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The Larned Eagle-Optic from Larned, Kansas • 4

Larned, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Laened Weekly Eagle-Optic, August 3, 1894. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. The witch was omnipresent, omniscient.

I JOHN R. BAS1GE3 REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. She replied to Mrs. Bell's inquiry about her son's trip to Carolina, that be had returned and had fared badly, and thus heralded his wrcflCRiFr bow.v south. return before the family saw him.

She repeated Parson Johnson's sermon, delivered REMEMBER there are hundreds of brands of White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But the What is thirteen miles away, to the par3on himseif as he sat that night in Mr. Bell's house. Then the witch became profane and ribald, howled, sang and swore and, worse still, became a toper, filling the room with her tipsy breath. JOHN R.

BASIGER Real Estate and Loan Brokers. Abstractors and Conveyancers. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL. ESTATE LOANS ON EASY TERMS AND AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. 9 number of brands of genuine Soon there was another strange develop- ment.

In place of one witch there were tour. 114 -y. Black Dog, Cypocryphy, Mathematics and Story of the Famous Bell Witch and Its Persecution of an Entire Family. Here is almost the strangest story eyer written a tragedy of witchcraft beyond anything in the annals of Salem, now published for the first time. In its day it was the sensation of two states.

People of eminence and reputation, Andrew Jackson among them, went miles to investigate it. The fame of it spread throughout the south. The witchcraft was wrought by something outside human ken something which had power to take any shape it pleased, to change from one to another in the twinkling of an eye that spoke and fought, raced and ran. It all happened seventy-five years back. Unlike those other manifestations, the Cock Strictly Pure Jerusalem.

Up to this time the voice had WI3 flAVE FILED OVR BOND FOR ABSTRACTING AKD ARK PREPARED TO MAKE ACCCRATE BSTRCTS OF ANY PROPERTY IN PAWNEE COUNTY AT THE VSVAI. RATES. White Lead been feminine. Now Black Dog spoke in a high, harsh key, withal feminine Mathematics and Cypocryphy had softer feminine voices Jerusalem the rough, changing pipe of a boy. All were ribald and furiously in Also look after reutinc and collection of rents for non-resident.

Call and sec us or write when von have anv liuanro in Office up stairs in Reap liuilaiCR. ist Joor iuth ot Ripple Market, Larned. Kansas. Refrrnces Pawnee Countv l'-snk I m.V is limited. The following brands are standard "Old Dutch" process, Kansas D.

M. Cre, Allegheny, rennsylvauim un, orfc A. ir. Kisser Company, Chicago. temperate.

Many times doora and windows had to stand wide open to escape the stench theymade. They were forever quarrelling in tipsy fashion. and just as good as they -w ere when you or your father were boys HARPER'S PUBLICATIONS. LAENED CIII BUSIHSSEDiEECTOEI. Lane ghost and the Rochester Dockings, no explanation has ever been given of it.

Those afUicted shrank from publicity regarding Betsy paid a visit to her sister, who bad LAWYERS. ADVERTISEMENTS. i .1 a a 2 is i is a what they called always "our family trouble. Southern," "Red Seal," "Collier." For Colors. National Lead Ture married Bennett Porter.

One day Mrs. Porter went out to greet a neighbor coming np the lane. She went out to greet her, but For their own protection, however, one of the IS94. Harper's Magazine II.IXSTRATKD. Quantity amounts to little sons wrote down an exact statement of all its wonderful manifestations.

A family council Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant.

Its giiarantco is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomitinjr Sour Curd, cures Diarrlicea and "Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething: troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tlto stomach and bowels, giving; healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.

found an apparition, who was joined by two s. hatch, LARNED. KANSAS. Office in ltlock. younger women and a boy.

All four at once decided that it was belter left unpublished so White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it is Unless the price is fair. Low prices are not Bargains Without quality Is there. We combine them. bent down sapplings, and rode them as long as any of the original sufferers was alive.

The last of them died a year or two ago, children do. Betsy came out to see the phe nomenon. Mr. Porter came up with his gun and now the history has been made public in PHYSICIANS. and fired at the log behind which the witches Ilvaraa's M.r.A7ixa fcr will maintain the character that ha it the favorite trab-d periodical the home.

Among the re suits ol enterprises undertaken hy the publishers. the re will appear ilurine the year t.u-rbly illus a most interesting and well illustrated book possible to put on wood. Send ns a postal card and get our book on paints and color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. had sheltered themselves. That night at Mrs.

M. RIIF.A, M. D. Bell's the Black Dog witch complained that Come and see M. A.

W. JORDAAN, LARNED. KANSAS. Porter's bullet had broken Jerusalem's leg M. V.

Ingram, of ClarVsville, Tennessee, is the compiler, and responsible author of the book. By his permission a synopsis of the atory has been obtained tor the New York World. It is the most pitiful recital bald NATIONAL LEAD CO. St Louis Branch, Clark Avenue and Tenth Street, St. Louis.

The witch showed a fierce, concentrated trated papers on India by Edwin Lord Weeks, on the Japanese Seasons bv Alfred Parsons, on rnxny by roultncv Biclow.on Paris by Richard llard-n. A U.m li. Castoria. PItj slclau and Surgeon. LARNED, KANSAS.

