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The Perry Daily Chief from Perry, Iowa • Page 7

Perry, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FAKJf, OKCIIABD AND UARUEX. Hay. Farmers are ia as to ice mHrv of ja'ni-g USY. One ibJBg is certaJc, ver proved sazfi- fctivacibgtous to Income adopted Shakspeare and the Sea. rot ivr-a-d or afiec-t ihe culess appiieu 5a costs so large as ii fare aasaials.

Pour quarts rise "oss are as laut-D as atsvise lor experiiuect. farmers inform that three quarts per ton make their bay jut-re palateWe, aid ireveai otiiers uu- fivcrabie reports. So small a tjuaatiiv itot probaWj produce much ef- ieet either way. list cootaies ualurUlj several of salt toa (the precise amoust we bare aot at which prolnililT voat as much as animals opens iiis The the Tae a e3atorate between acd sea: sad the Hkeaess iioKs good in uianv points of Jess sigsiilcaijcc than liiose irliich bave beeu set down iLe Eiaster hand. Fur 200 years at leas: have sm-'euts of every kinu put forth in every sort of boa' ca a longer or a shor'er voyage of research across tLfc waters of tfcat sea.

From the ps'iriesS: fehiug craft to sach majestic as were steereJ by CoSeridge and it? Gotthe, each division of the fleet Las 3oue or has essyeu Its tarn of work; some busied sa drtuging along shore; some taking surveys of this or that gulf or headland; some putting Treuiout Bouse. 4 FOKTfXE CSE be ssade or fceyjeo ua? rtroraOy sad refariiirted j-tl-for Siders" Piatec'i Self-Dripper aad Check or tbe propr-etor- Jots Parker. 1: i Kow for Com Piasters. 4.ddre*« is. a hoKta for iiaveisas SMI! al! nrLo F.

M. p. O. Ktxt 534. KsorrHle LAKE FOREST, ill A CoHeia and ry tiviitutioii for Ladies.

SEPTEMBER 15, for ity, tef Cetsee- 1" O. BOX J037. CHICAGO. ILL. siiQ lasjjsaers asuK; tie iliiiy 133.

Oyii a 2s EGANS AND PCY, General Agents, Ciiicago. A utiiieuSiy Ic saltiug hay is in lorih through shiae aud shadow lato the it eveuSy; it wouiu Lie likely to si-read in njasses, und aiiimais would eei it ijutatiiies at times. On the "ve Lavu not much 10 sav in favor of SahlL-sj hay. out would depend siiuth jsore a feediusr Culture of Corn. Eaglish agricultural journals contain numerous directions about the culture of corn---d.

i.ew crop in that country. Some early rij-eting varieties have been found corn oi tbe earn- sweet van- for use while screen' One important discovery our Eiiglssh frieiids have made, i. cot to hill the core, but iefcp the ground as nearly level as possible. Tht- The only eifeet of hilling 311 ihe dalap, coo! eiimatfc of is to mulch the roots, keeiiinij them still cooler and delaying ripening. Even in our hot.

drv summers, corn does not earth darkness of the great deep. Xor does it seem as if there would be au to aien's labor oa this thaa on the other sea. Km here a is perceptible. The sualeria' oceaa has been so far uias- U-red -y the wisdom and the heroism of flssn that we may look for a time TO when the sayssery slia'l. be maui- of its farthest and south, and men resolve secret of the uttermost parts of the sea: the poles, also, may find their Columbus.

But the limits of its tides, the mystery of of its change, may ever think thoroughly to know. 3Jo" tviod-gaugc- wili keep us to the science of its storms, no head-line sound for us the depth of Its divine and terrible serenity. of Neiv York, orvk-rrs of tr, is; our -L Of ilTL'JtW: drawn Around the stem- If it seems to do good, it is only because it necessariiy loostcs the soii, aUowing tlte roots vi spread better. Corn needs as tropical weather as it caa jjet anywhere, and T.ould goat-rally be benefited by dra.w- the esnh away from the plants. rather tluta to them.

