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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 4

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


J. Tilghman, has resumed her SssKSSBtnps leaving LIGHT ST. WHARF every TUESDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock, for Annapolis, West River, Cambridge and Easton, and returns on WEDNESDAY, touching at Cambridge, West River and Annapolis, for Baltimore. The Cambridge will leave Baltimore on every FRIDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock, (or An lapolis, West River, Cambridge and Easton, and urn on SATURDAY, by way of Cambridge, West liver and Annapolis, for Baltimore. Fare to Cambridge and Easton, SI 5n; West Kiver.

81. Annapolis, 75 eents. FOR CHESTERTOWN AND COliSIC A. The Cambridge will leave Light street wharf, for Chester-town and Corsica, on EVEH MONDAY and THURSDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock, and return the same days. Fare I.

The aoove routes will be run throughout the season. mt7-l)m. ble men will even now consider her in danger, it is not by threats and intimidations that any practical good can be obtained in a country like ours, on one side or the other. In a confederacy it is necessary to make it the interest of all members to adhere to their compact, as every step which is taken to compel adherence necessarily lead to centralization, and, with it, to despotism, which, as every Tyro in history knows, may just as well be practised under a republic as under a monarchy. What the South may now do, is to give tone to public opinion, which can only be effected by a calm and determined, but dignified, attitude, such as will compel respect on the part of the North, if not produce conviction.

That the consequence of the present movement, will be immediate, influencing legislative action during this session, I very much doubt; the object to be at tained is evidently prospective, and is rather intended for executive than legislative consideration. At present thepouth can only be saved by the protecting shield of President Polk; how she will be protected under the succeeding administration is as yet eoncealed in the womb of time. All that can be said on that subject is that the opinions of the friends of General Taylor are considerably divided on the subject, and that, without this division, matters would not have reached their present climax. X. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.

"Washington, Dec. 2S, 1819. Sunday School Exhibition Wedding Rev. T. M.

Reese Accident at the Navy Yard Alexandria Railroad Dandridge Epjies, (fc. A very gratifying exhibition of the Sabbath School the Mckendrean Chapel, came off on Monday evening. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the house was crowded almost to suffocation, at an early hour. Where all performed their parts so admirably it would be invidious in me to specify the names of pupils that excelled. I understand thnt most of the interesting addresses delivered were composed by J.

C. Harkness, Esq. The exercises were interspersed with some choice singing by the scholars, and the presentation of a Bible to the superintendaut, (Mr. Harkness) accompanied by an address drafted by our respected fellow citizen, J. N.

Davis, by Miss Keith. The collection amounted to SU3. An interesting wedding at the same church was enacted on Tuesday, when the Rev. Mr. Hamilton united his daughter Eliza to the Rev.

Mr. Tiffany, one of the professors in Carlisle college. Nearly a score of clergymen, and hundreds of the acquaintances and admirers of Mr. Hamilton, witnessed the ceremonies. The reverend gentleman evinced deep emotions when pronouncing the marriage formulas.

The regret of the numerous friends of the family, in losing from our midst so fine a girl, is abated by the conviction that she has been handed over to a gentleman whose acquirements, talents and virtues render him worthy of so valuable a prize. I would state here, also, that the Rev. T. M. Reese, pastor of the charge alluded to, during the past two years has, by his fidelity to the great interests of religion, and the ability "of his admiuistrition, rendered efficient service to the cause in which he is ensrsged, and secured the lasting esteem and respect Ins large congregation.

At the Navy ard, a young colored girl, at the dwelling of Mrs. Kelly, and the property of Mr. John Tucker, accidentally took lire and was so badly burned that she survived but a few hours. It is said she was in the act of lighting a shooting cracker at the time. A series of interesting experiments in gunnery are now in progress, some account of which I hope soon to obiaiu.

Another meeting of the citizens of Alexandria, on the subiect of the proposed railroad, took place last evening. I learn that able and effective addresses were delivered by F. L.Smith and Lewis McKenzie, t'sqs. The State will take three fifths of the stock. 'a he votes of this day and to-morrow will determine the subscription of 100,000 by Alexandria.

Prince William county will add 325,000. Once open that road, and then, with a few additional miles, Washington and Alexandria will be brought within fifteen minutes of each other. It is said that Mr. Brunett, formerly editor of the Petersburg Republican, passed through last evening, on his way north, with a manuscript copy of the interesting trial of Dandridge Eppes, who was executed a few days since in Virginia, for the purpose of publishing it in pamphlet form. Merccky.

Fire at Sr. Lons The Congress Hall coffeehouse and restaurat buildings, kept by B. Keiser, and the clothing stores of Mr. Morris and H. Plahto, adjoining, at St.

Louis, were destroyed by fire on Mon-dav niiht week. Buildings and contents insured the latter in 812,000. Ye'-etablb Freak. We have received a specimen of a third crop apple, grown on the farm of Mai. LlffET Casm in from 12 to 36 Hotjbs.

No Mercury or Noxtous Drugs Used. Weakness, and aft those horrid Nervous which arise from A Certain Habu of Youth, which rum both mind and bdy, speeAJy cared. OFFinP No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, on the lefthand aide.goin I rOIIl Dai IIIUUI ton a. cw eparticdar in observing th ttps, or you will mistakt tin doors from the corner.

nlina IWOhrtfrW No. 7.A1 DR. JOHNSTON, the founder of the BALTIMORELOCK HOSPITAL a distinguished graduate from one of the brst coJleee in the United States, which may be seen by his diplomas; also, a member of the Roy al College i Siuseop and licentiate of Apothecary's HalL London, and th greater part of whose life haa been Spent in theHostM-talsof London, Paris, Philadelphia, and elsewners. has effected some of the most astonishing cures uw were ever known, many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden eounds.and bashfulness.wum frequent blushing, attended sometimes with, derans-mcntof mindx CERTAJN DI8EASB Persons affected with debility of tfleoiwnB.orthoM who are suffering from the destructive hahit of yonth, and who have been abandoned to die by other physt-cians, may be speedily cured. The diseases which Dr.

J. has more particularly studied, and which he haa been the most successful in curing, are those brought on by indulgences, which if not speedily cured both in mind and body, deranging the dig ertrva fn tons, producing affections of the heart and lungs, end-inr in some terrible disease of the nerves, whtr0T the vietim is hurried to an unfitly tomb. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS, And all those affections arisinx from a certain rn-tirw of youth, immediately curecy. dr. jHte'lMMEfv The most celebrated and emcaeious remedy in th world, has been prescribed by Dr.

J. in his extensive practice in Europe with the greatest success; in fact, it has sever been known to fail. The miraculoci rrcs performed by this remedy are astonishing, pr. throws the gauntlet before the whole profession, and challenges the world to produce such a remedy. These are some of the sad and melanchollr effect produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in thff head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of JVIuscular Power, Palpitation th Fearttpyspepsia.

Nervous Irritabilitj, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Simp-oms of Consumption. Slc. Mentally The fearful effects on the mind are ninth to be dreaded; Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Socitety, Self-Distrust, Love of Plitude, Timidity, iCy are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons, of all ages, can now judgt what is the cause of their declining health.

Losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and emacied, havt a singular appearance about the eyes, cough ami symrtoms of consumption. This remedy has restored hundreds to health after every other means havt failed. Married Persons, or those contemplating marriage being aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to perfect health.

SURGICAL OPERATIONS, Especially on the Eye sueh aB for Squinting, Cataract, Also, those for Deformity of the Limb suck OFFICE, NO. 1 SOUTH FREDERICK Itft-hand side, going from Baltimore street. Be particular in observing the number and name, or jo will certainly mistake the place. N. LETTERS MUST BE POST-PAU).

The remedies can be sent to any part of the United States. dlS-lm DOCTOR HUET, a member of the Medical Fact! ty of Paris, Licentiate of the Medical Faculty of New Orleans, recorded on the Medical Register. foli 95th, of the said faculty; also a Graduate of theMeai-cal and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, since the third of April, 1839, as can be seen by his Diploma which are framed in his office; and also proprietor ot the celebrated French Medical House.No. 16 SOUTTk FREDERICK STREET, Baltimore, west side, twe trees before the House. THIRTY ODD YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in Paris and America, have enabled Dr.

H. to curt any form or stage of secret diseases in a very short but reasonable time, on guaranty and forfeiture. Strangers, before Vou pay any fees, read a eomplete Treatise on Secret Dise ses and Destructive Habits of youths, written and old by Dr. price $1 00, to be had as above. Afflicted, remember that this French Doctor irmkaa the only medicine which will cure the destnictivt habits of youth, and restore to prime vigor with strict honesty.

