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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 11

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 i V. i I i i 7r 1 XTTE m)IAKUMLIS NEWS' FRIDAY. MAY 26, 1609. BEARS AT RIVERSIDE PARK bids WAvrrn ex bear pit. dim, DOCIXTARD AXD BftlDGK.

Uark will Begin Xemt Want! 30,000 1Yrth wf laprtm(ltt Mad i Tba ttaa ta Coat 4O.0OO Beara aaa Deer. Tr Tt. park tjard held. Its first wJoO In three VMki to day. A result RivSr aid Park to to nave a bear pit.

a dam. a boulevar end two blcyv! brldg. Park rtntenarnt Power Instructed to adwrtia for bid, and itibffai work iriar be" begun n' all next month. Tha ctwt wUI exceed: for) HL The board's mtitt Important rdeia la refrre. vee to the dam, This datn a 111 fc a feature of the city, because It wfil be the only thing, of It kind here.

In view of this fact Park Superintendent Power designed it with a desire to pre rve the artistic The dam will be about feetOride. of concrete, with alone fac 1" lrf. The spillway win 8C4 feet wide and tne will be twenty feet wide. The spillway "will be faced with atone, and" be og hapv, ao that the water wjll not ulU upon tha apron. Tut will reach if ty a' curved "face.

The dam win be erected about a "quarter of a south of tha ErorichsvUle brldi e. Mr Power estimate of the cost to Jto.Cr' The dam will be a picturesque feature Jt th. landscape by reason of, a tower' on lthf aide over the ahutipenta. Thrae towera will be fifteen feet in diameter. fhlrty feet hlgto and wlil hav a etrikln trrhitectural appearance.

fndef each there will be a four foot slulce ay. cpatie of dlacharRlna 3f0.00(!,000 fet! tit water a dr. Th! sliice uad to tHev hlch a ater and prevent floodUyr north of the dam. which to not regarded probable at any time. The mrin't Imnortaut aervlce ot the dam will be In providing tha park, throughout I Iti length, with body of wa ir.

The dam raise the ordlnary ter level two feet f6r distance of twb A et wator. 0 feet wide. "thewh)le lngah of the park. The pomlbllities jcf Ma aater area ar'i gTat. In Mr.

Poaer baa a Ucoon eaat the river jtrvd mu'Ji' of Thirtieth treft. but the eTairuetioh or tnia may nat joei undertaken coon. .1 The lar pit will be aXtrsng' constriiof Ltlnn Iron and atone. The pit will be twenty feet In diameter, circular in form with a dead troe nine center. Thl tree I will have short ilir.bP, for, as one of the park fofca "beara are anlmala arfa live Li treea," floor of the Bit of cement, with a pool otherwise calk the; bath tubvfof to bathe and rfiort 1.

In the rear of the 'pit two atone cavei! win ibe mada large enough to ba again1 divided, and which. will be the hibernating quarter of the bears." The top of tJie pit will be pro twted wfth a aeven foot Iron fence, proof aplnst' any bear that ever climbed, and four feet" rom thla there will be a second fence to ktep the public at a proper dis tance. Not only alll the park av a bfar but there ill be. as a starrer, a pair I Hack, bears which Mr. Power haapur thanod In Ictroil.

together with two "deer. In the course of tlm a frrlzzly and a bear nay. be aJJrd, but bears be 1nK "camivtrous lesh be in? rixiiflve. two wtil be all of the twar ln.rjy heclty can supj'wrt now The Is nur the famous cold aprlnirs. h.jircirr.

arx? llto lo constructed so than rtt the fame Inlthc future.a aoologi ha) jgartii nMjr be dcvUopeu. Boulevard and Bridges. The boulevard la to Ngin at the horth tower of the dam. and to end. for the present, at TtlrtUth.

atre.C It wUl fol Vw the eaet bank of the river and will be feet above hrh water, thus aerv lug uf aU vt Jt wlil be icadeof gravel, a.vl tr makilig of It iolven two or three The grirvel Is "to be umped trore the iver. Jt la abundant purpose, anj tc IvKip from the river tioani the inrram as the superln 4 rt nent annta It. The cintractor will be rt'ijuiied to use the river gravel, and the enft alone will 'H!) on the'bnard. This boulevard at a point to whlth tt la expected the city extend the lndiar.H avrrxie pavement In time, and thus fvniifh a contiruous ov fan Improved mJaay. loiter boulevard la to be carried to tin cx treme north of the isrfr.

bicycle brlilj. he Kteej" rhle rtiilon. "rti1 r.mrlch Urldpe and 'thrs ot hi will wt. near the extreme north hne of park. Th utititv of thla 1 in tlia fact that a hevimati may ride out in Itwo pHtha" to the Country Cluh.

thh dTni me river "on a sufieninn and.ridf huck'ovei bicycle piith. already partlr eon s'm'rted. to t'ie brldirp near Kmrlch's. he nn wj ht to Indl era avt nue wahou. v'tKnteninf vehicles " than wjjetla Tl' aa ail: le t' (t lure In the ar arvl iclit fert He.

The iprtMu hes have not yet been estirnateu. An Arera. Starr. A demonstration of the adage; "the mighty oaks from little acorna grow." Wfil'he made In lUvrrvlde Park soon. Con eal Gncral Holtoway, at St.

Pt tereburg, I'ussia, who la ver mindful of park af y.lra Jora'ardeil to. Mr, Power, a nsple of corij. letter accomDany jf? the acornu my they' were taken frrmi ri isrpe hsk on timi i.v'iand. rJ I'terhorf. the tuntn httnt of the Ciar.

The tree wnui thev came was pla'rrted' In and the acorns from whlih It came from the 'Washington oak. at 3t Vernon. Va. The acortis were jireaented Crr XlcholR by t'hartr gumner. who them by his brother ore.

Consul ITolIoway wanti thm planted bark h' betauee of their historic ncetry. The board de tried that It coufd not build tf nr ts courts tn, city squares. A number Jion living near llihUnd Sguara nai.twa ror a tennis court. Thev were told that courts would be fovlded In fiarflelil." and. iwrhapn Urookflle Parka, but that they could not i in mf vmMu riiy squares.

The Nation; I'nlon SuMiera and Pall nn JKutuai apue ret.tved permission to eeit brste July i In Gartlqid Prk. V. Fale'ard Huth PoUhertv ofTereil terty acres of land to the city for park rtirp(M N'o rri' vsn' naranl. The lrtd 1 known as the North Tuxedo addition, and la along Michigan street. eat of tne city.

i A BI ST DAY. )Irr llaara blaaatlaflea will (endldtB of street a. At noon to "ay Mayor Taggat moppeil forehead, ard Presldnt Downinjr, a ho to as regular In his hahUs as a clockv urriedly his borne. a as he busiest day the mayor and the board have had In a year. At jck this morrJng they were and made a three: Jhoura" tour of the improved streets, fn s'cif ig as to When they achej th'e coCrt hcusc, otbfr questions fired them in this ord as to Importanco; tracks, ria.

brflgs, s'trett ratl C. 1' affairs lutA public tmprorements. i er.e, wl.i consisted Urtre lr cf Ct proved to be Insuper and tie 1 oard a as unable tq reach try cf thi cth.f rs. except to make a si iort cut" in of. tbi street railway iju'stion.

3 the streets res jlted tn the Jor boiffd expreiin sa iffa the war th strict t.ear.L done. The penalties for hr hnproperi worn rave tio n1' pt ever the contractor. V. 'vnjaa. r.Ca retired repear4 ws la Itr mve work." "His contract Is In the of John Pumas Flehrtr.ff tf.S they Live lared th TTs a persecuting them.

ltt prltet ecrusation be irA ao the denials hy the in vrterr tr a Tsor e.1 th axdj tt. toara was ndK AU that 'the strta wer cot as rlea eri etedj er.4 the iard wi.l take a wt i i bejr.a: done bv jrtlr cortra't. The enrtrat tor Jf l.T.i roii.j ntT. fieur) a tio loiirj tut J7.j ft. atlifled.

