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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tva rrasl iens a os ire eirV argssl rsar est ts) slasx, but It rrisas wm3 he rs era, hsr csf Ike I. consequence of the duty proposed on Sherry. Should impowible to collect a revenue on Sherry inTwhiU that charged with fifty.and Malaga but Sn cents. Should it he deemed expedient to con JVtbe duty on the latter fifteen the commit. would suggest the propriety of reducing the dnty Jl sherrT aud Madeira wines to thirty cent per gab 000 thev feel.

ner.uailed that a tariff propos ad lb tsfses Wt' taf eras' i a bettWa, ft JrirsJ place r4s4 res sJfVe hut two rates, of 15 and 30 cents, would be most tn the. nublie interest In introducing a fhirdand higher rate the committee haveyieled to ln. holier In he the IniDresslOI of the House Against so large a reduction of the duty on Sherry and MThe roram'itiee believing that a revision of the tariff wines would increase the revenue, restore this srai mercetoit lawful channels, and, in some measure, our trade with the Atlantic wine countries, lubmtt, for the considera ion of the House, a bill alter intn the lj nited Slates. jDglUOUUIIcnuu wiuts 1 Fane Ball at Philadclihio. Vlt have been oblig ingly furnished by a friend, with the following extract ofa letter from Philadelphia, containing some account of the late Fancy Ball at that place.

"The assemblage consistea oi net ween tnree ana lour hundred persons, selected from the supreme bon ton of the city (the greatest precaution having been taken to carea salutary ex iil 1 The mot splendid and becoming Htuines that could be procured, were dis played by the wearers to the greatest advantage, either in promenading or in daucing to cotillion executed hy an orchestra of seventeen musicinns in a room, in which the effect of eight hundred lights produced a brilliancy calculated to eclipse the sun himelf, when under tneiunuence uiouu ui iu uiu suuiimc cuuns. To those unaccustomed to sigh's similar to that presented on this occasion (and we presume it was familiar to none, it being the first attempt of the kind in Ibis country) the illusion of being suddenly transported to some region of fancy land was complete. For a lone lime scarcely a syllable escaped from the lips a i i i. I la. roHOU, W1ICII wrrTiiiicu sue niv i win (ipcnkiii 0110." of delight; but after the overwhelming impression of the entree had tl wided, the time thus lost was soon made up for, and the dancing which now commenced continual with the greatest spirit until near five o'clock in the morning, although the hour of assembling, at half pat fight o'clock, was at the request of the mu nagers punctually eauerea to.

A moils' the dresse of the gentlemen the most admired was, one consisting of a white entin tunic and wai coat, with a chaste embroidering of gold, with cap tnd 'lines, iworJ and shoes mrrepnodinf. Lord Leicester, to whom our readers have been formerly introduced iu Kenilworth, was so accurately represented in cos ume, manner and tout ensemble, as a I in rut in I noruirf I beholder, in idea, intn the ac tual presence of his lordship It was gratifying to observe, tlmt amidst all tnis scene ui Rayeiy aim thoughtlessness, the profound scholastic character' nf the nrcwniHnv vecv nlilv rrprescnted and sustnined under the giirbofaCainurid.estiident, who had every aiipearsncecif being equallv acciitomeJ to the society of prers an I pr.ictocs the balls of the great, and the cluis teisof the university, if I allowed mrself to isten to the dictates of my gallantry, hy elu.lin to the ladies, who nf course cuvtil'itrd the essential charm nf the evening, I ought a 1 1 omit mentioning the bewitching enchantment of all fromsultnna to snrper losses; but 1 dare not enter into the description i although I cannot pass over iu silrnce the fairy of the Siar," who was perfectly divine, and seemed no, not seemed, but actually did glide throu.h the mates i the dance resting on the ihii air al me. supported by ber beautiful wine and subduing all arouui bv the magical enchantment of her I stsr snsnilr I wan I at least so it appeared to me. No persun was admitted into the mom hut in em i tame, an inlispeiisiblc requisition towards the sue I eessufth rntrrtainmrnt. A na nber of Isdirs who I di nitthnisr pnrtieimteiiitbe rev I were admitted toth' orchil ra as spectator, where the attritions laesoenedi'taioed them toth excessive dia.iioiiit men! of thjse to whom a transfer of tickets bad been priraiwM.

The nuhhe are r.iuiioticl a uinrt recelvlnr counter feit $10 notes, of ths Manhattan Bank nr. Cor.ipanv in the eitv nf New Vork. da'ed Jiilsr 1.14 6. letter F. f.

eayiWe to T. Phelps, II. Retnten, Pres. While Cashr. Ths steam Boat Olive Branch will leave the foot of Cmirtlandt street, this afternoon at i o'clock, fur Pougb keeps.

out). At Atbenv lat Friday. ElbrrtW'illet Esq. In the rk year of bis age, old and respectable Inhabitant uf I that fits, an firrnerly ruelhembrrlain therem. Lat evening, after sbort illness, Mr.

Klssrll l'n the 3lt year of hi age. His friends are tariM to attend bis uirral from his late residence 11 Hamilton I si. ti morrow altrroooo at o'clock. This Mrs. Iltitaorth.

wiJowof Mr. liar 1 mm kaat. in 'heC4lh sear of her nee. Funeral to Ui plare to m.ifrosv aflern ma at half pat 3 o'ekrk. at her bte residence.

No. 13 Henry st. Urlatives and fnmjs are respectfully invited to alteod without further notice. This of aTiirin illness. Ths milus Han f.irl.

ia the year of ha si. Uisfxwsuts tm ae are invited to attend his funeral, with out lurthrr his late residence SI orchard trret.lBUafirrnonfiat o'flor. ARRIF.I Tll mRr.NOOY Sc'ir ll nry, Nichids.rf' Usrdinrr, from Ntlrtraus i dsys from (be Bailie, witk mataass, to Km sn sailed co ith as i( Africa schr kss hr Bx ns; 1 davs nut, nCUrrrsdwt reef, ke achr li'O. Pulas'si, imti Srleans tns, bad bfa asbwe i Cape I'ksrida. ae bid to Itreve aver iard part of the cargo to lirhtra the vewrl te get ber el: a NsturdiT Us, s.fT Kgg llarhnar, spoke ship Uibello, Thorp, hnre f.

ChaHiloo. Hchr Naory, VVU'ians', nf 0 illimore, day from It.rhn d. with eml. to Beers. BKI.OW One schr.

B.iit with a kne hreeir from V. N. V. stilus Ro man, tlrinovll, l.iveepooli mrod, Allea, Monle: saac Hicks, Savannah Eunice, Brisgs, Mobile Hbastssut, (iiHealtsr; Br. brie F.lira, Hamburg.

ARRIVH) LAT F.VF.MMi. Ship Caravan, Thing. New Orlrans II day from the Italise, with Itc to Oshoen. Ship llenrf Barker. avaaiM, tdars, wnn connti, rie saoiasses, ti Baldwin fc I erW.

Passeotee, Mr. i.fjcA. The sh'ps Cpmt and Niagara, avl schr Cberaw all aor la 4 dtys, ka I jast ar: brig Frances, fnvw Pbla d. Bng Laaret. Sh4d, sailed fash.

Ship Staura, Wood, be Vork, was to oadiaSdays. Bng treat, Boerli4 davs fmm till, prpper, if, ate to Wis II Bnt. 'ft, Dec tk. ship Pmet sr. f.

Sa'ens. 4 brie Waif Oak. Nnyes, keare, ar I days brf sr. (mi well: liira, Stoat, fbr wk. 14 Persia, uf Jlaiem.aiw Nerves ef i i.

toa ting, aaessr, Ibe only Am's. Paw I OihenW tar, Pec. ha I aneommxaicatiisi with the sh'sre. Js (1. Us la A), pa a full riff rd brig with thebaMOljitvhoniw ha I a rest signal Iviogwilh tkrlHtee it stan ting ti Ibe south erl.

