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Emporia Republican from Emporia, Kansas • 1

Emporia, Kansas
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MMBDEIA WEEKLY EEin GAR KilUur and Proprietor. EMPORIA, KANSAS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1900. VOL. 17 11 NEWS BAIL Joseph Trott Dead.

From Wednesday's dailT flAETFOED'8 BALLY. GET DOWN TO FACTS.ISTRIKE NEARIHG Joseph Trott died last night, at the PORTLAND CEMENT AT IOLA. home ot his son, Herbert, ten miles A BIG DEFALCATION. JOUN SHERMAN DEAD TOE MINERS' STRIKE. THE END.

The largest Portland cement plant in the United States and the first one to be established west of the Missouri river, bas just been completed at Iola, southwest of town on Phenis creek, of dropsy of the liver after an illness of five months. Mr. Trott was sixty-four Read AY hat Oar Emporia Citi zens Say. A Note Teller in a New York Bank The Distinguished Statesman Suc Gets Away with $700 ,000. he Trouble in Anthracite Region Likely to Be Ended by Monday.

cumbs to Brain Exhaustion. years of age and was one of the best known and most highly respected of Lyon county's farmers, owning a farm two miles east of town on Logan President Mitchell Will Call Executive Board Together to Tote on Ending Kansas, which is on the line of the Santa Fe railroad. Its capacity will be five thousand barrels per day. It bas been in operation for a short time, HIS OPERATIONS SKILLFULLY HIDDEN SKETCH OF HIS POLITICAL CAREER. STATELIEST OF PRESIDENT MITCHELL Contest.

Get down to the facts of the matter. Dou't take a stranger's word. It is easier to prove the truthfulness of statements made by citizens of Emporia than endorsement coming from some far away place. Bead the He leaves a wife and three children, David, Herbert and Emma, all grown, Expert Aeconntaata Have Many Time Ex working under one-half capacity and the product bo far manufactured has proven under severe tests to be equal in every respect to the highest grade of imported cement. The President lasses a Proclamatloa A boat Meeting- at National Executive Board ot tba Deceased Ex-President Harrison amined the Culprit' Book Without Detecting the Shortage The Discovery Made bv ao Employe.

New York, Oct. 24. Charles L. Al- Speaks of the Part John Sherman Played la the National Service. rnlted Mine Workers to Ito Held To-Dar Several Companies Will Post Additional Notices.

nazleton. Oct, 24. President to mourn his death. The sons live in this county and the daughter lives at Brownwell, Kansas. The funeral service) will be from Fowler chapel Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the interment will be in Hunt Washington, Oct.

23. Ex-Secretary vord, note teller of the First national AIR BRAKES ON SANTA FE CARS. With the exception of a very few cars, all of the 28,042 freight cars belonging to the Santa Fe road have been From Tuesday's dally Notice. It. 15.

Evans, who has been with the Retublican ever since the paper was started, is no longer with it. and bis position as solicitor and collector will be taken bj another. Callen-Gearhart-Tomorrow at 12 o'clock at tin home of the bride's parents 914 Exchange street. Miss Mabel Callen will be united in marriage to Mr. Frank Gearhart of the upper Verdigris.

The ceremony will be performed by the Rev.IIarkness of Grace church who ia an old friend of the family. Was on the Terror-Hall J. Sylvester." an able seaman formerly on the TJ. S. S.

Terror is here visiting Wm. Fuquy, on bla way to his borne in Topeka. Mr. Sylvester was first on the cruiser, Baltimore and was on board at the battle of Manila bay, May 1st. 1398.

When asked by are-porter as to the feelings which comes over one upon first entering a battle, he answered, "Well I am no coward but I'd rather have been somewhere else about that time. As anon as the battle began I was alright." Mr. Sylvester baa been honorably discharged and will not re-enter the navy. Real Estate Transfers- Mitchell's statement in his speech at bank of this city, is a fugitive "and a Large Crowds were There Prom All Directions Illuminated Parade Excellent Speeches- A large number of Emporlans went to Hartford yesterday to attend the rally which had been advertised for the past two weeks. Those who beard the speech of Congressman J.

M. Miller, in tie afternoon, say that it was one of the finest speeches ever delivered there during a campaign. Those who beard the speech of the Hon. E. W.

Hocb in the evening, say they have not beard a airer and more logical speech in the whole campaign. Mr. Hocb. began by congratulating the town for the grand showing it bad made which would have done credit to Topeka or any other larger towns. After a glowing tribute to the late John Sherman, the speaker began his address.

The large room was filled with eager listeners, and many were compelled to stand during the entire evening, which they did uncomplainingly. Mr. Hoch dealt "impearialism" a killing blow. Hartford may be counted npon as a heavy contributor to Lyon county's republican majority. Preceding the evening speech the il John Sherman died at hia residence in this city at 6:45 yesterday morning in the seventy-eighth year of his age.

Mr. S. B. Hcvious, SS2 Congress Bays: "I have bad more or less trouble from my kidneys for many years. Always on the lookout for something that might relieve me.

I noticed Doan'a Hazelton, Oct. 23. Aronnd the national headquarters of the United Mine Workers today the belief was unanimous that the end of the strike will come within very short time. President Mitchell, notwithstanding contrary reports, bas Bet no date for calling off the strike. As soon as all the operators signify their willingness to pay ten per cent advance in wages Pottsville yesterday that he believed the strike would be ended by next defaulter to the extent of $700,000.

