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The Austin American from Austin, Texas • 2

Austin, Texas
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Miss li. Vance Hay, of Austin was elected recording secretary. Miss Hay is also secretary ef the Austin business and professional women's ciub. Miss LeHUf Corbttt founder of the Austin club, and honorary president, accompanying Miss Hay to the Dallas meeting as a delegate. The Austin club, which has just joined the federation, la only a few years old, but haa grown with erasing rapidity.

Is out of debt and has a summsr club house at Deep Eddy. It Is now considering the buying of more land to build a permanent club house. The meeting at Dallas was held at the Adolphus hotel, with about sixty representatives. The clubs of the state represented Porter's Widow and Daughter Attend Housewarming at Greensboro. Directs and Trains Simultaneously Intellectual, Moral and Physical Education of Its Students.

BUILDING IS FINELY SITUATED Joday Only Third Official United States Government War Film Mrs. Maude Short Brady. 1S01 Pearl street has recently received advice from her husband. Major David J. Brady, now with the army of occupation, that he will probably return home some time in Major Brady attained considerable proficiency as an instructor of he rifle and bayonet and his servldei have been so employed during mueh of his stay In France and Germany.

More recently he has been assigned ss Instructor In relation to tlte inter-allied contests at Lemans and Paris. He is an eld Austin boy. the son of Mr Mrs. James Brady, now of El Paso, but for many years residents of Austin. After attending an officers' training camp.

Major Brady received his commission as first lieutenant at Camp Sherman, Ohio; was speedily promoted to a captaincy, and, after service in France and Germany, was made a major. On his return to the United States he will join his family, who, during the war have been living in Austin, with his brother, John Brady. OTHER END OF MARKET SCHEMES FOR LOW PRICES food fla Teaching Done by Sisteri of the Vital Questions Will Bo Dis The Henry" hotel. nam which may bring warm memories to those of Austin who knew William Sidney Porter when he worked at the land office in Austin nearly thirty years ago, and "got out" his almost weekly "Rolling Stone," has opened at Greensboro. N.

The hotel opened Its doors for a housewarming on July 2. according to a letter just received In Austin by a reporter of the Austin American from newspaper friends In Baltimore. Maryland. Among those attending were the widow of the author and ber daughter, Mrs. Oscar Cesare, wife of the were El Paso, Houston, Fort Worth, Presented by the Division of Films, Committee of Public Information.

American, French, English and Italian Armies in Action. Thousands of Interesting Scenes From "Over There." Interesting Every Minute. cussed at Farmers' Institute in Austin in August. Austin and Dallas. i Holy Cross; School la Affiliated With University of Texas.

Beaumont had expressed a desire to come Into the federation, but for soma reason did not send a representative, nor a proxy. A tentative constitution was adopt Monday and Tuesday Mary's academy In Austin plays ed, which will be read at the Busi V. OF T. SCMMER SCHOOL HAS 1781 STUDENTS THIS YE.YII an Important part In the education ness and Professional women club at the next meeting on August 12. fx of many Texas children whose parents wish them brought up with equal The officers for the coming year cartoonist and Prof.

Alphonso Smith, head of the department of English at the United States Naval academy and authoritative biogra were: attention paid to their studies and President Dr. Maffett of Dallas; an efficient woman for such a place. pher of O. Henry. Though many writers have been hon.

ored by hotels named in their mem W. B. YE ART. Cotton Specialist, State Department of Agriculture. It Is generally conceded that the cotton crop will be a short one, and possibly shorter than either Of the four preceding it Considering the expense of producing it, the short yield and the conceded large demand for cotton, a much higher price than has been paid during the past two seasons, are naturally anticipated.