(Care of Horses. The London Horse book says: Ail horses niusr not t-e fed in the same proportion, without regard to their ages, their c-Ansthution and their work; because the impropriety of sucis a practice is self-evident. Yet it is constantly done. is the basis of disease of every kind. Xerer use baa hay on account of the cheapness, because there is no proper anurisiimeijt in it.

Damaged corn is exceedingly injurious, because it brings oa inflammation of the bowels and ikin diseases. Chaff is better for old horses than hay, because they can chew and digest it better- When a horse is worked hard its food should be chieSy oats; if not worked its food thonM chiefly be hay, because oats more nourishment and nesL-makiDg thac any other of fr.rd: bar so much- wasteful. The better is to chopped from nsanger, becai'Se the food is not then thrown out, and is more easily chewed r.ud digested. Sprinkle the iiay with water that salt dissolved in it, because it is pleasing to the animal's taste and more easily digested. A teaspoonful of salt in bucket of water is sufticient- Agricnltnre at the Centennial.

The value of the farms and iarm ma- rbiEery, ihe farm products and the live stock of United States roll up an aggregate of over $13,000,000,000, white the total of the products of our manufactories (less the materials and the capital invested in them is less than To fitly present characteristic specimens, drawn from and fully illustrating this enormous industry of onr land, is the duty that devolves upon the Agricultnral Department the Centennial. The representatives of the 90,000,000 of horses, cattle, sheep and swine noted in the census of 1870 will aloce constitute snch a grand display as will be worthy of attention: and it might be well to mention just here that one club proposes to exhibit 300 specimens of neat cattle. The attractiveness of the agricultural exhibit and the disposition to contribute to it will be recognized -when state thai, ont of the 12,500,000 persons engaged in ail classes of occupation in the "United States, 5,922,000, or nearly one half, are engaged in agriculture. The trades and industries, too, that uiimsier and are subordinate to the agricultural interests of our country, swell aggregate seeking space for display in the area set span for this department. With these few figures (drawn from the censes of 1STO) in mind, we may ise how great a proportion oi the crowd of visitors will be attracted to the "Farmers' Show" in 1876.

And not only this portion of the Centennial Exhibition attractive to our own citizens, but as -we are best known abroad by our agricultural productions so we may anticipate that of the foreigners who visit us in 187C the specialty which will call the greatest nuiaber of them to Philadelphia will be the agri- Press. a Free Lecture. The children whispered noisily, and soon, to oar surprise, the lecturer rose and began. He bowed, and treated us with beautiful deference, and read ihe dreary lecture with enthusiasm. I wish I could say for sake that it was interesting, but I cannot tel! a Me, it so long: He went on and on.

until I feit as if I had been there ever since I was a little girl. Kite and I did not dare to look at each other, and in my desperation at feeling her quiver with laughter. I moved to the other end of the pew, knocking over a big hymn book on the way, which attracted so much attention that I hare seldom felt more embarrassed in nsy life. Kate's great rose several times to thake hiisseif and yawn ioud-y. and then lav dowd again The children in front of us miiuly scuHled each other at one time, unt-1 the one at tbe end of the pew dropped a marble, and rolled with a frightful noise down the edge of the aisle, where -here was no carpet.

The congregation instinctively it rtcd up to look after it, bnt recollected ourselves and leaned back again in our places, the awed children, after keeping unnaturally tiuiet, feii asleep ami KL-ainst each other After a time the man sat acd wiped his forehead, looking wei! satisfied: and when we were wondering whether we misht with propriety come away, he rose again, arftl said it was a free iictwre, and he thanked us for our kirn! patronage on that inclement night, but is other places which he had visited there had been a contribution taken for the cause. It won i perhaps lo no harm--would the sexton-- Bat the sexton eouH not have heard a cannon at that distance, and slumbered on. Neither Kate nor I had any money except a twenty dollar bill in my purse, and some coppers in the pocket of her water-proof cloak, which she assured me she was prepared to give; but we saw no signs of the sexton's waking, and as one of the women kindly wenf forward to wake the children, we ail rose and came Sarah O. -Jewett, in -Jie September Atlantic. of Work and Ih whe derirc to the iiie coalro! of In of AH 'V of K.

