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The Placer Herald from Rocklin, California • 4

The Placer Heraldi
Rocklin, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Htir It Ttmi Ible (Mammoth Gas Ilolder FRATERNAL DIRECTC'iy VICil lA Saataeai Ia Artlea to Qalet Title Ia tbe Superior Court of the State i -jt itm Dt. feoscuberry'i Tatter Dies Tie following obituary oa the death of tie fatter of Dr. H. Raaea- Eureka Lodge, No of California, ia and for the County (Nev- Street Ii Eih Notes A etrai eer coming to Placer (ouoay. tioiuut but remark the de-tgbu'ul grounds immediately adjoining the bouc la tbt lajority of case.

M. or axa ruit-iw Oa November 21 tte steel te of a new tolier of Ii cubic jot capacity a as lowered to its coa- of Placer. Aietxs urst aai-uaay Elg4 ef la Irtiea Qaiet Title Ia the Superior Court of the Stat of California, in and for the County of Placer. CHARLES J. BORLAND.

GEORGE "-OKIaAMi, sometimes knowa as and GEORGE N. BORLAND, WiU LI AM BORLAND, sometimes knowa is and called W. H. BORLAND, BiMHh. P.

C. Ekbcre. C. E. MASON.

Plaintiff, vs. JOHN JACKSON. CHAS. WILSON, berry, of Aulurs, is pablikhed front ike Moatgoenery, PeruiejlTaaia, paper: Eiitter, ife.r ry rm tvraiv esat i Oa Juurr tba directors of fcja ftafieaal Pant Burnt Ii-' rie will Lull a rgslar mc1rj i 'Autera. Th 41 riot ecu bnoes (tic foutiie ot Platc.

Nevada, El Yfe amd Butte. All Farm Bur-urn ineiulwrt Placer Coaoty naay attend aa4 naif will because thi is taWr first opportunity to tfcf RtfioBal lure, tors ia actio. It glrea fine air of prosperity a in. comfort. It aiiows that tbe people In 1 Ko.

Atlar'V 4- No. 24. UuutlM aa No 22, Ot Paasrafat. No? tl. Coif lvaJ 9.

at No. I. Overlaid Uaaatai Ha. 19, Exi' a traaa I No. 24.

Toi u.ia afiftaaa, a. m. imT Bovn 'Dr. Jobs G. Rosea berry.

Who HENRY W. ROOD. HARRY W. ROOD, and "Also all other persons unknowa claiming any right, title, estate, lies or Interest in the real crete foundatioa oa the tra recently purchased for Ihe purpose by th Pa-clfle Gas and Lloctric Company at Army aw! De Haro streets, ia Saa Francisco. Placer are bome-lnvers; ami to many speat all but few years of his long life Skippack loK'asliip.

died Sun stranger, it just this atmosphere property described la the complaint. KLORENC1S BORLAND, sometimes knowa as and railed FLORENCE A. BORLAND. ALICE BORLAND Me-JOY, formerly AUCE C. BORLAND.

adverse to plaintiffs awaership, or bat be is tor in tbe quest for day. November 19. from infirmities of It attracted aide aitectioa aa the best place to live. (Hiilrxad Straat CaCtfn) Arrive any cloud upon plaintiffs utie thereto," Defendants. spectacular event.

After being There Is a I bat will be age, at the borne of bis soa-ia-la aad daughter. Mr. aud Mrs. Jobs B-Uodshail, at Cedars, ia bis ta year. 1LBERT N.

HOFFMAN, sometimes tnowa as and called A. N. HOFFMAN. DAVID C. MOREHEAD, eome- No.

8, FacilV Exaraaa av aa THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE Or riveted and caulked, the great steel disc, whit is 273 feet in diameter aad No. II. Facile Uatitai 1. 17 a. at.

CALIFORNIA. delight to all borne lovers It Is true that it is published bv Doublo. Deil CLi-pter ti, A Meets seooi.d Mtudcj P. Umnfer. H.

A. 8 Secretary. Gateway Couacil. No ll 8. U.

Meets third Mot da ia month. M. D. Limager J. M.

Stacker, Recoret Auburn Ccxumaaden No f. Meets fourth Muaday month. H. P. Jansea.

L. L. Luketa, Recorder. Crystal Chapter. O.

E. very second ad fourth il sonic Hall, Sarah -i lmes knowa as ana cauea To JOHN P. JACKSON, CHAS. Vo, HJSaa I Vaacisea Paaa'gr :2 ia Tb Weimar Hall Aawciatioa is arraagiBC to its ball. The weighs 150 tons, was lowered into He was bora Jus 1S3, soaking bis eet age years.

4 mouths and MOREHEAD, FREEMAN REA, day. Page at Garden No. Mail Trala a- No. S3, Local a. at AGNES REA.

and H. H. SANBORN. place by means of jacks. To bua WILSON, HENRY W.

