr.

Summe. J4-3t Professor do Morgan found out quaint ances, since his return home felt. The boy skipped ut on elec joy mathematical computation mat from California an ocrirsholl is so stronc as to be able tion day last November, without any to support a man's weight. People So to McCoy's at the old Lafon- Ordinance. Published March 5, BAK special cause.

I have heard a good story about a boy who traveled from Valley Forge, who doubt this can imt one in their tain stand, for anything you want in A JL coat-tail pocket ana try it. the bakery line. 33-4t An ordinance granting the right of i to iNew loric uity witnout a Never borrow trouble. There is -The Valley Falls String Band way to the Kansas City, "Wyandotte always somebody that will give you wiU givo a Calico ball at the opera and North Western P.ailroad com- rill villi I I all want. you house, Thursday evenmcr, March many, across certain streets in the riOTVEpY.

15th. Geo. Lewis has consented to city of Valley Falls be general manager, and no doubt Bo it ordained by the Mayor and thoy will have a gay time. Fred Councilmen of the city of Valley Call early and examine our line of French sattcoas They are beauties. Fvans Kemper.

A physician says: "If a child does not thrive on fresh milk, boil it." This is too severe 'Why not spank or Deihl and E. Marsh aro on the invita- Falls, Kansas. tion committee. Sec. I.

That the right, priyilege cent. A bright looking youngster, John Egcrers, walked into the Oak street station in the metropolis, about midnight on Friday night, and asked to remain until morning. He said he had come all tho way from Valley Forge, and it had taken him since last November. The boy added 'T was sent out west by the Children's Aid society last August, and engaged to work for a farmer named Summer-felt, who died last November. I concluded to coins back to New York.

I walked from Valley Forge'to Topeka, a distance of twenty-eig-ht miles, and then managed to steal rides on freight and passenger trains to Indianapolis, Ind. From there I went to Columbus, and then to Harris- -Leonard Hitchcock, the bov 11 and authority are-hereby granted to at? years of age, who was wounded by inQ Kansas yanaotte iNortii the explosion of a rifle, as fully re- western iianroaa company its sue Has opened, in the Lafontaino a first-class Baker and Confectionery. He has secured the services of a Baker of 20 years experience and is prepared to cater to the tastes of the most fastidious. CAKES, PIES BAKED TO ORDER. FRESH BREAD ALWAYS OH HAND.

A LUMCM COUNTER IN THE ROOM ported in the Register last week, died cessors and assigns for the term of Notice. rr, Wednesday morning, after suffering twenty years, to construct, will preach at tho Lutheran church iU1 uw" tiuaJ0. xxx xms, ill A. oiiuuiuu iiiuxiiiu auu uv uxxiiaii. i CADDIES, jSUTS, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, ETC.

across the street on the south of block All are invited tb hear him. is a sad case. post mortem examination was allowed. burfr. Next I went to Baltimore, twenty and across Sarah and Clark Wilmington and Philadelphia, and streets between Mill and Maplo LIVERY, FEED SALE STABLE.

last nijxht about 7 o'clock, I started from Trenton, N. on a freight Benefit of- Pastors. streets. E. H.

Watkins and A. V. Davis, formerly of the firm of lleid Davis aro opening a meat market in the middle room of the Lutt block. COEEAL JTsTJD PEED LOT. Sec.

II. That in crossing said train and reached this city about 11 A few days afro the good people of o'clock." Pacific school district whose hospital- streets the said side track shall bo ity and friendly spirit are known far macle to conform to tne present graae The city council was in regular and wide gave a rousing festival corn- of said streets, and good crossings bined with a literary and musical shall be maintained thereon by said entertainment, the proceeds of which company. were to bo divided between Rev. C. Sec- iil Tliafc whenever said city C.

Young, the Baptist minister, and of Valley Falls shall by ordinance Synopsis of tho Statement Of the National Fire Insurance ccmpany of Hartford. January 1, 18SS. Cash Capitai 1,000,000.00 Assets 2,000,857.34 Reserve for Re-Insurance Outstanding Claims 80,280.78 Net Surplus 551,712.18 T. B. Gephart Agent, At Valley Falls, Ks.

