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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II YT kktf fnl mltk mm rJ ftk n.i..i I ef HreatoatotJbe Ajtjoaaetie expedition. Going on Am ia tab far wair. he was faMed to tun bora horse awsy by the water nymph. for ah Ion, abandoned tba expedition, and sought him umpmowu Lovely rivet lovely river un i to ttumber by thy Una Oh 1 to float oa thy frv lite a kwjj.ddicW dream. There ara Uoomi around ma wreathiuff N''y sight ef mortal scaWd There ara lays around a breathing, haWawak'd by mortal hand." "TWaara turtni aitmod ma wingiog, Par loa brictt tor mortal cy There areUoogbu within That wxmldmeke it tweet to die." Where tbe chrystd sparkling water Shot in aawligbtftvm thrir cell, Ctmh'd ros lbs fountain, daughter Watca'd the working of the spell the breewi lnd.hlaj Tkrosthygdlut vessdsaail: Hvla, hark 1 the (org1 roth ing Hark the sesman't parting hall I But a aobler fate hat found the Than wa e'er by valor won Bnt deeper petl haa bonnd thee Than wet e'er by man nodone." O'er the mydie water bendinjr, Slow he dipp'd tba marble an, Tboucht of home and enguith blending With the dream that roaod him bum.

Btm the chain closer stealing bcmT crowd the riiorr. Till bit brain and are reding Ubfptaofee aJSkot'ri htteKawd'aaoeaeacwetw Vainly vow by bill or grnre, Oejw mexa er chrrrtaTrirrr, BkaH Mo enk Um. oa of Jore 37131TinO POST, FRIDAY, AUGUST J. JuMtaety CiecNea. The return from thie ttate are Mt ao brorable for the administration party a they aem to bare anticipated.

Hitherto they bare beta traaivoj only from thoee part of the date which bare ee thought to be moot friendly tor Clay and it rrtai that they do not bow hl strergih to he to treat at we bad reatoo to suppose. The southern couo fie of the data, near the lio of TeaneMoe, are strong fct Jeckeoa, and will giv Barry bug rote. How erar, no Information which will raable to fort a eertaia eeodm oa will probably be reed red for tome aaytmeo. There are aramy mt emintie in lb ktr yet beard bat from a small propor toaaf the, and romaooe hare weraeaired tin re alt eftM third day haUoti. letter lasslvail here from JtQVnoa Bounty, writ fter living a etatsmantof the Tot re at even! place, boos rem me preciaet hare no aretbe inform we were ahead a ihiDoiaranorf to ik.

Ponds, anil Jcffereootown, far, that we fed warrant ad it) aaaarla, Mr triced that the maiority Jrffer eon lb first day exceed NO rote, and will be at the dote of the poll or Theartida which bUowa, from the National Intel. Hreoeer, to not written, a wt bonld imacine, with any very saagnin axeeetetion of Ncee for the Alm rvr Ftwmlhi Miami InUUlrtnerr, Jluml IS, A lew amttermg Mara of In fir day' voting in fmrw I aut MM, WBICB, BOW err, loJw ata Bothmg MtMf.ory to lKerrw.1 r. 'J' 'T. perbep neither fironnW. nor aibrortbi to tbwi4e.ef either of the partioi betweea whom pablia opiaioa Udirtded.

Vtm le lfawfiea Tiirrrep. Jtee i Jhmd.The mail brouehl a the follow, lacrrtaraaof thondiy.te: MtUtlft, Herry. ukBgwa, M.J Atbea. lr CkihtthWh, ft FrZKwlflOA.M.1 'Jl HerneWiUella'clock) an Firetia Ceioty. IIS 1U inni looo Tke (tatraent ef theenU 1 1 the Keetacky Rrpurter, (Mr.

Clay ofueial orga 15" fror lb Ciaciaoeli S7 seaiifny mr. Bane llanimnad. The rtalemea of tba rota at HkaarmrriD and tram a prrrate onrr.uadwt Rentl naoty, who my. iha he bad jal ratarnol tmn Georeetown, Barry Urm to Ma aksJ mt Mraib. Aaotrnmmmmirt from raretle aiv lam'i rnb TT iU eed the KiMte of hit (rintJ.

at laaet twe bmdred rem, aad ab aar that ba vti aaaaaai neeojnra, wwaut eipectra. rem tit PkiUUml IfJmtj 'tilths. Aa extra from Ik erne ef the (a warm admiaitratHm Met, rra the bUewtaff a tba otate af the Ctertloa, aa the Ireland iitieldewt FirrrTt Coerrt. Bnalf ol iiWaea. ealfr.

ajo Berrr. laderwe tiO BmlhiH Breekaaridra, McCella, let remae, a Unt. a4 Tree, 117 ImataB, 144 It 4 f'k Irt Barry. f) t'lNterweol, Breathitt. 0 aVweiage, MeCalla.

IU llaat, IHialtp. at) btuiavaaa aWeaddea. II ttraUa, Lrwa4, InrtMeja Tree, BUTT, 1 DO IWtkhL 11 IU MeCalla, II llaat. 1 Ill DtMvUa, JIT BPfcnhte, Barry, for lt BT jVaWkktmiea aviry, rraL Mdta, Jeetaa, tftarmxa, Carrard, McwtMiairy. xi Jkwi majority, Frankha.

Kaelnr. Sal no rot rw in 9U0 IS SI JO ru AbtterframBeetteoaaty.Keiilarky.dited Aagne) tjrwa. Barry to aearty three to oaa orer MetralfV. Jit llareMoriue, If e'ehe Barry wwlU, Mrtrair 41. At Fraakfiirt.

Fraakha eMntr, 10 eVbvk IkU BhK.aerrT)aOro Mrtt tpnathw toaeiieai a WaiaftoaCity letter retnerks "The in Barry to no daM eemplH aad emwheim Utlmtrrl. A letter from I frlead of Mr. Adam at JWWlo, the leJe of Mlml.lppt, paUuhedmtW Arfceaof larfereaiait. ear thai the afemiiion tkket wtD arehaUy arerajr la that otata, "mmtlyoa aeeaa af the aiaJ areoalatiMe of By of the dlteeaawUkOea. Jk.a.' Tbto a aVebt a remarftheeaea.

It to nrocieWy heeaam that the Beeea of Mhatotlppl Hew lb wogth af (it. Jarlam, wiaeynreiaftriwaf rairiag ki to) tha Pre. Jeacy ma aiea ara twmg la aa Iraoraaeool hi real eh, Tb 0MUit Obeamr, of Tair last, printed at eeaTj! rTVVT' w' aoemaeje ttsal ed WgWaeaterltoabiaMeC rf have raraivvJ th kr TWmorhaalem 7 ana Waaalats wD awaawaa. TV aid taka la rh pra HKwal aamuBim.j ibbj as laairrew froaa ba Baeae ba wwsav iBonranamhai aetata. weO written 4 trmarWawbaercla whirkafWa swOaaaflhatoaWitiesJ prWjJo, they add th 7waf rvaaara.

