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McPherson Freeman from McPherson, Kansas • 2

McPherson Freemani
McPherson, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

(t l)c ilTcpijersou I8HI KD RTEKT KEIUaT. SUBSCRIPTION PER YEAR Si. 50 KANSAS UcPHEllSON. When Mr. Ingalls wasssked if dema-gogiMni is necessary to success in politics, he replied: "That depends on what is meaut by the term.

Occasional surrender of individual judgment to public opinion is prudent and respectful deference to wide-spread error is now and then expedient. It is always well to keep the pole star in view, but when the wind is dead ahead a skillful navigator will either tack or drop anchor." J. F. Laderer Company, Have the largest and best selected stock of CLOTJErTOsTGr and IT JSTISTr-l 1 1ST Gr OODS In Central Kansas, And are well prepared to make very low prices, as the goods are bought at a very low price and for nice designs, neat styles, and perfect fits, they cannot be equaled in this part of the State. We have splendid line of Workirg Cairr.ents That ite well rr.ade Over Alls, Jeans Pants, Shirts, and Jackets lanttli Marram.

From thftcnr windows of i trains of th-Denver nn1 RioGraude railroad csn seen tlirt spec iaele ol Natures outlers presented by any railroad on he Globe, on aconntot which this rand has gained the mui'ii merritted title of the "Scenic Line of the World" The RioGiendois essentially the tourUts line, and over it the traveler secures equal comfort and with the added pleasure of Bights and scenes unequaled for grand'ire, bt-anty and sublimity anywhere in this ceuntiy or Europe. No American should miss the opportuuitv to seethe grnndure ol his own country as seen only by journey oven this line, and by so doing hang such pictures on the walla ot memory that all the attemp's of the most celebrated artists will seem weak and trivial in the of Nintre's in j''stic works among the enow-crowned peaks of the Rocky It any of our readers to kiiuw uifii etupenduona works wrile s. K. lloeper, General Pass-enur Annt, lenver, Colorado, and he will send you, la of st, elegantly illustrated houks ctvittis a of the mar veis ot Line." Senator Ingalls introduced a bill granting a pension of St! a moa'h to all persons who served in the late war not less than thiee mouths nor m-re Cian FRIDAY, MAY 2, OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER THE HiltlAVS l'LATKOttH. Free coinage of silver with the perfect restoration its tuoretary character as a measure of value, and issuance of legal tender treasury notes for our paper money circulation.

National letrisl ition for the better regulation of railroads. Adequate legislation to wipe out trusts. In congressional legislation, anti-caucus rule in action upon all economic questions. American lands for American citizens. A service pension.

Oall and examine onr stock. Socks, Hats, Kto-, that will please any person at astonishing low price jicLiici i la ui aui LJiiiii l. a. uurs iruiv, JB Lacler-er The Leading Clothiers and Furnisher, McPherson, Kansas. Look for big wire sign on top of building.

otue to Slritiae Kcllrfcra. Notice yiven lieu senled bids will On leceivetl by the Roitril of County at tlte Uounty leiW's oilicc no to li tu. ol Jut tali, isini, tor ttie On 1 1 ot il bi ii here rotol ott lo.e rnt-ffs In-' O'-n eectitttts "7.imi 2" -ilSiitnd "1 jt i), Mfl'liec-on (' imiy, lianeri--, i i'lo to be It-el Hi feet 11 teel biyli. ioaid re-e-rvi! the n'tt tort any tttnl t.l! bits. 4'J Ivf W.

A. County t'lei k. to Secretary RrK of the Trepan ment of Agriculture, admitting the g-nenu d-pre sion prevailing in agriculture, assigns as the chief cause, carelessness in culture together with the importation of agricultural products that might be grown in this country. The position of Mr. Rusk, as secretary of the Department of Agriculture, tends naturally to give his views great weight But notwithstanding this, Mr.

