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The Weekly Gazette-Times from Corvallis, Oregon • 1

Corvallis, Oregon
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1912 KO. SITUATION IN BIG FELLOWS AC. TO PLAY III SOUTHLAND THURSDAY P.M. FINAL GAME OF HIS TO STIR UP ioiisek tomorrow 1111 ft Also at Episcopal in Morning--- van gelical Services to Continue. A Union Thanksgiving service will be held at the First M.

E. church to morrow evening at 7:30. Rev. H. H.

HuBbell, the Christian church, will deliver the address. There will special music. The public la cordially invited. At the Thanksgiving service tomor row in the Episcopal church at 19 o'clock, a special quartet will elnt. Many wilt want to make an offering of one abort hour's praise, and of something toward hospital support, What custom is more worthy of con tinuation than this time-honored Ob servance, of the day? The Thanksgiving services at Bt.

Mary's Catholic church consist In a high mass of Thanksgiving at nlna o'clock on "Thursday morning. Last evening at the Evangelloal church good audience listened to Evangelist Phelps for forty nil nu tea, as ne spose irom me texi, i nera was aXhegKsr at his gate," Th criiwrl nNwannt. ahowad very rlsarlv that the people are taking a great Interest in theyaervlces, since there are so many ciJinter attraction! in tha city at thl The service will continue ll this week and next wetk, every nljfht, except Saturday. Services begin at eeven-forty-five and close before nine thirty. A pretty scene was enacted last evening whan the pastor asked the audience to Join in a "wave offering" to the Lord, and nearly all present waved an offering to the Lord.

One of the attractive features of this revival is the waf they sing the old songs of the gospel. BE A MUSICIAN. TJp-to-date Instruction in voles, Tl-ol In. piano and other Instruments, T. Clay Neece," 520 South Fourth street.

ll-20-6t Tomorrow Trfternoon, 0. A. C. will play the Occidental College team at Los Angeles, and Oregon plays Multnomah at -Portland, o. A.

C. Is In foreign territory. In a clime to which the boys are unused, and they are up against a team that has made a great record this The Bearers hope to prevent a slaughter, hut do not count on victory, Tha' great disadvantage comes in the poor condition of the men. A dispatch says: SAN FRANCISCO. Nov; 26.

Nineteen men of the football squad of the Oregon Agricultural College are en. route to southern California, where they are to meet Occidental College In contest which. may result In the coast championship being brought into the northwest. Pros-Beets are very good for a successful conquest of the southland. The condition of Everett May has been giving- the training staff con siderable 'worry because of the tact that he was confined to bis bed all day yesterday, and he is having much difficulty with Jita breathing.

A specialist is being consulted, In San Francisco in order that he way be able to play in the game Thursday at Los Angeles. Robertson and Shaw are under attention because of thejr injuries. The' former's back was made much worse by participation in the game against the University of Oregon laat Saturday, and Is heavily bandaged to prevent irritation. Shaw's natal organ has improved since his accident in the Whitman contest, and it will be all right by Thanksgiving day. Evendon and Blackwell played their last game Saturday, in which Blackwell received a badly sprained ankle, and Evendon dislocated his his knee.

Neither will be lo condition to take part in Thursday's game. Those who made the trip with the team are Sltton, Chrlsman, Hofer, Kellogg. Moore. Robertson, Dewey. Shaw, Blackwell, Evendon.

Reynolds, Larson, Richardson, McKenzie. Rafl-mussen, 'Manager Pilkingtnh, Coach Dolan, Dr. Stewart apd A- F- Mason, E. NEXT SATURDAY "Cinderllla," a peep into fairyland tor the children, wMl be presented at the opera house Saturday afternoon Minder the auspices of Mrs. J.

Edward Caldwell. This is a charming little operett and will be presented in gorgeous costume by the pupils of the public schools under the fifth grade. Mrs. Caldwell says it will be staged elaborately. A feature will be the entrance of Cinderllla drawn by mice, just as In fairy lore.

The matinee will beat 2:30 Saturday, and for 10c and 15c. and 25c for adults. The presentation In the evening for adults will he at 8 o'clock, and at2'c admis sion. Mrs. Caldwell Is a professional coach of widespread experience, who has located here, and who is Boon to DAIRYING O.

