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Birmingham Daily Post from Birmingham, West Midlands, England • 5

Birmingham, West Midlands, England
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BIRMINGHAM DAILY POST, MONDAY, MAY 24, 1869. 5 CORRESPONDENCE. NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. All letters intended for publication mu3t be accompanied by the nane and address of the writer, not necessarily tor publication, but for tiie information of the Editor, Correspondents vho stt any special- value upon their communications must keep copies of them, at cannot undertake to return unused contributions. direct bequest of ages in which the rule of the many by the few was the recognised principle of Government.

The same revolution of opinion is traceable in regard to social and religious qestions. The admission of Jews to Parliament, the repeal of Acta obnoxious to Nonconformists, the abolition of Church rates, and the impending disestablishment of the Irish Church, all indicate the immeasurable distance which lies between the opening of the reign and its present period. The further operation of identical causes may be discerned in the establishment of the Privy Council system of education grants, leading up to the new irresistible demand for a national scheme of education in the adoption of cheap postage the abolition of taxes on knowledge the removal of all imposts tending to limit the comforts or cripple the social or physical freedom of the labouring' class. Extending this review a little, we have, in our treatment of Ireland and the Colonics, additional evidence of the completeness -with which the nation has broken with the traditionary maxims of the past how entirely and strangely the reign of Victoria, contrasts, for example, with that of her grandfather, George ihe Third. Everywhere, indeed, in all the relations of Sovereign and people, and of Government and the nation, we have now this established principle that repression and restriction are hurtful Instead of wise and necessary, as it used to be believed that the secret of good government is to remote all hindrances to individual and corporate freedom; that nocommunity can bewell orsafelygo-verned which isnotinthe largest sense self -governed.

In a word, the rule of to-day the cardinal difference between the reign of Victoria and those of preceding monarchs is freedom in all things in politics, in education, in religion, in trade, in social arrangements. This freedom, the government of the nation by the nation, has beea growing ever since the Queen's reign began, is growing now, and with each new expansion acquires increasing Strength and fresh development. It is alike foreign to our design and beyond our space, to review the events of a reign which is crowded with the records of great purposes and the memories of splendid achievements. We can but note that within these thirty years, England has enormously risen hi wealth, in enterprise, in population, in material comfort, and in moral influence. It is something to remember that while we have acquired a larger measure of liberty, and nave set trade and commerce free, fchese blessings have been wonderfully aided by railways and telegraphs both inventions of this reign by highly developed means of ocean communication, and by the opening of the world as our field of mercantile and colonising enterprise.

The colonies, indeed, with few exceptions, have been almost created during the present reign. When it began, Canada Now, the American colonies are united in a great federation. Australia, the Cape, and New Zealand, now the seats of populous and flouiishing communities, were virtually desert lands. Tiie vast dependency of India, scarcely half its present extent, was governed by a trading company, whose power is now merged in the higher and more beneficent rule of the Empress Qukek. Nor has the spirit of the nation suffered by this accession of wealth and empire.

The Crimean war, the Indian mutiny, the Chinese, Kaffir, and Indian wars, and later still, the Abyssinian expedition, not to speak of the records of inquiring travel and the history of extending colonisation, attest the contrary in terms too forcible to admit 01 controversy. But the highest triumph of all is that these advances in liberty, power, civilisation, enterprise, and wealth have been attended with peace, order, and stability at home. WTiile almost every country in the world has been desolated by war, or subjected to violent political or social revolution, while the face of Europe has been changed, and America has passed through a deadly struggle, England has remained at peace within herself peace founded upon order, growing in contentment, consolidated by the assurance that Crown and people alike are animated by a reciprocal feeling of trusting confidence, springing out of settled adherence to the principles of political and individual freedom. Of the share which the Queen- herself has had in promoting these beneficent changes, and of the influence of her character upon the social life of the country, it would be impertinent to speak. Nor is it proper to do more than recall the memory of her blameless life, her early happiness, her later and abiding sorrow.

The deep sympathy which she has over manifested in the welfare of the nation, from the humblest class to the highest, needs no record hero; nor is it necessary to express in words the heartfelt wishes of her subjects on this, her birthday tor her continued health and prolonged reign. We can but sum up the record of a life and the prayer of a nation, in the Laureate's noble stanzas May children of our children say, She wrought her people lasting good. Her court was pure, her life aereno God gave her peace her land reposed A thouaand claims to reverence closed, In her, as Mother, Wife, and Queen." PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE. London, Saturday. Whitsuntide haa brought us an enormous number of visitors and sight-seers from the country.

Foremost attraction is the Italian Opera. The attempt to open a second opera-house at the Lyceum broke dowu on the second night, and since then the Iloyal Italian Opera has had everything its own way. Covent Garden is crowded every night from the floor to the ceiling; and Messrs. Gye and Mapleson will make larger profits by union and monopoly than ever thoy made by rivalry 'and individual enterprise. The subscription for the present opera season reached the unprecedented amount of to which must bo added at least an equal sum receivable for the "off" or "extra" nights.

There will now be performances on five nights in the week for the remainder the season. Her Majesty's Theatre in the Haymarket was built against time, and under heavy penalties to the contractors if they were not ready by tho beginning of the season. The battle of the operatic lessees was itself as good as any play. They were a long time in coming to terms, and more than once tho negotiation was "off." Everybody was ready to pity Mr. Gye, who was unable to make head last year against his energetic rival, even with Patti and Lucca at his bach.

It was taken for granted, moreover, that Mr. Mapleson would obtain from Lord Dudley a lease of the new Opera House in the Haymarket, and that ho would begin the campaign with the inestimable advantage of the more central and convenient site, for Belgravia has not yet taken kindly to Covont Garden. But Lord Dudley, for some reason or other, refused to let the tew opera to Mr. Mapleson, and Mr. Gye has managed to obtain tho lease.

So, when tho two lessees sat down to discover a basis for negotiations, it was found that Mr. Gye had possession both of Covent Garden and the Haymarket. Mr. Mapleson had thus only Drury Lane to fall back upon. This theatre is in a terrible state of dinginess and dilapidation.

It is in the hands of a Committee of Management, from whom every lessee recoils and iiies, and who have their reward in seeing their theatre closed during many months in every year. Mr. G-ye, having possession of the two houses, was "master of the situation." Still Mr. Mapleson was strong in the possession of Titiens, Nilsson, Mougini, and Santley. Covent Garden hss vainly been seeking the successor to Madamo G-risi in tho Norma and Donna Annas.

