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The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The Daily Courieri
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

if- 1 CHURCH WIKS, HAVE BIG BANQUET. Mr. and JoMpb Dixon Entertain for First Bap- Church, MANY ADDRESSES'ARE MADE. Object, of 4 twMn Mtmlxrs of patter The trustees, supovlnton- and presidents ot the virloun church and ot the First Bnp- tlst Church were icudorcil, an clubo- tale bantiuet tas: evening at o'clock by Mr. Mm.

Dtxon. their home on Main alreet. The nt-' (air was handsomely appointed In ev- try A color Hchtme ot plak and white carried out In, alt the up- potatmeuts. Adcr tipendlng hour or ruora around the (oatlvo board ramalader of the WHS spent In very excmtlonc tiddresscs by the offl- ot the various societies. The object ot the banquet was to have the church workers come In closer touch with one another and to discuss their line ot work.

The Brst talk ot the evening was by Rev. E. A. K. Palmqulut, who congratulated the upon their excellent -progress In their work tind for thetr great tnuront shown along thu various lines of work.

John Bnlley, chairman ot thu Unord of Oeaconu, then gave an talk pertaining to his work In the church. 0. A. Mtin- church traiuurar, spoke of the dnunce condlUou or the church and his talk was a very favorublo one. Superintendent Chase ot the Sunday school gave vory lino talk, followed by a talk by Charles MuiflcUl, lender of the B.

Y. U. Society. 3. Woodalt, superintendent ot the Italian Sunday school conducted In the church, gave a very encouraging HC- count of the wotk which Is being Accomplished among the Italians.

F. C. Rose, chairman ot tho Board ot Trusties. was the next followed by short talks by Enon Penn, Charles Mitchell, Marry Dodgers and Charles Perhaps one ot the moot In- talks ot thn evening was given by Mrs. E.

A. E. Faliutiulst; wife of the pastor, Mrs. Falrtiqulst spoke of tlie'excol- tent work that Is being done by the and their Assistants and heartily cougratulated the Indies upon their great Interest taken In the work of the various societies. Adttrcsjea were also made by L.

V. Marshall. President of the Woman's iris- slonnty Clccle. Miss Eleanor Marshall, President of the Young Ladles' Guljd, nnrt J. W.

Dlxon, President of the Ladles' Aid Society. Miss Jennie 'Herbert and Miss Cora Besue Stauffer. Financial Treasurers, were also guests. Mrs. Dlxon was assisted by Mrs.

D. J. Hoover. Mrs. J.

D. Percy. X. and W. Woodiill.

Mrs. Dlxon wns highly complimented. In Social Circles. Tecphom. Whlat party.

Mrs. Leroy Ouibord. a' recent bride, was honor guest yesterday afternooti Ht A very charmingly appointed telephone brldgn whist parly given by Mrs. K. K.

Dick and daughter, Slary, at their home on. South Pittsburg street. The hours were from 3:30 until 6 o'clock. Eleven tables called Into requisition and at the close of the games dainty pi-lues were awarded at each table. Tho winners were Mrs.

V. R. Bradford Mrs. 'D. K.

Ditworth, Mrs. O. W. Mrs. Charles Johnston, Mrs.

H. C. Norton, Mrs. M. L.

Mitchell. Mrs. J. T. Johnston.

Mrs. H. Mrs. Edward Cronter, Myrtle Bailey, Miss Anne White and Mrs. OulbOfjt.

A well appointed luncheon followed. The out of town guests present, were Mrs. Edward Crtmer, Mrs. Siuimol Alwlne and Miss Myrtle Bailey of Creenaburg; Mrs. Charles Johnston of New CnsUe; Mlsma Besso and Held of This afternoon Mrs.

Dick and daughter arq en- trrtalnln? at a fttncy work party. MlMtonary ClreU The Woman's Missionary Circle of First Baptist Church diet day afternoon with Mis. W. 8. Deffrni- baiigh at her home on the South Side.

Many ladles were present and the meeting was one of much Interest. Mrs. L. V. Marshall, the president, presided.

Tho subject for study win "The freed People of the South." Mrs. Dettenbaugh read a very Instructive paper on "Work Among the Colored People In the South," followed by very Interesting paper on "The Home Life of the Colored People." written by Mrs. O. B. Purlnton of Baltimore, and read by Mrs.

