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The Gettysburg Times from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
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MANY DAILY VISITOBS Of Vto AM i Wev. 'and Mrs. Garfierd B. DieM, His Staid on Reparations is held; British Answer Ready. ENARBARFORDIN BLUE SKY BUREAU Is Jfamed Chief, Investigator In Bureau Of Securities.

BRIDE IS HURT IN AUTO WRECK Husband And 2 Others Injured; Driver i Djrjink Is Charge. Philadelphia, July bride, of two weeks was' seriously injured 'POISONED PEN 1 NOTES REVEALED i Maxwell Stalked Wives For Years, Is Prosecution i Charge. NEW RULING and three, uother persons slightly! and automobile ni iing struck a street cat; in the West 4 OTHER WaMElN York, were-guests the home of Miss Fannie H. Armold, of near town, Monday. Mr.

and Mrs. Paris, July French cabinet Tuesday unanimously approved Premier Poincare's attitude toward the British project for Germany's reparations note, which the oremier set forth to his i Lagues Tuesday for the first time. Secures Act, Effective ut lpike at tthe ne junction Tjlis was tKe only definite August 1, Puts Into Effect License! Tuesday. matn was obtainable aifcer. System to Control Sales.

The bride is Mrs, Bi the meeting of the'cabinet Wilson, 24 years old, 38 South Sfe-j France and Belgium, it appears, Harrisburg, July appoint- tieth str Her skull is believed to New York, July of a already have practically agreed assents of Walter Fallows Oreland, 'fractured and she received m-j love, affair between Mrs. Allan A. 1I to thefe position and the'ifact that; as chief a nd Enar Barford, tern The he 5 the anc the cabinet meeting, which was ag invest igator in I are Grant Wilson, her husband; Miss George Maxwell-, presdent have been held Thursday, was ad- the bureau of aecur ities in the depart-' Marie Nicholas, 23 yeais old American Socfety'of 1 1 OO A I7JJPJ. I- A 'H. Brennan on Them." When They.

Palled by WrAjng' Husbands. of the Authors, Com-' "KEBS" For Kids Grown-ups Too plenty of in High or Low Cuts BROWN--WHITE--BLACK HOE AMD TQCgINO TORE I 11 Miss Fannie Malone Tuesday in a brjef cro- was held in SlOOO bail on of the important the ritish proposa i if Mr. Cameron said. ta Both pointees were named under Of driving while intoxicated. Police the prov i 8ioDS ot the Clark securities say they found, a pint of Hquor in pos-jig Mr Maxwell's motion for s- missal of the indictment.

Conending that the letters ad- question eneraUy as Mr Barford wU1 have ch of were shaken up, but none was hurt ove letters and alleged and daughters, Edna Isabell and Zelnia, and son. Howard, Mm Han- nahBeamer, Miss Mary Martin Mr. and. Mrs. Luther Smith and Raymond Cole.

Mr! and Mrs. E. H. Dougherty and daughter, Lillian, Stevens street, and Mr. and Mrs.

Guy Plank, daughter Eomaine. and Weldon, of Barlow, Motored to Faltiinore on Sun- and morally vestigations necessary in connection Mxs. Wilson was unconscious to have been exchanged by Mr Max- whea taken from ihe automobile. length yan a -i Maxwell amours with Francis J. Hoffman and.

Beitty and Junior who were spending some time with Mrs. Hoffman's 8 "sister, ri H. Armold," near returned tb tlielr New York foincare, it is learned, act, whiph was the the car. Thop who Mr kn aut ritative re- is ia ure, and becomes effective After the the machine ca-' aressed anonymously to Mr. Ryan con- and Mrs, Ernest Bittinger, and prench itim on he! August i.

Fellows will have gen- I reened fifty feet and upset tauied mfowBabon possessed only by ily were: Mr. and Mrs Augustus, the Rufar and Qn the superv on of the bureau, and The passengers on the street car, Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Majpne quoted from Orner and daughters. Nettie and' wtw rv -J Kathryn, and sons, William'and Orville, Mr, and Mrs.

Parker a the point of with the enforcement of the act. and the optimism that appears to BJank forms for qualifying have Thomas Sheely Dr. George reign about the foreign office is Bailed to security dealers, Mr. Broadbelt, called -by police, en 3eav-i severaljther tributed to the confidence entertain-1 Camero'n said. The bureau will es- ed there the British cabinet will Ttabhsh offices in Philadelphia and end realize the strength of the, Pittsburgh, but deputies may not bei Hospital.

