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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 2

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FCRFIGX XFWB. Extracted rem Ionian Paper Ilk of A ga, mW4 JVtw er En mirtg Pott. July 4 tatre have to daw beea re trtvcd from ibe United Stale, with privatt ananication adverting lo a situation of affair of considerable importance it is Mid mat ine nnasx hi linos character of Joseph. Ex King; of Spela, ad Indie, bet beee'powarfully worked apoe, bw nuoieroe bodv of General who baviB, fled to America for refute, art uneast at tbe itate of taactioa to Wbirh they have beea redoeed. Tbetc erton.

wa ara told, bave urged Joseph to retume bit pretention a King of ibe ladle, and bveof fered to onitetbeir meant witb I bote of tha Inwr genu of Mexico, to drive tbe Spaniards from tbeir solo in, and to establish a mighty empire oa tbe abomof tbe Pacific. Wa ara further loformed, tbal nothing hat prevented the Immediate engage aaeut In tbit enterprise, bat tbt refusal, on the pauoltbt government of tba United Slat, to uiderUke Bay oeUnsibleeo operation. LONDON, July 5. ih. arrival nt tha lati dispatches (roO St it ban bean reported that Bonaparte bi.

beta detected la a eorretponuenc wu. aum oa with a vie to regaining bit liberty and escaping to America. Que1 Jet, Monday, uy This evea lag at nine o'clock, the solemnity of tbe marriage pf her Koyal RigbneM tbe Princes Mary daughter of bit Majesty, witb Ficld Marhnl hi Koyal Higbnett William Frederick Duke of Oloucetter and of Ldiaburgh. ko. lo.

wai performed in tbe rand Salo.o of tbe Queen' Palace A diipreportiontd Marriage Aa old gentlr rata oi tit. having lakra to tbe altar a young dam nl of about 15. tbe clergyman aid lo bint Tbe foal i at tbe other and of the Church." What do I want with the font said tba old gentleman Oh! 1 beg your pardon," said the Clerical wit "I thought yon bad brought tbii child to be tori teaed'." LONDON, July Tbt Piria Paper of TburU last arrited tetier. ttav. Tbev cm.taia a letter from the Prutiita Am.

baatador at Parte tn the Prussian ousut at Knweti. announcing, that the Emperwol Moroccu hit fitted out a small tquadnio drstiotd to ruie agaiutt the atusuant, rraatiaiie, ana Austrian in Jieurun Jrisjetty wiiMhersrfore, we suppose, amorr )le umber of those who are to letl llie weight ut I lit Chiiiiian Power. Saui ia lirtiryiig Ucnla ia tha oniem of a with Monxeo. Wi rerwived thli miirainf American apen to the gtk Intt very late dkte lu'teed. Lavalete It Uiid to he nrrived in Pliil(ltl)hi Wediihelieve it Hut the report ffurdi the ertitr of a button paper an wppnitunilv to py tlx: uintl lul aome cimplinieiia Meitit Wilton, Hulihmton aa Brtiee, nl lolatueat that the gallant Mey and the acenniD ithed Ibedorere bail been equalli tortunate.

I lie F.Urtnt charvctei iui the Irettnn of vbih Lavaletie eunvicutl at merely a diBer anoe of oj.iniuo tV( iii hi npprettort." Tint, he uyt, vat tbt oa'y cantt KoIJiery be inii(ht at jmtlv det aribe ata mere el ange rf' property ud yet the A Berioun Kditor will be olltudeil, ierbapt, if any one wart to rail hit riotitro love of treeiloB inloquet tjon. There eten to he a ttrah(e want of anrreet ideu npon almott all wSjeett in Amtriea. 'I'hut, one of the moat ntlraabk tfficrrt ia tha Aroeiionn aertire, a brave tiid humane man, Commodore l)e aatur, gave at a pn'ilit tnatf lately, Our Country in hvr intercnune with other nailnnt may the be al vaMripht, ami alwtya aurerulul right or wrong." Ami tin' tonal tbe offiiiai paper of the Ataerleaa Oovrriimi'nt eallt, "tjutt tcntlment never better ipreacd a noble palriotiim never mora beautifully lUuitrated Trade it dull and diitren great In all partt of the tJnilfil Hlaiet That thr tame complaint ibould be general at the tame tiae bntli in the old world and new, it not nne 1 tba leatt extranrdinany tircum atanett 'if thete runtt exlianrdlnary timet The Chlchetter packet arrived at Fa'motnh the fUd iiittfrnra the MediU'rrauean She btingtintel ligeaee, that Sir Thomai Mailland wai exptcled to be Malta on lhe5ib June. The eontiiruin had oeuifd in Oorfu and Calabria, but continued to rage aa Uvnrat and tleiandria The teeountt rcoeived by lint conveyance tttte, that the harvest hat been arv abundant on the nurihero t'oret of the OIck I Beat, aud a grat number ofvetteli, lade a with grain, have arrived at Malta tram Odett. to look out fnr Biarkett in the Mfditerranean, fur the d'ipital of their eargoet.