Which ex Owe! Le the exeatWsal as) Baambla SpsHI by hid. they art 4triH. Parted. The AeMetra r'Tmr'" bbIi yama, when tor BawaBrtIUtatj It to BMaaxh tahUtieMM tTUrut Lancaafa wble woold not be tolereted by the deeeotie of nrirato life, ia tba iBtwdoead into Mr buM, aad brought before the riew of our wire and ear ehildreav ThaUeteof the age i beeominc itiated, aad the uOaenoa of tba uree, that trrmendoo and formidable enfina of Uber It and oatriotiam. Will bo imoeired or beeoeM nrr.

mrioua. The proprietor of thUpeper hara therefore adopted it a a fifed end inflexible rale that, while tbev are connected with it on no oceanioo. anil umW no circunrutsnre, ball it Vow ueht of the mpn it own io iiaeu, 10 ine caae, anu to ute eommamty." From lait rwnini'i the rerr troe of Joekioniim. Nvp h.fn in th aonnt of oar coontry, a we believe, bare each bare wctw iDMBDco oi ii oren a are now daily dipla.TinR themwlre in the Jackon paper fndeed the ntiirenality of tht dinhonorinc Tire eem almost (trip it of it meanne, acd the teoee of prriooal uoni im areoeg ioe nnmner woo oar auto rx poed themwlTr to it ttinr. The former bitter and vehement denunciation of Gen.

Jackon and hi pre tmn Wi to the ptrtfrfenry, by the nvn of tbe Arm, the Pott, and the F.oquirrr, and the facility of erolo tion with which Iheir conrw are all now changed i' to the honied areent of praie and adulation, hare already been again and in remarked Rtmnrkt. The Impadrnee of thin man i beyond all conception. In hi own paper of 1824, I the following paragraph trrafm (1 Hltraliin. General Jacxsok bn been bro'igM forward hy hi owm merit, hy a tente nf gntiludi or Hit it ticts as coKrERRED on the country, nnd by belief that be waia roREantl mtriotic man." Comment or stricture art at drfiance. The Boston Evening Bulletin tay, that althoazh the Inle change la the F.ngliih ministry bare deprived oor coontryman, Mr.

Spark, of tba facilities ha had obtained, through tha influence of Mr. Hunklwm. ia eomultlog tha document in the Britiah Cotuntat Office, he ia (till likely to obtain the meat Important material which tha Britbh archive can npply for hi propowd publication. Malaria. On ohnrrviag thi to lie the title of one of thearlirlr ia thrSd number of tba Southern Her lew ju4 published, we expectcl to meet with a dissertation on the old nhjVet of tbe noxious atmosphere which bu overspread the Compagoa di Roma, and invaded the preduel of tha Etrrnnl City.

Of thi we had al ready bad rnoogh, having aeen it ufljciently diu ed In terrral literary journal. The writer io the Southern Review, however, much toourtalitrortion bul ft tin beatrn (rack. He include under tbe term Malaria all those local xbalntinn which nre uppoed tu he the aource dineaee. Tbe abject i tha brot home to our country, and the vrilrr ba treated it with twitinjenuityofeprculation and force of ityla. The article will be to all who reside in those di trict of our coontry which ara subject to distemper arising from bad air to tba (erer and ague, to lab ferers, ke.k.

Tbe Iter is 'peaking of the nhealtbineea of part of the lower country of Booth Carolina and their eooertjornt partial abandonment by the Inhabitants "It 1 not easy In tire a aatifctory explanation of a statemeat melanrholT. yet we will notice eirrnm. stance which rem to, ta claim attention a affording a hint which mar lead toasolutioo of there diiGenl tie. We bare spokro of certain degree of brat to inluce Malaria paradoxical a It may appear, it yet derive it treat eceuxinal power from cold. diseases are most rife and mntt malignant ia September and October, ben the oichtt are cool sod the dewt eltlo upon the earth at evening, and the fugi rise brary and djrk in tbe morning the alternation of temperature not only aiding io tbi way the concentration of effluvia with moisture, hat affecting the cnstMutioo by their ajitaung ermculon, and delnl ilting tbe frame by the alteruate excitement and Ian finir wnicn masT end in more or torn nntahlr nmira.

turn. Wa Urn also account forth fact, lung recorded among pltnter. that attacks of country fever are more finely to error ia My than in June, whence many of them have derived the habit nf remaining on their p'antetina antil tba latter month, chaoses of ileabrmgspposed, whether justly or not we doaot aeetrwd to detarmiae. to giro additional nseeptlhility. Warm a is our venul mo, the night ot hlay are of tea em and refroshiof.

Tba wind during that nsonth blow not nnfreqneeitly from the oastwird, and tbHr ebilliag Impulse leimagiaed to bare a tendency to give effect to the poisoa which I lurking In th frame of him who ha beea breath in tbenntamin. ated air of hi eonntrr reddeare. Tho did iMiM thirsnn of court, not open or obrioos, a (bat whw exl between mideammrr and tbe late autumnal month, hot it is not anknmrn paased aikibwvTed. Wt need hardly remark that the Mowtrof MaUna tvit feeMv develooed in rarlv rpeinr. when tbe frost be ant erased to retaeJ Ira pmrewN eT Trcetable decay, aod aonhae to tbe earth, at tha most danrrm verio4 Biiht the moietut which give activity to tbe poison.

Kut it is ia eon finnalioe) nf th view staled above, that if ia tbeeo taiua aa early frost eccaooeed kv a eematare bimI hasty aonh wiad, vita arrriow rain, ha (edared the innsmutni oar sower enantry iato the Malaria die Usrtt, the ferers to which tbey tha keeoma llaMs, are parlirularly Tem, obstioal and maltpmot Ws Belter thil ach irreguusr altrrnalma of teniperatara, have beea aw freaeeot of kite, than tbey were formerly. With ha pring aad aatana. But thi. direct aoefimineduit effect af ml to not an. or ii, per Ban, erea I ne mow mpaiaaniU acea din Ibe matter aiider eoaeideralioa.

The prrauv eat inflaeaer rsfentd apna lae bamaa elemcaiiaet a esrtlydeecribsd: we call it tonic, eaaonngrot, roeo That of brat is DrobablT dirrrtlr Verv ditleresit then Will be th Male of lb coastitotioa. wha remit from evpneure 'o then two conditions of temprvatur; rry different the predisposition to die ease ilt np la lheoalHatinm mined. tine ho MbeoMntamiltar with the lafleeoer of beat, baring gnoe thmoth a retwUrly progrevsare aerie of effect pswdaciole a it, ihrectly aad lodireetty, in warm diRxte, tosaid la enmmna laagnagv. to be amimilat est to ach dimste he has herons, lea liable, gms be wa svigiaullT.