A.C.Short Course To Offer Exceptionally Fine Program. Dairymen will find much of special interest in the Farmers' Week program at O. A. C. this year.

A letter received from J. M. Dickson, of Ash-burn Farm, Shedd. where fine registered Jerseys are bred, gives the subject of his address TueBday afternoon, December 10. from 4 to o'clock, as "The Building of a Daffy Herd." A.

K. Risser. in charge of the western dairy Investigation for the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture, writes that he will have as his subject "The Work or the V. S. Dairy Division in the West." He is to speak Thursday afternoon.

December 12, from 4 to a. He is to speak, also, on his way to the college, at Lewiston, Idaho, December and probably will have a place on the program of the 8tate Dairymen's Convention at Albany. Other lectures of interest to dairymen attending the Farmers' Week will include those of Dr. Wlthycomhe on "Agricultural Opportunities." "Co-operative Marketing." "Dairy Herd and "Live Stock, a Factor on the Dairy Farm." Prof. E.

L. Potter will give demonstration leetures on "Judging Dairy Cattle," 'Marketing Live Stock" and "Judging Beef Prof. F. L. Kent, head of the dairy school, will give a.

number or interesting lectures and demonstrations, on "Milk: Its Composition and Secretions." "The Babcock Test," "Milk Records," "Dairy Rations" and "Dairy Equipment." G. R. Samson of the animal husbandry department will talk on "Principles of Breeding." and Prof, I) Scudder will speak of "Special Crops for the Dairymen Kale. Rape and Hoots." as well as oilier reens. -Faim Cheese Making" is one of the suhiects on which G.

Simpson nill sneak. He will also treat of "Cream Separators" and "Farm But ter Making." Dean Bexell's lectures on "Farm Business Methods" will tie helpful to the dairyman who wishes to make his business a financial suc- there will also be particu lar "value in Prof. D. Beckwlth's talks on "The Farm Water "Refuse Disposal on the "Building up the Soil by Soil Bac -infectious Children Dis eases." "Typhoid Fever" and "Tuberculosis." The talks on modern farm bund-ines. intensive farming.

Irrignilon drain ue ami the use of concrete or u-itl he Interesting to the as to the general fanner. Other fatuity men will add to the nrmrram profitable addresses on farm m.nhinprv deeds io the land, crop ro tations, co-operative associations, the tung of useful ktiots on the farm, manures and and general live stock problems. IS IN ffl II in tit. Or' While In IV II lliuiebrake. of A lio I II November to I in- lo n- Itelit.i Of til county's Pi'" tbli-'l- time in 1 hi-5 eniiili'l i' id' repp tiling session.

N. McArlhur is seeking. a KooiJ deal ol Mr: Botiehrai I ivcs I the he t. Will ii 'I have 'ur "Han .1. Malart: to have U' of prospect if winning as presiii.ti' ll CONE BRAKE 1 RAGE s-nute, a (til lie noes in i i ES (Special to berlin: "Nov.

rrr xuBtria has declined Germany's suggestion that the Servian, dispute be submitted to The Hague tribunal. Naiim Pasha has rejected the Bulgarian peace proposal. General Sav-anoff. Bulgarian plenipotentiary, has agreed to consider Turkish proposals, but there is little chance of final" agreement. A Paris dispatch from Vienna quotes Foreign Minister Berchtold.

of Austria, as saying that war is inevitable if Servla rejects A Sofia report says Adrlanople is burning, and that fighting is continuing theFe despite peace negotiations. Sebostopol reports that Russian transports are assembling in the Black Sea to remove troops. Following the extcutlon of eleven members of the Black Sea fleet for mutiny, 460. sailors from the fleet are being transferred to Vladlvostock. STILL ON STRIKE (Special to PITTSBURG.

Pa Nov. -2 7. Striking trainmen served notice today that they would remain out uptil the reinstatement of the men discharged for circulating a petition asking that wages be readjusted. Over six hundred trainmen are out. and no little disarrangement of schedules bas resulted.