Rusk fails to reach the root ot the evil. There is no greater degree of carelessness in farming at this time than in former years, and yet the industry is greatly depressed. Any effort to solve the problem which fails to take note of the lower level of prices of farm staples, tltat has attained in tin years, as compared with prices prior to will prove a failure. Fluctuations in price year alter yt ar, cannot of course be prevented, as these mxhv from large or short crops, but the fiiicttntinns med to be upon a plain of values than they are at present. As an ill us ration, for the live jears erding with bw.

the price of wheat in Liverpool riuchrUed between and 1 7-1 per whereas for the last live years the iln-'tiritions in the same market has been from 0 cenls to 05 per bii-h-1, which is the priue cause of the difficulty. This lower level of values cannot be accounted for through can-less farming, nor extravagant living, but is due to an insufficient volume of standard money in the commercial world, as the measure of the value of all commodities. Never before in the history of the government has there been a more conspicuous demonstration of the fact, that this is a p-oples goveiMiient, than is offered by the present earnest movement in congress for the restoration or silver as standard money. When congress convened, the silver sul ject was scarcely ever mentioned, and but vry imperfectly understood. Even uniung members in congress, not one in twenty possessed liny thing like a clear conception of the sub ject.

iSinceth- convening of congress, there has been no elec tion expressive of the public demand, yet the voice of the people in cor. veil! ions, bv resolution and through the press. The Emporia Hepublicau is sjon become an evening paper. one year; to those serving more than one ear and not exceeding f-oo davs, 8 a month, and those who served over nxi davs one cent per diem for each day's service. No person who is wt rih at the time of hi; application shall be sntitlcd to this service nsion.

Ma.iou of the Topeka Capital ha-j Ken indicted by the grand jury under Judge Foster's instruction. The charges are ill-gal fees, and perjury for swearing to them The anion. of the bibs for the f-jes were indicated by the clerk of Judge i's court. The whole grows our of a. controversy between the Judge i i Capital, in which the paper i-tihe light and in which the Judge has blm.ueieJ.

met Dick IVue. at the dep the oiler evening, on his return from Washington. He thinks that, the variety of interest affected by pensions, the tariff and the silvei question, are boundless and troublesome, br.t he is confident that when this ses-sion closes, more good legislation will go on the st- tutes from any preceding session. Kansas City. Gazette.

F. C. Cole. COLE B. S.

Bonney. BONNEY, DEALERS IX S'uerifTg Sale. State i-" Kans-, McI'iikkson ss. The tuaLrt' ami Trust otn It is believed that Congaess will adjourn alxjut the 10 of July. Geo W.

Click is the talked ot democratic candidate for governor. The Kansas Farmer estimates the farm mortgages in the state at 000. jtaay, a t-oi p.trut s. Jultu F. Nt-tt, C'ata l.

MrNftt, itnvi'1 iionmntjri, 1' 'ire iiufi Slai ine I-stntiitc Coinpnny a ilr.i- tai tn-rliiu "No Selling out at Cost," No Bankrupt Stock to Give Away! No goods a HALF PRICK, but we will sell you goods for as LITTLE MONEY as any one in the state or in the U. S. conn ost-tl of L. 1 t). krr iin'l Al.

l.ow kfi tittr it su lf.iaorl, eonij omkI of C. Litci 11. II Snriemlort. nf itn (iritcrot tle issio tl mit ol ricultural llii' fifi k's ollit-t ttT tin li-itrict fnurl sitting nud Mr siiiit Md'iicrin I'tmiitv, in tin entUJf.l flftiuu an tu nie cut cted I will t.n Moml.iy, the of Mr.y, Just Received a full line of at 1 f'ciock in il.e aftt-i noon of day, hi the l'ronT il xir ot the cunt in Mtitl county, nfT -r imlilic ami st iili- tttit vpt'-t ist-ment to i.e lushest tti-d les'.er it.r.isli In loitttty svi.i t.ler tt! stUe, all he t-sti. 1 11 ttiul ot the FBI DRESS GOODS Implements iib'tve Mimiett R.ttt e-tcti t.t liient.