Written guaranty andfsrfeiture, if desirti. Terms moderate, DR. HUET'S practice is aceornc to the latest un-prQvements in the French mode of treatment: strike at the root cf the disease, and eradicates them immediately, leaving no vestige of the virus in tht system. Dr. H.

receives regularly from his numerous friends of thcMedical Faculty of PARIS all tht latest improvements in medicine, whereby he is enabled to cure a disease in a few days which fonntrTy required weeks or months. His medicines are free from Mercury and all Min-ral Poisons, put up in a neat and compact form, an may be taken in a public or private house, or whilt traveline, without exposure or hinderance from business, and warranted to cure all cases, and that in tht shortest possible time, without the least injury to tht system or fear of detection by friends. And for proof of vneqvalled success in the treatment of the mot desperate cases, he refers to the nurnerous certificate substantiated by oath,) tendered him by grateful per sons afflicted with diseases that were eonsideredab solutely ineurable. It needs little discernment to per ceive that one teell established cure is worth all tht PUFFING, AUCTIONEERING and SELF-LAU ATION in the world. TSTSt his advertisement im he Baltimore Clipper.

Those who have injured themselves by a certain Craetice, the effects of which destroy both mind an4 ody. When youths have this destructive habit, which in growing turns into solitary practice, thn instead of growing smart, handsome and blooming at they generally do, they become pale, weak, languid, nervous, irritable, they generally hate company, they are dull, taciturn, and if far advanced in this abominable practice, they are so tired of their lonely existence, that many kill themselves, and frequently nobody in the world can account for their Filicide. To such Dr. H. pledges himself to restore them im prime vigpr, on guarantee, if desired, for he is tht only physician now living who understands thoroughly those peculiar nervous diseases, and who also'mnkes the only medicine, extracte exclusively from French flowers, which wiii curt tnost eora-plaints.

Scarcely a day passes that he does not ircelve applicants, personally and by letter, ot panents wet nave been treated some of them by tneir own family physicians, others by the head doctors of the Statt in which they live but the greatest part of them haTt tried all the tuack medicines of New York and Baltimore, a vi been al 1 red boastin promi ses, whitt result in nothing but bitter disappointment. IS' Persons at a distance may be consulted by ltt-ter, (post paid) and have the medicines sent to then to any part of thecountry. Remittances maybe mads at the risk of the Doctor, where evidence taken of the deposit of a letter in the Post-office containing money. 1 if HUET is my -well known tbronghoxit the -worli trrat his correspondents need only direct tneir letter s.s follows: DR. HUET.

Baltimore, MdV and. tba, will r-omeBafetohand. 1 A I I' I I ii. i-. liOCtt.

liN 1KMAK No. 31 Sontfe THIS MEDICAL INSTITUTION, eetabUsh it opposite r-xenange 1111 ICHis r. onor j3 iosre in t)0 citi ji (( tjHunttout tju ismimim: THIS (5 Union for r-he most Bpeedv and skilful treatment in wil the cit.y- cases oi rtiUKix 1 lie extended fam of this Infirmary would preclude a public notice wer it not for the number of eases (generally er makers in the city applying for treatment, who have been.Ae-ei- of their moirey and maltreated by the vile" Chszrl-fans who flourish bo largely in. the public prints, msnt with which iur city is overstocked, LEX THIS BE And when jmptonis of diseases are first or sit CALL AT OlfCB VTQX IM. GORDON HAJta, who, from over 20 years practical eirerlicflin tht treatment of private diseases, will warrant a cemIc the shortest possible time, to have it well done.

his terms akk: NO MONEY KEQUIRE1) IF A CURE IB PO KFFBCTED. Dr. a regular Graduate of (a will be seen by his Diploma in the office.) in pesociatf with an eminent Practitioner from New in whom he can confide his practice, ard the i (cm3 prompt attention to all patients. TIIE TRIUMPH OF 8CIKNCE. The remedies of Dr.

H. ln restonnc strong hivi rosrj-ly vieor to the procreative organs, renovatine the shattered constitution, nnd removii speedily alUdebijjty or injury incurred from free indulgence, or the destructive practice of a certain secret hahu, are unenr-passcd by any discoveries of Hie age. They have pro- ved a treasure of priceless value to vast nmhtr wh in their use, have realized the sweet fruition of hop, which, from the failure of Cortiial Quackeries hm Specific Nostrums, in their hitherto fruitless eeareh, had been almost extinguished. Dr. II.

promises no more than can perform, 1,04 fulfils, with honorable precision, all profMicnal obligations. OftJit Dr. H. doei not jrwi a euro in xm ADVANTAGES OF TREATMENT. In their treatment, no offensive Balsams, Oila, are used.

The breath ia not tainted, (which so often leads to exposure.) no serious restriction in diet, or detention from business is required, but quickly an effectively the poison of Disease is thrown out of th STStem, and healthy, vigorous action restored. "Dr. Gordon Harris has unfailing remedies for ettietm comrlaints and aflections of FEMALES. Their virtues have been well tested in an extensive praetice-their timely use has crowned many disconsolate hearts with a diadem ofjor, Experience enables him to Rive relief and effect a tiers in the mot diflicultcases. Communications are sacredly guard i4, end treatment marked with skill and delicacy.

Distant persons eured at home by letter, poet paid,) addressed to Dr. GORDON IlAJlRlS, No. 31B0IJTH GAY STREET. Baltimore. Medicme, advice, sent in any direction.

Ah communications sacredly inviolate. Obse.rveT. H. ban removed his office to No. SI SOUTH GAY STREET.


established for the treatment of those, dreadful affec tions wmcn arise rrom private ana improper indulgences, which ruin the mind, destroy the constitution, andlhnally hurry the unhapy sufferer "to that bourn from whence no traveller returns." SECRET DISEASES, cured in one or two days, according to the state of the patient, without the use of mercury. No mercurial remedies are used by DR. JOHNSTON. His medicines are palatable and harmless, and all patients are honorably shielded from even the possibility of beinc discovered. He who places himself under the care of Dr.

J. may religiously confide in Lis honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as aptiy sieian. Persons in search of a Physician, and who wish to be speedily cured and properly treated, should apply at once to DR. JOHNSTON, Who has been so long established amongst us, and who, every body knows, is really a Phy6ieian of skill and experience, and possessing an advantage over all others, from the fact of his having been educated and practised in the great Hospitals both of Europe and (his country, viz: those of London, Paris, Philadel- ViOFFieCE. NO.

7 SOUTH FREDERICK en the left-hand side going from Baltimore towards Second street. tWBe particular in observing the No. and name, or you will certainly mistake the place. WEAKNESS OF THE ORGANS. Persons who have injured themselves by a certain secret habit, which affects both mind and bocy, derait-ges thedieestive functions, producing affections of the heart and lungs, ending in some, terribJe disease of tl.e nervous system, by which thevietim is hurried to an untimely tomb, should apply ationce to Dr.

JOHNSTON. Many to their great jo can testify to his Btall, who have been eured by Dr. J.f after they had been abandoned to die by other physicians, and had given up all hone. Oh! how happy have hundreds of misguided youths been made, who have been suddenly restored to health from the devastations of those te.r-nfie iniilidieg whieh result from indiseretioH. d21-lm SARATOGA HALL, SARATOGA BUILDINGS, Coiner of Saratoga and Calvert streets.

This elegant SALOON, pronounced by Pro fessors the best Dancing Hall ui the city, is offered to the public at the lowest rates, for Exhibitions, Assemblies, Balls, Concerts, Ac. Also, for rent, very low to Societies, the TEMPERANCE HALL in the same building. Apply at M. L. ROBINSON'S Intelligence Office, Calvert street, 3d door from Saratoga.

d28-3mf LX)R RENT ROOMS, eon taming 3,000 spuarefeet, i. with Steam Power privileges. Inquire at the SAWMILL, Uhler's alley. d2-eolm TWO 2-story Brick DWELLING HOUSES, Bjjlaon Amity, near Baltimore street, in fee, 13 feet front, 45 feet deep, will be sold very low for cash. Apply at the corner of West Baltimore and Amity streets, to JAMES WHITE, Grocer.

dl4-eo6t FOR SALE Upwards of FIFTY DWEL-fjTnlLING HOUSES and LOTS, lying the limits aJLof the city, rating in price from $400 to some of these Houses are very superior, aud beautifully situated. Also, several valuable COUNTRY SEATS, apart lying in the limits of the city, and others within a short distance thereof. For Sale or Lease, several hundred feet of vacant GROUND, situated in good neighborhoods, and lying on paved streets. Also, a great number of FARMS, lying in Baltimore, Harford, Carroll and Anne Arundel counties. Wanted GROUND RENTS, and MONEY on Mortgage.

