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Decatur Weekly Republican from Decatur, Illinois • Page 1

Decatur, Illinois
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SWEAP.INOKN. REE? USE! ICINES, Irticles. Liquors, 'UU'OSKS, cted with prepared lit. STREET, AKERS i To I I i a i i I ouiy i hcM i bin i itioii. umpeti in present 1 ot yt-jirs u-lr i is i i 4KE, hest i i OEING.

for Sale. cr of Water ami -INOTS. GO. out the STORE Charles Holt, it Street, BUILDING,) a Inrge stoek of GOODS respectfully solicit a any pnrt of the city. REPUBLICAN.

12 A TEAR IN ADVANCE. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BV A Ojflce over New York Clothing House, corner Slain and Water xtreettt. RATES FOR ADVERTISING. Inch Constitutes ajuure. I liwkl iiu.

3m. Bin. 1 yr. i i i 1SU 2 B4U BSO 11HH ssu'i' sqs.j 4 8 2001 tiOO VIM 11401 15UO 20-10 2101 i 7 2 0 OHO I 11 1500 i 21)40 i Si'M 300 coij 8 10 15(50 2280 coll lOSO I 15 at) ill01) olMO 4080 600 colj 1200 1800 I 3800 1 501)6 750 1 col. I 2100 3000 I BOOOl 10OT Notieos, IneludliiK blank and certificate, 86 00.

Other legal advertise nients charged according to the above tatiu pniimenl in advance. Local Notices, fifteen cents per line. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PA TIC ULA NO TICE. and sulvt-i-tist-rs nre spr requested to i In i favors--if they secure insertion--by tell o'clock, Wednesday morning, at the Tlie a i nn a i Is hnnded In, the wo enfibleil to satisfy customer.

H. HATCH, AHUKI. NEWELL. LOCAL Donble-enders--Eggs. quack dish--Roast duck.

i for the million--Peanuts. stunning--A sinng-shot. at New York Clothing House. Oglesby is in Springfield. name for a bull dog'--Agrippa.

be beat--Our job printing. Best shirts at New York Clothing House. the rage--A woman iu high tem- 1'cr. horn of plenty--A tumbler two- third? full. partnerships--Marriages in Chicago.

women never run low, even when thirsty. give prominence to your goods and wares, advertise iu the IlEprm.irAX. thing on ice--A skater weighing two hundred and fifty. and festive--Shop windows. weazel and champagne resemble each other--they go pop.

Best boys' suits at New York Clothing House. weather, this, for the proprietors of skating parks. advertisement of Mark Twain's book, The Innocents Abroad." Mt. Zion correspondent dishes up a choice lot of news iu his letter, which we publish in another column. W.

W. English is making a i through the Southern States, looking out lor a place in which to locate. Decatur Musical Union is now fully organized, and holds weekly meetings practice. fire, Tuesday night, in the southwest part of the city, burned two dwelling houses. Durfee's Heal Estate Advertiser was issued yesterday.

It contains much intelligence of interest to everybody. Atlas Mutual Life Insurance pany, of St. Louis, wants agents, as ap pears, by an advertisement which will be found in another column. L. Hays Co.

offer their cntir stock of goods at cost, for cash. See advertisement. blessed freeze last night has built a bridge over the mud. Long may it continue to flourish--we mean the freeze, and not the mud. contract for bridging along the entire line of the Pekin, Lincoln and Decatur Railroad, has been awarded to itessrs.

I. N. Hanson and Geo. W. Broughton, of Pekin.

Elizabeth Lintner, wife of Wm. Tiintncr, died on Monday morning, after a brief illness. Mrs. was a lady of great ceutleness of character, and was much beloved by all who knew her. the dulneas of the times, the transfers of real estate for the month are fully up to those of any month in the year, as will be seen by the report which we publish elsewhere.

article on Macon County Asseite- nu'nts, from Warren Durfee's -4rft'eJX fixer, which we publish elsewhere, will be found well worth reading, as showing the remarkable increase of wealth in this county. Hichbom have, now in store a magnificent stock of holiday goods, embracing jewelry of every price and variety, all of which they will sell at the lowest prices. Read their new advertisement. exhibitions to bo given by the pupils of the Decatur High School, Tses- day and Thursday evenings, December and 2nd. at Macon Hall, should be YOL.

