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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 31

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Hero the folutioa cf ycur Uz que 1 1 fa A art ion tiiev expect to follow. With this rr. an if I you set HO CLW'T. rr.orc rrAU izz cut of year gasoline CfJNT. more pov.

cr out of your motor. 100 Villi CENT. I r.i carbon. All for CS.OO, in tailed. HAYDEiT SALES Distributors 17 1 3 North. ifet. Indianapolis The 1 oji rd announced that It would huv five lots In Oreer streft. between Mv rthv end htevena atreets. for for rlaytround purposes. A EE? f.

e. b. I) Lovcct Priced Car With iheccj Coct Features r. rfr C. r.

tal r. 1 irar.j Vrr Hyatt tearl igrs. atreara 3 tody, fcenr ycomb r.i Ilator. Atwater Kent i vanadium atecl cj. tlTer aprlass.

GREATEST PROPORTION OF TiRE SURFACE TO CAR WEIGHT mm co. ir.DI AN AT0LI3 i i 1 i I I POTATOES DDVAI'ONE CfllTATCimMET PRICES STILL MUCH HIGHER THAN IN OTHER CITIES. WHAT THE RETAILERS SAY Potato pric la Indianapolis wert 1 cert a po ur.3 lower en market today tUn they wrt last Saturday a. drcp cf 3 cent a. bushel Jn a.

week. A far rr.oro sensational decline la expected within the next week ten Ur Eiandhoders were grettlr.g cent a. pour. l. cr a bushel, and practically cf them predict a decline to ST a V.ihel or lower In the near future New Potato Coming.

1 look for the bottom to drop out within the next tea day. said ere tamihcI'Jer. "Ifi bound to eoir. soon. the warm weather coming on the commiralon men can r.ot keep the stocks trey have on hand.

They will have to get rid of them or they wHl spoil. Tela ar.d the fact that honse rrown potato win be on th market within the next wk or ten days bring potato" 4n to Si a bushel or poesiMy lower." Chicago, ar.d York hav reported remarkable drops In the 7 rice tt potato this week, but Indie r.apol.s rommiMion (5rmi report only slight declines. The retail grocers and staridboider ssy they are unable to ac Tr'jnt for situation, although they cn see no reon whr prices should not it as low in Indlanapoiis as they tr in the ether cities. P.etaiiers blame the wmmlHhn men. The fomr.unon men In the cities in which decrease hav been reported, say that the decii Is aud.

by the lartre 3 ar.tltie cf potato that have been 'it on the market within the last few day, ocaj on men con ter.d that there is stiil shortage of potatoes In the local market. Jobber' Explanation. Eorr.e cf the eommiasion men say that the potatoes that are being sold at reluced xrlcfs la the eastern cit Indianapolis and Vicinity Orief Notes of the Day. Th children and neighbor of schoel No. 27 will ew at tb achoot building alt day Tueaday Bed Croat under th direction4 of Mr.

Earl Matlock. Mr. Irving King and Ml Caroline Good hart. The auxiliary to Indiartapoli chapter No. 30.1.

O. p. 8.. will meet with Mra. Ullle Llnclcome, 141 North German la avenue, Tuesday afternoon.

Mra Vincent LanJwrlen and Mra John Wleg will entertain th Charity Club of th facred Heart church afternoon at 6L Cecilia, hall. Th George II. Chapman W. No. 10 will not meet Tueaday afternoon.

Th next meeting wlllb held July 10 ia th O. A. R. hall. Ill Eaat Maryland street, and meeting will contlnu very two weeks during July snd Auguat, A registration meeting open to th public win be held at the WoodrulT elubhouae TYl iJV evening.

W. II. Hart will talk. The Holy Croo Social Club will enter tain In Llederkrans hail at o'clock. Tu.adajr afternoon, th hoateaae for the oc hir Mra J.

H. Volrhaye, Mra. John lium, Mr. Martin Vdeton and Mr. Ed wrd erner.

Euchre and lotto will be piajed. An toe cream social will be given by the OU9 liranch Social Circle at 8 o'clock to nisht tn the Odd reilow hall. Hamilton and Washington atrt A roe party will be given for th caah girla cf th Nw York atore CPettle Dry ioda romptjyl at th home of. Mr. and Mr.

