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Portland Press Herald from Portland, Maine • 36

Portland, Maine
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Thirty Portlaad IS 1U0L Portland Praia HaraU Friday Marsh South Portland News Westbrook News Presumpscot Valley Lodge Installs Barstow As Chancellor Commander Holy Cross Sodality Plans Dessert Bridge Aoalb PwlhiiJ 1mm II A public dr writ btldir ind wlilal will hr lirld at 10 Jan It hr via I La I Inn Sodality Holy Cinaa Churrh in I ha school hall I- h' r'n h'nlt Eta 'street MelhodUl youtn pmeram jchurrh Mr Thoms Connor and Mary and Martha Guild Peo-Mr Frank OBrirn arc Mrthodlal Church public mm Mr Jamr A MrVIrar will b-clurr and demonstration Apple Annie To Be Picked At Lewiston Coronation To Top Farm Trade Show Lewiston Jau 1L (API Plana are complete for the State' top winlar agricultural ihow which atari here Tueaday the Maine Development Couunlaalon aeid today The Wedneaday hlahllght of the tliree-day Maine Aarlcultural Trade Show will be selection of Malne'a Apple Annie for I MO Twelve (Iris have been Choaen by the atate'a Pomona Oranfaa from nearly 200 contestant! for the chance to add alamour to the promotion of Maine Appiee Stale Airlculture Commlsaloiier A Gardner will rrown the winner at the annual meeting of the Maine Pomoloalcal Society Judges for the event are George Morrill vice president of the Burnham and Morrill Pood Co Agnea Olbbo Portland Radio Commentator and Emerson PUIabury Cumberland County agriculture official Mra Lottie York of Wlnthrop Buie Oranae lecturer will stage the coronation The trades show will Include mrellna of the Maine Dairymen's Association and Maine Veaeuble drawers Association Tueaday Maine Florist Aaaorla-lion Wednesday and Maine Poultry Improvement AaaorlaUon Thuriday Flying Arrow Reaches Tsingtao Shell-Torn Ship To Hz Dannie In Red Port ba in char nf refrrvhmenU and Mr Clifford Hall nf rraerva-tlon Drroratlnna will be by Mr WUHam Horton and Mr lam Cliapu The prue rnminlilre Ini-hKlea! Mr Frter Cnatelln Mr Peter Curran Mr Jaaiea Downs Mr Joseph Geraghtv Mra Prank Geneva Mr Harry Kav Mr John A Vanler Mr Joeph A Kilbride Mr (lenroe Ueweiljo Mr lea Savage Mra Fame fnnrny Mr Albert Rail Mr Jamea Canfield Mra Wendell Wlllwertli Mr P-ank Olll Mr Anthony Rllva Mr PYanei MrOulre Mr Pled Merrill Mr Frnri Cnpplneer Mr Jame Curran and Mr fTed Johnann State Aid Cot Costs School System $9000 Neath Partlaad 1mm By Press Herald Photographer Shepard AT INVESTMENT DEALERS' Head table group at the Maine Investment Dealers dinner meeting In the Eastland Hotel Thursday night Ptont row left to right are Carl Rosa newly elected secretary-trraaurer Portland Walter Burns re-elec tod president Portland Raymond Trigger managing editor ol tha Investment Dialers Diaesl and Harold Jonea director Portland Bark raw Gllbfrt Elliot director Portland: Hal Hoyt securities examiner Augusta and Edward Chair Portland ten per rent reliirllnn In t'atii- VWJJ tnyv iatc am educa'ion willi Delegate to the dlnreaan rnn -mat Hie (tenth Portland School ayarem abour 11000 thl year' Colo- Oonrae Beai superintendent dlwltnrd tori a I Brown with Arrhle Doyle Marali Beal estimated Hie 20 per renl Cut planned by I he late for IIM- llrln" I will mean a In of about I2H the Blind J1' OS He pninle) out lhal an Richards choir dl- "nr Bulldlna committee to Im- The upencndenl reported Old Town M01 Plans Big Layoff Uaiversaliit Ckurck To Hold Open Howe Wart break Jan Frederick Barfetow waa Installed chancellor commander of Preaumpacot Val- lay Lodge of at a meeting tonight In Castle Hall by Merle I Wadlelgh and hie staff from Be- bifo Lftkf Other Installed were Benjamin Austin vice chancellor: Robert Burton prelate: Irving Dyer master of work: Roy Bhawi secretary: Joseph Smyth flnan-' dal secretary Raymond Snow treasurer John McPhaU Jr Blaster of arms Wallace Blala-dell Inner guard end John Bay Ui outer guard Qgg The Rev Clarence