There were when th tract was let that l3loultl wOuitS be experienced. Just tier now b'ln The Ci approprt riu.av for Cleaning Improved streets. pmaMnt contractor ni 140 lower than ncr other tler. ana hi Mi wit attrltt ted to i fart that he th owner of a pneumeic fwwpr tha warned used her a aourc of ra mendatlon elsewhere. 'he mayor and the bord will have a terence soon pml fcre.

an mtj oe reached wh by tha cleaning will The mayor and th better con. Hoards of ft. He RaXety and work a visit th 8h l.v street bams 'to morriiav. morning. iith uenerai Mamurer OHnan.

or tne i railway company, ito ul icus the imir nwnt of the tiulldli.cei Under Us et tract a it the city, ire company list pay In Improving the biiiMthg wlil lie used. all probability fhe as. a market ana station. Alley Iaapruf rmeiti. The Bonrd Public llt'orVs adopted olutlona this ornin ty four down'toan al! .14 Improving tn len with brick Bhe alley a are mostly ea and west.

are: Susquehanna. Mich tin to North. College avenue, first illey weet of Ix teentb tp Seventeenth Venaoht. first alley rth of. Pennsy ni to Alabama.

tew Kork. first ai! aouth of. Rokrl o.k to Senate. hlo. flrat alley of.

Capital est. Jlllnols. alley of, Michigan onn. Vermont, first allfff Jth of, Ift ridlart 1 tTapltoL York, seeoftd souri to Toledo. I ley north of, Mia est.

lirst alley eai of. Wabash Ohio, nrst alley iio th of." Indiana Canliol avenueis. I New Tork; first alle north of. Mwsdurl to Toledo. Ohio, aUev rth of.

to I Michigan, first alley iiorth of. Merid tab to Pennsylvania, Cai)l haira to Delaware. 1 to Senate, Al a Ja ware to usi ue nana: first alley south if. New Jersey to East, Pennsylvania New iork. nrst aliir aouth Pe fvKania to Illinois.

New York, first allejlilnprth of. Alabaina to ast. North, first alley snath of. Capitol to Senate, Meridian to tlipttoi. Vermont, first alley ftiorth of.

East first allev west. Of Kaak. tO Michlaan. first alley (liorth of. Alabbia to Ogden.

i 4 These alleys are allljabout lifteen ffcet wide. A resolution; wai also adopted the Improvement of Ellsworth stntet. rem' New York to VWr aont. atrtet, w'th MRS. LAN1EF DEATH Paralysis Caasea 14 After Elevlea Weeks' I i Mrs.

Stella U.Lani. widow of Alex ander Lanier, died at loon to day at her home. No. 962 North eeventy ihree year. lerldlan reet, Eleven weeks she was stricken by iaralysls, and Ihe second and fatal etroi ea came last jupn day.

She was born In I Mtlmore, 'and per family removed "from iat city when ihe was quite, young to kdlson, this St it a. where her father. Til imas J. iGodman. was for many years erijrAiged in tnerchfrn dlslnr and pork pick As al girl the was noted for her bekuty anol for per "loveliness of dlsposltl and these chbr actlstlcs remained mth her throijKh fetaiher old age being ferene and bealtl iua i Ak a young woman Ihe had many Ad' mlrlera.

amnnr whom aero tha lat UoL Samuel Kerlng, who beMime her first hjis band, and Alexander (lLanler, trhO re mained a bachelor, ana became her hp band nine years ago, fallowing the death Tr v.oionei ornnjf.r jiiiit net Duirucr ia this city with i Mr. they to his home in Madiettu He dlyl thfcre five years ago. and eh returned to trig rltv In which ahe id about' two reara Mr. i.aiier Sfis of tl old cti a wealthy Lanier faml' and his fat aaa J. F.

l. Mrs. Lanier leave surviving hen daughter, Charle was a member of th Wolcott. She Second Preshyr terlan church, of thla lty. It Ut not cn templated to have an hum The bodv will ti funeraL servirea burled at Maill son next Monday afternoon.

The sefv will he hU at th.dold Lanier horte in that city. nww ownad by.jar. Alexander Lanier a niece, airs, 0 fl MUNICIPAL StATSTICSl neletlns to Owaerhl at Indiana Pablle 1 1 lilt lea. John B. Conner, chlif of the Indiana Bureau of Statistics, tojilay received frbm Washington tobies ofJstaUstica relatpg to the municipal and jirivate of electric light, gas water planU of Indiana.

The work of 1 olleotmg the statistics done by apta expert agejlts sent out from Washington. three jot whom r'ltad this State at dlfrertnt tirm s. Colonel WrighCa hief of the aoj k. also made a tour of Indiana. It Impossible to ILet ompitti sta tittles of all the plehts, of the corporations lasmuch is mJny fused to ensvrer.

the inquiries of the ag its, ana none 101 them was willing that lj name should ibe used In the public rer rt The rea lion for this la that the st istlcs lay all (of their affairs open to public The report, as tali lated. hdwever. boa the statist lei of u.h plants in fall cltres or the fetate over 3u.wa in habitants, except in case or in eiet ttlc iight plants afid live wattr works plants, whose din actors refused jto allow facts relating to Cnelr plants to I presented In connectlorn with the public report. Frinn the statistic shown there are twenty eight chi electrio llflht plants In the. Slate, six which are oper ated undir private owntf: thip, the rest Being under municipal ownership.

Heports of seven Jtas plants am shown, all of which are under prlvati ownership, alnd rKtmrti are mads on tity neven water works plants, of which ijuly three are in der private ownership, a ihe reports are voluminous. Mr. Connir sjfys that Ihe tables will be invaluabl to cities Investigating the advisabllltySif buying or cdn atmcttng water works, gas or electrfc bKht plants of their oa'ik. The statlstka aill be published in thejiiannual report jf the Bureau or Biaiianu A CLEVER ANNUAL. That The 'thje Mannal Sckool wJaat The Manual Training lllgh School nual for 1S08.

Just issUrto. is a piece mAking of which heverybotiy ht achotJf mav lirvini 11 1 croud. The niuatrntion which plentiful ly garnish ibe book aHSot an high order of merit, anfl show that the ntin' tn the art departMaent hnvee bfen enthusiastic In their The examfjes of uoatdr work rank whM that of the Ufst magazines, and' the of carlcat dth abologies. to teach rs." is espec ly clever. a The stories and sketches Inithe anr.

are all worth (reading Ripen their 'mart fi niTi inv that be taken in their young )Jthos. Not the least lnteretln of lhei articles is te one by Ralph Young, of ilhe elass of. Jfc), who. as a member of CiamFkny Ohe hundrvd and flfiy wrStes of the "Manual TraiiiinJ High 6thooll in the War With Spain." I Th Ulusirattons in the ook are br Wfel ter Duncan. Robert WllOMtck, li Klar.k MacCcrkie.

A. itzke. R.C Holiiday rfad Harrv Wood. Among particularly clever and well written Mtlcles are "Sif? Luhts on Tnornaa," by BValentia 'Epi vjobs Downfali," Liabeth Stein gon: Dde tj a Earained Jvnkle." byill fccott: "Miss Dav" byJlNeille Claytfn; FireUght," ly Mahel Of Walters; Visit to Amsterdam. Eunice Jae ain, and.

A i. sjson in rxsience, oy in K. HMliaru. i lie oook ,1 oec.xsuea to he l.mrertrn. tneiimnctpai it school.

1 1 Fee sua "alary The" fee ara salary rJimrnUsion! li Journed tbis morning unij; July 6. lhe morning eess ten eiint In the In spection of Marks, rrepatii by Wllkins, to ae out 1o the vaet Jus county and tear: effl.r. The mefn rs of the harmonl jus cm the fee asd. jwKry ifstton; and fce iiieve in. rmnonewe dui ns extortioniH isalaries fcf fTtera.

The object iof kh work will consist. orf member slid JtoKlar. lo securwr an gutabi adj.ukt tni irent of saiariea The It vjru? 3 Eaina; ed. jvirs HIga Mi Mrs i Mils 4 jtn I bttjs cr a. of wa ice jsog.

ianil Mih Ed. Mr. selH C. F. A.

