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The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 1

The Daily Courieri
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Sworn Average Daily Circulation Last Week 7,2.42 VOIx It, NO. 97. CONjSTELLSVILLE, PA 1 WEDNESDAY EVE'G, 3MARCII 5,1933. EIGHT PAGES. THOUSANDS FLOCK HOME; INAUGURAL CEREMONIES OVER Washington Prepares tor Real Business of tho Hew Regime.

WILSON JOLTS OFFICE-SEEKERS "Don't Coma filled Culled" la His Orilor, GtMrtlsmiti Cuptiiro tno Capdnl unit "Fighting tenth' -Wins 1'mlsso All. tfnKed Fresa Telegram WASHINGTON, Jtareh 6 --A littered nia of paper entl broken cardboard boxes about tho trolley uttttlunn und the railroad terminals was the only remaining today of tho inaugural ceremony held hero os- terdaj" Etery outgoing tr tin hist night and this morning carried great crowds of pleiaure seekers returning to their Carlv this morning ftn ot carpenters Viaa turned loose on thu largo relieving stands on Pennsylvania and under their hands, tho great framework i ip- ttlly melted. Thirty-avo thottsantl government returned to their positions this morning President Wilson announced this morning that no offli oseekers neod apply nt the White lloueo for position he lias requested (hem to him He said he is too buv with affairs Of national lmportan to be bothered with them The Statement Issued by the President follows. 'Iho President reurets to announce tim he cannot Sec Applicants for positions, unless ha haa asked them to confer with him It Is his intention to devote his entire time to tho bus- of tho country, ana he will huvo little opportunity to meat any ono, un by appointment He Knows from former experlenci us Oovornor ot Jersey (whoro It fell upon him to make many appointments) that ti great dent or tltno Is wasted In mealing' candidates He Intends to leave the matter of employing applicants In the hands of heads ot Vlirlotu ilcpal ments," The flrst business ot Secretary reslgnaUnrs of the Cabinet members Thego resignations will go into tomorrow, but those of tholr nwtslnnts will not bo roLetv until such time aa their sucistors are appointed. Pennsylt anln did Itself proud at I Inauguration ceremonies.

It was ono of the few States from the Middle Atlantic territory that forgot party pro Judlco atiit feeling suitlclently to send a big delegation to tho Inauguration of Democratic President. 1.ho ie- sult was that the soldier bon; and tho State officials who headed thu military organizations received ono of the great ovadons tho history ot Presidential inaugurations As the Koystono dclegalon pass Sown Pennsylvania avenuo with Oov- John 1C Toner at Its head tho applause ait nlonsf the lino wtut deafening It did not Cettso, clsher, with (lie parsing of that popular Chief Ux- eeittlve and his brllllttiitly atllrad start Immediately behind them was tho famous Fighting Tenth Regiment ot the Pennsylvania National Guard -with Colonel "Utck" Coulter nt head WhaS the monster crowds did to th.U brave bunoli In the way of continued applause will go down In history o' tlons aa a banner one. The members the regiment looked and acted tho part ot regulars 'fthen tho Pennsylvania delegation passed the Presidents reviewing stnml the was deafening Tho new Chief executive of the Nation himself joined in giving the bovs the encouragement brigadier General head of the Quartermaster "Department ho sat near tho Prc dent snid "Chat Tenth ISeslmont Is ono of tho llnest bodies ot troops 1 have- ever seen arc a great credit to tho Nation at Guard oC the State of Pennsylvania. Their Colonel look" and actd tho part ol a real soldier Tho men unclor him are counterparts Previous to their participation In the Inaugural tho fenth Kortment and the Washington Infantry of Plttsburg paraded around the Capital, Both or- had things tholr own way nnv member Is ellfflblo to the Capitol Popularity Club NAMES HIS CABINET Xa Chnngc is Ttladc In March 6 --President Wilson today sent his appointments of the Cabinet to the Senate for ratlflc itloii They Include SbCturTARIt E.TATK--\\llllam srcnK or TUfcASUiiy--wiiiiam New sFCttldTAJtr or WAR--Llnrtloy Garrison New ors'L MC- Reynolds Tetttifspp POSTMABTBH rtUSISKAk---Itepreson- tBllve Albert Hiirlronn Texas SSCHETAliY OF TM3 WY--vlosophm DfcttleU North Carolina tSBCMITARV OH TUB Franklin Imno C-Ulf t.ECniSTAK\ OP David 13 Huston Missouri SfiCRETAHY Or COMMtHCE--Ropre- sentattvo WJIIittln Kcddeld, Yofk bFCHbTVltf OF William 11 WJlsen, Jemisyl vanla The new cabinet held lla rtrst moct. in the Cni'lnet room of tho oxo- cutlvo omces at 10 o'clock.