TO LET-Several DWELLING HOUSES. Apply to DAVID B. FERGUSON, Property and Commission Agent, d27-cotf Fayette street, near the Post-office. FOR SALE, the STOCK and FIXTURES of a PjH GROCERY and LIQUOR STORE-the Stock -lsuiall at No. 89 McELDERRY'S WHARF.

d27-3t JZ, FOR SALE BY GELBACH ft JEWETT, gH34 SECOND TREE TO ROUND RENTS! -120, $45, $48, $45, at 7 per cents; $120, 42, 42, S60, $-70, 952, 41, $41, at 6: $37 50, $20, $20 25, fl2, $12, and 6 of $16 each, at 7 per cent. Also a ue three-story Dwelling on Broadway, for two do. on Bond $900 each; small Dwelling on Schroeder for $350: Chatsworth $550; Eden $600; Chester $550; a lot of Ground with 2 old Houses on Chestnut for $700; an excellent Business Stand on Lexington for $3,000. Farms and Country Seats for sale and barter for city property. di'3-tf FOR SALE, a FARM, IB miles on the ford Road, containing 127 acres; one on the old road, Smiles, of 108 acres; on 6 miles on the Liberty road, of 69 acres; one 5 miles on the Bel Air road, of 172 acres: one 19 miles on the Frederick road, ol 152 acres.

Also, DWELLINGS on Conway, Saratoga, Marion, Favette, Park, Britton, Cathedral, Amity, Schroeder, Courtland, and West sts. GROUND RENTS WANTED. Apply to WM. A. J.

O. FOLTZ, dl8-tff Fayette opposite Fountain Stables. FARM FOR SALE. A valuable FARM, IjjTg about 18 miles on the Reisterstown road, con-a-taining about 160 acres, will be sold low or exchanged for desirable city property. Apply to SETH S.

HANCE, corner of Charles and Pratt sts. All letters soliciting information mut bepost-pnid. dlfi-tf FOR SALE, VALUABLE PkOPeKTV ON BALTIMORE NEAR NORTH IN EiuLFEE. Will be sold on good terms, WAREHOUSE, on Calvert street, near Pratt street, for $2,500, or exchange for a Dwelling in a good neighborhood; Store and Dwelling on EaBt Baltimore with Stable and Carriage House, for Neat two story House on High street, lot fronts 25 by 146 feet, in fee, for Neat Dwelling on Front st. for three story Dwelling on Gay street, near Baltimore street.

Ground Rents from 6 to 8 per cent. Apply to TIIOS. KNIGHTON, dl4-tf No. 4-5 Second st. tZZ, COUNTRY RESIDENCE ON THE PENN-pfSYLVANIA AVENUE FOR RENT.

The "undersigned offers for rent that very desirable property on the Pennsylvania avenue, belonging to the estate of the late f- rederick Kraft, (formerly the country seat of B. J. Von KapfT. and consisting of about EIGHT ACRES OF LAND, more or less. The improvements on the property are a large double two story brick DWELLING HOUSE, with Gardener's House, Spring House, Carriage House, Stables, There is also on thepropetty a brick BUILDING, used by the late Mr.

Kraft as a Slaughter House, making it a desirable property for a butcher. To a good tenant, it will be leased for a term of years. Possession given immediately. For terms, and further particulars, apply to WM. NUMSEN.

2awtf. No. 30.5-7 Pratt st. GROUND RENTS WANTED. For sale, a beautiful Country Sat, near the city limits, eon-Si taming 17 acres, with good improvements; a great number and variety of houses throughout the city, too numerous to particularize by advertisement.

Purchasers are respectfully invited to call. LOTS to lease upon inviting terms, on Pot pleton, near Mc-Henry street; Aisquith, near Eager Bond, near Lombard East Pratt, Castle, Chester and other streets. For full particulars, apply to 6 KLB A CHtJ EWETT, dl-tf No. 34 Second street. HAVE A NUMBER OF CHOICE PI-n'TfVYI AS on hand of Rozenkranz and other I 'celebrated German manufacturers, which I can positively say are equally as good, if not superior, to most of the Pianos offered for sale in tiiis city.

New and old PIANOS for hire. Old PIANOS taken in exchoni. TIANOS tuned and repaired. CHARLES M. STIEFF.

No. 7 South Liberty street. 27-lm between Baltimore and German. CHICKERING'S 11 AN OS. The sub- rt g-fscriber is sole Agent this city for the 'sale of Chitkerins's celebrated I Ay OS.

and is constantly receiving from the factory. Rosewood and Mahogony 6. 6and 7 octave PIANOFORTES, of superior quality. The high and constantly increasing reputation which Mr.Chickering hag gained for the manufacture of GRAND and SyUARE PIANOS, is a guaranty of the excellence ot the article. The highestcominendations have been bestowed upon these Instruments by all the eminent Pianists that have visited our country, for their superior qualities, audit is no exaggeration to say that they may be fairly ljaced in competition with the best that Europe caniroduce.

For sale at factory prices by a F. D. BENTEEN, 181 Baltimore st. oem-a KNABE ic GAEHLE, GRAND AND mftSQUARE PIANO FORTE MANUFAC-IT3 WtURERS, Nos. 8, 9 and 11 EUTAW opposite the Eutaw House, would respectfully inform the publie that they have now on hand a further supply of their SUPERIOR GRAND and SQUARE PIANOS, and hope, from the extensive additions and improvements lately made to their establishment, to be able hereafter to supply all who may favor them with their patronage.

TUNING and REPAIRING executed; also PI-A'NOStnkpr- exchange nnd to hire. nl-2m BALTIMORE PIANO FORTE MA- NUFACTORY. WISE BROTHER feel a profession al pride in submitting to the publie notice the following Diplomas awarded for recent improvements b.y the Peers antl PeereseH long since nominated by their i attainments and appointed by the refuted muBi-eal circles in and for the city of Baltimore. t' venture to affirm, "without fear oi eacceGsfal disputation, n. portrays wisiom or a wraiit of it more than tlie net of malcing selections; this applies to every condition, hence it is not bo much ainatter of coira a no jn im ivirl gMifldii: Eoiioe it is nut bo iwooh nmm xi concern to be wiae onrselrea as to know -who is wise.

GOTeniment.liBTC 11 thrown down by bed Princes; Generals defeated by selecting bad grounds; Clients lost Rood cases by electing bad Lawyers: the sick have found an early grave by selecting bad Doctors, and not least, purchasers have lost their money by selecting bad rianos. J. J. WISE BROTHER. Baltimore, Nov.

6. I consider the Piano made to my order some months ngo by Messrs. Wise Sc. Brother, a very excellent iti- Btrumcnt. The contrivance for regulating is a treat improvement, as it affords the convenience of ad- justing the action to Buit other performers as well as myself Miss Mary E.

Schlkt. October 27. 1848. I have examined the recent and beautiful invention in Messrs. Wise Sc Brother's Pianos, and, in my judgment, is of the greatest possible advantage to the young amateur; as any degree of touch can be obtained by tiie movement of a small screw.

To those in Virginia and other places where I have had the honor of teaching, I respectfully invite their attention to this improvement. Thos. S. Damer, Professor of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Patapsco Ladies' Institute. October 25th.

1843. I have examined minutely the touh-regulating fixture of J. J. Wise Brother, for the Piano Forte, and do not hesitate in concurring in the opinion of a number of competent judges, that it is of great utility to the finished performer as wull as the learner; it regulates the touch so nicely that every performer ran be suited. I sincerely recommend the improvement to the consideration of professors and amateurs.

J. H. Hewitt, Professor of Music. October 24. 1818.

Messrs. Wise Brother: The regulator recently introduced into my German Piano equals my expectations; it is, undoubtedly, a great improvement. Miss La Rbintrek. October 24, 1848. Messrs.

Wise Brother, the Piano Forte recently pnrohased with your attachment for regulating the touch, fully equals my expectations, it is a great convenience and justly may be called universal touch. Miss A. V. Morton. Messrs.

