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The Western Spirit from Paola, Kansas • 1

Paola, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Sucsltnt spirit IXUBBhVS NEWS. XPITOME Olf OCCIKKENCES is 1'AIvTS OF THE YV01U.I. Home ami Foreign Intelligence Car-ful)y Compiled Personal, Social and t'IMU cal PotiwMirri Various loigs toe World Over. ADEMOGEATIO NEWSPAPES- man whom be had seen hanging about the neighborhood of the While house for some time pat, and a policeman at the depot I'at Kearney, who arrested Git'eau. sayn he has noticed him suspiciously lurking about t-ixth stieet for three days past WATCHING ABRIACRK AMD VKRICXES as they arrived and departed.

Gitteau, it is raid, held ihe position ot Consul to Marseilles during the last administration, having bleu appointed through the influence of General Logan. Wheu this adoiinistration came into power, he was recalled, aud some charge tha in his desperation he resorted to the pistol lor reiernre. City Postmaster Ainger, who was preseo' at the sheolinjr. quoted a saying: "1 have been in many a battle, aud have seen many men mortally wounded, and never one with a face that more clearly showed i ertain ceath than the Presi eiit's." The Thames noeturn of blue and gold Chang' loa harmony in gray A barge with oc'-ire-colored hay Dropt from tbe whart; and chili and cold The yellow came creeping down Ibc bridge till tbe House's walls Seemed changed to shadow-, and St. I'aul's L'xuued like a btibb.e o'er the tow a.

Thin sud It nlv arose the clang Of waking life; the streets werestirnd With country wasron? and a bird Flew 1 1 the glsstening roofs, and sai.g. And a pale woman all alone, Th daylight kissing her wan hair. Loitered beneath the gas-lamp's flare," With iips of Maine ami h. art of stone. echo a someabat hackneyed story.

Tbe same brilliant gathering "the same enthusiastic erecting, and the same prolusion of tributes with which we have been familiar far nearly a score of years may he ibrociiletl" once more. And turtlM-r, it mar be granted that Tueday i expt rieiee did no warrant tbe idea that natural iusvs mould speeil-ily Minervene to cause a change in the attitude of the ptihlie to want their prea-sl operatic favorite. A gradual modifi-" cation of Mme. Pilti's voire has been in progress for 'mme time. She has lost" the exceptional high note in which she ned to revel, but vtry liberal couneii-sal i-di ha luen cranted in tbe increased power and fullness of the middle and lower register.

Her voice is iill ver-fectl ml. it qmlity ia r.o wise deteriorated, and her apnearance is as youthful as evi r. tSIIKIMO IIMJIILKY, l'Hhlinhrr ami ITuprk-tma. TlMhLY TIU'U'' In Kill THE ATmiPIl-D ASSASSIN VTI0X. President Garth lil Shot llow lu a tVahli.

iiietoo Depot. Washington D. C. July 5. About 9 o'clock last night the President's symptoms were re gfirded as quite alarming, but they were brief dp ra ion and soon gave place to a most n-cmiraging change Juiy 4.

Retorts from Washington la-t tight are unfavorable as to the recovery of President buraeld. It is thought in Washington that he caun live twenty-four hours. Washington, It. C. July 2 President Garlield was shot this morning.

Ihe shooting was drne by a slender inau, ab ul 5 feet 7 iia-hes in height, lie 1 el used tagive his name, but it is Mud by persons who profess now him, that his name is Dooly. 1 he ri-oiier wi.s arresttd immediately alicr the firing by otiicers lr the ie pot. He was tir-t taken to ponce ui.d sub-jueutly removed lo Ihe district jail, i he oecured iu the 1 idles room el tne depot lUinicuiately alter the Prtsi tei.t had entered, walking arm in arm with -een'tary Bliiine on Iheir wny to the limited express tain, which whs about leads to ave. Blaine on hearing the pistol sh. ts.

two number, rushed iu the nirerUou frou. hich they came, with a view of arresting the would-lie atsas-mi. belore leaching the muii. le.wever. the secretary returned to the fres'dent and found him prostrated.

sh. ts look effect, the hrst in the rigid una and the second ju-tabove the right lurjall'l near the kineys. I ertsaltnt nad flighted from his carnage and wus passing tnrough the ladies' room lo the cars. hen tibout a tew feet inside of the room, ihe as Assiii. wlm was w'thiu three feel of him, fired shot.

1 t.e President ws dazed, and mue no atieiiipt at self-protection bluine hud turned lowardMiiie doer. Ihe assassin fired second stv in ten sc ones. '1 he President fed, and Mrs. While, whoatientis the ladies' wading An English woman lias hit appointed a church warden. P.vms dispatch reports the ance of a new and terrible resembling leprosy at Toulon TIIK IltlMi; for arson, in buildup the stare of De Groat Bios.

The press committee of the rbnrnl barnpuelid the fore is pre at Chicago F.idiy- A re.irioiiT and a-stnjer tmin collided nar Kensington, HI. Nineteen irsoi-t were injired Antoise Wot iv. of f'. Joseph, wearied by done truths, -hot and morta ty him if. The CI i.

aj. Sa. nir rftst 'lotu-uiated Saturday niiiii' I the pn.iu tioii ol Max Brueh's "(J iyss. us." ti Cir us Koyal was ezhibitirai Cameron. Mo a tier ot sens tell own, badly jural-1; tluruen pettons.

A woman demolished a a'oon with an axe at L.hntv, lud Ix cau tbe prorii--tor iM.rsistefl in sei'ing li.pi'-r to her drunken 1 ndiand. TnhEE ala.sji works and rol ii fr ndl! -hut down at St. l.auis on arcownt of beat, and will resume until 'l wi atlier he I'ouie r. A. A.

Ttl 't J. I lou chic! cnyincfr i tie Missouri Pa-citic railway. "I Kansas and Ncbr a-ka, are in tli.iwii.oa I "kin after the ln'tatiott of heir line. A pa-ior wi id into his il pit to preach in a bright red do s-icg and was oblivious i.a ihe a-toid- nieot. oi the I jvrcg until an usher handed biiu a id oi.

which was written: "You have for ii our coat." He hastily retired, tel returned in i C'lstonetry suit of -o emo black. Mr-. Logax, a Milwaukee widow received 'eicy of 17 and at oncebectiije an ol ot iinot-i ii inttrest. She seems to ive become a little contused by her suitors, lor she pron iscd tomany Mr. Kelly and tl eu icatried Mr Spencer.

The conse is a breach ol i-e suiT by Mr. ilv S2o On. i. cat vr WaitMngton. In A test raw al hingtoti it decided that the -inn of Louisiana by the French ma-1 all colored people in that terrlory American eitiz and th it thev not Mie damages a- French ciii Zens.

Com. mission ik Uacm pave a lengthy dt ismn in iin.k ot Mm treil ease, the of which i- that he hank is liable I i fa. aii in on all capital cm i 'ovi .1 in the Iran-action of banking bud" c-s hy its branch in Chicago. and Political. a has susp.

ml p. i from the In oft 'oinini-ioivr H-iilroinIs A to ljonrn t-ino i I tahltd l'. l' l'ioiTt' Uii i'L' i'l 1 vr. I'i iti l.a witlalrawn from the t.P'i'orial hi- thai anil Art', ai- c.i-plta-' '1. TiiM-Ki- a -plii in th' 1 -mo.

ra' i': in Vul'im a. a taction ihiMi, try to ti tie Jl. a at y-L polirv li'Mil! nil' ion. ks has th 1 I 1 1 1 1-1- Leon i Ifii A WOMAN who like Kate Bomb California Slate niurdcr. lower tiers of I saw a glorious-looking Kubens woman with an entire corsage of forget-me-nots.

The flowera were artificial, of course, but perfect imitations, and so grouped and intertwined that they cLmbed naturally and pracelullv from "her girdle to where the more ambitious sprays just touched each other from either side at Ihe summit ol her shoulders. An American laiv to whom I aftciward attempted to describe this costume said: "Well, there must have btcn gauze or something mi h-r-neath tbe forget me nots. No. there wis not gauze, for, like the rest of the fpectanrs. 1 looked often, and looked hard, but there was ai.d Unit the rich, warm tksh ieepiiigout between the liowtr stems.