ROOD. HARRY W. ROOD and "Also ail other aeraoaa unknot claiming any right, title, e- Interior mill be auaVinc lh IS days. Dr. Roseaberry.

as mat Plaintiffs. rs. CHARLES FETT. 'Hy. Long Is an iut ft ja ay ewou.

i tarries Califor- dred and fortr-eiebt jacks were No, 1. Overload Umfted a. m. No 23, Toe: pas 12: 55 P. m.

called, Lacing b-a a rvteriiuruu tot I. McDOXtLL. J. M. JAtXiBS.

iauiiC iar et-tive mbJ the ap-t iriic bore auractiv. utilized, a saaa being placed at each. iia advtrt and at least out HOFFMAN, WM. A. FREEMAN', E.

auiiy years, was bora oa the former A gong was placed ia the centre, aad GRAY, F. E. roLBORN, A. P. CAT- year i- is; l-s a "Pacific- Coast I'rias K.

Baa farm ia the soutberi. idt its sound every tuaa walked once UN. as executor of the estate of Lt Motuiay Mvaiiia" sirs. tuuur iiu'jtr. Tbe December JEORGE K.

KEY, CR.UE It- BOR part of Skippack towiuhip. He aa a eon of lbs lata John Roseuberry arouud, giving the jack one full tura liUBoa't "Mrs. Murphy Joias the J. T. REA.

11. L. SAXD- The lowering wi aompUshe4 iu lOK.V. and "Also, all ober persons sad Mas tbe last of bis faiuily. Li Knu Bureau' KmM gU-u at the Ml rteuaul Crultr.

ilrs. Amiuoa a thirty seven. minutes. inkuowa claiming auy rigM. title, family, bis brothers.

G. IUu Julia Holla. Secru.ui. BED Hi Miami Tribe, No. IZ.

Red Mca. Meets everv i' Officials of the company witnessed ate, lieu or intereai in tie real "Mrs. Murphy- Mr. Hakey Smith SONCE OF SALE OF STOff FOB PELJHTOT ASSESSMENT Consumers Fuse Aad Powder Company, a eorporatioa. Location of principal place of business at No.

ti Battery Street, Saa Francisco, California. Lu atioa of works at Rock-tin, Placer County. California. SOTICE There Is delinquent upon the fol uerry, formerly of Lausdsle. stu ate, lien, or interest ia the real prop-rty described la the complaint, adverse to plaintiff's owaership, or any loud upon plaintiff's title thereto," GREETING: You are hereby aotified that aa ac-ion was commenced la The Superior "ourt of tbe County of Placer, State California, by filing a complaint In he Clsrk'a Office of said Court, oa he 26th day of September, 1922.

In thicb action C. E. Mason is plain-iff, and you are the defendants. You are further notified that the iroperty effected by said action ia as follows, to-wlt: one, two, three. four.

five, six, seven and eight, la Block property described in the complaint. the lowering, prominent among them "Mrs. sad Mr. Ammoa irr uuuiUv-r is devote! mainly to the t. ft refer to tbe Gar Tb iKziiber.

number of tbe ard-u Magazine contains pboto--apis of thirty beautiful California r.l us; as well as photos of gar--is iu Oregon aud British Columbia, las one article, "Cultural Briefs the California Garden," that idverse. to plaintiffs ownership, or my cloud upon plaint iff" title tbere- Bight at I. O. O. F.

HaiL Geo. u. guta. Sachem, E. H.

Cum, c. Jesse G. Kosetiberry. late of stp pack, preceding Liiu in tiejlli tevera years ago. us lbs rm Auior tre ib same cut that predated the skit at lb beiug Wiggintoa E.

Creed, president; Joha A. Brittoa, rixe-p resident aad general manager; A. F. Hockea- jo. Defendants I THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE I A tut l-LA IUI.MIL Degree of Pocahoutas, meets He alteudej tLe public svbols recent Farm Bureau banquet.

It Is laughable and entertaining and short beamer, second vice-president aad Wedueaday uight at I. O. O. F. (: i CALIFORNIA: To Charles Fett, R.

A. McDoneli I. M. Jacobs. M.

Hoffman, Win. A. lowing de ribed etock of Consumer Fuse and Powder Company, a corpor his township aud mot a ureal reader Oo November 7, Mi. at the age of 2 treasurer; p. It.

roots, secretary ana enough to work iota any center Ceil Hulbert. PocahouUs, Tiliie ation, oa account of aa assessment Sleeting. strong. (J. of H.

freeman, E. Gray. F. E. Colbora.

