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Oshkosh Democrat from Oshkosh, Wisconsin • Page 2

Oshkosh Democrati
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


We stated a while ago.thnt we would like to see Eltnore defeated in this District, because of his betrayal of the trust of organ! zation of the Free Soil Party, a not from any objections to him personally, or to hU political views. Our article was caught up with avidity by the press opposed to him in that District, and an attempt made to ndJ to its weight, by stating that vvs ware liia personal friend, and therefore ere as mild as posible. With the a i thai "all is fair in politics," this tallies very well, as hhto did the unscrupulous charges against him of being opposed to general suffrage and otherwise limited in his devotion to the principles of Progressive Democracy. But the election is now El mo re is defeated. Will the same press a lugged in our former article to help traduce hi give the ea mo publicity to what we say now? We wanted him defeated once because he "jukeJ" us at tho State Convention, and we cojid We have be One of 8tr0ijf esl Nature is the affinity nan.

4 i we areMifirt enta t'fcat those ,1 the "same objects Tfaa union of effort of many 'to obtain the same object is what constitutes Party. And jlitt so certain as ali men love to give and secjre sympathy and assistance, to artd from those laboring fur the disseinmi-iia- tion of the Principles dear to them, the adop- ion of tho Measures of their approval, the iromotion of the Men of iheir choice, just so certain are all ptrtizim. And when we hear a private individual, a pjblic man, a preos denouncing Party, and crying out against it, in the flrtt case we regard it as the honest, i indigiation of Truth crying out against Damagogucism; in the other two, we regard it as the very embodiment of the most a i -itself. It is only equalled by the tenacity of sticking to the Usage of Paity, lung after the Principles which it was designed to advance have besn lost sight of, nud when that Usaga by i i has been trade to the very orgiaization that created it. The Congressional Canvass in the 1st District in this State has presented noted examples of i last.

In a i i the not get over a little feeling of retaliation. a ep enJerit, a i a the Press devoted to his interest denounced Party without stint, declareJ that it has forever foreswoin it, and iias done i eo rabidly, and wiih such point and perseverance, a Partizan- ship, in its bitterest phase, has been exhibited in ha very course. The very Principle of Independent Canvassing, and the Denunciation nf Party Usage, was made the basis of its new pattizan effort--vVis in fact the Parlyism of its devotion. It was all well; best that such a course should be pur- suee. Good has resulted from it.

People liave been waked up more to the true Mission of Parly--have learned that Party Machinery, when put i i operation after the Principles that created it have obtained in public opinion, and a no longer the spirit of agitation, after, in fact, the Soul of the Party is dead, works evil instead of good, and that a re-organization is necessary. But tho Spirit of Party was exhibited We arc his personal friend, and proud to say so. We him to be Radical and Democratic on all the public questions of the day. His impulses are all with Progressive Humanity. Il is notorious that he has done moie for Land Reform in this State Iban any other man.

He once belonged to the Whig organization, but v. Iiile so, we heard him often say that the Southport Telegraph was really the best and truest Democratic paper in the State: a remark that showed to all acquainted i ilia character of the Telegraph, wh'ch way his impulses tended. For cor, we deem him as true a Free Soil Democrat as Charles Durkee is, and would be giad nci't tuns to see him elected. Our vengeance is satisfied. Abolition of Grand Juries.

The editor of the National Police Gazette lias been for some tiflie a i a i the question of the a'joliti JH of the Grand Jury system. lie claim? -to have tested the principle in New York, when, being brought before a Magistrate on a charge of libel, and the complainant afterwards got the Grand Jury to indict him for sa no offence, he went into Court ith a plea the Grand Jury's i i i was fj-cclused till the examination before the Magistrate was disposed an I tl'O Court iiilel thj plea good. He says that the new Co i a of Indiana 'has adopted a clause declaring that Grand Jiniss slnll only an indictment when the person charged Lao at been ex- cniinnd beforj lu.iglstrate. Wj HI t'lesc The Grand Jjry sjotern is unwieldy, exjj'Misuv, of no manner of us.e. a clog upon i cirsd action, and really Tho a i i of the eysteii BO.TSC (lay will bo cflbctrJ.

'Improvensent of Some lime ego maJa mention of the town of on Wolf li'ver, at the mouth of Iv.alo Wolf, by Messrs. Hobart Miller. But litlle vvas done during the other i getting the plat recorJeJ. iv, ho t'l? proprietors arc making o.uirlsto improve the place. Dr.

Linda and i place, have become intruted in tlia town property, and are taking to build a olace there immediately. Mr. Ralph has i and keeps a public house there, and Mr. Hobart is taking stock of goods up there tins Fail. A fine store has beeo erected there, which Mr.