nniAX IS. 61 CRFTAKY Ol 1 SI ATM THAW ALLOWED NO SPECIAL FAVORS BY NEW ASYLUM CHIEF Wllllnm Jennings Bryan ot No- jrtaku. tho "Pterlaas In. ukr" ot Democracy, has been selected Secretary of fetato In President Wilsons Cabinet It Is said that tho ox- coptlon of Secretary of tho 1 the otln members of the Lbintt uro not In sjmpathi with his viows SOMERSET AFTER STATE ROAD TO JOHNSTOWN THIS YEAR bliito Itlgliwny JBcjwrtmcnt Is Ex- ptctol to Coiitriil Wurlng btltunipr for Idist Iilnk Special to Tho Courier SOMmtSbT March 5--Engineers of tho Slato Highway Department iro preparing plans and specifications for tho complotltlun of tho Slato roul bulit north four miles from 6'omorstt to JennortoOTi two i.ars ago on tho Ledford-Llgonlcr tato which constructoii lost'mimrhor Aa soon as tho data for thfc pling und specincatlons Is bids for the construt-tlon of tho road, about eight miles In length will bo naked ana a Contract awarded Tho pri.stnt four-rnllo stretch ol State road north of town la In bnJ condition and will bo reauif cod This "United Press Telegram NEW 1ORK, March 6--Tho hcar- -ng of Harry K. ihaw in bis attempt to escape Mattovvvn asylum promises to huvt many sensational features.

Thaw la already lit odds with tho management of tho institution hlle tho asylum waa under the sup enrlslon of l)r John Rusaull, ho was permitted to come and go about tho buliaing at That Is now chanR- sd Under orders from Governor Acting SupcrlntfmKnt 0-onk la him tho imp cis other In mates Ho is not permitted to Bond out for meals, nor Is ho allowed ta speak with friends or attorneys out ot the presence of an attendant. In addition Leek Is questioning the employes of tho In on effort to learn hether Tliaw as permitted by Dr Russell to Icavo the institution nt will It Is said I i ho departed from tho building and staj- ed away rev oral da a at a time Charles Kennedy counsel for Thiw has the court for an order per milting him to see his client in private The court took the matter under advisement. Attorney William Icromo, TV tin has been retained Attorney Car- moijy to keep Thaw In the nsvlum Is preparing ipi-rs to hnvo tho trial transftrrc to White Vlilns Ho sas fiat tho defendant desirps to tho liming tako place In New York for political reasons tottri about half-way to Johnbtown Later, probably next summer bids will be tisktd for tho construction of a Mnte road north of JonnerloWn end uHltmitelv will bo extended through to tho riood City, affording a. speod- wai for automobiles and on adm ablo roadvvay for farmers nna hucksters, who will bo fttolo to huul loads three or foui times us heavy at present with Iho samo transportation facilities With completion of tho con necllns link botwonn Jennertown. and tho piescnt State roftd north ot Sorr- crsot.