A. he diluted ia Co. ITWh IViihsjI tauia Volunteers a id was tuu-m ser uakes it well worth the price of enly five cents to anyone who P. Catliu, as executor of tae estate SI of the Towa of Lincoln, as per map or plat of sail town, now on levied on tie 14th day of October, 1922. the se 'eral amounts set opposite the names of the following respective of George K.

Xey. Grace M. Borland Saturday evening, December the Applet lU Center held a basket social oves flowers and beautiful home gar- J. T. Rea, II.

L. Sauborn, ana file in the office of the County Ke geanl. He wus afur uim Bioutlis teriie, August IS, Tbt Tardeus. Then there are others shareholders, as follows, to-wit: 'Also all other persons un- In the Farm Bureau quarters In the so. icnown claiming any right, title ium as, "Wby Palms Belong In remainder of bis Vt be spent at assistant treasurer; P.

Leach, fit president iu charge of public relations and service; W. B. Yard, vice president ia charge of gas construction and operation and others. The demand for gas in gan Fran-jisco has been steadily increasing year to year since 1911, at hich line "2.377 consumers were served vitU an output of three aud one-hail corder of the County of Placer, the Northeast corner of lot One in Block 1 being at the point from which the section corner common K1 pear community bouse, Mufcic was estate. Reft or interest In tbe real 120.00 Mtutberu alifornia;" "Awakening ieir-ConschJueness In The California furaiahed by Mrs.

K. K. Forrest. property described ia tbe complaint.'.ie anl rikippa in tbe prac liie uf veterinary uij iuv' and at 20.00 adverse to plaintiffs' ownership, or Mrs.

F. F. Wilson and Mrs. W. KMC.

Frank H. Frank H. Frank H. Frank II. Frank H.

Chas. T. 20.00 Utidiag marke. sire died Ii to sections pine, tea, fifteen and sixteen, Township 13 N'ortU, Range East. M.

D. B. M. bears any clcud upon pUiutiff title tbere- Gamlin. Master Carl of the larden; "The Wide World's Gifts of Jroad lieaved Evergreens;" dealing 1S12.

H.s turviviug tbildrcn art Carl family entertained ilh a clever to." CREETIXC3 20.00 20.00 100.00 North 21 West 3737.16 feet. (larrv HMenlierrv. a veterinarian ll run me use or broad-leaved ever-M You are further notified that the recitation. Enough money 11 realized to finance the activities of the rreens in California landscape de- l.miua. wife of Jobn You are hereby notified that an ac 70.00 70.00 billion cubic feet.

Iu 1921 a toial of .35,000 consumers were served with an output of six and a Ualf billion iign; "Growing Green lawns In Codshall. of Cedars, and Annie, mif. renter for the fiscal year. Flat land. Flatland I ii 'alifornia;" "Looking Over The Sea.

muel l. Kinst of Colmar. Uon was commenced in the Superior Court of the County of Placer, State of California, by filing a complaint in the Clerk's office of said Court, on tbe tons Dahlia;" treating speclfitally beeuine a member of Trinity IteforuiM The field demonstrations were ubic feet. Siuie a Urge increase In out requires additional bolder apacity In order to Lave adequate 70.00 70.00 70.00 10.00 10.00 10. fO if California Introductions.

l.ur. h. Skippack, aljout the yeal 77 4 125 119 173 103 80 145 167 13 1 fc9 78 19 lu7 111 112 113 114 60 102 133 150 Sth day of August, 1322. In which ac tion Charles J. Borland, George Bor land, William Borland, Florence Bor Mr.

Koiii'tiberry a a puiriotk Then there Is an article dealing vith Oregon wild flowers, which will Auburn No. 9, c. Meets every second 3d tu.r at I. O. O.

F. Itiil. Uladana. President; Geo. K.

V. tec. S. ,1111 US COIMIL OF 01 I MCI Meet at Forester's Ihe nd fcurih JJonJays in each P. lirniy Grand luiiiht; I.

Jorgan, lice. J. E. H. i.i.

jicc. ULLMOXT ORPS. W. It Pelmont Corps No, 28, a. first Friday of tbe uiouil i O.

O. F. Delia Etuih. 'resldtM, IiUrcd Macy. Secretary.

of huoii itu Neil.bors of Woodcratt. bird Monday of month. lull. 'Mabel Su.ttb. Guardian jr; Helena Dobbai.

Clerk. t.MiaiTS tt LADILS OF Ct IIITV Meets second and fourth Thursj v4 ucU month, in Forester's Itail c. J. Dunnam, Prenldeut; F.iebry s.i. on.

Secretary. MHiEK Auburn N'j. A'oodin-n cf America, wcts 8 tupply to meet any demands which pr.igretisive citizen, interetiled i land. Alice Borland McCoy. A.

aar be made. It was determined. 10.00 pply in a Northern California sec ill tlu for the betteriiieu Hoffman. David O. Morehead.