Brig New Packet, Harris, ToKara, tl day, with hidrvln'wnol, fcctits Howlarei. lft.Jsn. II, a i mSi Passd eomiofiiut not berm. hriff. Ikvuixl np ike river.

Mr. JiUb Smith, td nlTcr 4 the N. P. die I id" the yellow ferre In the river nsi ths Dec Most of the crew are aick. Spoke ae hia' Bug thslia.

Thatfh, 4 day, ta Mi tre, Msrkoe. Fa sesigers, Mr. Pnetee, and Dr. Harssty. SaiUl in en.

srhr Camliae. Tsr Philad. lefi la Ibe rlrer, Wifs llrlets, Havana Cnan fisrW lalirs: Il iiHer, NJnvh.ati reatv. The bf N. Tars ina.HslV tt, bem at the Ur t4h Jan, In Thoipst.

14 days, wilh li.t ke. bij WheelwrsahtECkasaSerlaia.aad 1 A UHI JV Otber of the Bortrs Dailv Advertiser, Teh. r.heig Mtmlive Hwinaoa.Clty S. Djminfn, Jlst e. "nik lltb.

1st 10, bni Topes, froia Yoth srCip Halt rn. Orleans tk, Pal reL'th. Vbr smhine, Martta. rt aa Piatt. 1h Vt.

and ap Harlirn I lb nit. Left at f.mnrr place, Supirb, I 1 Vrttb tVw I RrilK.HIt KSIli Hl). Jan 30 Ar srh Washing ton, Prsi Wallsee, nilh, NEWnVRN, Jaort Arsrh Rehesca Ityef.Stark. p. NT.h.

Vhr Hsl, Grnvsr, ruresa. Oa II Jan li hit lS sn Ti M.W spib Wf NVork. 4 (w Tnii lad ite Cihe. all well. Jaa 1th.

let 4 41 11 A ar.4 arbr riori la. of and 4 ds from Vork, Hs sa frswb cooM am tell arte Wwad. tsehr IrvsVII, llrW. Martian. Mir Thrs rrWads, fsrtwMS, Vert a rinre.

CWsirsvl br Itaswisb, Jrsikins, Utta4kwr orhra yJu Martioiwi, King, 81 au tha4 Pnsilawl.lsUya. Br hrtf Jsbsk. Mi (JnM dip, sWhwiBm. 7Y TtteiM. dart.

irlesMsa. 7 a. OatVI M. eT Ueet, Wlr i ds fas sss ssssstesassksa sa gaV osWe I I tile. twul'is' a evewing.taeirtsrssiy nf IMttl.H.

ISetU Kie, wmmea, BrAtift. inr Tfsadavle wilh the MLF.LPINU TsMssnvrsiw. Mrs. AesliaS WssrRt la preMestbisi, the trarrdy nfthe Crassvl til awle s.a ef sKrest mr.rss. I'll ATM AM.

rbwevmmg. sset.i Mm, rnlwi.lle Ike re ij A KTUllk FOR A IU Don Jlc, Mr. Flytmi IV, terkia, Ms J. Wthtt, hekss kift Usvt'rvsi his ervlsvs Disiss liit, Mrs. talent.

After lb ewsHv mw tH v. Twhrk will he eskled, nfthe CITITKX eetide with Urea ef TV. If tat. 4JUr LAFAYETTE. This evening, the melo drama oft GILBLAS.

Gil Bbs, Mr. Thayer. After wnicn Mr. Hunter will make bis seoood appearance on the Tight Rope. To conclude with the melo Qrarna or Sf.

MAK K'S DAY. BOWER V. This Evening, the farce of X. Y. Roscius Alldrtxs, Mr.

Barrett Fanny, Mis Fisher. After wbich a new Pas de Deux by Mnns. Bnrhere and Mnd'slle Celeste. After the Dance PETER ILklNS. To conclude with the farce of oLUKKT.

MOUNT PITT CIRCUS. dsrom' Bne fit This Kveuiug, Equestrian Feats hy the Young Russian; Horsemanship by W'hittnker, Richer and La Forest; the horse Washington will perform: Mom. Richer will eive an imitation of the Long Inland Course Jockeys, with the famous horse Silk Stockings; Mr. Madden will imitate the Greek Khigas. To con clude wilh the BLIND BOY.

A CARD. The public is respectiully informed that Mr. HORN'S benefit will take place on Thursday next, Feb. 7th, when will be presented a favorite opera, lie in which. Messrs.

Horn Pearman. and Mes dames Austin Si Knight will appear, being the last night 01 their perlormanre. 'IIHE Rfc, AKK. Ji Card. 1 be public is re 1 1 apectlully mf 'rmed, thut Mrs.

AUSTIN'S benefit will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 6tb, when will be presented the opera of Der Freiclm'z Caspnr, Mr. Horn; Ado'ph, Mr. Pearman; Linda, Mrs. Austin, her first appearance in that character.

After which Signor Rosirh, who has kintltv tendered his services, will sini; an Union Buffa Song with other entertainments, as will be expressed in future advertisements, being the last nielit but one nf Messrs. Horn Pearman nnd Mrs. Austin's performance, (ri 4 CARD Mr. the Box Uthceuf the IX. Bowery Theatre, (Bowery,) respectfully begs leave loannouuce 10 nis irienus, acquaintances ana lue public in general, his intention of taxing their liberality in the shape ofa Benefit on Fridav evening? next.

8th iasL The diffidence for which he is so rrmirkable. re vents bim from puttinir forth his individual claims to their patronnge, but anticipating the measure of presenting a bill, replete with attractive entertain ments, he conhdently bones to be honored with the at ti'ndaiice of a numerous and ience. fe I it IVESV VORK ATHENKUM. The Lecture. 11 before this Institution forthe ensuin? mouth, will be delivered in the Chapel of Columbia College, at 6 o'clock, P.

M. precisely. Monday, the 4tb ofFehruary Professor Renwick, on the Atmosphere and its Phenomena. Thursday, 1th Samuel F. B.

Morse, on Painting, in its connexion with the other Fine Arts. Monday. 1Kb Professor Renwick. on the Atmos phere and its Phenomena. Thursday, I Ith Samuel F.

B. Morse, on Painting, in its connexion with the other Fine Arts. Monday, IRlh Professor Renwick, on the Atmos pnrre anu us i ncnomcnn. Thursday, 21st Samuel F.B. Morse, on Painting, in its connexion with the other Fine Arts.

Monday, 2Mb Professor Reuwick, on the Atmosphere an I its Phenomena. Thursday, 28th Samuel F. B. Morse, on Painting, in its connexion wilh the other Fine Arts fl N. H.

CARTER, Secretary. HO LOAN. iM.000 dollars on unincumbered real I J. estate in this city. nt6 per rent, prrauuum En quire at 14 Broad t.

Tint fl sir. (iftt A KrsprcUib oOorni wuniun, a liMfi sscu Cuuk, I wishes a ituntmo in a gentrri tanuiy. A I a bov as essi tant wailrr. Aoplvnt 03 Duane st. fill jV I ICE.

The baing taken AOnrr L. Ely into partnrrsbip the business will beC'miinn ed undir the firm of Abner R. L' rd Co. at 41 strert. ABNF.R R.

RuHO. fill IE subscriber having been eiprrienced in the I nuimessui rollecting nlnmes for merchants and others, and al in obtaimui subrihrrs to periodical and heinjr shout to take a lour through the ditlerent counties nt the State of New York, proffers his services to merchants, and to the proprietors of newspa pers, ann mner literary woras; nnrxcepiion ahl refcrrncee LI be given. Apply atthisotfire. F4lt s. WEED.

SHirPAN ACADEMICAL INSTITUTE Two iles from Mamford, Connecticut, 38 mi'es front I lorK to which thrre are numerous daily con vrvanrrs th hy land ami watrr; hy F. Bft GU. principal II years) of the City Corn inrrcial School, N. Vork. The prnpnsrd In titiition, will emhrnce all the higher branches of edutili in, rrnrrally taut ht in the best Rnerding Srhonls.