III. labors of the proprietor of this column have been agreeably diversified 1 during the past two days by the tooting of a couple ot amateurs upon their brass horns, who have taken up their quarters i in an adjoining nothing half so entertaining to us as hear i beginner practice or ''Shoo, fly, don't bodder on a teisor trombone. trenius of an investigating turn of mind suggests that the completion of the Pacific railroad, and the nearness of California, probably account for our sin- cularly wet season, which so much resembles the kind of weather which prevails on the Pacific coast at this time of year. In the language of the lawyers, entirely coincide with the theory, but give it for what it is worth." it ENDING-The stepl was li.iral, I linml upraised, Ilistlirosil was backward 1 i erieit, A njiou i sprung. lie raisod aloft ftlittt-riiiK steel, one glance behind lie gave, And, before could his hand.

Jit- luul begun to--shave! merchants just now seem to be vicing with each other on the subject of low prices. All right, gentlemen, but do not forget that the columns of the REITB- I.ICAS offer superior advantages for informing the public of your new goods anil low DECATUR, DEOEMUEK 16, 1860. NO. 21. "OL'K YOVXG GIliLS." FMzHlH-th Lecture.

l-'i-tun AVurren Durfee's Advertiser. COUltTY ASSESSMENTS. A very large and select audience assern- Below we give a tabulated statement of bled at Powers'Hall last evening to hear the Assessor's returns of property listed for Mrs Stanton's lecture. For once we felt taxation, (on a basis of three-tenths of the people, who braved actual value,) in the county 01 JIacon, for the slush to hear a lecture, and the years to- we take this opportunity of saying that the Rcther with the equalization ot assessments numbers present and the interest manifested for the several Townships for the years indicate a better degree of taste-upon the as made by the State Board of part of our citizens than we had any reason I Equalization. These tables will be valua- to look for The lecturer began by saying hie for reference, in view of our railroad that inasmuch as the time was coming indebtedness, and the drawbacks on the when women would vote, she herself hav-1 same from State taxes and, also, as show- in- determined not to go disfranchised i ing the growth of l.nnnmru nt I ill tllf Ormntv and increase wealth a -in tliii cr i do not the kingdom of heaven, it becomes ot the in the County trom -before had importance that the future voters should b- trained up with a view to mak- in" them fit subjects for She franchise.

In her new position as man'? socially and politically, woman would find that the customs and habits now prevailing must seriously interfere with her happmt-s and usefulness, and how to remedy these defects was the; great question. The lecturer devoted considerable time to the question of health, deeming it of the first and great- any railroads--up to the present time and shadowing forth a glorious future as our railroad system becomes fixed facts ASSKSSMKNT OF prices. partition between the omces of the county judge and county clerk has: been removed, and both rooms thrown into one. Tho new arrangement will render the quarters of the officers named much more commodious, and will also add greally to the convenience of the public. of our late delinquent subscribers.

who dislike the idea of having their names published in our forthcoming list, have paid up their accounts within tin Tula! The returns for are very meagre, not showing number of horses, neat cattle, ic. AriSKSSMKNT OK US." Real KstiiU- for last two weeks. It is fair to presume that those who are still in arrears have no modesty on the subject of publicity. Our list is almost ready for publication. loafers and street corner loungers are already discussing the merits of the men who arc talked of in connection with the office of city Marshal.

Who has any better richt to a voice in these matters than the men" who expect to furnish employment to the officer in question 1 Best valises at New York Clothing House. following People's Cases have been disposed of by the circuit court Harry Howard, pickpocket, sentenced to penitentiary for three years. Charles Clark, an accomplice of Howard, ound guilty and sentenced to penitentiary or one year. EttKcne forgery, plead guilty and sentenced to three months in county fail. Michael Maloncy, robbery, plead guilty, and sentenced to three mouths in count) ail.

Cousins and Maloney entered the ulea of minority, and heuee the light fences. Best dress suits at New York Clothing House. est importance. Tl rious fashions, which seemed to have their object the making of weakly and delicate women, received a scathing and the many good things in this part of the lecture elicited the heartiest The subject of women's education was also discussed, the speaker claiming that they should have the same opportunities as those afforded boys. Women's adaptability to certain professions and trades was con- sidered, and girls were admonished to learn some useful occupation by which they could maintain comfortably and respectably.

The i i was interspersed with numerous pithy and pointed anecdotes, which never failed to i the house." At the close of of the lecture proper Mrs. Stanton announced that she would be glad to answer any questions upon the of woman suffrage. She at Mime cncth on the suffrage question, and cluscd jy" answering the following questions, vhich had been sent to her in a i Is It not true that i i a erav haired I ligence, will lie i i xnci cnst asido, i moustache-: ami tresses, a i i be sent to nitik-- our laws? Mr. thinks--find I i sn thut the domestic equilibrium will llsturbed in oonsc-iiuenra uf a political sentiments m. the i i i i a ay Do you expect tin- young ladies to ci.urt- hns woman i to do i Brigham To the second interrogatory she pithily remarked if a bone was thrown to two dogs the result would be a light, but if each dog had a bone they could devote their time to picking them without interfering with one another's special privileges.