1 be apiretteiition of tearelty it i aw In a great orgreeiiimhililiwil by tbe triiieinutetune ranee of tbe eouthern UuTitonet of the Kuttian em' ire. LONDON, July 30. Tha Cuilipmf Xortna Itaak nf Meaaif Corean, 1H titliev. anil 'o. hat fur the pre tent tutpud ilt Kymciitt.

1 lie I am worth Dunk, faget and Co. i alto Mopped payment. In the matter of the Newry Rink (tyt the Oub Bo of the tilth,) we ara happy to Jean that the Lord Chancellor hat thlt day impen ded tha comiaittion ittuea agaiutt ton resectable rm, with all aoatt, to the aalitfaciion of a arowded Court atari. Andertoa and Co. of Ferranv, have made a aeaond ofl'er to their red.

tort, vis to puy t. in the poanil, alter tix ana witnin twelve mnottit i but Hal ao hat been rejected by the great majority of the pertoni preaeat. Aaother merting at fixed for baturday. An article from Ghent deteribet a grand bon fire Bade of manufaeluret in the market place tuarc, of which the editor the newtpapcr highly apprnvet, though he it rather inclined lo think, that th raob were a little out of older in tearing tbe clothe off the backi of patten gri, to add to their Jut da fa Extract from the Ap rit to IJoyd't at Gibraltar, July tw: i nc unitea atatct thip nfihe line VrathinKton.Comnindore Chauneer, arrived here on the 41 iiittant and tailed to the eavtward on the Ith. witb Mr.

Pinkney, ambaatador to Naplct. One of the avowed objectt of hit million, it lo demand irtti. of Auaeriwan pi orM rty ewifiteated br Mural From tha great auantitt of proviiiant oa boanl the Watbington, It would appear that a aquadi on it in tended lo be collected in the MrditerraLtto. I have etet been able to get any farther information respect fog the Yaaiiiao toraairt. LONDON, July Si Tbe Kint of IVirtembere hat created hit ton in law, ibe King of VTemphalia (Jerome Bona pa te) Duke Montmrd.

Ibe latter li goioie with hiicontort to llruun, in Moravia, vrhrrebotb 'have obtained from Hit Majesty tbe F.iuperorol Autii perinltaion tnax their future renidenee. The rumour 1 revived of Iba tolicilude rxurev aed by an illuttriout pertouaga to bring tbe e'let tioh ore divorce, by way ol mil. Into Iba Iluue of Lordt. A female, a tiwitt by birth, it nid lo be a material witnett We bave beard thai eve ral Minirtara bave decidedly declared their ann i lin'nrM tu agitate tha delicate quettinn and that tbit only hit prvventtd the trial of a uieaaure thai might have been attended with the aioul import aat conte(uncet lo the country. i A letter from Parlt tpeaking of commerce, teyt, the stagnation rtill conlianet colonial produce it ia II itle demand: cottoot bare fallen, aud eotfe are in ao reqaettt bol tutrtrt bave experienced a alight iocreare By lb liruMelt paoen, we find that tbe Kalian uinitUr, iernicbiK it now on bit way to Vienna, chargid vith imponanl de epateoet lo tba LUDperor of Anuria i be Frrn aapertattert that tbeharvrtt td ain ittoabund ant that placet cannot be found vvbnreit to ttore tbe grain.

Extract frtm vn'eafe h'ttr, dated Pirit. July UM Cir Ilotert Wilsjn and Mr. Bruce lift Pari, yeaurjey lof EoglaaJ. It bu beea unJerjtood, tial tba tVpartoy ef these itBtUmta wai not to take pUot iiil the and of iblt week, and that they were Co travel wita use owai pawporw ambanedor, a point which. I beliera, bad beta eleerly agreed oa between M.

de Ricblienai.dSir Charlet Muart. Tba Miaitter of Police, bowe wet. whether from Ignorance of tbii arrangement, or from a witb to give thete gentlemen a lati proor of bit geodwttowerd them, directed pawportii to be tent to all three of them, with a notification to quit Parla ia three daya. Tbeae peMporU were coamabicated to Sir Koberl Wilaon and Mr Brace on Tuetday night, and another wet meeol to have beea given to Cepl. Huubintoa, who, b.

wever, had left Parit early in the moraing of Ihatday.witbapattportof ibe Brilith miniiter, eounteriKned in the urual way by the Minhner for Foreiga Aflairt, and tbe Prefect of Polices m. WiiHin and M. Brace declined receiv. ing thete paiporti and returned tbem lo M. de tin, witb lelert tuting the arrangement by mht.