Younf grntlrinen will be fitted for Collece, with as much despatch, as may be compatible with their reptitatirn and that nl the Seminary, and those desifnrd for Mercantile and other pursuits, will he in trucled with rs press) rrfrreare to a ch design, both as retards their Pennman hip, A ilhuelie, practice nf Mercantile Correspondence, Book Keekinr, a quainlanre with French, (n wbirhlaneuatethe Principal rondurled Commission Establishment OO the Continent of l.urope.) and Spanish. Thegrest nhjert which balDrs so many young per sons in their introduction to business, "school hoy writinr," will it is believed, never obstruct the pro. gressof pupils of this Establishment Mental Arithmetic has always firmed an important part nf the course nf arithmetical iu tructi in the Citr Com mercial Sen ml, aid not ciaty contributes to that de. patch, wbich is the smil ol faiiHs hut to a habit of cuiievirH rniiisrinniion, si men uistirrruisiif suss no enmplishej tradesman, from toe chalk and pencil cal eu'slion. The situation nf Shippn, is one of the meet beauti fill an I healthful in the Union, the Mansion is larfe, and altho tfh situnted on a hdty eminence, mrerlonkii vie snnnu asiar as ins eye can reaen, is yet sheltered from Ibe keenness nf ibe Sea hrerzes, by a port on nf stalely tree.rurHl various Ibe rsn'ri aud orch ards are larfe, and ahurxta illv stocked with Ibe urf ll and oena mental it is cut no from the ua nf Slam for bv a distance nf miles I as the recreation limits nf the pupils II he within the walled nlarj of the estate, improper nr bewildering assneialions will be almmt imimssihlr; and the tem stations ti indolence, ill be guarded acainst, by the assi lu vus sonal soperyisino the prinrtpal.

and by apprrmrinte recrealnws sinilarly aiip. rintetdrd or participaied the great object will be to promote br it her' karm My, vignarnf body and cheerful assiduity no punish ments will be Indicted, for any delinquencies, beyond gratuated penhihilinns, from Ibe customary recreations or, in ease obstinate and irreclaimab a disobedience, expulsion from the srhaot Pmfaaity, O'larrrlsnmcncss cr hahitual moruseness will he ertsssidered asdeei led disquslifications for social fe Inwship the character nfthe policed geotle maa will he to lioesly cultivated. The table cf the pupils, will be the table of the pria cipsland hisfamilr. The tyh ad will begin on the first of May. Foe the terms nr other informitmsi, epplv to I.

I. BR MM, Rmsrvrlf or Mr. JAMES McGIFFEHT, private lostrudor, No, Ut WvoaterL 5 ICS img ate To the r'rotrs of the City Commercial School, since ltsreaNlshnenl In 1011. Centlsmen Acknnwkilrenwmls of gratitude patrons fir farnrsmnfeered are nemmoi, that they are geaeralty uttered without thoufht, at matters of mere complacency, end real, as mailers uf firm, without Interest were I ennsrioua on tbe present occasion, of expressing nothing mratban anfelt, insipid eoenpli tnent, I sb uUI not presume tn address) you, nor do I wih In lrect an intensityisf seosihi'ity or nf thankfol ness, i'tcirrtpaiihle with s'f respect, or an honest i. imines nt having used my best endeavor to ynir expeeUlioos.

lathe labiwious employment tn which I am devoted, there are many striking preulisnlics, wbwh to mm Is variously enaUruded, assunte aspects of Very C'iller eat rbaiaeiera that which Is drlich'ful to one, is altogether tb reverse to another ii has been any lot. partly induced bv habit, and pnt'v hy the cireumstan ees under which I comment sd business to have much less personal Interersirs Ith those, who supplied me With Ibe means nf living, than teachers usually have lnmnrh. that I 4 know that I ever asked f.r a pipil. noe ever) personally snog tn lay the remnval nf one yet such has been your confidence and feeieea. tity, thai accused withmil an nppKtunily of defending myself, ise bv busy ssdicilatioos, or new fangled speeulatRi ts, by flamomne promises, and imposing tsh'ish'netits, have been eoable by vnur persfvecint ihrrrnes me, to sustain lhe try eessarrrs SK4, wilh ao nametical diminulhm i PsKrtmare, whirh has lad been desired by me.

until the wset time. Komenf my esrliest scbo'srs ere still With me, an! many nfthe remaia.lev are the brothers of soch as hate fmm lime ime withdrawe fnm my super plen dence and instrnctmn, to minc'r in scenes which it was my pens iire In prepare these, la aatuncing In yrm and to the public generally, my determiaatbei to a hand tbe in.tiiuiiiaa, hi aasief your asptries, I have profitably eou lucted sn maay years ami In MmaKssre one isf a Very diffeeeal feel that I ewet iynsj and Ibe suspKitMlof IsrrotiltKM nrtbe natibla ennclu isk. that (he seme pWV (as it has nftea hrea deesatstt birh revealed me from tnliriling support, impelled me, with at eeeemonr, or temtbililv, to a rupture of the many delicate attachment, which my business is pe tiiliaety fitted lo envrtvler. I trust, irntlem'a. that yna will gve me eretlit fr anniewhal more of princi ple than this w.mld lmdy.

IW arnslbly obliged to you tear rxintewsnee, asnl shall at war entertain fnr Ibe numerwis youlhs, whom yews, la yoaf mnn itee, esttresteil me, tbe most sincere regard and ef tret umale interest, serymtnyniiaeml hope acicm tn see rise, far above the eminence tn which nrnfeassoti rsw elevate prosing in Ihrir whnle raeeee, thai they keep rxvslanlly in their view, the deaf r.feserder,' which I always leHmired In familiarise tbesw wilh. ant make I hem Imitate that nf a rms rIfraa; awl wbelSer my present uisdsrtakinf may r4sec4ieesresine I shall a' sj ys recsllecl, wilh heart felt fsalitede, thai a fncwdles stranrer tn America. I del isi aamenms kt entitmoed and snbsUnt' al we fits In HetifStfol inierrmrsr with them, thenath sree snfi Ience your lairiMe sevrsnl. It A F. BR AGO.

I CK HEM NS p.eces t'st rlitv he CK HEM AN VP ece Br.t a rlitv ars STOLEN, on Saturday afternoon td inst from the ball of house 19 Park Place, a dark drab over Coat, double breasted, silk buttons, faced and lined with silk, and but little worn. Any iuSirmatioo that may lead to the recovery will be thankfully received and liberally rewarded, at the house of the owner, 19 Park Place. f43t DISSOLUTION. Not The business heretofore couducted in thiscitv under the firm ofT. I.

Tobias Co. and in Richmond, Virginia, under that of I Lavia juaan at uo nas neen mis aay aissolved Dy mutual consent New York, 4th Feb. la T. I. TOBIAS, fe46t DAVID JL'DAH.

LOT: I IN LAFAYETTE PLACE. M. Hollman i Sons, will sell on Tuesday Feb.S. (to morrow.) at 12 o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, those five I aluahle Lots on the eatt side of Lafavet'e IMace, com. it.

iL 1 1' i iicuiiiiy; iiioiiuriu ranmiucr uirruurui i. ursi si. i ihove great lot is 25 feet by 100 deep. I Terms on the day of sale. Map may be seen at the I exenange.

in tVI Mm Ca ft The lower Store and Cellar No. 103 Pearl street Apulv to BURCKLF. BROTHERS. TO LET OR LEASE, the whole of the premises No. 120 Pearl st.

Hanover square. now in the possession of Bancroft, Me.ier AppiyiO Lt.till.l lUIilllU, 106 Pearl at. corner Old dip. and elegant hw prvasure steam boot MATILDA. Cant j.