In fart, inside the forget-me-iiots tbe woman wiis naked from the waist up. The costume was not indecent It pre'ty. S) was the raven dress of a blonde temptress, whose corskige was throat high, with a ru ft, but from her chin to wheie her ais- I gall wi a strip ge.iuine Ib-sh-coli bridged like ihe Seit.ii id night by cross-bands of tienuine black. But I itt not pariiciilaiize further, it tu say that the place was a parterre of plump shoulders ami tit. ly-rounded arms and forms displaved and draped, If there wtr any ol the- scrawny present they had the sense to lie covered up.

There were no vulgar things in tigli.j. But there were shepherdesses and pietty peasant girls and odalisques from the harem, and regal lieauties from tne t'tttirf i.f M-iiie Antoitie'le ant the of Maititenon. AMUKb, MIT A Ti ll. Philottopher ljou Vofortui-iite I'uious 11.. Kind of Women Men Take to It lie.

tan Francisco It is "aid that marriages are made in heaven, but I rtn quite sure that were heaven allowed to argue defeu-e, it would politi Iv decline such tespoii-i- walking business is on its last Cbmmtrtial Adrrrtuer. Ihe -a Tims "Hi; 1 1' drifts into a recent writer, "tardy leave ii. explains wliv we less nt: vsnapi r-. Se. tJ.MtriELoV uncle Tin.

in i was recently killed in a raiiro.ul mi; ii i supplied most nt t'ii' nnui-y I President's education. TIN WEIUUNG PatMXTS. Odd Itut Popa'' rruef the sale Mr. Mascrsvc Fanry. New York Star.

The inventor who began io make tin wedding presents by wholesale died in this city recently, lie was born in Loudon, and fr many tears carried on a wholesulo flower business in I.iverMol. Then be went inb the tinware business in ibis citv, in Furly-tirst strwt, near Ninth avenue. Although Mr. Mnscruve had become a practical tinner, vet he remained a scifntiti'! 11 ristat hevrt, and one day it occurred to him that he might Irimr flowers and tin together by making tin hou'titieis I ir tin weddings. He wii-rly i hose snrh flowers for I be pur-pse as; are remarkable fr pretty shain-s I ban color.

Marigolds and ash rs. field daisies mud buttercups, caila and liger lilies and tulqc. rani- lias, and roses were imitated faithfully, tven to th ir stamens and but orchid, fuchsias and begonias were too complicated in structure be takeu as patterns, while f.irg t-nie-uct mignonette and li.ies of the valley were loo delicate to In? thought of l.r a moment, tio arrangement tbe un fliwirs in a bouquet was after the manner of natural bowers, arid the inventor fonvrived the hanpy notion of cousiiuctiiig a ii'lle-tank in the tulip that crowued tlie bouquet, in which such perfumes as new-mow hay, heliotrope. j.ifOniex or violet might be carried, that their fragrance should lie dieieiised by the wedding guests who carried the tin tl iwits. Kival tinners iu this citv openly declared that inventor was a vajwmng sentimentalist.

A lin wtddiug, they aske-l, bad not the presents always been of kitchen ware, useful and not ornamental? Why, then, try tu get up mock Lut Mr. Miisgr.iie replied that evert body liked fun ut a wedding, and t'nat'be believed he could heip it aiotig. Common kitchen utensils wliith bad been presented at the wedding, be added, are soou mixed ui with the 'bonghl-en" wares, and thus the precious fact that they wire presents fpjm dear friends is lot to Blind. Quaint ami fanciful articles as made from tin would be preserved as souvenir. from time to lime Mr.

Musgrove in-veuled new of tin suitable lor tin weddings. His sons, who n-ceeiled to his business, now proudly exhibits great glass case iu the most conspicuous placo in their manufactory. It is tilled with gleaming samples ot tbe curious The ib-signs number eighty. Among Ihe most curious aie baskets ol lin flowers, hand and buttonhole bouquets, such musical iiistiunients as banjos, cruets, trumpets, riles, fbi'cs and schoou-i rs three feet long, with bt lying lin sails; al boils, fltlirons. hab tiets and hand saws, fog horns rive feet long, ing sticks, cradles, watches and chains such as Eph lloro used to we-tr ou the l-ll- the ti wi'h l.M:.

Sat thai i Ma'e are ahle i houti rarity t' ttioroujhlv iiiilai'f'il flic room, lushed to hi in ANI KAISF.IJ I HIS HEAP. Blaine also ni-hed to the a-sisianc oi the Pres-deni. he assassin passed out toward street, but Parke, ti. uuent, jumped through the window and caught the itssssin. who made no IIlV tllilld Mr.

thirK-Ser. 'IluMUD if I ran grub," elegantly the 'birago luster, nil the day of hi- ex pi riiuent. Aids to Comfort Li tVarm Weal to Ut i a Home Valuable 1 ioaxehold Hiiit. A large amount of discomfort may be saved during the summer months by tbe employment of oil stoves for the preparation of light di-hes for the table. The amount of heat produced by these stoves is Miiall, and as the flame cunes in immediate contact with the vessels in which water is boiled or dishes cooked but little heat is diilused in the room.

The fire in an oil stove is kim.le.1 and txtinguisecd instant ly, that a room is not warm-id by the heat produced belore or after it ts emptoved lor cooking or laundry purposes." The use of ice during the summer saves a large amount of eouking. With an ice box or refrigerator, meat, pastry, and many other articles prepared lor the table may lie kept several oays in good condition. Xo person desires to eat fojd or to drink fluids that are of the same temperature as the surrounding air. To be grateful to the tiste they must be considerable -warmer or cooler, and it generally matters li'tle which condition they are. Tea is very insipid when it is at the same temperature as the air iu summer, hut it is very grateful to the Utste when heated to PM) degrees or cooled by neans of ice.

Much labor and discouitort are saved by the ot ice in summer in the preservation and preparation articles of food and drink. Arbors 'vend with twining and flowing vines and fitted tin with seats do much to render the premises comfortable ouring tlie summer. They can be employed for setting ihe table in, or use heu the inmates of the house, are engaged in light work or in reading. Men also prefer an arlxir to a room in the house when they ari resting at noon or ni jht Hye a Crolitablo Crop Patent ltiglit extortions Agricultural Holes. During several months past ihe price of rye has been higher than that of wheat in ali the leading markets in the country.

The crop last year was somewhat short hile the demand for it has been unusually iarge. A very large i our foreign inhabitants ere accustomed to the use of rye iu their o'd homes, and continue lo eat it in preference to wheat after tTiey come to this country. Hread made of retains its mou tine longer than that made of wheat-. 1 Im nivre llavor and on that account is mor'ti palatable hen eaten without butter or Inii' sauce. The great number of person who are daily arriving from various portions of Germany and the s-candiDtiviati countries ili cau-e a large demand for rye next ''easou, and farmers will do will to consider this fact in deciding what grains to sow.

The circumstance that the urice of rye is higher than that of wheat shows that the. for.Tiir is a neglcca-d crop, and one that is deserving of more attention than it nt eives. live is a inoic productive as well as a more hardy plant than wheat, while it is less liable lo be injuied by insects. It will produce a good crop upon a poorer soil, and one thut has reived less preparation. Many tracts of loose, sanoy tand will produce large crops of rye on tiich a paying crop of wheat, corn or po'atocs cannot be grown.

There are many large tracts of sanuy land in the Western Stetcs, considered almost valueless, tha' will produce large and excellent crops of rye. These tractscould be purchased ami utilized by growing rye to most excellent advantage. With "very few except inns rye is only raised by small and poor farmers. A large proportion of all the rye produced iu thecountry is ra'id on little patches of from one to hve acres in extent. We have wheat fields exl endingover several thousand it is an unusual tiling to tind even a quar'er of a section of land in one body devoted to the grain that is worth more than het-t.

Ttit" rout h. Adam I'u'iMisjN was lro ped at lt di I la xt ill Cm Ki 11 property has to pay New I lampbhil went it is a Hini Kulim of tlit" rhnn call (or another revision. peopl Rimini's biz steer ia no longer able totrivel. He is an ofT-fx. LmocU Otuf iff.