Hobart will occupy, and thus be enabled to the lumbermen and citizens of that i i i their necessaries. This will save them a great deal of inconvenience. ftJr. Ilobart a gentleman that merits, and mil receive, success. as mill id from time to Fhv! Fire! At, a meeting of the citizens of Oshkosh, held at tl.e store of Chester Ford, on Wednesday Evening, to take into consideration measures to guard against accident by fire, A.

F. David was called to the Chair, and the following Committee appointed to examine the build-ngs on Ferry strc-et, and report upon the condition i.f tbe several stoves, pipes, fcc: W. H. Weod, Chester Ford, J. F.

Gruenhageo, A. Dodge, M. Griffin, and G. C. Ames.

The committee fpund the contiivancea for fire generally safe. A few exceptions were very bad, but promises were made to remedy them ere the second visit of the Committee; Two or three were very stubborn, and would give the Committee no satisfaction. The Committee will make a second examination to-morrow, and those who have nol fixed their fire conductors in a safe man ner will be reported to the public. exhibiting his Panorama of Mississippi Jin Paris, drawing; crowded houses. I in its most vigorous form, end the gi eater this viijor, the more glaring tho stultification of those who exhibited i With this preliminary, or raHnr digrea- ioti, we wish to say a word upon tho Mission of Party.

All men possess, more or lew, what is called Public sort of phileprogen- itiveness for the good of humanity, that each i i i a feels for his own posterity. Parents will toil for their children'" future benefit so the People will labor for the good of after generations. progressive, new Ideas are time evolved, new Measures suggested for the public weal, and njw Men brought forward for popular support, the exponent of these Ideas and Mpastires. Earnest men seize tho agitation of these and Measures, and labor to convert the Public i vo their utility an'l necessity, and seek to el- vate to tbe public ofhces Men devoted thereto. To establish the Irutli of those to bring Government to adopt these Measures, and to elect these Men, is the Mission of Parly in a Representative Government.

When we speak of Party, the mind contemplates all these ingredients, ff contemplates the wlnle subject. A Party without have no ife; they are its very soul; it could not exist. A Party without Measures would be inefficient; it could work no good. Principles must be put into practical operation to advance the interests of a i An'J this is ihe function of Measures: to adapt Principles to public use. Without practical Measures, all agitation of Principles would be chaotic, and valueless.

A Party i Men, would be effort wholly ineffectual, gutdeless, like a ship without a lielm. Thus Party, when fully defined, consists of PRINCIPLES, MEASURES, and MEX. And when we hear any one proclaim as the course of bis party, "Principles, not Men," we hear tbe saying of those who know nothing of the Causes of Party, nor of its Mission. The first discussion of its Principles, the first proposition of its Measures, is the first beginning of Party. Men feeling the truth of the Principles hold meetings, adopt expressions of approbation, and resolve to work for their dissemtnination, and publish the same to the world.

Others in other localities, of like feeling, do the same. A desire for general communion, and co-operation, brings people from these different calities together. This is the first rude effort at Representative Conventions. This is the beginning of Usage. For a better and more general expression, to extend their efforts, and to effect a more efficient ization, they consult together, and adopt a plan setting forth how general meetings should be called, how different localities should be represented, be.

Thus Usage is established. All experience testifies that is HHHrWF 5 ParSS JQ to iji Paff Tactics are to Anit they decry Organization arid TJeagV fly- less weak than they these are only secjnd.ary cqnsideratioTsf not are'irf jgsfi raport.aticpj i $4 less worth. But men are prone to follow Organization and Usage thus established Become a guide for all to follow thereafter. So long as the Principles need discuss! in, long as. the Measures need urging, ti ey aid the good cause.

But progress is jie aw of man. In time the truth of the Principles universally obtaip, tbe Measures all adopted, or become inapplicable from a new existence of circumstances. The of the Party thgii becomes dead, but the Organization nd Usage The i tancethusdisposed, of but the machinery e- demagogues, and ia'rigtiing pol ticians seize the machinery for their vn aggrandizement. When Party comes to this, then honest and t-riie man become disgusted, and are led to cry out against by mistaking the cause of the evil. But as Organization and Usage are last perfec'ed in the creation of Party, so they are the 1 '9t to be abandoned when the Party lias accomplished its Mission.

But as we before said, Progress is IB law of Humanity. As soon as the i i ples and Measures, that first demanded lie aid of Party (ortheir establishment, are-recognized and adopted, new Ideas are disci v- ered, new Measures are become practicable, and a new Parly is needed, or a renovati3u of the 1 d. This is the present st-ate of anVvrs. The -Assembly, H. (D.) A.