Oitvi Mr Mrs cnU; thW enj O. MM. half a was othfcr Ki Mil Edna a werie whii ar.fl tlnfj AH la otny seeking ltarmatlui Li AGES ARE RAISED ITRHKT Mlll.WAV COMTAW IX hKAHS PtV OP EMPI.OVKS. TUe jaereahe Avemares Oae (rn an Hoar forjtli Molormen ami on diietora Adda Forty Hollars a to the I'ar IK.U. Gerkral fnjit'T ii i.

In i reel n.iil.way i to h1 ail Me I ne ji ages tors und moiorrrirn. The i ty nnoun th cond ounJement wholl 'int x. ifM't vt. and as ma5? otoi'mrn ion to the oorviluctors an in the h.irn. These iilietjina wt le ixiei to Uay and wtre as ullovifs: "Cormnen ageb tif.

ng Tuesilrfy, Juae 1. 19. the I coa.uctors and rmen ill as 15 onths, it Hows: Firm three months of enu oT hour; Second 'thr cenU; after Fix months, 17 ntsj All en who have aerved longer tSan six tn bpur, and a nths will receive 17 cents per those who have served three onths. 16' ents. his la an Increase of oni? cent an hoar inl the wagt of each clasa.

means an the pay roll addittoit of bout a day tol on the cr.nrjtiny. Ir.i was asKca the causes leading tol the unexpttetl increase. mnlv 'he answered "I promised thk ernplcyf bf the rod that they would i'jelwiil treJted, and 1 am trying to keeps mil word. Ja undrstood that rhe Irrcrease was brluirht aliut largely by reason of the fadt that all conductors found Uielr work inco qased.siiice the Introduction of tickets, anl hat tl is ana tne extra ticket report thiols re ulred every" day was consid erel' Buffi' lent reason. This, hdwever, wo not apply to motormen.

whose duSis hava not he.en increased by reason of the tickbta lERSpNAL AJSiD SOCIAL. Mrs. Jackson returned to day frora a shirt visit with her. parents at Cra Ms Zolier, of GrepnsoJrg. was the a dlsner ue 4 of nor last hieht at give hy tvate Smith.

Drt Mrs. ut cliff gave a small Ight for Mrs. Finney, of New Sutcllffe's sister. Holmans gave an informal Tarty lflft York Mrs Th Mis Iunctt eon sterdny for Miss Day, of Mil wauH ee, a Mlis aaswortn, or 40 wa. "Augustus Lynch Mason Mr.

have and sent out invitations for a dinner nexti Lee.) Mil. Frtda evening in of Miss Ha ana. Ollv Wlllard Pierce, Mr. raui Telch rt a i Mr. Morris Meek hah'e re turruef fro GreenHeld, where they took uaic festival.

George Brown haa been de part tn a Pay mast i tachiPd fn duty at Seattle, and wlil reach Indli napolla on Sunday on a vlt to his fath r. Admiral Brown, at 00a ruff I ace. Joh Mrs T. Brush was the hostess for an in Jonnj I enrertalnroent last night at heFihame. Lombardy.

Miss Loe. of Ha vana, iws the guest ror tt was plannad. hostess fo Irs. Brush will again tic tne Miss. Lee before the latter re turns tiom Aibrldke, ride and supper at the Country Club T'erel given yesterday by the mem era leal thd Junior class of the Girls' Claa Scnobi.

at wnicn tney enterwnea th; mfcmtJ rs of the senior class. Mrs. Sewall) 'ani Miss Colgan chaperoned the Party. andfthere were enough girls to fill two bsakei For Mr 4. Sewal! and Mias Merrill.

Tle Y'onjaTi'B Clnb gave a breakfast to dayjat lie ropylaeLm at whlcu tne guests ofhondr were Mrs. Sewall, who: will leaye next month for London, and Miss Cath erine llrrlll. At the center tabhj sat Mrs. SewaJl 1 1 r.ndj. Miss Merrill, the preaident ijl the iclut Mlrs.

wriiiam L. Elder, with Mrs. Sewall' guests, who were Alice neei peit tee luid Mrs. John Candee Dean, and. Ml es lerrlll's guests, who.

were her sister. fMisJ Mina Merrill and Mrs. M. O. With them wera also Mrs.

HaldcrhasJ JametH bert of Barato gp. I ho ls 'a corresponding mem berl dt tl club; Mrs. J. T. Ketch and tne women who responded to tne toastsf Mrl.

John E. tleland, Mrs. Grace! Julian Clark, and Mrs. H. A.

Ed sort, phis table was dressed in the club colrf lav4nder. In "the center was a florialfphip of pansles, and there were tall allveBlcani lelabra, holding; candies, whose laverjier 1 hades showed high above the otheri labl s. At Mra Sewail's place was ariiLe atln banner, with her name lettertC la gold lavender, and Bon iiesage, while Miss Merrill re ceived 1 ore similar, whose motto was "Hoiid, weet Home." At each place wetej ifim cards. With appropriate quo tatlohri atdt breakfast favors of pansles. Thr ithr tables radiated in the form a itir lrop this table, and were white, pink, ijd, fellow and green.

The white table wi decorated" With" ropes, the; pins I one with peonies, the Qnej iitli jcarlet peonies, the. yellow table Becor ited with daisies and the gVeen one; jwith maidenhair fern. The color of each i tanl was also emphasized by tho candles o9 the 'same aolor and with the (of that color, served In the' form of ergs Ih resting in nests made of sDun candv. e.bredkfast was an elaborate one of many cdurses. end after it was sery Mr Elder, as the toast mist ess, I Introduced Mra Cleland 'responded to the toast "Miss Mer r4 and to Which Miss replied biief (Mra.

,1 lark toaeted "Mrs. Sewall' Mra lSewall replied. Mrs. Kdson's to4 wa on Busy Women. At Its cotqlusior the toast mlstresa made a bright ar.l witty speech, and then the rutj'j TvA ahd drank to the health of their guests 01 honor.

The committee in chaiee consisted of the executive commit "tTjH Mrs. U. Ketcham. Mrs. Cleland.

iMlrs Julli.H, Moore and Miss Anna iSpatn. With. Mra Ovid B. Jame Mils. Victor Hendricks Mraj James M.

Wlntera The ot'dtha present at the breakfast were: K. C.I Atkins, Miss S. Frances Atkins. W. A.

Bell. Mrs. F. H. Blackledire; Pleaiinnt Bon Mrs Kate M.

Bowles. tcot ruutier, Jjonn w. Carev, Low Carey, Mrs. 'bmiley N. Chram Gaorre 1 H.

Chap jniaiett, Mra. pefijy Ci ord, Mrs.i Henry Coburn, Mlcr Cough len. Mra. Edward Dan. ielsJ Mra.

T. C. ray. Miss Mary Dean, M4 iv. iL.

uonpr, Airs, nanrora n. il.M Alice Edwards, Mrs. William Kl.u t. Miss Emily Fletcher. Mrs.

Harkce H. FletcherMrS. Huh H. kanna. 1 Hasselman.

MrsT W. J. H. O. It Hasselman.

Mrs. W. J. Haa an, Mrs. T.

B. riaugbey, Mrs. George Witt. Tiiss Anna snenaricas. Mrs.

E. il odgenl Mrs. Holman, Alexander Janson, ira. Henry Jameson, Mrs. W.

iKetchorn. Miss wowiana, sm. o. W. fclra H.

Martin. Mr. Julia lltoorei Mrs. J. L.

Mothershead. Mr. Iitwy D. Pierce. Miss Anna Nlch MlsB uiuocta ivicnuwon.

Alias Marty C. Jlarlden. Miss Lrrma Rldenour. A. IL Robertson, Mrs, John M.

Spain, Mns. Alexander P. bpruance, Mra IL Stewart. Mra Theodore A. Wagner.

Eltai U. wuey; irs i rw or uu buoie. la and Mrs. Blair of Terra Tlaiila rvey Bates. gave her sec tea for Mrs.

