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The Weekly Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I CONNELLSVILLE, I A I A 1 3 19O3 IE AUDITORS' WORK On Accounts of Fayette County Will Soon Be Completed. A BIG INCREASE OVER 1902. Repairs of the New Court House were Largely Responsible-- Unusually Large Number of Sheep Claims Paid During January for Last Year Unioutowu, Fob Audit ors Joseph Humbertson James Rhodes and Newton Newcomer have comple ed the "work of going over tho accounts of the Commissioners' office lor tie year 1 192, and are now verify ing their figures This will take but a short time after hich they will take up the accounts of the Sheriff and the Tieasurers offices leaving the books of the Homo until the last, Che present Board Auditors "went at their work in earnest and a determination to get through as soon as Thej have rushed tho of the Commissioners' offlco through in a icmarkably short time considering that the had bills to the of $276,905 25 to inspect and trace through the books of the office Moreover the bills for the most part, "were for small amounts The figures lor tho preceding year only amounted to $143 450 97 The increase last year mostly due to the extensi.e repairs to the Court House If the Aud itors keep on at Uietr present pace tbe will complete tho ear's work in mnch less time than many of the preceding Boards, notwithstanding amount work An large number of sheep claljns were paid during the month of Jannar but all of these were held over from 1902 The old Board of Commissioners wanted to treat all claimants alike and declined to pay any claim until they anew how much JIM BARNHART'S DOG Was Not Mad but a Victim of the Old Turpentine Joke There waa great excitement at Barnhart farm in Dun oar township one das last ween. His big firm dog showed unmistakable signs of rabies dog 1 frothed at the mouth yelped and snapped and In fact did even thing that a hydrophob'a victim would do The homestead was tcrro-ized by the animal actions The family went In doors and staj ed there A council of war was held ith alryman as chief adviser Tt was decided to execute the One of the bovs got a small bore shot gun and ohrabed out on tho roof to got a pot shot from ambuch Then comrade Jim changed his decision He conclud ed the gun was too small and that it would be dangerous to the drophobia infected dog In the mean time he had slipped out a back door aud housed up tight all tho stork out of reach of the dog which was circling, the house at a 2 10 gait ba-klng at the doors and cutting capers that no sane dog does It is a of a mile to Jim Harford place and there Bara hart went for a gun big enourh to put WILL VISIT SON'S CRAVE. Father of Smallpox Victim Wants to See His Resting Place Superintendent George Brown of Hill Grose Cemetery today recehed a SOISSON SUMMER HOME.

Dam for I the Big Artificial Lake Has Been Completed Active "work Js gome; on in the vi cinitj ol the proposed new Soisson letter from George Prum father of Summer Home Company resoit east! the late Floyd Frum who died here two months ago with Jiemoragic small The letter written from Bridgeport Harrison county Vi the home of bereaved father It lequests that the be kept green and in order and that the expenses for so doing will be bome bj the deceased a tnends The letter closes by saing if God spirts me until warm weather comes again It is my wish to visit ri son This would be a comfort to me in oM ago Ir Is hard Cor us to now that wo can the remains hero but it IB so decreed and wo must abulo by God ill town A big dam lias been con slructcd in tile Hat a shoit be ow the fairous McCoys spriig The Oam makes a lake larpt enough for "owing and the ra of game fish whioh was the- principal object in its construction A extern all aiound the lake for use in summci Liniment IN USE OVER 50 YEARS For Stiff Joints, Sore Muscles, Sprains and Bruises, rici 50c A.I-V A he lake for use in summci on the pnncipal cottar v. ,111 K3.llTQ3.Cl 111116 ommence in the eailj spring and the i gioimrl i be laid In Rustic benches p-etti ar turns in the ilks rustic 1 and a I tl atuibutes of a nu unt In parl i be Leatuie i comnam i anno mco nif re ie mite 1 in the noir Hit ir the dog out of tho with neatness and despatch Harford smiled and said he thougat he could cure the dog ithout -esort Ing to firearms Ho went back with Barnhart The was In the wash house Harford started in Comrade Mm on the battle field that ho has nerve but it doesn extend to mad dogs When Harford went in he shouted Jim ou go in there at peril That dog mad Harford went in though brought the dog out and tied him tho yard His hj drophobia had abated by that time considerably Alost of the tur pentine had worn off It was the old story Harford and a neighbor named McDowell Barnhart told a Courier ie- porter ere the perpetrators The dog Is but reproachful WORK STARTED Monday Sinking Brier I Coal Com pany's New Shafts The Brier Hill Coke Company Good Complexion If jou desire a good complexion, usn Tokl Tea a pure herb drink It acts OD tho In. or and makes the skin amootli and clear Cures sick headache-, cents and 50 cents Monc refuntli If It does not Write to IV Hooker fi Co Buffalo fDr free sample For BQ.IQ kell Connellsulle ami I New 1 Offilcials in Conference Haas Assistant General Mar age- of the Baltimore Ohio I Stops the Whoop Cur-s the Cough a Coufji Koinelj aiN to relief 1 Mf orn ConnellbvJIIo ird Ueighk New PITTSBURG DIVISION AJND BRANCHES Mjin.lar! i In Effect No. 23, 1902 I ml tl 1 from It ri, I Jr. I i I re I iH I I I I 111 in 1 urtt (vnd uirl rl.iud A HID WHAT IS THE USE i I I if I I it 1 Hi ST-VT.