Wise Brother, the tonch of the Piano Forte is to every performer a matter of particular concern; I regard your invention for regulating the touch of singular importance, it certainly removes all difficulty about the touch. I must have it in my instrument the first convenience. Chas. Baldwin, n27-tf Professor of Harp and Piano, S.

FITCH'S i iu a i aTTDDnti l'PtJtt Olimir non 1 AX 111 ill' Cy "-AV J. 1 CUV.f KJ ijfclUlJV BRACES, SILVER INHALING TUBES, F's. Supporters and Braces have no superior: thn Supporters are the most perfect ever made, perfectly supporting the back arid abdomen; relieving and eurini raptures in males and females; preventing and curing weak back, sinking stomach, falling bowels, weak and bleeding lungs, loss of voice, falling of the womb, costiveness, enromcdiarhcea, flour albus. 4cc. SHOULDER BRACES, a new invention, to brace the shoulders, support the back, expand the chest and remedy habiraal stoopiiig or round shoulders, thereby giving a free and healthy action to the lungs, and pleasing and graceful support to the figure, fee.

hewand valuablework By Dr. containing SIX LECTURES on the Vses of the Lungs, and Pr ventionandCureof Consumption. For sale by MRS.C.A. ADKISSON, Agent, 117 S. High street.

3 squares below Pratt, dl9-lm 1 door from Trinity irrreat. DR. WILEY'S CELEBRATED COUGH CANDY, is positively a certain and speedy cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and in fact, all diseases hkelv to terminate in confirmed Cnnsumption. LET EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD, that is the least troubled with a Cough, Cold, or in fact, any Pulmonary Complaint whatever, obtain a package of Dr. WILEY'S COUGH CANDY, and if used according to directions, we will guarantee them a perfect cure.

The Philadelphia Inquirer, one of the best papers, says, knowingly, "It's truly an excellent article." Neal's Gazette observes, have tried Dr. Wiley's agreeable remedy, and pronounce it the best that has ever come under our notice." The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, adds, "Any or.i troubled with Coughs, or the various kinds of Cold6 incidental to this damp, chilling season, will find speedy, fffieaciovsand agreeable remedy in Dr. Wiley's Cough Candy." Add the testimony of hundreds of our most respectable citizens, and you can form some idea of its real merits. Price per package 12, 25, 50 cents and SI. GEORGE W.

CH1LDS Sole Proprietors, No. 32n Market street, Philadelphia. Sole Agent for Baltimore, SAMUEL E. SMITH, No. 67 Baltimore street, Sun Buildings; and for sale ny Druggists generally.

Sole Agent for Washington, WM. ADAMS, Pennsylvania avenue, ESrBe sure you ask for DR. WILEY'S COUGH A.NPY. 4 im 500 BOXES SEQARS, fioin a box 3u0 do do lnO do uo Very cheap, for sale by I 1-, i. i 1,1 CELLING OFF SELLING OFF.

In order to enlarge our Store for the Spring trade, we will commence selling ofT our slock at cost, so as to get it out of the way of the carpenters. Persons wishing cheap goods cannot do better in the city, as we are determined to sell, and make-our prices to suit the times. Bargaius may be anticipated. A. G.

MATHIOT 27 tf Sign on the pump. AT NO. 1 NORTH HIGH STREET I good CASSliMERES, 50, 62, 75, 87, 1, SI 50; BROAD CLOTHS, 2 to BLANKET-, Whitney at that, from 1 75 to 55 per pair; Linen from 8 to 37 Calicoes from 4 to 12; Children's Pocket Hdkfs. from 3 to Silk 10, 12; Cotton Hose, quite a variety, from3 to 12; coarse grain heavy Silk Cravats 1 50, such as sold for Yarn Gloves from 121 to 25; Mits from 3 to Hooks and Eyes from 2 to4cts. per card; black Cassiniere, all wool, and none too strong, at 25 cents; coarse black Thread 37J per lb.

D. K. DURBOROW. HERE'S A CHAN CK FOR THE LADIES! M. De Lames, 183; Cashmeres, 25 cts; Cassinets, from 12 ctsup; Broad Cloths, Calico, 4 cts; Muslin.

4 cts; Socks, 2 cts; Shawls, 75 cts; dark Prints, 61 cents; Canton Flannel, 61 cents; Plaids, for dressts, 61 cts; Wrool Flannels, 124; Table Diaper, 12; Alpteus, 18J; Ticking, 6i; Woolen Goods, at your own prices. SMITH HOUCK, 235 Lexington 2 doors east of Pearl. Don't forget R-ed Posts in front. 25-tf IVHE BARGAIN STOKE has received from auction 100 HORSE COVERS, which will be sold a bargain; SHI RTS by the doz. or single one, cheap; Satin Striped Mousseline de Laiues 37, worih 62i cents, wilh a large assortment of Dry (roods, which have been purchased at auction, a nd will be sold at a great sacrifice.

Call early and secure So. 63 Baltimore street, 2d drv goods store above Gay. d25-tfj GEORGE V. ZEIGLF.R. jXTlLI.INKKY AN 1 Hit i GOODS.

XIX VELVETS, GRO DE ALGIERS, Eonnrt Materials. PLUSH, SATINS, GRO DE AFRIC. CORDES. RIBBONS, in rich styles cheap. Modes.

Marcclines, Illusions, Flowers, Arc. BONNETS China Pearl, Coburg and other BONNETS. Black Scirf and Dress SILKS. French Merino, Medona Cloths, Cashmeres, Flannels, Blankets, Shirtings, Sheeting, fee. SHAWLS A large aud beautiful Block of Long Plaid, Teiken, roc he and other SH AAVLS.

ARMSTRONG CATOR, 175 Baltimore d25-tf between Light, and Calvert, st.reetg. 'I VIE CASH BARGAIN STORE has, in addition, A a lot of Blanket. SHAWLS at $2, a great bargain; a fresh supply of Children's Woolen Hose from 12 to 25: Berlin Gloves only 121; some new style Gala Plaids, for Children's coats, only 37i; Children's Plaid Woolen Hose, clastic tops, 12i, very cheap; on hand, sonic of those cotton and woolen Flannels, 14; large red Comforts 25; some cf those splennid Blankets at 5 still left; embroidered Curtain Muslin only 25; with Cloths, Cassimercs, Cassinets, GEO. W. UIILER.

dSS-t-f. No. Ifi4 Franklin near Green. iO (ii)t YARDS CARPETING and 12, ljUUU worth of DRY GOODS, to be sold ,000 at prices tnat will astomsn me world, at THE PEOPLE'S STORE, 145 Lexington street, 4 doors above Howard, d21-tft DUN LAP HYDE. P.

S. Carpet. and Wholesale Rooms, up stairs. WCARLET CANTON EMEROIDER'D CRAPE SHAWLS, Just received, "very rich" aud cheap. ROB'T.

W. DRYDEN, dl8-tf No. 67 Baltimore street, near Gar. MILLINERY GOOUS. I have just received a choice lot of Maroon and Mazarine col'd VELVETS.

Also, Mode and Maia-zine Blue uncut VELVETS; Modeand Blue PLUSH; all shades of Bonnet SATINS which will be sold cheap, at wholesale or retail, by J. EDWARD BIRD, 22-tf No. 24 Baltimore street, near Charles. MREaT bargains in mous. de lalnes: ust received at 215 PRATT STREET, A large lot of M.

DE LA1NE, at li'i cents; A lot of Mode and Black Alpaca.lii Also, a lot of super American Ribbon bound BLANKETS, at 54 per pair; Also, another lot of those blue, mode and drab FLANNELS, at 374 cents, by J. P. HANSON. No. 215 Pratt street, dC2-tf between Hanover and Slmm.

EoElVING NEW GOODS. HAMILTON -fcASl'liK aiaiiAijii.uuKt. Are now opening a great variety of SEASONA BLE GOODS and FANCY ARTICLES FOR THEHO-LYDAYS, embracing EMBROIDERIES, in new styles of Lace Capes; Collirs: Berthe's and CutTs Muslin Collars; Chemizettes: Culls, Embroidered and Riviere Clear Lawn and LINJSN CAMBRIC HDKFS, at all prices 200 dozen cheap Clear Lawn and L. C. Hdkfs.

Ladies and Gents superior KID GLOVES, all colors Fancy Silk Net SCARFS and Hdkfs. Gents Fancy and Black Silk Cravats and Scarf3, in great variety are now opening various articles of STAPLE GOODS THAT ARE SCARCE AND DE-S1RABLE. PARIS RIBBONS AND FANCY GOODS. Jus' received, at No. 101 BALTIMORE STREET, another invoice of rich BONNET BELT and CAP RIBBONS.