McKee to day, and at on si had only young married worn 1 Htr kuest of honor, and Mrs. John I Perrln of Lafayette, received and the fctsittantsl were: Mra James T. Wright, Clifford Arrlck, Mrs. Henry S. Frrcf, Ifra 8.

Herbert Mrs. Harold Taylor. Mrs. W. P.

Herod. Miss lieMty an 1 win uAiuuuuciii me nin irTifroom ths Color need were pink and grujtn, anil there was a basket of maiden fernlin the center the table with dimble bow of green, at one end. which ornjed ot ypunf candy, and at the enJ a bowoj pink. ine ices were rteI in the new rose torms. Mr.

la at Ipresent'tbe guest of Mrs: Bates. Mra Ctarleis Nebeker Thorcaon and Conf er were the hostesses ror a reception afternoon at their home, in NoKh Peinryrvanla street, at which Miss, of Cmwfordsxllle. was the utfet of 1'ionor. 1 ine nouae ecorations artistic and novel, and cpnsisted of hatVeet Miskets nllal with spritg flowers, wire swung between tthe rooms used us wall pockeis. Boitie of thero He tie.I with broad pink, ni bons, andi colos, as also seen in tae roses of Hble iecoratlorm.

In the parlor Mrs. rt iker, 'Mrs. Edward Dani ls. i Mrji. Eiward Dean and.

Mi3SAlle aasteted. and la the cin I THEIR of A ex I. of Is 1 the of for and law to the law law use law. In to by tary. now This she iom were Mf.

Jacob P. lunn Mrs. Ida vl inley.) Phat tuck Mm. klnti of Ienver. yameS Ijeatners.

IMII Burf rorH. in Miloti Florence Coffin. Klefenoe Ml. Stella Hat. rtland, LMUs N.

I Mj. liu Baker. Miss LVar and Miss Anna 'l'nn artil Ethel Und. In the II brary were Mrs. IV Uray.

Mrs. Ar thnr Mr pwter. CM. es Hoiloway and V. Kera.

IT! unch was served tip Irsj Amonir It he allors were Mrs, Mnc inc of New Yik Ith iss Km ma Mrs. It a or jerre I lain UcCray of Wa Mis ohn Stephenson. Lh la well ht3 in Indianapolis oufu. 6t nurero visits here ana rc.i;i! he 0 ner ban trd" every Sunday in th dfioir or tie first Presbyterian eh urc i.

1 The K. fapa Alphd Tl ta Alumnae Club wi.l niorr. Iklarp nola a busin tueetinx Saturday Mar 27. at 11 i clock, with Miss reQ Todd. i2 Alabama street.

The Port Club. The Portfolio Cluh night elected the ftdlon Ir.rf ottlcers IW ensuing year: Presi enf A. Blab' vice preEident. Hlcha IJeber: sect' i y. Mrs.

J. Pitrcjl treasurer, Ilaldeman. After rlfctiil Ihe ciub tae informal with music atti' dancing. lusical eelectlons were i Oliver ineetl ing lvi tiv Mr. 1 'ifllU'rd Pie fif the club il' Le ar.Oounc ivi by Mr.

Hkf. rd Lieber and. Mr. Pier It was the ilast tt the club The annual; out ce an early date. HrHlna ton Ti ay Clab.

The pwifnam of rVlngton Tuesday Club lows: rorlK '90 has prepared asl folr Octi bef 3 Preslden Oct her 17 "The IL'nlon and Its Pa Makej Mr. Will Shttman; ''Our triotiq SPngs and Poin Mrs. Job M. Freera patriotic til otatlons by the club. Oct i'f.

si "ine siana Purchiise The inning of Ourt reaterRepubllc," Mrs. JK. Moffett; publicfin Slmplic lty 1 Mrs. James Bradeln. November 11 "Da el Webster, the Ofutot of the New Wl X.

Hlsi. Homf Mrs. EllxabfJ; rid," Mrs. George itrlcal American roweu. November 28 Guests day.

December 12 "A Stt ry of the ennst mas de. Mrs. Jarairi H. Banning: "The PasslHg Century." Mrj Jessie Summers. ivy in History." Janiiary 2 "Our Mrs.

Charles M. Crt Stories of the Sea he Pilot." Mr4 Joseph N. Hunter; he Mast," Miss wor 1 1 1 xiOIO Sarah Kingsbury. Jan irjyi 16 "The coveH And Developm West: Its DL Mrs. J.

E. OnggS; The Poets Mary I. Calkins. the West," Mrs. Janiiar 30 'The Pt4 of Longfellow." Mrs.

4. iiE. Cravens ings from James Russell I Lowell. MH Albert Jonnsofi: 'John! Boyle O'Rxitlj Crosr.1 i Mrs. Charles M.

FfctiWry I3 "The 3, of the Confed era Miss Sarah Klingsbury; "Ante Bellurt pays In the H) tn. Mrs. James 1. Lay man: "Songs the Sputh," Mrs. Jesse piimmers.

Febriuarv 27 Guest Marfhj 13. 'The Deftn lie of the Union, Uraham Lincoln. airs. y. i.

w. isnryer; Mrs. Albert Jchnson. Galvlri. Mrs.

ames rs. George W. rlggs. Mareh' SI 'Sltetchea rnim Abroad." Mrs. Thompson; Srigll poenv a picture 01 lire.

Mrs; uitam McMillan. April 10 "The Mora SVrise In Our Lit erature and Art." Mi lJamea Braden: Mrs. rtriie Jeffries; con versalon on "Hawthf Bannlna if jrne. Mrs. James April "The Froge1 of the American Woman in the Ninetlnth Century." Mrs.

J. G. Kingsbury; L.IUD Age," w. S. Moflett MajH "Fraaces fWBlard and Her WorkJ Mrs.

J. A. obtrte: "The HuU Hou A Social Exp Butlei. 1 Imjent," Mrs. Amos Jilaj 32 A social evdhlnb, 'Irvlarfton.

MrsJ Jane. Long, been ependlng a few days with MM Al M. Dalley. has returned to her home in lilenwood. Mrsj W.

S. Moffett 111 give a reception from to next dnlesday afternoon for hdr sister. Mrs. ntixkbeth Ilea ton. Mr.

Edgar Forsythelleft to day for Con nersvllle where he wiulreihaln several days before returning to hlfl hdme in Irafalgar. Misa Ida Kittev an Miss Hattle Toon. who been the gtetis of Mrs. Care r'rye for several day Siave returned to thefr Home in Jullettal Miss I. lira anA Miss Ptarl Forsythe left "fuesdnk? for elr horrj In Ntnevah.

after spending a eek with flqs. Jenale Forsj the ft her home in.Univt iLy avenue. 4 pea re Club inei hSme of Mrs. E. PI The.

Shall enis artemoon at the Wise. The afternoon was taken up wit It the reading of tho ffiirth act of He 111. The ladies of PI B. 4 Phi gave' a lawn party last night at the home of Miss Elizabeth Banning. The parlors were decorajted with syrln lis and ttie dining room with pink wild ses.

The rawn was beautifully illumJnat! with colored lan terns. I Those assistirB; ln receiving were miss iumily Melmlnil and Miss Jessie Lockhkrt. Those asi lng in the dining' room wero Mrs. Robi Aloo re head. Miss Lena Standol.

Miss thel Roberts and Miss tlthel Strawberries and cake were the feshments. Little Helen Cross served the punch In the front hall, which wa decorated in clover and wild blossoms. Daniels Ikolta. Special to The InB anapolla Kewa MIss Anna Holts. Lapotte, May thlk city, last 4nlng became the bride of Mathias DatMi, of Texas.

Mr. Miss Danleli advertised fd la wife, and Holtx answered thd 1 advertisement. A correspondence resultM, and Mr. Daniels came here to meet hint prospective bride. few days acquaintance cemented the attachment.

Daniels said to be a large ranch, Davldaoa kiorner. Biecla.1 to Tha IiitianapdUs New Peru, May 2ff The marriage of Mr. Howard L. Daviljon and Mrs. Fan nie M.