The Ikitile generally ttets the drop on the toper. 1. Commercial tiMf. II itv much lieer Aon it take to Phil adeltdiianin hot weather. EUmted Rail trey Joitrmil.

"Honest tea, says an ardent disre-siMter uf Le Due, "is the best policy." AVtc jr AVjtjtflf. Am-, d-eers are not aesthetic as a rul-, bn: ttiey-are ali decidedly otter. Y. n.i rein Ad veiiiof. A -I ru v'iitor wro'e an article on It'iubur the compositor made pi cf it- 1'onti rt 6'tcsitii.

Lie ot our young ladies who keep an auihoraph album exclusively for male fiinatuns, refers to if as her "liiui book." 'Silence is golden" sometimes, hut when a fello.v fails to respond to a dun it looks more like bras II "if and Ifio- rfttwi. Bacteria is reported iu the water at Chicigo, and St. Louis intends to have tbe mine in hers right away. AVar Or leant I'icti ifii There are over 32.5siil,l:0 of natiot." al bmk fioUts iiicirculatioii. and yet how often they evade our grasp.

Haven RtgistT. They fine a man $3 for swearing in Avon. I'd. It is an expensive job fur a Hen to bihtv. Ii is a a iage, le Mire, out like nu.liv s- "There is State of 1i 'ai' roinini; into favor tlien Will he ahated.

rn ma' ion 1-the nn-iianre tioned theories in medicine, it is apt to tail to the tiound uihui receiving due attention, ami certainly our f.itli iu the infallibility of the heavenly lsowers would receive many a rude shock could we bring ourselves to believe that all VN letters from Iviropc uij pronounced i xrt edin jly 11 it; hut the pnhiic nhouhl hear in mind that Ihev are writ ten fur Ohio consumption. tte murder ol Se'juiuiiker. A fire at llvtrsburg, Su.alav ui'jlit, destr jedfme liousts, incbiding the t'lihdiugoc U.ied hy the A.M 'No the on exhibition in a loan coi he i in Ly"ur is a mourning ring once worn by Gun. Washington 1 hi-- hr ahcr L.wren who died in 1752 at the aire ot as. -to ii.s.npti tn on the ring how -i.

TnoMAsoN is the ame of ti Georgia n. an who bccustd lii- moilier I immorality fore a chunh, in consequence of which she was expclied. Then he made the same charge in a court law, but ttie jury believed he seeking revenue btcause she had fused to give him some property, and the verdict was an acquittal. Thomas Myers, a reera, living at Ran to i com eived that it wis his du'y to oiler un a human snei dice 'o No-tiody mid ason the idea out ot liis head thouirh on other sut.jects lie was rational, lie chose hi- son. ged as the vieiim.

The hoy followed him into the woods wheti or. bred to do so, and was killed bv a shot. Myers g'orits in the deed, and believes that it makes his sa'va-tit'ii -me. the ill-assorted unions upon tins earth were due to thou mature deliberation uncle wi'h pliiyinu' card. Vre.liie-i"ay luorcli'L' weiIc lijot lost two pain 3 in twenty lour tmtirs pnhe re teinperituio Hi- kne- are weak ami walking haniec- him, am! he reinaiks not v'iy e'a'i i tha' t-ri at.

i- 1 1 ihirte d.i tl'. (a lieiul Iarcio Notes. A 1'lka Mi. shut IVha is in 1 he Kan'oakoo i 1 soup i- now in and exported in tzr.a; qti mtit' lilciWN Holland "dusoTs Atner-icin patieru ware a fea'iue of t. day tlii- year.

I ii F.mpri ot lerniaiiy undergone a severe -uryical "Ii, and i- rtcover-iiiL; quite rapidly. IIkkk Mo-t, the piibli-hcr iheit, lia liren sentence to month-' inii i-on-meiit at liard The puckin; waieliouse ol' miistird works, at Nurwic'i, Iv'Siland, lmrneI. Damaged Thi Qnoen ef Ita'v i-S'linuieiii: on ti Bay of Naples, to which ly she i- devoted, as her only child born tlieie. Complaints are made that SAe.hs in the Sandw ich Islands, tin Jer lu'nor contracts, are re-'nenl to a state of s'avt-iy. in the House of Cii-ler Secretary I)ik sioke of "what we til -hot'dy, hut the French call re nm stance I I a in Lrr has raised this sdson a large cp.p of potat.

us and cabba on bis little inland oi (iaprera, which he dihtrshutts to the poor of Leghorn. The widow of tlie rman L'Llaml ha just- died in her jd rar. She wrotf a biography of her wh she survived nineteen yeary. The Kuyptian bmlitt lor the iar ISsO, ui.provtd hy I he Comptroller, shows a snr-phi-of alciit aii.iiii; truii i in and dispensation. Ouida was never on a better traits: than wtien stie took putts or so 11 ii tra'e the ti it'll ol the saving: "A voting man imrried is a man Tiik blacks an hclievcd to enjoy sleep much more than the white? Ucrojiiiiz-ing this, the I'liiladelpliians to put on several nrjrro policernen.

resisumee. um er Cttrnev. a del ot po'iceman. rushed up and look hold of the a-sissin, and I tv afterward Ott.cer seoti also took hold of niui. Parke let the efhceis have biru, and turned his allenikn Uj the President.

Hem ttuie and the I'res dent was taken upstairs, and he said i a w. id until he was laid down, when he a-ked that his shies be taken or), say. ing he fe iMiri iu histeet. as soon as his shoes were reuio.e.i, he said to Secretary Windom: c.a right n. iw and send a telegram ti Mrs.

Garlield. sayiuj 1 leel considerably better, aid it she tee's wed enough to come 10 vVoshingti immediately ihis mspatch was sent, and a spee-al fain was at once seiit lo Long Branch for Mrs. oarlienl. -ecrctar Blaine was not going with the narty, but went down to bid the i resident eood-hye. He said.

the Pre-ident and I were arm-iu-arm towanls ihe train I heard two shots und saw a man run. 1 Biatted ahor him, 1 ut. seen that he was grabbed jit as he out of the loom. I came to the Preisidint and found hint iying -n the floor. 'Ihe floor was covered with tne President's blood.

A number of people wh were round shortly attorwards have some of that blood on their persons. 1 think 1 ki.ow tae man. I think his naa.e is Inuor. Tbe assassin is abi ut live feet seven inches Leighl of strong though not stoui build. THE WEAPON HE CSED was a revolver about seven inches long.

It had an ivory haudle. 1 he ealihre was very It is hat is know as a Cautornia pi. tol. It made a very loud report.

Paike says both shots were tired while ihe as-Bassiu was behind hie President. When 'Juicers ceolt and Carney got hold of the as-assui and were taking hiiu to police headquarters he said voluntarily to them: 4 I did it and will go to jail for it. I am a stalwart and Arthur wiil be President." lie had a letter in his hand aud wanted the oi'icers to take it to lien, hherman, saying it would be all rigt.L The prisoner made no resistance, saying he had contemplated the killing of the President and it was for the good of tiie country About o'elocK me assassin went to a hacks tand adjoining the depot and engiue a hack fnm Barton, a colored hackman. He suid he wanted logo to Greenwood cemetary in a short time ami wanted the hackman to drive very fist when he should get in tne hack, lie airreedto pay ft! for the hack on condition that the hnrkman would drive fast. hen stopped the assa.sin was going to the hark he and eti-uaaed.

and he insi-U'd that it was imnoruint lor lumto go on and deliver a message to oeaeral Sherman. When the officer refused to let hini go. fe begeed them to take the letter he had to General Sherman. Following is a copy of the letter the assassin wanted de 'vered lo General Sherman: "July 2, it White Hhum-The President's tragic death wa i stid necessity, but it will unite the Republican party to saethe republic. Life is a iluusy dream, aud it ma'terd little when one goes.

A HCMAN LI Fit IS OF SMALL VALCE. During the war thousands oi brave boys went down without a tear. I presume the President was a Christian, and that he ill be happier in Paradise than here. It will be no worse lor Mrs. Ganieid, dear soul, lo part with her husband this way than by a natural death, lie is liable to go at any time, any way.