Clark has announced that tha Warren Congregational Church haa paid In full Its apportionment quota for tha year IMS lor the work of the Christian World Mlaalnn A program an Sense And Nan-aeiue waa presented by Mr Tboasaa Smith and Mrs Archie Pratt at the meeting of the Barrister Literary Club this afternoon with Mrs Harry Hlgglna Spring Street Mra Smith read a paper on Happy Prince by Oscar WIMe The roll call waa answered by a humorous quotation Prize at ran teats were won by Mrs Aral Hawkea Mr Ralph Allard and Mrs William Hartley Mr Pratt and Mrs George Webster were assisting hostesses Mrs William Banka who haa been visiting relative In tills Wel-j rnurrn The confirmation riaa of the Trinity Lutheran Church will meet at 0 a Saturday In the churrh Ta Held Opau House The Pint Churrh will hold open house from 110 to 030 Sunday al the home of Mr and Mra Robert Travis 0 Berkeley Street In honpr of the Rev and Mrs Herbert I Weeks and am lie who will be leaving soon for Milford Mam Girl Scout Troop 10 will hold a aplaah party at the Portland YMCA Saturday Members will leave Uie Warren Church at I IS and transportation will be furnished The group will be accompanied by their leader Mra Armand Oaudreau and Mra Harold Allen Boy Scout Troop SI of SL Hyacinths Church win rolled waste paper In Wards 3 and 4 Saturday morning Paper should bo at the curb at a The WRCB of the Melhodlrt Church will serve a calendar supper at 130 Thursday In the vestry of tha church On the Supper Commute are Mra' John McDonough Mr Edward Roblnaon Mra Harold Burke Mra Hereby Slack Textile Market To Cost Nearly 230 Jobs lh inTrT Ih consist of Colonel lloh-Uiai iwo rwm In I he IJnroln' -n i Colonel Trenholm Mam' to pam tha Winter with jheraon William Banks Old Town Jan 13 iAP) Black! bl conditions In the textile market city has returned lo Qulnrv junior Choir of the Congregational Church will rchranr it 14ft Fndijr chon' hare Im i Mr TTTL tT" I rr'Bvlvrater Cushman Mra Joaeph ofhi2TISlnwl'- Mr Wlllm Norlharave mm' heller IIHUO MeGnvern Mr Prank HUrkhum let fur me Inaulatlnn of IWmr in Hie third trade rnnann a ts a above tne boiler where the Un-irCTIOIlSlI AlMI Until coin School Mm her' CI1 tnlrt Seelh Portland Uia Board We oerd of duration Uie lieatRv m1 Mr Blair Ward will 'A1 uarlicr 10ld an open house from 3 to I Aboard Plylag Arrow Friday Jan 13 iAP- The Flying Arrow today rearhed llie Communist port of Talnaian where will repair the dantaae wrouaht by ahella of a Chinese Nationalist gunboat The ship arrived shortly before 1 P- Tslnalao time Thursday rsli The 8 Dealraycr Bauasell taught In their alorklna feel Club Doings and from 1 to I Friday at he new parionaie 333 Harriet Street for members and frlrnda of the Churrh of the Nazarene William Ward Ir was elec led' Mr Mildred Kelso I) and Mlaa president nf (he Indira' Union of Grace Emerson will assist with Crescent Beach Wednesday In the' refreshment Soma Cafe Mr Haaen Mitch-1 Mrs Frank Vanderward all I Uie new president: Mr ICragamere Avenue la a patient In Clinton Murray aerretarv and the Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary IT Vernon Brown treasurer In the floor show al the public They will meet Frb IS with Mia Idanre of the Romani Laetl Club Clyde cotton Ocean House1 In South Portland High Bchoolrr'a aklpprr messaged Uie dealroy-ftoad Cape ElUabelh Friday the Lises Patricia Glller aa lg prepared to leave Utank- and Hope Chaput will danre and Ing Uie commander for a Job well sing Merrill Oogan and Robert done Mr (leorie IMnsley will enter- the Christmas Gift riub Fvb whlrh had acrom panted the American frelahter on the 3M-mlle voyaae northward from tlie Yang-tae'a mouth left elaht miles out-aide Tslnatao No Nationalist gun boa la were sighted on llie voyage It was a gunboat that shot up llie frelahter Monday aa It neared the Yangtze en mule to NaUonallat-blockaded Shanghai Capt David Jimea Uie IrrlgliL- Frederick Barstow BenUh Chapter 0ES