Greenleaf (W.) S. M. Wotefltt, (Ind.) Sheriff. Thfttnas Noyes, (D.) F. C.

Sargent, John Parker, i issues of ten years agone are no longer 1 e- fore the people. But the machinery of tie Parties, sadly weakened, still remain. These, tiowever, cannot Ist long. New Parties will be formed, or the old will have to incorporate new Ideas into their creeds, and urge the adoption oT the new Measuies demanded. We care not which.

The t- tee, however, will be the morj pract'cal le course. Democracy is Progression. It represents the Progressive Spirit of a i Arid consistent with the object of its s- sion, is the advocacy of new Ideas a id Measures, a.s fast Progress demand t. To this Party we belong. To and Measures we hope always to remain firm.

To its Organization and Usages, so long as they subserve the Interests of i Party, we will i our guidance. these are'lost sight of, we hold them 10 longer binding--the Party generally i no longer hoi I them The last Canvass throughout this State -in fact throughout the Union--proves i Sotting" the "Regular Usages," has becoi IB fashionable. The Bolters have succeeded. Why Because Parties have bef lardy in recognizing the new Truths that the Public Conscience puts forth. Tu will continue to be so, till a thorough vation is effected.

F. Checkering. (D-) M.Myers, (W.) Ohver Dart, (Ind.) Clerk af the Courts. West Johnson, (D.) P. B.

Ha wee, (W.) James Warren, find.) Clerk 'f the JBoard. W. BntterfielJ, (D.) F. C. Pomeroy, (W.) A.

P. Noyes, (Ind.) District i i a Mead, (D.) Jabez N. Rodgers, (W.) A. B. Hamilton, (Ind District Surveyor.

G. Dewit EtweoJ, (W.) James E. Cook, (D.) Henry Floyd, (Ind.) Daniel H. Shiitnway, VV.) Havid Hyer, (D.) O. Howard, (Iiid.) 494 365 475 475 370 602 065 39 717 567 32 676 681 4Q 682 fi32 113 666 546 67 694 565 50 ie, balloon rising with but little devjutloti tp a Valley From the Janesville and Watertown papers we learn that the Engineers and Surveyors of the Rock i Valley Railroad are already at work locating the Road.

A loan of half a million of dollars has been negotiated, and the bakiwe -of tbe stock taken. The Road is to be completed in two years. This Road is of vast importance to Central Wisconsin. Jt willjirovp a very profitable investment. We prealct that the time will come when it be extended from Pond du Lac to Green Bay, by this place, Neenah.

cc. James J. Strange This gentlemen, the leader nf the Mormons in this part of the country--formerly ef Voree, in Racine county, and editor of the "Voree Herald," published there--but now of Beaver Island, in i.ake Michigan, has been indicted, it is said, for bigamy, theft, and other crimes. We know nothing about the particulars of his conduct, or professions. We have met him, had some deal with him, have found him a polite gentleman, of high (Rtelligence, and are sorry to hear bad tidings of his morality- his wheels fti motion, Captain Taggart crossed the Hudson in the path of the nnd, moving eastward over the c'tjvpwaed the Tribune office at the apparent hHjrKi of fialf a lIc'Then "ttrrned tcr -the- north-, Und afterward to the' graditally rising higher in thp atmospherp, i the gathering iwilTgftt hid: bun from So far as we terrestrials could judge, he bnl- loon appeared to easily We were informed at a Fate hour tnat that Captain Tuggart descended safely 4 shxtrt distance beyond the Dry Tribune.

eration this fall. op- the 1 city of ions over the assessment ot feat The election in Delaware, a N. Y. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer informs that paper that it has been recently proved, that there is the richest copper formation in the United States, within 25 of Philadelphia, with the exception, perhaps, of that on Lake Superior. Lieut.

Maury, in an official letter to the Secretary of the Navy, announces that the naw planet--the twelfth in the family of asteroids--discovered on the night of Sept. 14th, 1850, by Mr. HinJ, of Bishop's observatory, London, was observed by Mr. Ferguson, of the Washington Observatory, on the 23th, through the large Equatorial. It appears a star of 6.10 magnitude.