Throughout the entire evening the lec- senseless and inju- lrsonal Property Total Of Personal Proiwrty the returns show Horses valued at IU27 Neat Cattle valued at (17 Mules utid Asses valued at Sheep valued at In Moss valued at Cai-rinjies it Wagons valued "Watches valued at 4,01 Tlie Assessment for is 32,100,72 is LS5IJ is The Assessment for 1800 is the first ur der Township organization, as follows Decatur Township Xtautie llarristown Friends Creek Maroa Hickory 1'oillt Ulnft Mound AVhitlnnrc Mr. Austin 2I4.J SSi.l Of Real Estate the returns show 284,312 cres of land under improvement, valued $2,349.046: and 35,033 acres unim- roved, valued at Improved wn and city lots, valued at $917,444 nimprored town and city lots, valued at 51,740. Number of acres ill cultivation in ISWS. -heat Of Personal Property the returns are as uilows, to-wit: Average Value. Total.

V.U1 Horses S2M Neat CattU- 10,00 I 1 1 1 1 MillosiS Sheep 1 J.S',7 IS Carriuiips A Cloeks and WsUches "r'-' li'i Pianos '-7-' 'otal value of sill 1'ersonal Pro pi-i'ly l.luu.l.u The Assessment of the Toledo, Wabash Western Railway is as follows: "rK miles of track Sit! 1 1 stock sicres of land Jtiicr Personal Total The average rack and rolliir. IMPORTANT APPEAL. Decatur, Sullivan and Mattoon Railroad. The Macon county directors of Decatur, Sullivan and M.ittoon Kail- Company most respectfully mn.e tollowiuR appeal to vmv. have taken of calling another election, to plnct ou he -lst on the subject, of the subscription of seventy rive thojifwintl dollars to suitl railr.Kid in county bonds, to be.issncd when a first i-lass va.lioa..

is constructed between IVcatnr ann Mattoon (40 mites). per interest, per an- payable in years. A similar proposition ltl1 vn the November election ly a majunty w. ex- Assessment per mile stock is about of CT.AS.SIK1E1) AS I Personal 1'i'operiy i i i i a Total i Personal Propifi'ty the returns show Horses valued at I I Ni-tit Cattle vultied at 1 and Asses valued sit stieep a at in i i a at l.iMc'arriaKt's viiluwl at Cloeks Watches valued at Pianos i i i of acres in i a i In liji). I I i Field Produels Wn find no returns of the number of acres in cultivation prior to 1 SiH).

Bramble's Post Ofilrv section of these boxes, recently put iu our post cilice, attracts a great deal of attention. The following extract from the letters patent sets forth the claim of the patentee: "The use of hinged or adjustable doors or lights for post office boxes, when said doors or lights arc operated from the inside of the office or box, lor the purpose of facilitating the delivery of The convenience of these boxes to the public is a matter too plain to require any explanation at our hands. Tlie cost, too. is so little in excess of that of the ordinary box that it cannot be urged as an objection. Three dollars is charged for the key, which entitles the holder to use the box by paying the usual box rent.

It may be proper to explain that the payment of three dollars settles the matter of the patent fee, and must not be paid every year, as some persons seem to imagine. Selling regardless of cost at Xew York Clothing House. of eltveu votes. Since staurrs iiave and are transinrniir causing .1 cbanpn public acniimenv tliis subject, and ina-iy voted itguiust subscviiian press a iiesire lor voting in its favor now. The 1'eiviii and a under cciitnu't and arc in its i i i i 1 to be by January.

Is-''From Pekin to Roe.k Island eiintuic- ation ot the same 1'iie. is abrtiir i-on. pleted and nearly tin; neiv- siii-y to insnrc the coustiT.ciion Peovia, Atlanta and Uecattir railna't has been srciirwl, which br other important link in this rail chain. we iiave received a i i a Chapin. of a director in our rond' and the Matroon and Gniyviiie- Hailroad also.

which lie states they to ii-contract i i road I't-ou) Nlonnt. on the nvi-r via Grayville, Maltoon Siilnvar. to Pecat'iir. to Wilson i. of New York, leiivsentmg nine mi, lions of a i a 'Vbry comnicuce at a worl; a a an early day.

arc n-- ititsted to send a vepresontanve i meet them at 111., on the nstant, at, which time ami place is to made. might be proper to itatehere i road when coustrutted i connected south of Vernon Nashville, and theiin- i the Second The history of the dry goods trade in Decatur furnishes no parallel to the success achieved by Messrs. Linn Scruggs, the new merchants on Bank Avenue. Although they opened their store only two months ago, they have already received their second mammoth invoice of new and desirable goods. This recent arrival embraces a choice variety of everything in the dry goods line, all of which are offered at prices from fifteen to twenty-five per cent, cheaper than those ruling heretofore.