ih.v had uuderttood tbe were to travel mUh Rritiah natsuortl. Tbeae Gentlemen also in. formed Sir C. Stuart of the circumrtence, and with a lull Intention of not deferring their departure beyond tbit week, awaited Ibe result ol Una tlep Previously, however, to receiving en answer from the Bi ilhb Ministry, they each of tbem rts crimed, on Thursday morning, at about ten o'clock, a visit front a Commit ary of Police, attended oy a Captain of Cendimeria, who informed thrtn tbit they bad orderito tee them into their cerriagr and out of Paris by two o'clock on that day, Uh which purpote pot hoi set were to be tent in lime end that, furthermore, they were not to lute tlzht of thrm until than. Tbey ttated that ibev had no writl' orders, but acted upon verbal inalructiont friMB the Minister Sir llhtrlet Stuart wit iioiuc dinlely apprlked of thin tir.rxnnetr'l circuniauct and wrote to tbt Due de Richelieu for an rtpi nation, tending at tbe tametiua hie own petpcrli' for (He usual countersign the uuke neing eagt god in Conference, obaerbed, that be would set" an antwer.

It was lo be ban that tbit exp ana tin could not take place previous to tbe huuf tji which the officers bad Hated tbit they mut pe remptorily execute their ordrs. each ol tbem having (iendarmetal hand if force had beea necetsary An application wa therefore made lo the Prefeci and Minister of Po'ice. for a saspention of tbe der until (be exolanation could be ohtaiued. Thi was granted until six 'clock, and tbe order f'H that purpose enived just in time to prevent the intended departure. Before six.

further corainuiH c.ti t.iok place with tbe Minister of Police and F'ireigb Afftirt, ia oonw qii' nce of which mder was at length obtained for the removal ol tun lestraintt nut apoa these Uenllemen, end which order 'ike tbe former, arrived just as the hour wat expiring. JbeMlui ter ol Police de cared he had not lotended that any restrain tiiould be put upon tbote Oentlemen previous to their departure, although the eflott of bit ordrrr was to keep them prisoners in their apartment un til tbe moment of their departure. '1 bey set out at IrnKtb witb British ptsports in tbe usual lorm not even specifying tbe route much lest Ibe tintf in wDiob Ibey wei expected to leave tbe conn try. LONDON, Aug item the GovrrnmrntCtMrtte Extraordinary FOItr WILLIAM, March If! 1RI6. Whereas war has arisen between tbe honorable T'ast India Company and the Kajah of Napnu! and whurea tbepartiet are mutually dispoted tn restore tbe relations of peace and amity, wfaicb ( to tbe occurrence of the late differences uad lung uhi4tied between the two stales, the fol lowing terms of peace having been agreed upon Art I.

There shall be perpetual peace and friendship between tbe aoaorable tbe feast India Company and tha ttsjan ol INnpaul II. Tbe linjah of Napaul renounce! all olalrus to ibe lands which wire tha subject of dincusMnn between tbe two slates hel'ure the war, aud ac knowledges ilia ribt of tbe honorable company to tin tovereiKiity of those lands. 1 1 1 The Kajah of Napaul hereby cedes to tbe honorable r.ant India Company, in perpetuity, all the under mentioned Territories, namely Firl. The whole of the low landt between tbe river Ka'i and Kapti. I he whole of the low lands (witb the of Roolwtil Khta) lying between the Hapu and the (unduck.

i'hinlly. The whole of the low lands between the Giinduck and Cnotah, in which the authority of the Rritih government has been introduced, or is in actual course of introduction. Fourthly, All the low lands between tbe river illeilcheo aud tbe tetab. Fifthly, All Ibe territories within tbe hills east war.lof the river Meilrbeo. inclu line tbe fort and lands of Naggrea and the past of Nagareote, lead ing froia lorung into th hills, toKether with tbe territory lying between thai pass end Vaegiee The afuresaid territory hall be evacuated by the lioorkab tronijs itbio forty day from this dttr.

TV. Witb a view lo indemnify the Chiefs and He nhderi of the state of Nepaul, whose interests ill mffnr by tbe alienation of the lands ceded by he foregoing article, the British government a greet to settle pensions to tbe aggregate amount of two lact of rupees per annum, on such Chiefs as mty be selected by the Kajah of Nepaul. and in the proportions which the Kajah may fix. At soon as the selection it made, Kutmudt shall be g' anted, under Ibe seal and signature of the go vernor ceneral fur th pmtiont respectively. V.