Hitchcock, will leave the nf st. to morrow (Tuesday.) aflermx at o'clork, and proceed as far up tbe river as the ice Wlllailnul nt ll NEW HA K.N 1 he 1 Steam Boat PROVI DENCE, Captain Saixlt.rd, will leave Fulton slip at 8 o' clock tn merrow morning, N. Haven. Breakfast osi bnanl. Post ooacbe ill be in readincar on Ibe ar rival of the bi tn mnrey passengers on to Bostit) and Provideure.

via Hartford. Fur further inOnudoo resnrctio. the Boat, enq iire nf Ji ACOB COR LIES, Wi Pearl st. IMPROVED MANIFOLD WRITER. This in 1 Jl veulioo is the most simple Letter Copying Machine ever otierea to tne nuhite.

It win produce not only a letter and its copy, hut triplicates if rrnuircd; all exact far simtliea, and with ink that will stand the test of all clnnales.t'je whole contained in a Russia or Morrncro Port folio, and ksrms ant ailmirabie travelling Com pendium. Others are fitted op ia a plainer manner, lur a counting room. N. B. Ts he bad only ol J.

D. STOUT, No. Hi Broadway. 3 doors a wth Liherty st. fe4 3t VMniri.NG CARDS: Merchants' Amlrrsa, Inviia I Fae all other kinds of Engraving and Print 1 Ing, etreutad la a ruperior its Ic and at the shortest no tice, at Stout's engraving and printing establishment, I lj Broadway, netweeannenv and conrtiaodi t.

Foe sale as shore. Ladies. Scisssics, of every deserin tion. Table Kuive and Forks siiperhie RaMrs, Npnrtsmen' Knives, ingrthrr with an as tortmcnt of Tea and Table Spoons plated on steel. J.

D. STOUT. JC7 Direct ionAn elegant large oruanicntal Nrifc praieciinc i mm ine on r. irsii IN tllANCLK I Mai 1 Iu lisp suance nf an order of thi Vvnourahl court, will he eidd at public auction at tbe Merchant' Esrhang in the citynf rsew lork, on tbe 4tB day ol leoruary, 1 8. '8.

al If oVIork. at oonn. under the direction of the subscriber All lhal certain block nf ground, situate in Ibe fifth ward of the city uf New Vork, bounded northerly by Laifht street, onrthea terly by Canal street. EaMerlyby Chaisrl strssetsoutber'y by York (late Hubert street, and Westerly by St Johu's Lane, except Ing thereout the following lots or parrels of ground, namely, an certain htss.ld and convened by Samuel Jones lo Isaac and Jonathan two lots sold and conveyed hy Charlee VV. Sand lord and Msry his wife, one at the mrser of St.

John's Ijine and laifht street, and one fronting on Laigbltreet, and distant 64 fart eartrrlv from said Lane, and also except Ing Ihsreoiit the lots dlslingili hed as Nos. 9 and 15 Vmk stfrswl, and Nos. 1 end Laifht street together wilh all and singular th rights members hereditament aad appurtenance lo the same and every part lhatvof hefongingor iaaoy wise appertaining. Dated If'AT'sr'Ts'l er Tsaa, 'stfT THitMASBOl.tON, dft lawti.Utd Master ia I hsnrerv. Nul Th Ms No.

190 and HH'hapel street, in eluded in the above desrr ipl Imt, ill not be sold, tT Th above sal is pnatnmed until the 3d day nf lrch next, at tbe same hnurand ftr. Fehraary 4th, 18.8. I THOMAS lint.TON. flTUSIC for the Piano Forte, Guitar Flute, just I 11 m. received and tor sate oy ji'9 FISH, GRINNELL It CO.

136 Front at pi OCOA CUFFEE 00 bags Guayaquil Cocoa, Ma ler In I'hsneerv. nl 1 ch. tl tieee heavy e.lf Duck, I AGS bale. PH rsivesfo' roiswe sie by I I by I till, GRIN.NLI i. IN CH.ANCtRY.

ri pur suance an order of this honorable court, will be snld at public auction, ol the Merchants' Eschaare, in th city of New Vork, no lb 4thday of Frbrusrr, IV. at 11 oViork at aooo, an ler th direction st the enbscriher, alt those six rertaia kits Pieces nr parrels ef lead situate, lying and being ia Ibe etfhtwarduf th city of New I ork, beg inning at the north west or oerof Canal street and horn pson reel, aad running thence northerly along Thompwisi treet 111 net 1 Inch, thea westerly al nt hi angle to said street 100 feet, thee toutherly parallel to setd street feet, then westerly at right angle to said street to feet, thro entjtherly parallel to said street 14 fret I Inches, theo easterly at rlgbl angi ioeia ireex lees, men southerly at right angle to CnUtreet II feet I Inches, Vea easterly parallel wilh Canal street tl feel inches then southerly at right angles to Canal 10 feet In Canal street and then easterly along Canal eireet i fret I Inches In lb place of beginning tneshr With all aod singular the rights members, hereditaments and srpurlenjiivees to tbe some aid every part thereof beVusifirut OT appertaining. Hrember IfOtb, THOMAS BOLTON, lawtitOld Mewer ia Chaacery. At 7" Th asnv sele Mtpnwed anlil Ih id dy nf Mech nest, at the same hw aad pt vre, February 4th, l.T. THOM AS BOLTON, 4 sslrr la (' hanrer I.A NUTTmI IH' asstsrtesl sale 4 hr TS.t.HlNNEI.I.kCO.IFMwlst.

Ill fJOO do prime green Kio Uottee, aor sale oy ft f4 fur sale bv FOR 8M.E ORTO LET. Four new two recently of Boston. stnrv brick houses, nleasnntlv situated on I Iw i North st. hetwecn Pitt and Willett sts. II 'old, two thirds of the purchase money may remain on nortgage for a number of years, at 6 per cent per ann.

they will be let fur one or more years to good tenants, it the moderate rent of twohundred dollars ner annum. pply to JOHN B. LAWRENCE, ft Iw No. 195 Pearl at HOUSEON FOURTH STREET. for Sale The neat two story brick house on the ilVlin north sidsinf im I nut from roadway, at present occupied bv Dr.

Roe. The house is twenty feet wide and forty feet deep, the lot 80 feet The bouse contains two cellar kitchens, two parlour with folding doors, handsome marble mantles and grates ornamental cornice and centre pieces, rooms on the second floor and 3 rooms in the earrt t. a vault in the rear, and brick cistern in the y.ird. The house may be viewed any dnv between I 3 o'clock. HOUSES ON BROADWAY.

To lt. The two three story marble basement houses on the west sideof Broadway, between Amitv and Fourth streets, will he completed by the first of April next, in modern style, with mahogany doors, marble mantles, fcc built by days work in a sunsbintinl manner, and the lotsexlendinK to Mercer street, with a handsome garden of trees and shrubbery of various kinds. LOTS ON THE NORTH RIVER. To Let. F'ive lots of ground on We treet near Cnnal street Apply to GEORGE LOVETT, f4 Iw KM Broadway.

TO LET The Store. 61 Willimu street the first and second floors have each a Count inf Room, wilh fire places, and mnv he rent ed separately, if wished. Possession may be hud im mediately. Also, to Let, the adjoining Store, on the corner of 1 unamend rine streets, the lower room lias no coin municatmn with the other part of the Store: It is 5 feet on William street and 94 feet on Pine street, and i well calcinated fr the business nf a reliant The second floor is fini.hed for Counting Rooms, itb lire places, iron saf, air. tor particulars, apply to F4lw Ds.Mr.LOAKEYfcCO.43 Pine st.

jVIO ITCE. The copartnership heretofore existing ll between Ibe subscribers under the firmol 1 1 alloc a sk Shelden wasdiss.lvelonlhe 1st inst. by mutual con sent. I he business the Concern will lie seiurii ny Ileury Shelden, No. S3 Penrl.

rornrr nf I'liltnn st CHARLES HAI.I.OCK, HENRY SHi LUfcN. HENRY SHELDEN. having taken intncniHirtncr ship Harvey W.Val, will continue business iindrr'he firm of Shelden Vail, No. Pearl, tor. Fulton st CH ARLES ALT.OCK.

having taken into copart nership Chauneey W. Moire, will continue boine at ro. hs rearl under me arm ol uaiiota nionrr. ft Iwdke Okt.r:j.!, i lk rVe. tucktt.

