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The Centralia Enterprise and Tribune from Centralia, Wisconsin • Page 8

Centralia, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-r I it TRIBUNE. BY BRUNDAGE BROS. Catered it the Post Office at Centralia, Wisconsin, as second-class mail matter. Centralia, Wisconsin, Apr. 15,1899 Petlc List of Petit Jurors drawn April 13, 1899, to serve at the May term of Circuit Court: Sam J.

Williams, Aubnrndale- AugTist Moerke. Andrew King-, Centralia. Frederick E. Keilaer, Centralia. Louis Oberbeck.

Eiward Reonius, Grand Rapids. Geo. "VT. Davis, Chris T. Tirnic.

Delbert Miller, Thomas Thompson, Lincoln. TTilliam Blocksidge, Andrew Kohl, E. G. Lees. Marsh field.

Jacob Pianion. F. J. Deckert. A.

S. Bhss, August Farstenburg. Marshfield. Joseph Encress. George Regenfuss.

Carl Beidel, Mike Sciitferl, TTiiliani Sprowl. Pittsville. Jerome Potter. H. Remington, Reiuingrou.

Geo. Lyons. Barney Severion. Richneld. J.

Clark, Rudolph. John Fritchie, John McTavish. Rock. Andrew F. Mercer, Rock.

H. H. Johnson. Harry Thomas. Sherry.

William Thienike, Vesoer. Henry Smith, Wood. Leonard Btiilis. Wood. Thomas C.

Dewitt. Wood. TBeiforeTEe "dlicbrery Cough Cure, ministers were g'tcatly disturbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. Johnson, Hill Co.

--Greatest spring tonic ever offered suffering humanity. Drives away all biuod impurities, constipation, kidney and liver troubles. Keeps you well all summer. Rocky Mountain Tea. Johnson.

Hill Co. --Before "Saying your wall paper window shades and paint, call and see our line. Our prices are right. Wood County Drug H. H.

Voss. mana- ger. Wood's brick block, Grand Rap- --A pure malt and hop beer best remedy for sleeplessness and pepsia. It puts new life into a tired body and strengthens the entire system. Try the Geo.

Ruder Brewing ot Wood County Court--In Probate. STATE OK WISCONSIN, Wooi C'ouTV NOTICE is lleBKisv That at the reir- uUr term of the County Court, to be lield in and for said county, at the court house Iu city of Uraud JiapUls In said county ou the iud tlay of Mav. A. O. 1399.

at teu o'clock a. tiie following matter will heard and considered: Tlie application of Fred Brunkey for tlie miiutineut of an administrator of the estate of TuraUruukey, late of the of Craiid in said county, deceased. lated April 1S99. By the Coun, JOHN A. GAYXOR.

Judge. Notice of Final Proof. AC WlS Notice is hereby that 'tlse following unties bis mtetitiou Kc-fr i-nii beer and ou get the pure. Orders for keg- and bottle beer will receive prompt attention. H.

Venske. Agent, Centralia, Wis. April iC, 18S9, rook. H. E.

No. 7.14, lie names the loHottiajr witnesses to his continuous residence upon. cu'malioii of, said laud, li. Kaiuuei (Griffith.Conrad Mejer. Jas-.

liu and L. Ward, ail of Uemii.xfwii, Wi. T. WHEE1.OCK. As the season of the year when I pneumonia, la grippe, sore throat, Notice of Sale on Foreclosure.

Stale of Wisconsin, Wood Cottntv--In Trashy Goods Are Dear at Any Price. Following this principal we've always steered clear of sliody stoc-E and shoddy manufacturers. When we offer goods at an extremely low figure it's not because the quality is is low. but because our purchasing power is high. That is why our clothing always gives satisfaction.

It's the secret of our success. It's why peo- pie who buv our clothing are alwavs well dressed. -f Our Spring and Summer recently received was specially selected as to quality, style, workmanship and price. It is the wonder of competitors and surpasses their best efforts. It is now ready for inspection.

that In of and of as good" as One Minute Cough Cure. Nut-teis jjiveu That is the one infallible resnedv fvr a ji.ukiWuc all lung, throat or bronchial troubles, I Insist vigorously upon having ir ui- third day of August, A. it. Jtvr, iu of "i'" se" offered YOU. John I UK- piaiiit.n ilse above I TT-'- IUIIJM.U th-ltiidaiiss therein, tiiiure than ouejear son.

i such entry part of i uc-ii judgment 1, I P. IX. or town or Vujceui. of S.IHJ tviiuij V. wiSI -rf TT on UK- Jir--! of ilav.