OtTiCein ltheas Drag Store, west side Broadway. malignity against Mr. Bell. For Betsy there IV j3 ri it i ngton. Among the other cotaMe fcaturt-s of the Tear was the same petulant tenderness, the same entreaty, "Don't, please don't marry Joshua Gardner." Wherever she moved, there the and severe as a Greek tragedy, yet at times dripping unctuous humor.

The witch the Bell Witch, to give the lull name, style and title was a creature of infinite jest, and DENTISTS. will be novels by George du Marnier and Charles This Should Interest You. It is just as necessary for a man to get good witch followed. Few households in the com munity escaped her visitation. more infinite malignity.

reading matter as it is to get good food. The campaign of is now open. Every man. I)R Dudley Warner, the personal remiaUcenresof V. I.

Ilowella, and eight sheet stories of Western frontier life hy Owen Wister. Short stories will alao be contributed by Brander Matthews, Harding Mavis. Mary K. Wilkms, Ruth Mc- Dean, the negro wagoner, reported some G. M.

GAM ELK, Surgeoa Iellni, The central figure, John Bell, was an hon Castoria. "Castoria an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. Q. C.

Osgood, Lowell, Slasa. Cafcorta ia the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrumswhich are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agenU down their throats, thereby sending them to premature craves. Da. 3.

F. Kischkloi, Conway, Ark. be he democrat, republican or populist, de wonderful experiences. When the Black Dog est, Cod-fearing planter in Robertson coun Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to aoy prescription known to me." H. A.

Ahchkh, SI. D-, 111 So. Oxford Brooklyn, N. T. Our physicians in the children's department have spoken highly of their experience in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won ns to look with favor upon it." Uxotd Hospital and DispessakT, Boston, Mass.

Allxr Bjiith, sires to be kept fully informed of the impor took to following him home he cleft its head Enerv Stuart, Miss Laurence Alma Tadcma. r-nerv Stuart, Miss Alma Tadcma, ty, Tennessee, notably thrifty, intelligent and upright. He had land a thousand acres tant events as they occur throughout the with the axe he alwayscarried. The axe sunk LARNED KANSAS. Office over Thccnix Hunk, in hack room, on mr.

-C 4t at i IVillg 01 lllC iCOnd 5 inrKeA. Itibhard, docsncr de Reaureaire. Thomas XiUon Iar.c, and others. Articles oat out of sight in the ground. The next night country.

slaves and stock. His wife was a pattern of Broadway. OSice hours, 8 to 11 a. ind to p. m.

We have just made arrangements that may topics current interest will be cotilttKutrti bf all the christian virtues. There were five Black Dog was as chipper as ever, with two heads instead of one as worn at first Then cj sons and two daughters. be of interest to you. The arrangement is this We will give you that greatest of all weekly newspapers, the New York weekly Dean's wife made him a witch ball of fox-fire The witch's human exponent was a neigh wrapped with her own hair. IIARPICR PKRIODICALS.

Per Year bor, in almost the same social grade as her The next time the witch met him she de World, and this paper, both for one year victims a big woman, strident and coarse. The Centaur Company, TZ Murray Street, New York City, for 2.00, or we will seed you this paper for Yoar Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance cainst theft or accident is the now famous She went through the country daily, walking manded it upon pain of turning him in to a horse which she would ride over the river to one year and the weekly World six months HARPER'S MAGAZINE Co HARPER'S WEEKLY. 4 ro HARPER'S RAZAR 4 HARPER'S YOl-XC PEOPLE a 00 in front of her old gray horse, with a copper the still-house. "Den," said Dean, "I say as homespun riding skirt flung over her arm.

for $1.75. The weekly World, fearless in its utterances, is the only great weekly paper pub I ain't gwine to gin you my ball. I gwine to A negro girl led the horse, and two smaller Poetajre free to all suherTitiera ibe I'nittd lished in America that presents all sides of negroes walked one either side of it. Osten split you head open cier ter de tail ef you doan' git out my way. But sho's you bawn States, Canada, and Mexico.

the great controveisies of the day without sibly the woman's business was to buy wool, flax, butter and eggs. Cut it was whispered fear or favor. Its work is for the whole peo menced ter git weak. De axe drap outen TIKIS OPTIC immmii ple and not for any class or section. that she went abroad that she might beg TbeVoiumes ol the Magazine hejrin with the Does this interest you my han'.

Dar pintedly wus er speil on me. When I stoop ober ter pick it up, I couldn' git up no mo'. An' dar I wus stannin' on fo' numbers for une and December of each war. brass pin ol whomever she met. If she got it, the giver was thereafter always subject to If it does, and you think it worth while to When no time is mentioned sulcritions will be- take advantage of the great special offer han's en' foots.

Den suppin say 'He's too her spell. 3- high behine. He 'oont tote double wuff nuf while it lasts, send one dollar and seventy-five cents and get the weekly World for six Ifat Den suppin say '1 lebel him Den Sin with the number cumni at the time of receipt of ordv-r. Found eolumcs ot Harper's Magracine tor three years back, in neat cloth bin-linn, will be sent by mail, fKret-paid, on receipt ot fjnn per volume. Chith cases, tor bindings 50 cent each be mail, ptt paid.

