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The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Daily Courieri
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i IF SCHOOL BOARDS EieCTTCACHERS. Perry, Upper Tyrone and Stewart Name SOME CHANGES ARE MADE But In Majority of Former Tuchars Chontn By 8lrlit Rimvln ADout School Honnls woro pnrtlculnrly nc- tita on Iml Stuunlny and chone their teachers for the coming school term AttOttg the boitrda selecting toichont Perry township, Upper Tyrona township niitl Stewart tounshlp, and ttcy are t(iien In iloiall bvtnw. Perry Tasicherj. Pa, July 18-- Tho School Uonrd aiut Saturday unit complotml the corps of (or tho ensuing term thus far Junction. 1-- MoKce N'o Carson.

No. 1-- Kllju No, acant. 5 'Jpntile N'o. Thohiptfon Kiuhnrlne Frett N'o S-- Mlncrvn Kelter. Nat BnKcr LepJey No.

2-- A I lea Jft I--Altec KobcriKott. No IlKVtH. XD 1-- KarnwnH Point--Orace Moujth. Summer Illll--Albert Ltlco. IdtortH--Martha J.imc* Pleasntlt Drove---mien Blair As additional High achool leachsrs MUs Ptetts ot Perryopolta, who is a the Ohio Wealyan and six years In preparation will have chnrge ot tha Latin awl German department and JUS8 ttftbot (Ucklcr ot Ohio, tt gradual" of Mt Union College unci in Harvard, will have tho mathemnl total department Tyrone OWL.NSDAU3 July School Board of tipper fyrone township In the Tlntsman scnool.

ncio, Sa'ur- dny afternoon to elect for the Coming term ut school, nine 10 JK The Tlnittmau na'iool No I wilt be converted into a 'lgh sehoftt. teaching tho full High school course. the past school terms t'pper Tyrone has sent hor rligh school pupils lo Scottdula at to tne township They have decided lo lemody Mil tlafeot, the Board adopting plena to tench rho Mil High school course of four yonra The following teichers were elected nigh School Bert Montgomery, principal Uroml Ford. No I Miss May h.lng Vu 2. Hi arty Kldtfi-vlew I.

Vtolltp Cterko No Mmw TJnl-mmli Nn Mnggflc Movie No MlAS Dull South No I Mian A i ItltChe) No Vluiul Klftertun, No 1, KliiK Xn Pra Laujchltrt Crcedon The- i lived ut rlnU- tllith tllMI prlmlpali. eertlflcuto No 1 The School Uonrd of. Upper Tyrone township composed of Nafhuniot King, frmhlent A Haley, Seere- Uroks. Treasurer Wli Ham Hay, Jettie King Duvld Hlxon Stewart Townihlp. OHIOPYLfc filly lit--Tho School iBcard of Stewart tottnsnlp met Saturday ut election hounc and elected for tho rontlng term Thu will be the sntno as p.tlil lost rent 1 ISO per month for those holding permanent and professional certlltciUA Anil $10 fur those baring provisional certificates Following are the elected Belle Anna Hall Bid well.

Emma Hear Run Jotm Crilft Orwnbtlrr, Robert Sprout. Jr Keottlrk. Eva Collins, Middle- rWae, MaibnMgli 1 Maple Sum mil. Ella Leonard, Rock Spring, Mary Cunningham Sugar Grove -Mrs R. Juekson Sugar Carrle Sleyer, Whig Corner, vacant BASTILE HAS BEEN NEWLYJENOYATED la Now In Ofdtr and Wei- coma To All Trart.telcnu Who Call.

