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The Hillsdale Standard from Hillsdale, Michigan • Page 1

Hillsdale, Michigan
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D. CLARK II. B. ttOTFLSON POSTAGE FREIMVtTHIN 39 MILES. per Annum, if paid la Adrince; or.

D4td within Six VilU 5 who tt thtirdour. 81.30. No paper dUeantinued until paiS the option nf the Legal Ad.ertUmenU in.erted the of fifty per folio.or one hundred wordi. forthe flnt in aa.l twenty fit for etch in THE DIFFUSION OF INFORMATION, AND ARRAIGNMENT OF ALL ABUSES AT THE BAR OP PUBLIC REASON. TUESDAY, OCT.

20, 184G. J.OO Amnim in not i i i i months. I 3 1 1 column 1 tnouthi. I i column I 1 uuare 12 months, ..8 I I column I ..35 ISillsdalc County Officers. A.

nOWDCR SherifT. HilUdale. J. Jr. County Cleik, Hillidala.

W. G. UtlANCH. Treasurer, Hillsdale. II- S.

MEM). IlegiMer, Hillxlale. E. CIIAMI'LIN. Judge ofrrobate, Hillsdale- W.T.

HO WELL, W.MERCCIl. Alloc D. KINNE. Ueadinc. oc a lu1 es J.

MANROSS. County Surveyor, Jonesville. G. C. MUNRO.

rntnn rt R. MANNING, HilUdale. IBtT ILa 3 HILLSDALC, MICH. The ExclU.iniijmn-witiJcommodioujbuUJinj. arranged ami located for the acciiramodalion of in the place, andmoit conrcn- lent for being only fire rods from the Southern lUil Iloid Depot, to and from which passengers and areeonTeyed fnt.

A good Stt- ble is cunaected with Ibis House. HOUJSIS, BY C. W. TUTTJLE, HIULSDALC MICH. Western and Northern Stages learo this house dally.

A gooJ Lirery Establiihment i attached to thu house fur the benefitofthe community. WISTIR1 IIOUTE. (Til.) COLDWATin. Coldwater, 2 0 miles, Bro-tsin, 3 3 Stnrges. Pigeon, 6 0 MnttTille.

3 Adamtrille ElVhart, 84 South Bend 4: Niles, 100 Michigan City, Chicago COMMISSION MHRCHAXTS. W. WOOD. ForwnrdinsJc Commission Merchant, Utaltr in rroduce. Salt, Fluster, tt'ulcr time S(c.

Comer of Union ami Kail (load Streets, I1II.ISDALIJ, MICH. CIIAULES T. MITCHELL. 1'onrardins nml CommisMon Jlertliant, At the eoniei IX-II tlitUJ.lo mi.i.sD»t.r. MICH.

HENRY WALUROX. Porwarding nml Commission Merchant, DLtLEn. If FLOUB, iVIIEvT, Slt.T tC. At the corner of Hillsdale and Ilail Road Streets, I A MICH. P.

V.S.-SMITH. Forwarding anil Commission Merchant, Dr.Attn in fnonuct, SILT tc. tc, on Kail Road Street niLi.srAtc. MICH. EDW'l) H.C.

WILSON. A a a a A I SOLIClTua 11 WILL prompU; attend to all professioni! business entrusted tn his care. OFFICE--Broad Strut, IlMtdalt Mich. DANIEL L. r'UATT.

A a a SOUCITHR It WILL attend promptly to tue cnllrction of Debts. transferor of Titles, payment JA'S 1C. KIN.MAN. A a a soticiTon is CHAHCERT, WILL promptly attend' tn professional business rtitruued to his care. OFFICE--At Jontnilli.MUk.


O. POWULL. General Land AgciiUlilhilale, Hillsdiile Co.M. Will attend to bojing and selling of Land- Paying Redeeming Lands told J. W.

FALLEY. Office en Broad Street, two doort North of Boil- wiek'a Mich. A. CRES3Y. M.