Mr. Harrv one of the session Tuesday evening, and though two of tho councilmen were absent, transacted the usual business, allow ing, or considering bills, passing ordinances elc. Tho ordinance passed appears in tho Eec.istek, and it will bo seen that the AV. railroad is to have a switch extending north from the Octagon honso to the river, or nearly so Thawing weather brings around Rev. J.

W. Ramsey, the M. E. minis- require any of said streets to be paved, ter. The musical and literary parts sidewalks constructed, or otherwise were pronounced to be very good and improved, said railroad company tho collection of good things to eat shall pare or otherwise inrprove that immense, and all had a royal good portion of said streets occupied by it, to conform to the ordinance and di- time.

The date of tho festival was I i .1 ii. Fob. 21. but what the net rrommont wiioreaie lianor oeaiers in great numbers, and the ALL KINDS. were our correspondent failed to irainre Oi.

saia ranroaa company so to cjf toa i manr 1. 1 TV stale. Ilu it lively for thorn along the ponds. ah for. tho i'aciric folks uo, baitt cuy ma cuum me to iC-t our o.u til I'm 1 i- I uornt bold or "Mva 1 AUitO pned lb be done at the expense of said rail irii i Is iciie ill biirrr to est goods rs will be ih- the Oltl poik C.

A. road company in any court of tent jurisdiction. Sec. IV. That said railroad Eleotion ITotiee.

L.vons Or pick, Vallzy M.uicn 7. 1SS8. First door South cinnore ti or nud re- i.1 r.Ie panv shall rile a written acceptance 1, 1O1 i -iO by lawyers. -Nonce ib kx cu iue i j. i Annual x.loclion or city.

written 30 dsys- from the -JuJre and Tivo Councilmen for said anrroval of the same. I ii.e 02 lei Washing- J. G. KNOUSE, 2 1 A I' I C'T 3 AI I EALKI1 ir cilice i VC2 I J. r.

md i'riei. churn. wire and iipinn. efTeet cind bo -in force from c.r.d after uuuB tl Pni, fohher tuo war ui -ii 11 U.t.. Bra and tho Vallev FaUs Rs.irs- iexican wr.r Ci t.

i- i ox the denial work to pntroas nee li: 1 call at cine nj. mtro- ioace machine. over the late Farmer Foils will be OTsen Irom ciocli 1 ltTAlJ-vi. I Uut'. E.

H. Ceosey. I duced a bill in granting to I. 'lint'- worn or consiutiiiiu store io y. m.

of said day. -1 a. in pick J. Ti iLllcCmv Cerbln, car coupling. Approved.

Mayor. Attest. II. D. Butts.

slv prices piTfirif pre? 1 him a pension ci a. i I Id montli. it is promise sa' be reported r.o reasonable. Dr. C.

II. Gillmam thought the bill will II. Crosby, Miivcr. filp-i. fT'OTi T.l 4 ix ler.

I avcrabiv ana pas; mg A vdiU. ana everything; in the A. Murphy. Elk City, barrow. i Fngrlish Sriarin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft, or Calloused" Isimps and Blemishes from Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney Stiiles.

Sprains, Sore and Swollen desiio to render my sincere iisanv friends and neisrh- Farmers Take Kctica. All having plows to repair, or if you want them ground, polished and put iu good shape for work, should now bring them to the undersigned before the rush begins. llusscll, Cherokee, telegraph re thanks torn Gov. Young announces that, owm- A jf.ipj to cheaper rates and reduction ofj ia---OU prices at the mines he is now offering Kc-painng a specialty. Agent for best coal at 50 cents a ton less Patent Loop HamA Tng Save 50 bv etc Coughs, Thi bors" for their assistance and thy during the illness and death cf jieator.

A. Iu. toner, Topeka, velocipede use of one bottle. Everv bottle war Vale, ranted by Beland Drng-rists, venee I my husband. A'ours.

mrnMAcirzn. J. W. Trent, Cherr machine. Call and see it.

23-ly no alley Jt aLLsjxnn. ormer v-ziz es. Blacksmith. 1 Me; J. S.


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