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The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 8

The Daily Courieri
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE EIGHT. THE DLilLY COUEIEE, GONlSnELLSYILLE, PJfc WEDNESDAY, 'APKffi 2,1913. PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION IN THE MAKING; ARMY OF WORKMEN CHANGING VAST GROUNDS INSIDE GOLDEN GATE A T. 'FRISCO INTO MAGIC EXPOSITION CITY, luring MMna, im the OreM Statuary Ormrt of Ftmr and View Through the Portico of the Service Building, First ot Kxpo to be Completed. Tfcs WorM watching Ffthnma-Pactno International Exposition the making.

An army of men is busy on the site, extending almost three tnfiea along shores of San Fraucliico bay. preliminary work to ftnl.thed. All fourteen of tbo nrnJn exhibit palaces will be under construction by the summer All wlH be completed by June. 1914. Ryan, who charge of tho Illumination of the Panama canal.

Is -workfnK out a marvelous lent lighting plan In harmony with ene glorious eolor created by CJllua Oucrfn- There will be no jrlare and no dark places or shadows by nlitht. tm 5 ty Ven Iraad htt votc3 me In 1915 In the Jl.OOO.tOO auditorium to be built at tho new civic center. The Welsh National Eisteddfod la offering 150.0*0 In for Its chorus Twenty-neron nations already have accepted invitations to take purl Jn the oxno Hilton, This beats all records and (Uientnea the rrent Interest with which America's -work at. Panama la regarded. To care tot motor huso Motor Palace, covering nve acres, -will conn true tod.

It lit tald that no alnglo industry -will ha presented in exhibit vast In extent. The Machinery Hall, which la to be the lurgeHt aingU on the will be 367 feet in wd 9tO All exhibits of machinery are ttj bo shown In metten. Beneath a huts tower, ttf visiUrwjtl enter exposition city through an arcade. 125 feet In height, to tho mont JrpJemlld of the oj th- exposition, the Court of the and Stars, which will ntand out among the mnst brilliant creations of the great expositions of America ancl Europe. Sottio of the lowers ttnd mlnarcta will 135 feet.

1(50 and feet. will occupy acres. The Santa Fw railway Is spending WofcOW on rsnreserttaflon of 3 rand Canyon 5f the Arizona. A model of Panama canal will cost is to incnd a million and a halt on her eteplay. France haa twelve i ever width and METAL-MINING HAS HIGHER DEATH TOLL THAN COAL FIELDS Few Great Disasters, but Accident Percentage Kmis BUREAU OF MINES IS AT WORK in (In? Ore tHstrlcte are Amikeuitiic lo the Jiitportanco of Itcttuclnp (tip Ntiiubcf of KtitntUttt i'tigresH Matte by Cmil The Goat Age cnttgrntututEd the reHU of Mines on Us work in collecting the statistics of i uc- ctaents und the ucvtdcnts ocurrtng In mines producing iiotirtiotulff other thitn cotil, There has been no public it cm unit that this work should bo done, bo- cnuse the mass people ufe interested only tu great dts.ttefs uftecting a number ot men tit one time.

An accident tu an Individual nut has nt best un liuudlltm tittd Is relegatett to those parts of tho daily newspaper which contain ndver- annouhooi'nents. "Vr'e that -We ivould Jiot have had ti Bureau oE it it hud not been for the Monongah. Nuofni and ChctfWlok disurtters. trlven today the cotit division of. that Institution is tho moro pop- Utur and As we suspected, tho returns diligently collected by Albert i-'uy far the show that the toes of per empioycii ia higher than In the coat The difference la actually 1 about 12 per csttt.

'And this IB true, though thefo aro DO gau or doal dust probtpms to bo met and though 40 per Cent of the employes work tn the opoa fttf. oXposod to motfo easJly uvoidnble dangers. proportion of untlrrgfoiuid to outside workers In the bituminous of Fonn- sylvunia is in the anthracite workings 287f. It Is obvious that all other tilings being enual, tho coal mining industry which exposes tho larger number of ittett to tho full risk would necessarily havo the great- cr number of fatalities, should only equal core bo taken. It is unfortunately trua that tho metal mining industry has not boon conducted with tho interest in safety Which has marked tho operations ot collieries.

