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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i 1 In i VI I i r. 1 Mi! i a. in 3i 1 I it or ir HTBiiraaro MONDAY. JULY 1 be Liat of Letters remaining in the New York Post Office on i be fintof Jul; be found on the first tage. There appeal to be on the pert oi certain corporation and of certain individual! a determination that the city hall be visited with the Asiatic scourge, whether heaven pleases or not.

Every cue of comrar.n cholera is magnified into a spasmodic pestilence whion has been so fatal in nther ni.aners of the lobe. Nay. almost every death is by certain panic manufacturers eel down to the credit of cholera no matter bow much more obvious a cause there mar be to ascribe it to. We cannot sufficiently reprehend the blameworthy baate which has been manifested to spread a panic through this metropolis, and to circulate an opinion through the whole country that thia city is little better than a City of the Pisgue," that like the inhabitants of Sodom aad Gomorrah, we, and all whocomeamong as, are devoted to destruction. Have the persons who betray this eager haste to be the first to announce that the Cholera haa reached lhi great commercial mart reflected on the consequences of such declarations? Have they considered what a blow they are striking against the business of the city Has it entered into their minds to conjecture how many thousands, ray, millions, will, by suck reports, be diverted from iheir natural channel, and prevented from flowing into New York 1 bee considerations, it is true, should not oe suffered 10 keep back the truth but the truth should be fully and accurately ascertained before pub lic reports are made.

The interest of humanity arc greater than any pecuniary interest, and they require that lbs community should be correctly and explicitly informed of the existence of a destructive peattlence among us should it unfortunately be found to ex 1st. But the interests of humanity likewise require that no premature reports, no announcement of hasty conclusions, should be published for these, by creating a panic, for which it may perhaps tuin out that there is no ground, do a positive and extensive mischief; whereas no harm could possibly result from so short a delay as would enable the regularly constituted body wboseespcciul duly it is to watch over the health of the city, to make such full and careful investigation as might ptopetly furnish the dataoi an Official Rs fjort. Influenced by these sentiments ourselves, we shall ab stain from publishing any of the flying and unautbea tic rumours with which the city is r.fe but shall con fineourselvea to the Report of the Board of Health, (in seuiun while we write these remarks) and we beg of our readers not to suffer their tears to be excited by ru mours. tut to rely with full confidence upon the activi ty intelligence, meant of information, and candour of that Body. Iu relation to two or three of the alleged cases of Cholera, we have very great reason to suspect a inUno nier or at all events that those cases were nothing more the common Cholera of the country, which every summer prevails among us to a greater or less extent.

Last summer in Philadelphia a great many deaths occurred from this cause; and in this city eveiy reader will remember what a large portion of the community took patt in the obsequies of one of the victims of cho lera morbus lite exemp lary and lameoted Richard Va rick. i patt I o'clock We learn that the 'Board of Health has reported 11 deaths in this city from Cholera five of them having the appearance of Canadian Cholera, and one (at the corner of Reed and Greenwich streets) a case of decided Spasmodic Cholera. Two other mild cases of cholera had occurred one at 209 William street, and the other at 35 Mulberry street. The Board will meet sgain to morrow at 11 o'clock when a fuil and particular report we understand is to be made. In the meanwhile it see ins to us that there is very little ground fur the apprehetisiuna that exist.

LATEST FROM ENGLAND. By the arrival of the Silas Richards, Captain Hoi' drege, we have received our rr gular files of London and Liverpool papers, the form er to the evening of the 22 inclusive, and the latter to the S5th May. We sub join such extracts as etrike as of must importance, suns of which were in type front the extract of a morning paper, before our foreign journal came to hand. The matter of chief interest in the papers by the Si las Richards is the disclosure, in Parliament, by the dif ferent individuala concerned, of the events and negoci alions connected with the recent resignations, the at tempt to form a Tory Refor.n Ministry, and the reinstatement of the Gi adm inistration. We give among our extracts the explanalic of the Duke of Welling ton, the statement of Farl Grey, and what was said on the subject in the House of Commons by Lord Althorp and Sir Robert Peel.

Earl Grey, it will be seen, expressly declared to the House of Lords ha. the King had clothed him with such powers as would enable him to carry the Reform Bill unmutilxt ed and unimpaired in any of its great principles, and that in consequence of being so empowered he and Lis colleagues should continue in office. The language of Earl Grey must be under stood as a declaration as explicit as any indirect ex. prtssiens could be, that he was authorized in tba event that it should be Tound necessary, to create as many new peers as should secure the Bill. Hia avowal was so understood by the House, and Earl HarwooH there.

upon declared, that if power were given to carry the bill, they all understood what that pewer meant' and he, to tender the exorcise of that power unneces sary, should withdraw all opposition te the Bill. Th: news, besides that hie to relates to the Reform Eii), does not seem to be of mtu importance. Cuimir Pcrur lias fallen victim, it will be seen, to the malady under which he bJ i been laboring for sometime past. 1 he ho. era in Liverpool occasioned no alarm.

There were but cven cases remaining on the 23d. CHOLERA MORBUS. Report of Yttterday, Mverpot.t, May 23, 1832. New es. Dead.

Kecovered. remaining From the commencement of the disease, on the 12th iuiy, No. of cases. No. of deaths.

Recovered. i 11 4 Board of Healthor th City of Dublin. Luwer Castie Yard, from 19th to 80th Mm. 1832. i The Beard of Health feel extreme taction in an nrunotn that itiare has been a gradual and material diminution cholera for aeveral dys, and that, out of a total oi cases, wnereot 31'J are in th3 hospital, there have been hut two dciths.

whilst the recovers have been 43. and tho number of convalescent have greatly iupreased. Paaisj. Mav 10. M.

Casimir Porier's mortal career hat cl.ised. He died this morning a little before eight ciock. liinn trie previous 40 hours he had been sinking to fast thit his physicians saw that nu human skill could keep him lonij aiivo. His mental faculties returned at the Cvinneicem tit of this crisis, aod only leu mm in ir.o lion oi iiio. Prinze B.irbese.

widiwer N.irvolein's beautiful sister, died at Florence on the ftiii mutant, of apo pu xy. Alixanokia. April 13 Hur I Syrti. ISrahim rarha h. opened ths operations of the campa gil a paimt the with a v.cloly.

Abdullah Pacha.afler reuwiiv rfluMiur a capitulation, proposed a fiiuwn tlays station of armsug SSt. eon d'Acre to whi luramiii agreed. Tne conditiona are not poiuveiy known, but one of them is sun' io be the lor tress is to be delivers up to the Eavutian. thnt tima. As soon as tt.e com cation was Concluded, Inrahim procee led bv lorced marches to attack the lurKtsn troops asseroniing at Akjppoand actually sue ceuaea in surprising mm loutllv oleatin? at Ai.nn.

drctts, a Turkish eorps of fitteen thousand to relieve St. Josn d'Acre nn i all those who 'd not fall under the bayonet of were taken prisoners or dispersed, flvinx in all directions. his now most protable Ibrahim will retorn to St. Jean d'Acre, and demnnd frosn Abdallnli the fulfilment ol the convention. The Egyptian fl.i is quite ready for see, and i 1 shortly geUi expel the Turkish Meet off Rhodes.

The Pacha haa engaged 700 Greek islanders to man the 12 fire ships that accompany his fleet. To encoarate the crews of the ro shipn, he has. besides other favorable nonditiens, promised large indera nmes to tne tamiiies ot sucn as may lose their lives viz 5000 tartans to the family 1 captain, and 500 to a 'minim sailor. Tbiestc, May 6. Wo have 'just received accounts nwunsriii oi me tain oi April announcing tnai the tgy ptian flt.

cotwi ting uf ships of the line and corveites, 16 13 ICQooners, 12 fiie ot transports hsd weighed Greek Caf tains are said to have received letters ol marque Turkish ships. HOUSE OF JRDS. May 18. After some,a, tmmj, nPing a petition respecting which he bn sobj.ct to extreme ms represeatain.a and reatiy vilified by huh in station and by other of great respectability. Their Lonlshipi iwould remr that in the coure of laBt week lus Majesty had informed them, that in consequence of tas advice which they hid given to his majesty on an 'important subject, and ot his Majesty not bavin; tel't inclined to acde to that advice, they concaved it be their doty to tender their resignation.

His Majesty was pleased on that day ea which he was left alone by his ministers (cheers) to send lor a noble, friend of bis, who bad been in high confidence, and a ask hint whether there did not exist any aseaa of euaklmg Jiis Majesty to fern a Ga tt carry teat t4oBt an eseaarra tflorm, vrltheajt any etraoJuary aaaralss of prarsMra Urs nrepared for sssah a therefore enquired of cthesa who hewever were net wiiliag to serve his Majesty aader txistiair circomstances He; in consequence, attended his Majesty and gave him his advice, which was not to appoint him (the Coke of Wellington) his minister. (Cheers.) He did i not looK loraiia oojrcu auuoiuisu xis ccum mended ss MajesT tav asek toe assistance in other auarter. and declared himself ready to rive his Majes ty every assistance ia hit power, 'whether in or out of office. (Load In order to enable hia Majesty to resist the ad vice given mm oy nut ministers. Ting much he leu nmiseti douiio to declare, that it there ever waa a case in which the King had acted fairly, and with perfect good faith towards hia ministers, and in which there was a total absence of intrigue.

it was mis individual instance. Here his Grace proceedod to consider Ihe advice civen by ministers, and to characterize it in severe terms ol censure. If, said his Grace, the indeuendence of i ar. lament were to depend upon any body ot men being bold enough to advise the Sovereign so to overwhelm the opinions of their Lordships, there would be at once an end to their existence as a deliberative assembly, and feeling was his duty to give his Majesty the advice he had atrcaoy stated. But suDoosin? that Peers were not ac tually created, would not the threat to create them, for the purpose of inducing tfoble Lords to cbsent themselves from the House, be just as much an act of violence as tho creation itself.

