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Las Cruces Sun-News from Las Cruces, New Mexico • Page 4

Las Cruces, New Mexico
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

2. A. WlliTMOVt, It. JMltor. Imxincxs Manager Kutereil at.

Cruces, N. 1'ostollice fur through the mulls as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES Ono Year Kit Mouths All subscriptions must lie pal'I in advimre nml at expiration of time for wiiu'Ii juilt'i nuli- sorilwirs will be promptly notified and iC'ifsteil to renew. All letters ami remftlaiicen should lie ail- dressed to It. Whltmorc, nusincsjt Mnnai, cr and Drafts, Checks and Postoflieo 0-nlers IHJ made pnyafole to the order of the Manager, 7 1 A I i 1 luno What has become of Joseph's en abling act? What will the mugwumps do is nominated? Tho Denver people will do nil (heir power to entertain the linighli Templar who will a tho con clave In thai cily in August next.

Fergmson smiled when ho rea Joseph's i to saildle 8200,000 a i i a indebtedness on tho Territory by act of congress anil i the consent of the people. Hon. Folcx Martinez is spenditf; considerable i in New Mexico. Ilo is instructing the Dona Ana Democracy in the San Miguel political methods which are proposed to bo introduced hero. Tho A papers are striving to induce the citizens of a i MEMORIAL DAY, How it was Observed in Las Cruces.

I'hil Sheridnn Tost, Xo. Ii, A. had Charge of the Exercises, and they ircro Conducted In Most Appropriate Marnier. Memorial Day was very creditably oh- Rcrvtd by tho patriotic citizens of Las Cruces and vicinity. All buMnom wai uspcndod.tho National flag floated from all he business houses and in-my private Tho city put on in h03t holiday ttiro and did full Imr-or tci the occasion At 10 o'clock a.m.

procession wus formed ecordinc; to the previously ani-ounced KDOAR 13. KKOXKON, I'rt'Bidont. Ciu. B. Vice President.


i i i i i and I'rojils, $1.10,000 75,000 of JTULetrez. A MULIJSK, A I The Highest Price Paid for Mexican Silver. GEO. BOWMAN SONS DOMESTIC itml FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT and SOU IcTti Scrip, Heal Estate and Insurance Agents, Commercial Hotel ISloolc, Las Cruces, If jf oH'orl to properly cnlcrtiiin tho vin tors who will attend tliu wool en volition to bo hold in thiit oil shortly. Tho Socorro i trying to secure the removal of capilol to that city.

N. A. and proprio tor of the Phoenix Herald is the ncv Secretary of Arizona. Tho "lainted" and the "spotted' Democracy is on top, and it looks as though it would stay there. The KEPUBLICAN lifts its hat lo tho man who knows who the nominee of the Minneapolis convention wil bo.

Several strong combinations will: Blaino at the head are suggested foi the consideration of tho Republican Nationar convention. 11 the protection sentiment continues to grow in England the Democratic compaign fund from across tho water is likely to be diminished. Tho Democratic press hasn't hud a word to any about retrenchment sinco tho river and harbor appropriation bill ma'do its appearance. The Santa Ko Sun defends Dole- gate Joseph's bill to saddle an additional indebtedness of 5200,000 upon the people of this Territory without their consent. If tho present Democratic hnnso keeps up its lick malting appropria lions, it will have to pass a tarift" hi! revenue that i lay the IJepub lican tariff for protection completely in the shade.

The Cleveland Democrats 1 York have elected a delogatio lo tho Chicago convention and wi contest Heats with tho Hill delega ion. Felix Martinez and Long can tell them how to fix tho matter a la San Governor Prince's action in rela lion to the offering of a rcwnrd foi tho apprehension of tho apsaesins ho lute Frank Chavez i meet llu ipproval of tho people of A'ew CO. It is to he hoped that this re ward offered by i Governor wil nd in bringing tho i i a to jus Lice, and that they i be shown us ittlo mercy as they showed then victim. The prospects of the white a are i brighter. Tho fact thai he British government has decided lake part in a bimetallic confer- nee is encouraging, but two much must not be expected from it.