Elects New Officers Westbrook Jan ll-Mrs Wil-BUaraan haa been elected worthy matron and Donald Collins worthy patron of Beulah Chapter OER Other officer are Mr Rlrhard Billina associate matron: Qplden Emrry associate patron: Mr Willi Holbrook lev re to ry: Mra William MarPhenon: treasurer Mra Raymond Jlllaon randue-treao and Willi Holbrook fins nr committee Pie Mr Willi Turker and Mra Fred Tucker Brawl Alumni droop Planned pnrmer Boy Scout of Troop II mit mmday in pnMf(fr Hall 10 form an alumni laMorlalinn Tha Troop Commit- pnnln a show to ralre fund lor mpni rllrltiee next Bummer The Rev Ollbert Pa: naud and Charle VaUlanrourt were named a director Wilfred Boulanger I making the arranxr-menU end the date of the ihow rill be announced later The Democratic Women' Club will serve the supper next Thuriday niahl when the Demarraiie Countv Committee meets In tha Veteran Firemen' Hall Philip Lafftn rhalrman announced today Committee for the supper will be six member of the Democratic City Committee Mayor Ernest Porell Oerard Paulin Rlrhard Smith Laurent Belanger Leo Paul Ptnrlte and Rlrhard Libby Bute expenditures of 40 year ago were compared with thoee of 1040 by State Representative Edward Chase this afternoon in a talk to the Current Events Club Chase dlaruaaed tha problems of old ase anal lance education and tax revision The met with Mra Alfred Prinec Oakland Avenue The Westbrook Boosters Club will meet at a Friday la City Hall ralled on the party to "take its glove off and bernme a fighting parly Tl the people know Uie truth of thlnxs a they are and will get the support or the voter he declared Mrs Minnie Canavan stole rommltteewoman reported on the recent stole meeLnc in Hal-Imrell Edward Miller ran-dldale lor (he State Senate reported on the artlvKIej of the Young Democrats organization About 39 attended and Willard presided DIAL Far OMaclna gJw4e Colonial Cleansers he 44M FMlato ImI Lac AWm thm TNI ST IMIS NOTH IN HfnMI IVT oh KIVIWO Tftftl sift Ctalilftf st the home nf her daughter Mr Merls Conant Alton Strqrt Portland Mia Peaav Itcnllin vn a meat al tn meetina of llie VIP Club with Mra Joaeph Cushman Jr Wednesday They will meet next Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary week with Mrs Arthur Deanel Paul Redmond son ol Mr Pwrit Htrret Portland Gladys Redmond Marrlner Street The Magpie Club will meet Jan has relumed after three yeara In IS wits Mrs Harland Pngg Lor- the armed service Ha waa at Bernina Slreot The layette project 'muds two yeara vralry rbllatkea I'nM Him Street Mathodlal Church Mra Herbert Crory Elm Htrret all-day meeilno and box lunrh Men'a (lab Thornton Height Mrthodlal Church motion plc- lures 130 CoL Hobson Named Senior Church Warden Naulb Partlaad Jan It-Col Oeorge Hobaon was elected aenlor warden and Col Derrlll drH Trenholm Junior warden lonlahi at the annual meeting of Hi Alban'a Churrh- Floyd Richard will be treaaurer and Earl Ruaaell clerk Vratrymen named were Eeerton Bawtelle Harry Yale Horton Kina Raymond A Pooler Raymond Marah David oh nr on Jan 13 Stanford will give piano aelectlona and Arthur Danle will alng Miss Dorothy Hammond will be accompanist Mrs Waller It Dwelley Stanford Street la a patient In Uie Mr and Mra Howard Lowill have announced the birth of a son Raymond In the Portsmouth Naval Hospital Laical rand pa rent are Mr and Mrs William Ward Jr Ocean House to 7 30 Jan 34 In the hall Mra Marie LeOere will la dining room rhalrman The Auxiliary has vnlro a Marrli of Dimes alfl Tlie Hewing Circle will meet Tuesday Mir Harold Nicholson Preble Btreet la passing some time I- Florida A party waa held recently In the favetle Hl by employe of the South Portland Housing Authority honoring Mlaa Elinor Higgins wl resigned as secretory at the Peary Village office III! Al WIITS Supper The Elm Street Methodist Church WBCS held a rover rd-dlsh supper In the vestry tonight wllh 419 member or Ihe seven units attending Hostesses were Mrs Raymond