The other branch of the question was as to the nature of the communication which he had received from his Majesty. The express words, as well as ho could recollect, were, that an administration should be formed upon the principal of carrying an extensive and efficient measure ol reform. Ho was free to confess that he had always opposed reform, lie was still so. He considered ittorin not only un necessary, but injurious, nlace in that house, on a He had slated in bis former occasion, when ilm nuestion was under discussion, that he was ready to lend his assistance to amend that bill in committee. He stated that honestly and fairly, but he declared at the same time, that amend that bill as they might, it was a measure under which tho government of this country could not be conducted.

This was his sincere opinion at that time. The same conviction waa still upon his mind. He could not think that they could ever amend that bill in such a way as to place it in a state which would overcome tho dangers which were likely to result from its being carried into a law. The object of his communication with his Majesty was not, then, to forward such a measure as that, but he wasculled on to aid his Majesty in resisting an advance which went to overturn one branch of the constitution. He never could have consented to pass that measure unmutilated through their Lordship's House.

Under these circumstances, he did not consent to assist Ins Majesty in attempting I form an ad ministration. He knew there were some persons for whom he had high respect, who thought that he ought to have looked to anterior circumstances to those pledges which he had already given against reform. If he had taken a different course, and if, when hia Majesty had called upon him for his aid in the position in which he was placed, and if he could have brought himselr to have said to his Maicstv upon that occasion, cannot assist your Majesty, because I have ex pressed strong opinions contrary to relorin, it he had done so, he declared that he could not have shown his face in the streets. He could not, how ever, feel any regret for bis own conduct in having answered to the call which his Majesty had made upon him. He would not detain their Lordships any longer upon the details of this transaction He called upon their Lordships to looK to the real circumstances ot the case.

11 they would took back to the speech which was delivered lrom the throne in June, 1831, to both Houses ot t'arlia ment, they would recollect that his Majesty then stated, in strong terms, that the question should have their most serious consideration, and that, in forming any measure of reform, they should adhere to the acknowledged principles of the consti tution. Now he would put it to their Lordships whether they could ha ve contemplated at that time that any enort would be made, or that these pro ceedings could lead, by any possible means, to the dostruction of that house. If any man at that time foretold what was after wards to occur, and would have revealed the facts of the case, aa they now stood, he would have been thought to have given expression to something which had passed in a dream. For bis own part, when he first heard that there was an intention to create Peers, he could not believe it he thought it impracticable. He did not think it possible that any minister could ever be brought to devise such a means.

He hoped their Lordships would see. in the circumstances in which ht was placed, that he could not refuse his aid to his Majesty but when he found by tho discussion which took place on the Monday in the other House of Parliament, that a majority of that House had expressed an opinion in favour of the conduct of Ministers, and found from the declaration made in that House, that be could not find members in that House to form part of an administration which would have the confidence of the country, he felt bound to ad vise hut Majesty that he could not torm an admin istration with these obstacles before nun. recommended to his Majesty to open communications with his former ministers. Lord Lyndhurst then rose, and said, that having been sent for by his Majesty on the day that he received the resignation of his ministers, he proceeded to Windsor, when his Majesty informed him that he was totally unprepared for the situation in which he had been placed that he sent for him as his former Chancellor, to require his advice, and desired him to point out to him the state of political parties and of the country. His Majesty then cave him permission to communicate with other persons on these points.

In consequence of this permission, he communicated the iNoble Duke, who declared there was no sacrifice which he was not prepared to make no obloquy which ho was not ready to undergo, and no misrepresentation which he was not ready to endure, in order to rescue his Majesty from the position in which he was placed. He communicated with some other persons, six in number, and on Saturday, the Duke called at St. James's. This was all that he had to do with the transaction, and here his iLord Lyndhurst's) interference ceased. His then entered into a long defence against the personal imputations which had been cast upon him, both by tho press and by members of the other louse, alluding particularly to observations reported to have been used by Sir Francis Burdett.

Earl Grey afrerwards addressed the House, after which (heir loidshtps adjourned. May 19. After the presentation of some petitions. The Archbifchopol York entered into explanation of his conduct on, and his opinions of, the Reform Bill, and at the same time, alluded information that he had jut received of attacks that had been made on the residence near York. The Duke ot Rutland then warmly eulogised the re anee the creation of Peers, and the Duke of Wellington in recent communications with the King.

HOUSE OF LORD May 18. The Earl of Harewood begged leavo to ask the Noble Earl opposite if he could communicate to their Lordships whether any final arrangements had been come to with respect to the Ministry (Hear, hear.) Earl Grey My Lords, I am always happy to afford any information which lies in my power, but especially after the courteous manner in which the question has been put by the iSoule opposite (The Noble spoke in so low a tone of voice as occasionally to be almost inaudible.) We under stood his Lordship to say, my Lords, I should have been prepared before, perhaps, to have given your Lordships a statement ot ttio result ot certain com. inunicatioos which I have had with his Majesty, but the time now has arrived, my Lords, when I sun in a situation to state to you that result. Your Lordships aro already aware that when 1 and my colleagues felt ourselves called upon by a proceed in? in vour Lordship s' House to resign to llis Ma jeoty those offices to which by the gracious kind ness of the King we had been appointed, that a Duke, who is now absent lrom this House, was commissioned by his Majesty to form another Administration. Your Lordships are also aware, that in consequence of that Noble and Gallant Duke having civen up that commission with which he had been entrusted by his Majesty, fresh communications took place between the King and myself, and I have now the satisfaction to inform your Liorasiups that those communications have been brought to a favourable termination.

(Hear, hear.) I have now, my Lords, to inform you, that in consequence of his Majesty's desire most trraciouslv expressed to me, and in consequence of the feeling oi confluence mat. i am in sucn a position as wui enable me, as well as my colleagues, to redeem that Dledtre which I gave to your Lordships on my first accepting otnee, mat pieage ueing, inai unless i fislt mysolf armed with a sufficient security to pass the Reform Bill which is now on your Lordships' I 1 I 1 I I table unmutilated and unimpaired in any one of its great principles I say, my Lords, that in con announce of now finding myself in such a situation, by the gracious kindness of his Majesty, as to be able to state to your Lordships that such is my confidence, from the assurances which I have received from his Majesty as to my being in full power to ertect that much desired ODject mai uio iratui Ministers will continue in olhce (This announcement waa hailed with loud Cheers.) He added, that be felt most anxious for uie speedy adjustment of this great measure ana, to effect that object, all his energies should be di reciea, lee line assured that the result woulst ue sucn a io restore to the country happiness and tranquil neconciuaeo with moving, that the ixetorm full be further considered on Monday next. fThia WM naiiod, also, with great cheorinr.l Tho Earl of Harewood aaid. if tjho B11 were give, tfcey all kow what, that power i sneant; if adopted, the deliberative character ofi the House waa gone, the crown waa naangereo. as well the liberty ot the subject ana, tneretore.

acting on compulsion, to avert gmxer evus, ue should withdraw all opposition to the Bill. The Earl of Winehofaea. the Duke of Newcastle and Lord Wharnclifie complained, that the independence of the Hosjsoof Lords wao row destroyed. The Earl of Radnor replied to the preceding speakers. The Noble Earl's speech brought Lord Wharncliffe again on his lega who epoko at some length.

The Earl of Carnarvon once more de nounced the bill and its authors. The House adjourned at eight o'clock. i OMMONS Mav. 18. Lord Althorp bavin entered the House, Mr.

Fa 1 .7 I rH nrsnsr ret euresieil nope in rr ed to cive the House wine satisfactory information. reailv to cive any explaaa lion lhat he could in answnr to the questions of the hon. He stated oi. the former thai a communication had been made from Ins Majesty tolvird Urev, and ha snogested the propriety oi an no i il.

llnnse. He was not at present pre pared to stale that any arrangement had yet been concluded but he miitht say. that lie Had every confidence that the jtreat probability is, that a satisfactory nr A k. tn. tl.nud lis hoped, in saying this, and in claiming indulSenee for his noble and friend and himself, that he did not claim too much from the confidence oi ine no the country, that they would feel assured that his nol.le and hon.

friends or himself, would not remain in office without every possible assurance of being enabled to earrv the Reform Bill without any material alteration nsetsetitiHi or main pnnciiitca. i I nril KI.roi.rton said, after the assurances which Ihe I 1 I II. had received from his noble friend that the ar rangement was likely tn come to a sausiaciory conclusion, he could not bring his mind to contemplate the I I. II fllHSI 1 ITU I IIUIICU Vi J. hc.i.i.ui..

ll. W9 h. innv to hear. also, from his noble friend, that no arrangement would be made by Ministers which not secure the paiwina of the Reform Kill ia all its essential points. He anient, however, be allowed to express a hope that the arrangement would be brought within a very snort time to a satisfactory cuocuwiun, as it was impossible for the country to be tranquil till he assurance was eiven that the arrangements were completed, and it was undoubtedly most essential that they should be completed witnui uie snonest possioie 1'he rneeehes of the two noble Lords were received with tremendous cneers, ami many oi uie nun.

ioi oi hers immediately left the House. The House after wards nroceeded with the receiving of petitions and other miscellaneous business of no public importance May is. Immediately on the call of ihe House being disiiosed of. which call Mr. Hume enforced to insure a full at tendance ol members.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer stated, in reply to Mr. Hume inuuirv, thai he considt red the minis terial arrangements to be settled; aad that as there was now every reasonable probability of carry in? the reform hill, the Ministers would continue tn hold their offices. (This communication was greeted with im mense cheering.) Lord Milton stated, that in consequence of such communication he should not move resolutions which he had intended tu Droooae. and which intention be had communicated to most of the ministei. These resolutions were, it was generally understood about tha house, expressive of strong opinions on the fact ot lite King having returned no answer tu the Commons address (Lord Kbringtou') of Monday last.