Absolutely the fecst All drop fiirginRS and EnslifTt tubinp. Bcarin; strictly dost prc-. f. Elegant designs end ligl.t IF YOU WANT months and the Eagle Optic for one year. my tail wus jerked hard, an' I kicked out, an' She was wonderfully pious in spite of her witchery.

Though she got to church late so late the sermon was half over she never failed to shout before it was finished. At one revival there had been a great outpouring bofe my foots felled off kerflop in de road." "The Times' Campaign Rates. Dean declared in a most convincing man In ordjr that no citizen of the southwest ner the witches had turned him temporarily Remittances should be made be prctoitice mon FRESH, CLEAN, CHEAP, of the spirit. Une of the sinners had been may have an excuse for not being posted on into a mule. ey order or dratt, to avoid chance of lass.

stricken and was on his knees, sobbing and crying out. He was almost prostrate in the In the throngs who came to see and hear Newspapers are not to copy this adeertisemcsit T. E. LEFTWietH, Manager. was Gen.

Andre Jackson, not yet president. DOW. the only bow (nnj;) which cannot be pulled wrenched from the case. Car. only be "JSj Lad on esses containingthis trade mark.

Mali; by Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, largest, and most complete Watch Case factory ia the world 1 500 employees; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which ars tn good as solid cases, and cost about cne half less. Sold by nil jewelers, without CTtra charge for Non-pull-out bow.

for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. the developments of the interesting political campaign which is just opening, the Times has made a special campaign rate of $2.50 for the daily and Sunday paper, and thirty-five straw which covered the altar-floor. without the express orJerot Harper Brothers. As the witch-worker came in she marched His home. The Hermitage, was some forty miles from the Bell house.

He came with a HARPER A RROTIIKRS. Nsw Von. straight np the aisle, spread the riding-skirt cents tor the twice-a-week Times until Janu Groceries! party among whom was a famous witch doc ary 1st. While the Times is an earnest and upon the poor fellow's back and sat plumply upon him. He thought the weight of sin tor.

He boasted that within three days lie fearless supporter of democratic principles, would unravel the mystery by means ot a sil 1891. Harper's Bazar had suddenly increased some two hundred Send Two-Cent Stsmp ver bullet and two inches of a black cat's tail. pounds. "I am sinking, sinking," he shout it is, and always has been, liberal enough to open its columns to representatives of the different political opinions for the discussion It was the tip of what had been a witch cat. ed.

"Save me, Lord Jesus or I am eternal rCR TUTMY-rWS lLaLrsTKATKI. He had but to tickle his nose with it to make acted. ly lost!" of their views. In the columns ot the Times the important news of the campaign of 1894 One of the deacons asked the sitter to rise, the whole invisible world plain to his eye. Then the silver bullet would do the rest She was noted for her fine speech.

"No will be set forth fully and fairly. Its news Presently the party came to a halt The she said, shaking her head decidedly. "No, I Monarch Cycle 0 tV. i facilities are unequalled by those of any road was dry and firm. The team had not I thank you.

This place is so consoling to other newspaper published in the southwest, been over-driven, yet in some mysterious my disposition I ieel decidedly corrugated." At the prices made either the daily or the GO TO B. S. WINCHESTER'S Cheap Cash Grocery. )o( You will save money By trading with me. My goods are fresh, clean And my prices very low.

Your patronage will be Highly appreciated. And every effort made To give you value ree'd. "Rut, sister, the man is suffocating," the fashion the wagon was stuck fast. In vain the driver lashed and swore in vain men tugged at the wheels. At last Old Hickory twice-a week edition should be in the hands of eyery man who holds to those economic deacon "Yes, bless Jesus! let him suffocate.

It brings him closer to the mm principles for the success of which the people Lord," was the response. of the west are contending. Liberal terms to Then the sinner rose tumultously, shouting threw up hishands, exclaiming, "By the eternal, boys, it's the witch nothing else At once a metallic voice called from a near thicket: "Yes. general, it is the witch. You may agents and postmasters.

Sample copies free, P. FUDICKAR aloud his jov in redemption. The sister shouted too, ns she was caught by those about est The Western Trail. go on now. I will see you again to-night" The Western Trail is published quarterly her and saved from a violent fall.

Tothe mind of Phyllis, her negro maid, the conversion At the Bell house the witch doctor said he by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific rail Country produce bought. Come and see me. would soon unearth the imposter. General II Mir it's TtAjTAR ts a tournal for the home, ft pirrs the fulltrst and latest tn(rwatt about and its numerous illnstratMista. Paris 4e-sign's and pattrrn -e-hcrt supfdevnents are tnits -lcnable alike tn the home dress makrr and the professional modiste, ecnse is spared to make its artistic attractiveness of the highest or dcr.