an I highway the cntiro distance from Somerset to Plttsburg bj way of Llgonlor and Sreensburg will bo provided The i time from Somorsit to Johnstown for automobiles i reduced to onu hour ind between Somerset adn Plttsburg two hours or two and a ilf hours HAMPER SCIENTIST New York Hostile Towards Dr. rrlcd- nmu; He lny Jjeavc NTTVV YORK, March ot tuberculoala "patients arc homeless hero having como to New York upon tho arrival ot tho eoleljratod Gorman physician Kr Trlodman with tho hopu ot bolns cured Ihoy hail llttlo money upon tiioli arrival, and It become exhauated thoy are now objects ot charity ElTortB ot J.ow York Physicians to block tho experiments ot ir TilcU- man have apparently boon successtul iFo has beon refused hospital room In tthlth to treat his patients, and It Is nrobublo that ho ivill bo compelled to leave tho city tor want ot hotel quir- tus It was sild thl 1 morning that the manasoment ot tho "Waldort-A torla hinted to htm that his presome In the hotel is unwcleomo An Invitation received by I3r Trledman thla mornlna fiom Pitti- burg 1 ocforln? every aid in that city tor carrying out hla viorlc. for Somerset Sinn TVnnls Diii Surface blnklng jrarch 6 wiiiiam A. Ctirolus of Blftclc tonnshlp on lucsday Instituted an action In trespass tho Consolidation Coal Company to recover damages In tho sum ot $3 000, for breaking part of tho surface ot his farm of 155 acres Carolua alleges that tho removal of tho coal under tho tiact in question caused about 70 acres ot tho suifaco to subside and destroyed two of water Mirch 5--Tho Uemocr itlc National Committee mot at noon tod ly and chose Komor Cummlng-i ol Stanfoiu Vli Chairman and Hollo 'VV'olls Treasurer Mr CummlngB succeeds McAdoo whose appointment ag member of President WIHon 3 Caoi- ne, "vvns announced this morning Gold Wntch for Tlio employes of tho H. Trick Coko Company at Bltncr presented A PHKO i a handsome Bold watch lust evening Piiga has reiljined to KO to Mount pleasant where ho will engage, tn bualncw.

Already at Odds With Reorganized Staff at Mat- tcawan. PROBING HIS PAST PRIVILEGES ttint Millionaire Prlaonrr Has Been Permitted to llonm About HI Will in to bv InviMttgtited, right Mudc Otor PlHic for Hearing; MEDICOS AT BROWNSVILLE of Cmmty Js JIclU aucrc, About twonty-nvo mcmbori of Iho Ifayctto County Medical Society it- tundocl tho regular mci tine ot the society held la-it ovenlne at tho Hotel In Urowimlllo Dr 1C Bell of Dawson sivo an tn- Btrutclvo talk on 1'orsonal Expcrl- onccs In tho Treatment ot Pncmmr- nla Dr Geonso ir spolto on 'Treatment of Acuto Larn Kills and Bronchitis Tho committee appointed on contract and loilKO practluu failed to uubmlt a. ro- port. Tho mcctlns: wa? attended by phssl- clans front all parts of tho county Tho noxt meeting will bo held Tuesday, May 6 In Unlontown. Dr Ernest ot Pittabuig will address tho BOUoty IMPROVEMENTS COMING Cnmbrln Steel to Millions on -Toimstovv Plant The annual mcctlnij of tho Cumbria Steel Company and its annual loriort of operations mibmllted Includes statements that Indicate this company will approve of a program for extensions to plants that will probably bo tho most oxtt nslvo ever at- tempfcod Tho report, It Is slid gives color to earlier lumora tiitwocti J4 OOO.OOD and 000,000 are- to lo used to bring this Ccnlial Pennsylvania works up to a hljrhor state ot perfection, and make It thoroughly modern In all departments Those Improvements contemplate much latKci capacity In rtvv stool pro.