I i Tpm lit. II I Ir monej in the uay of dog tax would behvhich was organized about two years returned as this Js the onl fund from'ago began operations on the "which damages for sheep killed by dogs an be paid All the claims filed during the year will likely he paid in their turn although the dog tax fell hundred dollars short of pay Ing the full amount during the year ending December 31 Clerk William McClelland of the 1 Prothonotary office has completed the work of making out the trial lists lor the March term of civil court There will be the usual number of cases set for each week The first and last two weeks will be set for civil cases while the second and third will be taken up with the trial of criminal cases The latter list promioes to be as long as usual and will be composed of probably every crimo Woodward farm in Redstone township "Monda the contract for sinking the shafts having been lev to Contractor Samuel Harry of Connellai ille The Brier Hill compan will erected coke ens houses and all buildings neccssarv for the operations to be carried on there and all the con structlon work will call for an expen dlture of about f400 000 during the coming year AH the -work -ftill be let bj contract but the shaft contiact Is the only one let thus far The company will about 400 coke It owns about 1 200 acres ot coal land in Redstone township which was purchased about tuo years ago The Brier Hill Coke Companj is a Bubsldiar companj of the Brier Hill Rawn General Supe-interdent of the PIttsburg sstom Toloy Assist ant to the General Manager Horn Yard Specialist and assistant to the General Superintendent Ptttsburg system and DHlsion Engineer A Thompson conferred Tr'daj i a relative to tho yard sit uat'on at this place and also talked the generpl operating conditions The plans for ards at Con noted In these columns several weeks ago have been approved In detail Some of the work has completed and the balance be rusihed When it is completed first class classification will exist at this place Ozo Cough Syrup Ozo Cough Is good to cure coughs Enough or cou 0 J5c Moore 1 nnd A New 'In i iirt ii i 1 I 1 lit lu at i i in i l.c i ttl ut v.1111. 1 i i von ar I i 1 rll IK for il I a I I Hooker II I' TTOXJ known, to the criminal laws ot the (iron Steel Companv and most of the stockholders Ih in Youngtown State There will also be a number of cases which will be taken up during the March term Barahart tn genial auctioneer of Dunbar township was transacting business at the court house Friday at ternoon Jim has a host of warm friends at the- County Capital uho are alwas glad to see him come to town Tht next session of court will bo "held February lb This will proba bly bo the last the regular March term opens the first Mondaj of that month Th officers are busj trying to get evidence In the case of Omer Stewart charged with the murder of "SVaYd of Falrchance Both sides are working liard on the case and It gives promise of being stubbornly fought in the courts la the meantime Stewart remains in jaii altnough it is stated each day that an application for release on habeas corpus proceedings ill be made OB TURF SPECULATION. ConnellBVille People Given a Chance to Risk the Pomes Wltfaln the past week many Con nellsvil'e people have received circu lars from a man. named Stone In New York, wants them to deposit monev with him for tnrf speculation or in other words to make beta on running on the Neu Orleans and other famous tracks Mr Stone offers to handle the money of his clients ac to a sstem of his own, which he explains detail He shows how monev can be easily and quickly made on turf bets if they are made accord IAS to his methods He shows how he "keeps his patrons from losing by ar ranging his bets according to a certain percentage ot losses, In order to make one da losses good the next day, en if nothing additional Is made Por heavy plungers he The resident manager of tho company Is Fogg of Uniontown has had an office since Januar 1 In the First Isational Bank building It is expected that about 18 months be required for the construction of the 400 coke ovens and the other After the shafts are sunk tho other work will be put under way as soon as the weather will permit COUNTERCHARGE MADE Irs Soupcoff Says Nicholas Zarone Assaulted Her Another information was made Fri day in the Soupcoff Zan ne case Mrs Soupcoff swore out an Informa tion before Justice of the Peace James Bchard, charging Nick Zarone with as saultand battery Zarone immediately 1 gave bail for court -waiving a hearing Both Dr and Mrs Soupcoff are held for court before Justice of the Peace Frank Miller The amount of bail was raised to $700 Friday to Include Mrs Soupcoff in the bond This bail was furnished by Harry Marietta A number of witnesses will be subpoe naed by both sides for the trial, which promises sensational features NONCOM EXAMINATION NECK 1 1 1 9 03 30 5 DO 4 20 1 30 1 GO 8 OS 6 30 hi.