I had no ill ill lowardsthe President" his death was a political necessity. I am a lawyer, a theologian and a rlitieian. 1 am a stalwart of the stalwarts, was with General Grant and the rest of your men iu Sew York during the canviLcs. 1 have some patiers for the press which Get a Home. We would have every true man build for himself a home, be it ever so humble in its beginning.

Industry aLd frugality and cood judgment will make of it tbe The of the Knali of Trade will make an ed'ort to with America putting a st practice of crimoinc; seamen. man to ty to thread a needle in thai town. J'oji. Patcut- Right Extortion Hoard comliine ij to the "Now, victuals 1 mil ind want to The clam and oyster have retired to th it's for undoubtedly to this fact alone is owing the unfortunate results of many matches. A man's idt at twenty-two or is no way similar to tbat at thirty, but at the tor nier age, being young and hot blooded, befalls in love with a pretty lace And amiable di-position, proposes, and, if eligible, is accepted.

During the next seven or eight years, il be Le a man of intellect, be awakens slow ly to the idea, being young heii not aid lo tie awake ned at once, that the woman he has married, although she may lie a pretty as as sweet as ever, is in no way suited to bun as a "oinpanion. Some men have forln arance and nobility enough to conceal from their wives the of their disappointment, but man is a seliisb animal at best, and such ex opti uis sie their lieda for a season. American Queen At the Sunday park: Manage cook, put ideiity of salt in tiie to-day. There'll he a Kiir crow after they've e.iten tlieM drink." Do you eup.ose that's Wit md tiiinstiel stage, etding curds, wilting desks, brooches and breastpins, women's belts and sandal boots, fans, bracelets" ii ml fe.itheis, earrings and epaulets, biu-hes aud combs, chains aud crosses, crotvus and coronets, linger rings aud sleeve buttons, spectacles, sliptier and neckties, lockets and 'n lins, napk'n rings, pitchers, cake baskets aud card isncts, egg cups, hinls. Ih-5'S, knive and rks, quill pens, razors in a case, n.lliiig- most lovely spot of earth.

The man without a home is like a sojourner without a country. The richest, happiest and best man in the wide world i-he who has a pretty, comfortable home of his own, a family, good health, and owes no man a cent, even though his entire worldly possessions would not sell for a thousand dollars, and though he has never held so high au oflioe as town constable or roadtnaster. We sometimes feel constrained to Wifdmn. Eli Perkins says Texas is the largest CUKNEU. Little Mis taly and the I'any Sli At-tutletl 1 lie ISoy lio I'lalH en the Si reer.

One day Miss Lily beard the door-bell ring. She put down her sptK and asKcd. "What can that be, ate in the Union. Not-, tbe State will TlIEconu're'jatiou of ttie Kallorh ol an l'ranci-co. V.

lillUul'j have have to be all purveyed over again to ascertain if tbat is so. i mamma: lidorc mamma could an I pr ived revenue aim tt ereaseii cxptnoiture The Ameriam Dairyman in discussing the Patent laws whic'i provide for punishing the innocent purchaser of patented articles, says in a'luding to the barb wire decision: Here is a case in which many thousands ol farmers over ttie West and Notttiwest will be held iiable for royalties lor using an article which they laiught in g.od lailh, and one of which they could have no mean- of knowing that it was an infringement. Prof. Willurd shows that the same thing has occurred and is occurring in the dairy, and that relief should be granted by amending the patent laws, so that tbe innocent purchaser or user of the article, should not be made to suffer for the sins of others; but that the manufacturers and veuders should be alone held responsible or indictable for infringements of patents. noi to edlhat Iter asking him lill.

1 ic written hitu a I run for oilier a. he would not. doubt whether a man without a home can at best be but an indifferent citizen and a more indifferent patriot. He can puis and sugar tongs, tpoons ami c-Ke. 1 he c.ikeS are made lo represent a wedding eike, and a bunch ot tin flowers is ordered to the top.

Ihe cake, however, has no bottom, and it can tie nsed to cover a genuine wedding cake. Tne most striking objects simulated in tinware are a man's silk hat and woman's rap'. I.i'i ou pvtliap- ho meets the wo win oil iie i. as bis equal in every respect, a n-m he feel-an entire sympathy iT the bra as well as ol the bean; a woman even prettier perchance than bis wife. I am no defender of ugly women, a younger in years.

in the ATIiNKY ilCNKKAI. that there will ho no "let-up" not feel that interest in other people's real prosperity that he feels, in his ow and without such proseiity we could have no country worthy a name. He would scarcely care to risk his life in defense of the hearthstone of his landlord, Ktar-roule proeciil ion, the 1'ri sident air the t'ahinet liein deti Tluiiied to the root of tin' Ini-iness. English walking Wat. On one side of swer.

Jane the housemaid dcrcd, and handed her a note. "'Why, this is not forme; it is for you, my dear," said Macnish, giving the note to Lily. "For said Lily, while her cheeks lliLshed; for it was the first note the had ever received. "Please read it for me, niauima," she said; for Lily could not road band writing quite as well as some little gitls of litr age that I could teli of. "It is an invitation to a children's paity at Mis.

Vane's," said mamma. tbe bat is a wreath of tin flowers, while Some old violins were sold in I'aria the other day for sunis. A Stradivarius da ed ITlti fetched and another of 1711, a Guarrieriu? of 17s3, and a Thr total number of n. i.ow published in Greece is l'Jt', of which appear in Athens alone. M.ei of them are ot very little valup, either from a literary or itii al point of view.

I'akis dispatches announce a serious riot ii Si'ax, in fun's. The French Consul was and h's. arm frol. e.i. ami tlie as of the Fin.

eh rmn''oat re ubiktt' to hak to the vessel. Moi.tke hag of late years been aide to obtain little sleep, owiti to extreme ner-vnusii2s; Ii is entire amount of sk-p does not simoon' to over three boms every night. His health is much enfeebled. on the opposite side of the crow waves a tin feather. Two rinUona' of tin hang but let that hearthstone be his own, and woe to the invader who should threaten down at an augle of 44 behind, and in They were speaking of a miser, just deceased.

"Did he leave anything asked Smith. "He had to," was the laconic answer of Fogg. What is home mitbout a poet? Elmira Adcfrtifrr. It is a spot where there is no ue for a waste basket. Anc York Commercial A drertiter.

If you want to be well rid of an im-liecuniens friend lend him five dollars. Yonler Cnre Where, will we eet the five dcllars? StewbenrUU Herahl. Lightning is killing a number of ii'cn in Ohio this spring, but it is hoped enough may be sjexred to keep the wheels of this government revolving. Argo. Notice at the ol a rcaJy-madu clothing tstsliiishmcnt in one of the IM'ircr quarters of Paris: 'Io not i siirnew hero else to lie robbed: walk in here.

trout is a tin potnpou. wealthy people buy these things' one of tbe firm was asked vesterdav. though ages beyond in intellect ami force of character, the woman, in sboit. in whom he recognizes his ideal. There is no happiness in marriage unless there ni-t intelltclual sympathy and equality.

A marriage founded on re-, speet and admiration of menial powers is apt to turn out far lietter than thai which lias nothing but love for its foundation. Unfortunately very bright girls are not apt to ai tract men of or near their owu age. Thtir brightness too often finds an outlet in sarcasm, a sharp 1 shall leave with Itvron Andrews and his co- it with Tbe Domes uf ihe people are tbe strengtl of the State. Build them, beautify them, own them and tie happy. This is the lair deduction from hosts of instances and is the true philosophy of home making and home owning.

th are Ihe only ihiipU! ho do journalist at H20 New York avenue, where all reporters can see ineni. i aia now going 10 me buy tiieni, be replied. "How ir do you send liiem?" jail." l-ignetll Charles Gitteac. Acrirullural Notes. Soot contains a large amount of ammonia when first brought lrom the chimney, isoot also absorbs ammonia after it has been spread upon the land; it also contains a large amount of creosote, which is useful in destroying in- sects, besides bei ng an excellent fertil- iz- for all ki nds of crops.