A. I. at o'clock K. II. i lca lr tuo! i that li.n.

at th- from hie McMillan, of city. t' 1 court house city or -eta! oner bidder on K- Jr--! av. a ococ i lca lr tuo! i that li.n. at th- from dour ol and Archie McMillan, of city. t' 1 court house city or Kaj.ul.

-eta! oner for sate constituting the and at public to tb for Wood county. met at the court last Thursday. This meeting trier i of UitrSiv.iihvitr'.t --cctiou iiumber was ior the ourpose or 'in. Towa-'iip UUIUIHT rv.ejisy-fne i-5j, for the reguar jury to be drawn by the clerk of the circuit court. i Hit-- uf Marcli.

A. l. MlCHAKt. Vli'KNT. Querist --Le Page sister-, who are at the H-A r.O..i»K.v Notice of Sale on Foreclosure.

Aiharnbra this week, are prime favoi ites with patrons of the house. They do a chic song- and dance act. singing State of Wisconsin. Wood County--In songs which they composed themselves, i Circuit Court. Beautiful Designs, Fashionable Makes.

A full line of new Spring- Suirs. Fancy and Seri-es in all the popular shades and colorings-tailor made throughout, with hand-made button holes. Remember, "we fit the hard to lit." All Silk Lined Spring Top Coats Of genuine Covcr.t cloths, in both light and dark shades, lined with s'ilk throughout: and workmanship. The assortment is complete and it cannot fuil to please if you Avill onlv look it over. Find a New Home.

For the purpose of inducing immigration and of giving desiring 1 to. a chaace to go into the northwest to look up new homes, the Xorthera and executing some of the neatest j- little dances imaginable. In connec- tion with their act they make several lightning changes of costume. Their act is one of the most a i on the i U'eauuiger. I'J ami F.iik.

I ISurcuerc t'oi'S- I Ddiiv Nou--e is hereby given viri'so pur-uaiit to a judgment -f s.ilc i It will oe tnat tr.e i iu rt i cr ed ami in th- :a.n.- entitled r.f artfon In the court i-r futility on the v-i of I). lyJT. iu f.ivw or the the L'ise ol Pacific Railway has reduced rates to i mer in Grand anG tiuni-ii therein, than olK-jear neariv all in its territory west granaaaugnters or aac Jars, A. R-e -tic'- eutiv and parr oi I. i of Aitkin and Little Falls.

Minnesota. M. Freeman. This reduction amounts to about one- I iialf the normal first-class rate on both one way and round trip tickets. Sound trip tickers have limit of 21 and a word from the wie be sufficient, but you who are the Those who know.

The oft re- been of-aiil i nn first of A. 1'. noisse in the ciii -i K.ip::i-. in oiler for and at to tin- bvkitr for the -j and are gooci for stopovers; one peatcd experience of trustworthy peo- "ihe'imrtheast of the i way tickets are gopd for continuous ma be taken for knowledge. Mr.

passage except that limited stop- W. M. Terry uf thu-e-oi passage except that limited stopovers will be allowed at and -west of Spokane on tickets to certain north Pacific coast points. This give.s those who want to go west a splendid opportunity to visit Minnesota. Xorth Dakota, including the Red River valley ana Manitoba: also the Yellowstone.

Gallatin. Bitter Root and Clark Fork valleys of Montana, the celebrated Lewiston region of Idaho: the Palouse. Colviile, Taki- Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug business at Elkton. for twelve years: has sold hundreds of bott'-es of this remedy and all other cough manufactured which shows conclusively that Cham- berlain's is the taost satisfactory to Sheriff of Wood Oi.t'F.y minus's Any-.

Dainty Suits for Little Ones. A wealth ot prettv effects and evclusive novelties in fancy suits for the wee Brownies, Sailor. Middy. Military and many other styles. Handsome Suits for Big Boys.

Elegantly tailored from the best all-pool suitings by the foremost manufacturers in the country. Stylish, finely finished, well fitting aiu strictly up to date. KRUGER CAMERON, The Wide-awake Otitfitiers. Grand Rapids, Wisconsin. HooJ" BricX Block.