The announcement of the defalcation, which was made yesterday afternoon, created the utmost excitement in the His deal had been expected for some Claud Davis Not Dead- days. The immediate cause of death Monday if all the operators posted notices guaranteeing the ten per cent, advance until April 1 was received There was at least one man made financial district of the city, but the well-known stability of the First na was described as brain exhaustion incident to extreme weakness due to old age and to several attacks of sick ere last night with much pleasure br the mine workers and the mine o- tional and a statement issued by the until April, the national executive bank had a quieting effect. This ness from which he had suffered for the past year and a half. fioials. It is believed that nothlnjr will now intervene to delay the end board will be called in session to vote happy in town today and that man was James U.

Davis. This morning he received a letter from his son Claude, who was reported killed in the Philippines some time ago. In his letter Claude said that he bad heard of the report but that the unfortunate man was another Claude Davis. statement was as follows: "The note teller, who has been in the employ The funeral arrangements. as ing of tbe contest, which has run on ending the contest.

of the First national bank for many they pertain to the services in Washington, were completed late yesterday afternoon. They will take place at years, is a defaulter to a liirge President Mitchell appears to be more anxious about the Delaware, amount. His operations have con equipped with air brakes. Of this number 27,710 have been equipped with automatic couplers, and the remaining ones are being equipped as fist as possiDle. The Santa Fe road was one of the first to comply with the requirements of the Interstate Commerce law relating to the placing of automatic couplers on all freight cars.

A railroad meetimg of considerable importance opened its session in St. Louis It is the annual meeting of the executive officers of all lines west of the Mississippi river, to take action on the pass aseement for the coming year. Each year just prior to the pass agreement meeting, there is much talk of further restrictions in tfce distribution of passes, but after the officials get together and talk over the matter, the old agreement is reaf more than five week. President Mitchell was asked on his arrival from Pottsville last night on what he based his belief that the atrlke would end this week, but he declined to eay anything other than that the propo the late residence of Air. Sherman on He said be bad been writing home tinued for a considerable period, and have been skillfully concealed Lackawanna Western and the Dela Kidney Pills guaranteed to cure kid.

ney complaint, and that alone. I went into D. W. Morris' drug store and got a box. It helped.

I bought a second, a third and a fourth. At my advanced age I da not expect, a radical cure, bnt I can conscienciously tell the people of Emporia that the benefits received from Doan's Kidney Pills stamp that remedy as one, at least, on the market which acts np to the representations made for it. For sale by all dealers, price 50 cents. FoBter-Milburn Company, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and, take no substitute.

ware and Hudaon'coal companies than every little while but bad received no reply. Mr. Davis, his father, today through a manipulation of his balance book. The discovery was made by one of the bank's employes a few any of the others. These companies sition of the miners was bo fair that he could se? valid reason why the operators should not accept.

The na have taken such a prominent part in Baid that this is the first letter that bas reached him for months and the report that Claude bad di9d there, he days after the completion of the ex tional president was much pleased amination of the bank by the United the struggle that it ie believed that as soon as they post supplemental notices luminated parade, composed of men, women and children, attracted the attention of everyone. There were rough rlderB, fl ambeau bearers and men firing off Roman candles. The main Btreet supposed was true. htates examiners. "junng the con when he learned that the Delaware Lackawanna Western, the Delaware Hudson, the Lehigh Wilkesbarre But the delight that came to him the other operators will fall into line.

tinuance of his peculations periodical examinations have been, made by several distinct corps of examiners WARRANTY DEEDS. Elizabeth T. Bradley et al. to CO. Ferkins et al.

part of lots 10. 11,12, block 11 and lots 4,5, and 6 block 28 Hartford. Consideration $350. this morning as he read the letter from was light as day for the time being. Last and best were the girls who his eon, cannot be described and it is hoped that they may soon meet.

representing the comptroller's de i THE SPANISH TREATY. and the liillsic'e companies had signified their willingness to pay tha ten per cent, increase until April 1. Tit also expressed satisfaction that the partment, all expert accountants, and marched in the parade, each carrying the bank has also had frequent in- For Sale at a Bargain. torches and brooms and hurrahing to firmed. It is probable that the exchange pass list may be cut down, and the issuance of time and trip passes further restricted, but aside from these Senator Jones Says President McK Inlay dependent examinations, neither of A pair of French burrs, twenty inches their heart's content.

Refuges to Make Public the Contents of the Document. which has developed any irregularity. Forest Mining company, whose men have been on strike since January, had acceded to the demands. President Mitchell declined to say what course would lie purst.ed if on or mora com fura nAaoihlA nhonnaa t- ri sT1 a rrrna I There were fully 300 people in line, and no better parade bas been given in in diameter, in first class shape. Also a corn sheller, will shell from 80 to 100 bushels of corn per hour, almost new, The aggregate of the false entries amounting to $700,000 has been charged off on the books of the bank ment will no doubt stand for the com-1 OTTR TP AHF FYPAlH inotMr Th oroomAnf.

fnr th. 1 L.LULi LilL -till 1 kJ Chicago, Oct. 24. Senator Jones, chairman of the democratic national any town in the state. A Litter From Myers- panies refused to guarantee the payment of the increase until April.

out of the reserve fund, without diminishing the surplus and profits of with elevator and cobb stacker complete. The above has only been run two months. Also a ten horse power EX-SECRET ART JOHN SHERMAN. hibition of the issuance of passes for the influencing of business, is well observed. the bank as reported in its last pub A meeting of the national executive Exports of Farm Products and Know lea Myeis, son ot L.