In 0 31 5 30 i 35 2 09 1 3) 8 28 7 02 ID 02 5 58 5 20 3 00 2 01 8 57 5 I SB 3 28 3 li 29 01 3 45 8 321 5 08 3 53 2 35 391 10 52 8 6 -0 6 15 4 00 2 (6 i SO! 25! 9 03, 3 C7 3 21 3 ill 3 IS 12 11 12 233 15 12 57 2 a 012 8S 2 IB 7 SO 3 47 IS IS OC I lu.lurt. MUv. 1. 1 i .1 i on 11 27 11 53 uoi nl 9 25 9 2 4 FI 10 17 10 09 4 20 1 E2 li 27 4 41 1 21 10 S4 6 IS 12 37 12 1' 11 GS 50 5 53 SORE THROAT 10 10 l)i Knu1J I i i I i a rein rt in i rip (. 01 tin aw.

Hock ood 11 V( r. laic uinl rlaud 13 iltljjiorf Phil lila i i 7 60 9 IS 1C90 12 6B 3 03 7 55 9 iO 1.20 5 19 9 26 12 j7 2 30 7 22 53 1 li ,5 45 8 4611 1 55 8 538 06 8 51 1 2 0 1 1 2 5 7 9 1 8 C511 14 1 21 7 238 07 50 11 09 7 6 8 60 5 C5 7 40 11 Oo 1 10 14 7 10 7 55 12 48 6 45 38 331 4 28 12 23 5 21 1 4 12 2 0 5 59 1 .6 i' 11 43 5 D7 5 38 11 30 4 155 3 il ,3 40 6 33 3 09 1 35 4 55 1: 45 1 00 17 12 00 ,5 9 3S 3 55 10 59 4 31 4 E5 9 20 10 21 10 El 9 47 731 i2 10 i pm pm am aro am am pp. am DOWN TONSiUNE WOULD QUICKLY CURE IT polatu I and onm i I 11! tntow tncl iin thr tru i i i tjt 1 a.rmuiit gun man I uiriuont and and fr I liul urs without I A 1 Want to Be Teachers, Count Superintendent John Car roll held a special examination of teachers in his private ofilco on the third floor of the court house There were candidatts aa follows William Gal'aghcr L.ower Tyrone township Miss Lizzie Rhodes High House Miss Eva Dunbar Miss Mar Collins also (rf Dunbar township and Jennie Walters of Dniontown This uill be the lost ex iznlnation for the jear Sore Mouth There Is nothing so good as Orohne It ncvor falls to cine Moore Connellbvillc and A Befghley ew New Haven New Postmaster Nevi Haven had a new postmaate- I-riday Arthur KurtE assistant post master in Connellsville, had charge of the office Postmaster Samuel Sick leamith Is at Mt Pleasant where ht was called bj the death of his fnthot The funeral i be held this after noon Slot Machines Under Ban The police of Jeannette have decid ed that slot machines must go JDad 11 I had bad cough for six A and find no relief i I tried A i Cherry Recto ril Onh one fjurth of the bo tie cured 11" I a Newington, Ont Neglected colds alv. ays lead to something serious They run into chronic bronchitis, i a asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins A few doses will cure you then Consult i ir unctnr If ho turfe It 1 itn Hi tin 1 rou ot to It tliun don taka It Ho knowi i I ttofcrc up I KR CO L4 well Miwi 1 00 5 1 30 6 SO 5 fi 4 05 9 SO 7 55 9 nt 5 51 4 10 9 SS 3 00 0 53 4 13 8 04 5 S7 57 4 17 1C 0.