Don't fail to call at the one price cash store, Ifo. 24 Merchant st. Best business snit at New York Clothing turer kept the audience in tlie best possible humor, and when she retired from the a hearty round of applause testified how well site had pleased her hearers. Mrs. S.

is one of the most comely Indies we have ever seen. Her snow white hair, curling all over her head in the prettiest ot ringlets, her plump and matronly figure, modestly arrayed in the richest but plainest of silks, added to an air of the most intel- The Assessment of Townships is as follows Township a a i I i i i Creek as shown by Jloimil I lit. i i a a A i Maeou 1.01114 Creole rl.ASSI K1E1 AS Heal Estate House. Don't Gire Up to foolish sorrow, let it keep you in good cheer, brighter days may come to-monwv, if you try and per- severc--and have the energy to call upon Chambers Edmundson, and purchase some of their choice agricultural implements, preparatory for the spring work, will be upon you before you arc lectual refinement, and a grace such as the habitue of the ball room might envy--all these give to ber a beauty which is as attractive as it is rare in women of her age. Tenacity of Pitt-pose is the indispensable condition of success in whatever you undertake.

This idea has induced Murray Park to use extra endeavors to supply the people of this vicinity with all kinds of agricultural implements, of the very best manufacture, and of the rnosl 1M' Best walking coats at New York Clothing House. We Hare The greatest country! Bravest people Fairest women and finest horses, and the most of railroads, all centering at Decatur! But the great attraction is the cigar and tobacco store of Andy Kepler, on Merchant street, and the best popular and well tried varieties. Call and aee them. The yoke of troublesome toil and careful quest; the lingering twilight's saffron cloak trails o'er the dusky west: which should remind us that Christmas is coming, and that a handsome present, for ladies or gentlemen, can be found at Crissey's, very cheap. Messrs.

II. E. Long Sons, No. 30 Bank Avenue, have a fine lot of Brackets in store, which they prc- pose to sell very cheap. Their assortment of furniture is second to none in the city, all of which is offered at prices lower than can be obtained elsewhere.

Give them a iperly I'. W. i W. K. Total Personal Property i show Horses valued at Kj.MIt Neat a vstlued at 715 Mules and Asses vsllutnl valued at Hogs valued at Carriages Wagons valued 2,024 Clocks Watches valued at Pianos Xumber or aeres ID i a i in 181 Wheat Corn Other Field Produces FOK THE YEAH IMS.

Assessed Kijualiml Ivy Valuation. Koartl. Deeatur 81,47:1,441) i a i I i i Friends Creek has cast its Maroa Hickory Point lllue Mound Whitrnore Mt. Zion Whoatland A i Macon Oakley LOUR Creek T. W.

W. H. Total Sltep and H'oal in the Clrctit publisher of the Western Rural is unremitting in his efforts toward making that journal still more popular than heretofore. Among the new features for 1S70, is to be a Sheep and Wool Department, to be edited by Hon. A.

M. Garland, President of the Illinois Wool-Growers' cialion, than whom there is no gentle- an in the West better acquainted with the ants and interests of sheep and wool owers. The subject of raising sheep, the breeds for the West, and kindred ques- ons will not only be discussed, but the ool and woolen interests in general--Ihc arket prices and the best times and modes selling wool--will also receive a full iare of attention. Mr. Garland's qualili- ations eminently lit him for the charge of iis department, and we congratulate our irnicrs that they are to have the benefit of is experience and judgment.

This is but ne of the numerous attractive features of hat great Farm and Family Weekly. The inscription price is only per year, in specimen copies are sent free of charge addressing II. N. F. Lewis, Publisher Western llural, Chicago, 111.