IT A deputation of about twenty or twenty-five boys will make the trip to Eugene to the State Boys' Conference of Oregon Nov. 29 to Dec. 2. Last year this conference was held in Corvallis, when two hundred boys from all over the state gathered here under the strong -Y. M.

C. A. leaders of the state. This year Eugene entertains and the Y. M.

here has been getting "up a worthy representation of the Corvallis clubs for Bible study and from the boys' classes at the Sunday schools. The boys will leave Friday noon and return Mon-dav morning. With the boys some of the leaders in the city who are particularly interested in boys' work will attend the convention Mr. Mr, I) Mi Mr. MeConnell, Mr.

Sherman and Mr. Koenig'will probably be along with the crowd. Every boys-Bible study class or club In town is entitled to representation if they have enrolled in the State Roys' Clubs of Oregon, or if they will do so. Mr. McBride of the college Y.

M. ('. A. is leader of the delegation from Corvallis, and any inquiries regarding the conference should be directed to him or to Mr. MeConnell at the Y.

M. A. office. BRYAN ON ROOSEVELT. If Mr.

Roosevelt lays aside his am bition and determines to ilevoie Himself to the unselfish prapagaiion of progressive idea. In' will soon recover what he has in public es.eeic and make himself a moral fotve in tin- nation: A man's moral ton ml verv Inrselv upon the nn-srlfishness his efforts' and this rule to Mr, Uoosevdt as wc'l as others Tlo1 c-pr. si.b-i.t is '-1'' iilelitv and womleytu! to- he an enthiHas'i' Solb.wsn his f.ipi-orter- trous in their a Ion'--' to ihal h' is wot km rnirilioji wiP Wlllill-' to iinotl'V v. hr-th' li stand. inl.

fr the TtitdH- H.s!r I kiiic.v it" Time il.f'h'-r Ml iilift under 'li. hnum-i- of I li-ln "i r-tiks. or at iio'i-'-l on carrying the "GREAT SACRIFICE SALE i cry hat rnotii for spring' '1 sale M.V CII- I hiss 't! illinen re-! Coiiimenelni: at must to make goods. I will I'bl tire stock of hivh of cost, llav Sixteen Il07.en or more stylishly trimmed hats ranKtaaVroin $2. 'Ml to 51.

each, close tliem ait-ioui ii" oer-ceiil. off for the higher arsne eats Tnis stsnd every in ihe utore KIoseo Olll I nil" Is better now than it will be lalr on MRS J. MASON Lamest store in city, corner third and Monroe stn "tfl- EAST BECQM I COlI TRAINMEN GUIS 0 CONFERENCE I I i Says Vice Ring at Portland Is Part of Larger Ring Un to Congress. (Special to PORTLAND, Nov. A.

W. Lafferty. the famous school girl congressman, announced today that he will ask for congressional Investigation of an alleged nation-wide scandal in which prominent Portlanders under arrest for ruining boys will figure. Lafferty is alleged to have declared that there is evidence showing "4. that the "vice ring" exposed at Port land is merely a small section of a greater ring manipulated by the Portland scoundrels.

He proposes to Introduce a bill asking a congressional committee to investigate: 1 (Special to INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 27: Senator Kern today announced that he would probably stay with' the de-tense in the trial of the laborites until the conclusion of the case, and will not attend the opening of congress. Efforts to confuse McMahigal today He stuck to the details of his original confession. He did not care when he was arrested, he said in an interview; he expected ar-jreBt, and commenced to feei indifferent after the Times Mc-Manigal denied connection with any detective agency, or the acceptance of money from the national association. (Special to TACOMA, Nov.

caster Coover declares that Mount Rainier is not smoking. Hundreds have declared they raw smoke belching from the peak and an ereption was feared. Coover declares a cloud of vapor was. the muse. (Special to ATLANTIC CITY.

N. Nov. 27. A fire along the great board walk here. last, night destroyed a half block and caused a loss of $50,000.

Crystal Theater 0 NIGHT Sleekier" "Lazy BiJI Hudson "National Soldiers' Virginia" Home "Adventure of the Italian Model." PALACE THEATER TONIGHT "Partners" i "The Heart of John Grliqnj" "Weary Starts Things i if Pumpklnville" Gil CONFUSE ilGAL High School Teams to Clash oh O. A. C. Field Tomorrow Afternoon. JThursday's Dally.) Those who have leisure time lo th afternoon, and find pleasure In foot ball, may well journey to O.