D. Myers, who is in the U. S. regular army in the committee, made the following statement yesterday: "The instructions given to the commissioners on the part of the United States to negotiate the treaty with Spain in Paris in 1893 have never, so far as I know, been lished statement. It is expected that Wednesday afternoon.

Rev. Mackey Witte gasoline engine, almost new, Manufactures Growing. Eunice Daily to Melissa J. Daily west i of southeast i 35-18-11 except 81 acres, also 34 acres in south part of east i ot southwest i 35-18-11. Consideration $1 and other valuable consideration.

C. S. Perkins et at. to Trustees of Mystic Lodge No. 62 I.

O. O. F. part of lota 10, 11 and 12 block 11 Hartford. Consideration $550.

Lizzie ltidenour to Union Btdg. and Loan association, lots 120-127 Sylvan Btreet. Emporia. Consideration $100. Rented Before Movsd-As an indication of the scarcity of bouses, Mr.

Burnett bought the old Lakin property on the corner of State street and Sixth avenue and moved it to the corner of Eleventh and Union. the shortage will be materially re Smith, of St. John's Episcopal church, complete, with tanks, battery, etc. board of the United Mine Workers of America and the officers of tha three anthracite districts will be held here to-day for th purpose, Mr. duced by a substantial sum, of which being the officiating clergyman.

Im Philippines bas written bis father a letter in regard to the stite of affairs over there since the Kansas City plat Address, J. L. Suppe, Galena, Kansas. there is a fair prospect of mediately after the services the body made public. When the treaty was be Rich, "Warm, Healthy blood is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and thus it protects the system from colds, fevers, pneumonia and other diseases that quickly overcome a weak and de AUSTRALIA ASD ARGENTINA BUYIXG.

Alvord had been with the bank 20 fore the senate for ratification there will be taken to Mansfield, where form was nailed together. Myers states Mitchell says, of thoroughly canvassing the situation. He would not say Notice. All persons having claims against the years and was one of the most trusted the arrangements for the last sad was a great demand that these in that nearly every Tagalo in the islands rites have been left in the hands of structions should be mnde public. So is sweating by Bryan and urging re men in the institution.

His stealings extended over a long period, hut no suspicion of the truth was known Representative W. S. Kerr and other great was the desire for information Foreign Demand for American Coal Joseph F. Culver estate, are earnestly requested to file same in the probate office before October 29th. sistance to American control Baying bilitated system.

The favorite cathartic. Hood's Pills. 5c. friends of the family. Services will be held Thursday, probably, in the that if the democratic ticket is sue until ten days ngo, when he sent word Increases Traveling; Hen Art Prosperous and More Are Employed Waff es Are Hlffher.

that many newspapers published what was claimed to be inside information about what these instructions contained. But Tti or 'i some reason, and Chester M. Culver. cessful they will get their freedom. that be was ill at his home.

After Episcopal church usually attended by he had been awav for a dnv or two "One old fellow," he says, "told me Mr. Sherman when at Mansfield, and Anna Henderson Back. the bank put experts at work and one day that they would get their free The crowd of McKinley voters which came back from Hartford last night the interment will be made on that afternoon in the family burial lot Anna Henderson (colored) is be dom when Bryan was elected, they doubtless not an unimportant one, this desire ns not gratified. The president, in his letter of acceptance, coming a serious problem to the police. beside the grave of Mrs; Sherman.

by way of the plug, were greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of Bryan She is said to be of such a character would kick the Americans out. This old fellow was arrested a few days some irregularities were found. As the experts delved deeper and tleeper into Alvord's books the extent of the robbery began to dawn on the officers, until they were overwhelmed The party going from here will in quoted a part of these, as I under urchins at Neosho Bapids, and serena stand, secret instructions. I ad and her actions on the street are reported to be such that her room is elude relatives and friends and also representatives of the state and treas ded with Bryan cheers till the train dressed him in a note October 5, call after and a number of fire arms and a quantity of ammunition was found in his bouse and," adds Myers, "I bad the pleasure of kicking him all the way ury department. ing his attention to this fact, and re pulled out.

to find that it reached the enormous figure of $700,000. Whether that sum preferable to ber company. Some few days ago the police court remitted a quested that inasmuch as the part of Sketch of His Political Career. All these honors have been his: is all that he took is not yet known. whether the conference would take any positive action looking toward the calling off of the strike.

If any action will tie taken, he said, it woull depend entirely ujon what the canvass would show. In answer to another question the labor leader raid he would not take the responsibility upon himself of calling off the strike, but would rather have the national board vote upon the question. Prealdrat MrKlolev Itack at Canton. Canton. 0 Oct.

24. President and Mrs. McKinley found everything in readiness for their comfort at their Canlon home when they arrived yesterday and were soon settled down to the mode of life they so much enjoyed here durii.g the summer months. The weather is delightful, and yesterday afternoon they took a long drive. In the evening old friends and neighbors dropped in in their accustomed way and were re-t-t-ived in the mort informal manner.

On Thursday the president will go to Mansfield to attend the Sherman funeral and will return to Canton during Ihe afternoon. the instructions which he considered fine against her with the understanding A number of Quakers left this for the yearly meeting at Galena, Washington, Oct. 22. A balance of exports of merchandise in favor of the United States, nearly 40 per cent, larger than last year, is shown by the commerce returns for September. The imports of foreign merchandise fell from $70,711,965 for September, 1899.

to $57,563,906 for September of this year, while exports advanced from to $115,634,210. The record, for the nine months ending with September, shows an excess of merchandise exports amounting' to which is $90,649,793 larger than the corresponding balance in 1S99, and is about $13,400,000 larger than the balance of 1898. Chicago, Oct. 22. W.