Ft is that un i a i a basis or the unrestricled coinage of gold nd silver, at a fixed rate, will sooner later be agreed Tra- ICenlucky in for Carlisle for Frost dent in earnest, and Kentucky never takes water under any uircumatanco, --Now York Press. Neither docs Carlisle; ho is Kentucky Bourbon to the core. With Major Wm, Warner as candidate for governor, and tho outrageous gerrymander in that state, it would not surprise tho conntry if Missouri went Republican at the coming election. It will be Fergusson and the Santa Fe Sun, Albuquerque Democrat and JDcming Headlight better a ton-e and got their stomachs in tho proper condition to cat crow and call it good. Tho Santa Fo Sun has lost confi is not very old i enterprising and tho i spirit her citizens commands admiration i every western community--ex- ept perhaps in St.

Paul. Having cctired Jit-publican National i Minneapolis wants ii to bo distinctly understood 0111 the that she is ablo to fulfill her part of the contract to the uttermost. The newspapers of i a i declare that there i bo ample and comfortable accommodations for every one who desires lo attend (ho convention. In tho won! of General James S. man in tho city bus constituted i clf a cominitico of one" in the matter )f providing for tho comfort of Ihe i visitors.

which wm brautifully decorated innijo and out, nml marched lo tho where In the presence of a large nswmblnjjo the im- pro'sive ritual of Iho Grand Amid- ol'tho Kopublic wore held by I'liil Shori- 14. assisted by tho Woman's Tho music fur tho occasion was furnished by Iho Mosilla Cornet Hand. Addresses were delivered by Post fjomman- ler A J. Fountain and comrade I K. jUcFio.

After the services were con- at the Kink coinmiUOEa of ihc md Women's IMiet corps proceeded to the cemeteries and decorated the The Memorial cross on the wus decorated by tho Post Commander nd Stun'. IS THE ETEKING. A 8 o'clock Monday evening' an im- neiiso crowd collectod at the ekatiug riuk. The hall wn? bcanlifully and artistically ecorated i evergreens, out of which carved various appropriate mottoes i befitting tho oociision. Tim tars and strips were gracefully waiving ver the building-- swung at liulf most, 'he iuterior of the hall was decorated itli wreaths mid garlands skilfully do- ised out nf bunting, which added to its canty, and above all was colluded ether a large number of fashionnbl Jios in Commencing June 1, 1892, I will deliver Ice in any quantity to any part of the city at -HALF CENT PER POUND E.

H. ALTON. splonilirl nttiro, which lent a leasing, us well as nn impressive aspocl tho scene. Col. Fountain, Commander, of Phi: loridnn O.

A. It. Post, was muster of ercmouies, nuil fact that there wns i regular set program to bo governed by tcnsitied the interest taken, nnd mado meeting all tho more successful. The Commander called the meeting to dor by announcing they were going have "cnmp lire" this evening, but ghtly different from those they had in olden times when the California luinn started on ils wny to New Moiiro via tho Colorado dnsert. Ho said those days the principal i were rd a salt pork nnd colTce.

and verv ofton these luiuries were reduced to a surveyors point, viz--noniolliii," hi donee in editorial foresight, since il lamentable failure in attempting to prognosticate tho results of tho late municipal election in tho city of the Holy Faith. If you have ambition to succeed as a- Democratic politician, got a mi --a good ono like ihc "Old Abo." Then if your Democracy is "spot- fed" the spots i bo yellow und eagerly sought for by the proletariat, II tho" six delegates who were elected lo tho Minneapolis convention from this Territory are allowed full participation in iho convention, it will bo a significant recognition of our claim to admission as a (FJtAMi I I A ASSASSIXATK1). The (fove.rnors J'rotlaniatioii of How a for the Apprehension of Murderer. A Santa Fe special dispatch of Miy 30 says: Chaves, cx-sherill'and collector for Santa Fe was us- Kis.sinulcd near his home at 10 o'clock- last night. The murderous deed was done i a Winchester, and five shots were fired from behind a telegraph pole at tho approach of a bridge over which it was Oaves' custom to pass nightly in going homo.