But the south has bad experience enough In the past to know it will not do to depend upon what conditions of supply and demand would Justify. The past four crops have been First vice president Mrs. Fine, of I Dallas, head of the ladles ready-to-wear at Sangers. ory, it was agreed among the guests that as O. Henry lived most of his Second vice president Miss ward.

life In hotels and hotel life Is repre of El Paso. Recording secretary. Miss E. Vance sentative of htm and the transients deportment For Special Cases. More than that, it reaches out its kindly arms to take the child who has lost father or mother, oi whose parents must by force of circumstances oyage constantly or remain too short a time in one spot, or In surroundings inadequate to give their children proper attention and llcjiul-fully Situated.

St Mary's of Austin is a. school that hits the good fortune to be beau The summer school the University of Texas has registered 1767 students for both terms. This number is 1J7 larger than last summer. The second term, which has been In session about two wek has til students so far, IH of whom are new students who did not attend the first term. This is the third year of the summer session of the university, which was started first as an experiment The present terra closes the 0th of August and the opening of the regular fall term of the University of Texas will be in the third week of September.

GUS CRAEr, V. 1vt, back, in Acsrn; TIESDAY In he mimicked in his works. Hay, of Austin, also secretary of the Feature No. 1 WILLIAM RUSSELL "Some Liar" A comedy drama in fire acta, from the novel by James Oliver Curwood. Also HEARST NEWS EVENTS Feature No.

2 "The Ghost of Slumbgr Mountain" In wli'Ji the prehistoric monsters of thousands of years ago lire brought back to life. See these monsters fighting, living, foraging. A Thrilling Novelty Austin Business and Professional no belter memory could be paid U. Henry thau a hostelry. Women's club.

Corresponding secretary, Miss Lou It was remarked at the house very short and the past two have ise Bridges, of Houston. warming that no other tribute to his memory would have pleased the Treasurer. Miss Florence eanas, oi Deen very expensive to make. The demand has exceeded the pro Dallas; with Holland's magasine. writers fancy more.

A Dortrelt of William Sidney Por. tifully situated as a place to bring up duction of the four crops and reserves have been used to keep such mills running as were permitted to ter hangs In the lounging room of children. have cotton untU the reserve of spin- the hotel, the letter to Austin states, and ths stiver and linen are all marked with the familiar pen name with many illustrations of his works able cotton is about exhausted. The expense of production, the Gus Craven, son of Mrs. K.

Publicity secretary, Miss uuoeau, of Dallas. i Board of directors: Miss Ella V. Everett Austin. Miss Florence Coulson, Fort Worth. Miss Holmes.

Fort Worth. Miss Leeman. Dallas. Miss Gets, Dallas. Miss Walton.

Dallas. Mrs. Frances Hexeman Smith. Dal- supply and demand, and the value decorating the wails. Crsven.

sot West Eleventh. Is expected back In Austin Tuesday after of cotton as compared to Its competi tors, silk, wool and flax, have fuiiy TEXAS ENGINEERING GRAD8 service in the United States navy. Mr. Craven joined the naval ser justified the highest prices it has 31AKE GOOD IN TUEIll KUlla Healthful Climate. Austin is one of the most healthful cities in the United States.

The school, which in walking distance cf the business district is on high ground and the buildings and take up a whole city block, The building, of white limestone, has added many wings till it has become a most imposing edifice. It was the original site chosen on which to build the mansion of the president of the Texas republic COMING Wednesday and Thursday: MAE MURRAY in "The Delicious Little Devil" COMING Friday and Saturday: EARLE WILLIAMS in "The Hornet's Uest" vice in May, 1117, and was on one of the big transport ships, making sola for. Still, strenuous efforts by combine tlons of manipulators ware made to eighteen trips in all serosa the At lan tic, force these crops to sell for 1 cents, H. R. Thomas, formerly of Austin, whe received his degree of civil at the University of Texas in mr.

has been employed by the nitel states shtDDin board In test- and but for the strong organixatioa He is now In Dallas, getting his of the farmers by the departments of agriculture of the cotton pro aiscnarge. TOCNO AVIATOR KILLED WOMAX ACXTLIAKY PtAVSED FOR AMERICAS IXtilON Plans for organising a woman's auxiliary of the American Lsgton were discussed at a meeting at the Y. W. C. A.