The position and come to a com- appointed to take charge until, experi- gers received that will be ence proves their necessity. An in- bruises. in official circles indicate! itial appropriation of $10,000 was 1 Daniel Pathmore, motorman of exchanges of views between'made for the establishment of the the street car, said the Sheehan car each instance describing Affairs of I Brussels are proceeding bureau, which is to be self-sustaining approached him at terrific speed. the mu si and, society man with the satisfactorily in the effort to agree', under the act's provisions. on 'the brakes and there of the recipient, had been sent' to the fundamental.

The act provides for registration 'should have been plenty of room for, prominent New York- upon bv Prime Min- fees of $40 for dealers and for the machine to pass," he said. ers for frvw decades. All the poison- 1 i oi oc jen letters had been written en the upon the principal salesmen. typewriter The prosecutor's brief charges jhat Mr. Maxwell, each time he tired of a paramour, wrote lettsrs to husband or relatives describ np- his affair with the i woman.

Carbon copies of those let- i ters sent to Mrs, Maxwejl, and an attorney wqultl approach her, ask-" I ing if she would consider action for divorce. Tbe procedure by which, according the assistant district attorney, Mr. i Maxwell finally sought to rid himself "Grand of Ryan was sVailar to that be Mr. and Mrs. John Lightner "and son, John, Baltimore street, and Mr.

rnd Mrs. Robert Wisler and daughter, ored to stanch her many cuts and -finally sent her to the Bryn Mawr other three passen, severe cuts and In fact, Mr. Btoloney charged Mr Maxwell staled of friends and wrecked several promv hoi over a period of twenty that similar letters lt on answers 1 ister Baldwin and upon the principal salesmen. i Mildred North Stratton street, motor- although it is thought to be' "The primary purpose of the act rtrt iin IIIRV lilll I tu fe a mil i I v.4. I i i i day.

Lloyd E. Wisler returned to Shenandoah this- morning to resume h's duties with the Lehigh Valley Coal Company after spending a vacation at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wisler, North German Police Resume Service said.

"They must handle only valid and legitimate' security issues, and ucrj-uioat w- Duesseldorf, July 2i--French oc- tbjs registration of dealers and sales- cupational headquarters Tuesday will, depend upon their good nounced the inauguration of a moral craracter, fitness and past rec- i ber of measures tending to, ameli-' or the conditions "Our state has been overrun with Investigation of Death of Mrs. Kepner Nearing Conclusion In Frederick. Household Hariware For Convenient Use Take account of gfock--Look arourrd the house. Make list of odds and ends in the hardware line that you've een waiting to get for time. Then come to us will supply your needs.

Our assortment of tools and hardware items is large for you to select from. ADAMS COUNTY HARDWARE COMPANY, Baltimore Gettysburg, Pa. most important is an The following spent Sunday at Bar- issued by General Degoutte sus- risburg and Harshey: Mr. and Mrs. pending the expulsion persons John Groscost and son, Herman, of more than 60 years of age, invalids (By Associa July 2' 'means' who have no way bf judging the Jury investigation of death of Mrs.

i pursued in each of the other alleged security. The secretary Grace Kepjjer the third irstances where he had betrayed the i i i i i i i -t- Gettysburg Route Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stites and sons. Ellsworth, r.obert and Earl Leroy, of Gettysburg, until July 26 to send their children and women about to become ers.

The Germans also are moth-, ban kers, and Mr. and Grant Hankey, of Table Rock. The (following motqfred Baltimore on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Myers and dnuehter, Naomi, and son, Vernon, and Dennis Hartlaub, all of Two Taverns; Miss Josephine Stites, Gettysburg, and Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Sentz and daughter, Elsie, of Hanover. to the seashore or mountains ior a vacation, thus waiving the closmei of the frontier in these cases. REFERENCE BOOKS GROW Bethlehem, July increased of salesmen, use of reference books since the be-1 ginning of the war is evidenced by the L. Rice, of Harrisburg, was a statist'cal report of the Lehigh Uni- recent visitor in town.

ver ity Library the year just Howard Armor, Brady Armor and agsed The dail average of read- Fred PfeflTer motored to Chambers- fcurp on business Wednesday. has increased from 18 in 1914, to 43, a pain of 140 per cent. Books on legitimate security dealers what was expected to he the final' wife of a friend. bankers, chambers day of its inquiry today. Allan A.