Its bright sturics, amiumg: comedies, aad thoupi.tftit eaTS satisfy all tastes, and its last pae is lamtuts as a budget ot wit and humor. Ia its WL-rkly issues evcrrthuif; is included which is of inicrot 10 women. The sctials fr tS will he written by William lUack. and Walter Hesant. Short stories will he writt hy Mart K.

Wilkins, Maita Louise I'ool, II mh Mc Kerry Stuart, Marion Upland, and otliers. Out dor shorts and in-dor paim-s. social entertainment, cmrotilerv, aad other merest in topirs will receive constant at-tent ion. A new series is pr of "O.ftre and It ip ante. iiARnRs Per Year MAGAZINE Yf IIAUrEK-S WEEKLY 4 00 HAUPKK RAAK 4 oo IIAUPKK'S YOl'Nti PEOPLE a 00 Postage tree to all JTihro in the I'fttlrd Stale.

Canada, ind Mexico. was her work. way. Jackson said, in a disgusted aside, "I wish the "I'mph Nebber seed satan whupped out It tells how to get a farm in the west, and thing would make mince-meat of the brag en meetio' so quick in all my bawn days, it will be sent to you gratis for one year. NEWSPAPLR, BOOK AND JOB gart.

I know he's an arrant coward." As if she said. "Des soon as ole Miss She sot Send name and address to "Editor Western Trail, Chicago," and receive it one year free. in answer the witch called out "Here I am down on dat man he 'menced tcr git happy John Sebastian, G. P. A.

satan was des smashed clean outen him DEALER IN general, ready for business Then to the witch doctor, "Now, Mr. Smarty, here I am TO THE EAST. COST I COST! De debbil he tuk out under de flo de man English Spavin Liniment removes all Shoot away he holler 'Lemme up I.emme up Clory hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes BEST DINING CAR SERVICE In spite of the cat's tail the seer saw not. hallelujah PAWNEE CREEK ICE. from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, Instead, he felt a rain of blows that sent him It was this woman's familiar which the IN THE WORLD.

howling and scuttling around the room. Gen Hell witch proclaimed itself to be. Thetor ring bone, Sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and woolen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50.00 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most won The Rock Island is foremost in eral Jackson laughed, rolled and swore, ttired family, though, gave the proclamation neither creck-ncs nor currency.

They Lad the eternal, boys, this is better than fighting adopting any advantage calculated to Letterheads! derful blemish cure ever known. Sold by improve speed and give that luxury, come out from North Carolina to Tennessee in 1S04. It was in the summer of 1817 that Cummins Wickwire. apr-i. the British I never had so much fun in my life." Round and round, out of doors, np the lane went the seer, the witch still pelting him I have a large stock of Uncle Rust Tinware On hand which I want To dispose of at Cost In order to make room For ANTI-RUST! safety and comfort that popular pat anything unusual first made itself manifest.

Worth Double the Money. Bill Heads! Statements ronage demands. Its equipment is Send at once to John Sebastian, general until he howled aloud. Presently the unseen voice called, "general, is that fun enough for Then John Bell, the father, met a strange dog, shot at it and saw it vanish, changing its shape as it went. One of his sons had the same experience with what had seemed ticket agent, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad, Chicago, Illinois, and receive Parties wanting ICE will be supplied every morning, Sundays excepted, and Saturday evenings, at from 25c.

to 50c. per hundred, Office at Eggleston's. All orders left thero will be promptly filled. to-night I will come to-morrow, and show thoroughly complete with vcstibulerl trains, magnificent dining cars, sleepers and cbair coaches, all the most Envelopes, Etc you another rascal in your crowd." postage paid, the slickest deck of cards yon One morning in early tall, when Mr. Bell to him a wild turkey.

Dean, the negro wag ever handled. Only ten cents per pack, in elegant, and of recently improved went out his shoes were snatched from his oner, reported that a black witch-dog had stamps or coin. CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE. Also, many other articles feet as fast as they were tied on. He was patterns.

chased him to his wife's house. Last of all Attention, W. R. C. beaten and twisted until there came upon OF HOUSEHOLD COMFORT The importance of this line can be Betsy, the younger daughter, a girl of four B.

F. Larned W. R. No 61, meets every The tolnmt of the llaar treia with the first number for Jannarv of each year. When notiwr is mentioned, subscriptions will bectn with the number current at the time of receipt of order.

r.tmnd volumes of Harper's Haxar tr three years back, in neat hiadmic, will be rent by mail, postage paid, or express, fnre of expense provided the freight docs not exceed one dollar fKrr volume lor Jj.on. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for bind-inr, will he sent by trail, pmt paid, on receipt of iuoea h. Heinitiances should be made br pt office money order or draft, to avoid chance of loan. Newspapers are not to copy this vert kc mrst without the tiprew) order of Harper; nrmhera. AKPIcn A BROTH IIS, New York, AND ADORNMENT teen, saw a little girl in light-green garments better understood if a short lesson in second and fourth Fridays of the month.

him a seizure so violent that when at last he got home he had to take to his bed. He was never out doors again. His seizure had been swinging under the limbs ot a great oak, geography be now recited Though Betsy was so young, she had al Mrs. Sarah Taber, President Mrs. Frances Lund, Secretary.