Corner Viat: and SotitH to Creditors. State of Wisconsin--County Court for i Wood County--In Probate. In matter of the esMtt- oi Uosma ma and Walla Walla valleys and the Bisr Bend of eastern the people, and is the best. For sale by Johnson. Hill druggists.

--Miss Ella Kellner who has been Ington and Sound, Gray's Har- for the past aevetl veeks was made happy this week by receiving- a box of curios from Florida, sent to her toor. and Willamette River val eys of the coast region of western by Mrs- A. Z. Bennett. Washington ar.a Oreg-on.

There vras quite a large coilect on of verc pretty».ry on tiit- of deceased. icn Issued -er Louise Bili- inver on the iiav 01 Mirci. A. IX ISyJ. it at this term of this i Tliat all creditors of said Kosni.i 'U preifiit their elaitus trxsitiiuaiion ail-! aliouance to court on or the 2nd day which tune is iWood Co.

National Bank, A RAPIDS, WIS. Price List I f. GJLRJUSOy. frt-sitlent. JU.

3f. JLEX.4XTER, f. -r. iroOD. CftfTtier JDICKS05 CAREY, Proprietors.

htrrebj allowed ami limited tor tliat purpose. FURTHKK. That the''lamia and di niandsof all persons aaain-t« be japan i presented to. aiiju-teil Arbuckie Con- bv thi- court at the resnilai te. tn thereot to be lield at tlie probate oSice hi the city of Uraisd Rapids, in said couutv.

on the first Tuesday. Round trip excursion dates are. sea shells and other curios too iiumer- being the 3rd day of AND is FCRTHKK OKDKKED. That notice said claims and examined and ad- rdough, "7 Ttroanwai-. Mnsted as Aforesaid, and the time limited for Utl Lt i tl VJ.d.1,^0 CLi i --April 4th and 13th.

May 2nd and 16th. ous to mention. Miss Kellner was a 1899. Write for information to C.C. Mrs Bennett's Sunday will be recced exan, 377 Broadway.

Milwaukee. JC IJt justed as Aforesaid, and oi iht; ni or Chas. S. Fee. General Passenger Agent, St.

Paul. Minn- IVT- E. CHurcfa. Rev. F.

A. Xirnits, pastor. Public services for Sunday, April 16. 1899. 9:30 a.

Class Meeting. 10:30, Morning Service. Subject of sermon: "How The Weak And Aged Mav Become Young And a. Sunday School. 3:00 p.

m-. Junior League. p. "Epvrorth League. 7:30.

Evening Service- Subject of sermon: "Can Build A Success- i* On Cl.rlstian.Pi school class, and to receive a present from her teacher at such a time is very pleasing- to her and she feels very prond of the collection. Keliner is gradually improx-ing from her recent illness and when the weather is permissable takes short drives with her father. The many friends of creduois to their claims. l'e civen by a coj of tkis order and no'ice for four successive the Ceatntlia Entt-r- and Tribune. newspauer pnb- UsliH! the city of said county, the first to be tea d.ijs from tlie date the order.

Dated March 21. lST-9. 1 the Coi'rt, County Judge. A special invitation Is esteaded to business uien to be prescct- A five object lesson will tse preaci'ac to the children, prececir the regular The will be tr.rnished a'; quartets by a cornetist. 1 prayer arc ir.eetir.g to follow.

Everyone is cordially invited to attend j.n^ a-id all these i Miss Ivelluer hope to see her perfectly well again soon. i --Last Saturday afternoon the pas- sengers on the eastboucd G. Jt. W. train were quite badiy shaken up and I had an almost miraculous escape from death two miles east of ow- ing to an unnoticed washout.

The roadbed collapsed under the weight of the train, which -was running about forty miles an hour. Fireman Coppin i jumped but Engineer J. C. Wigman was pinned in by the debris of the engine which rolied down an i embankment of about thirty feet. He I was quite severely "03- not seriously injured- The baggage car and coaches were torn off their trucks and thrown forward.

Xone of the passengers were injured however, but were con- D. W. McKer-j Wall Paper. Good Japan Tea. with present 25c Good Japan Tea.

without present. I ee lie i Lion Coffee lie Best Lard Good Prunes Milk Crackers Sc Soda Crackers Ginger Snaps i Good Prepared Mustard per qt lOc Gioss Starch per Ib 4c Lamp Chimney. Xo. 2 5c A nice Lamp complete. Xo- 2 burner 25c Bracket Lamp, Xo.

