Ellsworth Reporter from Ellsworth, Kansas • 8
- Publication:
- Ellsworth Reporteri
- Location:
- Ellsworth, Kansas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Additional Correspondence R. F. Rolfs waa in Salina Monday. Will Schmidt and family returned to St. Joseph Wednesday.
H. H. Janssen, ho has had an awful seige "of sickness, is out again. Mr. Homfeldt of Minneapolis is ANOARY CLEARANCE SALE OF COATS AND ODD LOTS OF MERCHANDISE Our store room is small and we are obliged to close out at a sacrifice all merchandise before the end of its sea-son.
Below you will notice we are of fering some very startling reductions in our Ready-to-Wear Department. CAUNEIRO Anna Nichol left New Year's day for Newton. Frank Warta is sporting around in a new auto. The la grippe seems to have the right of way in this vicinity. The plasterers are at work on the new store building this week.
Meetings are to begin at the Christian church the latter part of the week. Agnes Luck of Graham county is visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Paul Smith is having his residence put in order. A Fiestel of Kanop-olis is doing the work. Henry Grapengetter and family from Newton returned home last Friday after a week's visit with the Nichol family.
Our talkative Italian left last week for Salina for good. He was generally considered quile a nuisance in the neighborhood. Those who had threshed their ka-fir have all been happily disappointed in the yield. It made more than they were expecting. Mrs.
O. B. Smith and her sister, Mrs. Youtz, returned Monday from a week's visit at Wichita with relatives and old While there they visited the Henderson families and Jim Knights. They re i 4 Ladies' Coats All This Season's New Models $22.50, $20.00, and $18.50 coats now $13.75 $15.00, $14.50 and $12.50 coats now $9.75 Children's coat3 $7.50, $6.50, $5.50 coats $4.75 Children's coats $5.00, $4.75, $4.50, $3.50 coats $2.75 $15.00, $12.50, $10.00 and $6.50 coats $1.95 The entire stock of Ladies' Coats left over from the Merkle stock, about thirty coats in all.
We want the room and are making- the ridiculous price to affect a quick Clearance. Choice $1.95. SEE Our Lien's $15.00 Special Suits JUST RECEIVED the new styles in silk and cotton waists, mid-and $12.75 Overcoats dies and Ladies' and Hisses' skirts. -Skirt special $3.75. Pays to Pay Cash Here WHITE THE CASH STORE- XOBLE John Svoboda was in Ellsworth Friday.
R. J. Smischny spent Tuesday In Holyrood. Joe Mikulecky was in Ellsworth Thursday. Miss Matilda Svoboda went to Wilson Monday.
After a week's vacation the schools started Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Yuista called on the Kejrs Sunday. Sophia Hayne is visiting with her parents for a few days.
Mrs. Joe Krizek was in Ellsworth Friday for medical treatment. A number of friends and relatives spent New Year's with J. Janda sr. See if you can't mind your own beeswax once and see how it goes.
Ida and Rose Urbanek called on their cousin, Georgia Jiricek, Sunday. Anna and Mary Moravek spent Sunday with Mary and Blanche Pfeif-fer. Joe Svoboda of Black Wolf was visiting in this neighborhood Saturday. Mrs. James Barta and daughter Albina were trading in Ellsworth Tuesday.
Miss Blanche Pfeiffer called on her friend, Henrietta Smischny, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Joe Jiricek sr. is staying with her daughter, Mrs. J.
Barta and family, at present. Raymond Urbanek, who was operated on at the Ellsworth hospital, is getting along nicely. Mrs. Joe Mikulecky was operated on at the Ellsworth- hospital Friday. She is getting along nicely.
Georgia Jiricek, who visited her grand parents in Ellsworth a few days, returned home Saturday. Stephen Moravek, who was staying with his mother during vacation, returned to Wilson Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adamek and children and John Svoboda called on Mr.
and Mrs. John Jiricek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. Smischny and daughters and Miss Gertrude Pfeiffer called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Zacic Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smischny and daughters called on Mr.
and Mrs. John Pfeiffer and family Sunday evening. Miss Anna Toman, who helped Mrs. Walter Brown for a few days, returned to her home in Ellsworth Friday. Ida Smischny went to Ellsworth Friday to visit her aunt, Mrs.
George Kelly. She returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jiricek, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Adamek, and Mrs. Charles Urbanek and daughter Ida spent Friday in Ellsworth. Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. Smischny and family and Fred Mog spent New Year's in Ellsworth with Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly and family.
Stephen Moravek and Johnnie Svoboda and Paul Urbanek were in Ellsworth Saturday visiting with Raymond Urbanek at the hospital. Mrs. Frances Moravek and children went to Holyrood Wednesday of last week and visited with relatives until Friday when they returned home. There will be a game of basket ball at the South Hall Sunday afternoon between Liberty and Holyrood. So be sure to help root.
Show 'em what you can do. Anna and Carl Jiricek, Richard, Laura, and Mary Brown, and Rudolph and Raymond Smischny spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vlcek of Black Wolf. There will be a dance at the South Hall Saturday evening which will be given by the Black Wolf camp M.