P. pron- to the calaboose." delegate to the whig national conren that she would leave town and stay favorable to the position of his political party was so used by him the The Kansas City platform as well as Kansas. More will go tomorrow. tion in 1S4S, when he was 25 years old It has not yet developed how the note teller was able to put his hands on so much money. Hut one of the directors is reported to have said away.

She was back again today and Bryan's speeches has been translated a delegate again to the convention of remainder should i be made public. was promptly thrown in jail on the 1852; president of the first republican Conceiving it impossible that th. into the language of the islands and While it was on the mover's trucks be bad several opportunities to rent it and did rent it. Some capitalist could make gome money by putting tip some more cottages In the vicinity of the Normal. Fhilo's Want the New Gym.

The new gymnasium of the State Normal is now finished and would have been in use this week except the radiators for beating failed to arrive. A member of the Philomathion society let it leak out that that society intended to have charge ot the opening exercises or at least to deliver their evening program there. It was understood that a request to that effect bas already reached the presidents hands. The new building ia a fire one. A book has been carried away from the republican headquarters.

The name of the party carrying it off will not be Alva J. Smith has let the contract for a new cottage at the corner of Sixth avenue and East street. state convention held in Ohio in old charge where she will remain for some time. spread broadcast and is causing in that Alvord was enabled to take such a large sum because as note teller he was In charge of the mail. This be elected a representative In congress president of the United States would use part of a secret document for the advancement his personal fortunes creased resistance to lawful authority.

in 1854 and re-elected in 1S56, 1S3S and opened every morning and he had Judge De Camp returned last night from Pittsburg, Pa. 1SG0; the republican and free soi W. J. "Wiley Hurt. W.

J. Wiley met with an accident and the interests of his own political Tl anil tha anmo timA r.fnc. Olapp-Adams. Married, at the home of the bride'i ample opportunity to abstract notes. candidate for speaker in 1S59, losing an election by only three votes; en to the public the remainder of 1 1lls I skill parents, Mr.

and Mrs. II. A. Adams, Of course he hal to be especially document, I expected to have a ful to make his nccounts balance. on Allen creek, Wednesday evening, tering tne senate in isoi, and serving there continuously until 1S77; devot prompt answer from the president.

I last evening that resulted in very pain, ful injuries although it is thought that the accident will not prove fatal. As bewaB returning to bis home in this cityTrom Americus, in company with Mrs. Chae. Jacobs, of Strong City, is visiting Mr. Jacobs parents.

Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Jacobs, for a few days.

Ex-County Commissioner Joseph Miller's family, who have been quite October 17. at 7 o'clock, their daugh ing four years ns secretary of the This director admitted that he wan at a loss to account for the failure have now waited for more than two weeks and have not had the honor ter, Miss Myrtle, to James Clapp, of treasury in President Hayes cnbine of the bank examtners to discover BuBhong. to carrying into execution the'finan of an acknowledgment even of the re Alvord's irregularities at their last a man by the name of Willard, the ably the largest individual coal operator in Chicago, is just home from En-rope where he has been investigating the foreign market for American coal. He says: "I took a great many foreign orders. There is a great market for our coal opening up In England and Europe.

The only fault I find Is that there are not enough ships to supply the demand. We need more American vessels." New Steamship Lines. Chicago, Oct. 22. J.

T. Harahan, second vice president of the Illinois Central Eailroad company, is at work cial legislation which he had been The ceremony was performed by Rev. ill, is becoming convalescent. examination. ceipt of my note." Yontsey Plarod In Jail.

the chief factor in passing through buggy was partially overturned just west of the College and Mr. Wiley was What Alvord did with all the cash Corkshuel, ofBushong. The wedding was a quiet affair, only members of the congress; returning to the senate in Frankfort, Oct. 24. Henry E.

is also a mystery as yet, except that. 1SS1 nml retaining his seat there immediate families being present. as usual in such oases, it is said that Protectant KpUeopal Missionary Council. Louisville, Ky Oot. 24.

With Imposing rites the meeting of the Missionary Council of the Protestant Episcopal church of the entire United States was formally ox-nt'd at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning at Christ Church cathedral by the celebration of the holy communion. In the procession to the chancel were 31 bish thrown to the ground sustaining a slight fracture ot the spine which resulted in temporary paralysis of both through three successive re-'lectionR Hon. S. F. Scott returned from a trip to Sterling this morning.

He reports an immense meeting at which Ed Little, Senator Hackney and bimself were speakers. He speaks of Little's ability in the highest terms. a large amount ot it. went in stocK Miss Adams wore a handsome blue silk dress, trimmed with white tucked Youtsey was placed in jail here yesterday, being brought over on hia cot. Sheriff Shuff says that Youtsey talked perfectly rational on the trip candidate for tike republican presi dential nominntion in 180.

1S4 and speculation. One story is that he had lost $75,000 in one deal, but what silk, with orange blossoms in her hair. divulged if it is returned immediately. Mr. and Mrs.

M. V. Cagney and Mr. and Mrs. S.

J. Myser visited with Mr. Myser'a mother iu Toledo yerterday. The sixteenth annual meeting of the Woman's Synodical Societies of Kansas met in regular session at Hutchinson today. Mrs, J.D.

Hewitt, of this city, ia corresponding secretary for the home society. 1SSS, receiving in the convention arms. It la not known juBt what caused the accident but it is supposed that the, buggy struck some obstacle deal it was is not stated. It has been over and seemed to be in good spirits. Mr.