IlOrner occurred In thW city last nlsht. ithe Rev. J. fcil Jackson, of the MethodDst church, cfricflatlng. The brid Staqe Librarian, diii is welll known lnjr Ml Approaxhlnkl Xnptla Xastlals.

Sdaclal to The. I i ana polls Kews. 'Anderson, Mali 26. is. announced trere to4day that Cllf dn J.

Long, of this city. and Miss May Ifiira May Weathers, Marengo, will be th4rried June' Long well known as an alrtist and a writer. The Weathers faml ij is prominent in Crawford and Floyd eunties, 4 Baraet itahl. (Special to The Id aaapoils News. Washington, May 26.

Last even lng Mr. Shackelford Barn ett, a well man of this city. known lyoung Dusimts was married to Mif Cora Stahl. I 1 1 A INpUKAIML BYMAIL. Andltoi Hart AakK rostaf Ai thorl ties for a Oplnloji.

1 Auditor bt Stat cart has written Washington, asking If it isnot lawful for insurance iagents to make use 4 of correspondence brokers. coroljanles the ti bails by meai the. purpose of cting unauthorized unjtij wful Insurant this State. The AudlUr feavs in his liter, by way 01 ex planatlua of his tnqtiry, mat, unaer tne of, Indiana regtijiting lire insurance oomDHBUs.l It in uniuffui ror any nre in sura nce pot ipany to agent lot licit insJ.tance without without the company lirst havinf received authority from thei uditor of 11 tat and the agent have befen licensell Certain penalties. Audi ot says, are provided under the fof'i its violation.

1 1 rThere is and has 4en Violation of this by rtiejiTis of cotifapondepfce and the of lUnittd StiJtes mwl, says the Audlfor. In! his lettet "II to not believe postal Bit hbrtties wo Id perrrnw. under the the statutes of Il.ri'.srna to be violated this jmanner if atttHlont had been called. the 'st ncute, niia i ue uj. mo niiiii which yhe law if tiated." Ordered Saalla.

inirton.D. C. May 26 The Secre 1 Wat has crj ertd recruits. at fbr, Frans fo' es, to said oa tag Uiie menti In tne xT uipp tmrteport win ut; voluit4crj now in the Phi ires. Bnel diet Brrgiiaaa'i Crlaae.

San Dtgo. jiMay 26. Benedict pat' Miss Elizabeth imarry him, to day in the breast, as Bergmtnri. infurliitei BerkeUy'i refusal to three tin rtabbed. lay 1 bed li throat lioth wUl tii4, In 1 I IX at of to p.

its at a COUPANY INCORPORATED INTERSTATE STOCK YARDS COM AXY I 1LES ITS AHTIC'LES. Capitalisation Is OOO D. Km In and Boston Ca bltatlats. la the Com pany Wlli Beavin a Buildings at Once. The Jritei state Stock Yards CumDanv.

of! this city, flljd articles of! Incorporation' with the Secretary of State to dayrwithi ir.mfHO canlral itru in Iht.V! I share of $100 each. The directors named for the first year are Daniel P. Erwln, Frank E. Humphrey. Frederick Squires, Henry L.

Minis, AKIn! 8. Lockard and Simon The purpose of the formation, set! forth In the articles ot incorporation, ard he fi erriAn anil nal fltlnn atv lrl yards, end to that end'ti receive froi any, person, or persons, fiorsea. mules, cattle, hogs, sheep and other do mestic animals, for sale, commission or otherwise, and to feed rare handle and forward such anl4 male; to acquire by puriljaae, lease, kifi or grant and to hold. matiSge and dispose of such real and perdonawtfropefty as majf be required ta properly darry! on such; business, and also to construct. Durchase or lease, such buildings asj maj be necesf sary, and dwellings for erhployes: and to equip, maintain, manage ahd operate sucli railroads, electric light plantsl gas and water works, and any other mejans' or apf puances as may De 1 carry, oa i carry, oa 0.

I1 I hat it wi3 Its Dusiness. The incorporation fee wfia t300. Tho new company annouhces that begin the erection of bilildings wlthouft delay. DAILYCITY Marriage Licenses. Oeorge W.

McPherson and Oraoe Jarrtt. Arthur T. Jobnaon and Tlm. A. Kidi.

i Blrtk Betarbs Xoah and Ltnnie Logan. Weat Indlananolti boy. Herbert ana Oori Wlin. 77 W. Michlca boy.

m. and Llllla Carter. SM4 Tremont avoi. Robert and Emma McCUntock. boy.

I Ueorge and Cora. M. Arnold. ViSl Columbia xiri. i Airred and Mary Plch.

3P4 xebraaka. bor. I Charles and Lena Frank. kS W. Tenth, girt.

Leo and Macgle Thalheimer, 1ZI Maaiacha4 setts girl. Frank and Maadalen Vtliensch. S21 WrirhL I i Alvts and Estetla Markey. Ii20 Columbia aver boy. i Robert E.

anoMary Broylris, boy. I Carl and Nora HofTacker. Prospect, giift. Death Retarns. Mary E.

Geran, it yea re, 14 Chadwlck. rhiMimatlsm. Harriet C. Poole. 90 years.

Beaate ava xnirty eutntn. old ae. I Herman Mar, 43 years, rear 3000 E. In Hon. consumption.

I i I S. Terhuoe, years' 320 N. Noble, old age. Infant Evard. .2106 HlchlanJ Place.

broh' chUls. I Jacob Goldman. TS years, M6 M. Liberty, caa cer. BnlldlaaiTernalta.

Mahlon V. oJlllnJ kitchen. 00 Nowlaad o. uiosco. aaaitmnt ia Noble, woo.

J. I. Dinette, repairs, 12 iq Park 20 J. W. Smock, fratne house.

Pennsylvania. near Thirty third, 11,400. .1 Thorn. W. Cbeatbam.

addition. HIS Harlan. 1200. 1 1 John m. uaston.

repairs. Daiaware and New iork. WdO. I 1 Real Eatate Trnsfera. Lurtnda M.

Morton to Frank P. Croaa, lot Zf4, Noble a part oul lota 46 and others J. I 1,30 Ceo. T. Kepler to Madlsoft Brewing Company, lot 13, block n.

Ooodlet' A Thornton'a subdivision part Holmw'a Vwl End addition 17 Lewis J. Rica to Joe. F. Clay, lot f. 4,000 00 Edwards' subdivision part Johnson's helra' addition 1 w.

paear B. to Delia Ourtla. lot 117. IIS. 219, Croea ttruetee's).

Cllfford ave. 120 00 Tho. P. Mills to J. P.

Parsons, tract 1 to00 00 I 2,500,00 COO 00 I 400 00 adjoining Floral Park Julius F. Parsons to Sarah E. Will iams at same 4 Rachel C. Krlck to C. I.

Bruner. lot 11. Jackson Park Catharine 3. Parker to J. C.

Allison. lor Mock 41. ortn Martin Rr Styer to Mary C. Bake I meter, lot 40, Daugherty a subdlvl inn outlot Geo. W.

Stout to Geo. W. Lb fid at lot CS3. Stout a New Tork ad dition 815 00 Margaret C. Dunnlngton Mil ton 3.

Myers. lots 375 and 37. Clark a Mick's Haaghvllle addition looojoo 300 00 i Mosea Perry to John M. ilatton et lot 100, diem an et Belmont addition Franklin H. King to Levi Titte, lata and 20.

Maiuur St Wrlcbt'a Sub dlviion part out lot 157.. Total trahsters, IS; $11,387 COt'XTY COTfRTS'; RECORD. Superior Court. Room 1 John L. Mcitastar.

Judge. Hattla Handricka va citizens' Street R. Co. Dami. Judgment on verdict tor plain tiff againat defendant tot 0 and costs.

i wuiutm tl. urapier vs. J. Appe gate. Appeal.

Dismissed, iplalntitf falling to appear. Costa 'against plalpliff. I Pabet Brewing Co. va. John Kelley.

Finding and judgment for pikintlS. against defendant for Ula.7S ccjs. I Slata ex rel. O. B.

Artls va John F. Hn nlnger. On bond. Finding for defendant. Judgment against plalntirr costs.