Thursday afternoon. The auxiliary will be a sister or- From the windows one looks over ducing states to name a price and In reinforced concrete sections of ships of that type for some time past Llrutanant L. M. Zant of Asper. i 1 of Asper.

TOOK I'. OF T. TRAINING hold for it it is conceded by cotton a beautiful sweep of country beyond the town, of roiling land and fields. experts. spinners and brokers that of engi nt Texas with ft mont graduate of the school I'icrini of the University Usual Queen Prices Show Today Starts at 2:30 p.

m. dotted with roofed houses that re 16 cents would have been about the in lsi. has resumed his work rork Lieutenant Edward M. Anderson ef Richmond Hill, Long Island, who was killed Friday st Love field. Dal in I in! one of France.

Arrangement of Class Booms. price which "the two crops would have sold for. Carry On With Effort. th General Eiectrtc cmpany at Bche gantxatlon to the American Legion and will be composed of mothers, wives and sisters of service men. An Auttin American representative who accompanied one of the sisters So It will not do for farmers, mer- Its Buroose will be to perpetuate i chants or banks, who depend upon all the class rooms, dormitories, llv-1 nettady, N.

I. During the war Mr. Zant was stationed at Kelly field for a time, toon served as go Instructor ta the strplsne division at the School of Military Aeronautics at the Unlver. the memory and spirit of the heroes of the war and to help la patriotic ing and recreation rooms, the chapel and even peeped Ho the kitchen, favorahl aunnlv and demand con- sltv of Texas. las, when his plane fell to the ground, took his ground training at the University of Texas.

Lieutenant Anderson was 21 years of sge. was unmarried, and Is survived by his mother, who resides at Richmond, Hill. Ben M. Ur, of the Austin Ford agency, has returned from a trip to Iietroit where he visited the Ford Motor company plant and arranged several negotiations. whi.h by the way, is thoroughly up dlUon.

t0 maYnt'aln profltable prices. to date. I ut. eh.i-a, 4. at thm From here he was transferred Tho lower floor is given over to I SiSS Profitable price.

end to producer. the big recreation hall at one end, undertakings. Mrs. M. M.

Birge was asked to form plans for organising, and a meeting will be called next week. A party for the service men already returned to Austin was planned for the evening of Aug. This will be a foretaste of the big cslebratioa to be given for ths Trav. is county men when all have Its Only a Short Walk the School of Military Aeronautics at the University of California. here he received his ground school trslnlnc.

and was given a commission as a controlling the price. and also the room where the tiny They are studying every ecnems thS Char8e 0t conceivable to reduce h. price and special sister. prevent the producers having a voles in it The socond floor, beside the recep tion room, has the grade and special Controlling spot cotton Is the only class rooms, and the music rooms are wea.non that will win. There will be water sports directed br Captain Bellmont and a off in one part ox the building by Financier schemes and new cot themselves.

program of entertainment ton associations, world cotton confer i-aeh room has a piano and a ences and other movements, origi Over From the Avenue But that short walk will save you money. clavier for technique practice. The following commute were appointed: Entertainment: Miss Bessie Hutch- nated and fostered by spinners nd There a special chemistry room, a room fo hTsioi wim a7. -bi 'nl To collection of cast. of the part, of led a.

forts to eld th. pro- ings. Captain Belmont Roy tfte human body, a gift to the school. Regardless of Profit to Us On Any of The FURNITURE Items listed below, we will buy and pay a handsome price for same1 In order to supply customers who have placed thetr names with us as being In the market for such articles and wishing us to supply them. Let us make you our price on any goods you have to sell.

Nice Oak Jiressers, Library Tables. Chiffoniers, Bmell Oil Wove, small Cook Stoves. High Chairs and Dining Chairs, fern Stands, small Gas Stoves and Lawn Mowers. We have a party who wants a nice oak extension table and chairs to match and two itit ruira. WE ARK MAKINO AN EXCEPTION AIXT tX)W RATE ON rTOR-AGE OF HOlr-EHOLD GOODS, ASK.