Clapp wore the plain black. 240 votes; leader of his party in Mr. and Mrs. Clapp are well known the senate and one of its reeoirnlzed lie walked from the street to the jail unassisted. Youtsey was the last discovered that during the summer Alvord visited Saratoga, where he cut a great figure, siending money like Howard Griffith will go to Kansas City tomorrow to sea that the judges make awards all right.

ops, while more than 100 prominent clergymen sat in the front part of the church. All the bishops wore here. Mrs. Clapp was a favorite among her friends and stands among of the suspects who were confined in and authoritative spokesmen on the public platform, concluding his pub in the road. Mr.

Wiley was getting along as well as could be expected today. a prince. Ho rented a cottage, kept a fine stable of horses and besides lic life as first secretary of state un on arrangements for a new line of steamships sailing from New Orleans to South American ports. They are needed owing to our trade expansion. San Francisco, Oct.

22. The increasing exports of American hardware to the Philippine, to China and to Australia are becoming phenomenal. There is no foreign market using as much American hardware as Australia. Every steamer leaving for there takes thousands oi dollars' the highest in social circles, while Mr. Clapp is a young man of good business Mrs.

J. C. O'Neal and son. Will der President McKinley. the garments of their office.

The afternoon was spent in receiving the reports of the various missionary playing the races is said to have frequented gambling houses. If these went to Purcell, I. T. yesterday. Hoch Ed.

Hoch, editor of the Marion qualifications and a successful farmer the Georgetown jail, Caleb Powers, who was given life imprisonment, having been removed to Iiouisville, Davis, Combs and Whittaker, the others, whose cases were venued there, have been released on bail. Youtsey occupied a cell in the third Proclamation br the President The president; as a mark of spocinl Both ot these young people come from stories are true Alvord displayed en honor to the decensed who was not Record, stopped off on his way from rio.slans Kl termination; Chinese. tirely different characteristics than families in high standing. Hartford to Eureka where be Bpeaks London, (Vt. 23.

The Times pub those he showed nt home. In this The news of this marriage is in the city he was known as a man of very- floor ot the Jail. Jim Howard, who is tonight. Mr. Hoch is loud in his praises of the rally at Hartford, saying that nature of a surprise to the friends.

at the time of his death connected in any official capacity with the government of the United States, resorted to the unusual course of personally preparing an expression of lishes the following from its correspondent in St. Petersburg: "It Is safe to say that the visit of the Chi regular habits. Among his associates unaer aeatn sentence, is on the sec They txpect to live this winter at be was looked up to and on Wall ond floor and a strict watch will be The Steam Heating apparatus in the gymnasium at the Normal wbb finished this morning. The board of county commissioners examined the books of Clerk McCarty, this morning and found them to be correct. F.

E. Gearhart of Verdigris, and Mabel A. Callen of Emporia, have it would have done credit to a town of three times the size of Hartford. Asked as to political conditions in Kansas, the home of the bride's parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Adams intend traveling this street was known as "Happy" Alvord, because of his cheery ways. His home was in the suburb of Mount In its writeup of the K. U. -Normal game at Lawrence the Journal says: "There was a good crowd at the game, and while it was kept off the field better than for the first game.

It annoyed the opposing team in a very unsportsman like manner in drowning the signals when the visitors had the ball. The 'Varsity players also seemed to do all they could to put Caldwell, the negro half back, out ot the game, but he pluckily stayed In to the finish. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Sill, wife ot lleuben Sill living near the junction of the rivers, who died of consumption last Sunday night, took place today from the family home. The kept to prevent them from communicating with each other.

Woolley at Providence, R. I. Providence, R. Oct. 24.

John O. winter through California and the the nation's grief in the shape of a proclamation descriptive of the personal qualities and civic abilities of the deceased statesman. At the state department also a message was west. Vernon. This home is a magnificent Mr.

Hoch said, "I don't know of a weak spot in the state for the National and state ticket. Thing never looked nese minister to Livadia, where the Russian court and the principal ministers are now staying and whence the Russian government ia directed with more secrecy than would be possible here, is connected with an endeavor to make a separate arrangement concerning Manchuria. The place, located on Chester Hill, one Much praise must be gived Mrs. H. A.

and Mrs. T. II. Adams, who were worth of hardware specialties, and leading import firms at Sydney and Melbourne have their representatives in this market who buy hardware almost exclusively in large quantities. Exports to Argentine Heavy.

New York, Oct. 22. The steamer Kaffir Prince has just taken Buenos Ayres another large cargo of manufactured goods, among which figure principally upwards of $65,000 worth of agricultural impljments, $10,505 of 6teel rails, more than $10,000 of manufactured iron and equally as large consignments of electrical material. THE TRAVELING MAS AGAH. of the most aristocratic sections of better." been licensed to marry.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hyle of Plymouth Woolley, prohibition candidate for president, spoke to a crowd of over 1,000 persons at Music hall here last night. A street parade preceded the framed to be transmitted to the United States ambassadors, ministers the caterers, and a most elaborate the suberb. It is surrounded by luxurious grounds and there are exten wedding 'dinner was served In the sive stables.

Russians will continue to extermi and charges abroad, officially notifying them of the demise of ex-Secre Engineers Grievance Committee. The grievance committee of the are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M.

Thomas. handsomely decorated dining room. meeting. Henry B. Metcalf, candi Many elegant and useful presents date for vice president, was prevented tary Sherman.

The department will be closed for business during the A REIGN OF TERROR. nate the Chinese iu the most ruthless manner in order to protect the future of the railway. A critical study of the official reports show that Chlneae Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers of the Santa Fe this week finished the from attending the rally by the seri were received. went to Kan-to vitit the M. C.