Also, another large lot of those beautiful and cheap Blaek Lace FALLS and VEILS; Lace Capes, Berths, and Sleeves, at reduced prices; Ladies' Dress CAPS; best Kid GLOVES, wholesale and retail, very low for cush. The ladies are respectfully invited. Call at No. 101 BALTIMORE ST. dlti-lm A.

H. ROBERTSON. tELLINU OFF. 1 will commence This Day to sell off the remainder of my WINTER STOCK OF GOODS, at very reduced prices. Fancy SILKS, 62, worth SI; changeable Silk only 75.

worth -Si 12; Satin de Chine, changeable, $1 25, worth 52; Cashmeres and De Lniites. very low; Mp-rinocs, 87, worth 1 25, the finest 1 12, worth 1 62, Merino Cloaks, full trimmed, lined and wadded with silk, only ,8, worth 15: finer ones in the same ratio; VUites very low, with a general assortment of Winter Goods all of which I am determined to sell. Those in want of Bargains will find them at my store, 67 Baltimore near Gav. ROB'T XV. DRYDEN.

ryo CLOTHIERS and MERCHANT TAILORS. i- The suhscnlwrs are now receiving from auction, TWEED SATINETS; mixt Tweeds; low priced Cotton and Woolen CLOA KINGS; blue Flushings; brown, drab, and grev mixt Beavers; CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTIN'GS, in every variety; scarlet and canvas Paddings, Buckrams and Wigans; Merino Shirts; Comforts; Suspenders; with a complete stock of TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. For sale at lowest market rates, by CHARRON, FIELD tf 259 Baltimore street, corner Hanover. THE CASH BARGAIN BRANCH continues to oner great Bargains in 4-4 Muslin, 6, 8, 10 cents; Canton Flannels. 8.

9,10,11, and 4-4 do. 12 cents; superior bleached Canton, 10 and 124; white and col'd all wool Flannels, very cheap; Klankets, from 1 to S3 pair; rine cradle do: Cloths, Case! meres snd Cassinets, very cheap; also. -M Lie liineK: OnKhmeres, A. W. GOIJ3SBOROLGH Now.

168Gar and 1 Ensor n35-tf three floor nitvf the i1 Town BLANKETS A.NO FLAXNEIA We have now a very complete stock of euper 1 1 1 1 ii i i 1 1 it i i ii By (1 9 AG UOJA. a ACli COUJbJCfC Bfocjt Ol Bflbct milium inir I riuiiiiDDOl "We have no-w a very complete stoclc of super quality 12, 13 1 14 4 I i it uti nl American BLANKETS. Also, American, Jiritisll, Frondiand Prussian rLANNELfc, wilh Table Linens, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Quilts, Curtain MUSLINS, Towelings, Napkins, at very cheap rates. it. AI.

McELDOWNEY Sc. 199 street, 25-tf near I st. Af MOKK LKFT OK lllOE F1.E PRNTS, whieh we have been selling at 6i; also fine Cashmere Shawls at also Victoria Plaids31i, all of which are great bargains; a few of those Canton Flannels 6i; some cf the best Brown aud Bleached Muslin known, to he sold for a fip; together with a variety of cheap goods. The public should call at onee aud get a part of those cheap goods. WJSST iVJ BARGAIN STORE, Lexington street.

No. 223, dl8-tf N. S. HARRISON fc CO. REDUCING MOCK.

We have on hand a large stock of CLOTILS CASI MKRKS, VEMIN'GS, Satinets, TWEKDS, FLANNHLS, BLANKETS, Sheetings. Lone Cloths. Irish Lineiin, bbick Alpacas, wide Black tMLKS. Black Satt in, French MERINOS, Mohair Lustres, Alpaca Lyonese Cloths, Cashmeres, Monseline de Laiues, Cashmere and Long SHAWLS, Woolen with a large stock of Domes-lie Goods, all of which wc are determined to oiler at reduced prices, B. II.

RICHARDSON IIOPrER, No. 223 Baltimore street. dl8-tf fARl 3d door below Charleg. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, that Drv Goods may be obtained at No. 651 BALTIMORE STREET, at the Cheap Auction Store, fuily as cheap as in any part of the city.

I deem it unnecessary to enumerate articles or prices, as persons arc oftendc-ceived by this rroccsn. All we can say is Goopn are cheap very cheap. Call and examine tot yourselves. and other Goods, cheap. JUStl'll KAKROW, dt-tf.

No. 6.M W. Baltimore st. CARD. Dr.

tiHOKUE McCOOK. l'roti sm.r of Surgery in the Washington University of Balti more, having permanently located in this city, oflers his professional services to the public. Dr. McCook will confine himself to SURGERY and Consultation Practice, and for the piesent SJSSrOXU1.11 Rt the ofIice IJr- Reginald Wright, a AE.T? street. Offiee hours from 11 A.

M. to 1 and from 3 to fi P. M. n23-5w A CARD. DEEDS, LEASES, BONDS.

MORT-GAGES, Bills of Sale, Deeds of Manumission, Powers of Attorney, Wills, and all other Legal Instruments, drawn and prepared in the most correct legal manner, and Titles to Property examined bv the undersigned, and that upon such terms, as he is sure will give entire satisfaction to all those who may favor him with their patronage. He very respectfully solicits the patronage of the public generally. WILLIAM WARFIELD, Conveyancer, rl 9-tf N. K. corner of St.

Paul and Fayette stn. IX) CALIFORNIA. Passengers going to the above place, intending to work on the "Placer," or Gold Alines, and who may want a Light Portable at.u or jiai i kess can nna sucn an article by O. 3.5 SOUth antities of I on Imnd and continually manufacturing for private or shipping use. "Quick Sales and Small Profits" is my mono, i nere is uut one price asked.

WM. P. SPENCER. (i-UNr CAPS. On hand and for sale.

Walker's and other makes of Pcr-aussioii Caps, Guns, Gun NippleBand Cleaners. Nip-pie wrenches; Powder Flasks and Shot Pouches, assortment of English and American HARD-v ARE, which we offer very low. Country merchants would do well to call'nt JAS. WHITINGS CO'S. o3-tP1 113 Pratt street.

fOLD VY ATCHES AND JEWELRY. We hare received a tresti assortment of line finished AT CUES, at low prices, suitable (or Christmas presents. Also, Diamond, Pearl, Turquois, Garnet, and all kinds of EWELRY, in great variety; Silver WARE; Plated Goods; CLOCKS and Fancy Goods. For sale by R. 4.

A. CAMPBELL, rllft-lmt 90.1 Baltimore DR. MARTIN'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, IS THE BEST MEDICINE YET FOR COUGHS. COLDS, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, SPITTING OF BL60D, Read the following: November 18th, 1848, Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in saying to you that Mrs. Rosslias been entirely relieved of her Cough by the use of your Syrup of Wild Cherry.

It had continued for fully eighteen month. She had used several preparations of the Wild Cherry now in popular use, but not with the slightest benefit, until she took your's. She only took six boules, and 1 am pleased to sny she is now in good health. Everyone who saw Mrs. Ross thought her in a deep decline.

Lewis P. Ross, No. 2K7 S. Charles street, Baltimore, Captain of Schooner O. Cambridge Packet.

Prepared and sold by MARTIN WII1TELEY, 43 tkiuUi Charles treet. Baltimore. u20-tf BALTIMORE, FRIDAY, DEC. 29, 1843. Reported for the Baltimore Sun THIRTIETH COXGRESS 3d Session.

Washington, Dec. 23, 1S13. SENATE. Mr. Atchison in the chair.

Hon. Edward A. Han negan, Senator from Indiarjvho has been for tome time detained at Pittsburgh- sickness, resumed his seat the Senate to-day. He was mast cordially welcomed by his brother Senators, of both political parties. The bill to extend the charter of the Washington, Georgetown and Alexandria Steam Packet Company was taken up, and Mr.

Benton stated, that since the adjournment yesterday, he had carefully read over the whole bill, and it contained nothing but what was contained in all corporate acts no exclusive privileges whatever no rights to go any where nor any thing but the mere granting to the company of a corporate name. The bill was read the third time, and the question being on its passage, Mr. Allen asked the yeas and nays; they were "ordered, and the bill was passed, 26 to 15. Mr. Breese introduced a resolution, instructing the military committee to inquire into the expediency of so amending the act of 1S17 providing fir a limited time, an additional military force, and for other purposes, as to extend the provisions of the 9th section to the devisees of deceased soldiers.