"We $25 to $50 Per Day GKKAT WfiSTJEKS At'G sre Ocr are bv and will bore ai J2e oraj -ier hour. TJie-- bore 3 6 feel ia any dcih iiwJ. They bore kiiids asd Mins-eons noue sjaie iidrd pali, we TMake best of iis fcaoa. Good waa'ed in every sad ia Jit Uuiicd States is Sead for oar CaTaloue, THE ROCK FAIXS WAGOJT antc enis a i A lal001) 1 us; slier is CITV ISSTITL'TK. Si.


DavS? Coaciv. Iowa. BY CSISG 3. B. PALMER'S Star Well Wells 50 ft Deep Suck in 4 Hours.

feet deep if JFii'te 1.1 "itVl of the VXIOX R'JCK FAL. "STAB AtfiER o. MaSoatliCmMl CUciso. UL GUILBEKT'S EOMEOPATIIC PHARMACY, UUISfoUK. JOWA.

Assent ibr HORJLICK'S FOOD. A s-l k-aus oi HOilKO- I'ATIHC tiOUJS- prfc-- CTS. Cttl-s and 1'nviVsrtE. To of slock Ihlet "iriEi; free. SIMPSOJX.

DAKKAGH sffid Brokers. S3 ilroad-Aav, comer of street- York. O- bos O.lT'l. $25 A DAY Ws gnnmntg 9X5 A DAT WEM, ATJGER AND DRH.LS. -in good semacy.

soo tfrcj. JIL2 AUGER CO ST. Lons, Ilo. TREMONT HOUSE, JNO. W.

PARKHR. Proprietor. 7 Comer Idwa. and tiih DUBUiTTE b-i-en reSttt-d and by acw iT-vricior on firs; The Dodgs Excelsior Hay Press, iS upon a Ksw Principle. lor femsarv n-iit) yesr 15JEJLO1 FKKKr COJLJLJEGB A four--- A Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa.

IT-OR 30TH OX 3IAXI7PACTITRIXG CO3IPA.XY. LS, wnirasius COUSTV. ILLIXO-S. The Best is always the Cheapest. OIL TANK SO3.

Grocers, Druggists, A Mills, SJ Eta The eliding top Is without seams or and cannot get out of order. Ths meaeurlnE Pump Is the easiest, fastest, and ONLY PATENT PUMP used in a gal- Iron tank. Prices reduced. Send for WILSON Jt EVENDEN, HilinfactErers of Kveuden's Celebrated Wood COTi-rcl! for use; JigDt, cheaii- L. U.

Bs? ii. J. L. Taylor Jt Speccer. Oskaloosa.

Hiirh-y inr Kajids: W. H. Inhsqize: THE GERMAN 4ddresi TT3 JE ittf South Canal Street, CIUCJ.QQ. A man man named George Wai ford, a book agent, while attempting to water his horse in the Cedar river at Yinton, August 16th, drove into a. deep hole, and man and horse trere drowned.

Mr. Watford leaves a wife and children in Adair county. Three weeks before, a young nisn named Gerberich, was drowned at the same place while watering his horse. How to Get a Home. Kic-H Soil, Goort Climate, Excellent "Water, Growing Settlements, ami Good Schools.

offer the IOWA I.AXDS of tbe McGreeor and Mis-oari Rirer Itsilrosd EEd the Sioax City St. Paul on ave years time, at $5 $JU per -ere. Two years real, will bnv a home. All who see the like it. Cone and see.

DA VIDEOS "CALKINS, KsHrond Land Office, OsceoJs Ii.w^ PENSIONS! To Whom Pensions are in the iuit- yon to a A The los of a fo-j gTvt-s you a The of Rn vou a are aow drawing a pension, are titled to an increase- Ali persons who think they sre entitled to a Hi-rhef of PyriMoT! send me their o'd Pension and if entitled to aa increase. I ivSi; procure it Dr. H. C- Sanford of Leon, died on ITih of August. Trie of Horses and Cattle doubled.