Imisrretewtbtnanaderailuisneeitilotioa my, howerer. be erased ataulattoa tbtuBcqnired abenlatdy lo be a retnra la enUer rex inn ad a fearer er eWtar ah sua from the scenaofihe aewmeaiiia Mtaafa. TaenatrasUd eeserattoa af aosa may bo aatderesma, aad tho aaimptibtlity M. wa4Uha4htoB(iraiarkt. It ha besa aeav aaoae la raaaoalaa? apaa tbto Bria maw, mr to aMrrraally laeefwla) aad acted aa, to ajsewkat dMii.rusx to a vnana enMUlulVoa to (till piaalic aad libl lo imnrr a WtaastrarsrerwBo he hrea re sdent here, th pnauorra anarar ot a hsim a Now, el'bostt wnald hv mean.

rt so Ur as to wr tmv nsuaravwin a rsonBrraee LarnpraB neuter, (w ws hare moea lhaa or had perssinal or ena to aotire it, yt I bnk Bpoa a wtalev peal those elimal, a maeb mare imnreoive ia ehaneiM Ike state of a emit brewer imil.iede.iee1ilaii.i, iban many the plain reaa, that the dilWence onaeea lite warmtanf orranmnsera and thi ervw a br a Hanii. la InAailrla lea lhaa the differenre bHwoa our winter and Ibeirs la arveeity of dial. It to aoeuraavm i kr( ilai lo rearnisi of tceenrrrlnfaBailnf water, wha will rsaiarr in. arai in a slot I slay at milad paia, in gvrai nver iieiawar fmsea over aa a to hear net its nrteo Mch aod earl, al imnsrnev malntadeaof peneK But It to far from Win a rare isrearrrore. tha Ihe estrem eammae aen ht ua laerwsnsnetar la Philadelnhia.

michl veal ire to Canada, aaaJ It highest r. vaainaaiii. a n(nS tkest, that laMr4 Bar rag abroad to ester aeaikrra wlatrr, whie va a.ppaw oar. in em WW ansafarativvlv, a Bortn ww wmser aaraiai enra asaa a at hem a. Tba wmtld eviJeatly Iha tosth essaaa arreh laCksnalileOaawwaM ka la a evratar ae laa.

alevrssa lbs prulrdioa anueakd In hy Hs raw torn, aaumilatma, and aboskl have beensse iwieeiaasdlng rt tret, etrearer. Fart will a fcajral I eswHrrn Ihea Ttowa. For toiataar). oar mesnnraaia aaidaeala ara. bwt a i a.

man a aw. asm meaaare, Mraacrra, Ihe winter teeej.M area anperretWladlj vaa i aaa ins rrvrr. OS 101 apnisl IBOUgB Bad aot partsraUrly br. ear leer Kb nsor vsraear lhaa ba eve, heir been knowa. Uar last latcV waamlhecnalearv.

Bnt a aad sxiHi a.uaivaai as, Iran Bif rlprned during tarh rattth even ta the enraair. Oar neiae aad nan mewing eammee baretrareely thsrwa a earn id ie e.l.a!r auUisad exrenraaiaartv baaaot bs yet rear. Pr a (t la sestet Ual ihe manner. bat etaae toflaeasnm asev hereaftrr efarale I ehaog tbe rvr i ia veer mw isai Ba erearrsal, bar Been wr rMiaiac warm amtka. It tswV4 rxsuir Iha taseit nf fenrJsery pnial osrt, yrl are ear hsria the In ear aavwr.

that eaWam them with alt the ealkmaarm whkh tb rr pad Ilea Aaaneat wasaasdahaa! night, ta break latn (he NertbBlrerBaah. Mr. Rtsbbian, tha Cashier, aad he. bmily, wh errapy hedwWag part thj Baah. jBmd la whet On fcwm wbe lay aMeoaar.

sig with heavy blraarat, la mat aa esr NW wgbtbalidhrtoh wdlUtelhseair mvL nbW wd at th Bmsk wafl theh tb B4d.l. taraer af FaOtosveVrsJa w. jrami aim a twvsr wort Bad, and ba had 017 iiiiin wtiata adaAar lea, ha re ssaaarvaraj arvtlacsWWMdaBTars4. Ut ra au4 taswste afvatoheea ta hto bntth Uknr look' fb alarm Wfora they could get within reach ia hi made hi (Map out iota FaHoa treet, and took to bJ heel) tor life, Thaeryofrtop thief! wu mt ap, aad ha bad not proceeded many yard before he wu met by a tont, athletic man, who aeized him hy tbe collar, and (topped him tuJdenly in hi flight.

Ua lift behind a bat and a pair of hoe. On faking him back to tba Bank, he wa ibewn tbe hat and tlioe, and aked whom they were. He aid tbey be loo fed to him, and pot them on wa then march 1 off to tbe Watcb Iion. Thi morniot; ha wa ex amined before the Police caid it was tb fint offence he bad erer committed, and begged to be forgirea, but he wu ent to Bridewell to take hi trial at the next Court of Senion. We bare been requetrd rlre nolle, that an In titution Flnration will ba opened on tbe first of Seplembrr next, under tha charge of General Lalle mand, at the building once tbe eai of Col Varick, oc cup) ing With iU ground the quart formed by llleeck rr, Thompson, Sullivan and Houston street.

It is intended to embrace all the hrauche of useful and pulit education, indnding tbe ancient and mo dern language. F.aprcial attention will ba given to the improvement of the physical a wll a of tbe in tellectual ml moral power of tbe pupils, who will reside in the Invitation, ft will be expected that pupils ball have been Taccinstei) before entrance or that prrmisiion fir their vaccination at the Institution shall be girrn. Parent and gmrdian are inrltrd to call and exa mine tha iioation, which one of the mo', healthy and dmirabla in the environs of New York. Infor mation of tbe oftha Instltotion (of which pro specta will horUyb published) may ho obtained at the institution or by calling on M. D.

Lord, No. 7, Narnau ttrttt. Mr. BUki'i BtrvfiL To the humane and considerate we beg have recommend tbeir attendance this erening at tba Broadway Circus, tor tbe benefit of tht unfortunate aod deterring gentle man whose name is placed at th head of tliii article. I.ook at Ihe biU of fa be offer to hit audience.

Look at it aod yon will ee atones it cunruU of no ordinary treat The frati of and strength to be performed by that astonishing pcron, Mr.CIine, will be viewed with the livc lieat curiosity and amazement; and the delightful tight of three elegant French dancer will make every ipcc tator ready to rite from busrat Bat tb emotios which will be most experienced, will I donhl nut. he that caused by tb reflection that every vi llnr ba an opportunity toeontribute bit mite to mitigate the distressed one who hat lately lost hi ell br muftftune'. ma, uo then, all ye who read thi hasty and brief mure, and indulge the benevolence of your hrarte. ng Pail The ttgh minded editor of the New York American, would have to understand tba view of the Anti Maeooi folk arc not intended as political, yet never their, take no tmsll pain to oecatiooally notify tbem tiMhe (act, (hat (ieneral Jaekena to a mason of the highest degree." A a great tickler for justice, will thi. potent editor be pleated to infirm hi Anti Ma onte flend that Henry Clay, tbe great puppet mover, who guide this lit.

and most oi hi. col raiues, itaUoa Mawm of the highest degree." and late l.rand Matter of Kentucky? For a paitcriiit he mav add W.h' mm. atlarbrdto the order of lasonry. awl the writer of tbi. artide bud the honor of initiation Into a lodge over Bad wbere th regslia abch tbi Military Chiefuun" used to decorate bit person i preserved with respect and veneration.

The editiirintha Atnericanhould aim remind them that hit iHudriou fneod and irre.rJondrat,N on General Uleyette it alma Matoa if tha "highest degree." and elieriiliet the atmoet reepect for tbe order. Werrrn, the gallant Bunkfr mimary wa licwi proud inhariar Mi aam enroled a Maon of "highest desrec llis bonnrrd father. Mr. Kufa King, watt Vaia; Biiaay ot tha gallsol editor' "family" have a iauoai wna loeeraiif 1 rut Ret QvUacs Fcr tmmr Put It it with ao man A t.l by war Cemmoo r0 rBnaclioa whkh oecarred at the tote fire in Breirmie etraet. between oaa Body and Mr.