Little and wife sas City this morning hcrss show. ous illness of his son. The party funeral services to allow the officials Drunken and Disorderly Negroes shootlne; The guests present were, Mr. and Mrs. H.

Adams of Americus, Mr. will leave here to-day on a special resistance bas been a mere farce. and Committing Robberies at Hrnd-man. Pa. All Saloons Cloved.

train for a trip through and employes to attend in person. Fx-I'realrtnnt Harrison's Tribute. Indianapolis, Oct. 23. Ex- business of the meeting and adjourned.

The executive committee has gone to Chicago to lay several matters before President Ripley. This committee rep and Mrs. Wm. Master, Mrs. O- L.

Dr. and Mrs. Richards are attending Farther Refutation ot the Charges The Russians have been only too glad of the opportunity to kill every Chi Foster and three children from Iola, Hyndman, Oct. 24. A not oc New ms BUI Counterfeit.

nese soldier and to destroy every res- President Harrison, speaking of John Sherman, said: "The death of John the horse show in Kansas City. Some farmer on the line of the M. K. Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Clapp, Mr curred here at 2:30 o'clock yesterday resents the entire Santa Fe system.

Washington, Oct. 24. The secret tige of Chinese authority in Man and Mrs. Walter Best, Mr. and Mrs.

afternoon in' a restaurant and dis The most important matter brought service bureau of the treasury de Sherman removes one of the few remaining participants in the heated A T. telephone company west of town reputable resort near the Baltimore partment has discovered a new In churia, and they have taken advantage of this farcial resistance with a vengeance." Ambrose Worrel and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.

Adams, Mr. and up was that of making a change in the number of hours which they are often felled a tree across the long distance Ohio depot conducted by Willis dian Head $3 counterfeit. The note i of the series 1899, letter 15, face Caves, a negro. Adam Shroyer, a wire to Wichita and caused the linemen Mrs. Tbos.

Saylors and family, Miss interment was in the Hunt cemetery. who has been the guest of Mrs. S. B. Warren, left this afternoon for her home in Loda, Illinois.

She wai accompanied by Mrs. S. II. Warren as far as Kansas City. Attorney II.

D. Dickson returned today from Cottonwood Falls where he went to attend the preliminary hearing of a dentist who ia held there on a serious charge. No man appreciates poetry unless be has a little of it in his makeup. Willie Ta, what is a pessimist?" Willie's Fa "A pessimist, my boy, is times compelled to work. The pool and important legislative contests that led up to the civil war.

His public life brought him into an active relation to the most exciting, difficult white man, wbs sitting at one of the MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. a trip today. plate Xo. 20, back plate Xo. 23, J.

W. Georgia Clapp and two brothers. A GCEST. tables and cheered lustily for Bryan system and double-headers were also discussed. Lyons register and Ellis II.

Roberta. Hawkins Bros, shipped three cars of and angered some negroes who were and momentous questions the presi treasurer. Live Stock. Kansas City, Oct. Cattle Market present.

Knives and pistols were cattle to Kansas City last night. That He Ia 3iot Prosperous. Chicago, Oct. 22. Chicago busints3 men continue to write to local papers refuting democratic charges th.t the traveling man is not prosperous.

J. W. Butler, president of the J. W. Butler Paper company, says: "As compared with four years ago.

we have increased the number of our traveling men about 25 per cent. Our --'es in the country have Increased about oni third In amount to what they were four or fiv years ago and the also are very much Improved. "Relative to the political aspect. I find that none of our traveUng men, with the exception of one or two, will voie for the Bryan ticket the coming election." More Men. employed.

Chicago, Oct. 22. Carson, Pirie, Scott one of the largest wholesale dry goods houses in the country. dent and congress have ever been A party composed ot Mrs. B.

Whel- Pnblle Funeral Services for Firemen. steady to a shade weakor: ahlpplna; ana drawn and ar effort made to kill Married. At the home of the bride's parents, caued to deal with since the union don, Clarence Wheldon, Justin Soden, IT. Parkman returned this morning dressed beef steers. MA'tQi western, steers, t3.j 4.t0; native cows.

t34(: St. Taul, Oct. 24. Yesterday afternoon, at the Grand opera house bhroyer ant! his young son, who was near by. A score of shots were fired.

Alf Roberts; Misses Jennie Perley, was lormeu. in an oi tnese, as a member of the house of representa 914 Exchange street. Miss Mabel Cal native stockera. UW'HSw. Hogs Market generally Gc lower at 13.fiOS4.Ti.

IMiblic funeral services were held for Mabel Ilalner, Nora Sterry of Los An len to Mr. Frank Gearheart the Rev. but no one wns hit. A reign of ter from a trip through southern Kansas and MiEBOuri very much benefitted in health. tives, as a senator and as a cabinet geles, R.

Chaae and wif e.and Frank Sheep Market steady to aaay; sheep. ror exists. The saloons have beei Harkness officiating. the four firemen who lost their lives in Saturday night's fire. A great 3.VS3 lambs.

Wrt)5 25. Brewer went to Topeka this asternoon closed and Sheriff Gates, who has Chicago, tk-t. ZL Cattle Oood to prima, The L. A. S.

of 8. ot V. will meet crowd attended th' services and omcer, ne Dore a wise, courasreou and prominent part. He was one or our most able and useful public men and will be widely and sincerely to hear Frank Daniels been sent for, will be here to-day with Miss Edna Flint is very sick at her home on West sixth avenue. steers.