What is the great Eastern termini accompanied by demoniac singing in the air One ot the DON'TS that we want to impress forcibly upon your mind is: DON'T send your orders for Job Workaway from home. We can do vou better work at more reasonable figures than you can get anywhere. ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ready a lover, as was fit and proper4or a tall, THE RACKET. F.

e. McFARLAND, Proprietor. above him, that died at last to blood-curdling of the Rock Islanj Route? Chicago. pretty girl with eyes blue as the sky, skin Children Cry for shrieks of triumph. like cream and rose leaves, and the finesl TWICE A WEEK.

Pitchers castoria. What other sub-1 Eastern termini has it? Peoria. To what important points For two months he had the tenderest care. yellow hair. He had been her schoolmate at In December the crisis came.

The witch said Rooms Newly -Rales Moderate, Mr. Powell's academy, and, next to herself, You need not try to wake Old Jack. I have was the master's favorite pupil. does it run trains to the Northwest? St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota, ADVERTISEMENTS- got him this time.

He has had his dose, and Gentle, amiable, the household pet and The Hutcfngoii will never wake again." She had given the THE ADAMS HOUSE anp Watertown and Sioux Kails, Da pride, it was certainly a most malign spirit (MMMMMNMMtHMfHMMM dying man a dose from a dark vial in the that could slap her face till it reddened with kota. To what important Iowa and medicine closet. MOTHERS'! the marks of ghostly fingers, pull and tangl Nebraska points? Des Moines, Dav 189 Ifjirpcr's Weekly. her line yellow hair, stick her lull oJ invisi A straw dipped in the same liquid was put on a cat's tongue. Within three minutes the ble pins until she screamed aloud, and end FRIEND WeeIiJ JleWg IS NOW PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK.

EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. creature had died in sharp convulsions. Mr. 1 1- LUST It ATE D. ed by throwing her into a sort of spasmodic trance, from which no effort could rouse her until the witch choose to relent.

The seizure Bell lay in a stupor, breathing heavily. The scent of the stuff in the bottle was distinguish To Young EUROPEAN HOTEL. Rooms OOc, 73c, and $1.00 a Day. J. A.

ROSE, Proprietor. Opposite Ladies' Entrance, Union Depot, KANSAS CITY, MO. Cut Rate Ticket Offiee IS CONNECTION. enport, Iowa Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska. SPECIALTIES Fast Time, Excellent Equipment, Dining Car Service in the World, (iood Connections.

For full particulars as to tickets. ran for an hour or so. If she were left un The Post Office Lobby, J. J. STOCKMAN, Proprietor.

A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OK Books, Stationery, Confectionery, Notions, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, TOYS, ARTISTS' MATERIAL, ETC. Kept constantly on hand. All the popular periodicals and latest papers kept on sale. Parties, socials and picnics supplied with choice confectionery- SCHOOL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Writing; Paper, Crayon, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Scratch Tablets, for School and Other Purposes.

Come and see me. T. J. STOCKMAN. Proprietor.

able in his breath. The vial and its contents were thrown in the fire, where they blazed Mothers disturbed, she came out of it as one walking a np into sulphurous flame. The next morn from refreshing sleep. Physicians who ex ing Bell died. The witch kept silence until amined her said she was in perfect health.

llARraR's is beyond all question the leading j'mrnal in America, in its splendid illustrations, in its corps of ditinifuhed contributors, and in its vast army of readers. In special lines, it draws on the highest order of talent, the men best fitted by position and training to treat tbe leading top ten the dar In fiction, the most popular story-writer contribute to its columns. Superb drawings bv the foremost artUts illustrate its special articles, its stories, and every notable the clods were falling over him. Those near Her father had even more mysterious ai est the grave heard high in the air the wierd merits. His tongue would seem to swell, tin maps, rates, apply to any coupon tick til speech or swallowing was alike impossible.

SHERIFF'S SALE No. 2537. State of Kansas, countv of Pawnee, ss Smcd voice singing Row me up some brandy, Row row row row Row me up some brandy, Row me up some more It was, he said, as though a stick had been set crosswise in his mouth. By and by the Makes Child Birth Easy, i ley Darling-ton, plaintiff, vs. Nathan Avery, Adah even oi punuc snieresi cooiams portraits oc o.

a very, yy smavcr, as receiver 01 trie international hank of Newton. Kansas, and T. T. awelliug turned to spasmodic twichings et office in the United States. Canada or Mexico, or address, JNO.

SEBASTIAN, Cnn'l Ticket A Pass. Aqsnt. E. ST. JOHN.

CHICAGO. ILL. Gaattral Manager. Cfcicsq. Hi's.

Thompson, defendants. By virtue of an order of One hundred and four papers a year are sent postpaid to any part of the I'nittd States for the small sum of SI.OO A YEAR. TI1U WKIJKLY NEWS furnishes the very latest Market Reports and Telegraph News from all over the world. It is an eight paRe, six-column paper, and being printed twice a week allows a farmer to keep better posted than he would from a psper printed only once a week. We have made a special arrangement with THIS NliWS whereby we can furnish the liACLE-Opnc and the Twice a Week News both for 2.00.