The Ksjrfh of. Neptul rennuucvi for him self, hit beirs and all claim to, or eon suction with the countries lying to tha west nf the river Kali, and engages never to have any concern with those countries, or tbe inhabiting thereof. VI. Thellajah Nepaal engages never to molest or disturb tbe ltajab of Siccem in the possession of his territories hut agrees if any JiHVr rnccs should ai ise between the state nf Nepaul anil I lie Kajah of Siccem, or the subjects of either, that tu differences shall be referred lo the arbitration of the British government, by whose award tha Kijab of Nepaul engager to abide. II The Kajab of Nepaul hereby engage never to taxe or retain in bis service any iii itmb ubjeet, nor tbe subject of any European or Ame rican state, witoiMit the consent of Ibe British go vernmenl.

VIII. Ia order lo secure and improve the relation of amity and peace hereby establitbed between the two' Hate, il is agreed that acendited ministers from each shall reside at tbe court of Ibe otber. IX. This treaty, oonnitting of nine articles, rhall be rati lied by the Kajah of Nepaul within fifteen day from this dale, and tbe ratification thall be delivered to lo uleiiant colonrl Bradbav, wbtieaKagrt to obtain aud dr iver to the Kajab tbe ratification ol" tbe irovi mur freueral, uiUiio twenty dayt. or sooner if practi able.

Done at Segowley, oa tbe ii day of December, I85 Nsal (L Brodihntc. lieutenant ol tin coiimel. A. Rajab n' (L.S.) f7ooreo Cajraj Nepaul. CtunoVr NeiJtar Opadcak.

PuMithed by command of hiseXC' lienty the go vernor Reneral in council. (Signeil) J. ADAM. Secretary to Ibe Government CABCASSON.NE, Julyti. 'Carder, one of Ibe criminal con.

iclrd here hat excitad the interett aud cimaa" of the public on account of bis repentance and his family, can tiiliog of a wife and fire yoacg ckildrea. OardVy aiei mA adwtgt, Irmaewi, retigmatloa and piety. He wtohed to walk to tba pJaoa oi aoulioe barefooted Oa ateendiag tbatcaSold be turned reead to tbe people, and taM, am guilty, bat a milled criminal '4 the. victim of Ibis wretch (point'" to rgeoo.) Prey to Ood for my soul, and help aty onfor lunate ehtldrea." (nrnlnr to the soldiers, be added. Com nA I ardentlv with that my example may be ateful to you, and preveal yon irotn iitienipa; tbe pertuatioat of thete wicked men who with for nothine but your Havine embraced bit ton and hit Coniestor, and asked Ibe beoediciioa of the latter, be uaderweot bit sentence Bouaerv dared death with tbat audacity wbicb can only oe arnrn iiuw tuii Aa tn Beaux, tbe Sura eon, aitoeatn rxciieo on Iv horror.

The ftar of death bad so deprived mm of ftrength, tbat he wtt ob iged lo be removed in a cart, and be did eai cease to vocnerate an tn wav from toe prison ine piece oi eecanon. PARIS July5 Count Goltr. tbe Prussian Ambassador at this Court, ha addressed to tbe Pruttiaa Consult ia oui' ports the following letter, dated the IBlhof Uentlemen, I neg yoo to iniorm an rruttiau merchant and thip eaptaint at present ia youi town, that, according lo certain intelligence, lie Emperor of Morocco has caused to be fitted out at Caracbi two b'ig and a corvette, for the purpose of cruising egaiutt Kuitiaa, rrussiau, and Austrian vessel." On th inst a dreadful storm laid waste a cart of the 1st, Id. and 3d districts of tbe depart nients of tbe I.andet. Tbe loese bnve been very considerable, and tbe Prefect diet solicited from bi beneficence of the Monarch tome relief for Ibe vidian of this deplorable event.

8 INT TROPES. (France.) July 19 We understand tbat tbe Algerinet have burned jtiiui'e tree behind their city tbat tbey pro to fill up tbe cist rut; and In short, lo Iravt i. in tacir town should ue Hnpinn attack it PARIS, July 88. Letters from London of the lttof Julv announce. that I ha Prinnett Charlotte has miscarried ller royal hirhnett appeart to be seriously ill witb the ef fect at ibis aeetdtnt.

At Cattrrs. in the department of Time, there wat a tort ef insurrection un the 13th. which was market day, on account of llie high price of grain, lo iiiite of the effort of the mayor, who attempted to put down the tumult by a detachment ef gen d'armei ie and of the uational guard, the grain wa forced to be aold at the price drmaudrd by the people some of it wa carried off withoal payment. A lieutenant of gendarmerie wat woauded with a knife. The prefect of the department at length put an end lo the dittur uancet by arresting tome grenadier (about i) of the national guards, who were pointed out by their coraraJi i at having joiaed in the aUray 1 hey have been lent to the prisons oi Alby, to wait their trial.