Judge XIetsker of Tor-eka, has cone over and gotten after the Missouri state capital. The recent favorable weather tins had the effect of improving the wheat crop very materially. It was the Hutchinson News that interviewed Clover and found him less hostile to Irmalls than reported. The Newton Republican sensibly remarks, cease efforts to out down revenue or cease appropriations. The Kiuprman Isatter suggests the calling together of the congressional committee of the seventh district.

arei tf einllttiiiir TIltMM, in tt I ti.ji tr.uL un.l Puosrrx'Ts are bright ning all 'round Prices are and ith some v. ht-lesome legiilatit n. will cuntinue advance. Th4 out 1 -ok is favorable 11 li c. of t- tl i it sa hi count to Tin: smith hull ol (he xon il west quarter i sec itiiu- ttiid lie hcrlli hult ol the not 1 e.

nhar'cr of see'i mm another good crop' IVoj are all it to eifcli.e"ii s), sr.utii ot Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Road Carts, r-iture two (-) in icl It r-ort I'otmiv. lin nirt tu't tt t.eth.-r iUi the eii'l net. here 1. 1 i i vt-n titit in hatttl it t.llh't in he IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FABRICS Including Worsteds, Surahs, Sicilians, Silk and Wool Hen-reitt is, Reversible Worsteds endless variety in Stripes and Fancies, Broad Cloths, and Dress Flannels in great varieties. An immense stock of cil ot Mcl'lie: iii Msld county, tliis Sth lay ot April, ll.

(jr.KAs-os, Shei-ur hm Piss ail Puj Rtnirs, Twins, Oils i economizing ami making strenuous efforts to iay their debts. A better pit vails and this of itself is a good omen. Timls are improving, things area moving, business no lorg-cr is dead grain is advancing, vahns enhancing. Kansas is forging ahead Interest is stopping, dropping, money's df ily founti hard tunes are going, confidence growing, ieeling is all 'round. Leave oil your growling', shut up your howling, banish that "hark from th lim'ntT your muscle.

Wi Ml Ifeiries, 4X1 Ml UlUUi iUMI GliATTAX GHATTAS, fur Kiift L'tih. M.e ii 11, Irf'ft. SJierifl's sle. State ok Kansas, Mc chkuson Coi'stv, sh. Katht'rine ml, ns Kxecnti ix yj.

S.O. Sveiition, Mi-tl Itium Svi'tisim, Ins wife. VlRTl'E OF AN OKllKU or SAI.K, nil of the uftite, nl the dlt: irt court -ittiiii; in and lor said Mr i'herson county, in llieahove. cniilied uctionaiid to u.e tlirt cttd, I w.ll on SAT CUD AY, Til 3BD II A OF MvY.lS'.KI, ill 111 ti'e'iock thf forenoon ol sAitl day, at the front door of the court house 123 South Main St. MePherson, Ivas.

August 12 the (irand Army of the Republic will assemble in Huston fer its twenty-fourth annual encampment. The Toprka Press Club banquet given at the Copeland hotel Friday night, was a pleasant gathering of newspaper m' n. The plan now is to provide for the admission of Mexican silver and lead ores to tiie United States free of duty by treaty. FJ t-i I3. Rask, wake up an 1 hurtle Kansas is si.ifti::g a boom.

-Einpnrhi has made itst If so distinctly heard, that congress is lead to make a move against the money power, the strongest influence in national affairs. The magnitude of the question may lie in part understood, lien it is considered that the value of American securities, as compared with the value ot American products, would be lessened to the extent of three billions of dollars by restoring to silver its standard money function. Could a peoples' governnirnt more quickly re; pond to an intelligent public demand Some if the a'liances in the state favor away with the state hoard of railroad To do so would lie a mistake. In the way of regulating fi eights, the board cm do but little for the sou that all we as a i Dealer in Notwithstanding all the difficulties that confront us, Kansas can pay tier debts, even though she give way her crops to do it. Wind Mills, The CclTey ville Joui says that the se "the politicians of Kansas," is goii the rounds of the Kansas press it meant a clasn sho do nothing and et in some git a living ait of coiiijf i -fler for at (rnhhc ion and seii, withoiiL upniHid.t:K-iit, to 1 he l.t-t fo) in to satisfy said o-tier of sti'e, all the estate.