Taylor Mr Virginia Matthews and Mr Al-wyn Paige of the Intelllgo Unit A new project dime plate wsa dlsruucd Mr Aniu Merrlthrw presided Mr and Mr Paul Lunl Preble street left by motor today for Florida Kenneth Carter will be In WEBTBBOOK The for the South Portland District Nursing Association has been completed Mr John Curran entertained the Weed Club and Mra Horace Jne Ir was a guest Sanford To Be School Music Festival Host May 6 Ig Date Set For Event Sanford Jan 13--Sanford will be I iol May I tn the Western Maine School Music Festival which last met here May II 1MD Everett Firth director of the local arlinnl bands and orchestra will be charge and (lie general chairman nf arrangement will bn (Tirriml Monte president of llie local Band Booster Club Approximately 33 arhoola will participate In tlie festival with bands orrheatraa glee rluba and aolntala both Instrumental and vocal llie festival Iasi year waa held at Auburn State Of Sett Maine Career Week The Public Relations Committee of the Maine Slate Chamber of Commerce meeUng In the Pal-mnulh Hotel Thursda- tentatively scheduled Maine Career Week anme Lime between March 19 and April 19 The plan rails for cooperation of Maine rnllraea In a praaram Uial will Include regional conferences wllh puplla from various blah schools The program Is the first step toward reaching stale chamber objectives for 50 John Cam stale director of guidance Maine Department of EducaUon and Randan Nicholes Maine Apprenticeship Council were speakers CAP Helping Local Weather Bureau Due fo a breakdown In part of II own equipment the Portland Weather Bureau la getting help In preparing Its forecast from Uie radio network of the Maine Wing Civil Air Patrol Weather Bur ran officials disclosed Thura- and waa pronouneed dead on arrival at the Maine Oeneral Hospital Police Mid Allen who worked for the Andrew Lumber Co waa unloading lumber from the truck and toppled to the ground A resident of Windham more than 49 years Allen waa a naUve of Everett Maas Hr leaves hi widow Mra Flora Bella Allen and several children Pine Cana Lodge Independant Order of Odd Ladles observed It 93rd anniversary Thursday with a dinner and games In the Oraymore Hotel Mrs Belle Witcher only charter member attended Mrs Maude Pray and Mra Ruth Oordon were tn charge of the affair Other attending were Mr Effle Keating Mr Alleen Reeve Mrs Minnie Richards Mr Bdna Clark Mra Lotlic Gaudy Mrs Annie Pike Mrs Edith Kuch Mra Merlon Doucette Mrs Maude Rand Mr Eva Turner Mra Oeorglanna Wilson Mrs Carrie Knight Mra Mildred McIntyre Mrs Helen Smith and Mrs Blanche Lowe Democratic Candidates In Maine Not Sure Of Financial Aid Says Scolten The ship la expected to remain In Tsingtao seven days while re pairs are made to the damage canard by the gunboat shelling It la unlikely lhal Communist authorities will permit the sending of dispatches during the atgy In Tsingtao Tsingtao la about lli mile north of the waters off the Yangtze River mouth where a Nationalist gunboat Monday shot up the Flying Arrow The Bauaaell and the Destroyer Stlckell had been standing by the Plying Arrow until the labrandt-aen Line ship waa pronounced seaworthy after emergency re pell a The Navy Department said In Washington that Ihe Bauaaell would arrompanv the Flying Arrow the point of entry Into flilao laaellwiol moloM an Clilnese territorial waters of Tsingtao" (Tslnatao la llieoretlcally blockaded by Uie Nationalists aa la Shanghai but Nationalist warships for anme months have been ronccnlrallng llielr efforts off Shanghai They apparently do not have the ranee to venture far north i Capt David Jones of the Flying Arrow aald his decision to move waa prompted by fears that welling of water-soaked cargo In No 9 hold might cause an explosion The rarao consist of cotton libber and caustic soda (Thare have been Instances of water' swollen rarao usually train bursting a ship's seams) Payne Promises Financial Report Noncommittal On