Darsmont, better known as Fanny Wright, recently arrived at St. Lou i--, from Memphis. She was on her way to New York. She had, it id said, just liberated -some three hundred slaves, of her own property. They had resided on a plantation near Memphis, which she owns.

the last arrivals from California, intelligence of the ransv dreadful nature has been received. Between fifteen and twenty thousand persons are on the road, destitute prnv-isions, and with but faint hope of human aid. It is feared that not ten thousand of this number reach the mountains before the comia njcemont of Winter. Many of them are women and children, widows and orphans, their husbands and fathers having died with the Cholera, A medical gentleman in Plymouth lias adopted the excellent plan of fixing a gutta percha month-piece to the side of his a have assed i 1 at t'he -Street door, attached to which is a loiigf gutta percha tubing, which reaches to hisfepd. In the night, when the and a majority of the Legislature chovlb; thereby securing a tt?" A consignment of goods Ma, for the World's Puir, has already been received in London.

T'ie Itr the commercial treaty has been ratified between the United States and the faa- waian Islands. Vankre Sullivan have returned from their residence in California. A distinctive fire took place at Lock- Loss nearly 30,00. Proprietors of Ontario and Lake Huron Railroad are making preparations to contract for the construction of the entire Road. -f Eight miles of tho and Lisbon Plank Road are completed.

Thty are pushing it forward as fast as possible. he Chicago Democrat says that the 4th Illinois Congressional District comprises 17 counties, and contains not less than 225000 population, being the largest constiUi- ency of any District in the Union. A line of steam ships is proposed between Antwerp and New York. A company of gentlemen in Belgium have subscribed half the amount on condition that New York makes up the balance. tri-weekly steamboat line it iblished between Milwaukee and Alanfto- ivoc.

orace Mann is elected over all opposition, by 26'0. on. John P. Ilalp, of New Ilamp- is to deliver tlie Annual Oration before the Cincinnati Now England Society, on the 221 of December. Three sail vessels from Lake Miclii- thc Illinois Canal, into the Misaippi, on their way to New Orleans.

London Morning Chronicle will bell is rung, tube, which hangs suspen- i a11 th? new peltttive to lll ded by the bedside, is resorted to, and a of 18a1 tluce viz: English, French, nnd GtTinun. 8 The estimated population of London 2.20C.075-, namely, 1,032,630 males, and 1.178,445 females. In 1849 there were Sunk. io- Lang. Back Again.

Our old townsman, B. F. Lingworthy, 3f the firm of Lifjgwort'iy Wushburn, wf has been rediJmg at Sioranasnto since la Spring-, lias sold out krs ititerest up iherj, and has returned to Oahkosh. Lang, is a popular tradesman, especially wit-h the 11- dies, and we know Ins return will be haited i happy greetings by all his old friends and customers. County Orders.

Let all holding Connty Orders see tlie notice of L.ingworlhy Washburn. He't'j- tolore holders have been obliged to eacrifi'-e their Orders, but thanks to the efficiency the Board, the credit of the -County is coming belter. Board of Supervisors, The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesck of last week, and adjourned oa Saturday. There was a great deal of business befo the Board. The members were all All orders ever issued by the County up the present session, were cancelled and s- stroyed, except $700.

Or-'onj allowed the present session, about $2000. Maldrg the present indebtedness of the County less than $3,000. The report of the Coun Treasurer shows some $1600 in the Treasury in Tax Certificates, which will available, showing in reality less than $1500 indebtedness. Tbe Board ordered a Tax of 6 mills levied for County purposes, 2 mills for school purposes, 2 for State Tax, and 1-15 of a 11 for an Asylum for tbe Blind. A resolution wos adopted, that no fees shall hereafter te allowed in Assault and Battery cases.

The Town of Nekimi was divided, and the portion along the Lake shore organi" into a new Town by the name of Wolf. A portion of Algpnoa, adjomu Sheldon's mill was attached to Winaebaga, Every thing the 3oard was sedof with the, utmost harrooay Just as we are going to press we learn that the Steamer Oshkosh left Fond du Lac about 8 o'clock this after getting fairly out into the Like, it was found to bo linking, and turned rotradto get back, "but before it could do so, it sunk in about 4 feet water. The hull is full of water, but the deck is dry. It is supposed that the ice, which was thick enough to bear a man, was the cause of ihe accident. "The donstitlion," fa the name of a paper, the Prospectus of which has already been issired which is about to be started in Washington, to sap- port the "Union Parly," Or suth of the Whigs and Democrats as support the abominable so called ''Peace Measures," comprising the Fugiuive Slave Law-, aud its kindred measures.

Madison Statesman thus comments upon the late election; We like the idea of Independent Nomina- plan embodies the essence of Democracy, a if the people had their own way about it, tJjg principle would prevail. It would give.the masses opportunity to express their honest wish, and consign to tha shades of life scheming demagogues whom money now secures place and power. We are glad that Messrs. Doty arid Durkee, both Independent Candidates for Congress, wete sustained by the people--and last, though not least, that Geo. H.