Speaking of our great heat crops the American Miller remarks that few London Times has iroiie to the trouble of showing it; readers ho; they may best sus'ain Ihemse'ves in the water. Most people would much lather learn how they can '-in-dam thi'iusclvi on land. Nortiiw "The people and law vers of irshall, differ widely in their opinions as to the amount of hiskv Jude Cox can alieorh and conduct the business of the Circuit Court." doctor ownslieno, neaun omeer, was ine nrst "That l.idv's hat is fo be sent to- mor- Lucy Vatic asks the pleasure of Miss Lily's company on Ttiuisday evening at 7 "Oii. can I go? Can I go?" cried Lily, jumping i.p and clapping her hands. do not quite approve of children's parties, especially when they take place in the evening," said mgniina.

But I to reai li the President. Ihe President was shot from the ngnt as he entered the ladies' reception room of the depot, with Blaine. rom to llio de Janeiro. We deal with tinners all over I he country." "When is the demaihl greatest?" Ihe ball entered above the third no, hut wiiei ti nt took its course towards the spine was not A iiisrATotr from says a festive gathering ot German students was hy aim an atbay ensued, during which several Germans were severely wounded. The Bohemian populace again ascertained.

The wound was probed by Dr "In the fall, lhaf is tlie tune winn Bliss, who reoorted that in insertine the nrohe the largest hiitiil.crol wediliiu. and people in our country realize how inex the course of tne ball odd not extend toward the pine. till is not certain it did not. It was therefore of wedding anniversaries, take haustible our resources are for wheat grow ing. The total urea of lands availa the unanimous opinion of the physicians that plan'.

The traffic in these wares is groa- th- need lor the President was ur ihe prooing ng all the lule. of the wound, but rest. Ihexteiit of the danger of the wound is not jet known, and more can be told when he passes, as the kidneys are ble for wheat culture in tbe Limed sttatps is not less thtiti acres. Our entire wheat crop of last year would mjuied. ness of repartee, and perhaps a touch of pedantry.

They recover from all this when they have seen more of the world and human naturt; but it does injure while it lasts, not only hiding the talent, undeveloped (lowers LeneaJh, bti, hat is worse, making the young men afraid of them. A nitMierateiy pretty but thoroughly amiable girl, a girl who never gcta into a tcinjicr or says disagreeable things, a girl in whose company one nre.l make no effort and still not aplcar a fool, is apt to make, more havoc in a voting man's heart than her clever sister. Her youthful admirer is altractrd by her ihiex-riicr, by lur freshness, Imtli of character and appearance, and imagines himself hop le-siy, irretricvab Iv in love. He rnarriis in spite of the Household Knowledge. Broiled Steal: Never put stlt on a steak until after it is cooked.

After trimming on each side equally, dress to taste with fresh butter, pepjier and salt, and add if preferred, a tcaspoonfnl of lemon juice. St nurlirrrij Crtttin. A pint and a half of fresh fruit beaten ith half a pound of sugar; stir to it a pint and a half of crea.n, or half that quantity of cream mid of new milk, putting in the cream first; beat it tiii it bears a tine froth and put it in gla-ses or in a glass dish. Othir berries may be used in the same way. J'otuto 'VrixwUrx.

Take six boiled potatoes, pass ttiem thtotigh a sievi add to them three tablespooululs of ham grated or minced finely, a little g-ated lint. not supply see enough to sow sticli a vast area. Kissi wants more ships ot war. and the Minister of Marin" proposes to spend for them (to.iiod about tliO.OlMl.imtl. Tlussftn would be more wisely expended in ameliora: i ng the condition of I he wot.

hoi peasants. CARRIED TO HIS HOME. Tie President at wa- conveyed to th fx otive sion under a strong escort of me-ro- know who will say and I sup.iose I shall have to do as he says." She was thinking of Lily's papa, who loved the little girl so much, that, be could not bear to say No" to any request idie might make. Well, mamma was ribt. Papa saw that ins little girl was bent on going to the party, and so he teased his wile into yielding bet consent.

So, when Thursday came. Lily was dressed up in little white robe, with straw colored riblions, and her ptetty slippers, ami sent in a carriage, with Jane tbe housemaid, to tlm party. It is not quite such a party sts I approve of. 1 do not like to see little girls -A writi ron ensilage says 'Tt will otitan no ice. 1 wo coiupftlll of rei.ulais lrom assist enormously in making mankind the Washington barracks, were ordered out to preserve ouiet.

Great excin ment prevailed and ndeH'ndrtit of tlie weather, for the onsiant use of the plow and the culti attacked the German students next day, win scseial persons were stabbed. At Wdlkire Session the Marquis of l'ownsi. a was lined Xao'J and costs, and bound ever to kicp the peace for twelve u. nths, tor lior-e whipping rd Kdward bynue. Col.

Netipauand Francis Kli-, who abeitet the assault were lined ituo each. Lord Thynne bad abducttd Marquis Tow wile. Bv the ex. rci-e of a liit'e irgenuity the names of the plae. It.

ihy horses were conveyed across the Atlant'c in ihe form of a single word or rather, imitation of a word of nine Iters oi ly. It was arranged that the fust three letter- of the succfsstul h. r-a s' names sin he cabin, and the me-su'je therefore tan: "Iropettow This was readily translated into Iroquois, Pe reunite, Town Moor, .1. Mr. Lorillard had a me-sagi' in this stvle torwardeil to him trom tlie Grand Stan 1.

the streets were thronged with anxious inquirers eager to karti the condition of Ihe Pre ideut. -e tere, waiter," said C'aulifloaer. pushing away Lis egg-cup aiih disgut. "I don't want to count chickens fore they are hatched." Cftttml tVy (AV. I'eui.

You'd naiurally think a girl would like to have it known that her com-plexiou is lovely, but ineho the girl who is b'e-std w.t'i a fair skin Hies to keep it thady. Ditn W. The builder of a church in a Loudon suburb, oa returnimr thanks for the toast of his health, which had been pro- he shaoiiKg i ceurrel in the presence of some vator, and the raising of strong, growing crops will greatly obviate the iiilliruities titty or sixty ladtes. There was a rumor that the shooting wis done hy an ex-Consul to Marseilles. lrom drougth, while the losi and exiK'nse How the Obnoxious litMe'n IMftpn and Cars lor 1 htr Y-Hiusr.

Vi.giuia hiilerprisc A Titickee Meadows ranchman "who has W-cii studying Mie ways of tlie grayx-buppcr for Ihe two rears stystbev have a touch of inieHttriK-e in them that u'tt-t come Iroui the devil. Among inanv thing he tcl's atut the hopix-rs in proof of their Ining en.loanl with fiendish stiianness. hi description of tbe manner in which the eggs of the female are placed in the ground is not ihe lea-t curious. He rays when the time for deixisiting" the eggs arrives tbe oi harvesting erupt in bud weather will ho was removed trom oilice. 1 he pistol with whic i the lirii.gwae done is a California weapon with an extremely heavy cilibre, belt, known be grea' ly diminished by this mode of as a "Bull liozcr.

Fkmikkk .1. I't i was arr.ii'f.e.l before a justice ot the peace of I'hiladcl-phiu under an aci passed in 17-M for tellitiii fireworks. The justice, in utrict tiecor.lance with the law, lined the defendant five shillings, hieh he had to procure from a broker, as the ju-tiec insisted that tbe line should he naid Uritish coin. The race of 1 'ojberrh is not extinct. preserving loo t.

Station Agent Carney arrested the assassm. and boys trying lo art like grown-up people. I like to see them act like children. osaid: "I did it! inma stalwart ai Arthur Fourteen vears ago Mr. Sterling, of Monroe, placed two posts ot is a President, lake a letter 1 have hereto General Sherman and he will tell you all ab out Lilv bad the goo I taste to get tired of warning of his liiends that he is "too voung," is happy for a while iu unvarying sweetness of disp-isition, utilis too, prove a delusion and a snare, and laler on.

finds out his mistake. Perhaps as he grows older he realizes that lie has abilities above the common, ambition dcvelopes itself, and, as bis dtsire increases to make bis name known among men, he linds liinist If hampered wiute oak in front of his residence. it. ThePrcsidtnt was shot twice. One ball en When they were set he bored into the it all very soon.