US FOR OCR TRICE. Refreshments: Mrs. Henry Hutch- tr 0. V. V.

ings, Mrs. Alberta Wilkinson. Mrs. a "monicey Jlj a special room for each grade; after ton Geo, Christisa. rewn In the that the pupils go to their different r.

"ul" Transportation and finance: Mr. wheel and its stud'es In SDeclal class rooms. I onving Currte, invitation; Mrs. Mamie 8 toner, chstrrasn; others, to be chosen later. All class rooms are very light wppea.

The upper floor has two enormous tn tim twJ2 LZfc dormitories where each pupil has to to kee -wide-awake: bold public her bed with surrounding curtains meetings, discuss conditions and be and her washstand; the bathrooms Prepared to handle the crop to ths nd inv.inH.. in ki. best advantace of all. Our customers know it, but we want you to know it too. Our advertisements are backed up by HONEST Merchandise, honestly priced.

Publicity: Miss Doulse Lawrence. Registration for women's auxil 413 E. 6th St McClcllan Carter Phono 17 iary of American Legion): Alt mothers, wives and ilrters of service men. iinin. This should include means of Them, lnrmltnH i meeting obligations of the farmers with many windows, get plenty of without selling enough to over-sup-good air, and even In summer the Ply th demands of the spinners, children sleep with a blanket over antl being prepared to stop selling at them.

1 once it a Slump occurs. There are a few nrivate rooms for Present financing conditions, nego- th cMF vir'is. I tlable warehouse receipts, the The art room rr ir- r.n I serve banks and other available sunrilied with dmwin mrA helos make it easily possible to Our Big Shirt Sale is still on. Look around and see what kind of a Shirt you can get for $1.45, then come over here. They're the biggest values we have ever put on our counters.

easels. i maintain prices without Injury to There is a large kiln In one corner I business, where the hand-painted china done I Work of Iyctrislature. by the student is fired. I The legislature of Texas has ad Chapel Large. I journed after finishing the appro.

Tna chiDul la Im an1 will I Dilation Dills. several hundred students. I In this respect It will be tnterest- The school is divided Into three ln to farmers to know that the bu-sections, accord) nr ta Ireau of markets and that of the ln- flSo section kept apart as much as pos-1 stitutes, both of the department of etvis siuio. i agriculture. i khuihw.

The punlls sometimes nti. which aids in marketing cotton pass, young as 4 but 7 in the usual age. fared better than they have been the Care of Children. past two seasons, and great lmprove- The sister who took the American menta toward stabilisation of prices representative throurh th huiinin. are anticipated the next two years.

505-507 E. SIXTH ST. "The Saving Store" said: Extreme activity towards strong "We never leave a eWM ainn I co.oneration between bankers, mer she Is 13. I chants and farmers from now until "One of the sisters Is always in the crop Is disposed of should be the the room, whether the chlM unoermo.t thought. awake or asleep.

To dispose of the crop as fsst as 'These are the years In which hab- gathered should not be dreamed of. Its for good or evil are formed, so Foreign nations can not buy it so the child, we think, should be lead fast neither sre there ships enough subconsciously to do, think and act to haul It as fast correctly till it becomes a fixed To attempt to sell It faster than habit can be paid for and shipped. "The pupils of St Mary's of the Invites a slump and plays into the Latnolic faith, get up every morning hands of the enemy. for early mass, the other ehiMr.n I Farmers Institute at Anstln, can do a they like." said the sis. All of these questions will be dis- tcr.

(cussed at the annual meeting of the we expect all to attend the state farmers Institute to be held in noon services and also the evenlnr I Austin August 6, 7 and I. devotions, as the sisters attend and All friends, of cotton are Invited to tV.ftto 4 at rtn An. l- I i K.U.t. In i Its Just as Easy to Have the Best When you order butter from your grocer, to be certain you are getting pure, fresh, delicious creamery butter of the very highest quality, just say "GOLD BAND Butter," and when you open the neat, 6anitary package youH be giad we make this suggestion. Gold Band Butter COSTS NO MORE THAN ORDINARY BUTTER ASK YOUR GROCER irii i iiib rooms or i aiieiui vitu ui wi.ik'.w dormitories at this time." cusMons.