Room James M. Ltathers. Judga. Richard M. Toung vs.

Harry B. Burnett let al. Appeal from Clark, J. P. Jury finds for defendant.

I Ewbank A Watson vs. benjamin F. DavUd. Account. On trial by Juryj i Rochester 8 hoe va George Foreman.

1 Conversion. Finding and Judgment against defendant for tilS.M and costs. I ludy Inorman et aL va. Horace M. Kearns at si.

accuuni. uismisaed ana costs paid. John J.I Cooper va J. Farrtncton note. Dlernlsaed and costs bald.

i 1 i 1 A. Bates. I To set aalflo bill iof aaie, Dlsmissd at plaintiff's costa Circuit Court. it.i. 1 1 John S.

Hadley va Johri O. Comet et al. From i. P. Finding lor deTsndant.

Judgmaot agalpst plalntirr (or oat a Milwaukee Co. vs. (James A. Everltt. From J.

P. Submitted court. Evidence heard. John It Rochtord aPDothted guardian Maria Rochfcrd. Bond.

Sof. LAit ppo a. Duantlng appointed administrator or eatate or Helnrlch L. Hildebrand. IJoSl, Pnlon' Trust Company appointed adminis trator or estate of Mary Coble.

Frederick J. Mayer appointed guardian Shriek Bond. tl.4. Frtearich Daries appointed executor of Ijht wiu 01 Jona tr. isensee, B4nx 13,000.

Crlmlaal Charlaa F. Coffin. lal Judga. va Maud Ooodi. oasplracy to miir er.

on trial by jury, Sear Saita Filed. Anna B. Densotr va. Johh A. Deoaon.

vorca. Superior ourt. room I. George A. Hstnm vs.

Sarah J. Hamm. Dl vorca. 8uper6r Conrt, room 1. Railroad Transfer Co.

vs. jlndlanapolls Street Rr. Co. Damagea. Suprljr Court, room 1..

I Henry At, eghorat, exrentor, Vs. Robert Freund On note. Circuit Court. Alexander Kahn et al. vi Leopold Raiib iet al.

fnjunctloh. Circuit Cdurt. I Edward II. Bartlett va, fciixabeth A. Bart hwt.

llvorca. BuDertor Court, room 1. 1 Katie Stenrel va. Ttiaodona Bteniel. CXvorca.

John 3. Cooper vsl P. Farrlngton. On account. Superior Cfcirt.

riom J. Pauline Kiatnsr va Stfeiibxn H. Andarsan On note, fcupertor CaHrt, rbom t. 1 i Complaint for ptvoree. George A.

Hamai filed Complaint for fll vorce from Sarah j.f Hkmm in the Superior Court to defendant lives Green's Fork, Wayne countyi i BRIEF CITY ITEMS. "The Horseshoers" Jou this city, win hold t'nlmn. cpen meetitg night at 111 East Co street. The Indlanaretis 'Auxl iary to. the Red ross will 'meet to morrow af 1 at the woman a department of the Indiana t.ompan The memliers of Oedr ge H.

Thomas Post. O. A. and the Belief Corps connected the post will! attend memorial services at Central avenue M. E.

church Sunday r.i. Trie Primary Tteachersf Union will have regular meeting to morrow aft neon o'clock at the Fl st Presbyterian church. The meeting will be followed bv sociaoie. All s. primary teachers and those interetcd have bedn lnviteu.

A ML Math it the dress gctt. the SAU1RDAY Summary Barralne on more ronirjouiea Shoe day for 1 ateet millinery of White. I' I sale AVssh Skirts. Silk 1 i'mbrellaa and Ilos.ery anil Toilets and. Rubber The hep? Specials.

.4 prard wind up Domestics, Chrna THESE SPECIALS1 FRO T.l 0 TO 11 nata, 'olf gSagbam, for ladies or clilldrrn. tich IOO oil loth. jr. er ard, ir Ub'a, Xi yards wide, ChliUnyaiJ good lead glass, crimp rr It ot Bfrry Baiiesrs, whita. fanty shaoes.

we sill at. 4m: dozen. eaca ...4 oniNO an MINA OFFER A lonig barkal tatblct filled with 29b Boh jmlaa Olaaia Vaaaia, a So Chink Vases.lSoPlates, ISd Fruit, Bauders. I Bo Cups andSauenrs, lOo PlnTrays, IOd Tooth Piok Hold raj, and WAJ otber items, for two ionrsJ4 5c Swlii Wrlnying Mop, 35c qualjty i l9o Market Bajskwta, splint, two. handled lo Boys' Wallata, of gaod prints, wall madle, sizes 4 to 12 years, lie klniL Hoan for l4dles, seamleia, fast black cotton, doublle heels and toes, elast tic ribbed 0i 12VjC HosL or Nil fine maco cotton, full (fashioned.

Hermsdort black, double kneds. heels ind toes, broken lots of our lie and lc quality 12o UndUrsKli jtai for Boys, in gray balbHgaran, ettlk trimmed front, well finifhed seamjs. our 19c lajo TiTESE Shoe Day for Children Shows for Girls, chocolate andblaok kid. mew, rovind toes, flexible soles. sized ll'i to JL75 quality SI.

38 Shoes for Children, black or tan Viol hand turned sOlea. vesting or" kid tops, new and pnettt patterns, aises 6 tO 8, 11.25 qualltie. I. OO Shoea for Boys, tan Rasaia calf, new shad ed toes, very nobby, quality, sized 2'i to i'i Sizes 13 2. i.lttle Boys, tanand Shoes for biacg vict.

Little tjients" golf pat' tern, sizes 9 to 11 11 d0 Quality. .91. 29 Tr Pal of Our "Fit Easy ShoesfofTlrad Feet. Any style you wish, arty! shape your root requires. Ladles' high ssioes.

.92. a as Ladies: Oxfords Tha mil will, as usual. nery Dapartmant display the lirtest Ideas to morrow In Is'M trimmeit Siloi HAl sj Wall HAT. trimmed and nn lking Hats, Howers, ribbons and all trlmminjr materials, priced so as I to oirkb the banner Saturday of the AS TrJmrrted good practical styles, that Wefe up; to fi, choice. l.

BO Trimmed jHata, a fine collection of cholee styles, excellent ideas ana very dressy, were up to in B3.00 Trimmed rHetsJ grand combinations of ripe braids tina matenais, ever detail. special; at 17.50 ana BB.OO Trimmed Sailors, of Jumbo braid, nds' and leather bands. wlthj silk bsj duality "aw Sailors, of white milaa Trimmed braid, wide. bilK bands, perfect Knox block. I1.2S Quality i 7Bo Trimmed Sailors, of vary fine spLt etraw.

a ith heavy gros grain suit bandk perfect shape. 12.25 qual ity .1 $1.48 Tarn O'Shjantara, of whita dnek and linen crash with removable inner 25c duality .1 School Hats for Olrls, trimmed. all dolors IBo In Ready Rlades of White Bedford Cord Empire Jackets, for agee a to a years. Jackets, if heavy, white cord, with sQk rlbbdn trimmed collar, sateen lined. our 11.25 quality ...1...

7o Jackata, df better Bedford cord, scalloped collar, edged with ribbon ana rows silk soutache, braid, our 12.25 Qual ity .1 .1 4 $1.48 Same Jackets as above, with silk em broidered colters, 12. 4 $1.95 Wash Sklrti Sklris, of Iwhite plqne, fl quality, 78o Skirte, oflwhiU dtck, with bayadere strarjfe. of navy blue duck. ity l.8 Skirts, oft fine shrank linen. with wide bands or white plqueL ar tisticklly put on, and a number of otherlexira 5od skirts, special at .92.98 Skirts, of tikk grade white piqda, trim med with fine, two! and three rows of embrtjldery insertion, very choice i signs at $4 93.