Everyone admitted, moreover, that a successor to Mario must now bo found, and his only successor is Mongini, Madlle. Lucca's health was so unsatisfactory that it seemed doubtful then, as it is still, whether the clever little lady who cornea to us from, the banks of the Spree, could be relied upon to appear this season. As to Santley, the uncomparable, he is for talent and versatility, worth any two baritones in Mr. Gye's company. Thus, Mr.

Mapleson had in personnel everybody whom Mr. G-ye wanted. Tho negotiations pro-grossed, but a difficulty arose about Nilsson. This charming young lady was willing to serve Mr. Mapleson, but dreaded the iron regime of Covent Garden.

Perhaps a little jealousy of Mdlle. Lucca had something to do with it. Marguerite is one of Kilsson's best characters, and Bhe was unwilling that Lucca should monopolise this and other favourite roles. When Nilsson threw up her engagement new inquiries were instituted. It was rumoured that poor Lucca was about to undergo a surgical operation, and the result was that theJSwodish prima donna, tho beloved and admired of Paris, was engaged for Covent Garden almost upon her own terms, to her great satisfaction, and the exceediug profit of the lessees, for Nilsson is the fashion just now, is by not a few preferred to La Diva herself, and is, at all events, to borrow language appropriate to tho Derby week, running a neck-and-neck-racc with Patti.

I am not entirely pleased with the conduct of Dame Fashion at the Opera just now. If the lessees were t3 put into the bills Beethoven's Fidelio," or a classic opera by Gluck or Cherubim, supported by Madlle. Titiens, the house would be moderately full, and the great prima donna would achieve a succes d'estime, If, on the other hand, Madame Patti is put down for "II Barbiere" or Sonnambula, or if Nilsson appears as Lucia or Marguerite, not a seat is vacant in box or stall, and there is hardly standing room up-stairs. It is actually thought necessary to supplement Madlle. Titiens with something or somebody else.

One of the best results of the fusion has been the performanceof "Don Giovanni, with tkebest-Dwrna Anna of the day in Titiens, and the best Zerlina in Patti. The conjunction, for the first time, of Titiens and Patti in the same opera drew together the most crowded house of tho season. Yet, when Norma is announced, the management will not rely upon Titiens to draw," but only allow her to sing the first act, and thoy supplement the performance with Cagnoni's comic opera, "Don Bucefalo." This is acting unfairly to the only great representative of high tragic opera, and to the art; and thus the "fusion" has its dark side. The cast of Don Giovanni" was of unequal strength. Graziani, as an actor, is overweighted with the part of the Don and Siguor Naudhi cannot sing "II mio tesoro as London audiences have been accustomed to hear it sung.

Ciampi. moreover, has a dry humour, but lie cannot be regarded as an entirely satisfactory Leporello. While fashion must be censured when it is unjust to our great operatic tragedienne, justice must be done both to Nilsson and Patti, and truth requires us to say that they have come back to us this year with their marvellous endowments developed in greater perfection than over. The consummate sweetness and finish of Nilsson's singing her notes of "linked sweetness long drawn out the exquisite delicacy of her pian-isnimos can hardly be described. She has immensely improved.

Madame Patti, too, is equally artistic iu the pursuit of perfection. Not only doc3 her style become more enchanting after every reappearance, but her voice gains in fulness, power, and volume. The fusion gives us a strong cast of Gounod's "Faust Margherita," next Monday. Nilsson will be the heroine Mdlle. Scatchi, S'ie'iel Valentino, Santley and Mephistophele-t, Graziani.

Tho conjunction of Santley and Graziani in the same opera will make it worth hearing. The only doubtful role is that of Faust, by Signor Oorsi, the new second tenor. The present generation of opera-goers will not soon forget Mario's picturesque appearance and exquisitely graceful performance while of Corsi, it is only said that he sang tho tenor song Iadis regnait," in last week, "creditably enough." It appears that through the failure of the second Italian Opera, we have an unusual superabundance of musical talent in our concert rooms. Madame Vol-pini and Madame Monbelli, who were engaged as prime donne at the Lyceum, to-day appeared at the Crystal Palace, with Signors Gardoni and Gassier. Madame Monbelli made a most successful debui at the Philharmonic Concert, on Monday.

She has a mezzo-soprano voice of most pleasing quality, and brilliant execution. With such singers available, the capitalists who "craned" at the Lyceum scheme may rest assured they were wrong, and that a small, well-managed operatic company there, good, but not larger than is necessary, would be a moat luerativo venture during the fashionable season. Your correspondent remembers Mr. Gye's operatic season at the Lyceum, while Covent Garden was rising, phcenix-like, from its ashes, and entertains, in common with better judges, a well-founded belief that Mr. Gye would have been a richer man at this moment if he had remained at the Lyceum.

The Philharmonic Society has taken a new lease of success and prosperity this year. It has removed from its old quarters at the Hanover Square lloorns to St. James's HalL The music is as good as ever, and as its concerts are now given to audiences of twice the size, the society can ail'ord to admit a portion of the public at popular prices. At the first concert this season, the Queen sent tho Princess Louise and Prince Arthur specially to. mark her interest in the society's new venture.

At the fifth concert, last Monday, we had Mozart's Symphony in minor, "the most passionate piece of music over written for an orchestra;" and Beethoven's Sympathy (No. 7) in "the most wildly imaginative." The brilliant audience had tho further gratification of hearing Madame Norman-Neruda, the new violinist, whoso purity of tore, depth of feeling, and command over all the mechanical difficulties of her instrument created a furore. The new Philharmonic Society treads closely in the steps of the old. Take for example the concert, on Wednesday, at which Beethoven's choral symphony was given, with vocal solos, and for the second part Mr. Barnett's cantata, "The Ancient Marinor," as performed at the last Birmingham Festival St.

James's Hall is in great request at this season of the year. This week the great hall has been engaged every day for a morning performance and every night for an evening concert. It was droll enough on Wednesday, before the duchesses and countesses, and the Lord Chamberlain could leave the Hall after tho grand performance of Rossini's 'Messe Solennelle" of the success of which you were advised by telegraph to see Mrs. Charwoman cuter with broom and pail to prepare tho hall for the crowded assemblage of the New Philharmonic. On Thursday morning there wore three performances going on.