--By adveitiseraeat. it -will be seen that T. C. she of Charleston, soon aake aaotfatr tbrocgi Iowa. He never fai's to castrate a ig horse arid spays catiie.

On a through Iowa he operated on -IS Dos't Jail to read list of teil yoar uesghbors, and lake vottr horst-s to be operated on. Dr. McAFFJEE--A British and American veass "ihysicsan. Trea-? zll Diseases of the L.ITC-. Head ar.c Xerroa- 'ystem.

Errors of aiad Marc- ibod snccessJuily treatec anc evea alter others have failed. SS'O forfsti for asy case oi Kaunas akaess or pnvate Gisvase 03 aay kicd or char acter fce cndertafees fatls to cnre. will proper treatisect for peculiar to their All Setters contataii-g stamps for promptly answered, Conialiationfree. Send for Address jock Bos 360, or ca3 oaice, 317 Perry stteeu Davenixin, lows. for advice, aad no lees ever iu your claim It is AS for me get your claims set- and it can le don-j as well and quickly the mall as if TOTI we Tour-el! Cuj boTiniy Acts.

AZress, P. E. Sts-es Inviianai-o On all Jestsrr? P-O. Eui Kenwood spiersd-d insti- for last vear's board of exaoi- ners say; "for the and extsnt of the Jrnamenta! branches. "S-eminarv is nnscr- assed by any oiher oar knowledge: lor ystematicand home-Sise discipline, combinir." ne rennemenw of scientific with ihe atin? influences of Christian home, ii merits nr hearty commendation, and ihe entire coafi- cence of those -who to Dlace their a sch where both their mint's and their and forthoroasrh and methodical InMraciijc in all the aii.1 andamental branches of education, ti.e claim? of h- Kenwood bem-iary ars See --Or -Freeport, Illinois.

A. U. I's-f. F. Gl'XD.

Assets Nearly OO. rpHE Company inscws only on STOCK a of for a tit finite sum of monev. No Premium or Installment Notes. No Assessments. Its confined to the inrerance of dwellings, farci property ar.d the safer classes- of n.e~ caanle risfca.

Bv prompt and liberal adjustment of all honest the Company has become a wuh the insuiinr public of Iowa, having done ihe tenlh largest bnsiness of any foreign icscrance in the Stste dnrijig: ihe past year. In localities wnere tbe Gensjva is not ri-pre- stnted, responsible persons reqnestir'gan can address ibe or A. H. KUHLE General Airent for Iowa and Nebraska, at BariinESoa. Iowa Tin no: th- Germsn a tria! tJucJcsoiivilie 'TVUJE isi for the eda- 1 Sslerior TQUD SEMINARY FOR BOYST ili icrra -sal opea f.l.

Boys Si Xortliwesterii Uusiuess ami Art School, For circ sit htrsn.jftsL over Ttrschers and i- X. CTTTSK, Carroii Coliege, Waukesha, FOR or SESES. to 53.30. raE For Ii! a Utel OKu'mra: Ai ILL. -D Business College and Telefrrapri et loir.

ad dies, Kev. 31 A .11. DJIYEBSITY Bf DBIODKS. Fan Ttrnn IcftUaiion will Sept. 23.

-cbool erceJlfcDv acvas- to s.t inc capila-I. wits KACINE COLLEGE. la the Tie Scnool LcUers, Tiie ScIentiSc MountVernon Military Academy, The Gr-unmsr School. Tbe Will open oa tbz dsy- The system or secare? for faoys Ills; persons! care ofa school, wzia of a larsre one- irjor roice jt4EV. -JAMHS D.

Bafet, bfcobsassedoa ap 5 Ser.d for T. C. MULliS. V. S.