Subscribe now. Send your order to ns for both the liAULE Optic and WKKKLY NEWS. For three weeks the spirit lingered, mild sale issued out 01 the clerk's office of the district the whole body. For more than a year the witch showed itself only at intervals in the snortens Lao or, Lessens Pain, Endorsed by the Leading Physicians. Booh to "Mother" mailed FREE.

BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO and harmless. Then it lett, but promised to court sitting? tn and for said Pawnee county, in the above entitled action, and to me directed. 1 form of a hare, very old and thin and lame return each seven years to some descend will on Monday, the 20th day of August, iS4, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said dav. at the ant of John Belt It came earlier. After or a black dog, or a big strange bird.

But every night, as soon as lights were out, there front door of the court house in said countv, offer THE UNION SEWING MACHINE. It Lld Ihem all. It it th Lighlt Running makn th LtCNois. wit th Moil Dvrah! It it Warranted. for Fiva Yearn.

Sea baforaiBuying. wanted. a year Betsy was at a fishing party ATLANTA, 6A. BY ALL, DRUGGISTS. for sale at public auction, and sell, without an SOLD began a carnival of noise knockings, scratch- upon Red river, just beyond her mgs, gnawings, the sound of heavy chains home.

It was at this party that Betsy plight inc ouaUnuisnca men ana women wnn are nil in? the history of the time, while special attention is given to Ibe army and navy, amateur sport and muic and the drama, by distinguished ea-pcrts. 1 1 a word. Harper's Weekly cow. bines the new features of the paper and the artst.c and literary qualities of the ms seine with the rlid erit'Cal character the tcTiew. IIARriCR PHRIODICAIa Pee Year: HARPEK'S MAGAZINE ft on HAUPEtrS WEEKLY.

4 oc HAKPEH'S BAZAR. 4 IIARPEIt'S YOl N(i a co Pmtage free to nil subscribers in the tsufted States, anada, and Mexico. praisement, to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand, to satisfy said order of sale, all the estate, title and interest of the above named de fend ants, and each of thetn, and of all persons claiming under them, in and to the following described tract and parcel of land situated in said dragged over bare floors. Investigation show ed herself to Joshua Gardner. Soon a mon ed nothing.

The whole house was ransack mm ster fish began to play pranks with the lines Jf ed, turned upside down, but in vain. county, to-wit: Lots twenty-two (22), twenty- three (21) and twenty tour (24). in Mock twentv The noises became so unendurable that Mr. five (2c). in the city of Larned.

in Pawnee countV and poles. It dragged several into the stream and made the other fish leap so high every one knew some unusual thing was happening. As Betsy sat with her lover on the bank, Bell called in one of his neighbors, a brother Kansas, together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging. Given under mv hand at mv of Baptist, Mr. Johnson, hoping that his power fice in the city of Lamed in said county, this tSth i'or voKt n-uKi ful prayers might send away the witch.

Mr. the old cry sounded in her ear, ''Please, WHAT PEFFER'S KERVIGOR DID uav ot mv, iSQ4. C. K. ASt, Sheriff, V.

E. Stanley and W. H. Vernon, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Johnson came and prayed, but did not con please, Betsy, don't marry Joshua Gardner.

It acts powerful and oueklv. rum when al quer. He was hardly snug in bed when whiff Others fail. Young men regain l5t manhood: old Betsy broke the engagement at once. Af PER WEEK FOR WILLING WORKERS of cither at any age, in any (art of the country, the employment arnica arc fumUh.

Ton ne4 not be aanty from borne orer night. Yon can Rive yottrarbole time to the work, oronlyyonrtpare moment. Aacai ital AVe yon. with all that needt-1. It wiU toil you nothing to try the la-iw-'t.

Ar.y one can do the work. Beginner make motx-y frm the Mart. Failure ia unknown with our worker. t.rcrj honr yon labor yon can ea-ily make a dollar. No one who ia willing to work fail to make moro nont-y erery day than can be nade in thr-e day at any ordinary employment.

Srid lor fr book remaining the tallest information. K. HALLETT Box 880, PORTLAND. MAINE. men recover youthful isror.

Absolutely Guar went the sheets, counterpane, pillows and ter a time she married Schoolmaster Powell, pi era rlf a 1 SUMMONS. State ot Kansas to Kate Parsons Millie Parsons, Charles Parsons, George Dunn. Ernest Foe. D. Keller and D.

K. Sal- iRtpotenev, lirhtl I'rntnsSons. Lost Iowpi-. bolster. whom the negroes had all along suspected of either HX, Falling: Memory, Watstlns Dla- yers.

You will take notice that you have been rcttj vj mnj auuii or excesses ana iruitscrrt ioru Wards off Insanity and eonsuropticD. Uon't letdrmnzisLslme m-orth aiihatitiitoAn T. bus tt happened that toe Bell house was thronged every night by watchers. At first ueu in inc hluiii oun 01 riwnec county, ivan' bringing on the trouble with that end in view, "Dat dar Marse Powell, he strak de flint an The Portfolios of the MAGIC CITY! Are printed in Natural photographic Colors, which gives to the Illustrations a softness and marvelous beauty of finish never attained by any other publication. The Cttmfdele Series (16 ntimbers will enn.

slitule a and Iteautiful (fttlonir I W-ume. i inches. Illustrated u-sth Over 300 Grand Views, SPECIALLY REPRESENTING All the Principal Building. Great Pamtinqa-Foreign and State Celebrated Statuary. General Views Complete Views of the Art Gallery.