D. Grateful for the liberal patronage liilhcrtt tendedtohim, still himself in to attend to all calU requiring prdfeMinnal ser- Tieos--Oflico in Hopkins Drug Store, HILLSIIALE MICH. FRANKLIN FRENCH. for the liberal patronage he has hereto- takes this opportunity of informing his old and the public generally, that he snll himself in reidineis to attend to all calls In bis QJUe tat daar of tkt JTttUri Itottl. Mick.

BOVD A Dealers in Dry Goodt, Groceries. Crockery. Hardware Iron BOOM ind Shoes. Leather, iTc. at the WESTERN TRADER.

Kaad MUK W. II. CHANDLER. Dealer in Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware.Nails.

Glass. Axes. Boots Jt Shors. Coopers and Tools, Street. JAMES ind retail dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Iron, Ac.

(treat. G. W. UNDERWOOD. 1 Dealer ia A Dyo- Sargictl e.

Road tqntrc F.H.PRATT. A Co. ia O'dt, Grace- rUsc. Mich. "J.J.

LEONARD. PoUrla Pry J-L. CORNING. DetUria Grectriej, door North of the Poit Offer. SPAPFRf From tta Sargent's Coach.

The Irish Widow and bar Four perance Husbands. daar sir, 1 cried tLo poor Irish woman, 'h'a no moor nor a poor widdy that I am, a lono woman, sir, life dissolute, and this same has happunt to me foor times already. It's not fur the like mo to prate afoor 'Veil, cried the Dutchman, 'naver moind apout dat; let us vat is your ido js of de tem- peranto 'Lard bless your alio replied, 'itstimp'rance, andnaih- ing else in the world, has done the job for myself and my poor husbands, oil foor on as I toult ye, a loi.o widdy into the Hero she covered her face with her hands, and uttered a problematical sound between a scream and a a considerable pause during which the dutchman had listened to tho widow's ulucationa, wicli evident impatience. 'Bern's said he, with a comical expression, 'will shtop grief, von he preak loose, and make a pig noise, like Hollands did you ever try 'emV At first wo wore a little shocked by tho Dutchman's plain inquiry. Ho had evidently seen, something of human nature.

He had given abundant evidence during.tho day, of an affectionate heart, but ho was "aparently unwilling to squander ita sympathies upon a worthless object. '1 ray good voman, did you ever cry do Hollandsl' continued tho question- Och, my sowl, your honor, nivuK nor any kind o'shpirit; it's not mysilf, that would do that same; I never tuk a dhrap in my hull life only jist, us the good old praist, Father O'Callaghau, used to say, in silf-defmce, to kaap tho wind nfT the stomach, or the like o'that. At wakes and birrils, yo know sir, it's all right for the dacency n' tho thing. But it's myself, that has had enough o' tim- porance in my dee, ye may well say that. There my first husband--rest hi-j sowl--John Dory it was, he wts a rani timperance man.

In my oult father's cabin, them was the cralura plinty. and moiiy's the btukken head that's fell to my shore fur interfunting otwixt the oolt "oiks, whin they kirn to licks or the liko that ower their whiskey. So I was determined triver to bu tho wife o'ony ithcr nor a limpcrance mun. John Dory was forward enough in his way coortitig, for one "'my I soon a chance to smill o' the lad's bit swatcrit was nor ruse, to bo sure, i'iicro was not the laust parfumo o' the crutliur. do I mode uj my mind, that John Uoiy was thu man furl'olly M'Geo.

i 1.1.... Juhn said 'it's not myself, tlmt II ail d-nvu for life wid a said he. 'my name's me head ower linali upon the floor. was soon Pether's in a fir, about'si via waaks after wo was married. thought I had bad enough o' the matrimony and timperance to boot; so I resalved to be my own woman fur tht; rist my But hotv it hsppunt I niver was able to tell, in year nr something less it was, after Pettier O'Keefe was pit under board, I was ovcrpersuadrd bv Phelim McCaythy.

a ynung nioti it ivas. Afoor we xvas married. I tnult I'iic- lim all the trouble myself had had, wid John Dory and PetherO'Keefe, atid how I was detarmint niver to be married egin to ony mon, xvha tuk sphirit or the like o'that. said he. 'yo've found your own mon." and its PbeJim Me Carthy.