8 08 7 82 4 22 I 13 7 06 4 It 13 16 7 OS 4 23 18 7 1C 4 30 10 17 20 7 12 4 121 8 22 71! 4 3S'10 25 8 "7 7 7 25 16 35 30 7 19 7 4 5 04 10 54 .9 7 45 11 01 8 55 8 22 IS 6 39 1 8 45 45, S2 4j 1 00 12 101 1 15 1 ConDell. Tille Lc I I I nloot 1 il Dee i i i Mnrion Mo-ffmit 1000 12 5. 5 05 7 55 751,11 3 0 2 2 7 5 3 9 1 1 45 0 55 2 Z2 5 2SI 7 4 1 2 1 8 5 2 0 1 7 35 43 2 1't 7 39 B9 7 25 2 Bs's 05 7 2 031 7 20 2 Ol 1 7 IS ,1 59! 13 153440, 7 10 18 li 1 5C 1 46' 8 46 0 52 1 2ll4 14 a ai istn 15 9 i7 5 5 60 7 50 5 01 ,135 3 10 '2 10! 835 Smithnud Mii-fuiitown Hmacli Trains Ifire smithflrld 00 an arrlTlnp at al JO iun 1 iru fit l(t iin at Smkliltld 1 pm TnUnH run wrn Ittvc Ol Quinsy To It taKe time 1 here is nothing better Moore antl A 3oighle New Ha.en Pleads Guilty to Bigamy Cbarles who nas attested at Lewistown and brought to Jeannette to answer charges bigamy and per jurj brought by Miss Kclghlej Friday entered pleas Kuiltj Shes ney marriage to Miss Kelghley iaat New Year day was an event of social importance Jeinnette Sore Throat A few doses of Ozollne cures it At Moore Connells-vllle and A New Haven FOR WOMEN Much That Every Woman Desires to Know 38 195 5 12 5 2 4 518 541 755 pm ou fi, tpm am 12 01 50 12 7 7 2 19 7 01 12 XI 7 12 31 7 a 3 051000 SI i 5J 07 tain fiLiuiimt 'a 20 ia 8 5 9 4 15 veion ,8 57 4 13 Store IB 14 4 Broad 8 40 3 Plualnin. 6 30 1 JJ am QU tpm j'pm 7 55 i 4 SS 7 37 1 7 3 7 24 7 21 5 09 3 4 0 3 0 151 210 i(lti A I 3 15 Jii cl wood fl 8 MiHord 50 Somtrni.1 8 41 i acr 5 03 c. 7 ISJohnntown 217 tarn 1125 11 45 i-- S25 535 12 03 i 50 12 05 5 Si 12 41 6 31.

1 40 7 31 mil pm pm pra am pra 1 1 I-erl Bra neb Trains Ipfixe Giirre.t fit 11 15 am and 515 i f. at lltrlln at 11 51 am and rlvlnjr (it Krt-L nt 10 am Hud 1- 01 Ota 40 Krai; at 7 20 am out! 12 20 TrainH lenvi. Berlin ut 8 00 am and 2 45 pm Somerijeld 8 am and 2 -0 ar nm arrivinff at at 8 iO am and CobflnencA Oakland Branch Irulnn leurr Confluence ut OO nnd 10 inn Korurrflell 0 BO mi nod 13 I a it 10 am nud 1-i 01 at Confluence at 9 3 am and Tralnfl run dally txceyt Sunday I 00 pm lallv nept bunday SOTT --Mull trulnn conouct at Rnrkirvood -with trnlne to and from homerMtand Johns at HJTH Itnan th trains to and Irom Bedlord at Garrett ts trains to anil Irom rlin at Sal nburv tlou i trtiliifi to and from Sallnbury NOH 14, 6 0 und 47 COD tit Con ence raln on ConUuence and Oaklaud Branch sooth Confluence i. Oak taud Driun.h I a i rtfa uonnectw ut with Nos 49 and 4-6 I i i at McKetHport on (or lor Philadelphia uad New "iork Lsplanutlnn Daily DnJlj- except Sunday only (, A A MAIITIN Oonerul adent i a Ptmsenger Traffic. I tlOUGI Ticket i About Sanative Antiseptic Cleansing And About Curing Ulcerative Pains and Weaknesses. Candidates Were Examined by Capt. Gans A number of candidates for non commissioner officers in Company Tenth Regiment were exam jg Mary ves ter, the defense at he explains can be used as ad.ance la formation on local betting "Whether it is a coincidence or some local ag has en out the names for a joke it is peculiar that a number ot people received these circulars are prominent church people of town who a absolutely no interest in turf speculation Many who recehed the circulars have tood aghast at the eflronterv of the sendi but nevertheless have perused the circulars contents with a greater or degree of