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The Los Angeles Times du lieu suivant : Los Angeles, California • 72

Los Angeles, California
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FROM NINE TO FIVE 32 Part I MONDAY, APRIL 7,1 952 LPS 3ngClCS OttlCS By Jo Fischer read about our progress in Korea. jbusy making history to Perhaps the average GI is tool about it. Gl PREFERS WATCH MOST OF ALL SURVEY FINDS NEW YORK, April 6 Good old GI Joe of 1952 wants to know The survey also revealed to the surprise of no one that let what time it is more than any thing else and he believes the POLL SHOWS ADULTS ASK MORE RESPECT Gallup Finds Elders Want Children to Say 'Sir' and Stand Up When Guests Enter Room BY GEORGE GALLUP PRINCETON, April 6 "The children now love luxury ters from home- about relatives and acquaintances were the most popular items a GI re-! ceives. Few GIr. reporting ex- pen is at least as mighty; as the sword.

A pen company recently asked a research organization to find out, among ether things, which THE ERAIN pressed a Durnmg desire to hear (Q personal equipment ranked high Mother of Governors "EPPING, N.H.. April 6 U.f Three New Hampshire Governors William Plumer, Benjamin F. Prescott and Davirf T. "They have bad manners, contempt for authority They est on ine serviceman preferred list. Approximately 2000 servicemen were queried.

Watches were rated tops by 45, pens by 30 and cigarette lighters by 20. Cameras proved a poor fourth. show disrespect for elders They no longer rise when elders enter the room They contradict their parents, chatter before company, and tyrannize over their teachers." Morrill i came from this tinv communitv nestled in the vallpw of the Lamprey River. A discouraging picture of ---1 VT Here is the vote: Shoo Id Should not So opinion .68 8 youth? That's what Socrates thought when he made those remarks more than 2000 years ago. Civilization today has many of the same ideas as in Socrates' time about what the proper behavior of young people should 100 Quite a difference was found between the vote of men and women.

Seventy-five per cent of the women approve the custom. J. vfef be. For example, nearly seven out of every JO Americans think I as compared with 61 of the 'I'll have you know that some of the most brilliant inde children should rise when an; men. cisions in this company have been made by me'! Each person was then asked: Here is permanent grace Were von taught to do this older guest enters the room.

Still Prefer 'Sir' Approximately the same num other education groups on having children rise in the presence of older, and less emphasis on having them say "sir." as a child? Here is, the way the men voted: ber want youngsters to address an older man as "sir." of line combined with truly luxurious comfort. Superb custom construction! All hardwood frame, full web bottom, curled hair filling, 8-way hand-tied coils. Complete with moss fringe. Terms DOGWOOD found between men and women, both voting 3-to-l in A substantial majority of both men and women interviewed said they had been taught as children to show this mark of politeness to older men. One interesting sidelight, of the survey is that persons who have had college training tend to place more emphasis than That's what interviewers for the American Institute of Public Opinion found when they questioned men and women i ft t7" throughout the country about some rules of politeness for Open Mow.

foes Till 9 grade school 'children. Yes, was taught 47 Xo, was not 43 Can't remember 10 100 And here is how the women voted: Yes, was taught 31 Xo, was not 37 Can't remember 12 100 The next question was as follows: -Do you think children of grade They also discovered that al SAVE MONEY NOW! DANCE LESSONS WILL COST YOU Attempt to Keep Vow Proves Fatal KLAGENFURT, Austria, April SINCE 1912 PHONE PR 4394 OR WRITE POl PREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOO LESS AT -ins- school age should or should not 1369 WEST WASHINGTON T-4-7 be taught to address adult men though men think children should rise when older guests come into a room, nearly half of all the men who can recall their own early training say they themselves were not taught to do this as children. The majority of women, however, say that as girls they were taught that way. The first question asked in the survey was: Do you, think children of grade school age should or should not be taught to stand vp when guests, who are older, come into a room? Roger tfr'tf or ptrUa cwr'i throughout tk itf as sir '7 6 (Reuters) Karl Goriugg, 32, a farmer of Flattach in the Hohe Tauern Mountains, vowed to give a new figure of Christ to a mountain shrine in thanks for his safe return from a prisoner- XAME finest Dane II instruction I ADDRESS The vote: Yes 71 Xo 24 Xo opinion 5 100 No difference in attitude was 7020 Hollywood Blvd. Hillside 8255 of-war camp.

When he went to replace the old figure, a cross fell from the alto 3500 Wilshir Blvd. DU. 7-2247 PAHIS I ON DON SUENOS AIRES SYDNEY NEW YORK shrine and killed him. S51 MDOito. f-.

I SI lL6 MODELTEX 'ij-a kittens give summer the glad-eye 1 with-. new sunshine colors in nylon stockings with the "kitten's ear" finish Siren Whimsies created especially for your sunny Southern California outdoor, living. They give wings to highlight give rise to many a wink, nod and glance! Sizes 8 vi-10ViO 1-gauge, 15-denier 2,85 Wink Bright Apricot vW Bright Gold 7Ac--Bright Copper THE BROADWAY HOSIERY ALL 5 STORES itilMjl' MV i 'I SHOP MONDAY EVENINGS. ALL FIVE BROADWAY STORES ISSSSn LOS ANGELES, lUiul 9311 HOLLYWOOD, Hollywood 9-6111 PASADENA, SYcimor 6-0411 CRENSHAW, AXminster 3-5151 WESTCHESTER, ORegoa 8-3911, ilso ORchard 1-7511 1.

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