W. A. A frae lunch will be given. Everybody invited. Mr.
and Mrs. Lew Talsky, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adamek and son, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Harbacek and children, Joe Socha and son, and John Jiricek and daughter spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs Joe Jiricek. The neighborhood is having all kinds of sports, even started in wrestling and we now have two of the best wrestlers, one a heavy weight and one a light weight. They wrestled at the South Hall Saturday evening and of course tha heavy weight won. They will challenge anyone if the purse is right.
LORRAINE Henry Thiel is very sick at present. Fred Dobrinski's house is well under way. Reports are that Mrs. Will Mel-chert is not improving. Chris Heller, who has been away some time, has returned.
Henry Vermillion of Frederick was in Lorraine Wednesday. "Ill I i I I I I I I1 visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. Marshal has taken charge of the local railroad office and Mr. and Mrs.
Chase return to Frederick to take charge there. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford of Claflin arrived In town the first of, the week. Mr.
Crawford will have charge of the bank. He comes well recommended and we wish him success. The two churches here in an en deavor to furnish a few numbers of clean and upbuilding entertainment have partially arranged to bring here two or three lecturers who are backed up by various denominations in the state. As the first of these, Mr. Hale will be here about the 17th while meetings are going on in the German church, he will give his lee ture in the Methodist church.
The next one will most likely be in the Baptist church. The doors will be open to the public, but in each in stance a collection will be taken to pay the expenses of the party giving the lecture. Definite announcements in regard to the first date will be given next week. Lorraine School Notes The seniors are taking geometry with the juniors this term. A number of high school students have missed the fore part of this week on account of the grip.
The German I class has finished the story "Der Zerbrochene and is now making the acquaintance of Seniors are now studying the his tory of American literature. As a part' of their book review work the students will read "Ben Physical geography is the only new subject studied this term. There are now twelve enrolled in this class. The basket ball game between the school boys and the "college boys" resulted in victory for the latter by a score of 35 to 44. GREEN GARDEN Mrs.
Phil Church is on the sick list this week. Art and Ed Wilkens were in Sa lina Tuesday on business. Walter Heitschmidt was shelling corn Wednesday afternoon. Miss Leah Lehnus is taking care of Mrs. Phil Church this week.
Will Schmidt and family and H. W. Hein and family visited with the George Mohneys last Sunday. The Buehler brothers are erecting a new barn just south of where stood the old one that was burned a few weeks ago. Will Schmidt and family left for St.
Joe, yesterday morning. Will attends the veterinary college there and says he like his work fine. John Schmidt's barn burned to the ground Tuesday evening at about 7:30 o'clock. The cause of the fire is not known. The loss is complete as there was no insurance on the building.
Herbert and Robert Hein jr. came home last Saturday evening from Smith county where they had been to attend the golden weding of their grandparents. Herb reports snow quite deep in the northwestern part of the county. They drove through in Herb's Ford. Will Borgman, who has been out here working for his brother, E.
T. Borgman, left for Enterprise, Wednesday morning to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Borgman, a few days. From there he will go to Kansas City where he will enter an automobile school.
HOLYROOD W. A. West went to Ellsworth Monday morning. Dr. H.
C. Embry of Claflin was in town Tuesday evening. Joe Dressier and James Brecha were in Ellsworth Tuesday. Miss Anne Richter returned to her home in McPherson Monday morning. J.
J. Hannaberry was called to Milligan, one day last week on account of the serious illness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weaver returned to their home in Pittsburg, Tuesday morning after spending the holidays with relatives here.
Married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Williams, Miss Mary Estill to Joe M.
Wanasek on Thursday evening, December 30, at 7 o'clock, by Rev. L. A. Branson. They left immediately after the ceremony for Kansas City and Muskogee, where they will visit a few days.
Their many friends wish them happiness and prosperity in their future life. Dr. Arthur Bowles was in Natoma on professional business Monday. port them all nicely located and busy as bees. The trio from Lindsborg who gave the third entertainment of the lecture course on Monday night captivated the audience.
The violinist surely could make his instrument talk, the reader surely carried the audience with her, and the pianist was fine. Mrs. Wm. Corey was taken to the Ellsworth hospital the first of the week and an operation was performed to remove three internal tumors. The tumors contained 15 quarts of liquid and the patient stood the operation well and at last accounts was getting along nicely.
The latter part of last week Lowell Gill came home from his barber school a graduate. He has purchased an outfit and set up shop over his father's store. He fills a long-felt want in our burg. Now let everybody who ever patronizes a barber give their custom to the new barber. Patronize home industries.
Pork Barrel Politics From the Winfield Courier. With their usual shortsightedness the Democrats are trying to trump up campaign capital against Governor Capper on the tax question. They are blaming him for the increased taxes. Evidently they are laboring under the hallucination that the people have forgotten that valiant fight waged by the governor against "pork barrel" methods in the last legislature, and his subsequent action in vetoing numerous appropriation bills all a part of the pork barrel. The Democrats no doubt want to forget it, and they are trying to make themselves believe they have done so.