IS 5'i TO; stockera and feelers, II 75fiM: Texas fed steera, tt K4 loined the procession to the ceme a posse of depi'ties. The negroes em tonight in their ball. A special program has been arranged. Hoas Mixed and butchers. ItSt-gtW.

Mrs. J. D. Gehrinar returned to her tery. mourned.

I have felt that it was a ployed on the liammore Ohio im a fellow win's afraid to look cheerful because it might make somebody want to borrrow money of him." I'e iple have become bo suspicious that when a man's breath smells of cardaman seed he is regarded with as Fhccp to choice wethers, (3 The Normal football team will meet provements here were paid off on great pity that Mr. Sherman could Bronaugh, Oct. 20. The Farm 4.10: wextem aheep. fl.Tijl 10; native home in Lawrence this afterncan.

She was accompanied by ber daughter, The county commissioners are up in Monday and have been drunk and dis ers' bank was entered by three masked lambs, tl 0U. the team from the Agricultural college on the gridiron at Mit-Way park not have closed his career as a member of the senate. Waterloo Township locating a bridge St. Iuis. Oct.

21 Cattle Natlva Mrs. W. A. Anderson. orderly ever since, shooting and riot to be built over Elm creek- men before daylight.

They dynamited the safe, blowing it into many pieces and secured about $3,000, the entire Friday afternoon at thiee o'clock. steers. t3.r,'5.; Blockers and reedera, 12 Texas and Indian steera. S3 20 'H 35. 1 loirs i'les and lights.

f4i-l-75: Accident to An F.seoralon Train. A prominent society young lady of O. M. Wilbite and Tom Morgan went ing in daylight and committing robberies. Xast night G.

II. Staub, a Xova Scotian, in charge of Ketcham stables, was shot and died Dr. Ryan went to Americas today. Chicago, Oct. 23.

Eight persons this city ia going into the catering contents, it is stated. Constable Wil to Abilene to the coursing meet. butchers. 77.1 15. Sheep Native muttons, tjyt uo; lambs.

t3CjSW. are now employing 418 people more than were on their payrolls in 1S90. The 413 include men in every line, from teamsters and freight handlers to high salaried traveling men and department managers. Higher Wages Paid. Joliet, 111., Oct.

22 Workingmen in the employ of the American Steel Wire company here have prepared figures on the number of men at work were injured by the partial wrecking liam Maron, who heard the explosion, business. but women have Men have strength of a Lake Shore Michigan South Charles Harris csme back last even fired into the darkness to alarm the town. The robbers returned the fire. soon after. Two Italians were also shot and seriously wounded.

much suspicion aa the one whose breath smells of whisky. When a man insists on "explaining" a thing it is a confession that it worries him. Most men think they can do things better than thty are being done until they try. tact. Crala anal Provisions.

Kansas City, fct. 23. Sales br sam A. Haussler went to Kansas City ern excursion train at Forty-fourth ing from holding a rally at Admire. street last night.

A misplaced switch today to attend the horse show. killing Moran instantly. Sheriff F.w caused the accident. ple on track: Wheat No. 1 hard.

63V No. 3 hard, Ktic; No. red. Sc: N. red.

fSAi'Zc. Conv-No. Aetion to Honor Sherman's Memory. Mansfield, Oct. 24.

At a well- ing with a posse and bloodhounds soon started in pursuit of the rob R. B. Welch of Topeka who was to be with him failed to connect and Mr. Harris had to go ic alone. went to Madison Will Post Additional Notices.

Wm. Martindale this afternoon. Scranton, Ta, Oct. 24. The Dels bers, who escaped.

mixed, No. 3 mixed. CH't'CHc: No. I white. zn: K.

1 white, 3s37e, Oats No. 2 mixed. 22vf23c: No. I mixed. tWe: No.

1 white. Z12lc: No. white. 1 1. A Boston, Oct.

20. Richard Jordon attended meeting of representative citiaens yesterday evening arrangements were made to pay suitable respect to Senator Sherman's memory. ware. IJwKwanna. a.

esrn mm Miss Flahut left for Horton, An old bachelor says the surest way Frank G. Mason made a pleasant Delaware Hudson, the Hillstiall won the afternoon game yesterday yesterday. to destroy weeds is to marry a widow and the amount paid in wages cow-pared to the conditions four years ago. The company is paying out at 'She Joliet mills alone $100,000 per month more in wages than it did three years ago. Four timea in three years the wages of employes in these Coal and Iron (the Erie) and the Le tHii-'.

Hye. No. 2. Vt't i Hay Timothy, Js O'ji 0); prairie, Pl.W.3L T-tf. in his cnampionsnip dicker iuok;" Maj.

Fred Marquis, of the Eighth Al Hughes is in from Alva, Oklaho high Wilkebarre Coal companies. lV P'e do I'oultry Hena. live. Co here with Charles F. Barker, making the first win of the match.

The even regiment, was made marshal-in-chief. (Jill per lb; movers. lHSie each; turkeys. CS'J ma for a visit. through their general superintend talk to the students at the College this morning.

The freshmen and preps are playing a game of football on the College campus this afternoon. Survivors of the Sherman brigade 'i ducks. 6c; geese. s'JSVrC; pigeons. ents vesterdav afternoon agreed upon ing: game waa drawn.

Frelaht Trains Collide. Tic per ds. Butter--eamery, extra fan will have the place of honor in the Miss Lizzie Morgan, of Rorabaugh's, an additional notice as to the ten per An Irishman says the tail of a dog is a because do one ever Baw it before. A parson has an article in a late magazine on the "Errors of Society," and never mentions one of them. cy, per lb; dairy, l.c; store packed.