Third Line of Packets. Tbe well known fat ailing copper fasten ed and ne wly coppered hi A INI iuer, mastrr. will sail as above. For freight or passage, apply on board at wharf west side Burling slip, to JOHN LAIDLAW'ls outhsLorlo I.VMXN ALLY 84 S.Mith street. HH MWA'dfl Established Line.

The fine fast a.iilii, narket ahn ACON Wr D. L. Portrr, master, having csiii rable part i4 ber cargo engaged and going on bsrd, will meet with immediate despatch. For balance of freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply on ssrd at Murray's wharf, ns tn f4 WM. WHITI.OCK.

Jr. 10 South st H.I.S'lLlnirUHl Ahurthensome BRIG, of G0 to 190 not over tnree yesrs old. ftppiyio DK FOREST HON. Smith st.

ff i i ii Bsrrw I Al. BAN i. I beuew iu i unw oj 1 1 South st lir. lonr.i a. o.f.s.o uwhi 1 LUE, and Cowhide Whips, of Rogers' nianutae VH ture, for sale oy ft CF.BRAk CUMING, 106 fearl st SUGAR loU bhdsN.Orli ansSuKar, lor sole by JOS.

OSBORN, 61 South st A NCHORS Iron and wooden stocks, 318, 506, 8S6, IX. 800 I00 lbs, for sale by f4 FISH, GRINNELL Ic CO. 136 Front st. 1 0FFEE 5U0 bags Rio Janeiro, just received, and fu FIH, GRINNELL Jt CO, I So Kront st. OIL CANDLES 5000 gallons Summer Oil, 6000 do Fall do, C000 Whale do, 500 boxes Sperm Can dles, asj'd sizes, for sale by fl F1SH.GKINNELL& CO, 136 Front st.

GLASSES The cargoes of hrig Paulina, from 11. Havana, and ship Caravan, from New Orleans, landing this day, and for sale by f4 JOS. OSBORN, 51 South st FOUND a small sum of money, which the owner can have hy applying nt No. 31 Maiden lane. fJ2t IV OTIC E.

The subscribers have this day lormed a 1 1 connexion in business with Mr. Lewis Tappan, The firm will remain the same. ARTHUR TAPPAN fc CO. flALEDONlAN BALL The annual Caledonian i nil ij I) .1 uuii in or given ni mimuiih; nan, upwihbj, on Friday evenini the 8th inst The committee of arrangement deem it incumbent on (hem to state, that the Ball will be given with a splendor and appropriateness nf stvle calculated to gratify national feelings. A numerous and select hand of music ha been engaged for the occasion, and kept iu constant rehearsal, which will he under the direction ol Mr.

nay, a gentleman nf firt rote professional talents for Scottish national airs, ahd ho has generously volunteered to lead the hand. Twoor three bagpipers (in the garb of old Gaul) will promenade tbe room, playing national airs, previous to the commencement in ine nan. Tbe number of Tickets being limited, those who in tend to honor the Ball with their presence, will make early application as no more will be admitted than the capacity ol the room will permit to dance wilh comfort Tickets 81 each, which will admit gentleman and lady. Tickets to be bad nf Messrs. Dubois Jt Stoddnrt, no.

1 8 Broadway, and at the oar of masonic nan. Doors open at 1, and the Ball to commence at 8 o' tWk, F2 6t TS SSI. STITTTTlF 1 tiOtYIMi. The Mrnm Peck, towing place in or around the harbour. For information, in quire ni ine captinn on ponro.

nr to JACOB CORl.lES.IRSPcarMreet t'4 lOR Elizahctbumu Point. A 1 ElizahelhlowH Point as follow The steam boat LIN Captain Peck, is now SsPplvinr Wween New Vork leave hliznbetbtnwn Point at 8 and half past o'clock, and Irave New Vork at half past 10 anil 3 o'clock every day, Sundays excepted. Stages will be in readiness on the arrival of the boat tn convey passenger to New Brunswick and Plner Mown. N. B.

Horses, carriage, waggon and all kind of fn if ht taken as usual. IV 0 TICK tf iJuniromi hevethia day taken I 1 A sllfrrd Jthrtl and Ksfu ard into rn partner I ship: their hiisiiiese in future will be conducted under I firm of have for sale at their I stores No. 36 1 Water and Fr mt streets, a general assortment ol imiairtrd Iron ami Steel. Also bar. holt.

hoop, hand and rod Iron of almost every de erintiiMi. I manufactured at their Rolling and Slitting Mill in this city. ii iw TV OTIC G. Tlieopartiiepihipnf Herd. Ltt 4 Co.

1 1 is (his day by mutual consent the on settled business ol the concern ill be tjusledby either uf toe subscribers. New York, Feb. 1, 18:4. I.UMAN REED, DAVID LEE. ndl sale CO, Fnrt st CI I AS.

Y. IIEMPSTED. The so bscri hers have entered intn co partnership under the firm of Rttd, llrmpitnt If Mr ret. N. ork, Frh.l,H.'.


Threeof tbe nlstjj black of three atorv marble Houses in fourth llMfa Uret between Thommonand M'Doiwal its. fruntiuf on a hinat square. These bnnsee i re ju Miipleted in a fashionable and convenieot man pee, with iron Ksleonies, marble mantle pieces, eliding doors aod flue for entry stoves Tbe lots are ti feet hy lot feet, including the Court yards which are 14 et bv enclosed by an iron rail iat flagged wilh silvergroy slmse, The bowse ere a hy feet, the front and rear walls built entirely iifn arhle and in rack vsrd is a large brick cistern, with sither mnvenienee. The siluat on i in every respect ns healthy and desirable as any in tbe city and tbe terms ill he moderate either 10 a purcbasrr or tenant. line of tbe Us runs through to Amity st being in all rlJfret App'y to the suhsrrilier red Ing in tbe centre bouse if Ibe Muck, or at No.

5 Exrhante street. Jjllw JAMES B. MURRAY. HOUSE TO LET. The very handsome three stnry stone basement brick Houss 1 nerof Greenwich and Cedar streets: it has a cellar kitchen on the ground fl', pantries In the basement siiary, marble chimney pieces in this and in eeeond sturie.

The rooms of Ike latter communie te wilh sibling door. There are three rrmms in the third lour rooms cwnplclrly kuislted, in the garret etoey. Apply ro flf BENJAMIN BAILF.Y. A.i. TO LrVT From the 1st uf fifth moma TVttCJ (Maylnest.lbelarfeandceimnvoilious House llUCL No.

251 Pearl it ll is wrll calculated (nr saniing House, having been occupied as such tW several year past; cnoiieetrd with the above will he rerted the upper part nf the adjoining bous which will reniler it particularly rlrgible fsr a first rale boarding establishment Anplv to fetSt H. II. R. LAVA HENCE, Si Pearl st be Inenedcn ssrurily of freeb 4d be kwned eft security nf freeb.4d 1 i to 40'Ar landsiathrsrily. Apply at the ofHce c4 1 F.MARTIN.

JO fl TVF AV VORK COMMON PLEAS. ll of January Term, In the metier of the petitiea of Frasier Harris Aasif.e of Samuel N. Sharp. On reading ssxdineand ing etc. praying Ihedistrt Puuna certain a rile Weretie peid Into this Court, amounting tn 88, and fixed at i.

terest hy the Clerk Ihemaf as and th iowrr of Mrs, Alary Sharp, in rrrtata prxeedingsiolh partith oof lands had in lb year 1811, and particularly rrlerred to la the say I prtiimn, and aft hearing counsel thereon ordered by the Court, that the whole matter be refrrred to the I Irvk to eserrtaiB the rights and Interesls isf the rLiimanls, ami that he make report tn Ibis Court in the premises first giving notice in twoof thedailv newspapers printed in this city for IJ days successively, lo all Drrsaeis int rested ia said fnd, to appear helor bim aad establish their respective rights therein. Lxtractlrum lb minutes N. DEAN. Clerk. In pursuance nf tbe ahov ru'e nf Court, all prr nn rlnming to he interested in Ihr fund referred require! rxhihit their Voucher arsl prad's before at my office No.

vO City 1111, within IJdjsfromlh dt hereof. Dle. Febeury, fi I N. DEAN, Cleeh N. Y.