Immediately i thu flhule two men were Been i away from I scene, though boyund i no cine has yet been developed. Many i rumors are atloat and mui-h excitement plurnils. was prominent Democratic- politician and beyond qucs- i tho most popular man in the county, though he hail many bitlei neither length, breadth or thickness. At those limes wind pudding constituted tho i i a diet--often times from 24 to 80 hours nt stretch, but to-night he was happy to say that, the rations issued from the ladies commissary department con of icucrenm. cake and I with other i etceteras ii and he was glad in behalf of the Indie In i i every person young and old ti suspend hostilities, stack arms, sit dowi.

by the -'camp fire" nml help themselves to the moss. He gave a general order (So. I) hnwcvor, thnt no person carry off any the ice cream in his haversack or fill cnnlcen with lemonade. The colonel a related a few Inufrable anecdotes incident to army life, when Madam Lola Dorogo nnd Signor Claud Morales, her son called upon to entertain the auiliancc by selection of piano music. They came forward-Madam Dorogo i i treble cliff, while her son performed on tho base.

They rendered some of tho most melodious, perfect and delightful music that probably it was ever tho lot ot i lias Cruces audience to hear. Their 01- ccatimi was wonderful, and audience became fairly enrnplured. At tho conclusion. HIM Commander spun out some more nf his war anecdotes, which were highly appreciated by all. Then Mrs.

A. L. Christy was called upon to render a piece music on tho piano, she did ci- cellont. Indeed sho proved herself no mnatnro in mnnicnl accomplishments. Her delicate touch, rapid nnd systematic lingering, together with the perfect time sho kopt.and running from the fort lo tho piano withsuch imporcoptablo gradations as tho uYnmnds of composer required, executing on tho i i a tho son plav- iug with the comet.

It is needless to say a the rendition by each was perfect Signor Morales on this occasion showed eitraordcnnry power nnd wonderful skill by his triple tonguiiig, the hardest font wheu proficiently accomplished- -known lo cornelist. A recess for ten minulos (which really lasted i to give time for the mesa. tho Commander nert cal meeting (uonler.lie spotted J. J.Bell sitting back in the audience. lie poremp- torely ordered him forward to nay or do something for his country.

A vain excuses to got out ot it, Mr. Boll stopped forward. After mild protest for being 'yanked" out of bin scat in such a a without a moments thought or proparn- ho thought it was very i i the Commander to put him such a rcdicn- ous i inasmuch as he was upon Ihe floor he promised a ho would occupy only fivo i in a i a fool himself. Ho failed to keep his promise two respoct.however, one was Unit he poke nt lenst fifteen minntes, nnd the it Unit he was murdered by tho oncmj and army dicipline demanded the life a Confederate soldier in return. Tho ma who was coiilleinned to die an age man who resided but 3S miles from Hi BCOIIC, and was recently couscripfei Lola were cast amongst ISO Confcdcrnt prisoners which oue should dio and tho God of chance selected this old man He begged and implored pileously to savi his life.

He promised to be faithful ami loyal to tho command that him i prisoner if his life would only he spared. The Union soldiers yearned in sympathy for him but could not aid him. The commanding officer had difficulty in selecting men who where to become his executioners. was at one tiniv seriously thought they would refuse to obey orders, but a iii military life in time of war is a a most serious in its consequence While in doubt as to whether tho twel soldier could ho obtained to carry out I ithor was Hint ho do a very agreeable and spiced it. up with his characteris- i anecdotes, so that the lime sped awnv with pleasure, and unnoticnl lo the audience.