Little girls would come along and stare at hi slippers; but she did not feel much pride in them. Little bovs would come and bow, and ask her tered lrom the rear to one side and is iielievcd to lwve passed through the kidneys. The doctors top of each, with an mch-and-a-half In pi r- select a patch of gr.un I that is uger, a hole three inches tilled it held out rem irkcl: "I fancy I am more tilted for the fraflold than for public speaking." Nut far from litre there is a ntra' res it known as Pepper's Hotel. Au a the g.iet-t. afer being somewnai sor yei oi nrtu tie-e collect swaruisof loth ma'is and fe- -'t i ti SOME HOPE OF A POSSIBLE ItLCOVEBV, with common salt.

Having occasion re- to dance; but she had had enough. but it was plain thut they felt but littia, it any hope. One shot went through the urm tentiv to cii.nge tbe location of the There was music and singing, and then with a large familv and a woman who T. i has rated into a mire mother ol to the depdl of about posts, he found them as sound from top 1 he Pre-Meni laitea to a vtesiern Associated ice cream and cake were handed round Press reporter and said he felt preltv smmg an inch, artfully stnootLiiitr Ihe tides to bo'to-u as tbe day they were planted. tg, penr and fcalt to tasle, and some chopped paisley; work.

into this mixture the yolks of three or lour eggs, then fashion it into the shape of balls, roll them in bread crumbs, and fry in hot lard, and serve with tried parsley. Green Pea Smip. 'Boil a pint of treen peas in water with salt, a bead ol lettuce, an onion, a carrot, a few leaves of mint, and a sprig of parsley, tonu pepper and salt to taste and a lump of sugar. When thoroughly done, strain off the liq sud pass "the peas, through a hair sieve; add as much of the liquor as wiil bring it to the right consistency; put th? soup in a eattcepan with a small pat of fresh butler; let it boil up, and serve with dice-shaped bread fried in bu r. A Pxtnee's Frolles.

Taris Cor, Fhi.adebhia Tunes Palis is not nearly on the eve of that moral regent-ration which it was hoped bis children, nothing more. Then he but Lily had promised to tat nothing, considering his wounds, but complained u-t i re, arc generally pretry weii ol a timeline sensation in nil and sue kept ker sallttl. the are suoi tnitigs annoying him more than anything At half-past eight o'clock shesaw Jane IHE MAKKLfs. else. The man who shot him wrote his name ou beckoning to Her at the door; and very acird.

"Chas. Gitteau, Attorney -apLa. ot Chi cago." Washington wis wild with excitement, NEW YORK clad she was at the sight. Bidding Miss One day last week a lnjiryr empioyed in the mountains iicar Truckte was attacked py a largo lynx, which tote his t'lothint; from his person and lacerated his flesh (onsider.ibly before it oul 1 he driven away. It is recorded as a strange circumstance that a single animal ot this kind, without being fust assailed, should attack a man.

The logger as armed with a hatchet, but this was of no avail. After vsruping he tied to the imp, from which twotneu soon started out with rifles and killed the lynx. and the wool- populace gathered anout the tia Beeves, native steers. to 1 ane "good-night; she let Jane put on une'fc the woman ho, il he had waited, would have been not only a companion, but a help to him iu tbe thousand ways in which a clever woman enn help an ambitious, rising man, and be curses Irs luck. Therefore, il is not so bad a thing us mothers, especially, usually think, for a young man to fall love with a married woman.

He cannot marry her, no matter how much be would like to, and, ore Potomac aepoi. me man evidently She. common lo etioiea had deliberately placned the assiissinatlou with The Ka-t. Yale reflated Ha.vml in the college by tw 1 engtlis. As Amer- an has paid Mr.

Alma Tadcnia, It. $15 fur his Sappho. One stocking makers are preparing to come hither lroiu Chemnitz Yale collecr has 103 instructors, 1,037 studenis, and 12b eOO volumes in the libraries. Aycht wa- upset in a squall on the 5ouud, mar Bridgeport, and five of a party of seven row ned. It is claimed that tbe excursion boats in Massachusetts li ubors turned 11,000,000 passengers last year withont accident.

Vm Gales of Careiff, Wales, statted in an attempt to walk t.000 quarter miles in cousieutive ten minutes a'. New Yotk. Baltimore has received bv her Bremen steamers, since January 1, over 27,000 immigrants, maDy of whom turn southward. H. P.

McGrath, a veteran turf man of bet shawl, and lead her to the carriage, "Oh, 1 am so tired, so tired!" said poor v-' do 1 id 5 5 7(1 1 22 isle to to io to the idea, so far as can naw be ascertained, of Hogs, live Flo iroed to choice heat. No 2 red 6 10 ti "i 1 SA making Arthur President. Lllv. A TOICHING TELEORAM. Corn, No.

2 white Mamma received her at the door of Mrs. Garfieid. Elberoi. Lone Branch: The st. torts.

President wishes me to say tu vou fiom him that BetvCa Good to fancy her ow house, and taking her in her arms, bore her up stairs to the little he has been seriously hurt, ho seriously he ative cows Cannot vtt say. He is him-ell and hopes you Texan- r. In 1 kS (id 4 l. I. 1.1 hick of pottes-ion keeping love alike for a considerable length ot time, he ies imt recover from tbe attack his girl's papa.

"What! has she come bark on 3 25 will come to nun ocn. tie sends nm love to and rounding P. nx of them then s- i.e it Km a leinale und stand her ou end in this bole waist deep. They then ran fuilv tramp lu fine oirt all iilxdif the lower ait ot Iter body and thus seen rely fasten lu-r in the ground from tbe waist up. When this operation is lupleted it is impossible for the lemale hopper lo release htrself; indeed, gras-hop)K rologist savs he hits ofteu to puil tbem out when so planted, and always found tbat they would pull in two, leaving tie abdominal region di-temhd with cgps) sticking fast in the grouti't.

O-jee the femalt rid herself of her load of eggs she can get out of the giound without tbe least uifii- ulty. Our rabcLmmi philosopher says that on withdrawing hirst If from the hole in which the fias deposit' her etrzs the i i de sea'-, up the top of it with saliva and dir. In a short time this dries and the clay becomes as Lard as cement. Ou digging out one of these cells after it you. so soon? said he, throwing down his common to Fogs, common to lauey Perk DO to iS'Klied A.

r. KOCKW ELL. newspaper, and taking her on his knee The name ot the assassin, as written hy hiu-sed. X. 1 I 'of m.

Adurtinr. An Ohio wag was recently out ol sbai by tbe proprietor of a i-r-rooin ovir wh. se fit lunch he ph'-i-en tbe legend: "Sloinacli pu. may be hired in tlie lobby." V. Com.

Adeerlier. 'TU Beta quarter tbat I win a Gamnia two," said tbe clossi'--' player. Jlrratie Lnriifvt. That all depends on wbclhtr he was boo-I hand. But Phi on such iskes a these.

They are nt woith an lla. D-it'iiaore Ernf Srrtnr day. A oatik- cleik was yesterday iscen negotiating for a box of ktraweriie-and promptly arrested by the palice on suspicion of lx-ing an emlzzler. On examination he proved tbe fack'hat be was but acting as agent for ons of the Wheal. No 2 red might be attained by the transformations of the Folies Bergeres into a temple of clasic music.

Mr. Sai was thought to have cone a big thing, and so he has, yet not in tbe sense he meant. Ah the disreputable cleuieuts were weeded cut, but as th. Ee were its chief attraction no one "Ob. vou dear papa, I am so tired, so is ethanes Gitteau, aud he says he is au attorney-ai-law at Chicago.

Jhe Star say in an extra Wheat. No. led Corn Oats tired!" murmured Lily. "Oh, do sing me 'Flow gently, sweet and let that when the assassin was arrested he said "I did iu aad want to be arrebt d. I am a salwart It) 7 1 1 MIS 1 OSIj Wc 's Pa gs lo to ISc l-o au io and Arthur President tow I have a letter me go to sleep on your lap." Kentucky, who has bten sick for some time, is now dangerously ill at Long Branch here tht I want you to give to Gsnerai Bher lsut mamma said, No, Lily, ion went afer the first fierformance to the Free Love Temple except a few provinc man.