This hws not bueti beautsu the tnetat Industry has men of leas liberal mold but because the guttural not being induced to consider the risks of metal mtnttif? by recurrent disasters of large proportion hua nevor exercised BO continuous a guunlian- shtp over the workers thus engaged. The never wearying public which the coal operator has had to fuco has been irksome ftnd expensive, but it has certainty been of groat value and II has sustained admirably the hands of those who forces Were disposed tu fetraird the safety of tho employee as one of tho leading Interests of lha ottlcut's Ui charge of a mine. The coiit hns tn look buck carefully if ho would th.j progress he has made. Some 30! years at the Lung Valley cual mine, a mule driver was Ullk-d. As they his mangled body tu drift mouth, the fot'cmiin who i Chen hail not of the ut'cldciit strode up ami blurted uut tho mule hurt?" It wns his first thought and lie narrowly pjuruppil a lyuuhlng.

A fe'rV yeara ago, induyd, property wnfl generally psteemed as more Important than life as tho anecdote of John Fulton at the Johnstown meeting of tho Coal Mining Institute of Amor- lea last summer well Illustrated. Ho stated that on ono occasion when a man was killed by vicious horse, the party in whoso euro It had been placed, remarked with considerable heat "I don't care about your man what I want to know- la how 1 urn going to explain tho breakage of the The toss of a lltn or the occurrence of an accident at a mine throws a dark shadow over tho faces of nil! the officiate. If EL stranger happens to visit at tho time, ho is likely to receive but veiled hints ot Uhe misfortune, but If he onco loams about It, tho re Is no detail which Is overlooked tti duacrlbtng It and It Is likely thai ha will see tho report to tho inspector before ho leaves. "The key to tho situation," said Michael Godfrey, General Superintendent vt the Canlstw Iron district, "Is the foreman. I hold my bosses responsible for every accident which occura among their mon.

Their ability to prevent Injuries and deaths la an Important factor In determining i promotion und an inability to prevent! accidents Jd curtain lo result In their 1 discharge. I have my foremen now whore they come In and for an nccldc-nC. When tho foreman Ja careCul, tho men havo to bo." Tho point of view hero stated Is current wherever la being extracted. It cornea as a shock thu.t In tho mutat Industry such a condition oould bo regarded as new. $3.50 Recipe Free, For Weak Men RAISE ASE LIMIT Men Up to 35 May Talo; for Mining The -United States Civil Service Commission Invites attention to tho fact thut nt tho request of the Bureau ot Ml tics, tho maximum tigu limit t-tr Clio examination for junior engineer (mining), to bo held on April 0 uml 10, 1013, hua boon changed from IJO to 35 years in this cayo of persons who havo hud uxoprluncu in rescue und recovery work at ml no disasters, who havo nuulc Invcatigatlons and reports concerning mine dfwiatera and their possible causes and na havo also had training and experience in the wearing of artificial breathing 1 apparatus In first aid lo injured, anil who have had tHo accessary educational training.

Tho scope and character of this examination and list of places at which It will be hotel nro contained In the Manutil ot Kxaminatlong for the Spring ot A copy of tho Manual and application For 1312 may obtained froin tho United States Civil ticrvlco Commission. "Washington, or tho Socrc- tury of tho Board oC fout- offlce, Boston, Philadelphia. Atlanta, Cincinnati, Chicago. Saint Paul, San Frunclsco, Customhouse, Xow Vork, Orleans, Old Customhouse, tjouls. application will bo accepted unless properly executed and fliod with tho Commission in in time arrange for tho examination tit the ptnco selected by the applicant.