In the great hall Madame Arabella Goddard was giving one of a series of pianoforte recitals of music little known to English concert goers, while in a smaller room below the London Glee and Madrigal Union were singing, as they only can sing, the charming compositions of Festa, Morley, Wilbye, Dowland, Blow, Cooke, under the direction of Mr. Land. The only drawback arising from the proximity of the two audiences was that before we were quite ready with our applause for Miss J. Wells, orJMiss Eyles, or the performance of Converso's Madrigal When all alone," the sticks and umbrellas of Madame Goddard's audience came down upon the floor and anticipated us by a minute or two. In another place the Chriatys were holding forth.

The recital of Madame Goddard every Thursday is succeeded by Mr. Charles Halle's recital on Friday, at the same place. Thoy begin at three and end at five, and both are very enjoyable. As tho performers do not clash, and play different music in a different style, ardent lovers of the pianoforte may go to both. Hard by is the new Royal Academy, which almost blocks up Piccadilly with carriages during the afternoon, and gives a new value to the shops and hotels in that quarter.

The affluence of musical talent in London has led to the opening of morning and evening promenade at the Royal Amphitheatre, Holborn. The morning concerts are classical, and the evening concerts popular. Holborn is rather out of the way for the musical and fashionable world, but one of these years such an undertaking will pay. Tho directors have engaged Madame Lemmens-Shorrington (for whom no place can be found in the Italian Opera this season), Madlle. Liebhait, Miss Rose Hersca, and to-day Ernest Pauer was to porform Weber's "Concert Stuck" on the piano.

Among the concerts, which are legion, is a second monster comic concert, by Mr. W. Holland (of the Canterbury), at St. James's HalL Better than this a good deal is the concert of the Tonic Sol-Fa Association, at the Crystal Palace, on the Queen's birthday (June 2), when 5,000 young and fresh voices will follow the baton of those tried conductors, Messrs. Sarll and Proudman.

REPRESENTATION OF STAFFORD. On Saturday evening a meeting of some of tho leading supporters of Messrs. Evans, Whitwortk, and OJger, was held at the North-Western Hotel. Mr. H.

W. Gibson presided. Tho suggestion made by Mr. H. D.

Pochin, that a preliminary ballot of tho Liberal electors be taken as a teat of the popularity of each of the candidates, and that the two who should receive the highest number of votes should be selected as the candidates of the whole Liboral-party, was discussed. It was ultimately decided that the candidates should be solicited to agree to a ballot, the voting ticket to have upon its face the names of the candidates, and the voter to strike off all but those for whom he intended to vote. The meeting was very harmonious, and a strong feeling was manifested against more than two Liberal candidates going to nomination. To show the light in which Mr, Pochin views tho acts of his agents, which have been made tho means of unseating him from the representation of Stafford, we publish below copy of a communication from Mr. Pochin to Follows, the agent whose alleged acts of intimidation brought about'the result alluded to.

As the opinion of the most infcoresfced person in those proceedings in reference to the acts of the person most compromised, it is deserving of notice, especially as unity of action is incumbent upon all tho Liberals of Stafford at the present juncture. The letter in question is dated Broughton, Old Hall, Manchester, May 16, addressed to Mr. John Follows, and says: "With reference to the decision of the Judge in the case of my petition, knowing all the circumstances of the case, must fully acquit you of all blame in the matter. I am quite sure if Mr. Justice Blackburn had himself been present on the day of election, and seen ail that you and odt other friends did upon that day, he would have come toft widely different conclusion, and I by no means envy the feelings of those who so grossly misrepresented the facts aa to secure the result we have to bear.

Your satisfaction and mine must be that your fellow-townsmen know quite well the facts, and I am sure wSl not believe that you have been fairly dealt with. (Signed) H. PouillN." MANCHESTER UNITY OF ODD FELLOWS. THE A.M.C. AT SUNDERLAND.

Saturday, May 22. The Annual Movable Committee, which has been sitting during the past week at Sunderland, concluded its labours on Friday last, shortly before four o'clock. THE NEXT A.M.C. The next business proceeded with after our parcel was despatched on Friday was the selection of the town in which to hold theA.M.O. of 1869.

The voting fortho places nominated was as follows Chesterfield, 110 Windsor, 29 Lancaster, 24 Lynn, 10 Newport, 2 and Isle of Man, 0. Weymouth and Nottingham were withdrawn before the poll. The meeting next year will, therefore, be held at Chesterfield. GOVERNMENT COMMISSION ON FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. The Grand Master read a letter he had received from the Earl of Lichfield, stating that his lordship, Lord Rotnney, Mr.

Bonham Carter, Mr. Richards, Mr. Wells, Mr. Corrauce, Hon. E.

Stanhope, Rev. J. W. Strat-ton, and a few other gentlemen interested in the subject of friendly societies, propose to make arrangements for a deputation to wait, upon Mr. Gladstone, with a memorial praying tho Government to appoint a commission to inquire into the various ends in connection with the management of many of the friendly societies, both certified and uncertified, established throughout the country, for the purpose of providing insurance upon lives, and relief in sickness and old age, for members of tho working classes.

From communications he had had wth leading members of the Manchester Uuity, witli reference to this important subject, ho felt confident tho committeo previously mentioned might rely upon the support of the Unity in urging the course suggested upon Government aud his Lordship observed that in no way could that support be more effectually given than by the A.M.C. appviiiling a small committee to accompany the deputation to Mr. Gladatono, and otherwise co-operate with himself and colleagues. In the event of such a course being decided upon, ho should have muoh pleasure in affording such further information respecting the arrange, meuts for the deputation to Mr. Gladstone as may be required.

It was decided that the Grand Master, with three other members to be selected by the Board, shall accompany the deputation to Mr. Gladstone. AUDITORS, Prov. C.S. Spry, of the Plymouth district, and Prov.

C.S. Artus, of Cheltenham, were appointed to audit tho bookaand accounts of the Order for tho noxt twelvemonths and Sunderland was selected as the district to appoint one of tho auditors for next year. PORTRAITS FOR MAGAZINE. There were thirty-three candidates for tho portaits in the magazine of tho Order during next year. The Grand Master's portrait will bo one of the number, and the other three successful competitors were Messrs.

S. J. Wade (Sunderland), T. Hetherington (Bishop Wearmouth), and T. Buckley (Medway).

THANKS. The thanks of the Order, with a grant of twenty guineas, were presented to Mr. Edwin Smith, the retiring Grand Master, for hia services to the Order during his period of office and 10. were voted to the Sunderland Seamen's Orphan Asylum 5. eaoh to the Society for the Relief of Widows and Orphans of Shipwrecked Seamen of Sunderland, and the Infirmary.