Special Sesaion (Nwlal Sbfilclt Brunswick Jan Gov Fred- week regarding financial dell rlenrlea In at least two state departments Asked bv a student at a Bow-doln Political Ptonim program In Moulton Union Bow doln College If he would call a special session of the Legislature regarding deficiencies In tlie Health and Welfare and Education departments the governor answered ruefully I wish I had the answer to He told listeners he has been studying Uie slate' financial statu for the part six mouth and promised a public statement within a week The alale'a chief exerutlve pointed to the 1490000 ronUn racy fund from unappropriated surplus whlrh could he aald be used to make up deftelenelr The Oovemor put a clamp on report that Maine la Indefinitely out of the picture regarding aa-tabllahment of a aleel mill here by reporting that a stole representative Is now railing upon every major steel company In the Cleveland and Pit la burg areas In an attempt to bring tha Industry Development of Maine mineral deposits remain high In Uia Governor's hopes for the future He told of one manganese deposit In Aroostook County 140 miles long and reminded the audience that Maine has the largest aurh deposit on the North American ran Unent Society Notes Mr Franklin Peterson Franklin Btreet entertained at a birthday party Thursday for her son Richard Pink and while appointments were used and a cake formed the centerpiece Mlaa Mary Peterson a Misled In serving Guests were Walden Randall and Robert Vlckeraon Norman and Penelope Peterson Charles Stevens John Bee In Elizabeth TUttle Hazel Smith Clara Roe Richard and Oerry Vlckeraon ft Plan were made for a food sale Saturday Feb 3 In the Woodford Gift Shop wlien the Executive Board of the Portland Chapter of the National Panhellenlr Conference met Thursday with the president Mr Donald Bean Carlyle Road Mr Walter Hall and Mra Robert Wylie will be ro-rhalrmen Further plans will be made al a meeting Jan 39 with Mlaa Jo-Ann Chellla Lud'ow Btreet Tlie group tentaUvely planned a tea far aenlor rollega glrla In March Others attending were Mr Jamea Connolly Mrs Robert Col-omy Mrs Robert Robert Mlaa Alelda Morton and Mlaa Agnes Walah Mr and Mrs Robert Jurgen-aon Cape Elizabeth are announcing the MrUi of a daughter Karen Oould Jurgenaon Wednesday in Uie Mercy Hospital Mrs Jurgenaon la Ihe former Patricia Goukl I tha daughter of Mr and Mra Ralph Oould Cape Elizabeth and granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Jamea Kay Oxford Mr Jiiraenurm la llie son of Mr and Mrs Christian Jurgenaon and grandson of Mr and Mrs Neal Atklnaon Bar unoccupied rocking chair Into motion or sUr your coffee with knife Or you may have little auper-aUttana which you've never ran flded to another But If you're really mipenll-Unna make the beat of the day What does Uia National Safety Council layf Nothing to the III luck omtau today or any day of the year It advises you to I oriel the dale and relax and take the opportunity to advise anyone to be cartful every day of Uia year Mr John A Hesne Simon ton' Road Capa Elisabeth tree! will entertain Jan 14 I Eelam Tram Boffalo Mr Wlliiam Curry Lincoln Mr Marshall Allan Sian-Street entertained the A Ml Street has returned after Club for Canaala Wednesday Neat PaMII' two rk tier son begk meeting will be with Mr BII daughtcr-ln-law Mr and Carl I Murphy Main Street Mra Robert Allan Buffalo Mr Delia Conroy Mr Hattie Mr and Mra Henry Jonea OUlles Mr Ada Willard mim Street are passing ths Bertha lenders and Mra Melaiughlln won aame aouvenlri Mu Edwin 8 Bwl and Mra at the meeting nf ihe Kumyu Cliil)llfr Orlfflnwlll be hoalmaea Wednesday Mr Mary lhl Btreet will entertain next wok Ireldenta Club Slewarl Mor- Ur cSrtian Cta AL Mr Alvh Bluff Whitmore Mra William Cof-nUrtoTn toe neat week Souvenir were won lhU week by Mra Jceph Beal Columbia Hotel and Mr Erwin Finmotu Wrdmaday New member nf ihe Thornton' pkLu! enve Cao' EHaa-Meiahl School Mothers Club CJT: