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Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 2

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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porta a An ivTonrlov thp nth Militant at ''eleven Of Clock 1 njHUU ww 7 7 ff vitte met by the Commiffioners on the part ol his Ex cellency Henry Clinton had detained till that time by impediments of weather That the next day we had an interview with them on the bufinefs of our commiffion in which they immediate ly obefted to our powers as not extending to the pur pofes Ley had in declared ike objeft of our meet Convention troops How prifmers to theft United States on parole whenever the iijtefceitOi unnea orates man in nis opinion render it nscenary Extraft from the Minutes 1 CHARLE? THOMSON Secretary '1 Dictniber tf 1778 HAVE received your letter of the of lait mourn relative to the exch uige of prifoners propofed by me in TuiS if given on ue 30th ufmber hbegave to re hf prchlivek 1 their nds aneqyiv and a balance of prifoners remain in their hands then an equivalent of privates was tobe fettled according to the 7 cufiomary proportion or fuch proportion as mi' hr be agreed That the Buitifll Commiffioners in thecourfeof the conference having urged certain inconveniences which in their opinion would refuit from the reparation of ell the officers of the Convention troops from the men by a ge neral In order effeftual'y to obviate that ob jeflionj we thought ourfelves aurhorifed by our inftrufti ons to make them an otter which we accordingly made to exchange whatever part of the Convention officers they might think proper for an equal number of our officers in their poffeffion of equal rank as far as the relative flare of numbers would permit This propofal however they totally declined 7 That after the interview' we received a letter from the Britilh Commiffioners containing reifons which they had before aiffigned verbally for their refufal to conduct the negotiation on the terms propoied in our mftruttions 1 a copy of which letter and of our anfwer we begkave to fubjoin for your perufa! Letter from the L'ritifli Commiffioners dated Amboy lith Dec 1778 Gentlemen VVE Cannot fuEcientryhment tkat'the purpofesref our meeting you will pardon us far obferving have been defeated by a lefs generous and extenfive cohfiruftion of thercfolves oft Congrefsof the 19th Nov than the view in which we had confiderad 'Evefy feeling of honor 'juftice' and humanity make it impoffible to gcquiefce iff a propofal which might lead to fepirate theofikers from the private fdkliers by exchang ing the former and the latter kill in captivity companions in their more fortnnatt hours they mull be equally lharers of 3och cruel and unprecedent Is ed diftindions betweeri men who have equally a claim I upon the favour and protection of their conn try we are certain your own feelings as offit ers and men would con demri yob will confequently not beforprized at dm poffi bility of our a quiefcing in the partial mode of ex change propofed We beg leave therefore to acquaint you that we intend re turn in or to New York to 'morrow to' make our reooft to Sir Henry Clint Let us flatter curfelvs tbat'fomo ex pedient may be immedltcly einhraceH by both parties up fuch honorable prmt'ipf a may give the moft fpcedy and ample relief to everyoct der of unfortunate men concerned We are Gentirawq your moflobedient humble fervapts r' CH A RL A WESTHYDE To Colonels Harrifon' i and Hamilton Anfwer to the foregoing Letter Amboy Decembers 1778 Gentlemen WE have read the letter with which you were plea fed to favour this afternoon We join with you in lamenting that the purpofe of our meeting has been fruftrated and we affurqjrpu that it is to us matter of equal concern raalfurprife Qi find that there fliould be a diffidencejn our refpeflive oftherefolvetd wbich yop perfuaded aswewerl that the terms of that relblve were too hmpieandprealeto admit of more than onedneroretation we did rot eyea fjfoed it poffible to differ about its meaning and the ob jeas our meeting hamgbee delineated In a taanasr which appeared to us perfectly clear and explicit Wdfiad no expectation of the difficulty whichhas ocaired 'in hi ryi them intbexecation 1 Yon will not