Elmr Gay." 3 South Emeraon av nu. at o'clock Sunday afternoon. Indianapolis Rotary Club. The program for the meeting of the Indiana. pcii Rotary Club Tueaday noon at th Clay pool hotel, eentalna a number of event not uaually found at the weekly meetinca Among th Iterr.s mentioned la th Retarr Club International bowling trophy, presented to th local club at the convention recently hld at Atlanta, which wui on exhibition during th luncheon.

Individual aaeoala will presented to th champion Rotarl.n towlera; an adJresa will be delivered bv J. M. Hcwn, rr'dent of th local club, "and Lr. Herbert T. Waaner will read to th club the ad Ires mad by th Rav.

G. Ashby Jon at tb Atlanta convention. Now Looking foe Taylor. Robert Taylor, colored, a driver for the Iniianapcli Coal Company, drov out of th Hast Washington atraet yard of th com pny with a load of col yesterday and failed to return. J.

A. Cnamcaa. foreman of the yard, reported to the police. The wifoa vraa fcucd later at Nbl and Court atreeta but It contained do coal. The police are seek, lng Taylor.

Street Car on Flrt. on the car line rvaning ut glnla avcue ti tied up ahortly after noon today when an EigUah avnu inbound iri car caught f.r, aJ a trolley wire broken at Nlrglni and South street. Th fire department mas csKed to put out th r. No vu tnj ard and th car not damaged. Hld to Grand Jury.

Henry Tmrta. ag tw.ry four. ITi West Msrrl street, and Lerey Higenbothem. ag thirty two. tyy Horeh Germani who wer oa rharg ot rrjury In city curt yrtterlif after tay had trsttAed in the cues of two al va keepers, wer hU to th grand Jury today under 11.000 bonds.

To Address' Indiana Alumni. Gecrg M. Day. secretary of th Inter rational committee ef the T. M.

C. A of North America, who was in Retrograd. Ru tx. during revolution, will iprnk the luachfen of the Indiana Assoriation of laiianspoU. Monday, at the Eoard of Trade builcing.

Wins Debating Prlre. Announcement haa been mad by PhilMps academy, Andover, that Rower Hap good, a ef Harteod. lJtS North Nsw Jersey street, a itmrUr ef this year's graduating clasa. baa wrn Ui first Roblnaoa pr.xr. ir xtmiHrneoua debet.

Accused of Arson. Jeff "Walker, colored, age thrrty 30 atreet. waa arrested today on a crarc or arson snr in pouc naa isvesxt rsr'i a In the basement or bia house last nisht. Overcomo by Heat. C.

S. age aexenty one. lil East Nineteenth atreet. ss overcome by heat to rM Felierontsjn street, and tien It the C4ty hoeritaL THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, SATURDAY, JUNE SO, 1917, ies are doubtless the poorer graces cf potatoes. They My tie hi? nues are ab eut the only markets that a tr.l buyers for such graces, tut soii ers, however, ear the s.Tne grades are to be found la Xadiasa pcs at rauca Oscar Mark urn.

who has a taad la Hi th market house, sail today that he a barrel for two barren cf potatoes yesterday. TruS pri e. ce Is II lower than it was last wee, bt is frcm 4 to tS than pnees la eastern cities. The majority of tie ws dilon men are potatoes at a barrel. It Is.

said Peaa and Beans Lower. Hon rtwa peas that sold at the rata cf two pounds for cents on market last Saturday were on sale today at two ene talf pounds for 13 cents, a reduction of about cents a pound. Beans also were cheaper than they were last Saturday, thers being a reduction of about 5 ee a pound and tur rips wers aeWr at about the aame rate they were last week. a a been cf rauca rnent to the potato crop. aceord to some of the farmer.

hX J. A rodd. a veteran "l.v:. tt thr will be crop cf potatoes if the farmers can ef the Uce lhfests the plants now. He says fcome arown potatoea bs on the mareu in a'qualutlea at least, witfcia the next wee.

BOTTOM OUT IN OHIO. Wholesale Price cf PoUtoea Drop IS Retailer Hang On. CLEVELAND. Jane SO. Potatoea K.rrel in the last IlATr rt wholesale rrica haa fallen and will faU still farther." said an authority on produce today, "but the retailers ars Vsirtin to kirn rices.