A pood deal of conversation, discussion, and expla nation ensued. Sir Robert Peel's statement was the onlv one oossessius auv interest. Sir Kobert feel, stated thai on vveinesoay, line 16th inst.) a communication was made to him by Noble Friend, for whom amidst all the calumnies Leaned on him. (Hear, he Was bound to avow his sincerest admiration and love, lie meant Lord Lyndhurst. (Murmurs and cheers.) He considered himself perfectly justified in making such an avowal, from his knowledge of the character and public opin ions of the Noble Lord.

(Hear, hear.) Ou Wednes day the Miible Lord waited on htm, and inlormed him, that he had not received a commission to form a Gov ernment, but, from the official situation, which he held as Lord Chancellor, he had lcen selected by his Ma ie.iv as a vortex for collectins persons of puwer and influence to vomer together on ine present state oi tr I I a uki n. i nai iiooie iuiuucu vi iiuu, 11, uiiun the difficulties in which his Vairsty watt involved by tue resignation of his Ministers, in consequence of what had taken place tlie Lords, lie shorn. 1 nave anv objections to take a part iu forming an adnunis ration 1 He, at ihe same time notified, that his Grace the Duke of Wellington was willing to lend his assist lance in forming a ministry, for the purpose facilita; ting an arrangement, and would either lake some of fice at all, to bring things to a sitisfactoiy issue (Hear, bear!) It was also notified to him. in the clearest terms, oa the part of hia Majesty, that, if he would accept office, and the highest political office in the House, it was to be on the condition of supporting an extensive system of refurm. He replied from the impulse of his feeling, and from his regard to character, no authority exerci sed by any man, or any number of men.

could make lum swerve lrom his purpose, and that it would be ut terly impossible for him to accept office on condition of cam ine the refurm bill. He also said, tht in the present state of public feeling, and, on the review of hia a hole conduct throughout the itircussion an the hilt, it would be quite impossible ro lake office, even for the purpose of removing the difficulties and embarrassments into which his Majesty had been thrown. It would be impossible for htm to take office, because in ord. to render his services of auy use, he knew well, that if he took office at all, be must do it with a light heart, firm step, and erect attitude. (Loud cheers from both sides of the House.) He came to hat resolution because he was fully convinced, that he was not a fit man, under such circumstances, to be come a minister ot the crown.

In short, it would have placed him in a situation such as no man was ever nrrT4'laced in, namely, that of coming round to the mo menu aim suoiiuruuir a uui against inose very men whom he had voted with in almost every shape of it. (Cheers.) The flight Hon. Baronet proceeded, at some length 10 eulogise ai defend the Duke of Wei whose renducl, he said, had raised his Grace higher in his esteem, as it must raise him higher in Ihe esteem of all good men, thaa before the recent transactions. HOUSE OF COMMONS, May SI. ADDRESS TO THE KING Lord R.

Gruovenur delivered at the bar the following answ to the address to the King of the 10th instant. The state of public affairs auice the 10th May will account to the House fur any delay that has taken place in returning my answer to the address of this I trust that the object of that aM eawill ap pear ia ray i commons to have been accomplished, since the necessity for any change in my Councils has been avoided." It was ordered that this reply should becnteied in.the journals Frsnt the Londun Courier of JMW 22. We have received positive information that the Span ih Government is about tn send two frigates lo Ia deira, under the pretence of protecting Spanish inter ests; nut. in reality tu assist iron Aliguel by introducing provisions, Ste. for the grrion.

As Spain has no trade or intercourse with Madeira, the real object of expedition must oe evident to our Government, and we have no djubt that Lord Palme ston wi 1 adopt measures to neieai it. I', is the determination of Ministers to allow no assistance to be given to Don Miguel by the Spanish Governm nt. A squadron is cow fittinr out for the Tagus, with troops on board, for the purpose of protecting British interests in portugal but we are assa red, that if a single Spanish soidier should be sent in support oi the (jsurper. the Commander of the British squadron will have authority co operate with ih Patriots against the Usumer. This is the honorable and proper course, and whether Spain suootd be so rash as to provoke our interference or not.

it will re flect grest cretit upon the Ivoble Lord at tho head of the foreign Department It is slated, and we believe correctly, that although there been indications of diplta ure in the mind of" ine lvtns wwarosome ol the Members of his family lor uie oirect part wnicn tney took in support of the Administration at a time when his Majesty was left without responsible adviters, he has sin ady taken an opportunity ol assuring one of hi oldest and best friends, who is a mem her of the Cabinet, and connected with the Kii.g by the marriage of hi sun ith one of his Majesty's daughters, that there is no fethn? ot irritation towards any member of hia family. We hope, therefore, to be shortly able to announce that the inter course between the King and the Duke of Sussex haa bo resumed. The Duke of Newcastle, in the House of Lords last night gave notice of a motion lo inquire into the xtent oi the prerogative of the King to create new That hi Majesty has the strongest disinclination to resort to this last extremity, we readily believe, and no doubti that the creation of Peers fur the dirtct objeet of forcing through the House of Lords a measure against the votes of the majority is an evil and one hich nothing but the pressing necessity of the case could justify. The only consideration now is, whether the necessity hesoctuall arrived. The Reformers have been agreeably disiippointed at the mild turn which the debate took last nigbt in the House of Lords, and it is believed that the secession will be sufficiently numerous to secure ihe passing of the Reform Bill without a new creation of Peers.

Karl Grey, however, must be on his guard he haa to deal with old politicians who never slumber, and who are ready to tHke advantage ol any defect of strategy. We received thia morning the Nureruburg Co respon dent ol the 13th inst. and the Al'geraeine Zeituog of he 16th. An article dated from Berlin the 8lb, complains much of the conduct of the Poles, and one from P.isen of the 3d announces the following very eharila sentences Two sentences have late'y been passed, in the first instance, against two ladies, Franlein P.zcysatkowska and Snez miniski. who during the Polish revolution went to Warsaw and performed in the hospital the offices of the Chsriiable Sisters.

They are sentenced to iii months imprisonment and loss oi their property but they have appealed against this sentence, ami Antler themselves, like many others, that on the King birth day a general amneaty will be published." MARKETS. LivrarooL. May 22. Com Enhanet The supplies coastwise and from Ireland this week are light, and the only import from abroad is 4000 bis. Flour fm Philadelphia.

We have again an export of 1,868 qrs. Wheat to France, and upwards of 1.600 bis. Flour. During the early part of the week, although tho trade was nut generally brisk, yet it was iu a firm and heal tey articles fully maiotining the rates ofTues day last. At Fridays market, we bad a good demand from ihe country for Wheat, and the best qualities of Irish commanded an advance of Is per 70 lbs.

In oats, there was a fair business, and per 25 lbs. more money very generally obtained. Barlev. aa wall as the fir.t description of Malt and Beans, supported good prices. lour met a rracysaie at an eavaheeol la per sack, but in Ua'meat there was little doing, ai no cbanre in value can be noted.

The deliveries of Wheat from the farmers in our immediate neighborhood being small, all samplrs showing were readily taken on Saturday lat by our town dealers, at an advance on last weeks pri ces of 6d per 70 lb. Io the bonded market wo have beard of no trans ac tions, th" veek. Since oar lost, auty ace dsssb poia an IWoTfcWtrWHWM Fkrur, Canadian, and M) bars "pi: floor. East India prod no. The onlv altacatloa in tho duties a decrees of Is per qr.

in Wheat. Uurmaiket. to flay; waa well attended or ctranlry borers, and more extensive bos toes tiooa than of I', onspecolauon, as welt aa tor consamano. rine Wheat was in food demand at improvement oa last weeks Drieee of Id to Sd per 7V is. Uota war re quest at an advance of Id a per 43 lbs.

floor was aarerlv boucht ai an oohancernsnt of. la 6a. nor sack. Uatmeal met a gooo aate at last i uesasy raiua, Uiner articles without rhangr in value. i 83d Fair business doing to day aoont same prices as yeoterday.

LivrarooL, May 19. Our Cotton market ia the early part of the week eontinaed dud. but within the last day or two the demand has improved, and tho pri ces ot American nave reenvarea per otsee kinds remain as last a noted. The sales eomorise 230 Sea Iland at lid to 18d. with 10 stained at 7 6100 Bowed bid to 7d 3390 Orleans 6d to 8rd 1650 Mobile and Alabama 5jd lo 6)d 670 Pern niburo 8d lo 9id 630 Bahia 6id to 7jd 800 Maranham 7, to8td 10 be mara 91.: SO Barbadoes 63d 570 Egyptisn 73d and 350 Sural at 5jd to Sid per lb.

making together 13,760 oars, oi wnicn iw amem ni are lor shipment. There ha been much doing in Tobacco, but price keep steady. The pu. chases this week in Montreal Pot Ashes have been considerable, the onsntitv ex ceeding 500 bbls. at 35s 6d per est, At the public saleol Carolina ice on Wednesday very little waa done, bnt some parcels have since been disposed of at ii I .1 i i i iw 9u io jos, ana vags lure icngai nave orougni 17s per cwt.

We bare no sales to report in Turpen tine, but about 2000 bis American Tar have found purchasers at about 12 perbbl. LivsarooL Cotton Market Wednesday. May 33. There is still a fair steady demand for cotton. Tbc sales yesterday and to day being about 2000 each dy witnnut any alteration in price.

The import this week is great LUXDUy, 23d May. The return of Earl Grey to office with every prospect of carrying the reform bill, has greatly restored confidence, anil we look to a eener at improvement in toe demand lor all the great article of home consumption. The sales of Cotton at Liver pool the last two days of the past week, amounted to D.uuu bales at an advance ot per lb. Our Corn market wss abundantly supplied yesterday and tha beat qualities of Wheat dt dined Is per quart: Very little enquiry for bonded grain or flour the export of wheat for the continent having greatly diminished. The duly on Grain is reduced to 25s 8d per quart, and on Flour to ids oa pernri.

looacco continues very dull, a cargo of Kentucky has been offered for sale afloat, but no of fer reported, and since offered for Rotterdam. Thete is very little Coffee here in first hands, and our stock. which is small, is mostly held for higher prices. Sugars are also firmly held. The Cholera having ceased, our Custom House grants clean bills .1 health.