at your sarvice. Its nrnMf it is, that's signed the plidqe o' tho" Timper- ance said 'now I wish I'd Jwt mit ye Phelirn, afoor. A number tho Timperance Society yo are! 'It's even so, Polly, said yo'll not be after finding more jonteel and reysonablo people to be I lust no time in being married to Philem, but I repinted at my lasure, indaad I was a bigger drunkard nor John nor Petlier. He laid in three berriU o' oult sour cider in the beginning, and hu Kip: bimsilf drunk dee and night. Och.

sirs, wi.hi John Dorry, my fusthusbaml. daar ho was drunk wid tho inal crathur, he bato me to be suit-, but after a little batting fio' myself wid the pnkr or some sich convainient machine, he'd lay uisli ho would till the nixt dee. Il wasn't jtst the same wid Pethcr. The broon shlout and portlier was moor slaa- pier for Ins nathur, it was; and though, if I did'nt claar out his way. whin ho was raal he'd be; SUM to gie- me a click in tho chaps, or a teest his great shoulihcr of mutton fist in the ribs, yet if I kipt a look out.

when ho was taking his short taks rind bating into the door way, I could na fail to manage him nately wid the ould mop, yo see. The handle was just o' tho length to kaap him afl. and the oult rigs, whin I pit 'em in his face, saamcd to confuse him pretty considerably entirely. It was an aisy thing it was. to pish "Pether ower on tho bid or rnnybtt tho floor, and 'twas asier lor him thin to get nslaap, than to clamber upon to ligi agin.

Och. sirs, these hero was a moor paceahlo sou u' a baaing dttii'k nor Phelirn McCutthy's on liis oult cider, llo was ivor a and niver sn mil as to be nisv. Ho kipt his ligs he did. am) liad 'mi anp. itfii Hu mjiiu iiathing nt all i i me; wid gallon cider, aboortl.

1 i i cd to kuap tho oult wolf in onlcr, one IV UM BE II 17. 4hiii Iran. "Veil, mine vmnan, exclaimed the old Dutchman at the nation of her story, 'you yon vinegar upon tho yet plain, tliret- of a milu noitli of a have sailed upon littlo vilhigo at its ontK-t called tout coming to de Skconshoiougb. from Skecne. who pc.

a founded it. note Thou- addri'ssins the who have pmv-d iho will oo only vay to collect that about one half milo north if tetdtfshtiiii.ilonp. call you this village, what called the "El- ic- to i more nf your talk apotit About one qinitn a milu" below tho de tompcriucc can "UMiow" i i i i which i a shtnry Major Putnsm with fifteen of bravo Froji (Jasnerljr Jnainal ani licne-v. I iHni-Ic the Hours that Sliiuo." cr jjrj.soriiu n. otircn.

In fair Itali hnJ. Deep in Garden botver. A Hi il tn irL. simlovvy hand Eielisun illnniincd And on fiir initiillid Tire, Ncarveil i i litip, totrsco and he kipt bis promise to tho for ail that, there niver was a woman in County Cark, that got such terri- sume upon my banhplace, -o ho mo by the hair, and dragged me a half quarter o' a mile, and I ctying for matey tho liull 1 toult jlo her Mrs. Dory, that was my own self, ye know.

And "orall that, he niver touched a dhrap doc; 'It's yourself thats on ignoiant whiskey. It was naihtiig in the watld he would say; Phelim McCar- was i as I did pretty riglar ivcry brandy and Hollands. John was iik outright, in a riglar shelala fight in the city 1 Caik; and while wo we a raising the Itctna at the poor mou'fi wake, he very night aforo his bin il. Pelher O'Keofe, his tnird cousin by tho muthei's thy bo its known for a nniveisal thing that he's a mimbei of the Timpei- nncu society, and nii'c-r touches or tables a dhrap o'tho raal fieiy crathur: was married about two years, whin Phelim died it' tho colic. Ho said, wid Ina side, squazed my hand and braathed no last breath, it was tli'5 that had ui" that 'twas plain onough, ho was nf- him his gruel; and that he didn't bi-laave ter coortitig myself jist then.