S3.8 and S2.9B Silk Waist lot Iof very fine and handsome Silk Waists, jnajde In shirt waist and dress styled, verjq attractlfe designs, were J7.b0. IR75 and 110. icholce to mor row BB.OO Wash' Waists Waists, af white! lawn and madn cloth. trlmtned with one and two ro of embroidery insertion. 11.25 qual ity I 9 80 Waists, akw ideas arriving daily inrwhiu ana.cpiors, ert xiiw, i.Ka, 7Sc ahd va ati a a A80 neri's FurnUh! Shlrta, fa bey madras bosom, silk effect.

cambric boy, a new line just in, 75c quality .1... B9o ihlrts, nekligee strW, madras bcdr.and also another style, si. bosom, cambric Jxdy, line, JSaiturday 7Bo Ihlrts. laqcr aaa nest stripe madras, 75c quality, because tney have no currs. to morrow ....1 390 For Boy Shlrts, percale and light Xiior sateeo, perfect little shirt, 39c and0x line, for Saturday's sale 2So Whlt nlaundersd Shirts, SO dzen more receiyed, reinforced back front, VVamsutta muslin, allty 29o Irts 'and Drawers.

Trench bal biiggan and also blvie ond brown, clouded drawers! with French banddj double seated, lour 50c line Underwear for Men, balbriggaa, plum, brown and blue and also pink and bine stiiped. special to morrow 2 So Night; SHIrts, odoien more, caaabria, trunmed with finishing braid, cljllar less, ckuslcg extra comfort, full length and width, quality, pur price w. Soil cadet blues and wines, full seamless h'irh HnllcH heels. 1 2Uc aual itv 1 I IAa R.n.adUra. lane, variety of btylea.

6 Jc quality SSoj I I 1 .4 aurnmvr son ana strings, in madras, luce, stupe lawn and glhgham. speciaiyr priced oc, 7c, "loc. ll'c 2Bo Sox for Men, iiri ported silk em broideryj etiripea and) plaids, our aoc line 39o Sleeve Bands, flat silk lastic, all colors, 15c quallt)y To Wlsrd Ouff Holders, In to mqirovss saie 70 White G6ods. Linens. Linings Lawn ni Dimity, plain white, ia fatjey Ifce ttripes.

ic quality 1230 Sliesls, our best I double faced, small yp.igfis, jc quality Silk oth, in plain, fancy shad, for skirt mg locks like si It wears hetldr; quality. IOo NapklnsJ half bleached, si 17x17 toniy.i cozHri to a customer), per dozen I B9o Turkey Red Table Clothing, warranted last colors. Zjc dual ity ...1 I. IOo Borl S0 R. liLergo Chooolat Drops, kind, per pound IOo fVlarshmsllows, lSoklnd.

par nAiind pound IOo Selted Peenuts, small Spanish. always esh here, per pound JOo Chewing Oum, M' and' flavors, 4 cakes. 0 packages 30 Hedfern" Finest Corsets i 1 f' The Redfern combia all th goodness kr own to corsetdom; it ia made of tfest of Italian cloth, fiMed with genuine wbalebtne, fchajtr'on most sci entiflc p.natumlcal principles, in black an1 white, all slzs; prk et, range from S150 to We control the sale of them for Indiana polls. and O. Corsets, Jean, jiettio'g and batiste, in all lengths and sixes, second of reguiar SI to a4 styics .....4..

BBo Corsets, H. asVi ot good quai ty netting, lace tnmmed, regular, tc quality BBo Summer Coreete, wil boned, corded bust. J5c uualtty 27o Secondary Schools of Indiana. TTofnssor Swifrgett aa followed by W. C.

Gur.ner of IrMiana University, with a paper "Homeric Ethics." and fey Prof. E. 8. Gardiner, ot Frankrln whp rl'i cussed the question, "Ii tbe la i The society will Meet aaln at s. o'cl'xk': morrow momirc ard hear hy Prof.

2I." Frsuktin TOE IVH. LOG II CO. TI3E IVr.l. 5 PHIL' LOCICAL SOCIETY. And al Meeting; la Held at on State Hoaae.

The Indiitnaj PhilotoKlcal Society opened ninth innani nieejing in room li at State Hoiise, thU; afternoon, to continue throi sh to morroy. The opening ad wasjdi lvered by Prof. O. fcyig of 'liur ue Cnlvralty. president of soclttjj, 01 "Foreiea Languages la the son.

sp' to Vordt frrfm I to 11 a. m. onir. to wttlch nearly children. 1 ideas, brlced for a banner Saturday.

Bedford Lord. Emntre Jackets, for sees of the Day, Op, In Other Waists. Wash yaists very pmpuiar prli FL'RMSiliNLrti Another our well known Saturday a'ea Parasoia, some nobiijr numbers, prhad next to cost. lrnUej w'Hr, Wtiife (Tvla Linens and Linings. Goods, Jew riry and Leathert Oooda, G.wds, A StoilM and Linen Cellar bargain.

Groceries low. ern a emV othr Corseta most sijecessful week la tha sjtd Houseware. Drawers forLadlss, la fine ribbed, pure white cotton, knee length, button on the side, Ka quality IOo Crash Toweling, ia checks sad stripes. 3e qu4luy Psrosllns, yardwlda, last blacx, li.c quality f. Bib Ovaralla, bat dwlm.

rivatad 2So Brownie Overalls, bias denial, quality Shlrta for Boys, check chariot. grade IOo7 Sox, black and gray, oar 10c quality Mourning: Pins, fifty la a box. with round bright heads, 2c box. two for lo Hair Pins, steel poiated, packlo Pearl Buttons, two dozen on pure white, all else. 20c Oe Valenolennes Lao, tea styles to select from.

3c kind, per yard men. hernia ad, with colored borders, Sc kind Jo HandkeroHlefs, for men, japoaetta with silk initials. kind Stay Binding. Known aa whita cob ton tape, 4 yard pieces. Vi to 1 lnch: wide, 2c kind (per dos.

lOct. each. Toilet Soap, Irla BtancvlSe box or enres eaktee too Untrlmmed Hats. A collection of tine braids that were dp to' St. 26..

I Bo Trimmed Walking; of choice braids that were ud to 12.50 So Trimmed Sailors, of whita roogh straw" braid, with white piped bands. 4c 'quality SSo tVILL DE OH SALE ALL DAY 3 The Dost off Wash Goods Peroala, yard wide, best quality, patterns jsre utibeatable lSo Olngham, standard quality, new striae armtr daily; no taste has oeen overlooked; per yard India Foulards, stripes, polka dots and novel tlgnres. perfect copies of tbe silk of that name, both In patterns and general "aPtieaT ance, per yard, to morrow JAo plmltles, very fptchy designs, eompris ang stripes, ngures, scroll designs; flowers, etc. special to 'morrow Organdy Lawn, patterns exastlylike ihe nne i Tencn urganaies; our 0c bitrgaln: to 80 Skirting Denim, 'for bicycle wear all the nooular Covert xtures. two good values, at IOo and 120 Knlckerbookar Suiting, this is that good hanging, crashy cloth.

In checks and broken strlyes; our 15c quality Reel Irish Linen for cool and dressy skirts, 25c quality, ap to morrow Orand Wind Up of a moat auooeasful week In v. Umbrellas and Parasjols Umbrellas for Ladles, dreadea, polltih wood rod (princess styles and mounted Congo handles, fast black serge covering, 2t inch steel; this Too um brella as a Saturday A9o Umbrellas for Lad lee, silk gloria covered, 2o inch ateei rod. swedgetl, long Dresiien. 1 horn, wood with silver trimming, princes shapes, one of the best SI. 25 lines ever shewn by us, to morrow tOBo Parasols, covered with a pretty figured cloth (very muchi'llke the new sUkai, natural white stick and handle of one piece, our bbo BBo Paraaola.

a swell aaaortment avsry thing that's new, 1 price run rrvm 98o to 1, $4.98 Hosiery and Underwear Veets and Pa nta for Ladles. in gauze lisle, vests high neck, long sleeves, silk trimmed pants, button on the aide, knee length, our oou quai ity aeo Vests for Ladles, ia ecro, lisle er mercerized cotton, scarcely, aistinguinha ble from silk, low neck.l no aioevea, fancy front, beautifully trimmed, and 35c quality .4 23d Vests for Children, la pore white, low heck, short or no i1iivh; each So Hose for Ladles, in fanei stripes, full fashioned, fast colors. 25c. quality Hose for Ladles, in One ribbed lisle, fast black, double feveia and 25c quality Hoee for Boys, extra heavy bicycle net riooru, eeMmiesa, last Dtaca. regular 25c kind IBo Hose for Misses, fancy p'aid ilk stitched, full fashioned, fast colors.