Cotton Stales tJ several roads uiready iuiilt, which must ope.n to us a inoet i a trade, and must be an i portant a both tor commerce and a and the necessary stock has been voled along this i line, except a in Macon county. Moultrie county has voi.ed her q.uota. and it is i i a t.i the people of Deeiiim a her rival in railroad enterprise, to-, i Blnominsion, is now making strong oxcrtioi-s to direct tins road from Siilivan, i i via Monticello and Itloominston. tlicnci- toPeoria, which, if accomplished will most likely not only prevent connection with this road south, but will endanger, if not entirely destroy "both the Pekin and 1'eoria branches. Monltric county has reajly voted $290,000 to the Blooiu- itiRton lload, and is i i to vote 8200,000 more if the Decatur ptojecl a i Pintt votes g150.001 more on the 23th inst.

lie lim: from Blonmingtoii to Sullivan is already surveyed and its const! uction at an early (lay depends upon are peojde ot Macon county vote nee- essarv aid lo Ilie Uecatur i on liu- of everything in the tobacco-line can be hail at low price call. i i I i i Friends Creek Msiroa i'oint lillle Mound i by if you have heard the pearly shell tale of distant regions tell: then listen lu a attended by all. 'as the object sought, that call on J. G. Starr Son, and get a set ol of pivrcliivs'in" a library, is worthy of your their substantial harness.

best endeavors. i Best furs at 'ew York Clothing House. YIII Have Heard the breezes s'm'n your loved one's name, in wandering Best drawers at New York Clothing House. Life is like a ruidity ocean, roiling on home story, i. Busher the from day to day, men arc vessels launched best d.oesjn Dec a tur.

Thursday, by 5er. S. F. Holt, Mr. WM.

SAWYEI: toMisi- Sell i HO Condell, the pioneers of the dry goods trade in Decatur, nave concluded to retire from business, and are offering their entire stock at cost. Having au assortment and variety of goods such as is not often found in towns like Decatur, they offer superior inducements to the public in the way of bargains. Their stock comprises everything usually found in a first-class dry goods establishment, all of which the have determined to close out, at cost prices. goods. Call and examine their 21st 'inst.

It they refuse, a event secures to Hlooiiiinjtoii the trndc of both 'Piatt and Moultrie counties, which properly belongs to ns and has- been ours heretofore. It is proper also to state i this line is necessary to complete the system of roads 1:1 tiie county and is due to Xim 1 it being tliu only a of the county i has not been favored i appropriations for railroads by the county, and it is more justly due Mount Zion from the (act that that township lias on all occasions voted for all railroads through oilier sections of tlio county, and it would now cert a i bo extremely ungenerous those sections of tliu county which joy railroad advantages cwnfcrrtil by her vote not to reciprocate the same benefits. This road is i necsssary ot Decatur in order to a a grand railroad center. Certainly tx who- feels an interest in tlie welfare oi'Ue- catur will fail to respond to fcwr iu this- great matter involving as it does, sucli mighty interest, and we ase well assured as taxpajers that it. will not result in increase of any pet cent, of taxes, but niiistcauso a large in- creaBB of proper'y, live value of property and the tax tipun said, ia- 11 i.

upon it, sometimes wrecked and cast away. Then, before 'ou get wrecked in the mud. VIESISIX GfLiCK: all of this county. i Best caps ai "ew York Clothing House. T.

W. W. It. tlie assessed valuation is taken three-tenths of the real the above figures would show or in round uum- bers sSlS.OiXi.i.!'*'. as the real valuation of! Macon county for very important item with young married people is their l-ifi chases of glass and queensware.

and as a matter of course, they wish to find the place where they can get the fullest assortment for the least money. This place may be found at the store of Messrs. J. S. Clark Co They have ordered and are now re- ceivin" one of the finest assortments of this kind ever brought here.

See their goods and examine their prices before purchasing. Their One Dollar Counter is a great attraction. When in rich and fragrant beauty grew the roses white and red: when the golden autumn sunshine fell like blossoms on your head--you never beheld anything more gorgeous and substantial than the superb display of carpets, offered by W. J. Quinism Bro.

They have certainly eclipsed their heretofore good taste in EC- lections. Their stock comprises every thing you may desire in the way of carpets, oil curtains and curtain fixtures, wall creased property i U) than sufficient to pay both the principal and interest nl this debt. And this liy- liolliesis in more apparent when we take into consiileratum the tiindiug act passed by the last General Assets- lily the tax cm the road. tn. gather with all increase of taxation iu the county, tlw, assessment ot 18H8, to lu applied to tin; liqiiiilutiou it such railroad X.G.


0. SMITH. Macon Co. Directors. Decatur, December 14.

18G9. Fresh best and well filled cans now offered for sale--warranted a prime article: XXX r.O cents; Extra, cents: full count and best selected in this market at 7H cents, at Miller's City Bakery anrl Confectionery, on Water street. December 3w. Best lies'at New York Clothing House. the 14th of December.

at the house of the bride's parents, by the Uev. .1. B. Soule, Mr. EM AS A.

STAKE to Miss RF.EJIE, all of Dcca- tur, III. Best vests at Xew York Clothing.

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