Some retailer. It was estimated, art miidnr KG per cent, profit oa pine arlt s. Two Free Curb Market. TOLEDO. Jur.e SO.

Two free curb markets to reduce the" cost of food will be opened by the city next week. Pro dues growers will be permitted to use trmm. Tha Housewives lear'ie win eo operste witn tne city wruce department xa mo enterprise. i VOMEN'S DRILL TEAM TO TAKE PART IN ARMY POST ENTERTAINMENT 1 i 0 u. jlo tlx.

cm members of the American Union Zouaves, Captain J. W. Hurt's women's drill team of the American Union lodge, will take part 4ifl c.Mfilainmcr.t at Ft. Dcnjamin Harrison this evening, under the auspices of the Indianapolis War Kecreational bocial Service iiureau. vv.

r. II. el, cf tho entertainment department, and W. L. Miller are in charge of the program.

C010 HEARS PROTEST OF COLORED LUi! IZEIIS ACTION OF HOSPITAL INTCRNCS" CONDEMNED. PLEA MADE FOR DR. GIBBS Tl. 'Ity l. of hrulth held a rcll rii'T i (j to permit a delegation of i l.

cit.tns t' in.iko rrotest iH.sU:l f)f Dr. William oloied. a un Interna nt the In rti city hnl i t.lbba was fd when lourtcen vhito Internes 1 r.ft strike after Informing the llirv refuse to work with lirra. The t.f legation was coin 1 of it i mt twenty tnen. only fi ur i 'vu cj i eared before the 1 lu presented ih fro tM li.c wtrv lUit'ert JiroUn tfc J.fv Ch irl W'll It.

inner A. ar.l Dr. 1 I If sfoke ssvln that I's action foil mvitl U. tt u.t it' iih on tr the cf ci i dttiii'iiv to rations i In.i. Tne speakers 1 rreventfnjr Olbhd from servln ss an Interne, he wa.

b.lng deprived of a 1 art rf rneiicl education and of an to himself thoroughly for a meaical career mmong colored per rons. Statement cf Doard. Members of the hoard condemned the action of the fourteen. city hotrital intern in resigning and leaving almost Z) riittenta In the hoarltal without ade quste medics! attention, but said aa it would be ImjwKsIMe to btsln the service of other internes because of war de mnJ. ths board was compiled to meet the situation by dismissing Olbbs or leaving the honpifil ttaff Crippled.

lr. Kurnlw eald he understood the condition that were being faced by the board and expressed a willingness to iimt the board to take some time in nr. endeavor to work out a solution of the ettuation that would be agreeable to ail ieroriB concerned. It was ue re.ted that the city honpltal Internes he asked to reconaider the stand they hwve taken and that an appeal be made to them on patriotic around. Tr.o meeting ended by the board asrfing to take tha queetion under aJviement to ase.ertaln if some reans co' ild not be ado jted to give Dr.

Oibba a at the city hoppital without rabsir.s a cessation or medical attend ance there. Members of the bord did not Intimate, however, what line of PLAN A VIGOROUS DR VE TO GETGUARD RECRUITS OFFICERS WILL ATTEND PATRI OTIC MEETINGS IN CITY HEED THREE HUNDRED MEN A vigorous drive will bo made In In dianapolis next week to obtain tha 300 volunteers needed from this city to bring the Indiana national guard ud to its full i Fouf audi a MaM TiEnes JrilglflL The ramnaiTn' win I tlon of the Indiana Gas Association to Thursday night when patriotic meetings I th public service, commission of Indl in the interest of obtaining volunteers ana for authority to reduce, the calorific will be held In ten localities in the tn artieioiai Announcement of tho programs for standard of heat units In artificial gas these meetings will be made later. Re from 600 Britlca thermal units to 550 cruitimr officers will be on hand to I take the names of all desiring to en I ti viahhark haa filed a motion with list. However. there will bs no need! the nubile service commission asking for those desiring to enlist to wait un til Thursday night, as plenty of op portunities will be given throughout the week.

There Is much pride among" Indisna people because this state has responded in such a Kalian manner to th call for rerular army volunteers, and the state military authorities are anxious that Indiana shall have an equally good record In the national guard showing. July msy be the last day on which volunteers can be accepted, so the time Is short for action. OTHER FRANCHISES GIVEN UP BY LIGHTING COMPANY Secretary, of tho Public Service Commission la Swamped With "Notices Freight Rate Hearing. The Indianapolis Light and Heat Company, through its N. Thompson, todav filed notice with the public service commission of the surrender of its franchises in Broad Ripple.