oouuie ceeis ana loes. our joc aual ity A Line and Stook Collar Ladla Linen Collars, styles, all elzs. our luc To Stopit Collars With Bow, mad of ftne quality pique, fancy, colors aa: white. 25c kind IBo Toilets and Rubber Goods Ba May's Best Powder, loe box Talcum, AO Possonl die kind a Fas Powder, Arnloa Tooth Boa p. 25c.

aina TurklWh Bath Soap, 60 cat, 20 Fountain Syringes, with. haru ruooer pipes, uuart size, warranted for ons year, 3o Jewelry and Leather Goods Cuff Buttons, a doien style aeiect rrom, Je Kind 210 Solid IOo Id Ring, warranted to war or el4 your money back, set with pearls, (farnets and turquoU, 5oc kind .1... Chain Braoelete. with lock and key, jcilt and silver, l9o Plaokett Seta or Skirt Plna, tnree sizeti, gut ana oiaca, zjc kind 10 Leather Belte, tan, russet, bro and black, with leather covered buckle. 25c kind IBo Leather Belte, moroeeo grain.

autcnen ana lined gso Candy Specials Coooe Bon Bone, a sorted flavor. 15c kind, pff IOo Soloed Droos. flavors. ama.I size, lie kind, per pouiu IOo G. E.

Karatr.i, of Indiana Prof. D. C. iirown, of Butler Col Zln Iridax every tart of c. WV'n 4 years.

A. T.L OrJLY Shirt Waists, of neat striped percales. 6oc quality 2 Bo Dressing Saoquas, of Cfurtd lawna. Win ruined colors. SQc qua.

Ur 3tlo Skirts, of a food wfiite' duck. Sic quality SOo of all wool homespun, eolo ay and tirwn mixtures. Bi.a Ur.ed jar eta, J7.UI quality Shoe Polish. Any of oar blsek. chocolate or tan, liquid psate or cornbl natlon poli.

hea. Ijc sizes Bo Pugs, tlx3t iach aiz reversible, nber Swiss Jaoquards, Ucbes and 3 tcr.ed flc ral efTect. oa tln: very desirable for curtains, bed coverings or lambrequins, lie quality 7 Curtain Sorlm. Se lach U4 yards 2T 4 Center Pleoes, It aad IS luehas square, of union linetu sateen, damask finish, beautifully stamped, our regular price 8c and Uc. to eloae ..4...

i. Ao Battanburg Rings, nU sties, per dozen 3o Drawera for I Id re bun ami i tucks, lie quality 7o Bustles, wovea arlrej fbr So Aprons, of lawn, Lara triAmad, Ijc quality To lemons, fancy Msearonl, Ra Croaa. quality 1 (3 packages lie), Bo Maple Sugar, gaaranteed strictly pure, i. lo 1. The Drapery Department Nothing: less la befitting than THESE BARGAINS! RUGS" Imperial Smyrna" 3 a 9 ft Hall 3xl2 ft.Hall 3xlB ft.

Hall Runners wSS.90 Ingrain Art Squares. AO 3x2 yards, Calbn. 92.C 3x3 yards, aL. wool Twenty. Pieces Linoleum, of well eeaeoned stock, fn a chuloa eoi.av.

tion 01' carpet, geometrical and til dla; th 60 and 40 qualities as 30 mntt 3TSo OH Cloth, igat piaoaa, 4 4 width only, in as mumy otslgna, for Satur dayr.w. ITo Coeoa fbr porch fanners. halls or stairways, kockI, heavy in eithr plain or with wide red strtp. a a and widths, yard, 3c and Window Shsdes, sxf rt.X gooo opaque, uouano, ail complete 14b Soreene, ot highly polished oak, fly feet high, with I panels and fancy grill tops. 11.50 quality OBo Nottlnfha rr tbr yards lou, 4d Liches wide, qJal ity BBo Nottingham Curtalna, S' yard I Kuig.

a and incnes wide, 12 qual y( Nottingham Curtains, IH Trd lont, inch wide. In exi.n redaction of renaissance and brussels ie signs; Si quality Irish Point Curtains. yards length, SO tnoh )WUlth a good coi'u'ciloa of well covered detlgrrs, cn splendid quality ot net, 7 Sllkollne, lnehes wtda, in a pretty tine of patterns, lua and LviO quai Ulcs 75io Swiss Muslin, inch wid. in a choice collection of Leno trlpes and Ug very desirable for curtalna. I for a Saturday sieclal 1.

1 Swlaa Ruffling, for esruins, 4 Inches wide, deeply nutJd, 10c and So quality, 4c and 1... Cretonnee, S4 lnchai wide, a larg collection of color combinations, suitable fo portieres or furniture coverings, 15c quality So Floor Denim, 84 inchir wide, red. rose, green and biu. rfc quai Ity iSo Groceries Orahsm Craokn Taggart's" oest, per pouna 1 Salad Oreaslng, My ao pec bottle IBo Codfish," extra lancy qiality. whll it lasts (3 lbs.

l'krj, per, ib Preserves, extra lanjryf whole frulis; nothing finer for lunchis, to mor row pe glass 1,1 2Bo Pine Apple, Ajrn brand, iancy sliced in sirup (2 cans S). 12, 40 8 rd In, extra lancy la portad, la ttest box IOo Ceteup, Acorn Ma. caala any 18 and wC quality cianuiacturtd, to morow and ..4 i leo Chsrrlee, fancy California whita. per can The Beat Coffee at any prloe a ur moona ana a va, per pouyd Domestics Psroales, standard yqu blsck grounds nistiy. li.ri;e ient ot prlntlntrs to ctioose irom, 22 l.nhes our stC.

quaffy, to morrow. Denim, for ovaral.a, aa exceptional good quality, toroarruw IOo Tioklng, 1 orient a ar beds or pillows, lie " to morrow IOo. MusllrW an bleached, vert ean and firm, 'yird wide, the 6c quality. t6 sting, unbleached, full yatds extra good quality." that eeiis at lac, to morrow JBo Same quality in bleached that setts for 21c, to morrow I To Comforts, home made, beat of cotton, closely 2 yarti and yards long, covered wlta figured fouiard Prints, S2.U0 quality, to morrow 91. A a Blankets, par

without bonier, suitable jr sneets or suence ciotn, to per pair 44o Wrtlte Flannel for baby's wear, 'tc quality, to morrow IBo Sun Bonnete of standard gisgaam, lined and stitched, 'perfect in every detail, 25ciquauty Sun Bonnets of Cnambrar, oual ity 29o Sun Hata for Child ran, of combination straw and chrr.tray C5c. quality 1 China and lloutewaro Stable Lanterns, tabular styla, patent adjustable ho.w. ieri; always 65c .490 Lemonade or Water Sets of Clght Plsoss, entirely sew denotations and shapes, pretty Jur. tumbler to match, on pat tray. Imported Bohemia a giasa.

SL75 quality, per i BBo Wash Boiler, heavy tin. copper bottom. No. 8 l.w) quality BBo Oil Stove, Single, two wicks. a ST.t.0 article a no Oas Stove Tubing, mohair cov eretl, 5c luality.

per 10.. Tin Coffee Pots, wa I mu On quart, BO two quarv 70) thre qaart, Qc foor(qaart iOo II. CLGCII Cd. lege, yirif the X'nivertlfy 0f ''iTiapo O. A Ferrurn, of a a 1 K.

G. Pai.iwirv. of In' iia. I' There will also be report of a the election of ottlcers. alt Axainat Street Msllnav.

The Railroad Tranr' brOUKht SUlt i. Street Railway toy a bei'Hyse. it aver, a ran cne cf fa i aaaocs aaj. iijir4 a car I fr i.

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