John P. Bailey.aad have beea led te lo tl'iir what ncralU. i. af i a. a sj aa XJaWJtTJWff1 aj fs trpnratloa cuima the rarbt to order tron Iha imJ Tf hl 'y "fa frrefn.n.hud mor, rnriieularly afier aapaaotmeM by Ihrl arrfvnf.

x.Bte asmmeer, who prewti.r bari to take Iherbnnr and coutrol of all liuartm with Are. It appear tn me whea the power i. del. Rated lo an agaot In mans th effsin enaoeeted with any kind of botmr either public or private, the right dUle, direct or maaifet tba leaat thadow of eonleot over the sabnedlaatesof th agent iepoiated; aad rrantirrg tha raarora of r(b peinetoala at all or aoy bma, they earaly ahoald appeal ranch asm (or Iha i l. yFv i ii.

s. LT' pw r. iMniifv. sea a arrsna Is apaoiatrd a fireman, he earely has tba pririlea becaita It bi dnly aprst ery orraaiea, to rota lire; aadlaordi vsrp va.ieai eaanu it apaa every rorh Beaatsav wilboal aroiriaa in of thrsaj dollar (r Tre neelm ra Aa. (Tkl.

Mr the term "wnimt isi. i waar inv machine lo which tbey ara attached to ia ne ant pair: Ibrref wa, bv virtue ot that very nedlnancr. wa Mr. Bailey jast.hed In reai4lng the attempts of any raaatodrtrthiraawav. If m7buiu.s..2 ato i dutrly aeeseaary.

it was th duty ot Mr. MhrposH to bare called ape the Chief apTmolrd agent of th oihetompU.hhii VT J1 to rale well aWennoo thmogLnt the Fire lrjrtee4, that neither the Chief Finerr nor bV. rder d.rrct th move pnvai mem nm nf any of he eomuanir. exerpt Ihrootb their omrera, aad th onVer InrkJ ether to the Faxlneere for iastrarttoa. uvl dirre Iosm.

Tkee to na ddobt sal thai Ii ara. theJUto rakslhu Mr. Bailey reeiaed the grV aaittoreeseW lrTbja may bttew lb prreesVnt "7 ar. o. aa UH inrailaa.

they will varr ma lad a grsat eareitr la tb material. bWt ipeodtbawawMwdaalhnritT. AN EXEMPT FIBEMAN. fma lis XaWua auJ a iZTi 5nV Nearly IOU)traKr arrived lathi r'rr J.u"' work the rvwer aow rf tb. na the nagthe t'cairrea, accidmtny ratht fire la th kltrh h' inmair.

in. nre tt aim nt 0u. A BUfk lnok last week a fniV i tlT i "sysra, isi prrriiar ne ara bam to learn that oe recr ived any inluri 14. rMini look luV, etorrday th Shevlff, havlag cntVsd la hi. awLL! fh PoIk.

of th. my and mant i llTZZl leer kaw of tha city aad Coanty, pr. warded I ik. leras am lh diwarhed pan I diewdTwhira he remaaaad awtil srreaiag.n letwora 47iTrVTI MWhbhmat, tbey reeaaLaed .11 aUhT arm, whwh every thing w.irsna,L Thi, meen.J' a ve nmssmerol T.e IribeT Liberi hare 'rZ roealna, offering a reward ed tbee hnn rtrarl dollars the spprrhra and enevlrima iV slrhmaa, rtohert A. M'Gufta a ho as asojav rT.

r.rr.rWretoleth.i. of lh Steam Saw Mill at Paaama I kwiu: Th'J va iHsrai. giv aarttralar: Tb followiag Inter Paxaha. Jaly rrTrn iy exgtealej er 1 11 rr. parts reasserting th late arridrnt at lh pJacs, arad roalhe aJWwiraj arsaarM.

wbrt toeoetail mmt Bad tb wsekteea had retired a Brrlviat Ibe mill, tatral lb eagln hsmVna fire. Bad as rapid wae tvaesrr that la tat. it. tbr matlk. laeaee Wad apraad arar th erea toearamd lb mil loft pr rmaaawbto 0 that waaaavedwer Ike Ikra Wat bar helm stt.trb mih drsaaa.

Th store was tb salt caaaia. lalioa. tb Tf wee oil rawad, and the tjerfed etertlna aflhirty mVarta. aVd la aartog that aad all lb awl haihdart, to a. paWie, a.

Wrd peivats) laas. Exeaa a IwrlUtBgrsathaate, tratv, CfcCLl.T. mllTZS xU Mary JM. lib fW ITtolb. 'rsaa Cadia torb a

tdaismtrj' lr Usaa af iha Iraatliaa u. awi a rbat i Ss 'fu rivd i Harm oarhnkJa1y, which hs belieree was the frigate Valorea. She hid beea off on a crulandeomalnte that port wliha8aa, brig mounllrtglfgunaand loaded withaUw. The bng was sent off for Jamaica lb next day. Th trarale sailed in company with the Mary Jane.

Havana was remarkably healthy, only Si prranns having ied In the Wy during the week previous to the sailing ot the M. J. and not an individual Wu rick on bojrd the American venrls in port. The Spanish convoy had not arrived aa reported. Journalo Commerce.

Wa learn from Cant rt nred yrtteiday from Havana, that hi B. M.loop of war aloron. arrived at Havana on tha 8th Inst, in company with a Spanish brig of IS gun. Guinea man U' Ii il. i rr wumi on raaianxa, and preoeeona to Jamaica the day befora th Mary Jane tailed.

alto learn that it wa. ermarb.u. Ll.i.k. 11 there not bring a tingle ea. of of any kind on "urcriBBu veesei ia wt Barnoar.

Death fifth Dull if Ht, r. On the 15th in the orening, we received here the ivtljHholy intelheenreof the death af hi royal High iiemthe Grand Duke of Saxe Weimar, near Torf.o, on hi return to hi own dominions. Hi Royal Hieh nre in good health, reviewing th Royal tnd. and penning oi nis journey tha following day, when be wa suddenly suited with an apoplectic fit, which car rimi hint nffmi tka II 1 awM mi amouTg paper, June du. The hrr SrtoK C.

rmv.n tm. John, N.B. went ashore on tha S. W. tido of Nnrnan oo, iu a uiicx log on ri lay night, hileed and tunk The nasseturer and crew all ln.u.i i j.

Cajit of the achnr Elixabetb, arrived last evening from Bornrsat, inform, that he taw vestenlay about iiooo, a large Britfash hsrque, Mack, with painted Port. IV Ine too off Kharb Mi. er. the Hook, and three fishing boat plying constantly between her and lb shore, land inga large onmto of Po rde tuppoted to be tnerage passenger. Cnpt E.

pass I6?" rend her nam, but ha. no awveawai earn wutu MIVHUJ IBW TMnWla it vi lira utwvwiff fhmiiy being very imperfect la Seott'a life of Napoleon. nBW at Ida, tteuaakavaaak ii may not, nnintereslinz to peeuae a brief naumaoi rciaitm minoae with whom Lb illustrious conqueror wucoaoeotea. (WiticnUrt bar been collected from rarioatanurca. wiih and so far a tbey ro.

are believed tn ha correct Carffi BtmmatU, lb fatbrr of Nnpo'ron wa a mwyer of considerable eminence on the Island of Cor icn and died in 1195. at the nf 40 vtr. Vi.i.t children surrired him. viz: Jo rob. Nanolrnn 0.w iui, rauune, Jerome, Letitia Itonillini.