In applying for thia examination tho title as given at, tho head ot thla announcement ahould be uuod. WaMhhiK Mil chine Ieiiion3trntion, Demonstration all this week ot tho Brushwoll Electric "Washing Sfachlno by Gnorjjo B. Kemp nt the "Wymnn hotel. AH the ConnoUvilto ladles are tnvtU'd to cult aj(k to BOO this mn- chliH' working. Hunting TUirfe'nlns 1C so, read our advertising columns and you will find them.

"SZfiitt Coal Minci-y In S. There are coat miners In tho Unltijd Statoa, Send Name anil Address Today; Yun Can Iliivo It Free mul Bu Strong ami 1 have In my poasoaBlon a prescription for nervous litclc of vlyor, woakuncil manhood, fulling' nieitiory and lumo back, brought on by cxcossos, urinatural drains, or tho tollleu oC youth, tliftt haa cured ao many worn ana nervous mon right In tholr own homoH--'Without any additional moillcinc--that I think every man who wishes to ruKiilii manly power virility, quickly and autelly, should I havo copy. So I havo tlcterminod to sund a copy, tho proscription of in a plyfn, envolope to any man who will wrlto mo for.U. Thltt proscription Prom tn. I physician who lias made a special study of mon nnd I am convinced it is tho surust acting 1 combination tor tho euro of deficient, manhood arid a i ovor put together, I i I owo It to my follow man to send them a copy In confidence ao that tiny man anywhere who la weak und with rapeatod fiiHurys may atop driitfKlnK hlmaulf with harm Cut a mudlclnoa, (tecuro what I bollcvo ift rcatcrativo, up- building SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever dovJBod.

mid BO euro itt homo quietly fi-nd quickly. a drop mo a llnu tliia: Dr. A. E. Koblnaon, Luck ZluUcllafir, lutroJt, and I will send you o.

copy oC thia splendid rt'clpo In a plain ordinary ctivolopo (roo of A proat many doctors would charge to 55.00 Cor merely writing 1 out o. preacrtptlon like this-but I send It entirely IF THIS IS Y.OUK BIKTHDAY You aro warned against losing money and atfalrist games and spocu- latlon. 1C In employ It will be well for you to consider the posBlblUtlea beyond you present situation, for somo loss seems to be In store tor you. Those born today will be tno thoughtless to succeed well In business, but 1C trained to wait on themselves and to adapt themselves to conditions, they will rise hlfirh In positions whoro pleasing address and diplomacy are the essentials. Advertisements Cost but one cent a and bring results.

Try thorn. HOO! HOO! Owls Start Nest in Connellsville. Charter Is now open for membership In the Order Owls, over 70 applications already received. Local pay a week sick and accident bonellta, S100 death benefits, and 'furnishes a free physjcirtn (or members and tholr family. Su- premo Order maintains an Orphans Kome, I-Ionie for Aged and Infirm Members, a Gonoral Hospital, and a Widow's Pension Fund for the relief and support of widows and families oC dcconsed members.

While the Charter remains open, tho joining is only duos GOc per month; Ko assessments. Alter charter closes, Joining foe will bo in this city. For information call on National Organ tzar A. O. Bur lew and S.

H. North Plttsburff street. BEAD THE COURIER. 1 i FAIR EXCHANGE-WRIGHT-METZLER GO. I Every Day More Sui 1 for Lively 1 I and ever 1 tiieir me I their pic I 'ZJSfP Gases 1 5 th( 01 D1 1 Suits if 1 steels an crashes 1 I serge.

Made douWe 'fe jl made 11 1 1 Sizes yfWWjpiw to rpassing Suits Joys now boys and thers come to take 's. from among them, and racks are filled 2 snappy garments 1 S- Df fancy mixed "word cheviots and wool -and, of eoxirse, blue in oiks and I'easted styles, and wear and looks, suits hare an extra sants. to. 18; priced $3 if 4 i i flTM wli v.nildren -ijf )1 Play Clothes and Wash Suits "Wash suits, beach suits, rompers, Ijig creepers, Inciian, baseball, cowboy and west suits, overalls, play hata, extra trousers ready for the first warm days, when little folks should be out doors all day -long 1 It Is Going to Be a Season of "Sunfast" Drapery Every housewife of prudence will Insist on putting- up draperies for sprlnj? and summer that will show the same fresh, tin fad eel color, whenever she TV ants to take them down. "Sun- fast" draperies, by tho yard, arc a.n especially strong feature of our upholstering 1 stock.