It wilt exptain evervthii g. lake me to tne police siatiou." It was ulUrlv impossib must go to bed while you can keep your A Williamson libel has been de nam access to the hi House, the police and 5 75 1 Co eyes open. ials who did not, know of its moralizu-tton, and brought down upon themselves veloped in St. Mark's Church, New Y'ork. character and experieinss are more matured, i hen, when he is ready to fall iu love, again he is more apt to know what he Wail's.

It w-riild not be a ba 1 idea wcrettirrea law prohibitirg air. man mam ing before he is thirty, for not until then has he really arrived at years of discretion, hateVt he may think to the contrary. I have beard mothers say that they would be glad to have their sons marry as soon as they became of agt-aiid while still unversed in tbe ways ol this wicked world. But I doubt whether they are right. A man is bound to sow his ild oats at some pert-Hi or other; if be does not in tbe beginning be most assured! will later on.

Everv man urtist 3 to I 0J so.dters odng au around it. and wnu'd let no And so Liv kissed papa, and wasborne Ihe ms'igator turua our. to he an insane To DUMONsrttATK the feasibility of keeping a hailoon inflated long enough for a transatlantic voyaee, Professor King, the aeronaut, is preparing for a trip through the air from the Mississippi river to the Atlantic coast. Minnesota Agricultural and Mechanical society has offered to furnish the gss and $1,200 tow ard the other expenses of the voyage, provided the start is made from its Fair grounds in Minneapohs ou Sep teniber 7th. Tbe baloou will have a capacity of 100,000 cubic feet, and will be made of several layers of cloth and ned with rubber.

one but cabinet othecs m. There was com indignant remonstrances from respect off to bed. I think she will wait lill she man. 3 50 a li to to munkation by telephone, which was the only 41 able matrons whose daughters wtre is older, before she will care much to go Butter, dairy Eg -s Kansas citv. Beeves Extra native swers itchers' cows Bui Colo'doit Texan catile Waeat.

Corn, No 2 white mixed Cora. No. 2 ats No. 2 Butler, medium to eaoiee Potntiy, ptr pt.und...... way to reacn mem.

Thi grand jurv ef Allegheny ceunty. Pi there, not to look out for "the eomine to another children party. found a true hill against three hundred SOMErHlNG ABOCT cilTTEAU. Charles Gitteau would-be assassin, is bus bud lime to dry it is oui.d to be a sort of tu'e closely sealed at both ends, saloon-keepers far selling liquor without a foreigner by birth and has ben a very peisistent man," but to listen conscientiously to symphonies in la major and sol minor. license.

applicant lur a consular stanon. He has Daunted tne executive mansion lor several weeks, and sie W. 0'ic 7e 32HC to 12c li to lgc 7 tO 7J-e 00 11' lie There are two bjatins associations his disappointment in not ee.tlng what he want ihe provineials lancieil that miiiiinas were putting on airs and tried to win favor bv tbe offer of a glass ot beer, winch. and t.ble to iihstand both moisture and co'd. he male hoppers tbat dig the bote in which the g-js re to be letr-itd evi here," wrote a Japanese student home.

ed lea to a temporary aoerrauou oi miiiii. called Y'ale and-Harvard. 'When it rains. the members read books." directors. Modern Argo.

"Why is it that a man raided In Illinois can never be polite 7" IWtau-e be Uat-ocker?" "No." "Because the climate worries him?" "No." "IVeaii? be rtads theChicago papers?" 4 If Gitteau'a Life la Washing ou. producing in several certain muscular manifestations with strong maternal hands npon the vhages of OsEotthe punishments in the Massachu W'asiiikgtos. July 2. Charles Gitteau, dently iesiie in it tbe victious matter ibat V- Inform the lower part of egg case, leaving ihe female the task of cIob-iiig it np as hT of the work. setts Reform School has been to carpet tacks under the offender's bee's, points the assassin ot the President, is a Canadian "these impudent seotindreis," there was have bis fltr.g, and it is better to have i' i at onec and be done with it.

Moreover, wheu a man marries so young, even il, not pcissessirig any twrtirulir mental capacity himself, he ntver discovers anv inferiority in liis wife, be is npt to Ee tired of her sooner than if he bail wai.ed several vears before "settling down." Frenchman by birth and hails from Chicago. stampede of habituefl towards other upward, thus compelling mm to stand on tiptoe or get punctured. because be is always Be came here in the mouth of February with less proper repions, as tne circus and the Mabills Gardens, where tbe exhibitions have not lieen regenerated, recommendations from various parties in Illinois, to seenre a United States consulship to The Street Player. C. B.

Crider my window 1 hear a sound, 1 he scrape of a riddle, the clatter of And a ennous crowd of tniya and men lias gathered there in the street. And in their midst is a little child. With ragged shoes and a brimless hat. No bigger than Hop-o'-mT-lhmiib, at mo-t, Anil wan and Ihiu at thu aee his fingers like Hide c'aws. His berry-b own eyes, and wistful smile.

As he plifs the bow of his fiddle fa-t. And tries to sing Hieanwhile. And when his shrill brief sons is done. He plucks the hat from his curly bead. And hcjs a penny from every one.

Though not a is said. Just fit for a mother's arms to fold. Yet here alone in the heat and dus'. Doing his poor, tired, baby best To earn for him elf a crust. Marseilles, France.

He went in March to the and in which II. E. H. Albert Edward An examination of the wretched bovel in Philadelphia in which Mr3. Fritz' little baby was gnawetl to death by rats reveals a state of aflairs infinitely disgusting and discreditable.

There are holes everywhere in the floor, walls, and ceiling; through which rats, many of them of enormous size, are constantlv appearing and disaopearina by the score. It is oioy a paten ground nere ano there that seems to till ail tlie conditions required by I.opih rs in tbeir gz pUnt-iug business, tin lheje.hey swarm, and may be seen ind u-triouoly at work on a linos' every square irch of ground, all the males at work like 'leavers at digging hole, up Plid planting tb wen known boarding house of Mrs. Lock wood, Is the Henley Regatta, Thursday, the London, Hereford and Leander clubs won the trial beats for eights. The London club won the heat for pairs. The Thames club defeated Cornell and London for the Stewards cup.

Cornell came in third. Jmis Russell, a oue-leggi soldier, who recently stopped a runaway horse by push may always be seen whenever he is in Paris, although forbidden by his pious parent to to to Sunday races. I do not formerly Mrs. Bines, 810 Twelfth street, and tried to secure board. Mrs.

Lock wood did not arfirm that this particular II. Ii. II. is Tbe Rational Dress Society. Loudon News.

The "Rational Dress Society," under the presidency of Viscountess Harberton. have advanced so fir as to appoint a provisional committee, comprising six ladies zealous in the cause of dress reform, besides tbe Treasurer, Mrs. Uaweis, and Mrs. E. M.

King, who has generously taken upon herself the duties of Secretary. We gather from the prospectus that, there i no intention on the part of the society to interfere with individual liberty; ou the contrary, tbe desire is simply to release ladies from the tyranny of mere fashion, by permuting them to Consult their own taste and convenience npon the sole condition like his appeaxan ce and gave him an out of tbe wry room in the tore of getting rid oi him- He pretended ta know General Logan and others ing is wooden leg tnrouga tne carriage A correspondent should always make it a point to add to a newspaper communication, "If too long, please cut down to suit yourself. This reassures ibe editor and suggests a way out ef a possible difficulty which might never cror to liim. Fcehet'cr Democrat. An escaped lunatic was cac'urrd in Cincinnati just after writing an elaborate musical criticism for one of the pa I rs of that city.

Er. It is imrawibie, fU reading the musical criticism in a The creatures are hold enough to dismay a terrier in the daytime, but at nitbt then boarding theie. Mrs. Lockwood states he a ted stranceiy at times, and about the midd.e wheel, stopped another dangerous runaway at Nashua, N. last week.