Beech Grove. Southport. East Southport. University Heights. Woodruff I'lace.

Hendricks and Marion coun ties, Clermont, Bridgeport, iien Davis, New Aua usta and Old Augusta. The company yesterday filed notice of the surrender of lta xrancnise in Indianapolis. Ths commission secretary. Carl IL Mote, was swamped today with notices of tho surrender of franchises from many utilitv companies. This was th last day under the public utility law for the companies to surrender their franchises and take indeterminate permits from the commission, if they so desired.

The public service commission has set aside the two weeks. beginning July 1, for hearing the petitions of Indiana railroads for an increase in freight rates of approximately 15 per cent. The railroads ask an increase of 15 per cent, on general frelgrht rates and 15 cents a ton on coal. The commission also fixed July 11 12 as the date on which to hear the appeal of the Indiana Gas Association for authority to decrease the heat units in gaa from 600 a cubic foot to 550. I "BUM SPORTS." PEAT SAYS.

Germane Criticised by Canadian Officer in Lunch Club Talk. The Germans are the bummest sporta have ever aeen." Lieutenant Harold Kecinald Feat, of the, Canadian army, told the members of the Saturday Lunch Club, at their weekly meeting in the Chamber nf Commerce, at noon today. "If they had had rer cent, of American or Canadian fcrhtme; blood they could have i roken through our line tn the black davj of the he continued. A five minutes' look, f.ret at the German line, and another five minute' look at the Knslieh line at the be nmg of the war would have proved to the most pessimistic mind, he asserted, who was really guiicr of causing: the war. that he bo made a party to tha pro ceedings.

He represents that the Citl zona Comoanv's franchise from the city of Indianapolis provides for 600 Britisn thermsi units a tae caionnc standard for gas and that any reduction from this would mean an Increased pries for gas. W. A. Flckens, corporation counsel of Indtanspolis. yesterday filed a similar petition.

0AILY VITAL STATISTICS. Birth Returns. Claude and Callle Carpenter, 1110 M. Mount, boy. Louis and Menel tsui.

a 5 i. twin, coy. Theodore and Matilda Beyer. Ills Cal houn, boy. Frank and Lydia iinsti, nw i.

hodhi, Kt tic ana i mnm ixir i n. xioinm. iin. William and Pearl Pyatt. rTJ N.

Wirmtn, boy James ana cora tsunmau. ui udhh, 1 1 1 TT. I Francis and Clarice Wtlcex. W. hospital, boy.

Archibald and Cora rtvecoata, Long TV. Thirty fourth, boy. Arthur and ooiaie aaawcu, ton. girt. Raymond and une iu v.

joinr rjaniet'and Mamie Collin. 123S S. Belmont. rrank and Marl Feist. 117 Villa, girl Ralph and Minnl Edwarda.

N. Bismarck, boy. Antonio ana iena. uih.i u.j arl and Dora' NIckeraon. JTU Mlchl Al'fred and Wusbie McCarty.

Charity ho Eva tavi. Pscj, girL Clifford and Frances McCann. 409 W. Six teenth place, boy. Death Returns.

John Gray, 74 years. 7 Harrison, erysip Cowdr. 5J years. SC3 N. Oxford.

nMtral regurgitaUon. Peter Singer, tl years. Paul Sweeney. 19 years. 1 Lexington.

pulmonary tuberculosis. Dola Go It. 21 years. Eastman Sanitarium. tetanus.

Irinr Ouncan. 19 years. 13TT Alvord. tu Jowphui Gambold. T7 years.

Methodist hospital, inteailnal obstruction. Building Permits. St. Vincent'. Martin Sullivan.

1S E. Washington, pub lic csnn. 11.vm. cutn Schula New, repairs. $100.

Chris Reia. nO 2151 Martindaie. repair porch. j. K.

Jones, 1332 K. Delaware, re roof porch. X. B. Martin.