A. C. field tomorrow at 3 p. m. Albany: Hieh's unbeaten team and the Cor-! vallis High School team, an aggre gation of spirited young fellows, will clash in a gridiron battle that wHl be no child's play.

The boya are not lightweights, and they know1" dot-ball. CV H. S. wants to win, and wants the encouragement, there i In the presence and loyal support or friends. The local high school root ers have arranged some spectacular; stunts and.

promise that the after-1 noon will be one of excitement and pleasure. To stir up interest, a great rally is to be held on the H. S. ath letic held. 11th and Monroe, tonight.

One of the high school enthusiasts who likes to write and who thinks he can help out by a little boosting. works off the following effervescence! MORE HIGH SCHOOL TALK. I am Koine to talk a little more about this game that Is coming off Thanksgiving here, between Corval lis High and Albany High. Albany High has not been defeated this year bv a hleh school team. They rubbed Salem in the dirt to the tune of to 0.

last the weather man hae the good weather by a firm grip and is going to hold him until after TnaoKS-elAlnE. Now if you haven't seen the C. H. S. team play yet.

you had better noP eat quite so much turkey ana cranberries and come out of your shells, for this is the last game of the season. We have only been de feated once and that time well you know. With a chain 64 points long, we pulled Lebanon through a little knot hole dragging three points after them. Our team has been putting up some strenuous practice and from. all prospects will put up the greatest game of their life Thursday afternoon.

Now another song to the Rooting Section. We are sure of the girls: they will come out. as nianyin number is possible, and will make our young American blood tingle with their harmonies. Now boys we have got a big stunt we are going to pull off between halves and if you don't like it. we'll eat em.

We will have 10P C. H. S. Megaphones and fifty tin horns with which to express our feeling and let off effervescence. Every boy who has not bought C.

II. 8. rooter's hat. please gfft one at once And now listen The middle section of the bleachers on the opposite side, from the grand (on east side) will be reserved for II Rooters." and the seotiou just north of the grand stand will be re-nerved for our "young lady N'o uirls. pisl a whisper to you.

ve appreciate very, very much the effort that vim will take to make a victory i 'he honor of the school and personally i know that if you stay tmi-gllier and sins. 1 he hoys will sure 'siav together and Jell. If the big will I' the.vKlrl? heal them I ell bill ll to kliee pullts. i Now it. is pretty certain thai Al-' i.anv will l.rinis over a bmich'of well root.

rooters that have out In rhis tune ihat looks lu-ttel IliOl'e sounds better and fa mticn lieilr.e to in bunch .,,,1 be heal on our The line tollowx: liuard tiuard ir, Tackle iii on And w-e v. play inn or in I ield now. can iU, 11 for l'. ,,11, S. Is Wilson K.

Heeler, ii berry II. Iteunlen Hisht Tarke lounson Knil R- Kegley. ll. aivin Schuster. i idgm nan ivnll Hack Beach Quarter.

Morsan. The rally Wedinsday nifiht will be on the- High Scln-I football field Yours with great respect anil esteem. THE YKLL LEAI'KH. "er rston, of Rut ei is sinter. Mrs.

Hey lly for a She put on "A Night Out," under tha auspices of the Ladles Auxiliary to -the Club. There Is every reason to believe the trip Into fairyland will prove an enjoyable one. GREETINGS For Thanksgiving Our Store Will Be Closed All Day Tomorrow Kline's Toy-land, the happiest place in town, await the Children's presence. See announcement in Friday's paper i K(en, cnu ert.iintv that Mr willjift Hair not I elected as u.ih JUr Malarkev amUlie -re Multnomah county men Mr McArthur I n-gar-i my mos1 most of flDUOtient Mtil-nomah delegation ha. lined up i fWUs-Duijinq i2 SHOP EARLY AT A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE Complete change of program at both bouses tomorrow Dlfrht -Tildes want ad.

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