Several other complimentary votes of thanks having been passed, the Chairman declared the meeting dissolved. THE ORDER OF DRUIDS' A. M. D. At the final meeting, on Saturday, a vote of thanks, and the sum of 5., were awarded to Mr.

R. Collinge, the G.S., for his extra labour in the preparation of the agreements, for alliance with the American Druids. Mr. Collinge acknowledged the vote, and also took occasion to thank the A.M.D. for his re-election as grand secretary, Some discussion took place aa to the position of honorary members before the, and ultimately, on the motion of Mr.

Norton, seconded by Mr. Howarth, it was decided that no honorary members bo eligible to sit and vote upon any financial question at any A.M.D." An interesting point was raised by Mr. Hoskes as to the right of a member joining more than one lodge of the Order iu the aamo district, to receive double benefit, Mr. Holland thought that if a man paid the proper fees to two or three lodges, either for himself or his wife, he ought to receive a corresponding benefit. This, however, did not appear to be the general feeling of the delegates, for a resolution, moved by Mr.

Norton, and seconded by Mr. Dutton, was carried nem. recommending tho Revising Committee to strike out the 86th rule, as to one member being a financial member two or more lodges. The A.M.D. next considered the claims for compensation under the accident fund, the amount for disposal being about 106.

Mr. Shepherd moved that the cases be treated and relieved according to merit, in the usual proportion, aud that any deficiency be made up by a general levy. Mr. Higham and others contended that tho amount actually at their disposal should be apportioned as fairly as possible, but not exceeded and, eventually, Mr. Higbam's amendment to that effect, being given to such claimant in the first class, and 4.

to less urgout claimants, was adopted by a large majority. The A.M.D. closed after votes of thanks to tho grand offioers and to the dis trict of Staleybridgo, Pearl-white Teeth by using the Persian Tooth Paste, prepared only by Adam 'Surra, Chemist, 39, Arm Street. 10 AN APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. Io the Editor of the Daily Post.

Sir, You will confer a great benefit on those who reside in the neighbourhood of the Old Asylum, Summer Lane by using your powerful influence to prevent the olosiu" of aa important thoroughfare, which has been used by the public for many years past. Some time ago the owners of property in Phillip Street, Rodway Street, and Geach Street paid the Corporation for sewering, paving, kerbing, and guttering those streets with a view to their being declared public highways The end of Geach Street, nearest Guildford Street, for a space of about forty yards is private property, but the owner seeing the great advantage the outlet afforded, haa permitted it to remain open, on sufferance only, for the last fifteen years. The portion of land iu nuestion has been several times offered to the Corporation for the purpose of pronerly continuing Geach Street into Guildford Street, and the subject was, on one occasion, discussed in the Council chamber, but the offer was declined, the alleged reason being that Geach Street had not been dedicated to the use of the public. This objection, however, can no longer bo urged, Geach Street has long since been declared a public highway, and the Corporation has actually carried one of its main sewers along that street through the said private property into Guildford Street. It is with considerable alarm, therefore, that the inhabitants learn that this outlet is to be immediately closed, and devoted to building purposes: as not only the owners and occupiers of property in Philip Street, Rodway Street, Geach Street, but the whole of the adjacent neighbourhood will be seriously inconvenienced thereby.

While the Borough Surveyor's attention has been called to this matter the plans of the buildings which will blocs: up the street having been already approved by him he himself is free from blame, for he is fully ahve to the importance of the outlet, and knows that if the land is not now secured, a much larger expense will, at no very distant date, be involved, when the requirements of the district shall have rendered the outlet an absolute necessity. I trust that our Corporation will not permit such an important thoroughfare as this to be closed, but that they will, with the assistance of private owners and corporate funds, take immediate stepa to prevent the contemplated buildings being erected. Yours faithfully. May 23, 1869. PRO BONO PUBLICO.

STREET NUISANCES. To ihe Editor of the Daily Post. Sir, I was glad to see, in your impression of Thursday last, that the uthorities of this town had taken stops to put down the nuisance of solicitations from prostitutes also.your leading article in Friday's paper advoca-ting the steps taken so as to put a stop to it, especially ia tho centre of the town. But, sir, not only is the town infested with tnese street walKera, but tne suburbs also. As a resident in the neighbourhood of the Bristol Road, when passing along that road in tho evening between Spring Vale and the Wellington Road, I am constantly annoyed by these solicitations.

Sometimes I havo been so annoyed that, could I have seen a policeman, I should have given them in charge. But, sir, I have noticed that when a policeman is about then they will not speak. I would suggest that the Chief of the Police order a few policemen, in plain clothes, od duty, so as to put an end to the nuisance. Yours truly, Wellington Road, May 22. A SUBSCRIBHR.

To the Editor of the Daily Post. Sir, Referring to your report of the serious charge againat a Birmingham traveller, I must beg of you to allow me to correct one or two misrepreaentationa which occur. You aay that in answer to Mr. Warmington, the plaintiff admitted there were several other people in the carriage, aB though he had wished to represent otherwise but on Mr. Warmington examining her, she admitted that such was the caae.

Whilst the fact ia, her solicitor, Mr. Stokes, stated in his opening address that the other persons in the same compartment were a gentleman of 50 or 60 years old in one corner, two girbj onpoaite him, a little boy on the left of defendant, and a Mrs. Cooper (the principal witness, whom you do not mention) on the right of plauitiff. Again, you aay that plaintiff believed it was the defenaant who committed the assault, inasmuch ashe looked at her several times during the short journey, especially just as they were entering the tunnel. This is wrong.

Plaintiff said she was confident it was him, because it was impossible for anyone else to get to her and so it was proved that for anyone else to get to her they must have got between defendant and herself, which would have considerably disturbed the defendant also (as they were sitting directly oppsite each other) which was never hinted at in the defence. I must earnestly ask you, Mr. Editor, to insert this letter, in order to do justice to both sidea. Becauae the defendant was respectable, I really don't see why the case should be made to appear quite a slight half -proved affair. I remain sir, yours very truly, TRUTH.

This correspondent wrote to us, first complaining that the case was not reported at all, and insinuating that it was withheld because the defendant was respectable." The silly letterwenowpublish is another manifestation of this readiness to imputemotives.andhasasmuch foundation in fact, as the one he was obliged to apologise for. Ed. D.P. WORCESTER MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Every lover of Rossini's music will be glad to hear that the.

late maeBtro's Mease Solennelle," which has created in London a furore hardly second to that which it caused in Paris, will be done at the coming Triennial Musical Festival at Worcester Cathedral. The work is in rehearsal at Bradford, Birmingham, and Worcester. Th whols of the engagements for tho Worcester Festival aro made, and there is every prospect of a successful meeting. THE BRECON ELECTION PETITION. From our own Correspondent.