Chsilisioa. Ills. IOWA STOCK JttE.Y, READ THIS OAN double tfce vsiae oJ yonr ndsllug horses Jor $15 coHarii) I can add per cent 10 Tosr by ibein, for $1 esca two I tbiuk I caw do cheaper and qaicier and belter any livinc rasa ever die. and now oifer to do won fa of free of charge for EISE TCLO can do as veil as I do any three in be the say if al; sas. for I alien in ia foliowisc towns: "Burlington, Jiocnt PJeasant.

Mo2ro-. Vision, Me-. baaicsviHe, Acaiaof a. Iowa City. WasfcJEjrUHs, Colnsaons -Janction ssd Mitchell, and not a man that saw me work Will t-13 jon he ever szw mas do it well.

For purpofe of money for myself aad fonr liiaes as mscn for yon, I have agreed to meet wsat my services ai ibe sail will be there oa the davs named Bnrlinfrton act! Ianville.Sept. litri, IS7S- 31t. Pleasant, 16tlj; Fairfield and 17th; Eddyville and Pella, 18th; Jtoaroe 2Oth; Ies 31st: Jndiaaola. 23d- 23d: Moines. 24ih; Casey 3.7th: AtlanUc.

STtli; Conneil Bluffs, Dnnlap. 3Otb: Grsuid Jnnc- tion, OctoIxT Ames ami Ies Moines 2d; Newton and tirinneil. 4th: 3Iarensjo Iowa City, 6ili; Kapids. 7th- Vinfon. Stri; Slecliaiiicsville.

9tli: Telaware. lath; Dyersville fnd Farley. 13th: 14tb; Clinton, loth: IJavenport, 16th; Colninbn-. -Tanrtion, ISth. Where are ap of 5 to aee: ma at soaje rai'- road i-utios.

write me ai Des au3 Co- ar.d I wiii iryscd meet ihem, ieHlzg tbvnj what day I can "be there, after mr are ailed. Horses std cattle hsndie bet-er wfcen gsncied some. I sow repeat ay ofier to 1st--To do jay worS ic a mam er to tie owner, or ask no pav Sd To trim sr.y ricsling broagbt me, or psy the owner $J5. Snsare any or al! i for 10 per 02 "naif his valne.and a'iow the ovrae- to work aiaj everr da- as assal. 4th--Bat as -o man hss ipsared in Ihe last two vears, I say to si! if yocr fcorf dies ia ten oavs from the time I trim Sim, I will you $10." Ost of 153 -I.

coaiacz-ce Sijpr, 34. scscerar can fnl! iiB-riicKiKr? tbe for by t-. Froj.r!e R1PON COLLEGE. Upen to i.rc;.ar=f.-rv school. tnition, room relit SEW -1-, 0 iJeyarziEeKt nn- esceile'i ID KNOX COLLEGE, Gaiesfaurg, III iStif--76.

Opens Fait Term, Sept. Term, 6- Summer April 6. A LL of CoKegeasdSefflin-rjfct-r cosrsrs vod! 2Ed by an emincni A Norsa! class te teachers dnririir term. Boarc for iadtes Srminary. per week.

44.50t cav board for ,3 per week. Bt-arc st vriv-Je hoi'es favorable elsewhere For or escejleu ID rerni I. address Bciemac V- Apply n. PROP i A. F.

of Semicarv: si. KOF. C- r-'-pitp, THE YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, Ciranvilie. Licknifr Ohio, commence Sept- 1 loth. CoBii-Iete iu iu; cepartmeDls, Preparatory.

Ciniijrisi-. scd Painting. Camber iiiaited: the and failhfal desired or Terms FreDch. Germau tnd Greek withont Address Riv. S-HEPABBSON.

D. IX board of instruction- tjrimaiv, prepsra- A' tory, scien-ifir. misic." p'aicting. board, oi stcdv iid inlmction nneqnaltc in say scbc oi for ladies and in West. The first term oi opet-s Sepienber S.