PAUIS. The following i en accurate account of tbe pre enl place of abode cf tbe 38 persons mentioned in the Second Article or the Ordinance of the Sitb of luly, 18l'i, and driven from France by the law of the 11th or January, lBlb Felix Lapelletier, Kxcelman), Freinel, La marque, Ilarel Ban ere, Arnaud. Pomuiereul Onrrau, Merlin (of Uonay), Defermont, Bury nltlt Vincent, Cernier (of haiotea), Mellioet Huliin, Courtio, end Vandamme. are at Brussels ilsenvlrons Sou It is at Dusscldorf Alix the property of his wife, near Metre Casel i Bs saoo. at Grata, in Austria Marbot, at Frank fort; Bouity (da la Meurtbe) atCoblentc; Mo dee le la louche, at Constance: Tbibadeau.

a Prague Carnot, at Warsaw Lobau, at Aix la bapelle; i'lre in Kusma ReenauH (de Sain Jean d'Angely), at Philadelphia Arrigbi (o tu.i... rv.ri... ik. i. I nui.vy, miKwi, uia vt.ii, tiu wvu.

III i. trial Real oas embarked at Antwerp, for tbe State Bouvier do Monlard is at Sarrebrucd, here he possesses property Dirat, at Philadelphia i Felix Desportes, at Mayence; Cluys, in tbo United 8tate i Forbin Janaon. at Home Le Lorgue d'ldeville, in Fngland Gilly, Grouchy, Clause), and one of the brothers Lallemand, comprised in the first article of tbe tame Ordinance, ara in America Ameilh, after haviug been arrested in the kingdom of Panover, bat embarked for America Lallemant, tbe elder, and Savary, have left Smyrna, om tbeir way to Persia. PARIS, July 9. A morning paper deniet tha truth of tbe report mentioned in am.ther morning paper of tbe mil carriage of tbe Prince Charlotte.

PAKI8, July SI. Letters from Bordeaux state tbat several ship bad arrived there from Gaudalonpe and Martinique. Tbey bave brought new from thete colonies to the Sid of June, at which date tbey enjoy ed perfect order and tranquility. 'I be paucity of hips bad raised tbe freight to an excessive price The ships arrived obtained thirty niert freight in the pound for tugar, and thirty aix for coffee. Tbe owner ill have consequently made great pro Two very rich A merican merchant and banker, at Constantinople, have had their wealth confiscated for monopotiiing moiiey.

BARCELONA, July U. A deputation hai gone from tliit city, to pray hi majtaty lo prevent the introduction af Eagliah merchandise, which destroys Spanish industry, and produce nothing to the revenue, becaute the euttom house officers are easily corrupted by the English trader. GHENT, July 24. The political and commercial Journal of thia city has the following article to day The day before yesterday, the workmen employed in ou manufactories made on tbe corn market an auto da fe of Knglish merchandiae. It teems that tbe article bnrnt consisting of ibawl and handkerchiefs, were furni'hed voluntarily It ii, however added that most of tbem were demanded from tho pausing; by, who were paid for tbem.

While we praioe the motive, we cannot but blame the manner by which individual liberty it viola ted. Tbe moral force of opinion ought to proscribe tbe nlimania and come to the aid of our indu try with all Ibe energy of ihrir national ten liuiealt Tbo proscription ought to be made by all, becaute all are interested in it: but tnra uiet which liifilnt; the liberty of Ibe consumer aie hlainralilr. He should convinced, nut compel led. The scene, however, caused no tnmukt there wa order amidst this disorder. AN CON Jul It.

Aa American so'iadmo, composed of 4 frigate and a thip of tha line, has appeared in our teas; but we ar ignorant of ilt iWiimtion We are informed that it proceeds Immediately to Napte, wb' re it curries Mr Pinkney, who goes to fulfil a uti'sioa to that Court, relative, it is i aid, lo a re (titution of property helouging to tome Americans, that bad been confiscated and told under tbe Ihte gave noenl. JVLIV IOHK EVEXIXU POST. THURSDAY SEPTi.MUF.Il iS The electoral campaign foi the next governor it already opened in tbe Albany paper, with no little teat. The Register give the name of three gentlemeo a tbe probable candidate Hit Honor Judge THOMPSON le Honorable GIDEON UKANOkll; and I mi, but ant least, the Hon DK WITT CLINTON. The Argui, oa tbe otter tkoi, Itroagiy wpportt tie clais of tba Hoa.

Mr. NEMO. Settle it among yooneivat, gentlemen. General Saiaael Ssaithit tba dewoeratie aandidate Urepretent the city of Baltimore ia that sTiatrict ia the aext Coogreta. Stantbury at Little agtin have taken the field to represent the coanty.

The latter lately beat the former Sot the remainder of aa unexpired term. Fire. About 1 o'clock tbit morning tba Flour Mills of Mr. Van Dyck, at Red Hook, opposite tbit city took fire and burat to tbe ground. How the fire originated, or what amount of property wa destroyed, we bave not beard.