Adopted. Mr. Bright introduced a joint resolution, repealing the clause in the general appropriation bill of last session, which reduces the mileage of persons ap pointed in the different states to deliver at the scat of government the votes oi the electoral colleges for President and Vice-President. Mr. Bright stated that the clause was out of place in a General Appropriation Bill, and had doubtless escaped the attention of members when the bill of last session was passed, or it would not have received the sanction of the Senate.

That clause reduced the mileage from 25 to 12 cents. The latter was too little. No geutleman could afford to leave hia business for that. His object wss to restore the former rate of compensation. Mr.

Johnson, ot Louisiana, took a similar view of the matter, and said that he shouid have moved to strike out the clause, had he noticed it when the bill last session was before the Senate. Mr. Breese said that, from an examination which he had made, it appeared that 25 cents mileage had been allowed as far back as and he should vote for the present bill with great pleasure. The loint resolution was then read the third time aud passed. Mr.

Niles, from the Committee on Post-Offices and Post Roads, reported back the bill to reduce the rates cf postage, with an amendment. Mr. Benton introduced a resolution, which was adopted, calling on the President to eause to be communicated to the Senate, the number of vessels and persons employed the Coast Survey, receipts, 4c Adopted. The Senate, then, in pursuance of Mr. Bradbury's resolution heretofore adopted, setting apart Thursday cf each week for the consideration of private bills, took up the private calendar, and qu'te a number cf bills were disposed of.

Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The standing committees were Galled forrepoits, and a number were presented, mostly unimportant. Mr. Collamer, from the committee on public lands, reported back the bill heretofore introduced bv Mr.

Vinton, ceding to certain new States, within which public lands are situated, the same quantities as has been heretofore given to the State of Ohio, for pur-purposes of internal improvement, with a recommendation from the committee that it be laid on the table. The recommendation was concurred in, 64 to TO. Mr. J. R.

Ingersoll, from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported that the committee ask to be discharged from the further consideration of Mr. Went- worth's resolution relative to making all officers of me uenerai uovernment elective by the people at the polls, and they were discharged accordingly the HouBe refusing to order the yeas and navB thereon, though moved by Mr. Weutworth. A message was received from the President, communicating the correspondence in reference to the arrest of American citizens in Ireland, called for by a resolution of the House. Ordered to be printed.

Mr. Gayle, of Alabama, introduced a bill granting a donation of lands, Arc, for a railroad fronTMobile to the mouth of the Ohio. Read twice and referred. On motion of Mr. VintOD, the House then went into committee of the whole on the state of the Union Mr.

Thompson, of Indiana, in the chair and took up the bill, reported from the committee of ways and means, to supply deficiencies in the appropriations tot the service of the fiscal vear ending 30th June, 1S49. Mr. Pollock, of addressed the committee for an hour, ohiefly reference to the statements of imports and exports ia the Report cf the Secretary of the Treasury, to shew that errors had been made therein. In the coutse of his remarks, explanations of the figures were made by Mr. McLane, but these did not appear to be satisfactory to Mr.

Pollock. When Mr. P. had concluded, Mr. Thompson, of Pennsylvania replied briefly when Mr.

Viatou moved that 'the committee rise; the committee rose, and Mr. V. offered a resolution to close debate in committee af the whole in five minutes, which was adopted. The consideration of the bill was then renewed in coicmittee of tha whole, and a number of amendments were proposed by Mr. Vinton, and agreed to.

One of these, to allow S4 per day for a clerk to the Sergeant-at-Arni3, was amended, on motion of Mr.Roit, so as to deprive that officer of a messenger, if a clerk be employed by him, and fn this shape it was agreed to. An amendment offered by Mr. Houston, of Disappropriating S20.0ot to rf-furnish the Presidential mansion after the 4th of March next, gave rise to some debate, when it was withdrawn by the mover. On motion of Mr. Vinton, the committee then rose and referred the bill and amendments to the House.

Adjourned. Correspondence cf the Baltimore Sun Washlsstox, Dec. 'i, ISIS. Slavery Question in the House Mr. Bciiiy's Resolutions Gen.

Taylor and his Cabinet Mr. Crittenden Discussion about Abolitionism and Mileage, j-r. There can be very iictle trouble, hereafter, at least at this Be sion, about the slavery question. The pro-eedtrxns of" the House tolay, ii carefully considered. bow ttestt the nntjoriCT of the House are disposed to gtsz rid of the whole subject.

We shull hear no mure cf abolition ia the District, at this session. "Uem- il cr srpojiqon in rpe Disfiint sr fjiie session- yiGin- of abolition in the XJistriet. at thi ivrem- ters I i i I 1 1 i it 1 1 abolition measures, with session the view to rwjnu arnv fit uome, inn wiui no puipoee vi action. Mr. Bailey7s resolutions miffht, as I believe, be adopted by a majoritv oi both Houses.

These resolutions referred to the Soutliern Oommittee nmv be reported. They represent, in my opinion, the seuti-raents of a majority of Coneress. What are thev? Merely a declaration that Cuugrrs has no to iuterfere in the matter of sl ivcry, auv where.3 It is doctrine, and is likely to dc rkaiitci" Mr. Bailey, at the commencement of the debute on the subject, at the last session, made a most able nnd, jrt my opinion, an unanswered argument, to show that Congress has no riht to legislate for territories no right to interfere, in any wav, with this matter of slavery. If the southern committee maintain this doctrine, they will be supported ia it by Congress and the people.

The most extreme of the southern members areprcpared to uphold this doctrine. Mr. Calhoun is willing to Sustain it. Mr. Rhctt, who has been accused of being a disumomst, was not at the southern meeting; but if he had been in the city, and present at the meeting, what could be have done, as a Bupporter of General Cass, in the recent contest, tut to maintain the doctrine of the "Nicholson letter" the Cass platform of I learn that there is a letter in the city from Gen.

Taylor, in which he says that he will not name but cn of his cabinet before his arrival in this city. That cue is, probably, Mr. Crittenden. Indeed, it is well known that General Taylor has already communicated with Mr. C.

on the subject. But it ia insisted upon by nmic, who assume to know, that Gov. Crittenden is pledged not to take office under the general government during the term for which he is elected as Governor of the State. 1 hope that this is not so. This Congress have but some eight weeks for business, and these precious hours precious to the public are dissipated, day alter day, after the eld fashion, in wrangling about abolition and mileage, i hope the mileage will not be curtailed.

It should be liberal; for those who come from the greatest distance make tne greatest sacrifice of pnvate business and personal convenience, in comiuc; here Tlie "Union" is not so strong as to afford the loss of the lightest of the ties that bind it together. Ion. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun Wahisotox, Dec. 27, The Great Southern Movement Dissatisfaction of Southerners Strength of the Union. The great southern move, as far as it has proceeded, does not Beem to give general satisfaction even to southern members and Senators.

It has taken, it would appear, a wrong start, and will not be able to right itBelf except by a slow process of improvement. It is admitted that Mr. Stephens, of Georgia-obtained the control over the whole movement on the very first evening of the caucus, aud that his man-pging to be appointed chairman of the committee has lessened rather than Increased the moral force which would otherwise have attached to it. 1 do not say this disrespectfully to Mr. Stephens; I merely state truths which ho one will deny, in view of the fact that Mr.

Stephens is neither the oldest, nor the most prominent member of the committee of which he is now ctmrman, and that his Democratic colleagues charge him With defeating Mr. Clayton's compromise bill in the House, last session, for the puspose. it is apposed, of peeping the question open for the Presidential election ia his State. Mr. Stephens may be a gentleman ot talent, but whether in a mixed com-mission of Wings and Democrats, his reputn moderation, impartiality, prudence, tact experience is commensurate with the difficulties of his task quite another question.

At all events I should doubt whethar Mr. Calhoun or Mr. Clayton would aecept commissions under him Ou the subject of slavery It8'elf, Mr. Stephens is believed to entertain quite moderate views He supposed to think that the sooth has not means at her disposal to repel the assault. of th I nwth short of withdrawing trom the Union, and that such an act requires mature consideration', ord-r tint the stakes may be ia proportion to the object to be attained.