be fiirprifed that this fliould ha ve btebtbt cafe when you recur to the circum fiances that ptodoair our iD6cting wcocgjeavc ro jccai inna iqyoirr vk bif Henry vJintpn dm icncr ot cn? loth of iNovsnocr i propofed to oenerat waiumgton an exajaneot our cm cers orifoners in his hands for officers and men the Cofr ventiorr General Waflringt replied ths he did 1 11UE ILilUK UHUICII' dULUwr iGU IW4UC JCLU UiE UrOWUldH would refer it to ongrefs tad communicate their decifiotx I In a fubfequent letter of the syth he transmitted the re loive quvition an aniwer to the proportion contaiuJ 1 Za a a 1 Mr HPnrv a icnrr qi rne lorn ar rne tame ninuiw nouncing ourappointment as Commiffioners to an exchange on tne pri cipres tnerem iwii language of the refalve was literally this to excbaDgeB the officers the tervice or the United States' prilonffi in the aflual boffeffiou of the enemy crouton parole fotw the officers and meh of the troops of the Convention aGca 1 i 1 1 MtAbfnB QXDg to rfivir rdUKauj ijimjucr vuibcro orciud i hP ft Rvrnancrw aTrerwnicn it ir man iie nrcuiidiv equi vale of inferior for fuperior officers and if agreH4 inch enmvaienr ail rne omcersor inememv uH uc changed and a balance of prifoners remain in their hasdw 'then an equivalent 01 privates man do tettie: acconniv the cufiomary proportion or fuch proportion as agreed on: orr Henry vunton in nis letter or tne as Gant acknowledged the receipt of the foregoing and tented in con to a meeting of Comini fliontif at the time and place appointed 1T 1 rvM La a1 That ID punuuice oi your wc rcpdjrcu io tvs ut Amboy on Monday the inflant hit eleven fidered by otherwife than as an acquiefceuce with where we continued till riday evening the itfr before terms of the refol ve 5 and we appeal to your own gh IQI ineir penpicuity uu uuunu juuahl therefore but appear ftrange that at firfl fight of ourp01 ers without any comment or explanation they expreffed not only in the fpirit but in the ietter folvej you at once objected to them and declared pofe of our meeting had reed mifunderftood AstM was only a tranfeript of the othsr we conceived ing nad been mi funder freed and after a fhort converfitti on put an end to the conference rn na rnmnunr Ual aacib luvaa iiiLviJAJWMp iv IHdL 'the exchange of each of their utficers fliould neceflarily involve tne exenange or a certain numcer or ttnr privates alfo and confequently that die lubolt of our prifo Ben inr their hands fliould be exchanged for a prr only of theeffiicers of the Convention troops with a of 'private men to difeharge ttc balance in their favour where as the line of conduftprefcribtd to us bo th by the refolution rcis'apu your rxcuieBcys powers lounded thereon? JY A was mat omcers or equal ran uwuio ne fir rxrhano numoer tne time ana piace appomi ucr wmu iuuua uc ucccnary an equivalent 4 when hope both pVHes will enter upon' the bufinefs pro inferior for fuperior officers and if agreeably to that equi poted with thati which the importance qf the objeft valent all the officers of the enemy ffiould be exchanged may require i I propofe fehdirig 'with rfiy'CdtnpiiffiQners as is ufual up on fuch oecafions one cbmmiffioned officer one fierjeant and eight private cent inels It is to be underftood that the place of meeting is to be exempt from every kind of military operation during the meeting of the Commiffioners or the more immediate difnatch ofbufiaefe it may be ipafquefiions relating to the Convention of needffary that life Cofomiffioners ihouldbe ahoriedf nXlv to britig under review the refold £rant paflports figned by both parties to fuffer perfons tlXoYConprefsofrhetftafMay indoted in your let at may be employed in carrying tetters to tne neas I3d to Sir William Howe Quarters of botn armies to pals unmolefted I am with ft adpepjstome different from the prafiice nati reipect 1 a 1 Jamaa oninir Pr Your moll humble fervant CLINT 0 His Exctllenty Gtneral tfajbingtan (C Y) By His Excellency GEORGE WASHINGTON Efq General and Commander in Chief of the forces of the United States of America To Lieutenant Colonel Robert Hanfon Harrifon and Lieu tenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton IS Excellency Sir Henry Clinton having by a let ter to me of the loth inftant made a proportion to the following