In the course of his remarks ho stated a by some cause-- tho doctrine of chance perhaps-- he became one of "Sherman's bummers. Ho foot- padded it from Nashville. Tennessee, tc A a a from there to Snvnniinh nnd on up through tho Cnrolinas, and from thence to Washington. D. was one who was on the grand review when tho bummers carried hawks, owls, buzzards, engles, coons, roosters and other selections from Natural history, along to divert attention from their worn out pnnis, threadbare blouses uncrowned hats, dirty shirts and solcloss shoos, for it will bo remembered the '-bummers'' bad but week or so before mado Ihe march from Itichmond.

Vn. He related how he found a darkey feigning H'cliness while Sherman's army was tied up in front of Savannah without anything eat but rico nud very i of that. It ras in ono of those cabins which belong a largo rico plantation. Tho spcnker wilh a comrade entered Iho cabin, large icgro was lying on a covered will, in old blanket. The comrade asked, 'whnt is thu a Sambo; 1 In ,1 feeble -oii-o he replied "Oh Lud Ood Mnssn, 1'se vful sick.

I don't think I wont live no of' see your tongue" says Hathaway. seutonco of death, one young' soldier slopped forward and volunteered as ono of the oiocntioiiers. He was added lo tho list of unwilling a men who recoiled from tho performance of so repulsive duty. Out of these iiieii only sii have guns loaded with bnll; tho cither nil hnvo blank catridgos. No soldier is suppnsd to know whether ho llrcs a ballot, but on this occasion this young volunteer did.

and he knew his gun had a ball in it. llis comrades naturally looked down upon him i ignominious contempt. The word to fire was given, nil tired nt tho word eicept the young volunteer Each of the five bullets slruck the troo to which tho Confederate was bound within half inch of each other and left tho old man unharmed but the other who fired an instant later, sent his unerring bullet cm it. fatal mission, nnd it nccomplished it deadly work i dispatch. Tho Judg related a this wns ono of the most pain fill scones he wns called upon to -witnes during his career iu the army.

Ho re Inted several mousing anecdotes us in oltset to this. The hour being now twelve tho com mnndor nnnounced "break 1 (1, YOU WHERE TO FIND THE MONTE CARLO? is un Hie comer of Second nml Oregon Strools in Kl Paso, Texas. DOWNKS BKAN, Propriolors. Livery Stable and Feed Corral ingle horses and teams, buggies and wagons, always on hand and turn. out in good style on tho shortest notice.

Horses boarded by tho day or month. Bus to and from all trains, and to all parts of tho city. Main Street, opposite Land Office, LasCruces, Wew Mexico. 'ho patient sticks out his tongno. a a sho held her auitiunco fairly spell bound I felt his pulse, went through the J.

E. AMADOR Las Cruces, New Mexico. Prepared to Handle Beer and Mineral Water. the parly liny country. Henri Wallerson was able to pro- gallon is in progress, Uovorimr 1'rim-e statin vent the Kentucky Democratic vention instructing for Cleveland.

lie i that the "star-eyed goddess of reform" should have some has I upon tosny som issued a and the grays" A that the Tor- "stinted ulln-r champion llian Iho prophet." i hardly in the nnlnro of financial now8, but it is a fact neverlhe- Ibut tho Mississippi cr has been making a heavy run en the banks in the hint week or two. The effect of the Hlrain arc such as lo convince Iho banks that tlicir is mud. Now York Press. Tho i a i of Carlisle by the Chicago convention would manly if not a bo liiimilialing for Iho donihuri Democrats who fnrnisli iho i and votes of Iho parly to lie com polled to nominato a every i lor a presi tk'Utinl candidate. rilory of A'ew Mexico i pay to the person giving i a i which i lead to the apprehension and conviction of the person i of such killing, or each'person so i I if there bn innpn thn.n dollars (SI'OO).