'Pettier, there was a doctor in the hull warld, no said in a whisper, 'bo aisy; how can you be so yo'ro a jewel, said he. in a low tone, and thin lie'd raise his voice, to tho tup his lungs and join in the l.fcna for iho poor departed mon, his own third cousin, as 1 luult about a waak Petherkim to cnort myself riglar. 1 toult him that 1 was not ower covetous o' being maried Yo'ro maaning to sphake said lie, 'o my cousin Dorya not being so per- tile as he might 'a been. Ho baat ye, 1m Was the omJncetit thing, to be sure; but he's anunder boord we'll bo after saying pace to his moor nor a potccary, that could take the tivistout a' his jist thin, isn yo see, siibj I was left alonu woniun intircly. But I'm feaul ye'll be thinkirg I had tho luck n' being coorted, for it wasn't moor a a a a i Pholim's bin il, that Put- rich McClaiinigan made mo an offer of his own silf.

He wns five years younger nor me; may be theio didn't saam that differ, for I was xvonilerfully sujiportud under my troubles, to be sure. I mnro dularmint nor iver niver to be no.bidy's wifo any moor. Putrid; not tho lias detarmint himself in his own way. Il was nut airiest thing in the "orld to resist the lad that ho was. I lit Ya'II be safe enough, Polly, xvid Petlier him scejist how I had beendusaavcdand O'Keefe, if ye'll bo a little consulting to dialed; and I toult him I'd not bo the ic tho wife nf a jontlomun liko myself.

wifo tho man alive; who would take a It's not my fathers son that will bo suck- 1 dhrap o' ony thing, that Would bo tho ing tbo mountain duw.himicv, from mar- 1 maans o' giliing him drunk. 'Polly, said nine to night. Whiskuy's a maan thing, hu, 'I'll confess to ye now. 1'ao taken a i A- I I 1 i 11 i i ony how; Jamairais boating; so is brandy; and gin is is pertikler dishagraablc. I never tak a dhrap o' em, Polly, and, by tho powrs, its not mysilf that ever ye sue, was a raal timperauco mon, yo half-way spalpeens, that are nothcr one thing nor the Afoor two months wo was married, Pother nnd mysilf, and a right paccable timo we bad o' it, for four and twenty lours.

Tho very next night it was, that Pethcr O'Keefokim home as drunk as a 'Och, Pethor.said 'I'm faaring its yourself, that has been middling with tho yo jad, said he, wid your by tho powers o' mud, I'll bo after Knocking yourtaath claan down into your bicad basket ony 'Och, Pother, Pother, said 1, 'is it yourself that wull bo using me that a wayl Ye've been up to tho a lie, an plasc cried Pother; been down to Bill Keegan's wid half dozen moor lasting a few quarts 1 broon 'Daar aaid prom- isod me to have nathing to do wid tho crathur; 'now jist take a paper, and gio it to mo, in black.and 'Black and white itisV Cjio'd Puthor, as he sph- raag up in a ragej'by thd powers ye shall havo in black and said bo, and Now it's the chaaring dhrap now and thin, to bu sure, but its mysilf that'll do a must ony thing to plasu tho liko u' you. Now, uti it's your wull and plisure, we can fix it this a way: liaars a Timpcronco tJociety, that goes the hull as thuy say. tionu your half-way societies it is. Iveiy mimbor it is bound fast, sowl and body, nut to take a dhrap o' any fuddluiomo liqnur, ye seo; saving as a medicine. Nmv Patrick McClannigan, that'll pli'Jge that samo 'Do it, Putrick, said 'and I'll bo Mrs.

McClanni- gan right Ho shprang upon 1m i'aat and wint off liko a shut. In less nor an hour ho kirn back wid a certificate, that ho had plidged himself lo abstain fiom ivcry intoxicating liquor, baaviti as a medicine. Wo was mairieil, and I'm telling yo tho truth whin 1 say. tint he niver had a wall day after that. Hu drinkt whisky liko a spotign, and iver as a medicine.