London, Msy Worth American Fund Um ted Stales' Three per Cents 861b7; Five per Cents, 1H36. dividend from 1st April V. States' Hank Shares JE26 dividend from 1st January New York Mate nve per ents, 1U5, Six per Cents, 1836. 1C4, 1845, 114. none dividend from from 1st April Pennsylvania State Five per Cents, 1870.

103, do 1856. 106. do 1858. 1061 dividend from 1st Aon! Ohio State Five per cents, 1850, 105, Six per cents 1650 tic i iiii ui.wtjiiu iioiu ia, jun miasiippi siaie six per cents. JS1I, 104O, Jtl.

1805, 11U1 a 111 dividend from lt Jan Louisiana state five per cents, 1834, 1339, 1644, 194, 1U4 dividend lrom 1st Jan. Exeannire Pnri Z5f 92k a 36 Amsterdam It a Hatnourch 13 lot 151. Bullion, prr os. standard Gold 77a 9 Columbian, Bogota. 74s rcqtvaa, is 3 Mexican, 66t Silver, in oars per oz.sianuard.Oof.

PASSENGERS. In the packet ship ilas Richards, from Liverpool Smith nrd lauy, Miss Tatem, of Phi lad i Gordon and lady, Miss Gordon, Miss Gordon, Gordon, irdon, Gordon, 8 Gordon, of Virginia J. M' Farlane. of Manchester: Fra. F.

Dorr, of New York J. Dampion, N. Canada, J. Mill.and J. Duxbury, of cugiauu.

Our readers will see with pleasure that ottr active representative, Mr. Ve.plunck, has succeeded in getting the bill fur an appropriation of $200,000 for a Custom House in this city passed to a third reading. The sum is smaller than will be needed if it is intend. to erect an edifice suitable for the revenue purposes and com meosurste with the commercial wants of this great metropolis but the first step in such matters is the chief difficulty, and it will require no gn at effort, in succeeding sessions, to obtain additional appropriations, should the $200,000 be found inadequate to the object in view. The National Intelligencer mentions that the indictment of Mr.

A. Heard, for an assault on Mr. Arnold has aot been acu upon in consequence of alleged in' sanity. Redemption of Stock The Secretary of the Treasury has given notice that the exchanged five per cent Hock and the exhanged four and one half prr cent stuck, issu ed under the acts of 20th April 1822, and 26ih May 1825, will pe paid on the 1st of January next. Congress In the Senate of the United States on Saturday 3000 copies wrre ordered to be printed of a tabular statement, made out by the Secretary of the Senate, ho wing the ratio of duties uuder the existing law, those imposed by the bill just passed in the Horn of Representatives, and those contemplated by the bill from the Committee of Manufacture of lbs Senate The public land qaestion was taken up, and a motion to lay it on the table was negatived, 37 lo 15.

A lion to postpone the bill indefinitely was also negatived. but nothing furtlser was done on the subject. Tha House of Representative, on motion of Mr Verplanck, went into ben the bill appropriating (200,000 for the erection of a Custom House in thia city Was ordered to be engrossed for a thudrcad lag this day. The bill for carrying into effect the treaty of limit between the Vailed States of America and the United Mexican States, was read a third time and pass d. The following bills were ordered to be en grossed for a tl.ird readiog ih day Tt.e bill making appropriations for Internal Improve ments ior ioj; The bill making appropriations for the civil and military service of the United Stales The bill giving the assent of Congress to an act of tne Legislature of North Carolina, entitled an act to in corporate the Roanoke Inl.

i Company fha bi'l to carry into etfert ceria Indian treaties The hill to extinguish certain Indian title within the States ot Indiana, Illinois, and Territory of Michi gan The bill to provide for the appointment of a Commis sioner oi Indian An jits Tt.e bill authorising the payment of the Seneca tribe of Indians of the annuity 6.000, and the balance re maining unpaid lor the year ld2) The bill to provide fur the extinguishment of the Indian title to lands in tbe Stales of Missouri and lilt nuis; The bill for the final adjustment of private land Claims in The bill to provide for tbe relief of distressed Ameri nan seamen in Foreign countries The bill to extend tbe provisions of an act regulating commercial intercourse with Marttniaoe and Guada Inupe.and to reluad the tonnage duty on iheFrench ship irione. The amendment of the Senate to the bill making ap propiiations for certain Internal Improvements, with the exesption of an amendment providing for the im provement of the Wabash river (to which the Commit tee disagreed) were concurred in. Tbe joint ieolu lion from the Senate relative to a general fast day was concurred in. The question of ret barter ing Bank Or the United States was then taken up. Mr.

Clayton said he had not any intention to discuss at that time either the amendment or tbe bill but. deeming it a measure of such importance, that it should be fai ry discu sed, he would move that the bill be commit. ted to the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Speight moved to postpone tbc further consideration of the bill to the first Monday in December next.

Tbis question was negatived, yeas 75, nays 100. The question of committing tha bill to tbe Committee of tbe Whole was negatived, yeas 72, nays 113. Mr. McDuffie moved an amendment to tbe sixth section providing, in substance, that the existing branch banks shall not be interfeted with. Mr.

Wayne moved as an amendment to this amendment If the Legislatures of the sev eral States shall signify their consent oa or before 10th of April, 1836. that these branches shall be retail ed The question oa thia amendment was, after a protracted debate, put and negatived. Mr. Beardsley then moved an amendment to tha amend ment in substance If the Secretary of the Treasu ry shall certify that there ia a necessity for such bran ches to transact the business of tbe Government." Tbis was negatived, yeas 67. nays 112.

Mr. Ward well, of New York, tbea moved an amendment in sub. stance providing that tbe several States should have the powsr to tax the branches therein. But before any question was taken thereon, the House adjourned. Border Wmr.

The national Intelligencer Our news from Gen. Atkinson, commanding the nited States Troops on Fox River, ia to the I4tb of tha montb. He bad been joined by Militia and Volun teers to the amount of three or four thousand, (a great er number than be desired,) and were aoout to be mastered into service. Gen. Beady bad joined him with two companies uf Regulars, whom he bad brought from Fort Wuiebago, Since the inhuman affair of Indiaa Creek, there has been no interruption of tho frontier sell lenient.

The measures taken by Gen. Atkinson bavav aecured tranquility to the settlers many of whom had come in to Fort Johnson and Fort WU burn their wanla were there supplied as well as tho mean at hand would permit. A filthy drunken wretch, ho bad been nicked op ia the gutter and taken to Bridewell, died yesserday in consequence of his beastly excesses. It having been ascertained that be had come from Havre. about five nontbs sine," wttl, Bt unca ugeiT concluded that be most have died of Aaiatie Cholera, aed accord msrfv lb public are so hJbrmod at soom of the xnorolrig journals.

The following notice of too United Slates schooner i Boxar, which sailed from Boston ro February last, is extrat tec iron a letter to a geatieman inia city iron her Comma ad er. Lieutenant Benjamin Page. The letter ia under date of 14th May 1832. "We a all well, and are now on the north eoa of Brazil, giving protection to onr citizens and their property and inconseqaence of the disturbances which have lately occurred, we have been detained here rather longer than waa at first anticipated. Tbe Boxer has visited Liberia and reports the colony to be in a flourish ing state; from whence she arrived at tbe place of her present location after a run of fourteen daya.

The Rer. B. B. Smith, has been unanimously elec ted Bishop of Kentucky. NOW Garden was never puffed leas by the news papers than it haa been tbis season, and was never aaoie thronged.

The inference from this ia that i ewspaper puffing is of very little set vice. We II, ihetefore only say, that in addition to other attraction to night. tbe Fire King shows off some of his Salaniauder feat. Messrs Editors I piesume I need hardly infoim you that a wide spread feeling of dissatisfaction exist in this commonity at seeing one of tbe chief offices under the General Government in the city filled by a man no torious fur having Said himself and the influence of an extensively circulated journal to an unrighteous insti tution for a bribe How incomparably greater than such a man. is tho pour negro described by Cowper as singing Men from England bought and Sold me, Paid my prince in pahry gold Bui though slave th.

have enrolled me Mind are are never to be sold." Aeto York, Jul? id. 1832. FIRST DIVISION N. Y. STATE ARTILLERY.

It having been considered that under the present circumstances all large assemblages of persons, and of exposures to heat and fatigue should be avoided, tbe Ma jor General therefore, revokes the orders for the parade of Troop on Ihe inn. excepting so far aa relate to the firing the Salutes at noon, and hoisting the Flag which will be done by the 9ih Brigade as directed by the orders of the 23th Juue. The return of our National Anniversary will no doubt be celebrated in every bosom by feelings of gratitude to tbe great giver of all Good, for the many blessin; which he baa bestowed upon us as individuals and as a nation. By order of Major Gen. MORTON.

S. D. Jackson, Diviaion Inspector. jy2 I.EG1SLATUKK OF MEW YORK. The Senate metal 11 o'clock, out having no business Deture them, adjourned until II A.

31. IN ASSEMBLY. Friday. June 29. Mr.

Otis reported tbe bill from the Senate relative to proceedings on negotiable securitiea and the dionrn toent of courts in certaiu cases, which was referred to the committee of the whole. CONGKESS DISTRICTS. Mr. Curtis called for the consideration of the report of the committee of the whole on tbe bill lo divide tbe state into Congrvs District. Mr.

Curtis moved that Cortland. Tompkins and Tioga be made a double district. Tbe motion was carried' 55 to 34. On motion of Mr. Remer, the bill waa then read a third time and passed as it came from the senate.