ductlon and a Creator development In tho cap icity for tho more Important lines of steel that tho company la making eapecl illy In platen tmd lalls TRAIN IS LATE Gmmlsincri RtMnii to Cormcllsi ll)o '1 Ills Iiom Tho Pennsylvania tiatn bearing tho returning Itnth regiment tiom the Imiusruratlon was tivo hours )ale in leavlnB the capit last nisht The schcdulo calleti for the return movement to begin at o'clock but the train did not Ituuo until niter 10 It anlvocl at Altoona this morninj? at 10 o'olocU, and tho Tenth restment band Hosplt Coi pa and Company ar- rhcd horo this attornoon Hoports Iiom tho National capital are commendatory to the 'Tiehtln Tenth Iho conduct of tho men was exemplary and they made a ftno ap- pearincc participating in tho parade TJ in aiilvd Place 'V'-nln Tho Plttsburff Lake Eilo glttltefl tho cm vo by establishing iticli more dimly In thiid place among the Isow York Centml Lines, In net prof- Its Xiaut yc the company fell into fltth place Jor several months taut fln Ished third by a narrow maigln Dur- Ins Januarj, howovei this niaigln -Vkldenod greatly by $200 000 Its nearest competitor is the Michigan Central Nix oil Ilio 'trust 'There's no tiust here" said Burgess Evans this mornlns when Joo Moran of South Connells- viilo asked to bo trusted for tho amount ot flnt aroran was ar- lested last night on thfl OcunkcnncsB Ho waa lliica DO, '1RWS 151 S11, CKOSITV AiroiiM aJTsmxij irr WAb VNJJl-ll James "Mcltcynolds, mamed Attorney General ot tho United States by President ono ot the oriKinnl 'Trim Bustcr-i an 1 after nH retirement from Petleral oHlce frcKiuontly selected to as- the in the prosecution of Illegal combinations In restraint of trade "STRIKING" COPS EAGER TO GET JOBS BACK AGAIN Holnstntcmcnt Others Vile ApplletitlonH Council It been tf mo nst rated to entire satisfaction that Council meant buslnufts when It dismis tht.m for participation In tho sympathy strikt, thrto of tho former pitrolmnn took step terday In an effort, jtb regain tholr posftlons. Iho announcement at City that Thonrms McDonald oC tho We'ft bide, had been to tho force two of tho ox-patrolmen hurrlrd to desert tho ranks of tho strikers and to gtiin tho good pra of tiie Police Commlttto They wero and Samuol Gran dot During tho afternoon Gelgor went to tho homo ot Chairman Httycl oC tho Police Committee and presented tho Councilman with an application for a poaltian on tho force and shortly betoro Council convened last nlyrht, GiancJel handed Mr hlo application Although botJi men agrcrd to perform faithfully the duties ot the department in caao of reapporntmont it ia doubtful If tho committee will con- alcior theli applications favorably Chilrman told thr-m that ho was unablo to promise that thoy would bo oniploycfl "With the appointment of McDonald the force is recruited to Us Cull strength and it is assertt-d that no in the personnel of tho department will be mado as long ns the ofllcern 110 satisfactory to the borougrh authoiUks SOMERSET YARDS OFB.O.ARETO USE ELECTRICITY Power Plant Gets Contract and Town Hopes lor Day Service. "SAFETY FIRST" IS OBSERVED Derailing Dot Ices Being Applied to tho Switches in Clitbslflutrioji laril', Electric Interfacing Sj-s- tcat is Said to be ConttinpluUHl Spcclil to The Courier SOM.EB.feLT March E--JTho classification ards the iltlmore Ohio railroad Juat south of Somerset are pclnjff equipped with electric art, lights to facliitato tho handling of coal tialns at nlf ht. Twenty 1 000- )amjs wJJl be installed within the next few days and connected with the linos the Somerbet Ulectric Light Heat Power Com puny as soon as tho -wiring Is completed In the neir future. It Is said the numerous switches will be equipped with tht apparatus and operated exclusively by ele tricity from a tower to be built near the yards.