From the Potion Palladium, Sept. 10. JVem fSibralicr.Wt received yesterday, via Portsmouth, the Gibraltar Chronicle of the Sttth of July It appear by the following proclamatioa, li ned by the Ilntiih commissioner at the Ionian III lands, tbat the distentions which have been sometime hinted at a existing tbere, hive reached a crisis. A PR9CLAMAT10X. By U.

R. the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Mait Und, G. C. B. cf A.

B. M. Moat Honourable Privy Council, Lt General, and Commander in Chief of It. M. rorcei in the Mediterranean, Gevernnr of Malta and itt dependencies, and H.

M. Lord High Com. mistioner in tbe United 8tatee of tbe Ionian Island. From the moment of His Excellency' landing in these States, it hat bean bi moat eirneat with and eonitant endeavor to hush the contest of the patsioot which have hitherto agitated the public mind, and to eempote the unhappy differences to which had given rise tbe uncertainty of former political relation. In adopting thia principle, Hit Excellency wa solely actuated by ti desire of burying in eternal oblivion the memory of the past, anil carrying into full efleet hi Grauiout Sovereign'a beaificent intention! toward thi nation, which tbe treaty of Pari ha placed un er hi exelutivt protection.

But, while Hi Excellency wished to draw a veil over all past occurrences, it wat not to be supposed, that he could view with indifference in any quarter, and subteqqent to kit arrival, any attempt to revive former jealmni. or lo create new ground of difference and quarrel. Animated ai'h these principle, Hi Excellency, on the one band, saw with great satisfaction, he generally exemplary conduct of the natives ol the'e lati but on the other, perceived with the utmost regret, that a few infuriated individual, of quite a different temper, showed au inclination lo cberisb ancient fruds and to raise new ones, to propagate dissension under fal andiina pretence, and lastly lo Consolidate tbeii improper and usurped authority, by endeavoring to establish a diversity ol interest between Ibe protecting Sovereign and be protected State. Although, Hit Kxuelleucy had been, tome time, aware of the injury which tbe public vice ruul necessarily experience from such a line of conduct, yet be was willing to believe tbai those persons, independently of their duty to (hiir country, would be prompted, by tbe consider tion of their own interest, to form more correct notion of tbeir situation In thi expectation Hi Excellency suffered, for tome lime the Senate nf Corfu to remain in estate which be ought IV bave amended a conduct for wh ch he can fiod no apoloiry hut in Ibe moderation of hi view, and the uprightness of his intention. But every sense ol moderation must yield to tbe sene of his Excellency's duty to hi sovereign and to the people of these State Duty toward hi tovereign forbid hi tolerating the Continuation of former scenes of disorder and hi obligation lo the Ionian people require that he should no longer tuffer their fair aad ho nest Intention to be liable lo aiitreiireaeotation.

in consequence of the inordinate ambition, end personal intrigue and pretention of a few Individu als. Tbe time ii come at last, when tbe nature of Rntith forbearance should be explained, and th ground of Brilitb moderation made known. Il i time to prove that this forbearance dees nt proceed from weakness, or from a want of author! ly. but from a well regulated tense of it power and that it moderation arises from the conscious ness of tbe justice of its view. Tba Lord High Commikrioner, acting npon Ihete principle.

ba, this day, reluctantly trans milled, to tbe Most Illnstriou President ol tin Senate of Corfu, tbe dnccumeat annexed, foi the information of tbe Public, to tbe preaent Pro clametion. And, however painful it mar be foi hit Excellency at any time to adopt measure of tuit deacripuon, no win anew, whenever tbe caw shall require il, that the British Government her the neceatary authority to carry into effect itsjut and moderate view, and tbat bit Majesty' Representative will know bow to resist every pre ten sinn that might secretly or openly, comproiai that unity of action and interest, between lb protecting Sovereign and the protected State, which was tbe essential bais of the Paris Cooventita. The present Proclamation (ball be printed in Greek and Italian, and published for the information cf ail. Palace, Corfu, Afaytl, 1816. By Hit Exse'lency' Comend, WILLIAM MEYER, Secretary to Geeemmrnf.

Tbe above mentioned Documents, by which four Senator and tbe Secretary of the Senate aie deprived of tbeir situations will appear in oar next G'i0ra7far Editor. ALBANY, Sept. 10. The Horse Ferry Boat intended la ply between this city and Greenbush, we put in operation on Saturday, and found to answer the best expectations fit projector. It ordiniry vrlotjty it more tnen tix miies per noar, wmcn will be inrrea ted aa the machinery beeomet smooth.

It is propelled by eight horses end mulet. Two men were taken bi fore the police on Tbitrtilay, on sutpitjhn of having stolen tbe watches and pocket book of Mr. I Welmore. a men. tioned in a former paper.