Mr. Myers, from a select committee, reported a bill providing for tbe payment of certain expenses of government, which was read twice and referied. Mr. Myers called up ihe resolution from the Senate proposing to adjourn this day at 12 M. Alter a variety of propositions as to the time of adjournment, the resolution was postponed until Monday next, 60 to 52.

Acljo.tned. Saturday, June 30. The resolution offered by Mr. Arnold, exempting ail persons under 21 and over 40, from military duly, was adopted by a vote of 56 lo 33. Mr.

Patterson gove notice of a bill to provide for the election ef Commissioners to take acknowledgments of deeds, by the people. Fire. About half past 2 on Saturday afternoon, the root cftho brick building No. 624 Gretnwich was discovered to be on fire The timely arrival of several fire companies confined the flames to the partof the building in which it originated. The fire caught through some defect in Ihe chimney.

IC Belmont Hall, Schootey Mvunlam Spring. Ky reference to Mr. Bowne'a advertisement in our column of to day, it will be perceived that hi fashionable Hotel is opened for the summer, and that he ba mode eitensive additions to tbe establishment a new wing 60 feet long, and three stories high has been adjoined to the Hall and from the success of the former seuwsna we have no doubt that Ihe aupcrior accommodation will gather a crowd of the fashionable world aader his root this year. A more delightful summer resort, independant of the mineral qualities of the watery, i scarce to be found io the country, which, added to iu vicinity to the cities of New York and Philadelphia, it being but about filly miles from each, renders Mountain tha most attractive place, with Saratoga and Ballston we can point out to the beau monde or the valetudinarian. Notice to Marmert.

The Commissioner have given notice that Light H.m ie will be immediately erected on I lie Western Seal and that ilia intended to tuh them on the Is' day of August next. The light will be duiiant from each other about 140 feet in the direction of and by which tbey will be distinguished from all other light upon the roast Ihe will be fixed lighia. arid elevated bout 50 feet above high watermark. From the western most of these light houses ihe following bearings were taken by compass To the southernmost of the Murr Ledges, ESE TuGannet Rock Light House by about 12 miles.

ToN Rock, by about mile. To southern head of Grand Manan by ToWeatQuoddy Light House, NNE To Little Kiver Head, by To ibby Mand Light House. by To South Point ot Kent Island (on the chart three Islet East Theabovo bearings are sufficiently accurate for general purpose when thews light are in operation, a more ull will be published, and some particular directions given. St Andrews, B. June 12.


ICt.UIM.A TAL. URDEItS. IVew York. Suih June. 1832 The Companies of this Regiment are hereby dirert ed to parade, in full uniform, on Wedsesd.iv inornirr next, July 4th.

at 8 o'clock, to celebrate the Anniver sary et our iVational Independence. Quarter Ma ter Abm Asteu, Jr. will deliver effi cient ammunitions fur the National Salute at twelve o'clock. Commandants of Artillery Companies throughout Westchester and Suffolk Counties will display the National standard at their several Posts at sunrise, ana ore a national Salute in honor ot tbe day. By order of Colonel ALEX.

MING, Jr. G. A. ALLEN, Adjt. UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ter At a meeting of tai Council, held thia day, it as Resolved, That the University be ouened for the re ception of Students in October next, and that public i.

i IHIUUC lUUWIt IK ItirtDWllQ glVCn. By order of the Council, MORGsN LEWIS, President J. DELA FIELD, Secretary. June 27lh, 1332. j28 Im NOTICE.

Post C'rricc, New York City, June 26 ft Mails by the NewHsven Steam Boat Line for Ne a Haven, Wallmeford. Berlin. Meriden and Hart ford Ci. ill he closed every Monday. Tuesday.

Wed neaday. Thursday and Friday at ball paat ,7 in iheeven nz. The Portmanteau will remain open until half past 5 o'clock on tha follow ine moraines for the rws n. imu ut ucnsiuprni. aAUUfcL I.

GOU VERNEUR, JS6 lw Postmaster. BALES THIS DAT AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE 150 shares United States Bank, 126 20 do. Butchers dt Drovers Bank, 10 16 do. Leather Manufacturers Bank, 106 50 do. Neptune Insurance Co.

129 MARRIED. This mornine. bv th Iter. Dp Hosroer. of the firm of Cushman Faulkner, to Nancy P.

daughter of the late Peter Hawes. Esq. At Youkers, on Saturday, bv tha MV rr.i. bard, Mr. Peter Garrison, to M.s Jin.

Wri.u wi. DIED. Yesterday mornine. in the 40th war rarvia, a native ol fhila detpbtu, for aeveral year a resident of tin e.ty, and latterly of Howell, New Jersey. Hi friends and acquaintances, tbe Sviety offriends an the relatives and acqiiaintancis of Mr.

Board and on, are lespecuuny invitea lo attend hi funeral this afternoon, at 5 o'clock, from her reaidenca cornn nf Morion and Hudson streris. In Brooklyn. on tbe 1st inst. after a Mrs. Catharine Webb, wife of John Webb in Th cso.

year uf her age. tier remains win De taken to Hempstead, I for interment on Tuesday next. Yesterday morning, Mrs. Marc aret Benson. sv.

en, I ne irisnas ot me lamilv are lnviud funeral this af'ernoon at half past 4 o'clock, from her mic icawviivo i'. su sajiv v. On the 30th inst, Tho. T. son of Wm.

Tniu.ll i S4years, 3 montb and 82 days. 6 In Hartford, on the 23d inst Mra. I af! ante, wneiu mr i. t. ntnaaaie, and daughter of Mr.

VT UIlleT UUIKa sjifwuviai, swtni aiwra. At. tbe bouaeof him brother Kobert KwU fn ti. or inncasira. irginia, on ine mornine of the 25th ult H7.ll....

V.I. r. i II imiuduiM mis city fftHB SHAKSPEAREAN DICTIONARY. Be 1 iaur a General Index lo tho noDtilar nanams. works of hapeare.

dy Dolby. A few ansa. for sale by WM. A. COLHAN.

i 91 to in woaoway, ppoatto tho City Hotel nerf amwoinsrivew aja qa' received. lsL2aJH3 LIST. Sun rue. 4k 34. Sun mU.

7. 6. High Water To morrow. CI 03 CLEAKEDTHIS FORENOON Brim Isabella, Stewart, Brazil, F. Kominr Leoo.

fsp) Havana. II Lasala Suberb, (Br) Walt. St Andrews. Davis Brooks Eliza, Ha vens, Havana, Jas Tretnair; bark Ami, Miller.

Ham borg. Masters Markoe. AKKIVEIr THIS KUKEMUUK. Packet ship Silaa Uichines.Holdredae. fra Liverpool May x4th.

with mdse, to Fih, Grinneil Co. JtStb May. off Cork, spoke Br. bark Royal William, fm St Andrews for Liverpool. 31st, lat 50 30, Ion 14.

spoke ship Goomia im Savsnnuh for do. June Ulh lat 44 10 Ion 40 30, spoke brig Romulus, fm Savannah for Havre. 16lh lat 41 loll 47, exchanged signals with Br ship Jamaica, altering East. tat 42. Ion 51 ed signals witb ship Manchester of Fluiad.

steeiinr E. Br brig Prince Leboo. Pratt, fm Liverpool, 15th May, wiih salt, toS Thompson. IC6steerage passengers. BELOW A Br brig 47 Im Greenock, with passengers.

Also a barque. Brig Martha. Gmtz, 15 ds from Ponce. Poito Rico, with molasses 6ic to the master de others. Passengers Perkins, A Grave.

Foly. Sailed in CO with brig Brutus, for Kennebunk. Left no American ves sels. Scb Kebentie, Post; 30 hours Ira Norfolk, pine wojd to the master. Sch Three Sister.

Gladden, 8ds fm Elethuaa. with urjwl A tn Judon. Passengers. Blanchsrd and four ol his crew, of brig Ni stor. dismasted ai sea in a eale.

put into Nasau and romlemrd Left sloop Hero. Hinsdale, for York in 2 ds The brig Ij.mmnnu. Davis, fm Providence for New Orleans, was castaway on Abaco, June 6 vessel lot saved partof rig sing saile. Cc. Sch Nancv.

Mitchell 6 ds fm Richmond, bound to Sauuertie. SIood Washincton. Monroe, of Newport. 20 da from Mobile, with logwood, staues. Sic to order.

Jarvis, Gonant. A Kossiere. Left hip Titakina. Post, for NYork soon. June 25.

lat lat f.5. len 74, spoke schr Ward, of for liobton. rn 1 rtniuad. BELOW 2 brtcs 1 sch. ARRIVED LAST EVENING.

Ship John Cater. Crane. Kingston. Jam. 3d, an! Charleston 26th June, with coflce.

pimento, to Avmar At Co. Fowler. II Cusael Co, Buchan nan. Calder Co. A Becker, Thorburn dt Son, aar Son.

Peixotio fc Lopez, "ilaiiland, Kennedy Co. and to order. Past risers name published on Satur day none Ira Charleston. Capt C. Biido'stood tbe sloop of war "sparrow.

hawk wo to sail lor hi port a bout miiltne ol June, witn utra eeirouni ana auue. Shin Creole. Psite Orleans, 8th June, with cotton for Liverpool, put in to land passenger. 27th off Charleston, spoke ship Destiemona, fin Havana for ierk. Passenser.

Kry. lady, child and servt HC Cammock. lady and 2 children. Mr liale. lady.

child and servt, Fomea and lady, Jamison, iauy 6 children and servt, Mr. spear, lady, 4 children and servt. Judge Biuier, IVrce Butler. Geo Chase, USA, II Kroftt. Mu, Wheelwright, Facet.

Williams, Leilas, and Vance. hip Warsaw, Barstow. Orleans, with tobacco, to Barstow. Spoke June 24tb, lat 39, brie Elizabeth, fm Orleans lor fiction. Alsoship Cheater, fm do for flu lad.