Mr. Stephens, perhaps, does not think the ilmot proviso, or even the abolition of slaverin the District of Columbia, a sufficient provocation for such an act, and, if the worst were to come to the worst, some of hia colleagues mis-ht, perh.n. he found til snare his opimous. The tact Is the Union stronger than the aliirmi.ts and cro.tkers would wish to make her appear so strong that few sensi i I Allllll VAt AND EASTON. The Steamer MARYLAND.

Capt. TAYLOR, leaves Baltimore for the following pla- CGSj VIZ- Leave's on every MONDAY and THURSDAY MORNING for ANNAPOLIS, CAMBRIDGE a EASTON, at 7 o'clock, and returns from EASTON, CAMBRIDGE and ANNAPOLIS on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, leaving Easton at 7 o'clock. FOR CHESTERTOWN AND CENTREVILLE. Leaves on every WEDNESDAY MORNING at 7 o'clock, for CHESTERTOWN AND CENTREVILLE, returning the same day. Passage 81.

FOR WEST RIVER AND ANNAPOLIS. On every SATURDAY, leaving Baltimore at 7 o'clock. A. from the lower end Dugan's wharf. alO-tf.


The trains irom Baltimore, carrying the United States mails, leave the Pratt street depot twice a day, as heretofore, viz: Every morning (except Sundays) at 9 o'clock, and every evening at 8 o'clock. The second class cars are attached to the morning train only. tW Persons taking seats in the Second Class Car without having procured their tickets at the office, will be charged full price, as the conductors are not allowed to furnish second class tickets. ty Passengers a re expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, and not exceeding titty pounds. iy Tickets for Port Deposit (to be obtained only at the office.) 75 cents.

A. CRAWFORD, Agent. FROM PHILADELPHIA, The trains leaves the corner of Eleventh and Market sts. every morning at o'clock, (except Sunday's,) and every afternoon, at 4 o'clock. dl-tf.

jrt. PASSAGE FROM ENGLAND, IRELAND AND SCOTLAND. The ship SCOTIA having commenced loading for Liverpool, from whence she will return direct to this port, persons desirous of sending for their friends, on comfortable and accommodating terms, will apply without delay to ROBERT LESLIE SON, dl8 tf 61 South Gay st. The Scotia will be followed by the HERMAN. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND FANCY GOODS.

I have been adding to my stock, in anticipation of the annroachine holidays. om(. new and beautiful coods. viz: WATCHES, from the. best manufacturers in Europe; fine Gold JEWELRY, new and beautiful patterns; also, SILVER WARE, of liiTown manufacture, allot which I offer at the very lowest rates.

WILLIAM BROWN, d16-2w 2H0 Baltimore, near McClellan street. J. BE HR ENS, WATCHMAKER A SiD OPTICIAN, announces to the in general that he has just received a good assortment of Gold, Silver and Steel SPECTACLES; also, a good assortment of Scotch PEBBLES and GLASSES to suit all ages, which can be fitted on the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. N. B.

A neat assortment of Fashionable JEWELRY and WATCHES, constantly for sale at the Old Tows Cheap Store, No. 103, corner of GAY aud FRONT STREETS. 4-lm CENTRAL STABLES. The subscriber wou-ld inform the public that he has opened a NEW STABLE, under the above name, in Lexington street, (north side) between Park and Liberty, which for comfort and convenience can not be surpassed by anything of the kind in this city. Stables and Carriage Houses are large, having accommodations for fifty head of horses, a part of which is appropriated for Livery Horses, aud the best of Grooms are employed for their care.

COACHES, of the very richest style and finish, made expressly for this establishment, with Northern broke horses and careful drivers, will always be kept in readiness at the Stables for use. Particular attention will be given to orders for Funerals. The Hearses, both for children and the aged, are of new style. It is impossible here to give a description of the Stables or the style of Carriages. The public are respectfully invited to eall and see for themselves.

From my long experience in the business, I trust I shall be able to give general satisfaction in every department, and thereby merit a share of public patronage. JOHN M.McCMNTOCK. dl2-lm jalmor LOOK AT THIS! THOMAS LAUGHLIN. io. 2 ST.

PAUL 1 door north of Balti more respectfully invitessthe attention of citizensand stransers visitin? hia laTge assortment of BOOTS, GAITERS and SHOES, made of the very best materials and in the most fashionable manner. Boots made to order, on improved principles; taken of the feet and lasts, kept expressly for each customer, by which his new boots tit as easily as old oneB. Prices as follows: Fine Dress Boots 33 Doable-soled and lined water-proof Boots. 375 to P. S.

Country Merchants supplied by the dozen or box, low for cash. 1-tf CLAMP1TT REGISTER, BRASS AND BELL FOUXDERY. AND FAUCET MANUFACTURERS' 53 HQLLIDA east. near City Hall, Are preparer to fusnish Cocks and Castings of eveTy description; also miaeraiand Soda -Water Apparatus. BELLS of all sizes made to order all of which will be furnished at the lowest prices.

As we are castisg daily, nil orders will be promptly attended to. s2-tf FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED TO HENRY ENGLISH, Bros Founder and Fattset Manufacturer, No. 50 Holliday nearly opposite the Ciiv Hall, who is prepared to furnish COCKS, of all the dif ferent Kinds, such as Water, Steam, Gas and Guage Cocks: also, Oil Cups, Valves, Couplings, Steam Whistles, Force and Lift Pumps, All work warranted, and furnished at the New York prices. Old Copper and Brass taken in exchange. n28-lm.

BOATS FOR SALE, AND BUILT TO ORDER, at New orkand Philadelphia prices. Merchants and Captains in want of superior BALTIMORE built BOATS, are respectfully informe that the undersigned will furnish them at New ork and Philadelphia prices. Model, workmanship and material warranted to give satisfaction. EDWARD G. REN.NOUS.

(14-lm West Falls avenue. City Slock. CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES. ThcBUB-aenber has now on Ii ml a general assortment A A i. i.

hi 1' I A Ii- H.IAGES, of- every of his o-w-n manufacture, wrtieh be will sett low for cash or approved paper, at his old stand, S. FREDERICK STBEET, be- feMiMCBI. IIiBOOBIIOflBSMOliED ii Hi 3223 I IEDEKiGI IIB EE'K ot low Baltimore et. I I 1 KR1 ACtS IJ I Ti at Hhnrtest notice, or I i I 1 1 i- for itc-w Persons in wantof Carriages will find it to their advantage to tive him a call before purchasing. s28-tf WM.

Mc.CA.Niy. TO THE LADIES OF EAST BALTIMORE. AND STOREREEPKBS GENER- tv ALL Your.attention is rnspecHttlly invited to tne superiority or our ana iiam-moth BREAD, CRACKERS, TEA-CAKES, Raisin Bread, and all kinds of Con fecticn- gry. Storekeepers supplied on reasonable and with punctuality, by leaving a notice at our Store, 6 doors North of the Engine House, BROADWAY, K. Baltimore.

Malt Yeast, wholesale and retail. Stale Bread, cheap. trEO. W. WOLF.

nI5-tf PETERS' BAKERY. 7r im STHH-FT. Near the Market and corner of Pratt and Eden where DiHT he had the articles named be- 1 1 oi tlP3 otfct mj-uu dim on lite itcdi iciutn; i 1, freh evwv afternoon. Storekeepers wishing to be served with Broad, Ac, will please leave their address at either of the above places. n24-tf TEN DOLLARS REWARD.

Ran away from the subscriber, living on the corner of High and Granby streets, No, 31, my NEGRO BOY, named Henry, about 4 feet 5 or 6 inches hieh: Cliesnut color: lone head: had a lone scar on hiearin, and has a sullen look. Had on when he left, a dark cassinet Jacket and Pants; Glazed Cap; and lone Boots, much worn. The above reward will be paid Tor his return to me. d28-2t J. TATIIAM.

NEW FINK tOLJJ JKWELKY. PLATED WARE, fr. A. E. WARNER, Gold and Silversmith, No.

10 North GAY 4 In daily adding to his assortment of fine Jewell of various styles, consisting ot Bracelets and Clasps; Broaches; Necklaces: Ear-Rings and Finger-Rings; Medallions and Lockets; Signet Rings: Thimbles; Pens and Pencils; Buttons ana Studs; Guard Chains, Also, fine Silver Plated Castors: Cake Baskets; Waiters; Candlesticks; Snuffers and Tray; Knives and Forks; Spoons, which he can recommend, nrl oftT on tamm to illf. 14- LUCINA CORDIAL. OR THE ELIXIR OF LOVE. This is the only actual remedy ever discovered for GENITAL DEBILITY, and all DISEASES occasioned by certain secret habits; and many of the nostrums recent! recommended for the same complaints, are worthless imitations whieh its unrivalled excellence, fame and popularity, have brought into the market. The Medical Faculty of Europe and the United StateBare unanimous in their recommendations of the LUCINA CORDIAL, and have not fiven their sanction, in a single instance that has een authenticated, to any other compound prepared for the same rurposes.