effect viz to exchange the officers of our army who are prifoners on parole or otherwife in his pof feffion for officers andmeii4)f the troops of the Conven tion according to the cufiomary proportion or according to fuca proportion as might be determined by Commiffi oivrs appointed on both And tne Rbnorable the Coiigrefs having authbriftd me by urafl paffed on the 19th iaftaftt to appoint Commiffioners to confer with fuch as are or may be ap pointed by Sir Henry Clinton on the exchange propok ed iy him and directed thateffi ersof equal rank benrft exchanged after which if it fliould be necelfary an equivalent of inferior for fuperior officers A' if agreea bly to fuch equivalent all the officers of the emy fliall be exchanged and a balance of prifoners remain in their hands then an equivalent of privates is to be Mettled ac cording to the cufiomary proportion or fuch proportion as may ne agreed Tn virtue wf thefe powers you the faid Robert Hanlon II irrjlon and Alexander Hamilton are appointed ana 1 do hereby appoint you Commiffioners to repair to Amboy in the Rate of New Jerfey on Monday the 7th of De cember then and there or at fuch 0 place as fliall be afterwards mutu illy agreed on to confer agree and de termine with the Commiffioners nominated or io be no minated by Sir Henry Clinton and who fliall be properly autnorifed upon an exchange of prifoners agreeable to the terms of the faid recited aft or which this flnll he your warrant and your engage ments being mutually interchanged fliall be ratified and confirmed: by me Given under my hand and teal at Head Quarters this 20th day of November Anno Domini 1778 GEORGE WASHINGTON By hr command Tench (Copy) By his Excellency Sir HENRY CLINTON Knight cf the moft honorable order of the Bath Generaland Com mander in Chief of all his forces within the Colonies 1 ying on the Atlantic Ocean from Nova Sco tia to Weft lorida inclufive To Colonel Charles and Colonel Weft Hyde of his foot guards entioned' Lieutenant Colonels TN purfuance ofapropoiai made by me to general waiff the army under my command JL mgton refpeftiog an exchange of the officers of his AL a XL AOaAVA 1 MA AM A army yno arc tor wc wiivwm uicu ui the trooof theponvcntkm according to the cyfiomary proportionbr foch proportioh as may he determined by Commiffioners appointeddor this purpofe on both fides I do hereb nominate and "appoint you Colonel Charles and Colonel Weft Hyde of his foot guards Commiffioners on my part for theipurpofes afore faid and you are accordingly to treat determine and a gree with a like number of Commiffionerkof fuitable rank on 'the part of General Wafliington veiled with fimilar powers thqfe he tin contained upon all matters what foever relative to exchange of prifoners before menti oned or all which th is'ffiall be to you Colonel Charles ra and Colonel Weft Hyde a fufficient warrant and your engagements fo concluded upon will upon conditi of their being mutually interchanged be finally ratified on mv par i' Given under my hand and teal at Head Quarters in New Yok the yth of December 1778 I 0 Byhis command John Smith Secretary Report ef Lieutenant Colonels Robert Hinfol Harrifon and Alexander Hamilton Commiffidners To his Excellency General WAS IN 0 WE the Commiffioners appointed by jour Excel lency for the purpofeS Specified in the powers to It A I A bectfnltr 26 i ktraS of a Itttir itd Htad arttrs Mifdit Erook Dtc sG 1778 i i 'lNjCE 1 hadtae vu I 1 the pentiemen appoin eJ to meet Commiffioners from Laam vnilt Sir Hery muwij by a copy of their report which with I the other pts reipeaaig mine to your Excilfehcy of the jothjand in confequence Excellency bwers founded thereon' I rn exenange of pr a Ji cr nenrv thereof Ifhall fend two Commiffioners tbmeet the Eke' was' that officers of equal rank fliould he firfl exchang i AS an CXvudiBciiaa nV hnmka annniflMt i Clinton has called for all ur officers on paro I'liiau onfequeuce of the ffcfolqtien of the 19th ult order the Commi ffiiry of Prifoners to require the immediate return of rne Cofiveation and any other officers with theenemy oil parole 1 Com ofaielttrfam Str Henry Clinton lo Rif Exalting Ge 1 HtralWaJbingtoni November iob 1778 SIR I 4 m' maZTa nAfanttn riMiMOft ne connderation I IS HVl UCLCiiai as nf the orinl