Paxengera, Mr Mark Walton, M.sses Sarah Ann, Antoinette Cornelia Walton, Mrs Tin dal, 4 children dt servant, Mr Smith lady, Mr Bartow dt lady. Rev Mr Hurrio, Messrs Lovilj, Bliss, Morton A Walton. Ship Statira, Wood. Savannah, 25th ult. with cotton, rice, dec lo it Seguine.

The Sab balls nailed in co lor this port. Brig Samaritan, Stow, Wilmington, 9 ds, with rice and lumber, bound lo Surinam, put in in distress, ing been run foul of by a sbiputi the 22d ult. iu lat 32. ong 75. carried away theforeynid, split the foresa tove tbe bows.

Btig Hunker Hill, Durant, Port an Prince, 13 ds, to Son. Pa. scngers, Mr it Mr Janisb, Mods Che rest. Krig Pharos, Smith, Matanzas. June 17, to Spofford, Tileston C.

Sailed in co withship Louisiana, and barque Two Friends, tor Europe. Tho Erie, aailjud 2 ds before. Brig Telegraph, Bianchard, St Croix, 14 ds Passengers Bella and Ridgwsy, Esqs, of NYork, Belt and Christie Brig Aj ji, Allen, Trinidad. 20 ds, to Thurston. A heavy gale waa experienced on Cih.

Biig Zephyr, of Warren, was driven ashore in 2 lecl water and condemned cargo landed in good order. The Spanish brig Rosa was driven ashore.bul would probably begot otf. Brie Fides, Somes. Mansanilla, 20 ds, with with honey. to Lasala.

Brig Cadmus. Mendell. Sisal, 23 ds. with logwood, fo A Patk r. Lefihrie Hunter, lor Havana soon sch L'nttedSlalea sailed lor do 3d before brlgNile tailed 3 dt before for Camprachy.

Brig Lawrence, Faulting, Cbarleaton, 26ih ult to Munro. Sch Factor, Kingaton, Jam. 10th June, to order. Paas'gers, Simps Miss Hinde, Bond. Left no American vessels.

Spoke ii'Jth, lat 371, long 74, sch Single Sailor, hence for Danen. From ike London Shipping Litta. Ar at Graveaend 20th. Ann Elizabeth Si Jane. Kel ley, Charleston; 21st.

Charlotte, William. Baltimore; sailed. Marquess uf Welles ley, Hunt. York: 19tb Calbrrine, keed, do. failed tm Deal 20th.

Mqs Wnlls ley. Hunt, for York. Off Dover, Terry, Boston. At Cowe 18th, Herscheli, vana de York had aid for Lundou. Off Penzance on 9th, Concord.a, of NYork; Morde cai, IS Orleans, Duke of Clarence, Blair, Charleston Pleiades, of Bath, with loss of mainmast.

Off Cork, lyth, Dorris, Grive, Mobile Tbos Booth Lingit, New Orleans. Od Kinsale, Grainger, Mobile. At Croa stadt 2c, Oregon, Trask, and Czarina. Dwyer, Boston. At Havre futn, Humphrey, Pamugton, NOrleaus Champi West, do.

At Bilbao 6tb, Harmony, Bhul wick, Boston At Cadiz, 26th April, Gov Cod ngton. iR nnis, NYork. At Gibraltar 29th, Ruby, Filch, Boton. LIVfcKPUoL. April 24.

Ar. Robert Morri. Dyer, Charleston; Wm Booth, Lynch, Orleans, Billow York; Noma. Dolt. Charleston Glenifer, Dunlop, Mobile: Resolution.

Murray. Charleston; Thomas, Jones, Charleston; Robtrt Bourne, Baker, York; Au rora, Mallhewson, Mobile; James Baily, Smith, do; Mary Roome, do Clansman, Richie, do Dons, do Margt John. Sowrhy, do; Venture. Dunniugbam. Oris Kobert Kusseil, Woolley, lo Deveron.

Eding ton, do; Andes, Dawson, do Emery, Marshall, do v)lvanu Jenkins, Glover, do; net, do; Glascow, Thayer, Petersburg Va Algonquin, Cropper, Philadelphia Date, Drysdale, Savannah Garland, Murray. 'o Uoiiert Burns, Messenger, do Cruickaton Caalle, Fisher, co Tiger. Curtis, do; Kobert Isaac, Varuura. do Concordia, Wade, do Yarmouth, Harrison, Savannah Royal Adelaide. 1 ait, do.

Graieseud. 15th. ar Presideul, Moore, NYork Sar dins. King. Boston; Chatham.

Pih ar Orwell, Go Savannah. On Dover. 5th, Veiiu Charleston Antomette, Latterman, NYo Cowes. 15th, ar Bolivar, fd' Donald, Charleston, Plymouth, 15lh ar Sir Bink, Huntley, Virginia. Clyde, 15th.

ar Mer cat Wilson, Charleston; sstled Hero, Potter, NYork; Helvoet, 8th, sr Jefferson. Sleilett. Virginia; Hog rth, Alios, Ch irleslon; 14th, Francois 1st, Pell. York; Helvetia, Orleans. Marseilles, 9th, Columbus.

Waterman, Bedford. Trieste, 2d, Cyprus, Jenkins, Btwton. NORFOLK, June 27. Arr bri? Caroline, Smith. NYork.

31 days, bound lo NOrlt ana put in in dilrers; with loss of masts' spars, sails, rigging, boat etc. in a violent galoon the 7ih insu lat 26 40, long 74 2 Brigs a day or two ofier the gale, both of which were much wrecked. PHILA DELPHI June 30 Ar. brig Treaty, Dun ton, returned Leaky, bound lo Calcutta. Brig Susan.

Elwell.4ds fin NYork. Schr tSoerate. Eidridge. 4 fn i York. Sch James Rapltv, Adams, 3 ds fm NYork Sch as Munroe, Wilcox, 2 ds fm NYork.

Sch Mary, Batiste, 2 ds I'm NYork. Bel w.shtp Phillip lat Martin, tin Batavia. 8tb, and Java Head 20th March Left ship Providence, Bowers, lor China, to anil in a few dav brix Neptune. O.MTiod. for Salem via Podang.

to sail soon US ship Poiomac, com. Dnwnes. fra Batoo, for Batavia. at anchor off St Nicholas Point, wooding and watering, all well. The Philip 1st is bearer of despatches from com Downes to government.

Erie, Pedrick. fm Canton, for Philadelphia, passed Ansicr, (Straits ot Siinda) March 13ih. June 25lh, off Cape Hatte.ass, spoke sch Zephyr, fm Curacoa bound to NYork. Coffee 13 per Pecul and very little in market, Sch A mar in. im NYork.

CflARl Ar ship Cumberland, OiotkAds Brig Star. Hendnckson, NYork 5 ds. Brig Psinelta, NYork 14 ds. 22d inst off Charleston Bar, spoke an harm brig fm NYoWfor rten, Geo. sch Star, Hull.

NYork 4 ds. CHARLESTON. Juno 25 Ar Shin Richardson. NYork, 3d. Brig Margaret, Lord, NYork in distress, bound to NOrleins.

7th inst, lnt27i. Ion 74, experienced a se vere Hurrycane fromFSE to WNW, during which lost both topmasts, all ihe spars above the tops, all the sails except the trysail and loretopmost staysail, stern bo t. rigging, etc stove the bulkwarks, and did other damage PHILADELPHIA, July 1 Ar brtg Ontario. Til you, 56 ds In. Bremen.

Lat 43L Ion 53, spoke ship Horizon, of York. standing Last d.d not learn where from or here bound. Sch Cassa Ann, Miller. 12 da fm Nassau. P.

Soh Collector. Lawrence, 3 ds Ira i ork. Sch Convoy, Baker, 3 da Im NYork. A lettt from Ae Lazaretta. dated June 30, (talcs that theahip Philip 1 from Batavia was aground on Mar cus Htbk Bar it was not supposed she wouid receive anv injury, and would probably be sot off at hubwter.

DOCTOR DE KAV ha resumed the practice ol but pruffMoon 58 Wulker at. ji 3t ANHATTAN COMPANY. The Maidiatian Com ran have tbis dey declared a dividend ot ihree and a ht.ll' per cent, which wilt be paid lo the stockholders on or after the lOthinat. )22w T1 HE President and Directoas of tbe Ocean Insu rance Co. have this day declared a d.vidend of Six per cent, on their capital stock for the last six months, payable on or after the 6th inst.

AS. S. ECUtJie.tltlUn, j2 2w Secretary. NEPTUNE LNSURACE COMPANY. A divi dnd of six per cent, on the capital stock for tbe last six month, has been this day declared, payable on demand at the office of the company, 25 Mer chants Exchange.

By order. js iw A. n. fVE.iL.sur, secretary. SCr Passengers going out in iheship Creole, to Liver pool, are requested lo be at Whith Hall to morrow morning at a quarter before 10 o'clock, where a steam boat will in readme a lo convey mem on board.

I be Letter bag will be taken from Ihe Exchange at ball past 9 o'clock. 5LOH.ED SHIRTH. ia every variety, suiiabla or soa nurwictr. oze. tor sale I sale New be 9lh near day, and iho are the for or all ibe In the last the the it or or the the no rbo She all and and and line the it of ri.e Lie be at JLf call bo ner, seille with vet, ted $5 wdl noon landt West half board, footul here and and pusl llt.i.H and rine to WsVLiLQ Ot fA4 i taow loalat.

77 Btogdway, FORM OF PRAYER FOR THE TOFRTH OF JULY A form of Prayer, proper to ho asod in the Episcopal churches on the 4th of July haa been nm.uLJ ni.k mrA ha hail tkm provided by Bishop Onderdonk, and be had at the may York episcopal PreesNo. 40 Lumber si. it win raedy I proof row. jy2 It NEW YOKK lNUKAfCK COMPANY Tao President and Directors have thia day declared a dividend of 5ve per tent on Ihe capital stock ol the company for the last six months, payable lo tho stock holders, or their legal representatives, on and allot the inst. at the office 34 Wall iret.