Whin ho got drunk, as he did at Billy birril, I toult him ho had broken his plidgc. 'No Polly daar, said he, 'isn't midicino for tho sowlo" mcl But he ii did and ganu, poor lad, and I lift a dissoluto widdy onco more. 1'vu no great opinion timpcraucc, yo be- Irish widow, by bor cxtraordina- he gave me a dick in the eye, that sent ry narrative, had occasioned more smiles "I milk the huurj thit shine." Oh "hn iti a friend's fair face Mnrk l)ic delects alone, Where tinny sweut, redesminj graco Dolli (or each fault atone Go! from the rpeakingdial learn A all divine, Fruin tliat your Hincr turn, "And niurli thehuuri that ktiinc." brinlin; o'er the glow ing page, Tr.icud by a mind, thoughts from 05010 Shall light jiitl icnikinJ Why will it: 'mid glejining jold, Tor tlrosi in exery IIIIP, spots Upon tdu snn brliold, uiarl: thu liuuri that shiuu Oh! yetiho in rormnc's light, cujn are (loiviuj o'er, Yet, throii-jn thu diy nnd night, btili piiiu mid sigli for moru; Why jc. wlitn so richly bk'i'J Uiigrjteliilly repinu 1 Which lur iir.po'scsi'J, "Nor shinuJ" And ye ulio toil from morn till night Tocjrn i i i brujd Are there n-j lilefi ng-i ricli nil hrijht, Around oui patliw.iy id The fuiHcioiicu clear, the chucrful hoarl, Th'! IriHt 'n IIIM: divine, All hid cares -Jupirf, "And nurli the hours that sbmn." mid were fancifully i i to strike (error into their thoy wero exceedingly cautious their approach--lhat three sat on cirh of a canne, and one on the rudd-r ii: tho tho three on oirli Mill- alternately, cave a fcxv strokes with ihrir oars and then almost convul- sivcly clutched their tomahawks looked keenly on the binks respectively oppo- in see if any enemy were at hind. As customary among the Indi- ihcjrcinoei proceeded in what fs calLd -me after iho other, ulnrli was rendered peculiarly neccssnrv companions: ,1 lt to re- the nf the ream.

i a i a 9 jor Putnam well knew ihattho lives of noy. and in part a-i the mining was so I comrades and hi.nselfdepcndctl uoon fine, tho thru some lho SIICCCS nl fi 3t lions on the peaceful cities, whom thoy miijht find engaged in their domt-atic oc- cupatiuns. It has been often rttnarked, end the observation is no loss true fur being trito, that tho Amciican Itnliin, ivheii ciliated, is tho must bloodthitary Licatuic that hears thu name of man; when his aiigot is onceamujcd, when his for von- gence is onco iiifhrned, ho knows no lim- would be one struggle life ami death. fie thorfeorc airanged his men in ariiati: ncr that tho grenttn number might bo Killed at thh fire. Ho divided them into thrco companies of fivo cacti, while ho himself wi-nt into tho ono near- east the tMiomy.

One canoe was assign- cd to each company, three men were selected to fire at the ti.rao hclsmcn. and the other f.lur of each comtianv at tho could inflict; ho hiimelf had traveled after night, whipped on by tht of the Indian. hU uncovct ed back exposed to tlic winds ami raitu of heavmi. his naked feet and bloody by tlm sharp and cutting locks over which hu July. pared lo do it.

thn first boat. but gracefully skimmed over tho surfaco of the moved into the x'iew of tho company to whom it was feigned, it was with difficulty that they restrained them- fiom commencing ihe xvork of dot I I I I a i i I a wall; an.I when at his stniction; but veneration tho I wiiu mo c.nil.l/.c apprcciato uhat a a gc ncn vitli which they plied their oars, uffiBiunl ttatlho full into the When friLTiJi.iriinnd tivitiu Go! yield your l.n-.oiiea to t'io slciej, thu hours tlut shine." Tneic stiinN a dial fair, Aniluftva is itisitmvy i with the clunds of care Tlien po nnd every riiiiiow cluso That iluiu Hi (Ilk me And i pun its gle lining face, null. iln- lionri thai slunu." From the New Haven Courier. Put's Rock. There ii, no boilv of water in 4 enabled them so easily to visit dmtruc- inn morning.