Interior Views. sas, oj aaran 3. neuor, ana mat unless you an swer the oetition filed bv said nlaintiff nn nr the witch answered questions by raps and ketch de fier in he eye," they said. too because it vields a (rreater profit. Insist on bavins FITKF rt'f KVIOOK.ornd for It.

Can he carried in Test pocket, Prepaid, plain wrap fore the 7th day of September, iSi, said petition will be taken as true and a iudifment rendered knocks. But soon it made articulate speech, These marvellous stories of the Bell witch are still current in Robertson county, Tenne- urillea finnranlee tol ar or llfunil th at first low and faltering, but strengthen Money. Paniphlftfrec. Sold by drupRista. Address against you accordingly, foreclosing a mortgage executed and delivered by George W.

Parsons and Kate Parsons to The Southern Kansas Moitgage until it was heard throughout the room. 1 he volumes the WeeU bcin with the 6rt ntrmler for January of tach year. Wben time is snentiooed, autweriptions will begin with the number current at the time of of order. Bnnd volumes of If Weekly frw three yean ba'k. in neat rtoth binding, will be nenc bv ma.

postage paid, or by free ol expense provided the rn does not esred one oollnr per volume, fr 7.00 pcr volume. Cbh Cases fr each volume, suntaMe for binding, til be sent by mail, pot paid, on receipt of fi.oncac h. ftemittaecea shmUd be made by post sftVf money order or dratt, to avo.d chanrc ot bona. Newspapers are ne to this advertiewmt Without the evpress order of Harper St Hrthera. HARPER BROTHERS.

Naw Yonn. For sale by E. V. Khka Co. What follows only the book can adequate urapiny aiiev Apni au, on tnc escribed real estate in Pawnee countv.

Kansas. sce, which was populated as the Blue Grass region ot Kentucky, with yeomanry and gentry from Virginia and the Carolina. They devoutly believe all that is here set down and to-wit: Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, in block one ly tell. The witch gave a hundred accounts of itself. It was an Indian spirit whose bones (i) in rat-sons' anmtion to me city ot Larned ana xor tnc saie ot saia real estate, without ap praisement, to par the debt seemed by said roort had been disturbed a child done to death UfflBALL much more besides.

Now for almost three PLUMBER, gage. Witness my hand and the seal of said BOUND. VICTOR. PIKES PEAK. generations the Bell witch has been a most fascinating history and mystery.

Stories are I EEPAIEEE. court this nth day of July, tNif. J. B. GILKISON, Clerk District Court.

seal. Schwikn Rogers, Attorneys for Plaintiff. on the Midway-Architectural Detail. Curioaa Foreign Type. current there of its re-appearance as late as West Side Broadway, Larned, Kansas.

L0N.G BRANCH 1 a Ami at! I'ip r.ra-irl an1 WnnAffnl PMrnru i the year 1S66. the thehetEhtof i 0 Bicycles, Famps. MacMnerj Etc. A GRAIYD OFFEni SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court of Parnee county.

Kansas, wherein Maria T. K. Starv was plaintiff and Er E. Benedict, et were defend Sotlce to Water Consumers. the Splendor of th Wotld's KxxKisitioo, PROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY REPAIRED By a Special Corps of Artists, FACE BLEACH Plumbing, Tin-Work of every description, The hours (or sprinkling are from six to eight o'clock in the moraine and from six to eight in the evening.

Parties caught using water out aide of these hours will have their Kooung, wiping, fctc, a specialty. loeln-hnfr the OfTcial Pbotocraphrr ol tbe MME. A. tUrPttT Utt tbr tra many Um. 60 NT vlj nitea States fxoverninent.

CERMAM. I water turned off and $1.00 will be charged rareatvaod Trade-Mars obtained, and ail Pat- 0 eot busioesa cooducted for Moor a arc Fern. 0 JOua Ornet 0fosrrf O. S. p-tmt omct i and we can secure patent Icaa Uej Luaa uosc remote from Washtnton.

0 head model, drawaua: or pboto with dewip- WORK AND PRICES GUARANTEED Satisfactory tn every case. Plumber's stock, hose, nozzles, garden tools, and tinner's sup COrTiEGHTO FRHlDa! PHdNIX for turning it on. The whistle will be sound ni-th' liat i III A' but ka ra''" k-i an tm ed at eight o'clock morning and evening for plies, on nana. Lome and see me. TtsEiit is mm lis Mssl-EeariSlt receipt of a 1 11.

Cap Sheaf rapH per and ten cents. vc will mail one cumber, or 16 wrappers and $1.60 will sectire tbe complete set. Address, shutting off, nor are customers allowed to use charre. Our fee not doe liil paimt is sccnmL A I North Carolina, and haunting the Bells for vengeance an early settler who had buried gold and silver nnder a big rock near the Bell spring, and sought to have it exhumed and given to Betsy Bell then it was the spirit of an evil step-mother at last, when questioned by a minister and taxed with lying, it admitted itselt to be "Old Kate Batts' witch," and that it meant to worry old Jack Bell to death. Here was sensation with a vengeance.