Free berefore. to tako advantage of the ion where plenty of water and good ui.n u-iitv. His funeral wai man Rea, Airne Rea, and H. H. San low price of steel and Install It re Is given.

he'd vest i 22. Ii 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 born, are the plaintiffs, and you are Walter Walter Walter H. Walter H. Walter H. Walter Waller H.

Gaffett. Walter H. Walter R. B. Hind II, B.

Hule ft B. Hule W. H. T. i very large holder Immediately, pro- the defendants We take real pi a Hire In reminding (Trlniiv rbnrcb.

Jkiip'k You are further notiflil that the oronerty affected by tald anion Is Willi lut rin- if lu Ui adjoining tern held by L. H. Day, In.tructur In pomology at Davis on November 16 17. and 18, at Penryn, LoomK Mt. Vernon.

Long Valley aud Gold Hill. Methods of control eri shown ana the exact procedure in each step of every process was clearly indicated. Mr. Day promulgate! a new formula for disinfectant which hai been found most effective ii the Cnlver-alty'a experiments. It Is cyanide and bichloride of mercury, equal amounts.

1 to 500 each. In a solution of one part of water to three pans of ample storage for a number ol ears come, A 10.O00.0o0 tu. ft. 'lacer I moil high school patrons, If tho reminder is needed), that the locember number of the Garden Mag- described as folio to-wlt: ti-ry. TI.e service conducted bj Curl ti.

IMri. Dantor. Bswlstet was decided upon. It being the The Sacramento Placer Mining Claim, containing 140.65 acres of land, more or less, designated by the izlne Is full of good things for the h) liev, II. H.

Johnson, of Creamery most economical sice for a large itorage bolder, and a contract was 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 W. II. T. Hule 178 'alifornian. Surveyor General as It No.

56. em Fruit Growers' Convention bracing a nortion of Section 27 In object of this cald action Is to compel you. and each of you to set forth the nature of your respective claims, In- erests, estates, or liens In or upon iald premise, and to obtain tbe udgment and decree of said Court that the defendants have not, and that no one of them hat any estate In, lalra, demand, or title to. or lien upon the said premises, or any part there-of, or any cloud upon the plaintiff title thereto; that tbe title of the plaintiff In and to the said premises, and to the whole thereof. Is good and valid; and that the defendants, and ftach of them, and "altio all other persons unknown claiming any right.

title.eRtste, lien or Interest In the real property descrlped In the complaint, adverse to plaintiffs ownership, or any rloud upon plaintiff's title thereto." be forever enjoined, estopped and debarred from asserting any claim whatever In or to the said premises, or any part thereof, adverse to plaintiff, and that plaintiff have such other and further relief aa to this Court and further relief as to this court YOU AHE HEREBY DIRECTED to appear and answer said complaint within ten days from the time of the service of this summons, exclusive of i be day of service. If served on you in said County of Placer, and witliii. thirty days, exclusive of the day of service, if served elsewhere; and you are further noli (let! that unless you appear and answer within the lime above specified, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for any money damages demanded In the com FORD TRUCK in Al condition, Township 14 North. Range 10 East entered Into with the Danlett Hay-ward Company of Dalili.iore, Mary-and. to furnish and erect a holder of ihls size.

The foundation was com Ail Important convention has been announ ei to be held In Sacramento worm drive, early '21 special attach M. D. II. In the Brunhy Mining District In the County of Placer, In on December 12. 13, and 14th of tb 100.00 150.00 50.00 100.00 tient; will sell to first party that will five me reasonable offer.

Inquire the State of California, and more par pleted about September 1. It is ex state friit growers and farmers. ticularly described in the Patent pected to have the Uolder In operation Laski Ranch at Smith's Hall. Rock An iisive program has been thereof dated August 1. 1S76.

and 100.00 third Tltursilay evcninri at Creek District no4t2p filed of record In the office of the nr.y:rel nnJ unions; the speakers jefure Juno 1st of next year. HOUSE FOR SALB CHEAP Lo announced are William Sproule county recorder of the County of Placer, State of California, on the Vfce to Creditors President of the Southern Pacific 1st day of June, 1SS5, In Hook of F. T. Marn 3 P. T.

M-irsh 61 F. T. 97 F. T. Mirsh 124 F.

T. irah 183 F. T. Marsh 192 Elizabeth Mueh 58 Elizabeth Muoh SI Elizabeth Mueh 117 Elizabeth Mueh 158 Elizabeth Much 180 James D. 67 Mary Manning 202 ('has.

T. 74 Chas. T. 108 Chas. T.

129 Chas. T. 156 ('has. T. 1S6 Carmcliti W.

Piper 71 Curmelita W. Piper Ml Carmelit.i W. Piper 120 Carmelita W. Piper 165 armellta W. Piper 182 In the Superior Court of the State ateu uu Prospect Hill, Auburn.