The gold watch wa found npon one of idea by the name of Jackson and the silver watch wtt also recovered, he ha ving disposed of it Tbe pocket book was found inm day before, rcretd in a church yard The fl nr store of Messr Webb and M'Millan wat broken open on I hursday night, and the drawer rifled of abont sixty dollar. DOYLESTOWN. (Bucks Cy.) Sept. 9 The Ia the afternoon of l'burday last the of tbecitixensof Doylestown wat excited bv tbe arrival of a stranger among; a. The aerial visitant, to take a view of the hole ground perched himself on tbe vaine attached to the pir of Ibe Hall nf and h.le looking anxiously around, a gentleman of Ibe town, witb a fowling piece.

ok sure aim, and brought bit Highne down. On elimination, he proved to be of that specie denominated by Goldsjiilh and other naturalists, the Sea Eugle He measured tix feel between the extreme point of hi wiog. BOSTON. Sept. 10.

American Missionarin. We omitted to men tion, last week, that Mr. Noll, hat recently arrived in this country from Bombay, by tbe way cf Fngland By a hip lately arrived in Rntlon from Calcut ta. te learn, that il was irpoi ted ir. Calcutta, the lerinning of April, that an American htig.

witb Mi tionarie. had arrived at Cry lor'. Thi brig doubtless tbe Drjad, which niltd from Mew berry jwrt October but, with four Mistoauie'e MARRIED, Ia Boston, by tha Uev. Mr. Chinning, NA.

uous, mrmg. WIIHff Ol tow DOaiOQ LMilW to Mitt 8AUAH P. KTEHETT daughter of the late Oliver Everett Eta. At Troy, en Tuetday tbe tOth hue by the Rev Ralph WettervelC of Greeobuth.Mr.JOHN MOP. FE of New Yerk, to Mite IlACHF.lI MARIA BBI CKERUOFP, of Troy.

DIED. At Albany, latt Monday, the TSd year of bi age, Geo. HENRY K. VAN RENSSE. LA EH.

At Savannah, on tbe 5th ult. Mr. ANN MARIA BROWN JOHN, wife of Mr. Samed Brownjoha, of that city. At bit resilience in Richmond couaty oa Ibe 17ih ult.

DUNCAN M'FARLAND, Em ormerly a Kepreaentative in Congrett from tha laie ui it. laroiisa, In London, on tba iii July last, Mr. AN. DREW CABOT, of Bolton, aged 85. On tbe ttlh of July, at Bordeaux, JOHN ERASTCS MAKCELUN, aged St.

who left thi city, with bit father, for tbe benefit of hit health. His father's death, at Bordeaux, It will be recollected, was mentioned tome day He breathed hi last 5 dayt before bi ion EFEXIXG POST MAR1XR LIST. CI.FfWEfJ. Uhlp Robert Taylor, A dam ton, Jimtjca Ward fit Bishop Petersburgh, Nartique, Madeira II. Harbeck Cotton Plant, Faib, Savannah Brig Thames, Thompson, Savuituh Owing to tbe unabated high N.

E. wind and raia which has prevailed for tba tail 48 hours, have not been to obtain any intelligence of tbt state of tbe shipping in our Bay. The schooner Louisa, West, arrived at Ccwej the SOib July, in 17 day from this port. BOSTON, Sept. 9.

Arrived ship Sterling, Rovnton, of incense 41 day from Liverpool. Aug 1 6. let tS long 43 1 2, spoke ship Joha Brown, 28 days from Liverpool for City Point tame day, brig Sally, Mayo, SO dij fnm Hav for Bolon. Sehr Eliza Ann, Turpin, 8 day from Norfolk Schr. Sarttihure, Thomai, days from Chariestca Schr.

Little William, Gage, 15 dtyt from Kick mond. Schr. Experiment, Haydin, from Nsntucket Schr Financier, Crowell, from York. Sloop Superior, Nichols, 5 dayt from NYork. Knjlih ship Harbadiiet, Ityan, 41 da) from Liverpool, caro "60 bblt ork and MJO chaldroai coal.

Via Quarantine, brig Harmony, Thorndike, af Bristol, Me. 26 dayt from Martinique. Brig Plutus, Morris, SUdayt front Havana. 1 I ared, brig Mary Ann, Fitcb, fur Seulh Ameriea. Salem, Sept.

8. Arrived, brig Anton, Ltnt.JJ from l'ara, S. America. Passenger, Capt 3. Goodridge.

Left no American vetaela Marblehead, Sept. 9 Arrived, brig With ingtou, Hlaeklcr, from Havre de Grace, 46 dayt Iit, Jnlv26, at Havre, thips Oneida, ililliard, ef and for York, in Hdiyi; Maria Theresa, of N. July til, discharging; brig Nancy good, of Salem, to tail for Bonavitla in IS dayt brig Eugene, Di tlibatio, for York, 14 days; U.S tloop Peacock, to tail for the Mediterranean next diy Sailed in eo with brigt Sallv, Mayo, for Boston I aud Iyt wit, of Baltimare for York. Ship Resolution, brigt Abeona, and Swan, all from Boston, were at Hamburg, July 13.