THEO. B. SATrERTHWAITE, jv9 Imo Secretary. MEDICAL MAtsMOM, COiinEROF WASHING TON AND AMOS STREETS. ANDREW CARLTON haa taken the above establishment.

The situation is healthful and retired. the Hudson River, and ithin two miles of Wall street. Tbe Greenwich stores convey passengers ap nd down to the ciiy every few minutes dnrinr Ihe aiyi several steamboats lai.d daily to receive and land passenger al wnari contiguous, ine apart ment are various dlmanviona, suitably lurairberl. will be let by the day. week or month, at from 3 dollars and upwatd i per week, corresponding with Ibo accommodations required, with or witnoot boarding at I leisuro ol the occupants.

The accommodation have or en purcnaaea ior ibo valetudinarian, and those who rfetne a quiet and com fortable resting place, for which tt admirably caica luted. The subscriber will do all in hit power to girvsalis fiiction to those who will lake lodging in the medical mansion. ANDREW CARLTON. N. B.

Tbe cold and warm baths of pure rain water open fo the public al all times. The pledge in writing of a respe ctable number of Medical Faculty will be required of every applicant admission to ihe mansion, thai he js free ol cholera any other disease considered infect ins. jy2 2w A CARD MUsIC Tbe Vauxuail Garden Military Band has the honor to state, that they ar ready to receive i rders for Seranao'es or Parties, other Amusement. Those who are ds sirous to bear tbe Band can have an opportunity every evening at the Vauxhall Garden. All orders will be attended at S8 Laurens street, by Mr.

Friedheim, Leader. NU. The following overture will be played during evenings The White Lady, Young Henry, Master Piece by Mihul, yi 2t EWIN ST THOMAV CHURCH. Wanted to rent, a pew in St Thomas' Church. A note addressed to Box 906 Post Office will be attended to.

jg 4t LETTER LtitST Yesterday. Juno In. either in Broadway or Chamber st, a Letter directed a gentleman in New Orleans. The finder will be suitably rewarded by loivii.g it at No. 63 Wall st j2 It SUITS OF ROOMS The 2d floor ol the House 41 Bond may be had with board, either entire, or two separalo suit.

A a healthy and beautiful situation, and safe from the cholera, there is no place in city equal to it. ji 3t BELMONT HALL. Schooled Mountain Mineral Spring. THE subscriber has txen induced, by bis extraordinary success and the patronage received by him season, to wake additiona to bis establishment, by adding to the hotel awing 601eet long and three atorie high, to ether with other eitensive iraprovtraenu in grounds and other purls ol the buildings and ha bs leave to inform the puhlic and the fashionahlo world that BelmontHall is now open for the season for reception ol' visitors. S.

lusted on the big best, most airy, and picturesque part of tbe mountain, shadowed and embowered by various fruit and fires ornamental trees and shrubbery, locality is surpassed by Do other of the kind, at thia any other uering place. The Hall and Grounds affbru every amusement and game conducive to health pleasure assimilated to the tastes and habits of the valetudinarian or the sportsman which, together with distinguished company that have alwsyt honored ettahiisliment, present inducement lo vis. ters of ordinary description. It deemed almost superfluous to add. that the cellars have been stored with the eest Wines and Liquors tbe cities of New York and Philadelphia could mt pply.

A first rale Larder, Cooks, Waiters. Attendants, and the unremitting attention of Proprietor, in every branch of his duiy. will be at times found by the visiters. A spacious plunging shower bath i on the premise horse, carriage vehicles uf every description will be lumuhed at command. 1'he eminent and well known advantage ol the establishment, its extensive improvements of this year, the lacilny of access, (for in addition to Ihe usual of stages, there is a new one established lo run lo Mountain, throiieb.

Powle Hook and Newark, ia way to Easton, Pa an that there is sow alsaost daily by steam to Elizsbethtown and from thence by private conveyance or the tegular lino stages through Morristown to the Mountain) induce proprietor to flatter himself that he will contiuue to favored with public patronage. j2 2vr CONOVER BOWfE. NO. 387 BKOAUWAY. MADEMOISELLE A.

M. WH1TT1NGHAM has on sale Muslins, SilkshawU. Veils, fashion able Hosiery, Glove. and variety of other Fancy Good. Just imported, the celebrated Farina Calogne Water, Milk and cam of Rose, Tooth Powders, and a general assortment of Perfumery.

Drers Making To the skill and diligence with which the business of the house is ever directed is to attributed it extensive celebrity. Test the India pensshle and attractive taat, gives a charm to the Fashion which adorns with gentility and grace. Fashion thia establishment as iu Paris, is ever on ihe alert. jy2 2t NEN SHIK.T8 SUITABLE FOR the NAVY. Ca plain of vrs els htmia for sea, will do well to and look at a lot of heavy, well made Linen Shirts, plain and full bosom, for sale at WELLS dt PATTERSONS.

j2 277 Biosdway. GENTLEMEN'S Linen Impery of every description, made in tbe most neat and fashion bio man a.ud for sale by WELLS PATTERSON, 277 Broadway. j2 SUMMER STOCKS, consisting of white Hair Clo b. plain and trimmed white Linen and Mar also, colored do, plain and rich bows, together a variety of Black Storks. Silk and Bomhann.

black ind blue black Satin, blickand blue black Vel plain end white Satin Bows, white and Sck pla Sutiii Cravat Stock, and a variety ol other nuw patterns, lor sale at WELLS dt PATTERSON'S. J2 277 Broadway. ADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FRENCH THREAD GLOVES, a new and beautiful article, for sale by WELLS PATTERSON. j2 277 Broadway. OTKAM BOAT BOSTON.

kT3 Fore reduced. Far Ara port and fr evidence, from the loot of Fulton tt. tutt River. The new and sioemiid low pressure steam boat BOS TON, Captain W. Comstock.

will leave foot of Fulton street. East river, for Newport end Providence, every Tuesday and Saturday, at 4 1 o'clock, and leave Providence every Thursday at 12 o'clock, and Sunday at 4 o'clock. P. M. during the month.

Fare to Newport and found, to Providence $6 and fonnd. jy2 NORTH K1VK STEAMBOAT LINE. X7 new steamboat pier fbotef Rsrclay street. Nigbt Line The low preture NEW PHlLDELPrilA. Capt.

G. Seymore. laves the foot of Baiclay street, to morrow afternuen t5o'clock. Day Line Tbe NORTH AMERICA. Capt Benson, leaves the foot of Barclay street to morrow mornine, July Si, at 7 o'clock.

For apply board, or at the foot of Barclay street Office in Albeny, foot of State street. Nigbt Line lands at Kingaton Day Line lands at Rhinebeck. No freight will be taken on board after 4 o'clock. j29 HUDSON KiVLR LINE. OR ALBANY Night Line The low pressure I steam boat lUSSltLL Capt.R.G.

Crutenden depart I romihe loot oj Courtland street, tbis after at 5 o'clock. Tbe CONsTfTUTfON, Captain Hoyt. to morrow alien oon at 5 o'clock. Day Line. The new sttamboat NOVELTY, Capt.

Daniel Peck. Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock For birth or pass.ige,apply allhe Office, lool ol Conrt street, or on I oard. FOVHTH Of JULY EXCURSION TO WEb POINT. The steamboat OHIO. Capt.

Bartholomew, will leave Iho foot of Courtlandt st on rftd, SSb nesday morning at 8 o'clock lor Point. And returning, will leave West Point at past 2 o'clock, P. M. Dinner will be provided on at the usual price. For tickets apply at tho steamboat olhce, fool of Courtlaaxit st.

yx FOURTH OF JULY. PLEASANT EXCURSION TO SANDY HOOK. rilHE STEAM BOAT KU FUS KING, Capt. Davis, will leave the Dry Dock at half paat 7 A M. and loueh at tno Catnarme sires to receive paenger and Sfavo at i past 8.

8top at Whitehall nnni "ck, proceed to eandy Hook, touching ai btaten Island Coney Wand and returning, leave Sandy Hook at oast 11 tuucntiig at ptaien isiaeuuu ur iciu.u. WOT 1.1. i Ar I r.r... Leave Catharine market at past 1, Whitehall at i 2. and proceed to Sandy Hook, stopping at otsteo I eava Sandv Hook at 5, stop at Coney Island Ststen Island, and land at Whitehall and Catha market about 7 clock.

Fare 25 cent each way. jy LARD. BUTTER AND PORK. 3'J0 small 6rkit.s lard 40 do butter 200 bbls prime pork 175 do mess do 50 do rusty do 1000 smoked hams, for sale by j2 It SUYDAM fc REED. 5 empties slip.

SUPERIOR runitr M. re pa red lrom tbe beat malarial, ond warranted bo equal to any sold ia theciiv. i W. corner uf Fulton A Gold stl. BLOND CAUSE VEILS Received SO eoa.

5 A 6 4 rich Blond Uauze Veils, embracing evo varssty of tbe mo lashwnable foe waotav. or retail. No. 4X1 Brood way, hrvt coot PETER JlOWnE, tfi Sa A sLT TTII.L FARM, aituated I Whita tone. Qoeeao county.

Long Island. Ji I V', 1 "tL. from New York, and 2i from Flushing lUfiiLE. this veluahie estate, under high cult btTu ntial alana fflnces. containin 1W stone fences, conUinins 18t jseftt1)7ia aDd wood land, and 23 acres aalt weadow La Mtiao' Nark, aad haa a eommaodinar ac mTonm iMut Island Sound and it navigation jifiisBCticur and ine west oi Hudson, mewl t's psw and West Chester, Nearly tw I'ork KonmlMd on ihe r.orth and east bv th hl JLlr and a litis bsy, which supplies it with sea! rrtA (ot manure; game bird and shell srui vT on and near its shore.