Milt! and, inter.s', ol the above named defendants, mnl eat it hem, and all im.n.s utnler Ihi in. in and to the tol'oiviuj; tiescriii il ti ct mi n-tcel of land, situated in said eon ii 1 to wit: The northeast quarter of section eleven It In e.iuhtt-eii lsi s.mlli. ot live (5J west olLhesixili al nud contniniiiL' one at.d si I H'tl) acres, more or less, tt-jif tier ii t. nam e.J Hereto he iorg'ti, L'jri't to th' lieuof aeeriaisi tnort-jfttae, .1 in 'he in his nct'on. extft.tfl to s- euro Hie ot with the iniert-st to accrue fa.ui March bihI recordetl in Vol.

4J, al in ilie record of i coiiuix-. Given udi tnv liand, fit my llice in the city ot Mci'h-tfon, in said county, tins 2ud day of Aj iii, W. Sheriff. OwKs A Att'v tor iTrt. list Pith.

April 4, lsllo It" Consisting in part of Hemstitched Flouncings, Irish Point "Plissi Flouncing, Vandyke Flouncings, India Linens, Plaid and Check, Nansooks. Lawns etc. A beautiful line of Vandyke and Esurial Laces. A large line of Notions and Fancy Goods, Of every description. Ladies Spring Wraps, in Shoulder Capes, and Headed Wraps.

A iine line of Shoes in LADIES. MISSES AND CIIILDRENS Men and Hoys ItoTs ami Shoes. New paterns in Ilody and Tapestry Brussels. Choice patterns in three-ply and all wool Carpets, Rugs, etc. Come and see us.

KZern Strouse. 110 121 North Main Street. Our Clothing Room is chuck full of New and Desirable Clothing for Men, Youshs, Hoys, ami Childrens wear, Furnishing floods. Hats, Trunks, Valises, Genthmens N--k wear. Collars, Cuffs, etc.

In fact everything pertaining to a gentleman's outfit can be found at the popular clothing house of Kern Strouse, hi 121 North Main Street, MePherson, Kansas. rUMI S. TANKS, PIPE FITTINGS, ATE It bUPI'LIES. In a well written article, tle Kansas Fanner shows that the McKiidey tariff bill is not the taiilT lief measure the people are demanding. the public.

Ak a man ho u-es the ten. i most, who means and he can't tell you. In fact it is larsa ly imaginary. As a rule the felly ws who take an ac- live pari in p.iliii-s nnike their jiving i.i,..i.. i numbing, Steam and Gas Pitting, Skxatou 1 no alls had to asseme twenty eight positions to please a New-York World reporter.

The Alliance done ask half that many. jusi anujiiLii oy tnesuee.iut lueu orow us does the section he clerk or the farmer. Capital. 1UBULAR WELLS. Mi Piiei son.

Kansas. peopie consume ana nearly mat v. sell is transported across stale lines and is inter st it" tr and beyond the reach either of Cue comnussioiieis or the state legislature. When nun talk about legislative control of freight rates in this state to auy very considerable extent it is evident, that they have given but litthi thought to the subjict in all its details. E.

Walkeii. It is stated by Mr, Hickman, of the Jarvis-Conkliu Mortgage com puny, that ten mortgages are now being off in Kansas where one is being made, C. 12. 'In all the icsourees and acquirements tVat go to muke a people rich, wise and grei.t. Kansas has no tqual in the hist ny of people iu i.ueit-nt or modern times.

You Crviiuot run an im.igioary line Peterson. Gust Peterson. Y. A. Patteksox.

i ifhUnn'jri'T 0 i 5 1 1 auiiiju, one territory upon this lied contains just one million people McPIIKIlSOX ilEUCJIAXr Peterson Brothers, There is something 'of a conflict between Rusk's "carelessness In agvicul tore" and the over production theory, as the occasion of the depression. rton, that possesses as my horses, cattle and hogs, as much wheat and coi as many newspapers, and as many HO 4 i Hi il TI-T1 i i iim iiliiU ill in k-s ef railroad as there is upon these beautiful prairies, overhaif of which, lifted! years zg- and all of it thiity PuEstOENT I'lovek, ot" the State Alliance, says that Ingalls views as expressed in the New York World interview, are satisfactory to the Alliance. Stock is advancing in price, wheat is looking up and hence land values are stiffening and altogether with a good crop outlook, we seem to be on the years ago, was 1:1 possess: ion of the ABTBTI MERCHANT TAILORS 1 121 South M.iin Street. Have rtceived their first invoice of Indian t.nd the buffalo." Wichita Eatjle. I Bishop Whittinghill! Can Suit You in all- SPRING CLOTH And are now giving bargains in Clothing, never before equaled in this county.