By "wo mean a fabric that "Will not fade, no matter how much it may be exposed. If by any chance it does fade, we replace it. EARLY every gown will need a touch or two of I LACE You will see Its vogue in costumes where ever you loo c. Note these among the great number of new laces havo opened and juat put in stock: Vonisc, all-overs 91.50 to $5,00 Shadow all-overs and 75c Valenciennes edges and Inserts In 12- yai'tl pieces to $1.50 a piece, First Floor, Thoroughly Charming Frocks: Caps For Little Folks Some of tlie Ijittlc Dresses Are From Smith's Famous Baby Sliop. Tho pretty dresses from Smith's Baby Shop are quaintly trimmed with cblored poplin, striped and plain edging and other charming materials.

However the dominating 1 feature of quality is not in the trimming; for the dresses are of fine dimity, lawn and madras and well made. Straight pleated affairs for little boys or girls, and bloomer dresses with sun. hats to match, for elrla. As they are fashioned with they require careful designing. Priced $1.50 to 93.00 each.

Sun Haw of gingham, pique and poplin are white, pink or blue and priced 50c to $1.50. -Xfawn Caps, lined or unlinedj, mre prettily decorated with lace or both and sell at 50c to Si.50 each. Gift tilings for baby are safe and sound and unusual from the ordinu-ry. Ka-Ctlce, rings, toilet- sets, etc. Second floor.

WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY, INCLUSIVE, HAS BEEN SET AS DAYS OF COURTESY FOR THE VIEWING OF NEW AND REFINED NEEDLEWORK IN THE Art Needlework Shojv interested women "witMn reacK of tEe store are invited in to see The prominence of 'WHITE on medium and heavy 1 linen in Italian relief, cut-out, punch, work, filet, i solid and designs for cushions, doilies and ecarls, The beauty of COLORED needle-work Futurist, Oriental and period designs in mingled and. iiolid i co tors on natural colored, linens and brown and green burlaps. The threads used are: Royal Society, Couching 1 lloss, silk floss and Crystal rope. The stamped Huck TOWELS showing- the new vogno of colored embroidery French knot, fish, floral, cupid and Oriental; and white solid, eyelet and punch work for; nursery and guest towels. Tho stamped UNDEHWEAB made and unmade, but cut out.

Corset covers, gowns, princess slips aucl combinations of sheer batiste, crepe, iong cloth and nainsook Inexpensively priced. SHIKTWAISTS and BLOUSES of white batiste, voile and crepe, stamped to be embroidered in white and colors, Mrs. Bertha Morrison, an expert in needle-work, la competent to give instruction in the new embroidery stitches. She is helpful in many ways and her service is gladly offered to any who request it. Everything required by needle workers is here needles and threads to hoops and fabrics.

lessons are gratis if materials are purchased from our stock. Dry Goods Store. 9 Wright-Metzler Co. Soisson Theatre MATINEE AND NIGHT, Saturday, April 5th "The One Big Record-Breaking Success" AL. RICH COMEDIANS AN ENTIRELY ORIGINAL METROPOLITAN PRODUCTION In George Barr McCutcheon's Famous Story, Brewester's Millions Most Thrilling Yacht Scene Ever Staged.

Dramatized by Winchell Smith and Byron Ongley. ABSOLUTELY CONTINUOUS LAUGHTER. Praised by Every Dramatic in the Country. PRICES: Bargain Matinee, 25c and 50c. Night, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.

Seat Sale opens tomorrow morning at threatre..

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