Current for tho bw itches will also be furnished by the local electric company tt fs teportMl Thr iddltlon ot tho lailroad company to the light power companj list of consumers it is bcltevcd will hasten tno furnishing of day electric service for which thero Is an Insistent demand, the local company Thp clfissIt3cnUon arils are used in making up coal trains which haul the immense tonnage orlffiimtinK in thy Jonru r-QuomahonJng rtirion (n the north of thA countv to lldowator Iho yards It IM ffenerall conceded are ttieli Inadequate to take care of the pnormouB output of the north county coal noldi. Within the month it ia reported i on tho extension o( thi jartls will bo commencetl At flvp and probablj or eight, nd- dltlonal tracks will bo Inld COX crtok, the course of which was chang i "ome In bvjtiding- tho preaent will be bodily eostwatd an far nx tho hill on the Itoldcrbaurn farm Pfriirifcjn 0 forilno BnlarffftrT nafeU JlrsL of tho Bnl tfmore ifc Ohio Is filso being put into eltet in the Somerset sards Tho seores of switches used in tho outgoing 1 tra-Ini, for points arc being equipped with safety derailing di vices which will permit tho cars oC coal from running ontn tho main tr tcks and colliding with moving trains The grado the line dips from here to Rock wood an I should a car or of cai i coupled together stixrt tlown the incline from am cause traffic would be menaced. "With tho sifeti appliances In operation runaway cars i be derailed bofortj passinpf tho switch which would othenvlbe carry thorn to tho main tracks WEST PENH CLASS Tnlco First Aid Instnictton nt the A. Thirty-six candidates for membership to tho rirst Aid crew of tho "Wlost fonn aUtncled tho Tlrst Aid meeting at the 1 if A. laat night.

Baor is instructlns tho men In primary roltoC woik, and thosa shoeing the most ability be chosen for the team Ihe work night consisted oE instiuctlon in the treatment oi "burns Next week tho class will take up tho stmly of fmoUiros Tho "West Pcnn has ordered instruction booka om the Kcd Ci oss Society, and us soon aa thoso arrive they bo is tribute tl to tho men CHOSE PASTOR United Prcsliytcrians to Hold Congregational AlctUnr Towlglit. A nioetlng of the congregation of tho XTntted Presbyterian church will bo held this evening to vote on a pastor Since the iblgnation ot the 1 rank the pulpit haa been lillcd bi visiting ministers one ot -whom will Ukoly be voted on by tho congregation Tho regulai monthly meeting of tho Board of Tiustees of tho church lield last evening at tho olttee of A Mason in the Second National Bank building Bartender $5 iMaac Tiiincls arrested by Hetzel lor interfering with an officei post ed a forfeit with the Chief today It ia not expected that ho will ask foi a hearing THE WCATHEK Ealn or snow tonight and Thursday -with, rising temperature, is the noon weather forecast Tempera tn re 1913 3012 "Maximum 51 Minimum 30 21 Me in 31 Ihe YouRh. ilvcr fell during the night from. 60 to 3 35 feet PROSECUTION CLOSES Bcfonsc in Newell Cnso WII This AH' rnoojj UNIONTOWN ivrirch 5 --Tha pros pcutiun In tho itiurd CMC ciosDtl side thia morninf? and tho defense TV 111 open this afteinoon couu laconvonps at 111 clock Ihe defonclants aio Palsy Paseiuile, Tony Bam LrUo Sum Pest.on and im Mi Tho greater part ot the morning section -ntm taken up with the pros tall on of tho evident 3 of minoi Tho most Important per sons on tho stand were Pig-eon spec! I ofiicor of tho mil road and a Pennsylvania tickei at a.i icbteB oif the defendants and 7ohn Tt Tlutchcritt a Newell policeman -wht saw of hto alleged murdereii near the sccna of tho crime Tohn and Kd HUlloi with laiccny by Toe Marhelka am." John Hirpco wore convlcLecl Chargrocl with buiKlnr and carryliip concealed weapons Peter Zaccora Toi Zaccora and iTranlx Cccello of Isew- oil, cntei Ld pleas of gulltv to the lat tDr chm fire Steven Dozy chat ged ith telon ions assault by Mike, StoslltnsKy found grullty this morning nusr TO OCCLPI PObl JJS 1HJL CAliIM.1 IS HVHIl Xnme to Snike tlio Cowi- inltttjo Assifiomeiits WAST-HNG-TON March 5 --Senator Kern a tunning- mate in tho Pitsidential election four years a was today chosen chairman of the Steering Committee in the Scjtate which 'will choose tho mornbcis the committees oC the Upper House ITo is instructed to select olght membeig beside himself to act on the committee Steering Committee mee tonight for the put pose of seloctinjr the VEuious commitLeea It will make its recommendations to the benate tomorrow Tall Pio-ics Tatal Alexander Fletcher a former resi- dont of Mount PIensant died last OAoningr at hi-3 home in Greenabuig Mr rietcher fell on tho icy T-februaty 3" i a i Ilia hip Stoner and Brant Object to Outsiders but are Overruled. "William Wilson Democratic Congressman from vrill bo the- first man (o occupy the new po- on of Secretary of f-abor President Tift approved the bill creating J- Department, it being ere of his last olTicial acts Wilson represents the labor and for je-us International Secretary of the United "Workers of America.