The petition against the return of Lord Hyde has been duly lodged, and is signed by four electors, David Evans, of High Street, draper, David Williams, Bulwark, printer, Reea Price, Orchard Street, builder, and Edward Williams Watton, licensed victualler. The petition charges the member and his agents with bribery, treating, intimidation, paying for conveyance of votors, and undue influence and also charges the member with having knowingly employed, as canvassers or agents, persons who had within seven yeara been found or reputed guilty of corrupt practices. The Liberals stoutly deny these charges, and it is generally believed that before tho day of hearing arrives, the petitioners will discover that there are no grounds whatever for the allegations made. SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE AND EAST WORCESTERSHIRE INSTITUTE OF MINING ENGINEERS. The most important excursion yet planned by the members of this Institute will take place this week.

Through the kindnesB of the members of the iron and mining interests of Middlestorough and Cleveland, and the members of the North of England Institute of Mining En-ginera at Newcastle-on-Tyne, a visit will be made to these two importan districts, on the 25th instant, and return on the 28th. Both districts stand pre-eminent, it may bo said, throughout tho world for iron making and producing coal, therefore great interest must attach to an inspection of some of the largest and best works in both these districts. It is proposed to visit some of the largest and best ironworks in Middleaborough the Eaton Iron-miDea of Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughan, and Messrs. Pease, and others the celebrated Ryhope Colliery, near Sunderland, one of the deepest and most extensive collieries in the north of England the coal-shipping on the Tyne and in North and South Shields Harbour the new Coal Staithes, for facilitating tho shipping of such immense quantities as are used for home and foreign consumption, and other objects of interest in the good old town of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and in the new but large town of Middlesborough.

From the very kind and complete arrangements made by our northern friends, aud the great industrial works to be inspected, this must prove one of the most pleasing and instructive excursions the society will ever have the opportunity of makiug. THE BURSTING OF THE CANAL AT WARWICK. Considerable progress haa been made during tho past week in repairing the damage caused by the accident which occurred yesterday week to the embankment of the Warwiok and Napton Canal, but several days, at least, must elapse before the works are advanced to such a stage as will admit of the water being turned into the bed of the river, and traffic resumed. Upwards of 100 men have been engaged in removing the debis and carrying out the necessary repairs. To fill the ohasm in the embankment will require several hundred tons of ballast, which will be brought in boats, close to the scene of the accident.

The total amount of damage done is estimated to be fully 1,000. The General Purposes Committee of tho Warwick Corporation, which consists of tho members of the Local Board of Health, have had several meetings on the subject, and everything is being done to cany out the repairs with aU possible despatch, due regard being paid to the substantial and efficient character of the work. A full investigation into the circumstances shows that several causes were at work contributing to the disaster, and it is thought that somo of these ought to havo been foreseen and guarded against. In the first place, the embankment is said to have been somewhat weakened at the point where it gave way by a former excavation. Thia took place about ten or twevel years ago, when the 12-inch pipe drain was laid down, which is now being removed for a three-feet culvert.

The pipe drain was found to be insufficient to cany off the aewage from the increasing and thickly-populated district around Portobelio, and there was considerable trouble and expense to the Corporation every year in having the same cleansed. It was to meet the requirements of the locality named, and to avoid an annual expenditure of 8. or 10., that it was resolved to construct the present culvert. Then, again, it appears that the embankment was subjected to greatly-increased pressure on the day it gave way. The scene of the accident is on the lowest dip of the canal, and is situated about midway between two locks, that are five miles apart.

On the day of the occurrence there had been an unuaual accumulation of water between the locks, and no precaution had been taken to ease the river by means of the weir near Mr. Kench's mill. The consequence of this extra pressure was tho giving way of the embankment at its weakest point. The amount of water wasted would have been much greater but for the presence of mind of Mr. Councillor Glover, who had suggested the advisability of having the stop-planks at hand, ready in case of an accident.

But for this timely precaution, the whole of the five miles of water between the two locks would have been wasted. SHOCKING ACCIDENT ON THE MIDLAND RAILWAY. An inquest was held on Saturday, at the Railway Inn, Forge Mills, before Mr. Dewes, Coroner, respecting the death of Mr. William Elliott, Superintendent of the Ways and Works Department of the Midland Railway between Birmingham and Derby, who was killed on the line be tween Water OHou and Forge Mills on Thursday night.

He left Birmingham at eleven o'clock on that night, by the express train, and went as far as Whitacre Junction, whence he was walking homewards upon the line, when a luggage train struck him, knocked him down, and passed over him, cutting off his head. The railway servants on the luggage train knew nothing of the accident but somo persons on a subsequent train saw the body, and it was earned to the Railway Inn. The verdict of the Jury was Accidental death." Mr. Elliott lived between- Water Orton and Forge Mills. He had been a servant of the- Mid' land Radway for Ihirty-three years.

THE WARWICKSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. Fidiy morninK aimual aoven days' training for 186J, of this crack regiment, was brought to a conclusion? by the customary competition for the prizes for the beat horses. It is generally admitted that the regiment wa never better mounted than on this occasion. The following are the prizes troop, Corporal Stedmaa V2nd ditt. Sergeant Sheldon and tJZ II 3d "o-Privates Hudson and Thomas Rnf aL Corporal Hawkes and Private Mann and Private Beresford; 6th fe aD Prite Reading; 7th dittoj rlT S0.rP Cox; 8th ditto Corporal Gibbs and Private W.

Gibbs regi- SheWoD' The Bubjoned i the regimental order, entered in the orderly irpq hTheVnW -dday- "Warwick. May 21, 1869. R. The Commanding Officer has much pleasure and gratification communicating to the regiment that the Inspecting Ofhcer, Lord George Paget, expressed him-self very much pleased with the appearance of the regi-ment on parade this aay, both as regards the men and tho horses. The men were well dressed and soldier-like in appearance, and exceedingly well mounted.

Tho annoint-ments were well put on, and the horses iu very good condition, and well groomed. The parade and field movements were executed with much steadiness, the advances in liae being good, and the. intervals well kept between Ue squadrons. The Inspecting Officer was more especially t'V-. uj zuuaurons ana line, which, be said, were particularly good.