1S75. Seed fo- fr-F-SBOJJT, Pra-idcjit- Osfealoosa Colleg-e, OSKALOOSA, Indies and Gentlemen Admitted to Alt Seffton ojK-ns ssr, Second tc-nn iT4ia- Third lerm becfns JSarca closes -Jnce Ttufion and coutiiizeEi espeEses is lauioa is free. CctmTnzrGt TtlcgrcpJi escb. fjf) lessons, snd paratory siadfcsis, S2 50. Soard end Lodging can be csd 2Eder blug: srraageEaeju for to $5-50 per-weei.

fee! sati 2Igtv 3 54 CaiaSOEHes ent ST. MAJKY'S KAKIBAn.T. Rt. Rev. H.

B. WHT KECTOK- MISS S. P. OVKLICTOX, PrinelpaL Assisted by a corys of ezperiencec Teachers. "i he teuta schoo: vejir comineace on THntSDA'Y.

SKPT. 16, IS75. For registers, with fan acdreas the Rector. REED SON'S ORGANS. and imortant iHiprovements.

simpuci- ty of construction, therefore least liable to get oat of order. Sweetest quality of tone. Easiest action for (jaick music. Xewest style of case. Every warranted.

Sold on monthly or onxrteriv jiavmerils. sent free. "KKKD TKMM.K OF Street, CHKJAGO, ILL. N. enclose in r.c.

ing the ow: senera! way haaibngging, out ask von to wnte i i.ave worSed and the" livery men or fanners or patrons, and then brin" on stock anil me work. Ton will when believe I have made vou STO Wnte me at Charlestons, Coles Illinois, where I reside. Xy secretary will answer all After bepi. auth yoa can Avnte me at Ios Voinea and Colambns Junction, All that intend meetino me with stock, please write me soon and at wnat poiriis. sud I will send yoa T.

C. 5ULES, V. Charleston, Coles LAKE FOREST A.PADEMY! M.P. Grrsxs. Sec'rof Facslty sK I rcparatory arc Academic Scnool for toys and yosss men.

Schoo- year of fortv eek? begins Sepiember Pth. sot clnding books, For information and A. R. SABIN. 3L A- Forest, year begins Sept.

'-Splendid scccess with m- son." Jas Bsckiand. -'True system ay bovs ETcatiyim- G. Vesr. '-Svery daV in- ceoied for the three years Ve-Hiil and middle-aged men prepared tins Room and lafe." Graduates assisted in obtaining; Stadems at anv time "for a therj-jt: Commercial or Telegraphic cocrse, For circulars or information where yoa saw this a 1 BATHES. JacKson Institnte.Jforrisania, T.

ALL SESSION besrnw Sept- 35, 1ST5. Ti-s: scaool offers evs osefnl for and Snished at raode Teachers asd professors of rae abiilrr are eaploved, sis pasjls are 53. -onisded wish all lie of CirSstiaa home- beaSth 5s most gcarded, and til sedsha. -More indebted to to any other John 5. G'over or the statutes, ass oeea the factdiy.

(ISra Tci. nrs a day. Tenns for vear of aice State Printing Pes to tte bar. iow ---(lea o--- Sec'y. AGNES SCHOOL, ALBASY.

X. T. lev. W. C.

S. 3. RecTor. Sitter He3eE. Head of i S.

VV. Boyd, Read of the School. This school will its sisth vear (D. THURSDAY, fcepi. US.

It accommodates 112 thoroughly ir- charee of corspeient Teachers, aiid under -he cocstast ersonal oversight of the bishop. TERMS for the school "vear; i entrance fee. and PaiEtin-ihe only i 1 OE extras. Ciicular; be had on ape! DOAXE. Street andj 3tadlson Aven seventh year of th i oush of young ladies will begin Sept.

Sth- Fscn'jty of IS accomplished Professors and Teachers. A liberally appointed schoo! with thorough of mind, manners and For apply 10 MRS. J. KEXXICOTT, Principal, "wish to become reacy, accurate and thorozci book keeoers, or rapid and accomplished IOWA CnfTACADEMr school forthethor- students superior opportunities for in5 a good academic education, qcalifylna then- lars of both institutions, and for specimens of oenmauyhip, address WM. ilcCLAIX, Iowa City,.

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