2 burner 25c Axes SOc Hammers lOc i Potatoes per bu 35c i Xice Sauce Dishes per doz I5c Four quart tin Coffee Pot lOc Tin -wash cc One quart dipper 5c i I Wash Board 12c Lots of Flower Pots and Jardineres at i a surprisingly low price. Corne immediately for banrains are go-1 i Capital 350,000. We can furnish the finest livery turn- outs ia the city on the shortest no- tice and at the lov -'est rates. Careful drivers furnished. 1, 1SS1.


E. XASH rigs and horses are constantly being added to our establishment. Ofnce and stable on Kiver street, north of the Commercial Hotel. Ce-Jtratia, Telephone Xo. T.

All business connected with banking- is earnestly solicited, and we promise prompt and careful attention to every detail. Interest paid on time deposits- i EDWARD 8. DeNEYERS, Grattd Rapids, Wisconsin. siderably frightened. If YOU are roing to oaoer vour V-? A.

m. m. 1 They Speak For Theittselves Notice- cner. was among the as- roomg A SD a sengers and he says the jar was so our samples before purchas- Our prices are a elsewhere. great that the passengers ir.

the ral; coach were thrown hke Proot ater jr-jter iroin football team on the gridiron. 51 r-f to 545 atGitchell Lubeck's. Jos and A. M. Arpin the Iowest IO cents a arrived in the city the nr of the roll up.

week from San Juan, Porto Rico, for O. P. Menzel. artistic photogra- a of several weeks with friends ph-r. Gaiicry Mrs.

Kanjin's and relatives- Both the young men store. G-anc Ra.p-.ds. TTis. are meeting with good success their paper, paint, oil and window business ventures on the isiand. Mr.

at County Drag Corriveau is engaged in the cafe buss! es. wniie Mr. Arpin. in company caused by iles i wilh his brothsr A Arpin. is en- bnck block.

Grand Rapids. acror.v is caused bv piles, diseases. These are a eG water power jrn.f.. and quickly i tkey a 5 ff bought up all the availcuret: De Witt's Hazel'saive. ab ovver the They re- of worthless John- ort Piatte Corriveau and Will Smith n.H Co.

good health and doing well. Gus. Centralia Drug Go's CHURCH. Manager. J.

given by the a also a former resident of this Co. the Grand opera i in busine--, at San a creditable in Ir Corriveau brought with qiute a a German a of cursoa from the i a jd rej.utd- vvhich may bo in the i a i it -tore, i We iet the shirts we wash and the collars and cuffs we iron speak for themselves. They will talk louder I than we do. We want to be judcred 7nore bv the work we do than bv what we Giv" a after that you'll come iiere i Model Steam Laundry L. Sor.s in Grand N.

i i receive prompt i I Wall Paper! Wall Paper! have an immense stock, ail the latest de- siijns and colors, and the fact vj that Wall Papers have advanced from 50 to 75 per we will sell at about the same price as last vear. Prices range from 5c to per single roll. Before YOU buy your Wall Paper be sure to sec our line and get our prices. Johnson, Hill Drug Department. Attention! i Is called to 1113- superior line of Men's, i Ladies' and Children's Shoes, i In black and tan.

You -will find on my shelves a line of fine foot- 1 wear that will surprise you. iLono Experience" In handling leather enables me to select goods that have g-enu- ir.e merit in them. That is the kind I A trial purchase i will prove the truth of my asser- tion. I. ZIMMERMAN, Daly Brick Block.

Centralia. Honest Injun Cross My Heart When you hear one little boy say that to another boy 3 oa know he is telling the truth--it's his way of registering an oath. We're so much in earnest in our desire to convince you that this sale of CARPETS" and CURSAIXS is worthy of your attention that we feel like imitating the little boy and sav "Honest Injun--cross my We Ingrains at 45c to 85c per yard Tapestry Brussels 65 to 84 cects. Body Brussels S5c to S1.15. Moq'uets 90c to Si.20.

"VTilions and Axininisters 51. Si.35. All of these Carpets are bound, sewed and fitted to the room. Lace and Chenille Curtains at the right price. We also Itave Furniture of all cecrip- tiotis.

and you may rest assured that our poices are rght. Call and see us. M. A. BQGOGER, I Funeral Director and i Telephone 4S.

119 Vine Street RAPIDS..

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