hV elude Mrs Sherman A Thompann l2v2rJreeki In Mrs Mary Patten Mr Mmrell and Mr Virginia Ullf -jVeretl Hm1Um wBI hoateaa to the Adelphlan Unit Elm Dianne louahlln rceanUlrM Methodist Churrh Jan 31 jnew Avenue will be seal wok wllh Mrl Euicne Evans aaaUl-hoateaa for Ihe Club Mint meeting nf the The monthly public supper of Rmerwm and Mstnm Uierary lhr Houth porUand Post VFW Club Monday Mr laicle Dyer Auxlliary will be held from 9 30 Tlie transmitter with whlrh the loral bureau ron tacts one at ML Washington every three hours brake down early this week Store then reports from the 000-foot peak have rome aa umibI on the local bureau's re reiver But transmission unUI the Weather Bureau's Instrument la fixed Is Ih rough tore CAP stations WOZJ South Portland and WLXR Portland Windham Man Dies Unloading Track Here Laarrrnrr Allen 99 of Wind ham Center rollapsed while un- loading lumber from a truck on In Taipei Nationalist capital an Brook Road Thursday afternoon 0 BklU PbaoVlna flssl1" nUWV BUrriHRin Shlh vlre establishment today and the Oun eg an Mill of the American Woolen Company here prepared to lay off moat of Its 330 employ storting with gradual lotting by cutting down about 30 of one deportment' personnel Arthur A Worth rompany agent aald tonight Uial It ron 11-lulra a seasonal layoff" but Indicated that approximately 300 employes will ba affected eventually Offlelala pointed to the record of tlie Old Town nrlabllahmenl which has had ronUnuoua operation since World War II without recourse to seasonal eloalng aa haa been frequent In the case of many Maine IcxUle mills Only once for an approximate two week period In the Spring last year when about 90 employes were laid off has tha mill curtailed activity Even now the offlelala declared Uirre remains pomiblllly that the complete cloelng may be avoided This depends on orders In a market that aa they aald la alark" al Uie moment UnUI very recently there had been hope Uiat the mill might continue a full-time basis with expectation llutl the company might get a large order for the Government Orders ho be started for making samples for uniforms for the marine ear soma weeks ago then In early December there waa curtailment nf appropriation In Washington and all Mda were turned back Interesting point on rugmak Ing In Maine were discussed By tlie Obkne Club following peper on the subject by Mra Merrill fltephena et their meeting Thursday wllh Mra LrRoy Cramer Summit Btreet Mra Charles Jones and Mra William Rand were appointed chairmen for a benefit bridge In Primary Plana were made to entertain member of the Phi Beta Club Peb with Mr Stephen Coyle Btreet Mra Warren Peterson will weak on the United Nations ft Members of Ralph Caldwell Unit AL Auxiliary voted ta supply one motion picture each month to Uie Maine Home For Boys when they met Wedneaday In the post home Mra Dorothy Young president announced that Mrs Flnrenca Brewer Mra lone Moore Mrs Cecil le MeCubrey end Mlaa Victoria Moore planned to attend the presides t-eeeretary conference scheduled for Thun day In Wells Mra Georgia Morgan Americanism chairman read a paper on Benjamin Franklin Membsrs will be entertained by the port at supper and special program at 8J0 Saturday in Uie port home A musical program followed Uw business ages ten with performers Including Mra Elizabeth Doyen Mlaa Jane Qomety Newt and Ralph Goddard Fred Jack Jr and Vincent Battles Mrs Verda Carter Mrs Prances Mains and Mra Eleanor Moore were In charge nf refreshment North Windham North triad bam Jaa 1L Lake Shore Lodge I OOF Windham will entertain the third degree team of Jamea Townsend Part Officer AaaorlaUon of Portland at Monday at the community building North Windham The Third Degree will be conferred -on a class of candidates by the vial tor Refreshments will be nerved by LrRoy Stengel The following officer have been elected by the Windham Teacher A hoc la lion Mra Annie Badger president: Mra BUaa-beth Barton