Marshall, A letter of greetings from Mrs. Piirtn- ton was also read by Mrs. Marshall, W. J. Wooday read A very tine paper on "The Work of Johanna P.

Mi'ore." As a whole the program was very Instructive one. The next meet- Ing will he held Tuesday afternoon, February 28, In the church. rUv. Largo Autflinci. A targe audience heard Hev.

C. L. McKea of Washington, lettura In'lhs first Presbyterian Ckurek oa "Jarusalila Uw Uoly taaa." The lecture was very DIM and bfftutltully Illustrated by stereoptlcon views ol the beautiful country; Rev. McKoe Is an'eloquent speaker-and those present were very delightfully entertained by the speaker. Her.

Mc- Koo was a delegate the World's Sunday School Convention hold In Jerusalem In and made tour-pf the country on horseback, The lecture wail given under, the auspices of the Hunday School. Ilects Offlcsrs. At a meeting of tbe Jnnlor Uterary Society of pupils from' room No. 9 of the Fourth Wird School Helen Carroll, the following officers were elected for tho ensuing term: President, Lillian' Vice 'President Gwendolyn, Secretary, Ruth Han Ion; Miss iglisttbuth. -Flockensteln; Chorister.

Miirgaret Herplck; Critic, Mary Murphy, arid Marshal, Howard Wll- Tho next meeting -will bn held February. the High School hall. Aftsrnoon at Fancy A very pleasant mooting of the Silver 'L'hluible Club yesterday ndcrhoott at the'home of Tompkljts on Cedar avenue. All present and'spent the after- nooj-i fancy wp-ric. About'6 "o'ctock prettily appointed luncheon wail The ncVt u'c Thurtklay itfternooii, Febru- iiryjll, at the howe ot Mrs.

Benford on Johnston avenue. i I. X. I. I.

Club MetU. Mrs. W. L. Wright and J.

M. Young cn tho winners tegular meeting, of the I. l. Club held lust evening at the hotue ot Hruliih Francis on Tenth iablos were In piny niitll midnight when refrtishments were The new meeting wlII be held ut the homo or iind Mrs. Harry Schonck'on Grcyn.street.

Annlvtrsory Mr. Mrs. M. y. Levinnem and M.

FoMuteln of ConnclUvllle wore umung thy out of town prevent laHt evening at an elaborately appointed it o'clock dinner given by iiml Mm. 'Molunti Ht their home' Ir. In honor of tliolr tenth wedding nnnlveriiftry. Covers were told fur forty. Mn.

Soiwon to Jim. A. O. Kaa series of noclftl functlona to bo given at her home on Kant Main In- vltatlonu. were ibnued toduy of these luncheon 2S- covore to be gl Ten afternoon' at 1.30 o'clock.

Th'e'second of the Htrleb 5 o'clock'tea iind tho third "500" pntty; L. L. Club The L. b. Club of New Hnveii ilellghtfully entertained ywtterdiiy at- tcrnoou by Mies Siillle Allen ut her hcniH on Seventh street.

New All mombbrs were present with tlie exception uf ono anJ at o'clock very dainty iepoi't was The next meeting will be held -the last Tiienday In 'Fabruury. Aid The- regular, meeting Ladles" Aid -Society ot the Methodise Eplico- piij Church will', tomorrow af- 3.30.o'clock at'the home of Mrs. Grant Myers on-Porter'avenue. A Hurge Is desired. Aid Meet.

The Ladles' Aid Society of the Ity! Lutheran Church' will meet tomorrow, afternoon ut 2.110 at the home of Apple "-All 'are rt- tfunsted to attend. Uniontown Card Party. Invitations hnve been recclred here tor nu afternoon-card party lo-be glv- Snyder'iit her home In Uniontown. en nuxt by Mrs. Bdward Bntra Noui Club.

Mrs. Catherlna Fagan will entertain the Entro Nous Club tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, at her home on Main street, Now. Haven. THB OC-OD CITIZIN, What You Do With Yaur 'Incama, Net the tin of It Counti. Whiit man accomplishes In thin life cannot be gauged by the nine of his who makes '000 a year iind spcuils lt nll on 'himself.

ns good a citizen man with modest kalary who buys or bidliU a home, and elu'cates a family iind manages always to- have a. little; In the hank where It not only benefits himself, but the whole community. In which'he Hires. The true measure of a mun Is the use he mnlces his In- and no man makes a mistake In having tv savings acocunt with The First Bank of- ConntllSTllle, where 4 per cent. Interest and absolute 1 safety are lursnrtd.