Two pfieonvr4, with two uuturnl loss and a imtr at urtlltvlul lllubH, (itci'U Uurgvst Kinu.s tollc (ourt vaster niortilug Thi-J wire botli jiug 11 Morulimil of South Coll I i mill Willitini Mtittlf ot town Hiitn hobbltil liitoii' took nlthottt dnuuir uiiil ntnriiul (ii tlieir tt It 1 Thiv iliil not i i time, liowfver oAlng to tho rppuita beluK m.i IP to Chlrf Uotltors honii-lo Tho nntlre plucp nnil Chief he is now prcimted to cntrr tq transients HP promises them good bede, fre" from cradling cretit ixrt and No change has been made la the cuts As the bent twos and purest ot water will com- fate (he dally menu TAKAHIHA TO BAIL. Embaundor Expecti to Return Here In tha Fall. WASHINGTON, July 10 --(Special )--Ambisaador Taltnlilrn ot Japan will nail from Seattle August that Gongreas ndjouins la Umo to cuablo nlm to gat there before that dnte Mo will go directly to Yoko hotmu The Amn.bn9ea.dor In atatomont siild the question ot his return to the United States will not be decided un til his arrival In Japan Poisonnlly it la his expectation to return In the toll. AVIATOR COMES TO GR1EFCROSS1NG CHANNEL Huhart Latham Attempted Foolhardy Flight and Barely Eicapti With Lire. United Proas TclcsTrnm CALAIS 10--Plunging Into the English channel, eight miles off the coast of Prance, tho monoplane of Hubert Lntbam caltie to grief today in an attempt to ctoss.

tha channel for the competition prize of 0,000 pounds Latham, whoso (light under tho oil cumslances foolhardy and daring had a narrow escape from death He stung by tho ttvuats ot (rlLtulB mid the press that tho llnsco ot his former flight vvas due to lack ot nerve Latham made today's night In the fuco ot the most udveiae condttlouB tie attempted It suinclently overhauling his motot, neglecting to evea notify the motot and torpedo boats patrol tbe course ot flight 'Iho torpedo boat Harpon heaid ut the (light utter Latham had put to ooa and sturtot Immediately In pursuit, reaching Latham after ho hnd (al len Into the water from a height of 450 feet. The monoplane nas sustain Ing him In the water but It wns rapid ly beginning to sink YOUNGSTOWN NAY HAVE LABOR RIOT Tin Will Fight Against Importation of Strulhers. United Preim lolsffrum YOUNGSTOWN, July 10 --At the Struthors plant of Iho American Sheet and Tin Plato Company near here, trouble Is expected this afternoon when the company attempts to Intro ductj strike breakers About 600 men are on a strike aad tho plant la well plckotted The report Is current this morning that three carloads ot men -will nr rlvu today Striken thi eaten trouble It the) attempt to go to work. JUMPED FROM CAR. Mrs.

Louise Baker of Greenwood, Slightly Injured While attempting to alight from moving street car In Greenwood last evening, Mrs Louise Baker of that suburb sustained a slight scalp wound and several scratches Mrs Baker was returning home from church on the 0 clock street car and thin kins the car hnd parsed Lclsenrlng June tlon, her place for getting alt, the woman attempted to jump trotn tho car She was carried to the homo of Brooki on Hlghth street and J. 9 McKcc summoned and Ureas ed hor wuuiids COW CASE HEARD. Evidence Conflicts So Squire Holds Oft In Dcclttcn A cow i HBO was heaid ly Justice ot tho Pett'o Clitrk Saturday right and the Squire reset ved his decision until tomortatv Alex Pruskl declared that the cons of Auger Wnttgh IIHV.J been breaking Into his b.irduti and spoiling the vegetation. Augei denied the allegation Both plaintiff and dolt mlant told conflicting stories claiming the cown which broke Into the gar dui did not belong LO him The part leu In thi) case live at Poplar Grov LOOK FOR ITALIAN. Ht Shot Fellow Foreigner at Moryan- town, 'Tit Said The police hctc have been notified to keep a oyo toi one Tony Bruno an Italian about 30 years of ngi, who IH wanted In Motgantown.