They have also the The recent dhision of the United States supreme court in a case wh'-re liquors were sent from Illinois to Iowa and sold in the i.rignia! unbioken packages, virtually era's s'ate prohibition Under the decision an in this city may receive St.I.t uis beer or liquors and sell the same, in the oitit or packages in which the liquors were at first put lip. In their weekly review of trade, H. G. Iuu say: "The maikets are all inllutiicid by the prospect of an in-ciease in currency based on silver. Silver has advanced ab-ut cents per ounce, wheat cents per bushel, oats cents, coffee and oil 1.2 cent each, cotton 1-bi cent, pork 2" cents per bai-r 1.

and stocks have been stronger We givo- this as the opinion of a prominent commercial agency, but the is not conibied to this agency. a financial vviiter for the New York Sun. has noted the same tendency, and claims a 1 -irue advance of pi ice on silver bullion than the commercial agency, and Marshall cannot be called a s.lvtr advocate. Knusn.i Citi Journal A MePherson Correspondent of the Kansas City Times predicts th it Peters will be into the congressional race, and with a strut pr. liability of a nomination.

The Hutchinson Neics thinks he should be pressed ii.t service ler another term as the strongest candidate. No doubt Mr. Peters would serve more ellicientiy the huge district, for another term, a new man. but we. are of tlm opinion that the strongest man to nominnle would be a farmer.

It is tiel-ter to 1 -ok at the situation ha it is. thai; to color it as we wntdd like have it. In our i pinion, the pn sent is a fanner year, and it might be well to so ivcog- Briefly stated, the best administration of government is to secure best prices for produetsand lowest taxes, consistent with the maintair.ance of good government. IF prices of wheat and coin advance two cents per dushel upon the bare prospect of half silver legislation, what Would he the effect of the passage of an honest full Hedged silver bill I nPflf GOT LINES OF GOODS. A complete stock always on hand to select from, and prices to suit everyone.

Come and examine our.stock whether you wish to buy or not. We never fail to please. 3rd of Stcond National B.iiik, Jklf hereon. uei Sec the Prices we are Making C3 To select from ever brought to this city, andean please all needing a suit of clothes. Come and see us, we never Thi: late decision of th supreme court on the question ot state prohibition, is bnt a restoration ot one Chief Justice Marshall's decisions.

fail to meet the demands of all. Republicans in congress should bear in mind that the best way to strengthen the party is to legislate for the country. We nted more honest legislation ami bs partisan C5 in Oklahoma becomes a territory to be supplied with a full complement of otlieers, and to soon become a state. Its location tudtijr fuvoralle, dimate ami soil it will raiit'ly attinire sutlicient popul.itioa to be crowned with statehootl. 3 cS.

uize it. en 28? S- a I 2 hH It t- I v9 Lawrence LL Muslin 4 3-4c per yard Good Shirting Plaids 4 l-2c Good Check Ginghams 41-2c Good Styles Challis 5c All Linen Crash 4 3-4 Good Style Tennis Cloth 71-2c Hope 44 Bleached Muslin 7c Lonsdale 44 BIchd Muslin 8c Good Styles Sateens 7c Ladies Jersey rbd Vests 8c Each Men's Seamless Socks Heavy Weight 6 pairs 25cts st a I 2 1 Senator Stewart severely scored "Windtiiu for lus unwarr anted persistence tryimr to dictate silver legislation. "Mr. Wiudtun, by antagonizing: the interests of the country in favor of Wall street, has lowered his standing With the West. The prospect of Republican aiee-ment en a silver bill stems not very blight.