Nint Comi.arii. C. H. S-crlMt. President of Patents at page 526.

reference to Jie Pacific Fruit Express, Wylie will' is hereby made for a more par 100.00 100.00 100.00 loo. oo 400.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 80.00 ticiilar description of said properly Glffen of the Sun Maid Raisin Grow Texas Mining Claim, situated in Prushy Milling District, County of Charles E. Vlrdeii and numerous nhcrs Interested in horticulture and Placer, State of California, fronting 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 agriculture in thin state. on Canyon on the north 600 -oonis. Two Iota.

Fruit (or tabU ise. Address Mrs K. Hinting. 22 Stanyan street, San Francisco WANTED A good, steady. gntle-uanly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Placer County No exper-ence needea.

For full pi write promptly to Dr, MeJl-al Company, Wincna, Minnesota. Established 1856. iters' Earl Perry. Consul, KMGIITS OF PYTiliAs No. K.

tects lit Arthur's Hall evev W.J a-lay cveuuig. C. K. V. H.

Dixon. K. of R. 5. Il OF PO( AII'Tl STcets every Hall.

Edna LeibcrMh. i Tillie Arnisirong, ct lecords. FORLsrtrs Court Placer, No Amm: )rier Forestc-rs. Meets e.try W. cvenitif: In Furcate' II.iU.

I. II. Smith, C. G. W.

I a ODD KKM.ttWS feet In width, bounded on the south by Gren Spring and Dardanelles Mining Claim 6Ml feet in width, on the 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 The flrxt school of the season we tho ga engine and tract or school held In the lower part of the County by E. J. Sternlman. ngrlcultural engineering expert of the Extension Service, lilverally of California. These schools were held at the Henry Ahart ranch at Lincoln and the J.

M. Schellhnus ranch at Koseville on November 27 and 28. The school at the Ahart ranch was confined to instruction In gas engines. Six engine were dismantled and reassembled the fourteen pupils In attendance. A school In farm accounting will be held In Auburn on January 3 and 4th.

R. V. Wright, Farm Management Specialist of the University of California, will be tho Instructor. Demonstrations In the pruning of deciduous trees will be held throughout the County on December 18 and 19th, by Dr. W.

L. Howard head of the Division of Pomology of the University of California. OF oth TO THE PEACE OFFICERS COUNT east by Sacramento Placer Mine here plaint as arlaing upon contract, or will apply to the court fur any olber inbefore described, and on Ihe west 210 2100.00 205 It has been brought to my attention by the claim of Hodges et el, embrac hat the law forbidding the pkking or ing a portion of Section 27, Township Ruth F. J. F.

J. F. J. F. J.

Ren R( L. relief demanded In the complaint. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, A. S. FLEMING, Clerk of Uie Court aforesaid, do hereby set my band and affix 14 North, Range 10 M.

D. B. ale of red berries being constant nnu coniaiuiiir; i. acres more or violated. For your Information California, lu and for the County Plucer.

In the Matter of the Estate of A'lLLIAM D. LV.E, Deceased. Notice hereby glveu by the Un-lerslgned Administrator of the estate of William D. deceased, to the -redlton of, and nil persons buvlng -liiinis against tbe said deceased, to lie then, with tbe necessary vouchers, wi'liln four months after the first publication of this Notice the office if the Clerk of the Superior Court of 'he Sate of California, lu and for the bounty of Placer, or to exhibit them 'ltb tbe necessary vouchers to the ald Administrator at the law office? jf his attorney, A. K.

Robinson, opposite the Court Hou.e, Auburn, Placer County, California, be same beiug tbe place designated ('or the transaction of tbe business ol laid estate iu the County of Placer, itats of California. ALEXANDER T. LEE, Administrator of the Estate nf William D. Lee, Deceased. V.

K. Robinson, Attorney for Administrator. First Publication. Dec. 2.

Last Publication. Dec. 30, 192. 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 less. the seal of said Court this 26Ui day of he law Is: Excepting and reserving from the WANTED Man car to sell cord tires to consumers and dealers.

Lowest prices ind test guarantee. 30x3V4 Cord sells for 7.90. other sizes in proportion. Easy to earn vour 1 100. 00 a week palary HYDRO-VULCAN TIRE COMPANY, South Michigan Ave Chicago, Ii II "Any person, firm or corporation is foregoing so much thereof an is de of a Misdemeanor scribed in that certain deed given to f.

'). o. W. A. Cranage and Jo Federer and recorded in the office of the county 20.00 20.00 September, 1922.

(Seal) A. S. FLEMING, County Clerk of Placer County. Prenelt Chamberlain, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Placer County Dank Building, Auburn, California. First Publication, Oct.