for shooiinj fellow foielgner A telephone Mesnuxe from piosecutlngr Attorney Boyd vesterdaj wain id the ontcem N'o dPtatls were given In the message gave that Bruno Is Wanted for the Nhoottnjr Tho name of the vie tim Is unknown DENIES DEBT. Attorney George Patterson Admits Estate Owes Only One Note July 19--George wxectitot with Dluncne Rice uf the wilt of the Into Miuy Stllhvag on filed tin utiMver IhlH morning to tho milt, of the Title liimt imuy of Western Pennuvtuinitt Thu duti-mtunt admits liability for notu ot 125 hut ilenlvi thai Iho second should paid, claiming Chili Stlllwugon- signed It nt having power at uttoiuey to do so, which he did nut I10BSI.9S Let. Evans of Crawford avenue, thin morning disposed of a lot on the corner ot Highland and Gibson avenues to Jamea Percy Tig 'i'' BIG OUTING PLANNED FOR AUGUST BY A. 0. Clana From All Over the CountyjjWill Get Together on the Elghtein; For a Big The annual outing of the Ancient Older of Hlboilans ot Fayette County will bo held Thursday, August 18 at- Shady Qtove Park.

A mooting of the committees wns held yesteiday alter noon and all tin angementb for tbe out Ing weio about completed Clevoa dl visions wcio lopieBOtitod at tho meet ing and fiom nil Indications tho outing promises to be a grand and enjoyable success Thoia will be spcclil street cms for tho Cuthollc Sunday School chlldveu Iiom Seottdnle, Conndllsvllle Dawson, Lelscnring Dunbnr and ITn lontown All kinds of amusement? have been nmuigeil for tlis day in eluding round and tiquaro dancing, Irish jigs, leols laces, ess potato, sack blindfolded and thi eefllfegeA races, tug ot war hammer I'lnJ, and a ball game Mat tin Miy v'ji have team ti om Connellsvlllo the Shainiocks," of the soiithoifl end of tbe count) Iho committees aie ns followsh nxeciitlic Cwmitiltter 33 'Jurnrnoy LhaLinmn Col- Una, aecreuuj. Hiinlon, John Trwln Dennis Burt Hornp Peter Tohn Gn6 Bambroy i i a Pallet) Donntg Coll Mrs Connolly JUs Jeia linch Sirs Dolht Irani Mrs A McNXilt Vta rulloii Mrs Prlohaid Mlai Swaeny, Mlus Omul NIC Monahan, Potor Hanoy WUllam In Thomas Conwny, Dojlo TUomus Ivatic Jr KpiirlN Jorc Lynch Jumcn O'Harn Putrlclc Mooie Illluni llullb Connarc "NVHlUwn 13olnn fc 1 Cook, i Corioll Cnlvln i Marv Konny Mur McCviakoi Itrcelitluii Committee Patrick Ma Tormav Laurence rhomaa Coylt Jalut llwln Sr Mlchaol Kodtfcru, Patrick Burns ON'ullI, Thomim Knno James Cusey WAS LONG GONE. Victor Stlllwagon Finally Locattd and Returnc Homo Victor Stlllwagon son of Barton Stlllwagon mine foioman at Ollphinr, has bean located and is home hcie af ter an absence of more than tnree years Young Stllhvngon, dis ippear ed in 1905 Ho was located by accident In Pcckham fatlllwagon mother ot 'he boy left Immefrfntely for tho place finding hei son and Uilnglng him home He does not nny reason Tor hla absence tho Winner In the fluHls of the Julj golf tourna mont at the Imiontown. Country Club Saturday uttmnocm, AUoino Pins ford dof eutert Attorney Hopwood and won the handsome stl cup ottered as a prize TJiq In. terest In tho match great "and the play was close, although Mr Play ford was In the bettei form.

Storm at Ohlopyle. A severe olcctiic ruin over Ohlopi lo jottterday Several treos were struck by lightning and many of the Isitors to tbe icaort woro caught In the shower When You Want Anything in our classified column rhe cost? lo word. In Social Circles. BETTER TIME THAN EVER Sixth annual outing' of the MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS Of Connellsville and YougH Valley to i. Olympia ParK All Day Thursday, July 22, $400 Keller Bros.

Piano Given Away Free. To person holding the lucky number. Positively no charge for Every person buying a ticket to picnic gets a free chance. Piano will be given away on the grounds. Field Sports and Ball Game No end to the amusements in Olympia Park.

Almost everything that's right up to date and no high prices for any attraction. Beautiful grounds with an abundance of shade for your picnic dinner. All the Good Coffee You Want Furnished Free Three Special Trains on the Baltimore 8s Ohio Railroad. First train leaves Connellsville at 7.30; second train at 7.45, and last train, which will stop at intermediate ponts, at 8 o'clock. Dancing All Day and Evening.