Ryan received a "poison- civic organizations, Eleven more witnesses are to be pen" letter, then others. They were cue press" and the public to cooperate beard by ithe jury today. One of based, like most of the otheis sent in the enforcement; of this act." 'these is Miss Lulu Ricketts, who at through society circles in recent years, Registration blanks to all dealers the-coroner's inquest disclosed her in- on the famous Court Letters of Berlin known to the department have been tmuite relations with tjie husband of 1900. These were written by the issued it was announced. Approvi- the dead woman.

Baron von Kotze. When appiehended mately 1000 expecWd to qualify Protested he himself had received with at least three times that number The investigation by the special i "noisoned" letters. That had been grand jury into the death of Mr. Maxwell's defense. Grace Sininions Kepner, wife of B.

i Most of the New York soc'ety vic- Evard Kepner, will be concludpd to- tims kept silent. Mr. Ryan braved day, according to an announcement by exposure of th'e charpes ajrainst his State's Attorney Anders immediately wife and forced prosecution of Mr. after the jury adjourned late Tuesday. expressing complete faith Eleven more witnesses are yet to be heard by the jury which is investi- Mr and Mrs H.

T. Weaver have economics are in greatest demand. BAIRO AND BOLL TEACH CONVICTS Mrs. Ryan's innocence heard in secret, dragged The case, before a retnrned to their home on Baltimore street after spending ten days Graeffenmf Inn. The We nesday af ternon Club met with Mrs.

Charles Broadway, Lehigh University Library was at the first college library building in ork City Ban Looters Instruct, fat her, near Frederick, gating the death of Mrs. Kepner, grand jury many prominent person- found dead on the afternoon of June an( fled the city to es- 18 at the home of Ezra Houck, her the necessity of testifying Pennsylvania. It contains more than 150,000 volumes covering almost all i fields of science and From Illiterates At Penitentiary. Accoixlinq; to the "brief filed Tues- One of the eleven yet to appear a c' a Mrs. Rvan had been intimate with the secret session of the jury is Miss this afternJQon." :1 0 to 3 0ft books and am hlcts Mrs.

Walter Morris and daughter, i adde very Commenting on the growing use that has been made of the library Ann Louise, have returned to Punxsutawney after spending several weeks at the home of Mrs. Moms' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.

Gilliland, Carlisle street. Thomas B. Boll, former John L. Stewart. of Business Ad- cash er, ipspectively, at the City Bank the fiist witnesses, it is expected.

of York, who last month began serv- ev T. J. Gaehr, pastor pf the irg long terms in the Eastern peni- Presbyterian Chuich, which Kepner rob bing the institu- an his wife attended, ministration at Lehigh, and director ntl rv 1.IH1, a i i I WCre aC- "fV. I "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nnu. mu i jiic ui, unc companied home bv Mrf.

J. B. Mor-, vf the ry ald a tion of more than $1,700,000, have i witnesses Tuesday afternoon. His North Stratton street, mother Oliren expansion glvpn permanent jobs by the testimony befoie the grand jury fin- i necessitated constant reiei- i-- i ,1 Mr Maxwell over a considerable pe- I ulu Ricketts, who was a witness at nod, both in Europe and in this coun- the coroner's inquest and who bared try. Detailing: the love affair, which he asserted was followed bv the sending of poison-pen letters to Mr.

Ryan, Mr. Malone's ibrief read: "On April 6, 1922, Mrs. Ryan sailed Bairtl and William H. her acquaintance with Mr. Kepner.

cashier and assistant Miss Ricketts will be called among A BLOWOUT! Bam! Siz-z-z. "Miles from anywhere that looks like a town or a garage and no spare tire, or the only extra one you had as flat as a pancake! That's the nightmare of anyone who travels by motor with unreliable tires and without two spares. Equip your car NOW with two ex- tia GOODYEAR or EMPIRE, brands tried and found true, and remove the uncertainty from auto- mobiling. Eddie Planks' Garage "Where Service Counts Most" Wallace F. Wyllie H.

T. Jennings of Mr. Morris, who is district attorney of Jefferson county. DAN BEARD IS Hawley, Pa.V July 1 Beard, known to boys throughout the country as chief national Boyi Scout commissioner and for his 1 knowledge of out-door life, ie back' at his school at TeedysTcung, Pike county, for the season. An eight weeks' course will make up the summer's program, the sch6ol closing the latter part of August.