Warklng Man And too, shoulJ renllie the value ot saving and the power o'f compound Intaresjt. MHke the "moat liroapcrdm year by opening an account making regular weekly deposits. per cent, lutereit paid on savljii Clllxens National Bunk, Con- liellsvlilu, Surplus and profits 180,000.00. Try our claMlnsci OVMCO IX TO 14 PAZO OlNTJtENT to any cam ot Itching. Blind.

ins or In 0 to 14 day or motley rifuniled. 806. frmnlto pane and for MU. Artmnn's. Xrt.

Scott of la the VUQMC. of her liarontB, Mr. and Me a Tm- vld Cunnlnjfhttni. of Murphy avenue: of A Uoitttenun From XtUU DonntUr to PittBb'urB. (his m'orn tlvts for several days.

Win, Miss Maude serlojisly' 111 her.hqnift-on;.''vVest Peach Blla Wlshart.Mf, VMS calling-oh hero' iLoretta Murphy, and 1 on rola- MrM.vS,-; lEdinbntls visited: her. dttugluitr, Snisi; unHerwdnt an Mflrcy-tipspltal; The the' 'setting- along remarkably calllna- on Crlcnda Mr. uhd 1 Mrs; 1 "i-e- 'home a visits with; Confluonc'c. "CCho condition of Mi-y. J.

-K. who been 'Seriously Ut for the -past; 1 the Plttsburff Steam' Fairmont, today bualf has bocn' Ill at her home n.1 the.Hpt'el^iArf llnvtOfi the 'Hcvernl ls. able to. be out Mrs. friends will beiglndtto learn oC.her.'re- covery.

Mrij. Grey, sister of Mrs. pull, 1s utsb r.ecovcrlnff. from'a. se-' Vtre'uttuck.

'wlthi heaUquu'rtot-s. In pnld' a'vlslt to.tli* Now TIavc-h post qlHco.thl« the 1 -very godo 'ahapcL Mlsit'Murlcai-At H. an 'employe, of- the "Union ''Su'pply'storo' at Adfrtulcle; 'WUH Ih tO pn' Mliin Suylor wont 'to town; this Mrs, B. C. Ciiunlnffhani, MISS-Cramer' accepted a' position its cashier, for luiicht) A Companyi 'succeeding Mlss Bruce, wlio.rauently.

reHlKnud bargains evet-y -at Artman'b-. Mrs. A I and chlldrpn b.f'.TJn-^ lontown. ari tho jfuusts of i-claUveH Ih 1 New-Havon today. Mri.

Jiuncn Rccd of town 1 F. loft yesturdiiy.for.XQW-' port News on. a J. B. Eclairtl In Plttsburjr day on business.

T. Evtriis left yeBtcrday for Hartr on busInenM. Ht-v. Thoinus Lloyd of Ntnv Haven, Is In Plttjtburg today. Miss Klla of EvcrKon, nest of frlt-ndw here Miss Caroline Mci-'arianil of durbllt, was.calling on friends'here teirduy.

Itflss RhelL Kobaukrr Is friends In PlltSburs-. HItc ruturtied morning- visit with -In Mr. ahu 1 1 Otis Couk of Burlln have boon visiting at tin homo o( Mr and GeorKe. llitc on street, i etui he hurno 'rhla II. R.

Suckctl of Smlthneld, and of Uniontown. are the home of air' und Mis 'J Duug-herly. on the South Side. 'vlsftJhjr, A QeMrous Ollt Prafnwr Muayon-hns just beautiful, useful aqd complete; contniM not only all untiflo information concerning the Tnoon a pluKl, -in all the bul; hai il hutnted urtlclcn on how. tq ictor TJY nhrcnology, nttlmutry, and birth SJontM tf aho-tSlls all about curd, rewl- birth stonm and their meaning, and civet the interpretation of drrunu It leichei beauty tultnro wcirhtu and mesaiircn and antiaotia Tor polton.