Com. Plea. nf a first rat stand a rocter Hi es nr Eating Estahli hment It bring Ibe fd bout from Ckalham Theatre. Th fixtures are In dmplrle order, end a gisnd run of ruom. For further lnlormtioo eno'iir at No.

a Cbatham st. A Lt ABLE REAL ESTATE ale tt aurln hy Jdssr l.tftker. it Ibe Mrrrbtnts' Exebanf on Teestlay nril Ih 5h of Feheuary, Ibe two si. ry bnrk I louse eo ercd with slalt, huill hy day's wusk VV frrt front, I deep, having staling door and marhle mantles nalh first llni i Ih west side of Bmedwav, No. between llleecker and Amity sis.

ti bv 100 et. Msy be viewed from II I o'clork. Terms at the sa'e. 41 Tk'ORTII AMERICAN COAL COMPANY. No.

1 1 lie ia hereby liven lo the sl vkhnlder of Ibe North AmerHin Cl Comiwny, that the enhih in in slalmenl rf IU per rent, being IOPia eeeh share, is rcamred tn he mid br them at the office nfthe row psnv. No. 4 Wall si reel, nn Mnn.lav.lhe SI d.iy of I March next, on paa of f.srfrilure nf tbsir stork, to gether with all previous pynents raa IbeMss, to th ns nfthe company. IB eooionniiy witk in xa sec tiowof Ih charter sd inroepoea BENJ. SecVy.

New Veek, Teh 1. 1 fl ii fAN I ED Arbanitwrmaid. aa Vmevrooi Ess II sisve who gtish woman will he pevhrrssl ttish woman will he pevhrrssl Civil and obliging will bad a gud sitaslioo by apo'y log at No. I Wall sl. ThlAKhrnt KIM.

II A I. a Hotel taf ui.jus I published and sab by t0 E. HI.I'A, tro twr. I i fcc. quarter rak of Irnerille me, princtitslty li.l ParticuUr, a i vior quality f.r family sale mqusMitie.

loi pur harsby VVM.k SAMI .1 RAIti. No, Fnast street ALSO I I Ions solid Heche VV mr seje tow to clojse a cMwienmenl. I' ht.r.ll VLlii hMs. Nova hcsii, eee. per tor quality, Jud rervived and fsr sal at Nn.

IJ Nassssn sirel hy 7 urNuV r.r.ttRGr. ARrt ay. II II II 4 I I set now lre No. IsThe I elk Burner of Ihrs tnsjk cnolaming Aegelanie Phv mlogy pet is rereived tad ready delivrry, tuhrnptitsas taken ev JJI ONE HUNDRED AND "TWEN TY FIVE DOLLARS REWARD 1 1 will pay for two Horace, stolen from I me on the 5th December last. Onewaa fa brown horse, nearly 16 hands high, with a star in hit forehead, a acar on his left shoulder, right hind loot white above the ancle, left lore foot white about aa high.

The other a bay mare, aoout la bauds, good bead, neck, ana ears, nign carriage, hen drove fast blow very hard, and appear to be spring halt wn or three of the mare's feet are singularly marked with white and black spots below the fetlocks; and the hoof on hrr left hind foot has a seam nearly in trnnt. Both horses are gentle in double and single harness, long bodird, and advanced in age. The horses prolmbly have passed through several hands, nnd I sha'l spare no exertion to recover them. as they are wanted to convict the thieves, who are snfclv lodged. Therefore the person or persons bav init them iu i possession shall receive 51 fur either, or for both, if delivered to me: or any person who will deliver them to Messrs.

Smith fc Wood, at Brooklyn, (L. state of New York, shall be entitled to the above reward. N.B SAO reward will be paid to any editor in the United States who gives this advertisement in his valuable nance, nrovidrd it leads to the recovery of said horses, nr for either. The obiect of thi? reward is to give the nhove a general circulation, bicb I am at a loss to do in any other way. LEWIS HEWLETT.

r.l Wnnds. Ourrns entintv. state of New York, Jan. 28th, 18:8. fr.21wdkc JW4 FOR SALE The New York Steel Man Mufactiiring Compauy, intending to remove the teat of their oprrations to some place where they can have the Lenefit of a water power, offer for talc their property in Perry st.

between W'esh inuton and West containing four lots of ground with 2 buildings well calculated for an extensive manufacturing establishment. The property will be sold Willi or iiuouiiue usiuresns ioht suuiuopurturuicr. Two thousand five hundred dollnrs ran remain on mortgage. Apply to M. JAQUES, Bleecker at, cornerof McDougal it or to W.

COOPER, hi tvashington st. Ml 1111 nrt in FOR SALE The two storied house No. 22 Howard at. built and occupied hy the tub scrlbrr.isotfrred for sale price 810,000. One bull iiftiie purchase money may remain on mortgage.

ins ii. niftAsv c.i.t,. Boat LIN NMJS, Cant Aiv. WANTI is now in read ine a for pfinj May next, ng vessels, to or frim any JjLJjill. with a gor ANTED FOR SALE The four story House, No.

19 Pine street, directly opposite the French Ch irch. EnquireofE. Elmendnrf. FOR SALE OR TO LEASE 1 be basement House No. 35 Barclay street.

To be teen from 12 until P. M. Apply on the i tf TO RENT From the 1st ol a modern two story brick house, sxl yard, situated between Cbatn brr t. nnd the Uatiery. Apply ai as ranaun su A HOUSE IN BROOME STREKF.

For rffiT Hale, the elrgant two story brick House No. ilUitH. slil Broom street, a few door west nf Broad v.y. 25 hy 49 et, with vaults front and rear. It is nearly new, built by tbe subscriber in the best manner, and finished tbroUsh Hit in first modern style.

Id point of situation, omvrnieney of arrangement, and rvey rrouisite for a pleasant and genteel residence. ll is one of the n.ost desirabl inlheeily. Tbe yard, which opens Int lhe centre the blork, is handsome ly laid nut, and stocked wilh grape vine, rosebushes, lie. For a view of the premises aod terms, apply lo II it i ri'Kiif. i to iiier sr.

fsstm ll i av" iiVJalhe basei Fl iw FUR MALE, tne ll Usr io. I'los I. nvslern hiull, with three stories above ntent. Apply NEV INS ft TOWNSEND, 41 Wall st. A.a TO l.l'.T OR LEASE The eniMii.aliPUs ft'sffn threestnry brick lioiise Nn.1 Braver t.

peir tl I ilZlits. onssuway, bi present nrrnpieu ny nsi, iw bens, q. it has every rnnvenienre a family. AI iithe brick house No. 58 Courtluudt stM occupied hy Col.

'W. Sinne, in gnnd repair. Also the wo stnrv brick house No. 64 Court'andt st. occupied by Eli Goodwin, Esq.

in complete order. Apply to ti. P. ROGERS, 8 Broadway. frxlf TO LET OR LEASE The three ttury biirk House No.

Broad street, in good re pair, t.iuiiltre nt PETER REMS' CO. I0 Pearl st TO TJfcT Thai neat and convenient three story br ck House No. Front street, pleas QL anlly situated, near Ike Battery. For terms. winch nolo lo C4t WM.I'.

Illll SA AN. American Hotel. Til LET The Urge and coinintslious lloasrand grounds knowa as Ricbrm nd Hill, I situate at tbe comer nf Variek and Charlton ts. Ontlie premises a two cisterns, and a pump of exeeueui water, inquire on ine premises, nrm (Itf E. VAN Canal st Mi TO LET.

from Ibe first of May nest The first rate three tnry brick llowse 4J Walker ii r.n ii I i be icnled a Irrm of year if required. For wiJbeie term and permission view the flf t'EBR A CUMING, It pearl M. I WAN I El), a Partner loa Very respeclslil and pMfitalile business, the amount of capital reipii re will lie wioiee at 4 4 Pine st. jl O.a soungur middle sued perssinif aa 1 questinnahle rbartctrr, most posMss a small Capital. Enquire No.