I Major nnd Ins coin- lion noun i 1 radds hud not been sittiHT saw that thu canoes ever watchful to wero in thu position most favorablu to the interests of his fiiendi, aroso to sec himself, and that hii men tvero readv. at il hu expected vii.tanH were in sight, thu given signal, toexccoic hia commands Ho Mood upon tin- bank, looking down with his pocket knife in his left baiid. ho tho placid lake as f.u us eye could gc-ntly tapped the whilo with tho loach, but nought upptnicd in view. Ue- other ho gently pulled i i of hit j-iieed that the i-nemy did not appeal, own gun. The Indian', always on tho tt- vet, disappoi ited in heard the signal, ouickly rose up, be tuim-d hin head to make tho anounce- bent their keen eves upon the batik.drop- to his friends.

He said, as yet, no )C their oars, "nnd snatched up their but it was too late. The volley nf the whites had done dreadful lou was a tin; the United States, ubout xvhich clusters 113 which he had excitrd in them seem- so many thrilling associations, which tc- Ot being tealizod, he himself o.Xfculioi:--fivo ofiho Indians in iho first oils s.i many vivid tiansactiom in the a slight pic-sentiment Hi it tho crafty bout iveru killed tho second hkiniy of our country, and which so i etl) yet show themselves; thru ho thit-o were rnorallv moundod--in lho cibly reminds us of lho dangeis, iho opportunity onJ two bors, lim loils our ancestors underwent a a i his white-skinned btoihei, woun led. The five seeing lor ihe firedom ire now enjoy, as Lakt- at a i llu Wl a Chaniplain. Who, that has "over been ll1 engagfd in the necessary avo- borne the bi.som of that placid lake. I cations of the day.

lly thii ont-euh his but felt II'H a i i patiiotic ad-1 rnL was encouraged, for tliey weic frt- iniiaiion of nnblo beating, as he passed P- i nd the f--ico ofa well aimed ball 0 ild ndininistsr a similar f.ta to them! by which was the sccno of the i 1 lllL ir alveit.aiy. nnd they surreiideied ihemsi-lves piiioiieis. They naval bmie of Platlshtirqli? has 1 knew that llieir leader bcldom formed a ncro por.nitl-.-d to bury their dead bteth- third, woun llio pale, cuiSes of (heir liicthrou sti etched in the red ijorti around them. and that if'lliey resisted, tho xvhitci, f.nm tlieir superior number. Platlshurgh? not at such a time in his imagination seen tin: a lho skilful, i i ai he gallantly drew op his small fl'itillu, Zi'alontly exhoiting, both by wind and iiclion, bis small body of men, nnd i i them with patriotic and i i firmness, to meet a supuiior Who has not an ho wm "Old tho in had i i i with his handful "Green Boys." op in iho old name of thu Gi eat Jehovah, and the Con- lincniii! Congtes!" Who, that has over looked upon these old ruins, nnd ie- fleeted how that dating band rushed on, determined to conqueror to die--determined to raiio hijjh upon rocky battle- munis lho flhg of and or polish in thf attempt, has not felt, indeed that "aeath il the wont; a fate that all must try; AnJ, fur jr country, 'ni a bliM to Uio Uut xviihout refeiring to other memorable places on tho lake, which am xvell known, and constantly preaenting ihem- selves to iu inltjlligent traveller, I call lho allenlion of ihu reader lo ono spot nn its banks, which is little known in our cilizons generally, but which id rendered exceedingly interesting, from an incident connected wilh it, which it will b- my desiro lo relate.