21st, 1922. Last Publication, Dec. 23rd, 1922. Auburn No. T.

I Meets every Friday night at i F. Hail. H. II. Rose, C-Jonts, Itec.

Sec. Placer Eueampmet.t, Xo vi recorder of the County of Tlacer 40.00 66 96 136 164 1S7 70 110 126 153 179 68 104 128 144 176 62 S4 115 160 1S9 63 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 10 10 10 10 5 Slate of California, in Book M. M. of Deeds at page 15, reference being 40.00 40.00 P. J.

Caroline Robins Caroline V.r. Robins Caroline Robins Caroline V. Robins Caroline Robins George S-l rriifs George Si.irrifls George iTiffs George t.1. 'rriffs George -Trills Julia A. oerner Julia A.

Julia A. Woerner. Julia A. Julia A. John Wo 1'iier hereby made to said record for 40.00 (a) Who mutilates or destroys my Toyon or Chrictmas red berry iree growing on public or private land, unless, in the case of private land, the owner gives his consent hereto; or (b) Who sells, offers, or exposes sale any Toyon or Christmas red terry or any part thereof, grown on and in this state: provided, that this mragraph not prevent the sale such Christmas red berry taken rom iirivately owned land, by, or WANTED A good, steady, gentlemanly salesman to handle a Ward's vagon in Placer County No experience needed.

Fcr full pariicuiars vrite promptly to Dr. Ward's Medial Company, Winona. Minnesota, published 1856 ocllt.t more particular description of this every iirst und tiiirj O. F. Hall.

II. II. Rose. Buy a Sticker Boost I he Mother Lode in 1. i'.

Slate To exception. 40.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 You are further notified that the ob i). IJiHirue, Scribo. Auca R.behali Ixidu'e, No ii; ject of this said action is to compel you, and each of you, to set forth the Nollce for Proiinif Will In the Superior Court, County of Placer, State of California. In the Matter of the Estate of DAVID G.

EVANS, also known as and called D. G. EVAN'S, Deceased. every second and tr -tl day at I. O.

O. III nature of your respective claims, in 100.00 50.00 terests, estates, or liens In or upon FOR SALE Winter Apples, cooking and eating. Price per box: seconds 75c; firsts $1.25. Mrj. S.

W. Pugh. Phone 17F11. 2vp said premises, and to obtain the And in accordance with law, and order of .1 board of directors of said the the the consent In writing of iwner of the land." You are requested to enforce judgment and decree of said Court Consumeia Fuse And Powder Com that the defendants have not and that Crosby, N. G.

Anna M-I. niVTritAL r.KoTiiiii.iii i't Meeis in For osier's i'r doiit, S. S'cColIotn: se r'arj, it Johnson; treasurer, Tillic J. stroni; no one of them has any estate in.claim pany duly made and adopted on the 14tU day of October, 1922, so many ibove provision. ORRIX J.

LOWELL. District Attirney. demand, or title, to, or lien upon th Joseph L. Evans having presented and filed in this Court a document purporting to be the last Will and Testament of David G. Evans, also known as and called D.

G. Evans, deceased, with petition praying for the admission of said Will to Probate, and for the issuance to him of Letters Testamentary: Highway The campaign to paste a Mother Lode State Highway sticker on the windshield of every automobile, and to pin a button on the lapel of every highway booster in the five Mother Lode Counties is on. And has therr ever been a campaign inaugurated in this section that will overshadow this one? never before have th committees met with such never beCore with such an avalanche of contributions. Nevet before have the people of the Mothel Lode Counties awakened to a project in such splendid manner as the) have to this one! From Count shares of each parcel of said stock as said premises, and to the whole there FOR SALE One Ford ca' In first class condition, $125.00. Inquire of 0.

J. Babcock, Box 37, Iron Miue Ranch. nopMfp. may be noessary will be sold at pub of, is good and valid; and that the defendants, and each of He auction at the principal place of business of said corporation at 22 Notice to Taxpayers all other persons unknown claiming Uattery Street Sau Francisco. Cali any right, title, estate, lien or Inter est in the real property described i fornia, on the 12iii liay of December, 1922, WE WELD Cast Iron Brass Alaniinom Steel, Copper and all other iMettlt Notice is heieoy given that the as 0TI( TO CITY TAXTAVI IiS Notice is hereby given lo of prnperty within the corporate its of the f.ity of Auburn axes are now due and ti.

the complaint, adverse to plaintiffs rolls jf the county of Placer ownership, or any cloud upon plain at the hour of three o'clock P. M. of said day, to pay such delinquent tiffs title thereto, be forever enjoine lave been placed In my hands and hat the statt and county taxes to? Now, therefore, notice is hereby piven that Monday, the 4(li day of December, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. at the Court House, in the City of Auburn, in said Placer County, has been appointed as ti and place for proving said Will, and for hearing the application estopped and debarred from asserting CitV Library Pnilrtinc-, nnii 'I assessment thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expenses 922, are no.v due and payable. any claim whatever in or to the said premises, or any part thereof, ad ot sale.