In fact, it in it Al -nunaci- that not only BUM valuable in much nroiwi- for every member ot for parties nnd evening; enter lamments. BUrmera- and people in tho will find this Almantic ul- Invaluable tt will be lent to anyone free oh to thj'Munyon Bern- cdy Company, -Fltjiitdclpuia, Ta, DIKO. i CoIIInn, ColHna ured Ho ytinru, former woil known reuitlent of and an employee the Baltimore Ohio Rullrptid fcfr forty died ierdny mornlnff at tlie Jii'a brotlicr-ln-law, Jacob Will. at. Monori Deuih wuu due to cUubetes from which, ctiaetiat! lie hud boun suffer cr for time pitat, body WM nhipputl to Into home ill Nekton Funeral from tho Bnptl'st Church at "West New- ion tomorrow afjtcrnoon at ajd'clock; Collins warf; bbm" ahil In ConneHiivine, -At.

the ot-'20 yonric becumo ftretnuh on tlio- BaltSmbro Ohio, RalhoaU UiLoi he was pro- mottid to position of engineer ycttrs run the AVoitt Newton accommodation. i It 'wiia tukon off 'ho I'un'frohi Plitsbursr 'to'. Fairmont. oh hU uiiffltib tit. TDunbiir last Mny he met with (in Injury which forcr him to rhtlrp, Mr.

Collins waa Puat oC the "West Newton lidclKQ-'oJt Mnsona, mcnibiir oC tho Knlffhts'Tcm plnv, oC tho OnirlH Tom pic, 1 A. 6. N. of Whoolinar, TV-, Brown Dlvlalon B. Mr.

Collin8 was one ofahc most trusty amp joy ex on O. rodd and hla. circle of will, regret to of hla duatli, Mr. CoHlnK. waa married to Ml'sii Roland' of Wnst Ne-wton.

VNo- chllUriin born the JHc'waa. jovial tlidpoalllon r'o opuctcid and who knew him. In addition -to widow, ha a Htirvlvcd by the otjBtenc Robert Col HUB MtMH AltlJQii Collins and Mra Whun of lira. Jacob Will of' Monongalioltt Urn. Jjj'do Curl of Sally Hutchy 1 'oC Mew Stiiunton, OuorKo.

of Homo- OisorRo A and Jume-i 'Munaon 'aa'ti'coualns- ofHho flu- Mm. 1 Loulna Con ho aged yqaiw wife' of, Aly; Coako, tiled 1 mornlngr at her lute homo on Curnuglo iivonilol'fluh- crftl aerylc.C!! 'Hftisnioon'' uU o'clock, from- thci "ranitly Occcaiied sis survived bj' huwband, and live -two boya 'and DnrHlliui FtiiiernL tuHoral of thc 'Into FreflerlcTt- Bredlau o.f. Morgan' will place fro ni the hqitne tomorrow morri- litff- at o'clock ant( from 3t John a J.uthorun Cliurch to p'6lockis 1H Hill Orovo cometery Rooge Crolx Pint 65 One of 'the 'iiipSat. jtomin(W; has "du.ring:;iije-ipaat::y'ear;;-Ii·;'will 1 be by ueiirlyi every jmaai' 1 1 used -will' lis- ar tufe areparatlonr Ihafc will hill "the 'germs; 1 and that'is Parisian This on any heiid where; there; is is A Clarke to Tailing jBcaip in. two or is thejmoat inylgo- 6r''greii83: and-; Is oxiensively 'Vy ladles of refinement, who hiiye.

and; to. keep "soft, Aulivra hair la on: every peonage 'Parisian 1 for a large at A.I;..A: jdlreit'" 'i-'all:" prepaid, by ctui makers, Oiroux. Buffalo, N. Y'; MISS MARY LILLY TAYLOR. 27--The of WUs Mwy Ully Taylor to Dr Reid Hunt hub just been' iinnnimceil The wWding will take ptaci In thin city be one of the biggest social function! ot the winter la being extensively entertained bj the younger Waahlngton apt, ith whom she Is very popular Do you know of any woman who ever received any benefit from taking Lydia E.

Pmkham's Vegetable Compound? 5 If any womart who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have been rebtored to health by famous old remedy, made exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs. During the 'past 30 year's we have published thousands of letters from these grateful 'women who have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkhiun'i Vegetable Compoiiiid, and never in all that time'have we. published a.

testimonial without the writer's special permission Never have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts that this a true and honest statement of a. woman's experience with Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound write and ask' her.