Tho mother wa a woman of great beauty, and peerd extraordinary Grmnessof charectrr. i i i i duo was living in Home in ISii, though in bad health, very wraimy. Jouvh, Ex King of Spain ami the indies is a wan of talent, and excellent charactrr. and exerted himself very much at tbe first inking of Pari, by the Alii: a. In 1 .94 he wu married to Maria Julia, arrd year, and in 1812 had Iwodanthtrrs.

He now reside iu the United State, near Burlington, Nw Jor. tir woo know him. II own 000 sere of lond in tha northern part of th Sui 2 sT tmm oy) fbich be purchased of M. La Kay Lhaumonr. JJTe efwa, Emperor of tb French, wu first mar.

rtrd to Joseph In Beaabarnoi, a Creoliaa widow and daughter of a 8t Domingo plantrr. She wa an ae enplihed lady. At tb time of her marrlg (I79S1 to Nanoleon, ah three children, EuzenFrands and llortrnsia. lo 1310 wa repudiated by Napr leon. who anno after married Maria luiss, danghirr ffrrand.

Emperor of Austria. By Maria Louisa he bad a aim, who wa born March SO, 131 ami whom he named Napoleon. He was to tlKs In lilj and toSL Helena iu 1814, here he died in iirear. trlin, wa the wife ef J.aebim Murat, King of rsaple and admiral of the French empire hy whom she bad two nni and three daughters. The two son Achillennd Charles Lmii Napoleon Murat, are cited th territory of Florida.

AOer the fall of napoleon, and Mural' expulsion fwm the throne of and hr bnthand lrvs.1 in the Au trian tale. Aftrr Murat1 flight and assassination, (which latter event happened in 1910. on one of the Sicilieo Hands I rtXHied la grrat pomp, in th. of Ort, but finally removed to Roma where she lived in IKS. tudca was distinguished as an orator and republican la the council of 600, of which be wu president an th I rtth Bramaira, and declared itdiemlved.

Hi. ambition aad talent were scarcely inferior to tboo of Napoleon, and ha wa tba most efficient agent in tba BpaaKBtmentof hi brother chief He, bow ever, disapproved rf th ite traction of lb rapoblm, and woald ant part from hi braatifnl and affectkmate wife to further and promote th view nf Nopotono. He therefore dirplraied him ant ws not raatoresi to bit faror litl after hi return from Elba, lie refused the throoe of Spain which wa offered tn him. He wrote an epic Puem no CharWaiarnaL tr. 1A1.

tatraat eitlewrlorat Roraa. hrra ka had iaa tor. tlta asm Chartra Ictea Btmaparte.the author id ina msnm muoa oi uson's Umitboof live in ths Lnited Stntea. Hi aoa Paul wa aeodenully killed na hoard th Greek fnraia tl.n.. is Hjx, Grand Ducbe of Tuscany, a woman of powerful intellect tod maaruline ehurarter.

aad had many admirer. She w. married to Felix, Prineeof Lores, and bad on datbter. ha died at I riest ia aaawoml saaw Lit Ml tl UrrlUtvl MBt asalaa as baraou, daiiihtr of Napolraa' first wim. Ilewata manof anpretrodmg worth, and abdveated ktt throne In mmr of hw eon.

rather lhaa nor.raa hu After Napoleon, banishment St. Helena, he went to Home, wheee he red ia I Mi, ia feeat aagmfieraee. Wme wa firt married Clere, ciawraandrr iBcbief r.f theexprdilMM to St. lmiors wbere he died ed tha frrr. 8s laheeqnenUy marrisd Piinee Bitrgnsse, Dukeof Uaaatala.

She wa pn favorite ewter aad wa. Iha most beaotifal woman In Franm and pevban hi Enrnp. She riaitrd Nam IrimwhiUatF.lhaaivdaasl.tedblmlabtoeerapo. Paulioedied immetwatv VM ronf th other Jane.t. gar fn.COO franc, to lb a of Jer wa by bit nrt wife.

Prluo Borgheae ia now a wanderer la rsnr or and. Jrreaar, wa lint married to Ml Patterana, of Dal llroore, a of baauty aod accomplithmenta. aad by this aurriage inrarred the displeasure of Napoieo. By Iha raersaaat importanitlc id bi brother, he at Irnfth erparated bimaeUfram aer and marvrr.1 th sartoeees royal of artemborg. After his brothers nu, a irvej a wane at 1 rieata, afterwards Bear Visa aa, aad Inally am led Rome, where he remded Ia IIM.

II had est aoa be hto witV. Kasgms Beavaasau, Viceroy of Italy, lus. aad oa th first Wile si N.aolaim. Mrrlad Iba wima. Aa.

trasteaa Amelia, Davane, aad bad on aoa aad tw aaaaiara. wa a maa of talrnt. probity BoaaW.BMCreatm litarvski l. BeiMTanarlarnraeCa. Tonta Nepolena, be rewarded hi with lb hit het militsr isromntmn.

After Iha rrtlnratioa af laa. and tha abdaulion nf Napnlroa, retired to print lif aad lire at Manlch, lbs espial of Bavaria. Hi He died in 18:9. uai versally lamented. AfuitVwt IVilir sl The Musical Featiral rnmmille hiv been endeevonring to nrgiaial with Msdernotsell Snntag, nh a view to aa rresmcnt Iha appriMching fastivjl.

The eommitie bate eneresber, weaisder.tsnd,i:i,fur.lrthe three d.v nf lb fetirsl: bat she refuse, to lakalaai lhaa fl hill rrsder. tiOO for three oratorio and Iwo Cmcrr I hat add enastdrraMv lo Iha emhareas. meat ef the canmitlr la, that Madime Paaln, an whoa aesist.ore Ihey had reckoned aitk cuah.lrnra. Mniedly refuse, to f.wm any rnngemeat from a hieh br friend Mademoiselle Ntg will be exrlu.ted! Welnerly hope, however, odvUbstanding the nimnpiMimeats, that Ihe committee will able to fbtaia eatllclrwt Bnmhsr oftlnger to render lb fa tied Bttraniv to th lover ef mitle withoat eaerlO. emg tb Intereata of lb charity to lb lmpdtit as sssmds ef law avaricina females.

ernrr. tO At Urg. and mevtlog of th Re pubiiran Etoclnr oi ta Uih Ward, fHesidly to rrge, lar ansninotioa, aa. to theelecs Ion ef Andrew Jaeksoa for Pr an.1 of Ml 0.

Ulboan for Vtra Preas. nesMMimiauesiAUtea, bridal the flowery Ht, AarMl Hth, IH.awTeMhlrl.,lhrarnn,eaalidali.aJ Ihe Refiblicaa Cnmmltlee. 1 ho. T. Vni.

ruff, was chowa Chairman, and Was. Van Nor. urn. vJ rwinrj. The meet mr beineo ..1 lulloeisof th General CommittM of lb 1th lost.