1304 Brookald gasoline tank. John W. Newman. 1T53 McLaln. garaga 140.

Aetna Shavings and Trust Company, Kentucky and Capitol, eievstor. tl.i. iiarv Watklns, l3n 0 rtnley. double dwelling. Il.p.

C. A. IiUa US TV. Nineteenth, shed. $V).

John Mooreheai. 52) Harrlaon. aiditlon. E. Atklna Sc.

ie 8. Illinola. addition. 11.500. Lafe 5icKee.

N. furnace. B. H. Harlway, 4J3 Jarf rrare.

1140. Pearl llinman. E. Thirtieth, daelling, $roo. Bessie Rows, 1SI9 dwelling.

S1.J50. 1 as tine MonimeE A REGULAR Friday's issue of The Indiana jC" polis News of 32 pages, in one pile would make a stack, of papers 1,250 feet high, or four and a half times as high as th Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. The "vrhite paper use in publishing a page advertisement in The Indianapolis News would' cover more than three average xity blocks. The white paper used in a single Friday's issue would cover the territory. from Illinois street to New Jersey street and from Maryland street to North street.

Reader Confidence i It is not only the quantity of The Indianapolis News, circulation that brings News results, but the confidence the readers have in the paper. News advertising is not an experiment. It is a proven investment. F. S.

F1SHBACK OBJECTS. wm.jq, 1 a ui iim I t. Itary age who has not yet thought ee I UPPOSCS rteauction or nc wnna nousiy aDout nia auty me matter will Standard In Artificial Gaa. receive an opportunity to find out thai stanaara in Mrxincisi uas. advsntages of volunteering, and thus I Frank S.

Fiehback. of Indianapolis. becoming associated with his home folk hag added ajnother chapter to the petl WAR ECONOMY MOVE. Jon SOy Kllmlnatloa of Bsaessentlal service and release of snaeeesssry ata aad vehicle mm war mmm are were nrged on tb coantry's retail' eatabllahmeBta today by the eonaaseretal rroson board ef the council of national" defease. A letter seat by the board to dry goods aad department atere aaldt "There l'aeb nrgeat need fer men and In ether work that tbe country eoold not endare tbe waat that Is caaioned by the) accommodation deliveries of small parcksaea.

If poaible, not more than on regralar delivery akoold be mad ver each, rente. These chances In delivery method sbbold be latrednced as soon as practicable, certainly net later than Angmst l.w grreeers nnd batcher were sent letter asking; partlcnlnrly that they rearrange their delivery system nnd Aat wherever possible they lasttltnte co operative delivery systems. WALL STREET FEELS IT, Rate Decision Causes Moderate Selling at Openinjj Upturn Follows. NEW YORK. June SO.

Wall street's disappointment over ths refusal of the Interstate commerce commission to grant a general rats increase wss re fleeted In the moderate eellinir of rail. as 2iL SUIT IS FINALLY DISMISSED Judge Thornton Acts In Old Key leu Lock Company Proeedlng. Ths Keyless Lock Compsny injunction suit against th molders union, tried about four years ago, was finally wiped off the court dockets today when Judge W. W. Thornton, of the Marion county superior court, sustained a motion to dismiss the case for want proaecu tlon.

Ths suit wss brought during a strike, which, was called at the plant by the molders' union, and sought to obtata an injunction against the picketing of the plant by th union members. The injunction1 was granted by Judre Thorn ton. The case was appealed an the firem court reversed the decision of the ower court. The action of the supreme court snt the eae back for a new trial, but the suit was never pressed. County Board of Review Jaxalt Company way ar.uvji.s3 winning oi lootri i Cluh market.

Tho shares of equipment companies, which would have benefited by an approval of a 15 per cent, advance also were under pressure. Heading broke 24. Delaware Hudson, 2H; Missouri Paciflc, 2lA: Southern Pacific, New York Central. Erie, Baltimore Ohio, 14; Southern Railway, 1, and Norfolk Western, 114 points, and various other carriers a point or more. American Car fell 3 points.

Bethlehem Steel new stock. 2. and other industrials a large frsctlon to a full After the opening the market showed strong recuperative qualities, the steel stocks soon rebounding to levels well above yeaterday's prices. Observance at the Poetoffice. Robert E.