The Commanding Officer takes the opportunity of thanking the officers noncommissioned officers, and men, for their good attendance during the week their attention to their duties in the field and their general good conduct in quarters. (Signed) Warwick, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant; Bolton Kin Lieutenant-Colonel W. A Battine, Captain and Adjutant." COMPLETION OF THE ATLANTIC AND-PACIFIC RAILROAD. On Thursday, May 10, at Promontory Point, on ths Salt Lake, in the State of Utah, there was brought to a successful ternihiation one of the greatest engineering works that has been accomplished in modern times. The last rail of the great highway from the Atlantic to the Pacific across the American continent was laid and a new road between Europe and India, China, and' Japan was formed.

It ia a work which has been carried out in the face of difficulties of no ordinary nature. No sooner had the American Government and people laid down the arms employed in the greatest civil war which. the world has ever witnessed than they set to work with undaunted energy to carry out this gigantic scheme of bridging over the vast continent, aud uniting two oceans by a continuous system of railway of 3,355 milts, or twice tho length of the cable that cresses the Atlantic, and more than the entire distance between Liverpool aud New York, It was at a time when it might have been expected that the nation was weakened by the efforts which it had put forth in the Civil War, that the energy and enterpise of the Government and people were put forward to accomplish this great object, and over plains anddeserta, over the ranges of the Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Mountains, 1,700 miles of new railway have been laid to complete the connection between the cities on the Atlantic seaboard and the Golden Gate of the Pacific It is a work of which the American people may feel proud, and it ia one upon the completion of which we offer them our hearty and sincere congratulations. The official announcement of the completion of the work was made to the Associated Press of New York in the following telegram "Promontory Summit. Utah, May 10.

The last rail is laid The last spike driven The Pacific Railroad is completed. The point of junction is miles west of the -Missouri River, and 090 miles east of Sacramento City. Lelajs-d Stanford, Central Pacific Railroad. T. C.

Durant, Sidney Dillox, Union Pacific Railroad." John Dafp, The ceremony of placing the last rail, and driving the last spike, is thus graphically told in the iFciu York Tribune The announcement having been made about noon to day (the 10th) at Washington that the of the Bpikes in last rail which would complete the line of railroad between the Atlantic and Pacifio oceans would be communicated to all the telegraph offices in the coun-try the instant the work was done, a large crowd gathered in the main office of the Western Union Telegraph Company here to receive the welcome news. Mr. Tinker, the manager of the office, placed a magnetic-ball in a conspicuous place, where ail. present could witness the performance, and connected the sama with the main lines, notifying the various offices throughout the country that he was ready. New Orleans, New York, and Boston instantly answered that they wore ready.

Soon afterwards, at about 2.27 p.m., many, of tha-cffice3 in different parts of the country began to make all sorts of inquiries of the office at Omaha, from which point the circuit was to be started. That ofhco replied "To everybody Keep quiet. When the last spike is driven at Promontory Point we will say, Don't, break the circuit, but watch for the signals of the blows of the hammer." After some little trouble in the Chicago office, and the-closing of a circuit west of Buffalo, the instrument here was adjusted, and at 2.27 p.m. Promontory Point, 2,400 miles west of Washington, said to the people oongregated in the various telegraph offices Almost ready. Hats off prayer is being A silence for the prayer ensued.

At 2.40 the bell tapped again, and the office at the Point said We have got done praying. The spike is about to ba "Chicago replied: 'We understand. All are ready in the "Promontory Point 'All ready now, the spike will soon be driven. The signal will be three dots for tho commencement of the For a moment the instrument was silent, and then tho hammer of the magnet tapped the bell, one, two, three the signal. Another pause of a few seconds, and- the-lightning came Sashing eastward.vibrating over "2,400 miles, between the junction of the two roads and Washington, and the blows of the hammer upon the spike were delivered instantly, in telegraphic accents, on the bell here.

At 2,47 p.m. Promontory Point gave the signal, Done The announcement that the continent wa3 spanned with iron. General Sherman and a number of other prominent-officials witnessed the event at the telegraphing instrument in the War Department. The President had promised to be present there, but some State delegation got hold of him and detained him until it was too late." The Chamber of Commerce of New York sentby telegraph to the Chamber of Commerce of San Franciaco the following congratulations on the completion of the "New York, May 10, 1SGU, 10 a.m. The Chamber of Commerce of the State of NewYork desires to unite at nocn to-day with the Chamber of Commerco of San Francisco in grateful thanksgiving to Almighty God, theSupreme Ruler of the Universe, on the completion of the Continental line of railway spanning the territory of tho American Union, and commercially uniting two great oceans of tho globe and in solemn recognition of the manifold benefits and blessings, industrial and commercial, moral and political, national and international, of this great avenue of intercommunication.

"The new highway thus oponed to man will not only develop the resources, extend the commerce, increase the power, exalt the dignity, and perpetuate the unity of our Republic but in its broader relations, as the segment of a world-embracing circle, directly connecting bhe nations' cf Europe with those of Ana, will materially facilitate, the enlightened and advancing civilisation of our By. order of the Chamber, "Samuel B. Rugoles, William E. Dodge, 0 in -u. "JeokgkOpdyk, Special Committee." A A Lows, The ovent was celebrated by Divine service at Trinity Church, New York, which was crowded with a congregation called together to render thanka to.

God for the completion of the greatest work ever undertaken by man. In a national point of view, the completion of this great work maybe regarded as one of vast importance, for it will eerve to unite together more firmly the Eastern aadWeatern-Statea of th great epublic. It will open up enormous stores of mineral wealth in tho districts which i.4 and will enable the citizens of America raoye readily to obtain access to those treasures of gold and silver which President Grant very happily described- as being stored, in the natural strong box." The civilisaton or subjugation of the Indian tribes will bo helped forward by this railway, and the Mormons of Utah will be brought into contact with those Jaws and customs of other portions off the Republic which they have hitherto- successfully defied. The new settlements which will rapidly be found upon the line of railway and those which are already established will attract to them a large portion of the surplus labour of the Eastern States' and from the old world, and it may be as the telegram to Vice-President Colfax very briefly and tersely expressed- it, that the railway may bo the way to India," and great changes may be effected in the course of the trade between this country and its Eastern possessions. The Pacific steamers run between San Francisco and Japan iu 19 days, between Japan and Hong Kong in six dayB, from New York to San FranciFCO the journey may be made by rail in six days, and between New Yoik and Liverpool in ten days, so that Hong Kong is brought within 41 days from England, and Japan within 35 days.