It ha man raster. Iu faeilities of coramunicatiot groat advantage, aieam boati lt. J. a Out. I ioM are a lanre mansion, barn, hovel ru I JJJbJo, sheep, ico.

and other out houses; extensive! 'IZtfi; an excellent garden, with asparagus audi U1TL beds, raspnerrie, flic. sntsrrr i ''Llitwtl! be divided, if required, a to allow hare of water front. Twu I UTIIILIIUI.IHM BV, ui.aiuiiias oil tut v.i. nnrchase mouey may remain on monsaee irdss premise, or lo rOltNELIUS BOGERT, 216 st HENRY K. BOGERT.

70 Sou.h st. I I si' This farm would be exchanged for property in nf New York. 2 6t "ffTKiCAi COL D. PRfc Sst. 1 tan in pint and quart bolt lljois! a process which re tUCasTOKOIL les the bSiivs hav if Lterroi process which render it perleotlyj and itatrsparerit.

la well wo Ihf the aiiei.nou as a a genuine anice tree lrom an ini "rr. For sale at toe corner ot roiton ar.d i.olii I W. SIMONSON, rorw linmuist. is. TCTllsK PA l'EiM' MfcDICl.Nri Tne follow a valuable Medicines constantly on hand, But wj L.fta tic Srsaparilla Compound.

Chlnrino Tooth WWu ituwiaod's Kslydor, Kowland Macassar Oii also, the genuine Bar's Oil lor do, Hal P. Pearl Wafer, tve oic. or sate oy W. HMONSON. corner of ullun dt Gold sts.

filTpKR'S DEOBSTKUENT FOR FEMALE 1 r.oMPLAINre. Tbis justly celebrated medi m. ll'si confidently recommcided to the public, at a safe eminently elficaciout rumedy fur the trout KLntsf Mnale complaint. When ustd according lo Cdiractions which accompany each box, ii will be lutie to aos u.u 1 vi tot, by producing relief even in the mo protracted As a remedy in rluor Alhu. or White, this diettss exerv si ui'i saiuiaijr iimis isx, rcsionng ilth and vigour to the system generally, and remov i a short apace of time all Ihe ill effect which at StJ this harrowing and debilitating disease: Being njnouoded by a physician of eminence, and xien ltjy bsedfor upward ol twenty years in his practice, a siaitieTiuf Panacea, but ai a remedy intended t'lUSlVSiy Ivruis ireaiiuciis ut iuuk uiH sam lur wiiit.u it recommended FVrsaleby Jvt.

bicitahi, iruegisi anil Apotn rv. sole agent for the proprietor. No. 200 Bowery, mer of Houston st. and by the follow in arsons Jss.

rt. Hart, corner oi nroanvvay ol ctiainoer $. Comstoek et Ca. io. ration and so Division Dr.

J. M. Freeman. No. 273 Hudson st, 2 3iaw6m areeadc black Worsted Barrage, for sale No, 1 Broadway.

PETER C. BOWNE. kiUSUUETO NKT IINU. Keceiveo yaru jl Musqueto Nulling, 80 do Drapery Muslin, ome Litem entirely new and very rich, lor lo No 421 nnillk NIHIA at 7a cent ner ealion. 900 galls Chloride Soda, best quality, is offered at bv Dr.

LEWIS FEUCHTW ANGER. 371 uroauway aVfcW SOUSED eALNUn a small lot ot new la syMiacd Salmon, just ree'd from St. Jntms, for Lu. Kiunu nn.uiiis"i', 19 Maiden lane. RJsT CUACH FOR KOCKAWAY Old Line.) rlltlb I ropneior nas rom menctd running his Stage to and from Rockaway daily.

leaving New York at 3o clock. and Brooklyn at half past clock, snd leave iikaway every Monday, at 6 o'clock, A. M. Extra images proviueu ai iiiesnorios i. vrry attenttun win ne paiu ior nr eonveiiieiico nu mfort of passengers.

Orders thankfully received and laetoal ly attended to. may be Uken at Stephen wwiriokanai A Co'. 92 South strei t. opposite Full rrv Richard Williams, corner of Fullon and T. I II lj 1 rests, ft oik or to joiiu oeuen, wwu uu Smith dt Wood old lastton tionenouse, on me hand side as you go up Fulton street, Brooklyn.

N.B. All Kagcacoatlherukof the owners. GEORGE HICKS, Proorietors N.B. A Letter bag fur the reception of Lettt rs, alate lor orders, placed at the nifite ol the Zoning Post. 49 Willisin street, and al mt.

I Fallon corner of Sooth street. jl if vr.Eri!MT GOTHIC PATTERN A TRA VS Ei Juat received a full assortment of this article, in aVtu. wilb double gold borders and fine ground Dacxs, Jferr qnallty, for sale by L.Hr.LJVtfl.thwj, corner Broome at. ILORENCE OIL baskets ree'd ana ft.r sale bv RICHARD WILLIAMSON. jjg 19 Maiden lune.

National HOTEL. NEW VokK. Thia well known and eleaant establishment kh i at 112 Broadway hear ii 7mt. haa recently been repainted, decoruled ar.d imA un in a srvlesuroassed by none in this metropolis. Sm knnu ntuaiA, from its commanding situation.

It proximity to the seat of business, aud placts of pub iu. ,1,. of loiaiire. which are indispiituble. aovaniairea ior vnv pfie parlour and separate apartments for the use of the Amines, either travelling or pe mauc.

Iriui iMam with every delicacy of the sea hmuhl nnlU With ComiOn and COllvrilie.u rr the style ol cooking, ooin, rrencnauu ii i fto, is not excelled io any esiaDiisnmeoi in uw wines and liquor aeiex tou irora ooue i mc is ha uf the choicest quality kad Boost flavor. The house will accommouaui iwi rThe whole is conducted for the proprietor, by MrJ MiJnhv. who will rive his undivided attention um min business, and use hi 01 exeniwi iuB has to the viaitor. ED1CINE CHESTS, of the most approved Eng lish patterns, ior families ana snip, i KUSHTON An.i"ai.u. 81 VV illinm st.

SE1DUTZ dt SODA POWDERS. lrond the beat material snd warranted equal to any sold is lbs city, and fur sale by WM. SIMONSON, 13 79 Fulton, corner Gold street. IMPROVED COMPOUND SYRUP or SAasa I ti in. Kin anrinff Medicine, coin raaiiLta.

1 tatd entirely of vegetable substance, has received tl. I mrl AnilOAI.1 ascideu appronauoti oi nl.w here it laacknowled i. vt in. 14 by all to possess pre eminent qualities as an alteis iitsv it i parvicuiarij wikii i.n.,mA, mArriirial. avnhalillc diaeai iiirww.i.M., 1 i atption.

and all disease onginauog iroa ine impurii) oi me i k. i aiill linffcr in tl mmm vxn UKU. aou luo v. ystem, the effecu of this Medicine ha been found most oselul antidote, ii restore mo whsuiuuuu former tone and vigor, and requites no ditting or co i anemeni ounnK lis ase. rt tl MrJ rrenared and sold at tno irrng aiore, i i aar oi uold st.

ut buiues, iw ma ji. i vol tori xak.iv a qunnmy oi ar. io oa frim Ihn Phet, .1 II. VI. JIM.

ms, ana lor saw oy OS. ini 'iouci, j29 51 Pine st PRINTING PAPER A large supply ol Imperii A. MHmn nannr. Ui.dinj thia day from the 1 Mill. In asking the attention of the trade to tl twner.

from thia aaiahl.sliment. tna subscribers woul remark that it is all made up from imported linen sto4 and the assortment on hand is unequauea in mis ket for extent and variety. GRACIt. co. j9 20 Btoad st COMET CHAMPAIGNE.

ITtHE anhaeribem havine been appointed sole age A for the sale of Ibis ebou Wine throughout United Stsles, will be constantly furnished wtin i sum. an baakeia of 1 dozen a 'tart and 2 dovan pii aieh enrk hrarwIiHl with a 'comet. and tbe buttles ne ly labelled, which will be sold in lota to suit pure ha and on favorably terms. GRAC1E CO. 20 Bmad.t Ontsaa rs diflTansnt Darts of tbe country add re.

at above will raceive attention, and the wide forward J2if, WAIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA. Just 3 sissl a fresh supply of the above article (w rsaied aenuinel and lor sale, wholesail and retail, bf NATHAN B. GKAHAM, Jrl inw 3i Cadar, cor. William ISBON LEECHES Just received" a super! Li lot, and for sale wholesale and retail, (or appl by aa experienced person) at the Drug and Medic V. William st.

i aa K. H. GRAHAM. Jr STk Tisirr i DttvD INtllKllRI INK. A II VII 'W'tl superior artice, from Kidder and Nulei.

I torn. A ki tv. and ul US in ot j. aat boxes, are offered for wle. whole blesnd i a nt ia tflfllCHTW ANGER.

I iSg 377 Brondwsvf EALYDOK. or, eruptive corrector, lor the uui dial removal of Freckles, aud for destroy "pvioas tjuoa tno lace or ssm, ior il I Ar CO. j29 39 Cedar st. corner William fS I kt t.i I ..1. aiinprl vuBV VIlr iN IKMIWi 1 3 Bordeaux salUd oil, selected for fimily ueJ aby RICHARD j9 19 M'lidin Isi IJOOKS Webster's old and new Spelling Hoi ocoooi reatameats, oy in ca, HORATIO WILKES JI9 67 William ftlD BPT tl nt ill ruai as cscctic.

i Flat Cap Paper, suitable for blank work, dtoj vivea ana sale HORATIO WILKES J5" 67 William TlvLAYINO CARDS American, French, Spi aad Ooraaaa Piayias Card, ol every descript sataTama a. 1 1 1 iyTZ HQiTI0 WILKES 1 .4 7 s. nr Cle. I.

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