The Catholic children hv ttiPM I sv.rnl tnf mhers of the leslslature days of retreat during the year; a who have made cotton marketing a pnest comes in and talks to them, on I study have tendered their services tmous suojects on these days. and help from this department may There Is, during the day, forty-five be depended upon at public gather-minutes that each child has for a I ings if requests are made for them i.uuy nour. in wis time certain teach- I when not engaged. ers give private lessons In art music, languages and other special studies. I Tallor-Tavlor Game Postpone.

6U Mary's academy is affiliated This Sunday's game of the Frank witn the University of Texas, so a I Laws and company baseball team student on graduating from 8t Mary's and the Taylor Independents has may enter the university without fur- been postponed until next Sonday, because of a conflict In schedules. C. Bryant 0 iner examinations. Siswts of Holy Cross. The teachers In this school are sisters of the Holy Cross, who havs reamery up metr lives to the edu.

cation of young girls. Austin American's family Notices Phone 1172 FRESH YARD EGGS Fifth and Colorado. BULGARIAN BUTTERMILK iu vacation time, they take up studies, and this summt sisters from St Mary's have been at- icmoihk me wntverstv of th tak ing advanced mathematics and Eng. It Is the custom of mn families hi Axn. ltsh.

ta Snd entrl Tnu to announce la toe xna raer of the Holy Cross came AUSTIN ameiucak notion oi Announcement We Beg to Announce Our Appointment Central Texas Distributors For the Celebrated Haines Bros. Ampico Reproducing Piano Price $1,100.00 We Invite You to Call and See This Wonderful Achievement J. R. Reed Music Company AUSTIN'S LEADING MUSIC HOUSE 805 Congress Phone 524 at Notre Dam. In J1" IC In MemorUm.

at Dame, and was foundsd r.n.aaamanu. ObituaHas. in 16t. Racaptiona. Memorial Serrli no teachers In St Mary's may ba Uarriacas.

Anniversaries. sent elsewhere each vear eft.r thai fifteenth of August when such CARD OF THANKS, cnanrtes are announced. xvevertneiess. several have been We wish to thank our many nere in Austin for years. I friends for their kindness during th ft! WANTED COUNTRY MIXED IRON For the next 30 days will pay from 35 to 45 cents per hundred pounds for scrap iron.

BAUM JUNK COMPANY Cor. East Sixth and East Ave. Phone 164S Near City Public Scales learliers and PuDila, I r.r.nt (Unas and death of our littl There are between thirty-one and son, also for the beautiful floral of I -ckiu sisters in me school dur- ing the school term MR. AND MRS. H.

H. HEATH. About 00 pupils attend yearly. In- ciuoing oay scnoiars. who live at non.e wim tneir parents In Austin oi tne pupils come from jexas, duc a tew come from Mex Ico.

EntcrtalnmfTiU. 8. E. ROSEGREN Undertaker and Kmbalmer. Fine Carriages for Hire.

Hospital Ambulsnce. V. O. WEED. Phone tit.

Automobile Ambulance. Motor-Drawn Funerals. Aaalln A mart can Infermitian. JleclUls in music are riven bv th pupils during the school terra and lecturers and entertainers are brought to Austin. This year the alumnae of St.

Mary's r1rrtrif at a Km fAnatin Amirlru. Jul 27. r.il1. dally and Use Austin American Want Ads Sunday, aerial No. 1BS1, SIS Consraa svnua.

Austin. Texas. 17 ear rar. en tar ad as aaoond claai matter. Mar SI, 11.

st the poatotiat i.rjiuiimuiv for brirging special talent here for ths benellt of the school. at Austin, Texas, under tfte set el ounsraai.).

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