WILLIAM HOELSCHER, verse to plaintiff, and that plaintiffs have such other and further relief as Secretary of Consumers Fuse Chairman Segerstrom of Tuolumm County comes the new3 that bis people instead of paying $1.00 for sticker are putting up five and tci dollars'. Archie Steevenot, Cbairmat to this Court may seem meet, just an HHST ISTALLMEM Due October Hi, 1922 HelliKiiient December 4, 1922, SKtOMl INSTALLMENT Hue Jan nary 1, 1923. Delinquent April 30, 1929 equitable And Powder Company. Last Publication, Dec. 9th, 1922.

First Puplication, Nov. 25, 1922, of Joseph L. Evans for the issuance to him of Letters Testamentary, wiien and where any person interested may appear and contest the same. Tire Doctor Everything in Rubber Vulcanize your old Tires, llulilicr Hot Water I5a-s Cuiaranteed satisfaction. C.

A. BEEVER Down Town Tire Shop on or before tbe FIRST Tl'KSDAY IX JAM.VUV.ira at o'clock P. per cent t- aity will be added tliereto.Taxi personal property not secure by rul estate are to be paid will be at my office. Library for the purpose of recrivitm tn 1 afternoon from 1 P. M.

to I r' November and first half of 1. You are Hereby Directed to appear and answer said complaint within ten days from the time of the survice of this summons, exclusive of the day of Dated November lOtn, 1922. (Seal) A. S. FLEMING.

Clerk. Placer Machine Auto Co. PHONE 261 Auburn Cal. service, if served on you in said Notice to Creditors Kiiglnn Tn I tie. Notice Is hereby glvoh tnai accord tig to the requirement of the Politl County of Placer, and within thirty days exclusive of the day of In tho Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the Cnnm al Code, Sec.

3V6, Attorney for Petitioner. First Publication, Nov. 11th, 1922. and commencing on December service, if served elsewhere; and you "That taxes on all personal proper ni each day tip to ard including Tuesday in January from A Last Publication, Dee. 2nd, 1922.

M. are further notified that unless you so secured by real prot-ey. jmd one In the Matter of the Estate appear and answer within the time for Calaveras County reports that hit quota is all spoken fcr and that Calaveras will be sold out in a very few days. Ralph SdeGee, In charge of Amador County Is so sure his county will buy iu quota that be has challenged all the other counties saying Amadoi County will shame all others on account of her great over subscription El Dorado County under H. E.

Dil linger has gone to the bat already and reports an easy campaign. Placei County under P. B. Uoss Is certain ot mlf of the taxes on all 'n! properly Nolire of Meeting of Stockholders of 4 P. M.

C. H. GWVXN Marshal and ex-ofliolo Tax Coiif above specified, the plaintiff will take at! II be due and payabli the third wiuui.A.M J. HALL, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned as executrix of the win VIonday In October, Monday, Octo Judgment against you for any money damages demanded iu the complaint The Siha-Benrtlmldt Company Notice Is hereby rriven that a icr 16, 1922), and wlli delinnuen Lowell, Lowell Lowell Aitorneys-at-Law Auburn, Cal.

as arising upon contract, or will ap the first Monday in December next and Testament, and of the estate of meeting of the Stockholders of the Silva-Uergtholdt Company, a corner- ply to the Court for any other relief hereafter, (Monday, December 922,) at six clock ro and thai Placer Co. Bank Bid. Dowa Towa demanded Iu the complaint. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, A. ation.will be held at the Offices of said Company at Newcastle, California.

tnless paid prior thereto fifteeu pet ent will be added to the amount FLEMING, Clerk of the Court afore (said place of meeting being at tie said, do hereby set my hand and affix that her work will be cleared up lu t. principal place of buainess of sail hereof, and that if said one-half br lot paid before Uic last Mouday In Hop Sing Lianirj Ueojionod for liisiiK-" Ia Auburn Will call for clutli Ojieit Saturday, Oct. the seal of said Court the 23th day of corporatiin and at the building wheic DR. JOHN H. WILSON OSTKOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Treat- all acute and chronic dls short time and Mr.

Goss says every Draving and Hauling iAing Hauls a Specialty B. Vojjlep Hox 31. Aulurn Cal lie Hoard of Directors usually meet). pril next at 6 o'clock an ad-lltional five per cent will be added to body is after him for a sticker or on the 30th day of December, 1922, at he amount thereto. That the re button Instead of him having to gc asi-s without Hie use of drugs.

the nour of 2 p. for the purpose cf out and sell them. iriirj. rti.noRsu. considering and acting upon a proposition to increase the Capital Stock The sale of these stickers and but August, iszi.