4H Finest. I It. In ami others. st aaiksot, 1 with engine anwerfal ewnwg to tow eesn Is nfthe I largest MssSee, HALE. The hstures ami grad will of a lease lit Im patent mnsi 10 do tiermaa do, No.

4 I I oo Mk I Italian l.a trtats mallsssai'ssmk! 4 On aaeing el Ik, ll quality i Idije.w4 whit sewing silk I do rseh ittiad habit cords together whh a very ril oair ass rtmrut of wurstcd s)d ottoo hoasery aad faary fssts fVI I AO l.l.l lulhe Phcrsiit BwiUlisgs fiscing lr I street, one I hwe, to by tu feel, with an Othee trml and rear, on the ss enod flner No. (. Also, tbe aee sml flm No. I.a epaeines FI W. with a renot oAce.

Irontiof the sed sireet a'l wilh the nrivdrr of Ibe lvsing wheel, and entrsnee pasnige lo Wl street. Also, Offices nr, the sold flnrsr, adjoining Mr. Word Ward. Rents ceTnmn'slnf re peetahb teoaals liMiuirenf WILLIAM A. VVeyn I i evmn I urk's aswe.

)wi i VI I A i Ml urnishew krU nasi I am ber si. osay he hod hie Ibe winter, lor ese or two gentle men to lodge la. App'y rn al iklsnrwee. at Ik 4 tl lialUsas Ll.lee wrio alk NATII AlQ ACKSON, PUBLIC? SE3. BY JOHN HONEkSONS biofeeotwUWtJt PeerlStreeta.

sw. Wednesday, I o'clock, at the Exchange, Tbe Dwelling House of Mr. John A. King, No. Park Place, together withthe Coach House and Stable in the rear.

Tbe House stands noon a lot In fe by feet, and the back bouse and stable on lea) held from Trinity Church, of which there it aa uneip red term of 10 yean, which will be told rent free. The Looking Glasses in the drawing room and tbe Pore lain Stove in the Hall, will not be sold with the House, but may be bad upon a valuation after the tale a considerable portion of tbe purchase money may remain on mortgage nt8 per cent further particulars made Known ai saio. no aey in me house Itlelt Wltn tar. Torrence Quin, at the corner of Barclay and Church treats, ho will shew the premise. i OnMnnday I ith February.

LOTSON BROADWAYIiCROSBV At o'clock, at tbe Exchange, LoU of Ground, with the building tliereou, tituated in Broadway, between Prince ft Houston streets, commencing at No. 690, and thence running northerly on handred had thirty six feet six inchet on Broadway. Lots of ground and tbe building thereon In tbe tear, and adjoining tbe above, lacing ou Crosby at commencing at No. and extending northerly one hundred and forty aeven feet two inches on Crosby at. fsJ Water t.

4 I eruing lathe, a small seuilbanstl. and lairisthrl hws, sale, JJOli r.W I GlNfillAMA 1 1 J. S. f'oenl. Mmedesv, jut receive I ra of plaid erinn French giiifbam, rsrt.sss Pansxenienne casbieere ptai ls, I the er'ict sr he preset.

I ear ii, the neel Isle worn ill also, enibnsKlrry laces mourning nf all kinds, wilh general assnrlmenl nl every artKleof last ami fashion that ran be bxin inlhenir, JII4I' kV I.R Mint s. ir rntlrmen B.W I I A seven Over Shoes lusl itx'd sale hy II A WHITE, I 1 Mai ten lane. IN 11 A HIII.H liter Mmso, for sale by tl' VVIIITE.1.1 Maiden Une. IMJIHilC SAI KS. JOHN T.

tiOVD, Aial.ii,IJi Brunl y. At lOnVhs Ih cie rsm. a Urge tad gne rala slelh.searh.Wf irait.ire, II Ih New Vork awle Piano Fort. .11 i'nrjrV Ihse double counting house desk AUi, variety nptighl einling rnnva do. Also, I sbsre of the Sew I ork Sswtety Library, For terms arHr isft room.

PTvV.Jo i hroNE.I'aiwrajsia Building IJttmJsv. tV liMhleir hmIm A bur and eW ftal anrtmnl is) bocks will he off rreu.amnsvg winaareaaew ittitmsi ot Pbakspaare. sols. VV avert Novels 41 tola, be el1 Nsnslenn. mis.

Hed Rnvee. 1 tola, a choice invrMce of limd bnks, (parOcuUr ie CBlelofues,) aod yarf.Mts utbrr BKHlea, Fihlay evewiag. Wilt be enntinued Ih sate of bookseller's stiak which see liond's HlnHv of At Vine, Clark no Female Diseases, British Prose itecs, I vets. Aver Hi's Surgery, ll per" Mrdiral Drrisisnary Tbrwnas' rrwrtsretsTMeslsrine, Bnlik rrts so IA vi4s.aod va ro'is ether article. ItsOrsemslsttee popee.

tneqnali. ty.asal asjaanlityaf Asaertcaa tad English bbve? kia nr rdrr se. ai a Lola of ground nearly opposite tne above, commencing at the easti rly coraer, formed by the Intersection of Crosby and Columbia tt. running north, easterly along Crosby st tixty two feet three inchet, tbence south easterly ninety feet, thence south westerly sixty live feet seven inches, and thence north wet terly on Columbia st ninety five feet Also, 4 Lota id ground situated in Mott street near Bleecker street, containing in breadth ninety one feet Ave inches, and in depth on each side one hundred aod ix feet, known as Also, the 4 story brick Store and Lot No. Its Front treet occupied by Messrs.

Reed Co. Ike lot eon taiuiug in breadth eighteen feet six inches and In depth on the eaitwardly tide one hundred aod eight tret I we inches, and on the westerly tide one hundred and nine feet nine inches. Also, tba House and Lot at the aouth east corner of Washington It Jay, occupied by Mrs. Bitteohons the lot containing in breadth in fronton WuhingtM treet tweuty fi ve feet, and twenty five In the rear and in depth eighty feel on Jay street. HOARDING.

Three or lour respectable nerson ran obtain hoard in a small family, at 43 Orchard sirrrt.oa moderate term. Inquire a alsove or 2J0 reen si. All FA It ME HS. A mnslerahle nosotity of Bne 1 lime, fur mIc a bargain, i applied for imioeHiste Ivat the Lime Kilna, No. tf Wq.kingtnsi et.

Jlu4t ('IIHONOMKTrR WANTED, by b. E. BI ROWS, loo C. H. Slip.

IJMON BAMC. New Vork. JIM Jan. HA Tm Stork holders of Ih Ubmss Rank are smsificd that Ibe anneal elect (sr eleven Director ill he held en Monday, the Id of March next, at Ibe Hanking House. The II will open al II o'ehsrk.

A. M. and closest oVksrk P. M. By order nf Ibe President and Director.

DANU EBBETS, Jr. I'll tml Cashier. Terms. I per cent on tne aay of sate, zv per teat en del ivcry of the deed the balance may remain oaewrt PACKAGE SALE DRY GOODS. Tuesday, Feb.

at 10 o'clock, at their anetloa mom. ata mouths credit, 150 packages fresh impelled Dry Gikids. Catalogue will be ready, and the goods, exhibited, the day before the sale. fnrnls 3000 boxes Western Glut, hy 7 hy 9, 8 by HI, and 10 by It. BV JOHN 1)0 VLE, Store 2J1 Broadway, corner of Park Plar.

J. D. respectiully teixler hi Mrvice to bis fellow citizens, who may require tbetn, in tbe disposal of Books and Stationary, at auction. Those who may te vour him with their businete, may rely ape being dwell with in the most honest and prompt ananaer. 1 1 i.eommuMoa charges are gxed and moderate, and ae deviations will be made from them.