Music By Kiferle RAILROAD RATES From Oonnellsville From Dawson From Layton Adults 75c 75c 75c Children 40c 40c 40c Adults Children Prom Smithton 60c 30c From West Newton 50 25c dlstiict includes Scottdale, Mt Pleas ant, Younijwood and Greensburg There will be three sessions the moining session convening at 1035 A The afternoon session will ojjen 1 JO clock and the evening aea slon at 8 A feature of the meet ing Is a medal contest. The class of coniestanta come from Mt Pleasant wbero they have taken up contest work. A number of Connellsville workers will attend the meet ins Hundred Party Sweet peas and daisies formed the pietty decorations at a very enjoyable card party at -which Mrs Kennel wns hostess Saturday afternoon at her countiy home near Pennsvillo i tables "wore called Into play tor live hundred and at the close ot the games a prettily appointed luncheon was seived The out ot town guests piesent wore Mrs I) Flock and Miss ElUabeth Sterling of Uniontown, Mrs Hefflcy ot Johnstown, Mrs I Bral- llor and Mrs Stauft of Scott W. C. Meeting Tho monthly meeting of tho TJ will be Tield Wednesday after noon at 210 clock at the Carnegie Free Library Business of Import ance will bo transacted and a large attendance is desired so MCL or Biinltn--Ahl tho IllUe Co int nuoh li do you km "I wnyn jrtorlnjy to put pitmKOt fcli nnor--I am not my he (o mil my pimiwrt) had a he put It up foi a i and Keen i Htnci Morrison Ghrtet Moriison and Tillss Oil OhilBt both of Connollsvllle were married SiUurtlaj at tho home of Jtooils, on i nue Rev I Boyd ol City odlciated to the leceiU death of a slater ot the bride thp ceremony vuis wllfioHSfil only bi the immediate relatives of the young couple Miss Olive A Alcuiis vuis ol Uoiiot while lohn It TotU'n is bum, man Miss Phot bio I i pliycd the wetlding muich AU and Mni MoiU HOU i lenlde In CouneJInvillp Will MeetJ Cm loll Bod will entertain tlp 1 Socloly of tho MLthodibt Episcopal Suiirlaj Sohol tomorrovv evening at home the Elevnto farm on the NBTI rows The guests i leave Connells! vllle In huv wagons at 7 30 o'clock All a membeis are Invited to attend Olitrlct Meeting A district meeting 1 -wilt be held tomorrow In the Mfltbodfst, Episcopal Chinch, at Scottdaleu, The.

The Citizens National Bank of Connallsvllle Exlunds an Invitation to those who aie not alioadv among their pations, to visit tha bank and Inspect Its mod cm equipment and facilities for 'tendering a efficient and satis factoiy service Accounts to check aie Invited Surplus WOO 001) Surplus profits J100 000 00 Worthington, Piano Tunar, Will be in ConnellBville tintiT tha flrst ot August HeadqunitorB at Wallaces Fuinlture Store LOCAL ITEMS, PERSONAL MENTION. Mr and Mrs Bernard Orahain and son Robert ot Newark O. w-Ill arrive hero this evening to visit Dr and Mrs Koohler Cojna and daughter Julia of Plttsburj- spent tvlth the tortner a mother Mrs Coyne of the boutli Side Little Migs Anna Coyne accompanied her fathei home Mr-? A A Straub and daughters, Helen and "ElUabeth and Mrs Donnclb and di-UKhtera, Anna and Jayne were. Sunday visitors at Camp "Walsh near Confluence.