Wir rra i aiHi anaiMmoaiy approved. It wa than Resolved. Thl the maallna ar Ihrr delegate, to rrprraeat (bit Ward IB lb Ccwrr. airsnmasaraubrs at Tammany Hall, a th adaraJ.a Hi Hnt.l.ih.. Woodrwif, Wm Ja.

tba. Dura Reaolvea, That bi.hlv arrtrai It ra a. memUtieai to esreraw tWve dalrga tb Con rra. ri at llerkimar, for tbe Bsvpoa af arleatiag dales for lkOa of (iorarnnr aad Usatmaaal Go Veeaxw af the Stst of Nsw York. Ii ran! red.

That aaeeaa ef tka Caaa.La 1 Tamaaaa Halt, chomiag Ihrr dtir a eleeinesef Pva4WaVlrPraUMfUMl'alsd State for ia eoTstnaavl diatrtel. BeeelTsd, That tb conndeac of lh dtltea of ths Wae I hi lh vtota. patriot aad hlaeas of Aadrew Js koa for PreasHrnt, aad nf Joha C. Calkoua te Vw Praaadeal rf iha United Htatee eotitina ant only sa Ulan aad sndimtnisbed, bat arvaa Ian mm and (smhrmed hy th weak, skedaeass. and tmrpond atlaekt aatd.

anr) (bear tasaa and baractre. Tfc Prflr exedleaa, ai wmnwm, ia aav una ciuaeaa caost a BWtrlylalrf NeaDltad. That lb aawalia rd Ihto saaartlr. Hwrr. Bad poW.lrd Ja th n.T.

Faoairrr, Mnralrvf TnMr.aad l.raLa T. to. Tab Noaoan, lecrrtery, l( ORB BNC1.1C COMPACT Nav.1. 1C7 At aaraswg lb. aa Tsar.

ny tvsaiag.U lxh Aagaat, lh LUewtag pr bMb aad resolutlori Were tmanlsMotly adopted via Whereas, the Common Council, at their meeting on Monday evening last, adopted a resolution hy eThich onr Foremaa, Mr. Joha P. Bailey, was dismissed from tht i Fira Department, without th Common privilege of being beard, and it appearing to that, notwitb Unding nndergo fatigue, and expose our health to the mrereat trials, and are in. adretfor th public good, there ia no appearance of uciui; raspacn neiiner are we let liable to ho removed, ahould ever endeavor to obtain re dres for an outrage committed npoa our right as dt izen and viewiug the recent measure of the Common Council nt a grow viofntion of ail th liberties of the citixen, by taking a public view of a private contro vry, and by their act, supporting a magistrate for trampling the law of hi cootry under his feet Therefore, Reaolred, That we eonsldrr the diaminal of Mr. John P.

Bailey from the Fir Department without an opportunity of being beard in bi. own defence, as an infringement of our rirht a citterns, and i. calculated to destroy the. effective force of the Fir Department in putting Ihrm under the control of other than the Engineer at fire. Resolved, That we highly approve of th proeee.l rngt of the roeetin of tb Engineer and other on Tuesday evening la't, and that wa will cheerfully cooperate with our brother firemen In any measure that will tend til restore nnd maintain our righta and nrivilrge a firemen and citizen, which have been so prematurely wrested from uiby the aforesaid act of UIO VUH.IDUfl lOUUCII.

Rewired, Thntthe proceed iogt of this meeting be an ine pjper. alilt P. R. WARNER, Secretary, ICT At a meeting of Mutunl Fire Hook and Ladder Company No. held at tbeir room, on Thursday evening, Aug.

14, 18JH. 1 he lollowinar preamble and resolution were unani nxmily adopted. Whereas ihe Corporation of this city hy the tmpre. eeriented ami unwarrantable expulsion of Mr. John Bailey from the Fir Department, have nsiimed a prerogauve mimical latere! of tb Depart ment.

Resolved, That we wilt cordially cooperate with our brother firemen in obtaining redrcs for tbii grievance, aod adopt such other measure! ai may be approved at general meeting of firemen. B. POLLOCK, Chairman. J. N.

an AyrwBBf, Sec'rr. nIS MAKR1KD. On Thursdav evening last, bv the Rev. Mr. Milnor, Mr.

Tlioma W. Garner, the celebrated vocalist of ihi. rip, to Mi Ann Inslne, eldest daughter of the late nf hi aire. Th relationt end friendtof ihe fimilr are Invitrvl to attrnd hit funeral thi afierooonat 4 o'clock, from No. C5 Barclay st.

At Brooklyn, moming, Silu Chester, yonneest on of Mr. Sila BuHer, oftha U. S. N. ared one year and rlarht month.

The friewl nf the family are rrsprctfullv invited to attend hi f.ineal; ibi afternonn at o'clock, from tbe corner of Sand and Pearl street. Lately, in Somter District. Sonlh tarolina, Mr. Miry Garrett, aged one hundred and twenty year. Mrs.

Garrett, wa a native of New York, and f.w lb last sixty year had been a roijrnl of Sumter District. LKARM. bbip Edward Quetnel, 11 tint H.vr Cratsou It Boyd Britannia, Marshall Liverpool Thorn pann lluJwo.Cbarnplin London Gr is wold irigstan.lard,fBrWlol Whrnpenor, Child Providence MliiK Ks THIS FORENOH.N Sch Rockland, from Philadelphia, with coal to run drir. Sloop Ann Slrrnvg, liana, from Philadelphia, niraicr as mrsm. nr.

i. niv. Whiut lnK to Ba ra ti. renins I nays Irom Uoavama tr K) with nar, mm aad mosaa to B.iletier at to. and to ordr.

Pamengers, Tracy. Tsrkrr Rt vi 7. ai u. bo Am. vessel.

Uft ai Gnan(P Rt hr as Anna tvw i. foadinf the only Am. vetsel in port, spoke nothing. LAST EVENING. nng Aiary jana, Cnrrejo fm llaraaa.

1th tt with ugar.ketoGareArcoaalCandMJadaon. Left thaw Vmlaa i. l. a a. "TV "a a aamoa oris im t.amp Urleaosfor Hambarg next day Geo GadwaY Artel, af and br do Nile, fm Phihvl.

it ar, sch Argo, and fo, pbilad, loading; Meeofer. Hrr Omoa, srwa. The Br sloop of wir alorous I. Jamaica, and a hrig Boston, tailed in Co. Tba ArirLnah out ward nssn kn iipplied with provr ion a Br ihich had been plundered by pirates a few day before.

Sch PUntrr, Pryer, Richmond, 4 d. with tobacco, Bch New York, Saywird, Bdtimor, ds with Wond, esc. Clark, Seen, with lamher. Virgin, smith, rbilad.lphia,4 with enal, to neeve. 1, Stargra, fm Cha'bam.

Mnos rarwerr. Indcstry. Barrett. ClnarMt. Hiosdak, with eual, totter a a AS bOUU.

To raorrnw waning, Mr. bi r.Lhanmaa: FlVeo. Mr. Blaka. M.

M.ik..J a th French llrrcnlee, ate. Mr. Richlnr. nmnmw, nr, oione. uerr ima ea tbe Elastic Cord.