interest ned at the regular drill ttie armory Thursday night The examinations were oral conducted in the presence of the Company The appointments will be made in a short time and wl 1 be announced in Company orders Company is hard at work getting ready for the inspection which will lake place some time this month The date has not yet been announced, but it is known that a preliminary inspec tion will be held before the regular in spectlon by Colonel James Barnett Plunged Into Landslide A disastrous wrecK was narrowly averted on the Ligonier Valley rail road Wednesday morning when Bngi neer Thomas Dunlap who was in charge of the morning passenger train brought it to a sudden stop just as the engine had ploughed into a big landslide The slide cos eretl the track for a distance of 50 fee i tons of rock and earth Attempt to Prove A i i In contradiction oE the positive iden tification of John Conlin and Robert Simpson by Miss Bessie Fulton and Greensburg Friday produced five wit nesses who testified that the suspects were not in Irwin the night the First National Bank was -ebbed According to the evidence Coilin and Simpson were In Allegheny the entire night of December 8 Hoarseness Take cures all throat troubles Moore Connellsville and A Beighley New Haven Newmyer Released Fowler tsewmyer of passed through town Fricla on his way home from Uniontown where he succeeded in his Arb Newmyer released on bail Arbie was arrestf last Mondaj for the robbery of Isaac Colbert's store in Vanderbilt rranU. Santmyer who Is also Implicated is jai Horse Thref Caught Pension for Sailor's Widow A. special bill granting a pension of A Westmoreland countv horse thief $40 per month to the widow of Rear was captured in Somerset count Admiral Henn Picking a former Tvas returned to Greensburg "Wednes Somerset citizen pas led the House at tlaj evening and lodged in Sher Washington Fridav Since the death iff Coleman, of Somerset countj of her distinguished husband Mrs Pick brought the man to jail The prisoner) ing has spent most of her time abroad Js iHegh Beck I educating Lor son Great Blood Purifier We sell the greatest oE b'ood purifiers Acker Blood Elixir, under a positive guarantee It will are all chronic and other blood poisons If you have eruptions or sores OIL your bodj or are pale weak or run down It is just what you need We refund money if ou are not satisfied 50c and 00 Markell Connellavule and I Hodgkins New Haven 3 Too much stress cnnnot be placed on the greifc value of Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills the antiseptic of the mucous surfaces aud of the blood and circulating fluids, thus affording pure, sweet and economic il local ana constitutional treatment for weakening discha'-gea, ulceratioua Inflammations, Itclnuga, irritations, relaxations, displacetneuts, pains aud iriegu- lantieg peculiar to female" Hence the Cuticura remedies i wonderful influence in reston-g health, stiength. and beauty to wtafy -women, been prematurely aged md invalided by these distiessmg ailments, as well as such 83inpathetic afflictions i anemia, chloiosts, hvstena, and debility Women from the verj first luiv fully appreciated tlie pui ity aud BWtctiicss, the power to afioid imraccli itc relief, the ceitamty of speedy and perm meat cure, the absolu sifet ami greit economj which liaie made theCuUcura.