He has saved He marries her while his experience of women is limited, and before he ha had a chance to tie tired of ail other vanities but tbe one he has chosen. He marries, also, merely because he is "in love," and before the pleasures of the world have ceased to be fresh and palatable to him. After the first glamor has worn off he finds it possible to see it-tits in other faces beside tbe particular one of which he is the happy p'sesor. He nuets other women whom, if he could not love, he would, at least, like tbe opportunity of studying and cf passing unlimited hours in tbeir study uureproved. Also, he looks hack with inanv a Hiiti ot ol the month whea she presented his bill be four lives and been a inedal by the they hold a carnival aud are strong; and could not pay.

He afterwards le tae house and sept Mrs. Leek wood a nate saying he was egg lajers. OiseimrsRine Crop Report. New Vtrk Tilbune. The crop reports of the Department of Agriculture are dicu raging.

With tlie beet n-tisible weather from now to tuue, the wheat will iail considerably short of tbat of last year. The re-av'e sown to spring wneat fell namane society. savage enough to make sleep danger jus the man, but there is an heu to a large-sized throne now among us wbc is excessively hard np and would pay any interest for an immediate advance. His name is on the books of every nsurer in Europe, inclusive of the British Islard, for sums of everv magnitude. But what does that matter? The H.

R- II. will be a majesty sooner or later; be will inherit a colossal foitune, and besides will always have the resource of a State loan wbere- An Old Albino Robin. Germaatown Telegraph. John t. bin, son ot the poet, died at Albany.

It was to the house cf this son even for grown top'e. The night after expecting a co.ouu position ana would soon pay his bill. Mn. Lock wood showed (his Dote General Logan, whosaid the man wascrazv. For eight years an albino robin has the death of the baby, Mr.

and Mrs. Tnree wseks ago he met Mrs. Rickford, ol Mrs. uiai ins miner was to oe Drought id a short time, in expectation that thechange annually reared its vounsr a nest tu that their attire shall be pleasing i the Fritz were afraid to sleep in the l-ed under tbe leaves of the piazza attached loc wood boarding house, on tbe street, an 1 requested her not to say anyuung about the bill he owed, as it would hurt him in his efforts to would break the melancholy into which be has been plunged since the death of his were their child had been so frightfully eye while conforming to tbe considerations ot health and comfort. An annual to the residence of Dr.

James Tvson secure the position. Mrs. Lock wood says tbat with to settle outstanding liabilities, regret at his crou of wild oabs but half daughter some time ago. mutilated, but finally yielded to fatigue Gitteau was a art at bore to General Loean Penlly, Montgomery county, Pa. It is believed that for several years it batched its eggs in the same nest, but this season contribution of half a crown will constitute membership.

Tbe society hope and retired, taking their three remain Tai thirty-first annual convention of the American Protestant association of the Still it was rough on the noble stranger, gown, at the forbidden pleasures ami that dispatch which the royal or lm- thoroughly good limes from which be i r. 1 11 i i a i a i. received yesterday: "Prince, himself ft sake of persistent was he in his efforts to secure that gentleman's efforts in his behall Since leaving Mrs. Loekwood'6 house, he has been stopping jrr cent that or 1SV), by reason, doub, of the low prices lat fall and winter, knd tbe winter wheat yield is likely to le fceriooslv reduid by weevil in the Wtss aud Cs1d weather iu CaLf irnio. An iucnase of one percenLin tbe aiea to cotton is lejiorted, Lut is to attain their obrecte bv tneins ot draw ing children with them.

Soon after they I mted states is in session at Wilmington perial one your signature is not good for more than it selected anotter position and raised brood of four. It is not often that bixty delegates are present, rennsentins were horrified to see by the light of a Cincinnati napr 10 to1 lunatic has been captured. ArrWowT IL-rald. Tl is eoiifouned tJaogdoe raise the very mischief. When a baud-.

roe youii wife went to a ban! ware store to get one of those wooden contrivances to suash and said, "I want a roasner," every man in the sbop, from the hoB the office boy, started to aHend her. D'tM a I has declared the a milk-and-water pret'iifes which ii al ready beginning to wear off. Then, evpntttallv. if he has nionev enough, he ine-roora meetings, advertisements, circulating pamphets and leaflets, and. above all, bv issuing patterns designed most of the States.

Samuel Legget of Phila robin has an opportunity to locate for so candle, which had been left burning delphia, was elected grand master, John likely to be more than counterbalanced long a period in the stme position, is two enormous rats leap on the bed, and, riKeoi Chicago, vice grand. by members or others, which have re is hunted quite as much in the south is bound to finish tlie sow ing or that by the poor condition of tbe crop. Spec-proverbial crop. He mav wait twenty who are eilc dating on a after running raotdly over it in search of ceived the approval of the committee. wnere it usually remains in winter, as two minions- Some Surpriaint; Ball Costumes.

London Times. French women not only have the tasle and the aptitude for invention, but the courage aod tbe opportunity to carry out their ideas. No two women in all the 1 of tbe condi i-jh which made tbe Ih Wtst. Mot her Baa KewTtrsd," is in tbe north, and it is remarkable that this specimen has so long escaped Jimmy Hore, the notorious has ears, but finish it be will. 11 any one doubts the truth of this assertion.

le him look atoun 1 at some uf our illu-tii-ous coriten poraries. Men who either at various places, but never at a greit length of time, for Ihe reason that he appeared ti have no funds. He told one of the boarders at Mrs. Lockwoot's that he expected to be appointed Minister to France, but did not desire it to be know n. Cp to day belore yesterdav.

when he registered at the Riggs house, he had been stoning, tor the 'act six weeks, witb no baggage Lut a paper box, at Srji Fourteenth street. Col Kobert G. Ingersoll says be knew the assassin well, and had always regarded him as a quiet, sober aud sine man, and be has no special protession, but nas been an officeholder and office seeker Col. Ingersoll is of the opinion at his insanity is feigned. The assassin resolution to murder President Garfield was evidently intended, by the close watch he has kept upon the movements of his excellency for the past lew days.

Mr. Brooke Daxrell of ihe 1 reasury department im-pediateljr recognised him as identical with a oeen caugnt at can ranciscoj Wrote an Illinois girl to her Eastern relatives. "She took bitters for a long time, but the gun, as its white leathers make it past year one of huch great proterity, must revise tiieir esttniiiba in resiiect, for our exiort trade'in triin and will ihow a uiarkt dtclii-e. more conspicuous object than the less A vojXAinc outbreak is feared from Mount Tamalpais. near San Frnnrirm.

without any good, sio when she beard of attractive plumage of its companions. the ball were matned yt nng, or e'se were to another child, disappear in the darkness on the other side, as they thought. The neighbers express the opinion that the miserable shanties ought to be razed, and speak in no mild terms of the owner ot the property, who, they say, will charge rent for the hovels until they drop to pieces or bum down, the virtues of Kidney-Wort she got a box Baptal So oil uia! tweipiUl rdod ir Uil Uis t'or irge-la-itl ta -rst txitW-nt tell what Hop In Germ an town and the surrounding country robins are quite as numerous and it has completely cored her ut Liver Compla'nt. Health and llama alike, and each seemed to know by in- walk a clalk on account or tuition what was best tuiied to her poverty, tew in the davsof the wealth, dn and heantv. It was not worth.

I and cray hairs lie madder anil more I'altt la aaaom. Paul Ms I tiazrtte. To dilate npon tbesrieeiid charae-i ris- tnis season as they usually are. and at Saji Dixgo, CaL. is said to prohibit by ordinance cigarette smoking by boys.

Two weeks ago there was a heavv' fall of snow in several localities in Jioatana. L. Hritjtic was copvictet in Omaha cure, as ih- te'l osnimij tber ceiai a'd ne tut? hnie, evening and in the early morning their but individuality. Shrieking indivi- than tlje weft of tbeir I 3ots by wgter A toper. Snlevr, Stnr beam ttirs ol a Patti rentne wonpi to rv- melodious song hejra on.

all sides, duality in rome ruses, lor ra one oi ine 7n. SKfc' S.s.

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