This proclamation states a Whereas, Several notable murders Imvo occured i i Iho last Ihren years, tho prepetrators ol i have never been dihcnwred und brought lo justice, thus rendering life nnsalo and i i discredit upon (he i tho reward previously ofl'orcd are increased anil made as follows in Iho following cases. The Territory of A'ew Mexico will pny i i hundred dollars (8200) to pen-mi i i i 1 loriniilinn lea-ling to tho approlion- sinn and i i i i i i nf dm repeated demands made by sovcralin the audience, Mr. I-'ielder stepped up to tho his mattress consisted of sack of weighing about two hundred When the darkey saw his trick was discovered he got down on his kuoos and begged for mercy. Hathaway divided the rice with and entertained tho people i plons- nml lu ''is changed. nntly a half hour.

Ho reverted vml tt with he-ho-ho. and evi- patliotically to experiences related to do thought he wns Ihe cutest negro him by his a as tho result of tho war, vlln 1 river. ami a his tnmily with thousands of I others wore tho i i of its rnvngcs.but a ns years hnvo passed, a generation, screeched "tattoo'' and nil crept thoir tents, "blew out and went off into happy dreams. While in 131 Paso recently a re- presenlallve of iho had iho pleasure of meeting J. Mo- Qiiin, late agent of the'Sunlu Fe al Doming, who is quite favorable to residents ol'southern New Mexico.

Mr. Quit, is now reprcflen- i iho latest economic i i of, i is i more or less a Culver's I i Sheet Iron and Asphalt AVnler Pipe which bids a i tosnpen-cde all material intended for tho purpose of convoying water, gas and electricity, r.CEBKni. i i i strength ilur- ability ocununiy. Mr. i i ami associates have purchased the R.

F. JOHNSON WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS KL PASO, TEXAS. SOLK AGENTS OF Yellowstone Kyo and IJourhon Whiaky. Anheuser, Bosch Brewing Association. SPECIAL SALE Territorial patent right Judge was licit, called upon he delivered one of his charnctoristi speeches.

Tu Judge novor tirc-K. Hi. great epoch history has native wit always coining in rmmlmTS ol Abraham Alioiilallo, near Las Vegas, in 18X0; Puuslin Ortiz, at in 1S1IO; proposami dovo-tailod i such nicolj Hint he compels his listnors to follow him closely, and i apparent effort Tho EJudgc related somo very touching incidents which occnrcd under his obscrvn- tiou while in nrmy. Ono wns the forfeit of Confederate life by occnrcd, he was glad a all in feeling between the i i and tho South had passed nwny, nnd now all wore pal Tints in favor of i and tin, preser- a i nf our common country, thnt should danger in the dark, or foreign foe a the c.labibtv of onr niiiiiiors me Commander oo gad i IOVL 17,1, rcprisa, for un. rj by Iho hold dear on earth, hoimr, to to havo been by Coufc-denit and whilo ck i i I ho (Hue and i a IM rend a i a perfect.

g. ,,,,,) impulses of ny inrH1) or very i Wonlon, cast of i I I i i i i Ucd, and sph-ndidly dnlieuealod by Mr. "Hong impri-ssion this picket was Mini by a bolonglng (o Tho fromcir wns very offcu. ''o 111 I I J'ew Mexico, proving thereby their faith in tho early development of this comonwoalth. In a short lime they will present this now i i to the people of this vicinity and that they fH it!) n)c ilM out prejudice and adapt iuo the uses lor wind, it is intended, an economic labor-saving i i lo aid in I development of tho a a resources of New Now Try Tills.

will c.wt you nothing nnd will surely you good, if hnvo Cough, or any trouble with Throat, or nr. Kin Now Discovery for LiiMuinplion. Cmighj nail Coldj la r- nntocd lo give or innnny will 1 hack. SullWcrs from i lhir, under ila u.o hml ami perfect a Pie hi, (In at xp rarn fl)r 'V 1 1 1 iv Tri al name sid sivo nud cpiiti, unpopular i his I I ll ls 1 'lid not meet i tr- Fancy Upholstered Rockers-Solid Oak Frame, at 7 AT THE FURNITURE STORE. Harry Schrock, J.


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