All sale absolute, hut lb greatest eiertion will be made for IkeoWDsaps. WEDNESDAY EVENING. A very valuable and extensive collection of Book, many ol them first rate works, SATURDAY EVENING, At half past 6 o'clock P. M. catalogue la every ra peel equal to the former.

JCJ Regular Auctions every Wednesday and Saturday F. veilings. 1 he greatest variet of school hooka uncommonly cheep at private sale. Litirarie furnish. sdoo fir belli terms than any where else ietlneity.

N. Ii. A large assortment of Book tl private sale, yery cheap, parilciilarly srhwd hooks. aV McUAkV ti CO, Store al Broadway, Maaoa 13 it Hall Thursday, At 10 o'clock, bv order of the assignee, a ooanUty of new and second band furniture, emisiiiug of feather beds and bedding, mahogany and (eld bedsteads tide boards, dining table, wa standi, mahogany, fancy ll Windsor cbair, rocking do, motse stools, kail lamp, portable de ks alabaster ornaments fjid lempstoge ther with many uielul article of kitchen fureilore. BY AMOS HAWTEY, Wall SUoei Puhlia Bale Room, No.

ti. Misnday bveoiog, Will be sold fcDcral assnrlmsmt nf Books ke. '1 Treats Sale French and Loa 'on hswhs. Rollia1 A ooet.t History, Plotarth't Live. I kv Maddock Reports I McDowell Thank Iv Gillie's Greece 4v Dnrnlord and taste Reports, 4v Law nf the U.

States evt Red Rover, iv; Eyrie' Travels, Ehevle'a Materia Medka.rr; Hawkio's Pleeaof theCrow4v Adam1 Trnmhull' Htstnr of Conneeti. Home, Smollett Bissett' History of Eo laud, Resroard, Beowo'aJeWfc. Ish Burr's Trial, tvj Culhnsh't System Pyroteekny CrabbS Byauayme! Fraoklin'a Work 6v Newt's oa the Prophecies: Hume, Smollett It Miller's History of England, 9v Barb orkt, tv Bvron's Works I Teuseas's Prwctwt Aberoe. nV Ml 1.1.3 MINI UN, busre ojrasv ol Wall aud Pearl streets. Wednesday, AI oVIork.

at Ihrir auction room, general assort tnent of French aod Rritish Dry Good. Thursday. At 1 1 o'clock, la front of their luctioa room, 44 ls disobbls White Wiue. At I trclork.althe MerehknU' F.lthaif,eOAhrs) of the rap'Ul slk of the Mohawk Insurance enenpeay of New Vork, fue account cd those enneeraed, by ir lue of bopothecatMso made by the said sleek, and ef judgments obtained against the parties to hypothecate Ing. Also, by order nf an Executor Prw No, S3 tbe east aisla of Rev.

Dr. Matthews Cherck ia Gardes et. Tkursday, Ilk Fbruarv. Al I ef lb rcpilals'nck of the Mohawk Insuraco CVsnpe ay of New York, f. account uf those cooesmed levir.

tne of hyeolhecati. anode of the said stock and ef judgments noiiorl againsi ia panics e) praaeraiinf. iu i.r. i i snssi Lately. The mutttrv house.

stable It bowses With about I acres ol land, on the oanis iae tvast nvsr. dirertlyep osit the juBrti of lb Old Post Road and L.TI...J M. lk kill ehsssre ins Tkss Tl hl PHyiott boose co tains I room, with spec tow fstm, e. I al the tsw Baeeiae 1 tw klteb1 TTtnU ta lb Useaaeat Tk i I s. sk ai 1 1 LA I Js.

It kkrfa. ti. hxesei I erasiad are In good ticket Ivoee. the garaVw arodwotivo I 41 hrls. dodo; tJO hhds.

swisae N. O. Msdas, I and the orchard may ha reatsanaWy estisaaud to pee fd. 1 hv C. fc J.

ARHTO VV. 1 41 Freett st. It I due 100 Me, tks raoka PotsesaiuB may bo hod lav II lE l.Hu.iT.tll Pearl bsssiwt maived 1 1 I larasablk liaJia aett. for dr esj do Weaver's 1 Bi cdnutft, W.AhttVf Co. Pswrl (treet.

fllore ill tveiaesiy,, tCVk rnitdift 3 sir. At 10 eVtoek at (hetr octio rnora 150 package British and Dosnestk Dry Goods, CaUlrsraes aad snwde th day prevlow. Jt frwmU SsJr. JO cases apron and feraltare checks do 4 4 superbie bed ticks 30 bale 1 dodo; jnease Mindigu pUids; I do 14 heavy olirvfuslians; SO hale 3 4 bniwn shirtings; easrs 4 bleached do: 11 do 1 8 do dosuurriur ft) halea brown sheetings to do bleached do cases te table diaper I do fancy furniture (wints swtteoett, iwndalHw mu lins, eotlisa yarn, emtnit ban. ke.

7V SlluTVVkLL, I'OX CO. More list Peert 1 trt Taesdty. At half past I oVtoek.a larg aad general asrrtaea4 of estmanldrygoils. hk bOlitiS, lltOMPON CO. 1 ear es treet.

Mil II All Jll TaaAla lalw'. Store IfS A oVIork al their a irtio eooro, a general assortment i rsh imported Dry lents. 1 1 t.N It Furoiiureueu.o rvoaa lhe.NfW lirk lillrry iwtiroaoaay. tVeslnrsii.iv, Will be sold wilhoul reserve re al the store 'd funulure tk. nto pay a lead loMs warrant, e.

Hug sidebstrds six bureaus pillar rlaw feel dining do. Alio, fas, Jo m.ib.stsoy chairs doi lancy rosewood do, c.lle.,1 asrlri oes, I bedsteads matrass, the whole wi he worthy Ih alleotloo of Boortting HoBseenr hhiprs. Sale hi rssnimencr al bad ps 10 oVhxk. enrslr islr, on liberal terms cabinet furoituro nf all drw nptHass, rirh plaled cut glas china do. fcsiry mahogany chairs, hoctxontal piano forte, latsle cutlery, blankets, quills, counterpanes 400 )Ma Hrsaris rarpeting.

Al the ware mum. No. 8 Broadway, a Urge tod eitrn ivr asanrtmewl of rahinel furniture, of rvsry do rrijiliisa al thehiwest aurtk prices As the atnve store is larg and spacious lurwiiaro will he received on mmmlsaiaa or aturarr, aad liberal alvsncessnaile. Jest rereived on rneisignment, at redaeed pricee, I package of best Ud plaled wsre, such a Mpersor rat'd rastors liqwnr aUods ivory kaadted kniv and eksbrenrhee ami (andlesticks. stofFr china for lea and ootTco.

0 do cbkna pistes clot ks, or kamesits, ke.3is) yards bra see Is aad iBgrasorarpeting. TO I.KT Tkat Urge and specious sloe No. Dnatdwev, directly opptwite Red. et. tke hest cawa Uted for ea extensive wholesale and retail grocery More, as Ih klMw Is situated ia Ibe oral port of Ike Cltv, where all lb first Broadway house are kept tad no st weuf Ike kind oear IhissiUaiioo; It is well worth eitenttoe.

ssa jassssssssssissssspsssss a 1 1 i 11HIN OliNDRV. r. sele. the 18 yr aaex piredleaseof tsnf grouad fnvm July Wtk, sit Bte I Cheery steeel. with bed lings which are to lost foundry.

Hove Walk, Stable aad Duelling Howe (he wb de complete. It Will sold, wilh or ith wt Ih merkioery, on Frsdsy, ibe otb Fhrorv, .1 I nallKe.mlaes.hv Aslssl Rorgeaol Bl0 iiiu'ii Uis Hoard from lb 1 Mar. In a rs peetabl prive'e fc.l eraswr Brs.wsy, and bet were 8peg oad od streets. Tw.unfurnahed would he rqmrM silke 1 a asst slatiaC NwV ai IS I Ual. if.

jrt ef 1 i. 5, I.

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