Old Kate Batts, she of the riding skirt, was known to have had a slight disagreement with Mr. Bell. Neither he nor his family, though, took the witch's statement for truth. Their neighbors were less forbearing. Thereafter the witch was known as Kate or Old Kate, and held more than ever in awe.

It was certainly a most astonishing goblin. It could quote scripture in a way to astound the most learned minister. No transgression could be hidden from it- It searched out the most secret thoughts and proclaimed them from the house-tops. It took supreme delight in going to church, and later, when the minister came to the Bell house, repeating his sermon, mimicking him exactly. 21 William Crosby leaky hose or hose without a nozzle or sprink Pawirr.

Howtoobtam t-atenu, wna icon ot amue in tfas V. S. aad famcncaasUK; I J2 thatallof thena iay navn v. 1 will rim ler attached. Larned Watkr Co.

Sr4 soerery eaiK-r, ah-tutwr DbLAHD Fairport, N. Y. C. A.31.0W&C0.) "Mamma, was that a sugar-plum you ants, I will, 011 the 27th day of August, 1S94. at two o'clock p.

at the front door of the court house, in the city of Larned, county of Pawnee, and state of Kansas, offer tor sale ai public auction and sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, alt the following described real pro pert v. situated in the county of Pawnee, and state of Kansas, to-wit: Lots five (5) and six (o), in block four (4) Corse, Mann Park addition to the city of Larned. Said property will be sold without appraisement to satisfv said order of safe. C. R.

CASE, Sheriff. W. H. Vernon, Attorney far Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE.

By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the court of Pawnee county, Kansas, wherein Nettie D. Baldwan was plaintiff and Andrew Lonn, et were defendants, I will, on the 27th day of August, im, at twooclock, p. m. at the front door of the court house in the city of Larned, county of Pawnee, and state of Kansas, otfer for sale at public a action and sell to the highest bidder, for cash ia band, all the following described real propertv, situated ia the county of Pawnee, and the state of Kansas, to-wit: Southeast quarter of section eight (S), township twenty (20) south, in range six-tecn( 16), west of the Sixth principal meridian. Said property will be sold without appraisement to satisfy said order of sale.

C. K. CASE, Sheriff. W. H.

Viimox, Attorneys for Plaintiff. W. M. WATSON, Proprietor. A first oas, nicely lurnisbed TllKEE-CHAIlt IIOI THE FINEST SHOP IN WESTERN KANSAS 3 just give me?" asked little Mabel.

"No, Pamnh'ers deicrihintr thr dear, it was one of Dr. Ayer'a Pills." "Please, may I have another "Not now, FREE resources cf I mmm TELEPHONE W- XAmtJtfA KANSAS, dear one of those nice pills is all yon need ir4 lwila--d ttsnfely pnekedtn plain wraitsw a. 1 1 hartres nreuajd. 1-jC ouotA, ailrer or ntaa-t- In eTf-ry ea-T freebfa-n. nal- Bator any di-4jmtiin ltwi.f tiein, and wrt'tkle en used by aeaaJ Arm lii.aArT iwve at'lou iy.

It n-4 oovcr no na eowmetios Ota. txit a cure. Aodrswa MAP.IMR A. KtPrr.tT.fhHt) Mo. 4 Hnntl4th 6tM MEifV YORK CITY.

This wonderful rpmtxl as ktV ha I Wll fcwafc at present, because every dose is fiuaranU'fd tocure ail nervous ucj a Wak Memory. Loss of fcrala rower, IiMannood.NipuUy Kmtlons, Nerroa Ttci (91 r-T rtrt r.r urauisawiu ihb jiuweriu vreiifrtwfeinyana 01 tuwr sex cmnsea by overexertion, yuiM 'of errors, excessive necf tobacco, opt am orstlnt-nianta. which lad to inarmttT, or in carried In The earlier symptoms of dyspepsia, heart- UNDERTAKER ARIZONA, OKLAHOMA, XEW MEXICO, and CALIFORNIA, may be had hjr adJrtiainz G. T. N' holsom, i.

P. T. A. T. S.

R. Topeka, Km'h Mention thts paper. burn, and occasional headaches, should not TJ1- an I i-ut" mrn. TUJ 1 pocset. I per Dor.

xr mail prppai-1. With a 9- order we I Tw wriUr raarilr nrr rvftiBd tbe Mfy. bf 11 TGfcxjrf. IrfWL Write f.r fre Medical Bk ant seal-l ht ok a(Tait1 iv LAiAu. inpD wmpper.

AdU CO. omm tc Teui pie, CU1C.MKJW be neglected. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to LVItT KANSAS. iniIn tt CARDS of tiie latest style VI0IIIII5 pnnted at this office. be cured.

Dr. Miles' Pain Plus. "One cent a dose." p. hif; Cterk 19. Ciiwsn..

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