Captain Daniel" Carter Beard-his full name and title--holds high office in the Boy Scouts. Not only is he chief scout commissioner hut he is an one of the or Europe on the Mauretania with Mrs. Huhn. of Park avenue. On boavd Juiy they met Mr.

Maxwell and the infat-' war necessitated constant refer- pripQn authorities- ey are teach- ihed, he walked hurriedly from the i wation between Mr. Maxwell and'MrsT pnce to current publications order mg gchool Both are contldercd well, Court House and would not be ques- Ryan then developed. Mrs. Rvan'an'd to keen abreast of the: development. qua lfied for the work to which, they' tioned.

He has been much disturbed I Mr. Maxwell stayed in London and the student realized the ad-1 have been assIRned according, to re- by his connection with.the case which Paris and took a trip to Lake Como vantages that reference to the clas- port wfe brought by thft rGCQ pt of and Milan. sics and contemporary Jterature has mathema nn unslglied i etter said to have been "While in Europe Mrs. Ryan and gives him, he soon acqu.res the library C)ty Bank Mrg Kepner 9 itillg which tfag Mr. Maxwell exchanged letters and ha Jt report that showed that he was a W1Z cf zard with writer pleaded that he pray for a when they were separated.

fi res Bo11 whose for ed notes at conciliation between her husband ancT Ryan returned to New York June subject having) been loaned. urgy, philosophy, business, history, bank showed up a shortage of her s''eter. thousands of dollars in the bank's controversy has arisen, it was accounts, may have used bis record said, over the authenticity of the let- wel1 dail wl le ooard ship." on board the steamship Majestic exchanged radios with Mr. Max- Ford Coupes Wanted Will take in exchange Ford Coupes as part payment on Essex Coaches S. G.

BIGHAM, Riglerville, Pa. urgy, pnuosopny, persuade, the pnsojj. ter and Dr. Gaehr is reported to have finance and fiction in the order fi fc fu a 0 JL ttm named. authorities that he was qualified to said that he did not remember read-1 teach writing, while Baird is taking ing portions of it that were read to I care of the education of the con-' the jury of inquest.

Counsel for Kep-1 A. J. MILLER BURIED Funeral services for A. J. Miller, I WILL PRESERVE CHURCH Ivicts as far as arithmetic is.concern-J ner returned the letter to Dr.

Gaehr who died Sunday evening at his home ed I after the minister had asked Chief in Arendtsville at the age of 70 years, Convicts who are on good behavior Jvdgw Urner to assist him. were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 Pittsburgh, July The "Little are assiened to Dr Howard Maldeis Baltimore oclock from the home conducted by ei scout commissioner DUL av -i A in tn penitentiary arc a.sbigiii.u 1,0 xiuwuiu rxtiiuiiujt. honorary vice-president of the Brkk Church gome work to occu their ti me dur po mortem expert, as one of the Rev. E. J.

Berkey, followed by m- in St. Phillips Cemetery in Crafton, mp theh term of their sen tence witnesses and is understood to have here has unioue a sub urb, one of the landmarks of Prison authorities usually assign the n.ade an excellent for the Arendtsville. UKLC iitua st-veiai unique i io i-amnin A i Pnlmparwr' Greenmount cemetery, the Pittsburgh district, is te remain to the type of work for State. At the time of the inquest he features and one of the most unique Tne rilL5UW prisoner is the door on the headquarters i there foI as monumen i which he is best fitted and there are said Mrs. Kepiicr could not have building.

It was made in 16S7 and was used at Flushing's Bay, Mass. The lock on the door was made by the year and was to have been presented to Louis XIV of France but never reached its destination. it is in regular use here. 30 the congregation, it has been announced' may by the Bev, number of industries in which he herself and declared that in his opin- Pallbearers were James Hoffman, Hoffman, Pius Orner, Harry Allen Carbaugh and Bruce ion she was murdered. Members of the Patriotic pastor of the new Daii jasses are held at the prison George McCleary, a friend of rde Sons America and of the a locksmith in Massachusetts about' edifice, which stands just outside for he mirpose of teaching Kepner, repeated testimony given at Knights of Pythias attended the a locksmith in Massachusetts about WfiUs isoneri el mentary educ ational sub-! the -'nquest that he had, heard Efra i uneral bod an con scrv The little church, almost hidden jects such as reading, writing and Houck, say Mrs.