Springsteen, postmaster of Indianapolis, has issued a bulletin for tho observance of Independence day at the Indianapolis postofSce. July 4, as follows: "All departments will be closed, the collection of mails usually made on Sun days will be followed, and a hotel deliv ery will be made in the evening; provi sion will be made to deliver perishable parcel post mail: all special delivery let ters will ce aeuverea. Jealous Nature. "A ftrrran la r.o spark tor Trie" The words were pretty Mame's coulin't keep the lad. you see.

Away from other timn." Boston Transcript. Tho Marion county board of review today practically completed tho work of appraising the property of corpora tions in the county for. taxation purposes. The board will not officially ad. Journ.

however, until Tuesday. A number of smaller corporations are yet to be considered by th board. The following valuations were fixed at the meetings today and yesterday afternoon: W. Jersey Bulletin ll.OvO a W. R.

Wheeler Co. Wabash Packing Co. Wrt fc troup Co. Vacu Vi Bray Co Weldum Producta Co. W.

n. Nllson. Inc. Western Ina. Agency Vol Harnesa Company witcox Htrr H.

P. Wolfe Company Vulcum Tire Filler Madam C. J. acker Whiteside Wheel Co Woodcrofi Mfg. Co Wayn Tire and Rubber Co W'ayn Sewer and Drain Co Marietta iJias Mfg.

I. A. Longaker Ludlow Auto Fir Alarm Company Cnlversal Envelope SeaW. Metropolitan Specialty McNeiy A Sons Tol Clearing Co National Underwriting Vp to Farming Equity Publishing Co Um'ed paving Conetruotion Co Universal, Tool and Die Co. Universal Amusement United Glue Co.

V. S. En aueiie Til Works Unite 1 Novelty United ates Clay Universal Accessories Woodruff Place Cab Ordnan tHmmer Co. Hoiran Traaster A Storage Company Kregeio A Bailey Tone Er.einVerlng Co Tripp Warehouse Company Kahn Tailoring I'rmston Oraln J. R.

William Undertak ing 1inf Prairie Plantation Co. Wineman'v Co C'f OT atl ve ll3me BullJ tr.g Co Furnas Furniture Co H. Klnny Oraln Guimn'M Light Co. J. C.

Dun 2VJ 230 1.7' 2 0 230 "i.ri 20 13.2a 200 rro 10.0DO ro Zl.4'0 4 a 1 t.rv i 'o 1 Vfl 3 5 0" 8. 2 2 IS) 1.700 6. 0 1 2V l.l'O ft) 2W l.frO 4 1 .2 0 10. 'XO 1 i i i i J4 1 i For nearly a half century The News the dominant newspaper of Indianapolis and Indiana. And today, after forty eight years of business it offers to legitimate advertisers the only way in which to, get sales messages to the great army of btfyers of this territory.

i I 1 1017 Net 7 0' Dally A Clear fbllovJ regular ucc i .1 j.rivltly. C.pount ALL, RED CROSS AND Lee M. Coda Will to All i Work In Indlanapclli. 0 The Jn1 ant. a Jur.e Le rioa Is srrarr for "T'i a tl e.

atrlral day iu If.diannpr a 1 next fall, yet to 1 r. 1. vr 1 1 1 in th country is to five i's i that tf iy to tne 'rc s. to supervise the work l.i IrV tpringueid, and Colur o. Mr.

Bod a Is prr'. lent tv Company, wM'li r.perateii 1 t.rr. 1' rpera house of rity a 1. 1 theater i in frrlrrr.eld O. ilia hea'i juarters ate In a.

polis. linn ttc I'ivn mr ep Jc 41. The more Vou rr.arr.,"?, team manipulate and fuss about your complcxica witJi to called LIn foods, lotions zr. not, tlz 3 are the v.xr it vrill Lcccrr.c. aT tali.

'1 i niT'i" ef Mchs Cuticura I II rr.rr.i your very ay pre parat at the Soap ruiJ hot r.afr cn 1 a 1 1 i.r' 0 1 1 3 iv 1 end rctirinr, n' best trp'icd v. ith tho hndi I it tcftcr.3 endcrfu'dy. r.r.y t'n3cf rc ir.c crrri: 'U ncr.3 with the Ointment cn.i it rr main Hvcminut' tcr brttcr, mere tivc. Tl. dirt, ovcrrxrrr! 1 5f Frs 4 St lOO." r.e),.

i i vf fl; t..

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