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The Los Angeles Times du lieu suivant : Los Angeles, California • 61

Los Angeles, California
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TRUTH' BEFORE 'NEWS' IN RUSSIA Ids Stogtles Cimes 5 Sum Nov. 7. 1976 -Port IV "Only let a reporter appear on the scene, and we'll have a lot of fuss," was his attitude, according to the newspaper Sovietskaya Latvia. But, the newspaper said, the man's point of view was not the fault of the press. "He realizes well enough that there are shortcomings in the work of his plant, and he is afraid of washing the dirty linen in public." The newspaper complained of the difficulties it had in getting a repor-Plcasc Turn lo Page (.

Col. 1 Soviet and diplomatic sources. The sources said "white Tass" carries an unbiased service to top party, government and media officials on a need-to-know basis, while the less restricted and detailed "green Tass" can be consulted with people given special passes to restricted areas in newspaper offices, radio stations, libraries and government ministries. The Soviet Union does not believe in printing all the news that's fit to print. A certain factory director in Latvia has little use for the press.

He uses arguments reminiscent of Spiro T. Agnew. cles" and "monopolists" on the other. News about Third World coun-tries (many of which are little covered by Western agencies), which stresses their friendship toward the Soviet Union and gives details of their cultural and economic progress. A hypothetical Martian arriving on earth for the first time and having access only to the Tass file might be forgiven for thinking that India was in far better shape than the United States Anyone who wants to know what is really going on in the world would have to read the Tass secret wires which distribute news on a relatively straightforward basis, according to speaking.

Tass Director General Leonid Zamyatin is, in effect, a spokesman for Leonid I. Brezhnev, general secretary of the Communist Party. News distributed by Tass falls into three broad categories: News about the Soviet Union, which describes the progress and unanimity of the Socialist bloc with emphasis on industrial, scientific and cultural developments. Newspapers do carry articles critical of excessive bureaucracy or mismanagement, but Tass never publishes anything detrimental to the Soviet Union. News about the capitalist world, which stresses discord and setbacks.

Disasters and accidents are all but ignored by Tass if they occur in the Soviet Union. Tass usually makes the Communist Party in any given country, no matter how small, look like the biggest thing that ever came down the pike. And, according to Tass, Western societies are split in a class war between "progressive elements" on one hand and "ruling cir Continued from 4th Page the functions of wire service and information ministry. Tass which stands for Telegraf-noye Agentsvo Sovetskovo Soyuza, or Telegraphic Agency of the Soviet Union is the official spokesman to the outside world and the largest purveyor of information, exhortations and propaganda over a sixth of the world's surface. When it begins a dispatch with the words.

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