Mr and Mri Clyde Brehm chll- i of Ualontown were the srueats of Mr and Mrs X. Miller the West Side yesterday Miss rroBda Rhodes of Main street left today Cor visit i friends In Ohio Mr and M.IB McCUuen and i spent yeattrdai at tht Fora- cliff Hotel ut Ohlopylc Mrs Mtuy Harrison has returned homo from a visit with friends in Pitts burs Mis "Wrlfjht i i homo Sftturduy i i Buckhannon Va. ahe the fewest of hei parents Air and Airs A Poundstono Mlsa Jennie Holt Is Bucat ol i In today Nflsses Minnie tind Stoiev of La- trobo are heie on a to their parents. Mi, ind Mrs Jotm btoicy, of Pittsbuig Mr and Bnrr of Bollev le. nre vlsitlntr the lattery mother Clai issa McCoimick ol Fayetta street Miss Lillian Gibe of Crafton Pa Is tho of Missis and Frqiiid of Higrhland i arm Dunbar townslilp Wlllhim Maildt and Mihs Lucy Dlxon of and MNh Gnimn Long of Counellsvllle vveia fauivdny vlwltora at the home QC Ml and Mrs Iieod in Dunbiu nshlp "Mr and Mis A Treed of Gieon wood and gruost JUns of i weio the guest-a of Me and Mrs Joslah i oC ncni Vandal jestordas Miss Marsruerite Brenncn has iccapt- a position as societv leportcr at Tt Dally WH Miss a DIKO.

Councilman and Mrs John nml in an), of the West Side left i i i I foi Cumbi I IKO hei Svlll Hpi'Ud vi 1 foi tlu benellt of Kim iHTiltli Woodvvaul lott Minn liy foi i ho i spend at Iho i i i i VNs i i i i i i for i In Johnatovvn I i i I of Plttsbuig- spcint jo'. i ilia piu PIUS i i 1am(s HIckH of West rajotla stioet Mri' John Dlxon nnd dauffl Mlaa i i tills momlng toi Cuinbildgo fepllnffS i i they i sojam Lol ilaiy Hammond of Monon ffnhela of Mr. and Mis Campbell of Crawford avenue i Mrp ot Qreensburs as Tiirlled hrtie morning bv the EC rloua illness of her mother Mrs Flynn AH lit JDuiiMtun A i Clu iatophor Dunaton i a LUUffhtor OL and Edith Dunttton rtlul sterclay OL at tho of its feranclinuthoi I Chrlato phi Smith on Sixth West Side oiyrht mont hit uiul lUo duys Tun oiitl from the Smith rtsIdencL tomor i i at flock A TJ ink of the Brethren Chinch o(il latt, I i i nt In Hill i omptni A inrnut i Mn.iv MaisrarLt Smith I child of rv A an i 1 Hmlt! ORii Snlnrrta i i i i Co of In a i mor ths aad tluvs i i a -u hei 1 from Lht fninlb it-Slclence tilth moon at 2 i lock in nlc VI hite pattoi OL tin) I i tl Pi a tei i in of flciaturl I i In I GIOVL ceir I Allied Luulu agred months eight dayt son oC and WhipKej tiled laRt niarht of cholci i I at the famllv dencc No Tayette street Funeral the hoube tmxorrow afternoon at clock fn ate In HU1 cemetaiy I portant News UNDERPRKE SALE The Union Supply Company stores continue during this entire month the Great Clearance Sale of Summer Goods It will be worth your while to go to one of our stores The sale affords jou a splen did opportunity to add materially to jour summer wardrobe at prices that jou will scarcely teel This applies to men. and bos, women nnd girls and Includes all sorts ot made up clothing all sorts ot un" derwear, shirts hosiery and hats for men, all sorts of natty of ash goods for women and girls, suitable lor skirts and shirtwaists, a great varletj ot underwear hosiery and other raiment for women and girls, most complete stocks, attractive In style and price UNION SUPPLY COMPANY. 63 DEPARTMENT STORES Located in Westmoreland, Fayette, Allegheny BALTIMORE OHIO EXCURSION TO Fairmont A SUNDAY, JULY 25.

1 I 'PI' Special train leaves at 9 00 Aw Dioxide Cream Whitens the Skin GRAHAM CO. 25 READ THE DAILY COURIER Star Brick Co. Works Dickervm Run, Postofice Address, Vanderbilt, Pa of RED SHALE BRICK AND; PAYING BLOCKS 30,000 DAILY CAPACITY- BELL TELEPHONE NO 66. TBY OUS- CLASSIFIED ADLETS Ic A WORD..

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