mIjL in firin' Saratoga i 7 tions of Congrefsof rhetft of May indoted in your let I I CI llntvp I i 1 UHI ons or parties ar wstr and fome degree tending to in cre ife the hardfliips of war to refute granting an equiva lent of ivates for officers Such an exchange at prefent may pre vent great jnonve niencies to many of the putties concerned You have ordered the troops of the Convention to be removed fromMaffachufftts Bay to Virginia and I have ordered all the officers of your arrny prifoners out oh pa role ta return here 1 Thefe moveme ts with all the hardlhips incident to them at this feafon may in part be prevented if you think proper to agree that the Gffiarsofyour amiy prtfrntrs on parts' or now here be exebangidfor Officer i and men of the troops of the Convent iotr according to the ctiftomary proportion of accocding to fuch proportion as may be de tefiriined oy Commiffioners appointed on both fides If what'I prdpofe fliould meet with yoUr approbation and the time and place for the meeting of Commiffioners for the purpofe before mentioned is (determined I (hall fend Colonels and Hyde of his foot 1 guards as Commiffioners on my part who will be fully mftrufted and authorized'to enter on the confideration of any matters that may arife in the coridtid of thiis bun Mr Clarke Affifhnt CommilTary General to the troops of theConventionj who will have the honor of delivering this letter being defired by Major General Philips to re turn immed ately to Cambridge by land order to fettle feme accounts relative to that army I am to requeft a iffport for him to return thither for that purpofe I have Le honor to be with due refpeft i Your moft obedient fervant CLINTON Ilecf I fiart in Nov 14th 177 SIR I RECEIVED your letter of the 10th mft through Mr Clarke I have tranfmitted to Congrefs a copy of your propofi ion relative to an exchange of the troops of and Ihill do myfelf the honor to communicate their decift on the moment it is made known Mr Clarke has my permiffion to proceed by the molt i convenient route to the of Convention I hae the honor to ne with due retpect Your moft obedien fervant GEORGE WASHINGTON His Excelling ir Hing Ciinton' (C 0 Y) Iliad Quarters brtdtriclffurg November ty 1778 SIR' IDO myfelf the bonor of tranfmitting toyourExceb tency the inclofel copy of an aft of Congrefs of the 10th inftant in anfwer to the propofition made in ycur letter of the 10th In order to negotiate an exchange on nrincioles therein irn and Hamilton of the arm under command will meet Colonels and Hyde at Amboy on Monday the 7th of December at 1 1 with proper propole as the means of expediting bufinefs that oBr refpeftive Commiffaries of Prifoners fliould at tend at the fame time and place to carry into execution ivhat fliall be determined by the Commiffioners I have the honor to be with refpeft Sir Your moft obedient fervant GEORGE WASHINGTON If your Excellency fliould chute to return me an jour letter will have the moft ready convey ance by way of Elizabeth Tpwn His Exallituy Sir Henry Clinton In O' November 19 1 78 RESOLVED That General Wathington be em powered aifci direfted to appoint Commiffioners and fix the time nd pl ice of their meeting to confer with a rmmiflmnees aooointed or to be appointed by Sir i Henry Clinton or other the Commander in Chief of the Britilh forces in America on behalf of his Britannic Ma tefty xn the exchange propofed by Sir Henry Clinton in hi8 letter to General Waihington of the teth inftant of the officers in the fervice of thefeStates now prifoners in 7 the poffeffion of the enemy or out on parole for' the Officers and med of the troopoftthe Convention ac cording to their rankand numberOfficers of equal rank Mv fe fi exchanaed' after which if it fhall ft neceffary 4 iiinAMAp nfnZAr and if ifM A Sin A ZaI I gbeahly tq fuch equivalents an cpapracera or ine enemyILbe exchanged and a prifoners remain in anr nr 11111 irr according to the cr fuch propom on may fo to be ap pointed by virtue 7rfire6f'to roakg report of their pro codings' to General who fe hereby fully au thoreawi and empowered finally the terms of the laid States RefilvedThut General Waihingtonbe direfted to call for bieut General Burgojme and other officers of the.

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