We don't blame them for it. But if they think the people have forgotten it they are sadly mistaken. The taxpayers could not forget such a memorable fight in the short space of a year, if they wanted to; and most assuredly they don't want to. They know who the promoters of the "pork barrel" were, and their determination to register their feelings in the matter bodes no good for the Democrats at the next election. The Hutchinson Gazette, which seems to assume the role of spokes man for the Democrats in the state, recently attacked Governor Capper for increasing state taxes, claiming that he had violated his campaign promises.
In the first place the gov ernor did not promise to reduce taxes. The Democrats are challenged to produce a single sentence, written or spoken by the governor during the last campaign, promising to reduce taxes. But Governor Cap per did promise that he would see that the state's money was expended In an economical way and that he would do his utmost to see that the state's business was run in the same careful manner that he employed in the management of his own private business. And he is keeping that promise to the very letter, much to the discomfort of the Democratic politicians of the state. Evidently assuming that the people have really forgotten Governor Capper's determined stand against the pork-barrel brigade last winter, the Gazette now comes out in stri dent tones proclaiming that the state and county taxes of all kinds in Reno county this year are $95,000 higher than last year.
According to its own figures, however, $89,000 of this increase must be attributed to the county and only $6,000 to the state. Governor Capper is blamed for the increase. But no criticism is lodged against the county officials, who are responsible for $89,000 of the 000 increase. Even if the governor were respon sible for the increase of taxes, which he is not, it comes with poor grace from the Gazette to criticise him for it. When the governor, with his back to the wall, was fighting with all his might last winter to thwart the attempt of the "pork-barrel'' crowd to raid the treasury, where was the Hutchinson Gazette? Why, it was lined up with its ilk at the pork barrel of course, smacking its chops like a hungry dog at a possum roast.
Who viciously denounced the gov ernor at that time for being "stingy It and parsimonious" because of his efforts to keep down taxes? The Hutchinson Gazette. Where would state taxes be today if the Hutchinson Gazette and its Democratic pork-barrel contingent had had their way? i Nearly $2,000,000 higher. The Capper administration will be fortunate if the Democrats do make state taxes an issue in the next campaign, for the people still remember the memorable struggle in the legislature last winter. Not only do they recall it, but they are talking about it these days as they pay their taxes The Democrats ought not to be They should defend their it these days as they pay their taxes, they should say they are glad of it and insist that their entire program, carrying $2,000,000 more, should been adopted. Their words then would "square" with their actions.
They would at least be consistent. But it is hard for Democracy to be consistent. That is too much to expect of it. Ancient Jokes. "Did a man ever hold stakes," asks the Atchison Globe, "without making a remark about running away with the money?" And did one of the bettors, following someone's offer to hold the stakes, ever fail to counter with "WhoU hold you?" Synopsis of "The Rose Maiden" Folowing is a synopsis of "The Rose Maiden" which will be given at the Golden Belt Theater on January 12 by the Ellsworth Choral Society.
The Queen of the Flower Fairies, weary of a life of unbroken calm, prays of the newly returned Spring that he wil lbestow upon her also the gift of love that he bestows upon man. He warns her of the Tisk she runs, but finally yields to her entreaties by changing her while she sleeps into the form of a beautiful girl. Under the name of Roseblossom she wanders through the world to find the love that she seeks, and meets with a girl who, having been betrayed and deserted by her lover, loses her senses and dies brokenhearted. But, undeterred from her search, Roseblossom becomes the wife of a forester, with whom she lives for a time in such perfect happiness that she cannot survive his death. The elves bewail the fate of their Queen, and curse love as fatal to peace and happiness.
Adolphe D'Ennery, Author of The Two Orphans, a Dramatic Genius Adolphe D'Ennery. the author of the Immortal "The Two Orphans" as picturized for William Fox, was. one of the chief glories of French letaers andwas admitted to the Academy of The Immortals at anearlier age than any of his fellow scribes had. ever been. His play of "The Two Orphans" is probably more widely known than any other drama ever penned and has obtained world-wide 'THE WINNING Golden Belt Theater Dedication The dedication of the Golden Belt Theater will be held on January 20.
"The Winning of Barbara Worth" will be the opening attraction. To those who are familiar with Harold Bell Wright's book from which the tiay is made it will be easy to appreciate the opportunities offered the producers for magnificent stage spectacles. The prologue shows a vast desert scene, after a sand-storm, in which the parents of Barbara Worth have lost their lives. The second 4 poularity. The most famous stars of the dramatic stage have appeared in the stage version of it; which differs radically from the plcturization as prepared for William Fox by Herbert Brenon.
Tomorrow night at the Golden Belt Theater. Admission 5c and 20c. OF BARBARA WORTH" act shows the city of Barba before the flood and the last act shows the same city after the fiood. "The Winning of Barbara Worth" has just appeared In the Grand Theater in Kansas City, the Grand in Topeka, rnd in other large cities. It will be a rare opportunity for the people of Kllsworth to see a splendid play procured by a first-class company.
The prices will be $20 for boxes, 3 for the first floor and first six rows in the balcony, and $2 for the remainder of the balcony. 'yyyy.
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