Kepner had tried loes at th Mr. Miller was a by "a dense growth of trees and arithmetic. A large number of the suicide Before. At tfie' inquest Mr. jumper of both of these ordera.

shrubbery, was built in 1839. Cath-1 convicts in the penitentiary are illit- Houck denied he ever made such an eTtf ohc families of this entire region, rate and many of these are foreign-j assertion. MARKERS FOR STREAMS attended mass at church for, crs are made to Dr. H. P.

Kline, Mrs. Kepner's phy- Used Cars of Merit COME AND LOOK THEM Ton Stewart Truck, 2 ton, 1914 Vim truck. Model 79 Overland Touring Car, 1919 Stewart Truck ton, practically new. G. Bigham BigfcrviUe, Pa INFANT D1F.S Doris Hawk, infant daughter many years, walking long djstances men cave the institution with at Jeast sician, testified the inquest that to reach it.

made priest from Pitts- a fair education and horseback write and figure. able to read, Mrs. Kepner, despite her husband's testimony, was melancholy and de, and Mrs. Samuel Hawk, died at th tver Sunday morning to say mass. Baird and Boll have been 'assifrned pressed only after attacks of neuritis The Rt.

Rev. Regis Canevin, for- to teach these elementary subjects to i for he had treated her. He, it Tl 1 1 Al- A i in on Vl 1C liojne of- its parents in Silver Run, Maryland, Tuesday evening at 10:30, State Highway Department to "Labd" All Waterways Along Roads, Some of the markets whichf the State the stream iway de. a a a evenng a Bishop of Pittsburgh, was at the convicts and they meet their is said, repeated his testimony. is preparing to place along from and whooping'' one time pastor of the little church, ley.

classes daily. Baird early in his; When Leo Weinbcrg, Mr. the main roads of the State where cough. She was aged I year, 3 pnontha and nine days. Surviving are tfte parents and two feietera, Violet and Marian, both at home; the maternal grandfather, Wil- Jiam frock, Stiver Bun, and its pa- it after hearing of its When a new church was erected' life was a school teacher and taught counsel, returned from Washington they cross waterways are now being to replace the in the in York county.

where he had gone earlier in the day, placed in other counties, and streams of Adams county will all soon be prop- Hernal Mr. and ftanuel Hawk, LitUestown. Funeral Thursday after- at 2:30 o'clock from the home ol the Rfcv. Kelty said the old edifice A man who recently visited Baird he said: would not be tern down. "I could a the penitentiary is reported to have' "I would, surprise some people here crly labelled for the information of not consent," he said "to removing said that both he and his former were I to tell them whom I saw in tourists, it is announced.

early history sistnnt are apparently resigned to Washington. I saw soVne of the high-1 Tho markpr system, it is believed, their fate ami are rather cheerfully I cst men possible. They all told mo will -be of benefit to all tourists ana Mrs. i and the sacrifices made by the early i CAi 4 I 4st A 4 rk settlers to erect and maintain it." making the best of the situation. Two miles of wire can be drawn Pekin is surrounded by a wall 50 I they would be lad to come here, ifo-el much better now." I travellers, as often streams arc crossed, and without a man mistakes jlhe parents, conducted by the Rev.

J. from an ounco of gold, narrowing feet high and 40 feet thick, making B. Adams. Interment at Silver things down to a fine point. hard for Pekin, It is understood that Tie was seek- are sometimes made.

It'is planned ing authorities, on pistols and' Bullet that the entire State will be eventually wounds, marked in this manner. i NOTICE. I have a good mechanic, Mr. Stevens, and in a position to do all kinds of heavy tire cutting and new work. Specialty on horse shoeing; knee knockers; cross bars; gravel throwers; internereres and forg.

ers. Give us a trial. Work must be satisfactory. Hanes, The Village Blacksmith, Bigterville, Pa. ROUND Lutheran Reunion EVERYBODY WEL(iOMB THURSDAY, JULY 26.

--it-Pen-Mar Park Meet your friends on top of 1 Mountains Dancing and a.musementa. Special train leaves Gettysburg 9:16 A. Returning, leaves Pen Mar Park at 6:45 P. M. Consult Ticket Western MaryiaMl Railway.

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