(Seal) (Signed) A. S. FLEMING, County Clerk of Placer County, I'rewett Chamberlain, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Placer County Bank Auburn, California. First Publication, Oct. 14, 1922.

1-ast Publication, Dec. 16, 1922. naming one-hair of the taxes on all real property will be payable on and vftcr tho second Monday In January text and will be delinquent on the Monday in April, next thereafter ind unless paid prior thereto, five tons will provide a fun 1 by the use of am nuiiam j. Ball, deceased, to the creditors of, and to all persons having claims against the said deceased, to file them, with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this Notice In the office of the Clerk of the above entitled court, or to present them within said time with the necessary voucher" to said Ex.Hiitrix at the law offices of Lowell. Lowell Lowell, Attorneys f.

Street, Auburn, (alifornia. which said offices are designated as the place for the transaction of the business ot said estate 1922atd: 23r1 Uay of Xovw' CORA B. COLLINS. F.xecutrlx. Lowell, Lowell Lowell, Attorneys for Executrix.

First Puplication, Nov. 5, 1922. Last Publication Dec. 23rd, 1922 i of said corporation One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars, divided Into One Thousand (1000) shares of the par value of One Hun which the Mother State High Don't Lose way Association will bj able to carry- icr cent wiil bo added to the amoun on a campaign before the coming ses RAX FOR SALE acres, the old thereof. Your Teeth 4(1 dred ($100.00) Dollars each, to Five Hundred Thousand (faOO.oOO.OO) Dollars, divided Into Five Thousand THAT ALL TAXES MAY BE slon of the state legislature to secure the approval of a bill carrying an ap near Lincoln iyiA aero la luriri nn GOATS FOR SALE PAID AT THE TIME THE FIRST 5ooo) shares of the par value of One XSTALLMSXT AS HEREIN PRO Choice lot of milk goals to select honalJ VarrT' k' Price Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each.

propriation to build the Mother Lode Highway, already Jcclared a STATE VIDED, IS DUE AND PAYABLE." from pure bred and graded Toggen THIS MEETING Is called In pur v-, ici k. nnitiiA AL II. ItKOVLR. bergs. Also a few excellent bucks.

suance of a resolution and oriler of nr71mn Assessor and Tax Collector of Placer uoata rank ror aale, 40 cents per highway. Governor Stephens gave his approval to this highway last ses the Hoard ot Directors of said cortor- Thosands of people are wearing false teeth todnv I a use of the ravages of PYORRHEA. PYRO FORM a newly discovered sclontlc remedy is Riiarantefd to (ermanenl relief In any case of pyorrhea. Your quart. Unexcelled for children or in ation.

County' Hrnt Publication, Oct. 14, 1922, valids. sion and Governor Elect Richard FRANKLIN R. HARLEY Address a Dot 148. Auburn Cal.

on has pledged to do all In Dated, October 28th, 1922. J. E. BERGTHOLDT, Secretary of the Silva-Burgtholdt Company, Phono 146. ag2t4 FOR SALE OR LXHIANoE For Newcastle, Auburn or Colfax roperty, or will also consider county dniKptst will refund Ihe purchase price if you are noi entirely satisfied with the results obtained.

Raglan Tutlle, Attorney, iroperty, a beautiful San Francisco nrsi rtiDiication, Oct, zxtn, 1922. Last Publication. Doc. 30th, 1922. We Go Anywhere Phcne 96 Ralph R.

McKinstry it BCBJI, CAL. Electrical Repairing Home Wiring a Specialty TAILORING On your left we ask you to tailor do your tailorlnft. On the r-'' we show the reason, and urge y11' call and tee us. Repairing and Cleaning C. Joseph Druekc bis power to asnli tlio Mother Lod Counties to secure tlio necessary legislation to build tbe road.

Have you bought your sticker or button (o assist In ibis campaign'. Help make "The of Ho-bis nee" through tbe historic California, Mother Lode reality. F- S. STEVENS evidence sit, consisting of throe lots top of a sightly eminence In GUn WALLACE SHEPARD Attorney at law Office: National Bank Building, 7th and 3 Streets, 7th floor. Phone, M.

183 SACRAilENTO, CAL nunopRACTOR Pnlnloaa Method; At(cnd. ant: Conmiltatlon and Spinal Free Lincoln Way Aubllrni Caf Telephnn' Opposite Court House, Houri to 12 A. U. Park. Near two car lines: five cents Aiitiirn CaJ.

TRUCK TOR SALE 1 ton Oldsmoblla Truck tor sale. are from Ferry Apply Immediately ocl4t3 Inquire of E. Voder. Auburn, phone to Boi 101, Newcastle, CaL apJOtf.

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