Soap, Ointment aid Pills the qUmUrd in cuies nnd humoiu remedies of tl BtiHions of i "worlds best people Cuticura Soap, assiatcil Cu lenra Ointment, for preserving, pi mg ami be ing the skin fo elcanstiii; the sc ilp of crusts, scales md dam i uit, and tl stopping of i ttig ur, for sof eninsf, -wl iteuir g-ind red, and sore Inuds, the fonn bitlis for nnnormg dtions mflim- mations and ulcerj.jve\\eal for toy tritne, a parposts readily fliciasehcs, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet batli and nur'trj Pennsylvania Railroad, Southwest Branch. Fa0torn Stfli) lard 1 lu effect lune 1 li.OJ NOBTHWAHD 11J 109 pm pm 6 It 5 19 5 2 8 ft I 40 5 4 4 9 tn I 2 tot fl 11 ff 14 f. 17 A 19 ms 9 52 7 18 7 7 44 ft 3S 214 H4I1 4 252 258 301 S05 401 am 9 0 1 9 7 9 14 101 a 6 5 1 1 58 9 IE 7 It 9 19 7 07 9 2 9 9 52 935 9 39 18 9 61 3 21 9 7 10 715 718 7 730 7 SI 3 0 59 7 41 28 10 02 7 44 3 ffl 10 04 7 48 3 55 ill 31 1 02 10 37 9 a 4 12 10 45 34 4 3 2 4 4S i 5 IS 11 01 11 20 8 11 38 0 05 12 08 9 25 1Z1I9I5 bOurawiRD I A 1 Urel auw Uulot town Redbtone Jc Dartnt fatamtmuRl Itii 100 ami a lOlllOB im tm 114814 12743 9 W-ll 7 it 85011 Z5 227 19 S1211 IS 4 157 11 i IB 1 7 00 1 33 11 12(4 09 7 05 TcrKUBO! 8 3 7 02 1 ar 29 11 05 4 03 58 telir 59'3 57 6 52 IUTCH ,8 a'lO 56 3 51 8 49 Conm 18,10 50 1 15 Alojer Scott ti Scottd Jc Yoi 0 1 Oo Home Ji rw nullity SKI 8 02,18 ID 7I8I10U 7 SS 10 S3 7 52 ID 31 7 50 11 28 7 17 9 57 7 101 9 51 7 OC 1 9 42 535 3 JS 6 31 3 3) 8 27 3 31 21 3 21 3 24IB 11 2 5 8 5 46 2515 39 10 5 22 33 1 50 5 19 I 07 9 07 ilu i nllnit '5 18 9 01 1 28 1 baht 1 Iberty I'tttfl itrs: 5 23 6 88 1217 4 S5 5 10' 25 Pittsburg Lake Erie, Lessees McK. y. tlcvclnnii Short Line.

1 190J Itaiidard lime In effect NOT I A j) anil Fio fOs'rS' Now Haven rdJc III ISroad 1 ord 0 ISiZ 5 Adelaide SOUTH 138J1841 30 Main Line East. A A ALCUtu ItmYflB rtt.UHt.urs n. 0 4 0 nu Allot rm 11 00 I'litlatlo lu 17 0 OB a Alt oua I 1 VliUadeluhln 6 -13 lui Vow 11 10 1 Xl'lU SS loav UrvenHt urfc -J 08 It 2 IS 6 15 3 Kit SI 3 50 7 15 satis 9 45 9 10 7 1 0 9 4 8 7 lDiiO'6 9 SOfeO IS 565 a i Hun 1DU.I 01:5 II ullcr Nowton lleavt 1 alls vv Castle Clu laud Hurtak liicnRO 8 5 10 4 1 4 2 39 5 lOllOM 10 9 Gt i 10 I I1SO 7 46 11001 00 I i pm am I I f-SS i 7 11 I MM i 4 0 Grf iwburj, 1 lil (Irre I 1 1 id 0 0 6 NO I --All trnii rim dtdl'v nnd make co tvUoiu with trains on tbrt ort I I 1 No 89 will nu Jiu hour 0 mtautfalivtc No 1 15 111 rin i ut ho lie I arlor tti til rnrw Pltta- hurt, ClPTpli ml aufl Chlcuffo i 1 nOBlbON Oou 1 itn 1 1 II I i Nt Pa Washington Run R. R. i5 5 SO S8 7 47 (5 2 tO S' 17 IS 15 IS 53 Scottdale Branch 1 mini? on the i.tulalu i i It i i 1 ill i i i i i 1 tint! 10 ivnl 0 I im tn i I 1 at 10 i 1 10 0 HL iii 1 It, Mt I I tmuit it 10 i i 4 i i i I i i i i i 1 tlun ill 1- Hiul 1(1 uO ttin ti i 1 IM yiu riiiim 1 ext jit 'VjiU It(H) M( at i i I tun tr 1 ri1 i 1 Hul IPK to tke in i i I I Uooernl Manner (juu I nr 18 tS 6 02 7 i I 7 torla 37 f6 02 50 5 0 B5 SS OJI 5 S5 7 05 I u) urn 8 25 dly (() stop ou I I and A.

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