The senate is much nearer the than the but in both house, and senate I here are wide differences betwten eastern and western Rei It is praeticady impossible to to party agreeine: cn a measure. The Sou hand West have in t- matter a common interest, but the East and West ive not. Party machinery will be handled by the ist to defeat the measure ir possible. The cause i3 becoming daily stronger. Senator Evaits G.

CLARKE, IvI i sll 1G nip ix ixl 9 M. VILLARD, Prop. CENTRAL BANK ot lor, in caucus Saturday. punctured thi Windom scheme In an effectual manner. Tuning and Repairing Piauos and Organs a Specialty.

bouth Alain Street MePherson. Kansas Will furnish ar make of Piano or Organ desired. A fir.e assortment on hand Jhe decision of the United States We observe up in the sixth district, in the counties where the Turner forces cannot carry the delegation, a contesting delegation is gotten up. If this is according to Turner's program, he may be defeated, even though nominated. The game is the last desperate tactics of bushwaeking politicians.

Sexatoii Ingalls New York World interview was interesting, but if the Senator wants his remarks read with increased interest, let him make them in the senate, puncturing the several fraudulent measures offered to defeat free coinage of silver. lie will then strike the chord that unites the south and west against eastern domination. Ivromch Uach ose Sons, Cible Sons Pianos now on supreme court that liquors imported into a state cannot be seized and con Mcpherson, Kansas. Does a full Banking Business. Foreign and Domestic exchange bought and sold.

Notes bought or collected. Money to loan on Farm, City Property and Chattel Security. Interest paid on Time Deposits. hand. Price our Clothing, Furhishincr Goods.

Boots Piar.cs From $175 Cash up to $(500. fiscated in the unbroken package by Organs and up. st.ite law, is one of considerable import II. C. WILSOX, Prts A.


ILSOX', Cash ance. 1 he case went up from Iowa, and the decision by the supreme court of that state. It has been the practice and Shoes. Bargains cannot be equaled. BISHOP WHITTINGHILL.

in both Iowa and Kansas, in the larger Me If MUSH nt cities, to 'raid" club rooms, joints and CAPITAL 50,000. other places where liquors were known to be stored, and confiscate hatever was found, r.o matter whether in the broken or unbroken package. Under this decision such promiscuous seizures are unlawful. Emporia Republican. FARM LOANS, The senate Republican caucus on silver, has about given ail hopes of coming to an agreement.

This might have been seen long ago. Agreement on the silver question between the East and West can had only through a surrender of the West, The West and South should unite on the measure irrespective of party lines. Secretary Rusk thinks a high duty on the importation of agricultural prod Money to loan on improved farm and city real tstate and ether security at LOW x.ox riiies 01 mierest. From the reports of consuls we learn that half the farm area of the earth is mortgaged In Germany the percentage mortaged is the highest, SO per cent, and the consul writes that the farmers can probably never relieve themselves of the incubus in France the percentage A ew superb grain and stcclc farms on time to suit; interest 2 to 6 per cent according to yield of crojs very best terms ever offered to true home seekers. TWO STOCK FAB MS Way down.

Elesraut residence lots south of the city cheap to anyone who will build a neat Zand substantial house. Call and sec. E. G. CLARK.E ucts would solve the difficulties that beset agriculture.

When the Secretary PIONEER MESS SHOP. O-. L. McCOURT, Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddles, Harness, MERCHAN TAILOR Shop over Whitzel's Grrocerv Union Clock. ot Agriculture, or any person else, tries is lowest, about 13 per cent.

There is a a remedy for the present depression, field for study here; something is wrong SI that does not go to the extent of great but it is evidently not the tariff. ly increasing prices of staples in the Capital. i Latest Styles in Foreign and Domestic Suitings Liverpool market, they are but propos France has the largest and Germany REPAlltiHC NEATLY amd paonmr the Smallest Per onnita if ing surface remedies and fall short of )k rtal tb treuble. at Bate ALL WORI Q-TJAI4ANTEEIDi money, among Caroeaa aatieas..

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