Houston, When flnrt taking- Ptitk- bnm's Vegetable. Compound T.WM total wreck. I liad been Hick for tliree.year* with female chronic dyapepiift, and a lirer trouble. Iiad tried aeveml but nothing did me (food. For tMree yean I lired on and thought I would never get well, when.

I read an adVertinaent of tydlft E. Plnk- VegeUible Compound, and WM advised to; try It. "Mj- husband got me one bottle of the Compound, and It did me no oach.xfHxl I continued use. I am now a well woman and enjoy of health. advise! all women suffering from such to give Lydia E.

Pinkhant'a Vegetable Compound trial. They won't regret it, for it will surely cure you." --Mra. Btjasle Ji. Hlcka, 819 Cleveland Houaton. Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not Jto, give 1 such a.

medicine as thus a Why should it JsX." -2 i j-tj ifiJ, notfto.eive sucn a meqicine as mis good as it did Need Vinol because it contains It ttfles the system against colds, and thus prevents pneumonia. This because Vlnol contains Iron and all ol the medicinal body-build- liifl.iiaiOTente'"^ from fresh cods' livers but no oil. thing it contains is named on bottle. Elderly Irel llw: cold keenly, kceaiwc tbelr tUmrBlniiiilcb uii watery. Vlnol the Ideal blood tonic and 'maker.

It 'creates" a COUGHS AND COLDS Elderly people are very soscep- tlble to coughs and wnlcb 30 often develop mnen- monla. Don't -lose ttme experimenting with oilier, remedies when we guarantee Vlnol to cnre. JVinol aas carried many an old person tkrongn a bard winter wltliont a cold or covgfc. 80 YEARS OLD 'was so leeble I had be wbeeled aboal In an Invalld'sr cnalr, and took' 'cold at the slightest Vlnol built up my strength so I. could walk 'a 'quarter ot a mile.

I am de- liShted." MRS. M. BLOOM. Lewlstown. Pa.

VINOL QUICKLY CURES A COLD AND STOPS A COUGH tlon, blood and tbe entire YEARS OLD IHe grand-niece ol Alexander i "aaV'To" old, nave a nearly, appe- Ute, sleep aoandly. and feel' aettve aad well. Tbaajts: to wklea the ttneai tonic lever used. VlvoJ a Bend 1 old peo- YOUR MONEY BACK IF VINOL FAILS TO HELP YOU GRAHAM SX Druggists, Connellsville. You can at the Ltadinc Dniff Store in every-Town and City in this RUMMAGE SALE -AT- Union Supply Comp'y Stores W.e.

every nook and corner in every, one'of 63 stores. are cutting dowii prices on "everything upon, which time a 19D promises great things. A good housekeeper must house in order, a good storekeeper a gooff commercial part ot the work of good store keeping is keep- Ing one's hoiise In order. agaln, to use a different figure of stream of "merchandise must "be kept 'very clear all the otherwise it will not' bo' a pure-stream. At'all-hazards, and at all the must be brolten away, the banks.cleared, and; current allowed to flow Bwiftly along from to shore.

rEuni- mage woik is merely dealing tie stream Rummage Sale in Every Department The stieams will all be cleaied ot purified in the boys' and children's clothing Just will'- flnd' the bargains In the stoic Iheie aie all sizes and styles, ani the: prices are' within reach of everybody's "pock'etrbodk. INION SUPPLY COMPANY. 63 DEPARTMENT STORES Located in Westmoreland, Fayette, Allegheny Co INSTITUTE GUARANTEES CURES. 1 mdajiit 1. i ot lunliBd fji Doctor Barnes most lucoasrol spedalfet con of fifiw.

iml ctadtuie GraW En Do not OUT sjmtMtoiY aiurenKjls to Fcnuoar Jodttd m. Ertrrthmr Mp make you well Out mooev OnuIUttahtc, CiIUi vnkUdav 1 TDPAT Eyt Ccztuni. Goiter. Palpitation Preiiaita tiv-r Bp'lePW; Korshin. Biteuei of Men md Women Special and knd urrh specially end cured tot Inalloua The fincit equipped Bank BuUdlnx, Uniontown; Or.

Barms offices Third floor HAVE TOTT TRIED OTJB y'-.

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