SECRETARY HOAG ACCEPTS A PLACE IN NEW BRUNSWICK Chamber ot Commerce "Will XtctiMS ConneUsUle for Saint Jolm In "Near uture Tho Board ol Directors of tlie Chamber Commerce ivill meet this afternoon to act upon the rcslgmatlon of Societary Henry lloag -who has been tendered a similar position In Saint John New Brunswick The resignation hub been accepted and ifr Hoag 1 expects to as soon aa a successor here Ia chosen baint John is the principal distribute Ing port for the maritime provinces of Canada and has Improvements under w.iy and contemplated Tho already contracted for totals $11160 000 and $17 000 idditionai Mr Ttoad aBtfttnlSl tipor hi? plans prior to action by the Board of Directors tmtil the storj had been circulation without hla The retiring Secretary come here months ago from Poughkecp- sle where for se'ten years he made a record as Secretary oj the commercial org-anization there TESTING PLANT ASSURED r-dcrnl Bill Trnnsfci of Stnee JliRli Scliool Site One of the Inst acts of the retiring- President William II laft -ws th. of a bill which insures the permanent establishment in Plttsburg of the testing 1 laboratories of the Bureau of Vines Ine meisure was Knovvn is thp Public bill ind ore section authorized tho transfer to the city oE PLttsburff the Aise lal grounds in Lawrenceville in exchange for the fiasco HJffh School site The latter- will bo used by the Bureau of Mines as a testing station Foi the Hlffh School site which ilued at $300 000 the Boaid of Tducitlon -nill fiom the 2 0 0 0 0 0 In cish property xalued at J50 000 jn the Bedford Basin and $50 000 worth of piopeity on Ihe Arsenal grounds The property wil bo ued for elementary school buildings -while tho city tiansfei the street property to the. Government PROMOTIONS ON B. 0. Goes, to Balttmoie blilft lu 1-iuiunjsters Assist mt Trainmastor PI "Watd ron of the Plttsburg division the Biltlmoro Ohio located here has bet-n transferred to the Ncv.

Cabtle division Mr Waklron will Cori- to issume his new duties in a ft.w cliys Ho ivill be succeeded McDcugall Assistant Iraiu- iraster on the 3New Castle division It has also been announced tnai T-ainmostei Wolfeisberger ot tne New Castle division has beer piomoled to Baltlmoie whuie he be Assist in Supervisor of 1i Lnspor tation He was foLmeily located heie ID PUXISH Coronet Jury Hns AU-Mght Sesslni In Cast 1 Miroh 5 A a tion unpi ecedented in county i taken by Coroner's jury sitting am taking testimony from 11 doe. Llondiy night until i clock lay moining in the death of Ira Cordaj afaimei of Hagans who died Bfond i as the icsult of been beate. by a of young men at a church meeting it Hagruis Fcbiuarv 15 AVItnesses 11 ere heard throughi the night The jury recomniendv. that the persons responsible foi Coid- tloy injuries bo apprehended held for trial Ixiuvea lllc 6iikct On account of til health Councilman hab esigned his position with the Connollsville Market a LV ana mgnt Mr IlcUel has been III tor total of about 400 few -weie weeka. iOO Ttint.