Aad a grand Max. lUrka. Maaam.LahatM.aadhlad'JlekAasJM. Pt BI I nVtra k. Ov.tK IHr.MKt ferana.

eagaeeal are I hereby Mified that Ihe new Bjwery Theatre ill opam est rdaesdsy IXXA huf. A aa rtiag of lh iwrformer rearj rated ia th Green Booaa ea Saturday the I Hh M. CIIARI.F.S GILFT.RT. UV.XUY TllkAl kL 1 be a.b fully ssmsrtt lt tb p.bli that tb Bowery Tbeatr will beaessi for aavfurmaae. a.

11.1.. tOtblod. II embrace with pWasarathMocrastoa tr! "PrT0lk Proorvor, the graldal arewe he eater tamrd lb liberality aad ralerortx, whwh bar rotv verled a smoking rain wilkin a period of 10 day. Into swof lh most lend id and darahl diflnr whirk adora oor city aoitea lacomamn with th.pablic vjee lalhe aJmlratioa of th aapreee.lrntrd power whwh bar been di.ye4hyth.rrhilert,MrVtlirr. ill i frwrtmnol lae work.

Te Mr.Sarah all the Individuals in the aeveral depart laaajts ditinfuished a they have beea by induatrv, ia, aod activitv be temler, hi iratrful krwUemetia 2l to lbs of prearntini hlrmalf to the pnbl. at tb. maaarer oftha brat Tbeatr in thu flmiri.hint city. In Ibe liberal pit. rnnage heretohrr experirared, hitnt.f my li tb atauranc of fill jr favors, shall aoy ellfirt be wanting to tvn.lrrih.e.iabli.hme.t iu every resprrt ilEZft BtlrartWand wmthvof be publie t.sis.

iring the Interval he ba. added bi. Cia d. B.Mrt IS eupermrattr Merlin, lenlof th first order laerrry of ihe Drama. CIIAKLr.S OILFF.RT.

Warded k."Xr' In eompMe ordr, 'IT'' a redtf ART Ther AlirH. The eihibition i. now nrea tn lb PaMie lk. eaaj wni as talea M.

Gvrry oi FiArts, drZjJ fBrk. Tb peora Ml r)" lrald Mt Martha Aaa Iw Ts! bora wilkeal arme aae; bar "vmlb. with whwh draws writes, work. o. ailk, salia aad aaa jta aala ta rr piares cd poa trj ealllrw tb sanat exaellte dell.

and titrated) with aarommea taate? She h4d bT moaih w.ih wlh p.e vbe Ba.4 artoaUhH pseea af srurb. )iaUd br BoanW pi taia. ba has several rsass ratal Hag la taree. pa bag throub Mlaad, 6rraa I wiuertaad, aatl I rsaaw where ah I press ahorlly to retara. Ob to aff.Ma aad frre.Wt.

I bar towaaera, aad bring aneivaUed la bar art, meels tsteiaas wbas.v.r aba nee, lib A treat vaeiat af kawarneb la anaaaaJ thm, being dy aad ertag eaeagad ta her vartoae aecomidithnMots lb Visitor may ae th re raUfirvUag, waheat nay lactatvaaieaM Tb Maamim mack Improvsd with Ut BdJitwa ad dsasahas. tw Admlttsaea a hah? araras IlltU Hj Bit Admltteaea at all ttaaaa rwaaSeJaa. at. airu wiaraav al.JM aearas iarfa, sala kv "Biussll Jfmea i ition, ttq. oi nainmorei.

iUn luednr evening by the Rev. Dr. William rr.Murray. Mr. Robert Latow tn Mit Sarah Ann, f'irtl daughter of Mr.

Jnme. Johnson. 'l nf thi. city. l.t eveninr.

Mr. Ahralian Line. In the 49th lAi.kLrMIIP tll lK LttNlHIN. Whitehall d.a k. 1 ai.MU tkw k.

ska kiJ u. "an ID Friday evening next, tin inst, on which oeciiot ha will be t.istained by tb rolonUry aid of Medaa2 wirv, vuspman, niym, amp, Kichlon. fee. who hare kindl7nirrl rh.i. Tr1 tdtrd NIBLO 4tb Grand Gala, Broadway, on FrieS Evening, Augnst IS, Wm.

Mbio wiU NbavT tbe honour to present hi 4th Grand Gala on tbeabov. evening, and ia announcing the same to hi numemn! pat. root and friends, be take the opportunity of exorul! ing hi acknowledgments for tba npport that UiaZ, liberally been bestowed on hi exertion, to lo tbi city a Garden of a niprrior order. ThoGardei. the temple and walk, will be magnificently deeorat.

and splendidly illuminated with several lhonaj7? negated lamp, expreedy for that occasion. Tb cert will be of the highest order, and a brilliant diaww of ire work hy hlr. Magna from London. evening' amutemente will commence with a Co.n?;r,'b.? Mr Walton, Mr. SyoW M' Moran Mr.

Moran will pretidVatthapiug! Song I love tbee erer dearly, Vr. Wltia. The Origin of Gunpowder. Mr. Howard; UphrMci Mim Moran With Helmet hi.

Brow Mr. Wu Duett Bird Duett. Mim Moruinvi Mr. niton Song Mv Heart with Lov.i. SSiS! Mr.

Howard. Duett lluntrr let tb Bade Blow Mr. Howard nnd Mr. Walton. Round Hark ikl' Bonnie Chrtot Church BdU, Howard, Waltoa and Tart How; tlroni Mr.

I etui Mr. Howard Walton. Duet Could 2 Ma. h. 'u.

n': r. "7. 7 nae. m. nnd Walton.

Glee Clarions, lilTZT ton and Svmmonv 1 sa.4 0 Blla, by wb.nrb.Wing henatifultndlhL. oy Mr. Magna from LondosT fhe Vankia Nil that cuts in all dirrMU nlLl that gnre so much mti.faction tion Srren Fighting Star. new tsttV.T; HorilWheete Jfe.1 VImA me oriii. am Tun, wun an I Pimlnatol fa a.

alt lASf RIVER GAUbEN. Un Monday fcvr a ion, nuiqs ioio, in audition to tin reenter amuenient of the Garden, (such at th Comorin Sonrs Recitations fct) tha Public are respectfully to formei that Madam Petrie, ao well known in this aad other pirtof th U. will conclude a witty intrrr tiniperforniancr by a Pu Scul, envclopei I ire Work. Mit Smith, year of age, iiala enpared, to make her fir appenraar with some nVv ly ffhionab and favourite Song. Mr.

tmlon, Ihe grnileman wboa yrcal peTOrts. drew forth much and mirh merited eppaoa. on the evening of the Hth iaat. hu volnoterrej hi, rervice. Mr.