Walker succeeded in his independent nomination for tha Assembly against a party endorsement. Bright examples of progress--and worthy of imjtation hereafter. Fond tlu Lac Railroad. This road, which is to unite Fond du Lac i some point on the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad, is now under survey. At Janeavilfe, it intersects the Milwaukee Road.

The agent of the Eastern and English capitalists, who have furnished the requisite, funds, passed through Chicago, a few (jays ago, on his way get the bonds signed. This Railf 0 aJ unite the lumber regions of Northern Wisconsin with the State of Illinois, at the same time that it passes through' the finest manufacturing region in the west. In every movement of this nature, the commercial power of Wisconsin takes a tremendous Tbe new Constitution of Michigan dlsfraachiees and their accessories, births, and 61,432 conversation's carried on without the necessity of thp doctor even rising from his pillow. This is a very great convenience. time ago Mr.

Sylvester dcs- a process at the Institute of Architects, adopted by him to render brick work er etone impervious to brick or stone a ife to be washed i a hot solution of mottled fcoap in a gallon of water, laid evenly i a large brush. This wash, after hours, is to bo fol- by a second, composed of half a pound of a4um, thoroughly dissolved in four gallons of water- On Wednesday night, SOth an attempt was made to tob the Villnge Bank, in Danvors, one of the robbers named John Collins Page, was shot dend by AJr. Batcman, wat-cliTiian of the bid the settlement of Free Negroes in that Bank. The other robbers escaped. The State.

Indiana seems to hate black men eo A new pavement has been constructed for tbe Boulevards, of Small stones besmeared with cold bitumen and oil, which answers the purpose admirably, keeping off ail d'lut and mud. Stephen Girard need to eny, "There's no difficulty in getting rich not the least in the world, the first million is tbe only difficulty rhc rest will make -itself." Old Stephen right tee have fuund the first i i to be the only difficulty. The Constitutional Convention of Indiana has voted, by a large majority, 1o for- man who was shot a the son of one of the and brother-in-law of the Cashi-er of the Bank. At i i a i on the 30lh a much, that she will neither tolerate Ihrm as slaves or freemen. This beats the South, for she likes them well enough to receive them as slaves.

tea porty, consisting of Eraslus Eliza Holmes, Dr. E. B. Holmes, a i Sjmrks, Mrs. David Sparks, and another lady, were ail poisoned, by accidentally putting arsenic in their tea, instead of soda.

The family had purchased both and carelessly left a servant girl, who could not read, to put them away, and she mixed them together. They are recovering. The Hagerstown, Herald states that the new track of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, from Chnmbersbnrg to Carlisle, is now completed, and that (lie connection with the York nnd Cumberland Railroad i be made by the first of tbe ensuing month, when the trip from Chambersburg to Baltimore i be made in about six hours. the Circuit Court of Culpeppcr county, the Grand Jury were sworn, and a number of witnesses summoned in the case of those who, some time ago, took out of prison and hung the free negro, Wm. Grayson, After deliberation, the Grand Jury refused to make any presentment.

The Common Council of the city of Norfolk, suspended the salary of the Mayor, on account of his approval of a slave lestivl in that city. The Mayor comes out with a long indignant protest against the action of that body, maintaining that every slave present had th written permission owner. Persian has formed a new religious sect, and has written a new book to take the place of the Koran. He has already made several thousand proselylca, eighteen of whom have beei publicly beheaded and disntraRftes them ftoia holding office. order of the eorge II.

Walker bolted nomination fur Assembly in iiis District, rnn independent, ard is elected. Tiie Madison Argus says he will make a good member, and i doubtless be elected Speaker. 5 Sixty-seven merchants of Milwaukee have signed a compact to close their stores at 8 o'clock, p. during the Winter, to afford their clerks some little time for recrea'ion. This is a small, but a good step in Labor Reform.

Texas, with its ten millions of plunder, will be the richest State hi the Unioo. After wiping off all claims, it will hove; enough le to pay the expenses of government, and may thus abolish taxation of every description. Truly, the wicked flourish lib) a green bay tree. 5 A Washington correspondent of Biltimore Clipper predicts, that the Cuba question will form a prominent element in the ag'tation connected with the the next Presidential election. He also the possibility of the acquisition of the Ifl- land by the United States in pacific and friendly way.

President has iwaed a proclamation to the effect that Chilian and articles imported into tha United in them, shall be exempt from discrlrainaflng duties, Chili having made such an exemption in favor ef our vessels. There is a woman in Ihe ScoowJ Ward, New York City, aged ever a eehtury, who ttupports herself by hot noedte. jBfhe does not wear spectacles. What reproach, is this to those who use gtasscr, not to get living, but to destroy otie!.

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