A Botton tbip from Canton was reported to be in tbe Elbe at the above date Spoke Aug 8, let. 47, 48, long il, brig Caliiwu. Aiwell, from London bound to Botton. Sib, brig Factor, of Portland, from London to York. Market on the Continent generally very dull for coleaial and Am.

produce. PHILADELPHIA, Sent. It. Arrived brig Sal lor Bu), Rodman, from Madeiia, and 60 dayt from C'owei, (Eng.) Capt. Hodman re port the foUowmg merican vends at the Itle of Wight thipt Btjira, ef Boston, last from Savannah, having tailed on Iht Vd July, bound to Antwerp; Orris, lati from New York, having tailed a few dayt before, bound to Bremen; Cordelia, of Botton, 114 dayt from t'intoa, with a cargo of teat, he.

had juit tailed for Hamburg, Left, thipt Georgiana, i6 dayi from Norfolk, to sail in a lew dayt for the continent Luoiet, just arrived in 3 dayt from New York, etpeeted te proceed te the continent alto, a brlgfrem New York, with ts bncea, and one or two otber vettels, namea not read lected. Below Schooner Rachael Sally, Erwin, from Charleilou a ship and two schrs. name unknowa. Ctpt Keinrgan, of the ship Hunter, left at Ror deaua, 3d Aug the ship Vagnet, Garwood, for Philadelphia, Aug. CO; (hip Eagle, SpafTord, da IStkt br' gt General Seott, Hyde, Ir.r New Orleant; Sonlh Carolina, Hutchinson, do.

uue. John Howe, Boas rioet, for Philadelphia, une. ship Sachem, Dtvlt, York, 14th ship Orleant, Vail, do Ith; skip Caroline, Merrit, New Orlemis, 9Uth ship General Jacktoo, Humphreys, Ncw York, discharging; Eu tabeth Wilton, Bremen, tStb brig Cma meree, Mcttervt Charleston, Sept 1 1. Arrived at Ponliao, Aeg. 6th, brig Canada, 30 day from Baltimore.

Passenger on board ttiip Hunter from Bor deanx, Mettrt Sirawbndge, Paeaull, Ellwrov, Mar hall, Miynard, Briot, Launet, Borie, Mrs. Ihivid and two children, Drouet, D. Peuvel, Arribet, Germain, Mirabeo, Duffburg, F. Bollena, L. Cmard.

HALJIMOltE.Sepl tO Arrived, tcb Tw sel, Diyton, 10 day from Newport. cbr Flight Naghel, 13 dayt from Cepe Henry, Hayti. I eft there 24th oil. cbr Fox, for Baltimore in 10 day; Dauntless, do discharging Mb Mary it Pligaheth. Boston uoo Malvina, New York do; scb Invincible, Newport aad several ith not recollerted, waiting eargoet.

Sept 4, latSl.tong 74, spoke schr Relief of Bermuda, irom Wilmington, for Barbados. PaitM i nlhai oi xora in the river. Norfolk, Sept 7. Arrived, Mary, Clark, dvt from Liverpool. A LE 'l'O Sept.

4. Ar seh Flr Am erican, Reardon Baltimore 5 day. Aug 4. long 76, poke schoonpr Iris, Siston, from St Do mingn bound to Norfolk. Capt supplied he? wi lb bread and medicine, the mate and several of he crew being sick Tbe Fair American WU lo Guadalupe, but has put in to stop tri flii leak, and repair her pumps, 4c will proceed immediately.

For SAVANNAH. (Te saif potitively in one week) The fine brig LANG DON CHEVE jlideren, master, lyiugat Uoverneur wnan. ir freight or passage apply to tbe master oa board or to SM BtiORMAN JOHNSTON FOK LEGHORN, direct. The fast tailing superior brig WRA.VO LEU. Cewiain Lovett.

having ih grealew a.t of ber cargo ready to go on ooaro. win tome freight, if early application made to WM. WII. ON. or, Sept 11 iw ALEX.

KUDEN. THE pnESBYTFIinN CHl'RCfl, Bt! tTBEBT. Will be WedneJay 5th of rVe i next at the Tontine Cffee Ifjose, at o'clock, by HtFFM AN GLASS Hie aeW Prethytenaa Church in Sprine; treet, oeeipviol lots or ground, liKlhy i3 feet each. a der eareful intpectioa. and cost eJa iveof i Kiouod.

Faueuion to be given the ol Mty next. SsptlJ.

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