Hertkilyarnytmpanied by rverddlitiaJiia cd will perfnrm on tbe Piano. Mr. Willi and bi troop will peHbrm ot (b abnr veoing. The Pmonetne tak this early opportanlty av nouncing that tbey bar engaged a perwm to an elegant Balloon, tn aereod with a living AraeAaaa F.aele attached to it, a. wa irvteodrd on tb thj bst psrtaailar nf which will he given hwei fla Thry feel frmfiJent that thry will not forfeit ftefr promise, nor disappoint th public, a a tufliciaowaa.

ranter given f.w ihe Ascenston. withunt its rear at hurtlinc.a. nrcurml with a ballooa prepared k) r. Robinson and intemlrd for them oo thi8lb Jul) bat eihihitcd at the Cold Spring Garden on tbe 4 if aJin'i. A an error hat been made by many in npptaw ie Prprirtor, in a recent advrvtiwmenL ailudd'k the celchrntrd anil snccea ful Robertson from the Ca Ue Garden, thry fed it incumbent uchea to Cirr et it.

nnd Mate that they alluded to Mr. IWa, am, lbs artist in f.rmrrly empfovj by them, and now at the Cold Spring Gadea. Tne Garden still illuminated on Moodayavdar in brilliant manner, and a strict police tmibyi to mmntain order. Pries of aJmiation cent, only each. HiLD SPrll.NG GlKULiS.

eoraar taf LaravaaJ Greenwich ttreei. The peoprieior, J. H.A. IS. respertfally inform bi Iriend and lb pbna that bit next Grand Gat will Ink pise a Mastoy evening, Aoc nt II i A Craicert of roed and iodramrnlal masie, A a vplendsd Gels Amrartj by tbacakbrstad binton, will on this occasion be give at th aberttar den.

A I.VWk the pto WiU earned, SirwalR trh) tastefully deeeeated will be fired antil I eUotk, kra the Cotieevt III eomrasoee. PART l. The wealthy oL Mr. Bicharri Let Im psm live irempet, Mn rrVm; baia Hr. fimxlrtoo; ComieSor, D.

Cberi, Casdislamt air, jiea. aingiewn, axe. Uew Tom, Mr. Kiel G're, bv tbe Company. PART II.

OWi Toaler. Mr. Richerd; Ld et rid. Slnelrton: Coma? Soar. D.

F.bert.: Oh Udy Fsir, Mr. Mr. Singleton and Mr. I ardsr Mareb tnlKa It. ML.

riU 11. ra fa Boaaet of Bhtr. hor. 8ineaioa: ikmae Itertt.hkardsk ESrda; raals by the compel. After lb cnoeart will ba (iren a plradtd drtisy ef Fireworks prepared by Mr.

Roataaon, eoramwiag wiih4 beautiful beocola tight; grand Bight efWy P'C on a era ara inpertal abed, which after aiari ly of inisswating ebaogaa, lermlaaim in a apertsajt. lam a Perwriaa wheat, whkh afterwards chaos tar a Sua of btilliaot fir; a foontaia of beihtojifirsv which terminate ia a Bret of flying arrpeat. By partiealar deaire, Mr. ftoUoaoe will ales eaiait hi elrnnt Auittmt Piers justly ccsysistored I a. Pier In th Pyruteehnie A rt, erecting ef a Vatkmt beelof IS varinataaddictmct firrswhichafternrd chufea to Bhfteat Sad, which ajrv ehsagsls a rinf Wheetodtehanree ach sach ehangsltaka ple .1 lb mm.

mnrnral. and airain tangn tha f. fasfepenarntr; aad Uttly.cbadrs I a Mer af brvfiaal Cress wvs. 1 Oa this orewtaa, tb Garden wit he IB. tolMtrdanddaenrattd.

A fira rate head will pa daring Ibe Eveaiag a variety of Marthea, fij, Nitksnd Air, he. 1 Price nf admit. ina ej eewJs Chndren Wk I years, with Wir sarealsiw gaamlisn.gvatis. Oa every Mcatdsy tnwimm dartng tb inar usair wiU be a eaaort ml tasirnntearai ai.sw and a Uraad feala prepared by tbe auauUhs artial Mr. Bi St I OST thts amraiai sa Watt et.

a I MJ eule, eoalsteh apars with anas eilrsr, key, and auadry artteim. ThraeaVllar wtB tha finder oa leaving It Bread way STada bwrrh. al( It VSitaaOua wamed by aa to ly ranaa loea the Bpper work rf of I be Society ef Fei vstaartMrferwwiUbeglrvn. A lias ad. saat n.

d. ine oor i lai paprr will prenigiT aw tended to. liW WA by a wung ataa, a ul oal tna la a a mmf al dry gnnto be he had fner to fir year, experience ia tba bnal araa, and eaa giv tht Mtesfart.sry relereteas, plraa addrwai T. M. M.

Ihemixh lb. Paal (). (Utf UAMKD A yntisi na.toa sHat lsa.VI.arra. Water r.stoW.shmt. lboald bssraainV HwilhthaAratorlabaiajratolhanta.

Hi manner and habit aad reoavimeesUttna at be a evrrptlonabte. By leaving address aad nfci a. IB his hand writmf, at tb officers' tbi paper.dirertedtn A. B. he will bear of a two.

llw tlltlRCirVAl lhriard ml rJt.Lt.kV llad i h. bad aa aeanaa nMihtlnctotwtsbyapplyiac at N. II Maiden or at fie. l(4aua torataL th nsxl das bo lh lb arch. alilt nUURTT DOLLARS REWARD AhteVd I from lb.

wbaertKa aa tn. BifM ef (be nd of June last, two lode anerenttos to the htJisV sbaa rnakitig haalisasa, Bsased illlsm and Geeeg C'X. William I shoal II It year of eg lhl sosaptoe. ton; took with him ao blue cloth roeiaO.bnsit aad rest, blsrk staff anntaWion.fiir bat pair dck Irowsers and adry other artKle of eWxbe. Gerar tweaa Hand II.

dark eoapi took with him east lart east lb rt of hi doth ar similar Willism. George Col haa th ImUakaf hit Baas na hi. toft arm. Wbsseser wilt Mara mid la aa jail, aad give iafonsMlK) torn that I tj get taeaa scant, hQ tb abor reward, asal all naanaakla charge. AI avanaa ar (orbid to tr4 or barbr mid rests war al their pedt Twarty doOars wtUb girea William, and lea bw Geoege, Th.

1.. Pnwwill lrtb.abe tbee Bddiitead laser Uoaa, aad forward th bill I aw, with ao pa par. JAMES r. CAtLBRUTii. I4 Ne.U,rbaterto.rk..

1M DOLLAKa KkV ABO a tae.asriw ereseaeamg Atoiaadef Bjato wha HI br baaa (lWdaaada at. hi last. ai air 1 1 tab tea i atal of mind. uJ has mil bara beard af aiae be to fl year efeee, aad bad a nbla rrsek etal essi tolorats far bal. It.

A ay ta. asal too r.aaasiiaab.m Will be Iheakfally reeetved Bad lh aber reward siv eaal 130 Willlaaa torseC all ft Mr ASKS, J. J. VANDORKM lotolrasa ywtmg Iajtoa. Tbe foil eras.

af the (to Isatltaima will r.auas. aa. aa lb fird dy tea aaa. her. ThaAskaea aeeapisa rarwrftk rra aW brtob haUdints, aelifVful'y a)a4 a Beaklvt hlbArTtolbe rtTssf N.

Tark. BtHw TTA rOlMKAAenrf. Aw I Uearertt. kalarday. Uexhak.

at th aaraaa i (eaa rtr aa4 aVesavm aaa. araar mt ihst tb Can (rata af a greet (tore, aamaiUiag swart I aad labl Btislaiiat af wltasa, iaaa, haanea, aasgare, ad hs em, tmtJmr wnb rtan rtts MfUaav, 1 allll 2d. Sonet Let us hntte to Kelrin ird The Bonnie Breast Knot, Mr. Waltoa vll tnrmo, Moran; Here's Health toTbr. irneii riiai.inn as: rd k4 fie fart a as a.

bawl raCr.

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