vice praldent Mra Etta Johnson secretary and Mra Mary Cimey treaaurer The next meetina will be April I at the high school Midyear exams are being given Uila week al Windham High School Helping Hand Club wUI meet Mday afternoon with Mra Lillian Poster Dr Adrian Bralten of Portland declared Thursday niahl that Democratic rand Ida tea aeek-Ing offlca In Main "are not rer- tain of financial and other nip- port xxx Doctor Scolten unsuccessful candidate foe Uw Senate In 1040 told a meeting of the Democratic City Committee In City Hall that "our present difficulty In getting good candidates In Maine le not due to Uie fart that they do not exist xxx 'but than they are not certain of tha financial and other support which every candidate needs In order to bo looted He said that among the Democrat! In Maine there are "In every county persons ol Integrity and ability who should be candidates for minor or major offlca If tlie DemorraUe Party back theta "os they should be backed the remits In the 1090 election will be surprising" he declared Scott KlUredge recently appointed chairman of a committee to obtain complete slate of rin-dldatoa on city and county tickets reported A general discussion on candidates waa held Enoch Willard chairman rlr fSbCi 43) II ill present a paper on Euthanasia and Mrs Henry Hender- arm of Ihe Emerson Club will read a paper on Should Our ciiurrhei Unite Discussion will follow He MI South Fartlawd Jaa 13 bum ion picture showing operation a Massachusetts pipe line waa shown the South PorUand Lions Chib tonight by Dennis Hickey Inrai ml rompany representative BEElwn IX KLIIVISO gg rang i Tax Returns ALBERT TARDIF Fa raswiMsl am wvaar naksl BL TO 1-14 I PnrmoM Chao-YIna minister of foreign affairs told a press conference Uw "port would be continued even at Ihe risk nf new Incidents He raid the shelling of the Plying Arrow was "a necessary step" Allied Arts Headed By Stocker Norman Btorkar was slewed president as the Allied Arts Association of Maine aimed at the promotion of all branches of art In Maine held Its Brat program n( llnrd up nfW mnbyni Ka iii enmnunitv rmir at the Jewish Community Center Thursday evening Others elected were Paul OUI vlre prealdmt Mlaa Gladys Whitney aeeretary and Lionel Lrmieux treasurer A charter will be drawn up Jan 34 at a meeting In the Three Arts Studio About 140 attended for Thura-dav'a program whlrh Included talks a ballet a rarorded sketch musical aoloa a showing of paintings and a display of books written by Maine authors eliarge of tha entertainment at the meeting of Chib SOI First Congregational Church at 130 Saturday Mr and Mra Thomaa Stowe Dyer Street hare announced the birth of a son Arthur In the Osteopathic Hospital of Maine Mr and Mrs Oordon Mon-geau Massachusetts Avenue have named Uielr son born In the Osteopathic Hospital Kenneth Linda Latter waa elec tod president of Brownie Troop of Cape Elizabeth at the recent meetina Others elected were secretory Shells Stanley: Juliet leer repreaenlaUve Henna Bewail: Brownie flag bearer Pat Leary: and American flag bearer Joanne Libby This month'a project la the making of vaaee for Uw Maine Oeneral Hospital Today Is Friday The Thirteenth But Be Careful Every Other Day ZAHARES WXBTBBOOB If you're superstitious you'd better dig out the horseshoes warm up that old rabbit' toot and keep abaft black cal tar today la your day Friday the 11th And If you're a member of this unusually targe rlan It might be well to Jingle those lucky silver dollare a little louder divorce yourself from two-dollar bills and keep a cautious eye for ladders BUII If you want to debunk traditionally "unlucky Friday" tplll some salt break a small mirror throw a hat on a bed atari an HH IGA SUPER MARKETS If 3 VolofltlRR St 57 Brldg St IO Rnry In Til Idysu Tburu a BsL Eve Tg II SEE OUR IGA ADV ON PAGE 21 mam uwiti tne bent food yluei in webtoboo ng 2 NeWSPAPErHR.

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