It wasa beautiful morning in tho month of Outobor, 17--, lho sun shone with a radii-nt rplendor, that livallcd that of on August'iiionday; tho foiests, ivhosts vur- permiiied to hury their dead bteth- fuNe with respect to tho i whirh ihey did with their usual sol- thin when ho told them his belief a nity. i i i them their xveap- when thing would come to pass, the IS a t.jnkots, and sin-ing over their i a i i pioved his opinion cor- 11 funeral song. Subsequently. ct ihey, together with tho wounded, xvore 1 hus elated they sank hick upon tho I conducted to Whitehall, placed in lho fiom which thoy had arht-n a 1( properofHcer, and treated xvith kindness, and granted all the lib- xvhicli 'their sitinuidii prompted, i the close uf hostilities. since thu occurrence ol this incident, the rock on which tho Major nnd hit pitty wi-n; itntioned.

has been called Rock." Although tho incident it iHsiiiR by tho ruins of hoimr to the ijur, when ho uommen- a lu feailiJss Allen, sword cctl speaking. The lattei had scarco erties, rned his hnad a to watch for the adversary, when ho saw in llio "dim -iii- furt. and demanding its surrender, with a i tanco" what seemed to him a small band tone of authority, "in IC of ranni.vj. ho could not tell which direction. Keeping his eye ily upon them, ho diicovored that hu was not deceived, and that three ramies, I)Cut C01 and is on filled with Indians, m-ro s'oivly and cvi- avtliy SC IO(1 Vf it asflB well known to ihe inhabitants nf that on tho tonguo 1 believe tiously proceeding up iho lako towards become a matter of written biMorv.

Er- him. Tho Major, significantly monton- triveller who vis ii Lako Champlain. ing to ijlun. silently appro.icheJ thorn iui IW to all ihoso scenes that and announced the discovery, aii.l are tendered by their BMOCI. enemy xvere not far diitan: tt became him a should by no mt-atii' fail to visit- to muku quick prep trillions to mceivu Tho spol on which ho had determined lo owiiit was an immense thai exlciided along thu lake- sumo limy- five or forly feel, and hick from it about "Put's Ruck." We Fixed that Ohap.

A few days ago, a gentleman came? sanctum and took of his hat, and thirty feur. and sloping towards tho wa- picked op apiecuof manuscu'pt lor. A short distance to tho mcncod reading closely. We reached: and in lho direction from xvhicli thu cue-1 over and look teller out of his hat, uri my xveto approaching, there small I folded and commenced readmg it. numbor of half-groxvn trees, consisting of shai'-ijlum, br.acli and elm, whicli helped lo conceal tho Major's patty; but a conti ibutcd most lo ibis cffuct was a thick copso of birch and spice-xvood, that kail taken root in a thin soil lhat lay over the dunt foliago tud been exchanged for.

ihess of yellow, and red, and brown, look- od happy in tho joyful coming of the King of Day; the merry birds, xvhose twiuei- ing songs had been succeeded by iho whistling of the Autumn blast, again appeared skipping about upon tho pliant branches of tho trees, and filling tho to- sounding woods xvitblhcir echoing notes; xyhile thoxvatersof tho placid lako rolled 4 i i i i themselves onxvard, unconscious of tho particularly tho number of men in the beatuious scene, savo as 'hey reflected boats and llieir prcpatattons. They soon from iheir liquid surface the bright im ago of tim golden sun. rock. Add to this that the rock is cle-1 vate voted saveral lent above tho surfaco of water, and you havo tho spot which the Major had selected for ordered his men to liu down unori thu rock, with faces towaid it. thai thoy themselves might bo concealed by tho underbrush, and yet might pcrceivu tiiu movements of iho enemy.

Having mada thuso preliminary ar- rangcmenis, tho Major took his station behind a tree, in order to objorvo wa3 so busy that he did not discover wo were paying him in his oxvh toin, i xve asked him xvhal it was his respondent xvas xvriting to Iiim Why look here, squire," ho "you surely aro not reading It waa upon such a morning that Ma- camo near enough to enable him to satisfy his curiosity, llo discovered that tho threo canoes each seven mon. jor General Israel Putnam found himself who wero-armed with tomahawks rnd sir oerinini', sir, "you aro reading our pnv ato scripts." Ho xvas plagued us not lo meniion his pr(jm i led to no mnrtj. and Ex ccipe has never cen knowu fai single inbtanep. Ta ke, say a fourth of a pound ol common plug chewing tobac- tear jt well to pieces and pufit pour on to it a sufficiency water to moisten and swo'L tha ii'avt-s, lay on cloth and apply it tatho seat of pn'm. was tho pa'tlibtic roan'm hli- tory? be drew water from a Post.


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