At tho time when tho voyage to the East is about to be shortened by the Suez Canal, tho railway between the Atlantic and Pacific provides a muoh more rapid means of transit, and will no doubt attract very large portion of the business, as time is an element of importance. Corns Coens Corns Grieves'a Patent Com Solvent removos Coras without pain or inconvenience, la bottles, 7jd. nd Is. Ijd Stirling Grieves, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 16, Street, Bull King, Proprietor of the Capillary Cora Peaett iu 1 Hickman," Yes. Scribo." Messrs.

Smith and Son, newsvenders, Strand, London." Juvenis." The entry should be, To Bank 50., by Jones 50. B''" Brierley Hilh- Bring an action in the County Court, or to two Magistrates in Petty Sessions. Commerce." The quotation means what it says, that there are buyers at 8. per share, sellers at 9. 'X.

Y. The power of the Court over the bankrupt and his estate extends until tho certificate of discharge is granted. Equity." You cannot prosecute him for embezzlement unless he receives a salary. The amount of salary does not matter. 'An Apprentice." If the place is under the Factory Act, the apprentice must work only tho hours prescribed by the Act Otherwise the master may fix reasonable hours.

THE ACOCK'S GREEN HORSE ACCIDENT. To the Editor of the Daily Post. Sir, I am afraid Truth and Fair Play rather belies his name. Hia ardent zeal for the erring victualler has led him to make statements in his letter to-day altogether incorrect. The colloquy spoken of as between the man and myself never took place, and my subsequent visit to the landlord was not one of complaint about the poor follow having no money," but as a caution, suggested by two borough Magistrates, who were then iu the village (one of whom saw the injured man lying in my houae), and both in possession of full particulars of the case.

"Pair Play does not, however, pretend to deny the all-important fact of the refusal of his friend to receive the man into his house, or the still more significant point that the injured stranger was himself drinking in the morning at the very house which declined hi3 company after the accident. I disclaim all personal feeling in the matter. With best thanks to you, Mr. Editor, for the courtesy you have shown me, I remain, yours obliged, THE UNREMUNERATED DOCTOR." Acock's Green, May 20, 1869. MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS.

To the ISditob of the Daily Post. Sir, For some yeara past the Birmingham public appear to have been constantly impoBed upon by quack practitioners in medicine and surgery the remedy for which is veiy simple. Let some enterprising publisher make out a list of the legally qualified medical and surgical practitioners at present practising in Birmingham and district, from the official register for 1869, and enclose the same to Dr. Francis Hawkins, tho Registrar of the General Medical Council, who would correct it up to the present date then let him publish such list at one peuny per copy. It would pay the publisher for his trouble, and every man, even the poorest, would then be in a position to distinguish between the professional man and the oharlatan.

Birmingham, May 19, 1869. A. M. BANK CLERKS' SALARIES. TotU Eratos the DaitxPobt.

Escaped Slave of the Pen" cannot surely be well up in his subject, or his own knowledge must tell linn that the salaries I quoted are not extraordinary at all any bank servant, who has had experience in large towns would testify to this. The salaries to bank clerks in London, Liverpool, and Manchester, are higher than in this district. Scotch banks pay wretchedly, and the bulk of the cheap clerks who overrun the English banks, had from the land of cakes and economy. Was the attached to a Scotch bank? I main-tarn that a good man haa very fair opportunities of rising in a large establishment, where the salaries range from 25. to 1,500.

per annum, Many of tho bost paid and most influential managers have risen from the ranks. If one bank pays a clerk badly let him look out for a vacancy in a more liberally conducted office. Opportunities are daily occurring, and, despite what tho Escaped Slave" may say, confidential servants are valued, and, as a rule, well remunerated. There may be exceptional cases, just as there are in Government offices and all public: companies; but aa a broad, general rule, I repeat, a mau gets what he is worth, and if only worth 1. a week, l.

a week he may receive till the day of his death, and precious little sympathy would he obtain from A BANK RUSHLIGHT. This correspondence must now ceaso. Eo. D. JP.

DUDDESTON WARD ELECTION. 3o the Editor oj the Daily Post. Sir, Mr. Wilkinson says in your iasue of to-day that he has no sympathy with those who introduce politics into municipal matters. Surely he must have a abort memory.

In December last, at the Ward Liberal Election Committeo meeting, it was, on the recommendation of Mr. Willdnaon, decided to kesp that organisation in existence, for the aake of returning Liberal candidates to the Council. Last week that committee was called together at Mr. Wilkinson's request in order to carry out that intention, and on Saturday he presided at the committee meeting, when fairly to obtain the services of a good Liberal, it was decided to let the matter remain in abeyance this time, and bring out a good Liberal in opposition to Mr, Stone or Mr. Page, in November next.

Surely comment is not necessary. If Mr. Stone is returned how can Mr. Wilkinson, aa Chairman of the Liberal Ward Committee, take part iu bringing out another man when he ia vice-chairman of Mr. Stone's committee Yours truly, Ashted, May 21, I8C9! JOHN GRAYLAND.

CORPORATION ROADS AND STEAM ROLLERS. To the Editok of tile Daily Post. Sir, Allow me to make a few remarks on the discussion in the Town Council as to the good, or not, of our having a steam roller for the town. There are very few who have been so fortunate as Councillor Turner, as to run horses twelve years on our macadamised roads, and not have cause to blame the stones. Certainly my experience will not coincide with his, Only yesterday we had to extract a sharp stone from the hoof of one of mine.

The incision was so deep that there was cause to fear lameness might ensue. There cannot be a doubt that if we could free our roads from loose stones our horses would be much safer, and that strains" and broken knees" would be greatly reduced in number. Nor can there be a doubt that the number of those who keep light horses, and who would be benefitted by the results of the roller," would bo so great that the supposed hundred gentlemen would not be a twentieth part of them. When I saw the recommendation of the committee, the good to be derived from one appeared to mo so desirable that I thought there could not be two opinions on the question, and that the only hindrance to its adoption would be the time taken in ascertaining whose was the best, and bringingit into operation. As to the state of our footpaths, they, and the roads, are entirely separate questions.

The repairing of the one will not interfere with the other, so far as workmanship is concerned, and if the expenses of tho roller (as stated in the Council) are correct, then, so far as our finances are involved, there will be no interference with the repairing of our footpaths. I miist say, Mr. Editor, that I feel deeply interested in the question, and I am greatly mistaken if an overwhelming majority of those to whom I have referred, do not, with me, most sincerely wish for its adoption. I am, yours faithfully, 02, Parade, LORD. PEDESTRIAN AND TRADESMEN.