Inauffiu WASHINGTON 5 Although the known for inauguration LV and night leached total of about 400 few -weie most were or a minor HAVE SHARP TILT OVER NEW POLICE FORCE OTHER MATTERS PASS QUIETLY jcli Staect Sidewalks, on to the PotoHlct Mtiht ne JJaid, Washington cnue Paving Ordinance Passes, rirl Beading, Slow Street Work A three coinered vert tilt tvitli Fiank Triel on one side and Councilnicn Simuel Brant and Cyrus Stonei on the other enlivened an otherwise tame session of Council abt night The dl cussion the po- Following the report of Chairman Hetzel that men have been em. plojed to fill vacancies in the department ciused by the dismissal of the foimci patiolmen Councilman Stoner started the fireworks by recommend- ng that citizens of the borough be employed as members of the force in stead strangers from, other towns To Cliajrmin Hetzel motion thai the appointments the Police Committee be ratified Stoner made an amendment prcmdjngr that taxpayers of ConnellsviUe be substituted In his argument in favor of the adoption the amendment, Stoner was jberonded bv Brant. Brant registered a kick on his own account a-gnlnst the recommendations of the committee declaring" that he as a member of the committee, was againat the appointments At this point Chairman Fnel declared the amendment out of order refusing to entertain it Stoner grew indignant That a funny way or doing business he shouted On the whole the session was un- usualli quiet Matters requiring attention were disposed of rapidlj, and no other disagieements occurred. Among the matters considered wia the report of the Railroad Committee on Us conference with representatives of the Pennss ania Railroad jm- th- 1 condition of streets reports of boiough. officers raonrhly bills and an application to la a sewer The meeting -was called to order shortly after clock with President Frank Priel in the chair and tho following members present Thomas Brennan A Bishop But- teimore Claude Hays Hay, Fred ECarmenins 1 Cyrus Stoner John Kooser A Cilmore Samuel Brant Decker, lj Hetzel anO.

Clark Following the al of Socrc tary A BKler minutes of the last meeting the fiist item on the calendar was the consideration of the ic-. port of the Finance Committee It contained the usual number of accounts foi the month just ended the only item enumerated out of the ordinary being that for the expense of boarding the detail of State Constabulary This amount was 200 50 It was appnned The reports of Burgees 3" and Borough Treasurer Flo to followed ilancet. in the funds i reported by Mr Tioto aa follows Sower 94 Sinking 906 69 Firemen Relief $3 "31 Libiars $1 117 60 West Side Sinking-, $1 041 )0 Councilman Hajs called attention to the fact that the ceitificate for $2 000 against borough which is in the possession of the executors of the estate of Hog-gr his reached maturity The certificate -was to Mi Hogg moie than a ear ago and was not bearing interest Mr Hays mado, i motion that the certificate bo renewed for another i It cairied Ow ing to weather conditions the Street Department has oeon handicap ped in its work Chairman Clark reported He said th-xt little had been done during tho pist few weeks an repairing the streets Repairs to the appioacli to Trump run bridge he said are nearing completion, Councilman Clark called attention to the dangerous condition of a i taming wall on South Pittsburg street, said to bo the property of Herwick The wall which is several feet runs along the top of the pavement and it is said that a pedestrian recently narrowly escaped falling over it. One man did fall over the wall a few jears ago and met death A resolution that Mr Tier wick be directed to eiect a suitable railing on top of the wall carried CouncHmin Buttermore complained that little attention, was being given by the Streec Department to the ing of thoroughfares oh the West Side He declared that the condition of Main is deplorable and that -very little work his been done on it this winter Upon recommendation of Councilman Biahop, Council adopted a motion providing- that Airs 13 Schmitz and Isewmier be notified to lay sidewalks in front of their Arch street piopeitles within 60 das Ihe condition of the sidewalks front of the property on First and Second streets owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad Comp-inj was alsi commented upon The attention oC the companj will be called to these sidewalks with the request that they be repaired Following a lengthy discussion on the condition of the various streets in the borough, Chairman Hetzel of the Police Committee, presented his appointments to the reorganized force The names included fo-mer Patrolman (Continued on. Page Two).

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