13c. Potatoes Homo Brown, new. is on tbe Bick list today. cent, arlraneo. The same will be MulhalL Oct.

W. A disastrous r-r tu: sweets, new, per bo. rear-end collision between two north R. C. Ileizer, of Usage City, wbs a poRted at once and will help to set funeral procession on Thursday.

Business houses and manufactories will be closed from ten m. until after the funeral; public schools will Judson Marvin, a railway mail clerk. ears, fcSSc per dox. ureess business visitor in town today. tie the gre-it strike speedily.

beans, home grown. 11X31 per bu. bound Santa Fe freight trains occurred on the heavy grade one-half is building bim a new borne south of the Junction. be dismissed in the afternoon. DeCamp returned last Judge G.

W. mills have been raisea. ine company is selling 40 per cent, of its product in foreign countries. Formerly German manufacturers sold 95 per cent, of the wire nails used in Japan, and now America has 95 per cent, of the Japanese trade, through the American. Steel Wire company.

Jiew Iron Mills. Youngstown, Oct. 22. Preparations have been made for the opening President McKinley TLessea for Canton. A Very Bad Combine ia that of mile south of here yesterday morning Turnip, new, per bu.

Beeta. new. 20c per bu. Cabbage, home crown. 2iiic per dox.

Onlona. Kr3c per bu. Buildings will be draped and the business trip to Pitts- evening from a Washington Oct. 23. President and Mrs.

E. W. Cunningham is quite ill The wreck was caused by the first Rtipkinsr on the grade, com- Cucumbers. per dox. Toms toes.

flags of the city will be at half mast Mrs. McKinley left the city at 7:45 burg. Fa. at ber home on Twelfth avenue. homo icrown.

SOci 11.50 per bu. Navy It is now positively known after years of experimenting that "wishing" does no good. "How is it?" "Well, when a man gets there and for ten davs after the funeral. Reso o'clock last night for Canton, nellinE- the engineer to back up. brans, 12 Iu per bu.

Summer squash. H. Holmes was a business visitor in lutions of respect will be prepared. where they will remain until Mr. Mc True Gilbert of Admire was in town totiTSc per bu.

box. Hubbard squasn. A Very Bad Sprain and A Very Black Bruise Kansas City yesterday. l.i. Ir dox.

Etr plant, Just as his train had reached the foot of the grade, the second section flushed Into the waycar of the first Gen. Davis Report on Torto Rleo. Kinley casts hU vote on November 6, when they will return to Washington. per dox. Apples, choice, lltt I per Judge Buck, Judge Mason, M.

W. McCarty, J. H. Wiggam, O. M.Wilhite, of.

the big iron mills of the Continental Iron, company at Niles, Wheatland and Sharon the end of this Albert Page a former Emporia boy Washington, Oct. 24. Gen. George W. Davis, who was governor general Accompanying them were Secretary train, completely demolishing it and (hli-asQ and St.

Lesls Cam a Grain. Chicniro, Oct. 23. Cash wheat No. now of St.

Joe, is renewing old ac telescoping ten cars. Nobody waa In Dr. Richards, S. S. Spencer and Sem It often happens, but just as often finds out what hia bills are, in a few weeks be either dies or gets well enough to go heme." Chicago Record.

"Fhineas, this rural mail delivery ia bound to make trouble." red. 7JVV: no. 3. 03J3'-4c; No. hard Cortelyou and Dr.

B. M. Rixey, of the navy, the party occupying the private car Lucania. Secretary and Mrs. of Porto Paco until April 30, 1S00, is preparing a comprehensive report quaintances in the city today.

per Bucher attended tbe rally at Hart ilnu-r. No. S. No. 1 jured.

An Acad Man Killed by tba Cars. northern spring. No. Z. T.

B. Brook representing Reid. Mar- Nevada. Mo, Oct. 24.

J. M. Carlton, 5Sc: No 3. Corn No. Z.

"3c: ford yesterday. R. B. Shepherd returned this morn npon the island while it was under the military government of the United States. He will take tip the Si Jacobs Oil dock A Co.

was in the city today. Root also had expected to go with the presidential party, but the former was called to New York on private No. 3. Oats No. 2.

21Vr-c; No. 86 years old. while trying to cross in month, employing from 1,500 to 2,000 men. Warehousemen Problem. St.

Iouis, Oct. 22. Report of officers of the American Warehousemen's association show the warehousemen in the best financial condition they have seen for ten years and prospects axe excellent for another prosperous 3. av-lc- history of the island from its occupa St. Louis, Oct.

23. Wheat No. rea front of a southbound Missouri Pa- cific train at Trwin, yesterday morn- Mr. Goods and family have moved here from Marion, Kansas, to school tion bv KnaniarHs and then show make a clean, rare, promp cure of both. ing from a trip in the south end of the county.

He tells as that the Kaffir corn la about all ripe and cut, and that "How?" "Why, when your city kin wants t' come an' stay all summer with ua we can't say we didn't set th' letter. Chicago Record. cash, elevator, 70Tc; track, na-i'ac; I 2 hard. 6rkCjc Corn-No. 2 cash, teie; business and will start from that city west to-day.

Mr. Boot is to make an address at Youngstown, O- on tbe their children. The ion and daughter track. 30 c. Oats No.

cub, Eijst ing, was struct uy iuc euSm the changed conditions under Ameri stantly killed. can will enter the Normal. crops in general are fine. track. 22Vu23c; No- white, Stfetttc tsth Inst..

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