To the Editoh. of the Daily Post. Sir, Seeing a letter iu your paper of the 20th, signed Pedestrian," the said "Pedestrian says that he is sure the great majority of the ratepayers will thank Aldermen Sadler and Brinslcy for tho great opposition they showed to the proposed steam roller for this town. I think that he cannot have made inquiries, or he would nothave stated the above. Will he tell me what part of the centre of the town our footpaths are disgraceful If he would think a little more of the most useful animal we possess, and a little less of himself, I think he vail agree with mo that our streets want rolling.

It is not the few carriage people in the Council it is intended for, as he states, but it is forty per cent, of tho public. Hoping this will meet the eye of Pedestrian," Yours truly, A TRADESMAN. P.S, If he had to give 20. to 40, for a horse he would be the first to condomn Alderman Sadler's Act. THE BIRMINGHAM FLUTE SOCIETY.

To tlie Editor of tlie Daily Post. Sir. At a recent meeting of the above society, held in the meeting-room of tho society, Assurance Buildings, Moor Street (Mr. Henry Nicholson, President, in the chair), Mr. Arthur H.

Hughes was elected honorary secretary, in place of W. R. Hughes, Esq. resigned. All letters of inquiry respecting tho society may bo addressed to the seoretary, at the Assurance Buildings.

A. H. HUGHES, Honorary Secretary. SOLICITORS AND THEIR CLERKS. To the Editor of the Daily Post.

Sir, The success which has rewarded the efforts of the bankers' clerks to obtain a mitigation of their hours of employment, must be viewed with eetinga of gratification by aU. Let it not, however, be supjioaed that bankers' clerks aro tlie only employe's whose case requires consideration. There is another class of men whose dutios are not only of an onerous character, but practically wearisome and monotonous, who in many instances are a good deal overworked, and who, in consequence of long office hours, have but few opportunities afforded them for enjoying the pure air and sunshine. I allude to the law clerks, to which body of men I belong aud it happens that in the very respectable office which is tho scone of my labours, the hours are more protracted than usual. I am pleased to learn that in a large number of casea in this town, where long hours have heretofore been tho rule, the principals have responded to the appeals of their clerks in a liberal spirit, and the result is a considerable relaxation, to the extent of a half-holiday on Saturdays, in addition to a reduction of an hour on other days.

I ain Borry, however, to say that there still exists a minority of cases where the desired change has not taken place, and I write this letter in the hope that its appearance in tlie columns of your widely-circulated paper may have the effect of inducing those solicitors who havo not already complied with tho rule to do so, and thus act in conformity with those who have recognised the justice of our olaims, and kindly acceded to our wishes. If you, sir, will aid us by your powerful advocacy, you will confer a great benefit on our fraternity, and secure the warmest thanks of every member thereof, and of one in particular, namely, Tour obedient servant, A WEARY LIMB OF THE LAW. Birmingham, 24th May, 1869. The Rev. H.

A. Stern, one of the kte captives in Abyssinia, is advertised to apeak at the Town Hall, this evening. No doubt many of our readers will be anxious to hear him. BIRMINGHAM Society of Artists. "We would especially direct the attention of our reaiors to the advertisement in another column, announcing that the Spring Exhibition of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists will finally close on Saturday week, the 5th of June, and the'rooma will be open each evening as well as daily until the close.

The will of Sir George Chetwynd, J. Deputy Lieutenant for Warwickshire, late of Grendon Hall, near Atherstone, was proved in London, on the 113th instant, under 30,000. personalty the executors appointed being the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Amherst Sir John Hanmer, and the Kev. Henry Hanmer.

The guardians appointed to his infant children are the Countess of Amherst, Lady Mary Hood, Earl Amherst, and Sir John Hanmer. The late baronet married, in 1813, Lady Charlotte Augusta Hill, eldest daughter of the third JHarquia of Downshire. Her ladyship died in 1861, at the age of forty-six, from a fall from her horse. By her he leaves issue two sous and three daughters. The will is dated May lb 1SG8, and the testator died March 24 last, aged sixty.

He has bequeathed to his son and successor, now Sir George Chetwynd, a considerable portion of his plate and jewellery, to pass as heirlooms in his family and to his son Walter Hill Chetwynd he leaves other portions of his plate. Bequests are also made to his daughters. The residue he leaves to his son George-now in his twentieth year (born May 'U, 1849)-on his attaining the age of twenty-one, Illustrated News. BiSI? ohiMrn of Bishop Ryder's Schools assembled for Divine service in the church at eleven o'clock on Friday last. The sermon was preached by the Kev.

Dr. Burgos, vicar. Thoy were then taken for their annual treat to Mr. Quinsey'a fields, Perry Barr 2,368 children were present at tea. The Bishop Ryder's School Brass Band headed the procession from Gem Street and added greatly to the pleasure of the day by their excellent playing.

The younger children will have their treat to-day. Gun Cotton. Reports on the application of gun cotton to mining and quarrying operations have been published in a Parliamentary paper. The committeo appointed to investigate this matter made a series of experiments in 1801 and I860, respecting the blasting power of gun cotton, and reported that its employment would bo advantageous, cither in the compressed or granular form, for quarrying, mining, and general engineering purposes. Baptist Mission Susday School.

It has been decided that Warwick Street Baptist Mission Sunday School sha'l be enlarged. There are at present time 109 children on the school register. The average attendance is 80 in the morning and 130 in the afternoon 'but there are often as many as 150 present at one time. The school is entirely of a missionary character, and is composed chieiiyof children living in the immediate neighbourhood, and -who never nreviously attended any other school. There are nine classes, four of boy a and five of girls, and a large infant claaa numbering 60 or 70 children, who are taught a house adjoining the school, while tho school itself is often excessively crowded.

It is evident, there-lore, that the alteration proposed is very much needed. It is calculated that to enlarge the room and fit it up with benches, gas fittings, aboua 00. will be required, towards which only 10. has yet been subscribed. An appeal is made for contributions AND OOM-ZuVlLT, o' of this preparation has Ik SM ie witli boiling water lhnirf Wfhft 80,1 b.

packets, tin-lined and Cn 1 Jnwr by Jamea Epps and SndoD Chemists (tho first I established in England), SATED CARBOK FILTER is the only jellnble one. Pnco from 2a (id tn f'minmm Chemist, Now Street, sole agent Ms. Cnunouiix,.

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