The utmost reliance may be placed on the potency of the Lucina Cordial in the foregoing maladies, and also in those which follow: Loss of muscular energy: Physical Lassitude andge-neral Prostration; Irritability and all Nervous affections; IndigestionSluggishuess of the Liver; and in EVERY DISEASE in any war connected with the disorder or decay of the natural Functions, ia all of which it will afford almost immediate relief; aud, if used as directed, it is almost certain to produce, a positive and permanent cure, as it will infallibly restore health and vigor in a brief period; and, where want of offspring is a cause of regret, if recourse be had to it, the most beneficial results may be anticipated with confidence. Price 3 a bottle. For sale bv GEO. XV. JONES.

JOHN M. LAROUQE, 8ETH S. HANCE, and at the corner of Hanover and Baltimore streets. In WaHhinrton hr J. NEGROES WANTED.

Persons having Slaves to sell will hereafter find us located at the exten-Ive establishment formerly owned by Hope H. Slat-ter. We have purchased his entire possessions on PRATT STREET, No. 244, at which place all who have SLAVES to sell will be sure to get the highest prices, when the negroes are young and likelv. The place is now open to receive on BOARD Negroes which are for sale, at 2-5 cents per day.

All communications will meet with prompt attention. B. M. W. 1 1.

CAMPBELL. Having retired from the business, I would cheerfully recommend my friends and customers to eall at mv old estabhshwieut to obtain the highest prioe for their Slave. HOPE H. d2-3m NEGROES WANTED. 1 will par the highest prices, in cash, for any number of NEGROES, with good titles, slaves for live, oi for a term of sears, in large or small families, or single negroes.

I will also purchase Negroes restricted to remain in the State, that sustain good characters. Families never separated. Persons having slaves for sale will please call and see me, as 1 am always in the market with the cash. Communications promptly attended to. and liberal commissions paid by JOHN N.

DENNING, No. IM North Eietsr etrsst, nar tit Episcopal Ckurefe. cU-tf Pilot avui IMavv HlthiAU; soda, Fufrar, water and Butter CRACKKRS: Dyspepfya, Medtonl, Lemon Wine and Family Pitot BlSCL'lT; CAKES, I BISCIJIT.and Malt EAST. John Bott6. of the parish of Avoyelles.

The first was plucked while green, but we understand the tree well laden, and that tos product promises to be of excellent quality. iV. O. Bee, 20th. Town Improvements.

The "Winchester Republican states that quite a little town is springing up near the railroad depot at that place, and what is still more important, it is settled principally by industrious mechanics. Darins Robbery. The house of Mr. James Griffin, at Richmond, was robbed last Friday night of silver, jewelry and clothing to the amount of S500. The rogue is supposed to have secreted himself during the day.

A Smart Frost, since the heavy rains of last week, has induced some in the neighborhood of "Winchester, who kept fattening their hogs, now to slaughter them. Thousands of pounds of pork, packed within the previous three weeks, spoiled. A Gift for Mr. Morse. Was entered at the Boston Custom House, on Tuesday, a gold broach, studded with diamonds a present from the Sultan of Turkey to Mr.

Morse, in honor of the electric telegraph. The duties amounted to .8120. A SnxiAi. Election lor State Senator in Pennsylvania, in the place of Governor Johnston, is to be held time not fixed. The district is composed of the counties of Armstrong, Clearfield, Indiana, and Cambria.

Mr. Clay, the Louisville Courier states, arrived there on Friday last, in the enjoyment of excellent health, and started ou Saturday in the steamer Alex. Scott, for the South. Iowa. The Electoral College Belected Samuel F.

Nichols, of Greene county, to carry the Electoral vote of Wmconsin to "Washington. Xr. Xichols was one of the Presidential Electors. The Snow fell to the depth of six inches in Philadelphia on cdnestiay- 3 and the sleigh lxll were merrily jin liug, w-neu laia stepped in and. spoiled the fun.

seek advi from others, oftentimes, not lOTlSCOllilDUl itnoiK Kll3t MIC cimlit to do tint us ess mm ikm amt mwmmim help for a weak will. RichUr. hundred kegs of powder, unpacked, exploded in a mill, near Savanna, Illinois, on the4th bat no lives lost. LEr-Xhe Kennebec -was closed by ice at Hallowell on the 21st. The Penobscot at was also closed by ice on Thursday night.

"Tiie steamer Orus, from New York for Clia- grtjs, put the Deluwuia Breakwater on Monday, to avoid the gale. CtrThe house of Mr. ranl. Iloup, five miles from Louisville, was robbed of between S90O and on Thursday night of last week. California epidemic has extended to Canada, and many are on the point of rushing to the gold regions.

VW Charles Smith has been sentenced to twenty- one ycnrB to the penitentiary at Poughkeepsie, N. lor gouging out a man eye. t3rThe New Hampshire House of Representatives has passed a bill to "protect chastity." rF' Booth is playing at Louisville, and Mrs. Fogg is playing at Cincinnati. naval dry dock at Pcnsacola has been commenced.

CsAt Brownsville, last Friday, 200 boxes of bacon, on the wharf, were carried off by high water. capture of Maracaiho by General Taez's forces is confirmed. It took place on the 24tli ult. fTwr V. S.

Senators are to be elected by the Kentucky Legislature, which meets to-day. FRESH 20 boxes I RAISINS ion do Bunch do 100 i and i boxes Bunch RAISINS ill kces GRATES, superior 5 bbls. CRANBERRIES in boxes CITRON bushels SHELLBARKS 10 bbla. Pippin APPLES. For sale to dealers and families, bv WM.

H. McLEAN, dl-tf ap! 12t Lombard street. LRESH ORANGES, LEMONS AND COCO- Wflw Sweet Havana ORANGES ion boxes LEMONS 15,000 COCO-NUTS. Jut received and for sale low br i.r, RICrkETTS "'9 E. corner Lieht and Pratt streets.

rjK 1CEKIKS CHEAPER THAN EVER. V.I 230 buss Rio, Lacuayra and Jave COFFEE 30 prime, medium and low prieed SUGAR 125 bbls. WIN E. GIN, RUM and BRAND boxes RAISINS 30 hhds. and bbls.

P. O. and Cuba MolasBcs i kces, cans and boxes Ground SPICES With every article in the Grocery line, and at prices not to be beat. A. GROVERMAN, no9-tf corner Pratt st.

and Marsh Market. KoCERl ES AT LOW FK1CES VJ 25 en jlies's Y. IL, Imp. and Gunpowder bass Rio and Lneuayra COFFEE TEA loO bas 10 pipes superior VINEGAR boxes CoUate's STARCH 20 bbls. Loaf SUGAR I sacks SALT SO bbls.

S. H. MOLASSES very superior 8 seroons INDIGO. For sale 6t EMACK BAKER, nl3 tft 126 Lombard et. EW RAISINS AND FIGS.

boxe best Bunch, wholes, halves and "rg. to casks Sun and Lexm 30 boxes and drums Malaga FIGS. Now landing, and for sale bv JOHN H. BERRY, ir nlS-tf HO I.irht utreet wharf. PI ES.

STAR and GRO UND SPICES, of the Paca Mills, at manufacturer's: prices. BUCKWHEAT. P. A. Jr.

S. Small's superior BUCKWHEAT MEAL, at reduced prices. PIM baps PIMENTO. HOPS New and Old Crop, constantly for sale by F. H.

ENKS, dl.5-tf No.8BowIt' wharf. -If) BBl. New York BUCKWHEAT XJ in do do RYE FLOUR DVSPEPTIC FLOUR 10 bbls. R. I.

GREENINGS Print, Roll and Keg BUTTER CREAM, MILK and EGGS. For sale by S. A. MORISON, 4 and 5 Saratoga street, dl6-Sin 1 door East of Charles street.

WINES, GIN, WHISK 4tC. r'so. ami Domesttie, in packages. I- or ssie JOHN H. BERRY, No.

Light street vhaxf. GENUINE KBENCH CAPtiULKS, or Cor Brilwrn. for h1. bj SETH 8. HA n6e, im.

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